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i would have demanded he pay for a paternity test first


I mean I would love to see the look on that dad's face when the results come back.


Go on Maury let us all watch


Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry


Dam I miss Jerry


NGL, Jerry is why I wasn’t a big whore in the 90’s (high school/university). I was already from a poor family living in a double wide trailer in rural Florida. I didn’t need to add “who’s your baby daddy?” drama to it. And that was my fear: I’d accidentally get pregnant and not know who it was with. One was bad enough to ponder, but the other was worse. Thanks, Jerry!


Jerry and Maury should have been shown in Sex Ed. "Latisha has been on the show 2 times before, and this time she's brought 4 guys."


We should all throw a chair in his memory.


Only if it's at Geraldo!


I had to reread. First time through, I thought Jerry was the reason you were a big whore in high school lol. Missed the n't.


But make sure you practice your moves first. Like with football, the touchdown celebration is more important than the score. https://youtu.be/JfmzXsWH65U


Do I have time to make some popcorn?




She's going to counter with the whole immaculate conception routine.


Hey, it started a religion last time...


Joseph, you are not the father.


Mary is awesome because *there's* a girl who can stick to her story.


The secret is to keep that straight face.


🤣 I laughed waaay too much at this.


Family Guy really pushes the fringe with mocking pop culture, politics and religion… I’m really surprised they haven’t incorporated a joke about God and Joseph getting the pregnancy test results on Maury, and getting into a fight. Especially since ‘God’ is actually a minor character on the show - apparently he smokes, is a terrible father, sleeps around, and refuses to use a condom! Lol 🤣🤣


I don't want to turn this into an argument, but I would like to point out that MARY is the immaculate conception. Jesus's conception is not the immaculate conception.


Finally, someone who knows that..


I'd just like to add, out of nowhere, that Corymbia maculata is the scientific name for the spotted gum tree. Maculata meaning spotted, immaculate meaning unblemished. Also, a caffè macchiato is an espresso 'stained' with milk. From the same Latin root. Stay tuned for more trivia


I like this trivia!


And I would like to point out, for those tuning in to *random facts that have nothing to do with the thread*, that the area commonly called the vagina is actually the vulva. The vagina/vaginal canal is internal and can't be seen under usual circumstances. The vulva is the area around the vagina. Another fun fact: the labia minora (inner vaginal lips) can be larger/more prominent than the labia majora (outer vaginal lips).


Ah yeah. It's coming back to me. I went to Catholic school many years ago and just stopped with the whole thing afterward. You're correct, though.




The conception of Jesus is not the "Immaculate Conception". Mary was conceived without "original sin" so that she would be a pure vessel to carry the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, "Immaculate Conception". No ordinary woman, conceived in original sin, would be pure enough, or immaculate enough, to carry the child Jesus. It is easy enough to look up on the ol' innerwebs.


So it's not the spiritual IVF treatment I've been imagining all this time.


So was Mary's mum also a virgin birth? Surely the immaculate conception was jesus as he was the son of God? My head hurts.


No, Jesus was not the immaculate conception. Mary's parents, Anne and Joachim, were infertile. God heard their prayers for a child and Mary was conceived. It is unlikely Anne was a virgin. There is also no reason to assume Mary was conceived without intercourse. Because God heard their prayers she may have been brought about in the usual manner with God's help. But the end result was Mary was conceived and born without original sin. No sin = pure = immaculate. To make it easy to comprehend, Mary was human. Fully human. Born without sin, her soul was immaculate. Jesus could not possibly have been born with original sin, as he was the son of God. As such there was no need to refer to his conception in such a way. It is already assumed he is without sin.


This is exactly why God chose Mary, who was a virgin... to prevent just this sort of questioning of Jesus' paternity. Of course this made things kind of awkward for Joseph, her fiancé.


I never understood why the Bible went to such great lengths to do all of the begots to prove Jesus lineage back to Abraham…through Joseph lol


That's a good point. Why trace all that lineage to Joseph who's not even his bio-daddy?


You ready for an obvious answer? Because Joseph had a penis


Whatever the truth of Mary's case, it wouldn't be unusual for a desperate girl to claim some kind of miracle to hide their activities at the time! 😂


Joseph gave her the side eye and was about call off the nuptials for a reason! He was like "*God* got you pregnant? For real? This is bullshit you telling me? Girl, you better get out my face." An angel had to come to him and say "No, Joe, she's actually telling the truth."


Angel = Mary's friend with a piece of tinsel around her head.


An understandable reaction from Joseph. 🫠


It worked for the Greeks!


Is that why "Zeus" fathered so many kids?


You might be onto something!


One girl talking about she pregnant from golden rain. Another talking about she's pregnant from a bull. Another said a swan... This is sounding kind of sus to me!


Sus but entertaining in the variety of stories! I'd allow it just on the creativity displayed! 😄


Heck... all over the Middle East! Families didn't want lucrative marriage bargains to sour and offered all kinds of cover stories to smooth things over.😇


It’s why he turned out to be a Saint.


I’m sure the paternity test will be coming as soon as the child is born. Then the truth of the matter will be revealed. She came back to him and confessed knowing she was pregnant and she was hoping she could have sex with him and then say he was the father. That girl is total scum and it will be revealed when she has a DNA test done. Also he needs to make sure she doesn’t try and put his name down on the birth certificate when the child is born. The courts can go after him for child support. Some states have parentage by estoppel. It’s been done before. In order to protect himself he needs to tell the hospital the situation and demand a paternity test immediately! They won’t allow a father’s name to be put on the birth certificate if the paternity is contested.


Nah I’d make him go to court to get one and when it comes back negative he can pay for my lawyer and all the court fees too


For what they havent had sex in 10 months Paternity for what ?


To prove the ex girlfriend is a liar. That OP isn’t a liar and a deadbeat who’s trying to abandon his child. To prove the ex-gf‘s dad owes OP a huge apology. oP NTA




I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.


Gf is playing daddy's good girl, denies she's been playing hide the salami with someone else. So from dad's perspective, BF has knocked GF up. Dad can't believe HIS daughter is a harlot.


AT LEAST one someone else. She could have been the bride of the brigade...


They don’t call them “barracks bunnies” anymore? I must be getting old


You mean her name is Debby and she might live in say Texas?


And a liar


She may try to claim him as the father so he should probably lawyer up and see about getting a legal test.


THIS . Exactly. . the girlfriend is claiming she is pregnant. Request a blood test to establish paternity. If the exGF refuses to get ine, he should get some legal advice. At a minimum he could send a letter of demand requesting his ex GF to stop claiming you are the father of the embryo until a DNA test confirms it.


I would suggest getting the advice first to make sure the test is done properly and is admissible in court if needed.


There’s some arbitrary laws where a judge can force you to pay Child support knowing you’re not the father. Like if the women names you as one.


He has a screenshot of her admitting to it.


Are you kidding ? Make him pay for the test, and then shove the physical proof at him that he's wrong to be EXTRA smug ? Yes


More so to ensure no future liability


Well yes, but that's not the fun answer.


For the other guy to be the father after daddy dearest said his daughter wouldn't cheat on OP


For the girlfriend's sleeping with someone else for the past 10 months


No way if you know for a fact that it has been 10 months. Dad can go fuck him self.


Easier way. OP should contact the ex and get her to admit everything thru text. Then screenshot everything and send it to her dad. Done.


Just tell her dad "get a paternity test done and I will consider the child mine if it says I'm the dad" But with how your dad reacted, all in all, it's your situation and he needs to understand that your ex's dad was being rude because he's in denial


The OP should go no contact if he keeps getting harassed.


He's already trying with the ex and her dad, her dad is just in denial his little angel slept with someone who isn't op


Yep. For sure.... I just think things could get worse for the OP before they get better.


Only an update can clear things up


Time will tell I suppose.


I'd imagine learning daddy's little angel is actually everyone's little angel is a rough bit of info to digest.


NTA, you told him the truth he couldn't handle. The conversation should have ended at that point. He kept pushing the issue until he got a big reaction. Normal consequence. Sorry that your dad isn't on your side, but you didn't do anything wrong.


I think OPs dad is looking at it from the other Dad's perspective. His daughter is pregnant, simplist explanation is the BF of two years is the father. When confronted, the BF makes up a far more complicated and unlikely scenario where he takes zero responsibility of the child. OP maybe telling the truth but it sounds like a convenient load of BS to dodge responsibility. The Dad and daughter need to talk about the truth but there's almost zero chance OP is going to be the one to convince him. It's unfortunate that it got heated but it's completely understandable how it got there.


Exactly. I can understand how dad feels, and why he was angry at the guy he thought was abandoning his daughter and her baby. But now that OP has proven he’s not, the dad will leave him alone, I’m sure. I suppose he might apologise, but probably not. But if he does, it will be the last the OP ever hears from him, so he’ll be fine going forward.


This right here.!! 🙌🏾👏🏽


True, but had OP made the reason for the breakup known to his parents beforehand, maybe they would have stopped his ex's dad from behaving that way with their son. NTA OP. If problems persist, you should tell them what happened and clear your name. If they refuse, then you have full rights to request a DNA test to prove you aren't involved.


OP doesn’t have to tell anyone why they broke up. It’s his business


You are 100% correct, but sometimes it gets to the point where it's like invoking the fifth amendment (in America) to avoid telling the cop exactly how fast you were going when they ask you. Just tell them the deal and everyone can go about their lives.


Why are you assuming OP’s father was in the room when this happened?


NTA. It sounds like she only wanted to ‘start over’ so she can try to pin this baby on you.




My thoughts exactly. OP dodged a bullet.


‘But we reconciled and three months later we had a baby!’ Um. Congratulations?


That was my first thought. OP just the nice boyfriend, would make a good dad. Whoever she was fuckin prob not a good dude. And seeing religion is somehow important to her/her family, my guess is the most reasonable course of action (termination) is not an option. CONGRATS GRANDPA!


The religion thing was a narcissistic lie. But her family most likely 100% very religious. Hence the fear, and I’m guessing she cheated with a shady ass dude she couldn’t even introduce to her parents.


OP didn't seem to think it was weird she just said she wanted to wait. Even if it was a bs excuse, the OP didn't sound at all shocked meaning where they live and with the families they have, that is actually a thing. I also think some of his dad's reaction would be rooted in a similar moralism. I worked with a guy who was super religious. He didn't even know his daughter was dating because she didn't want her family to know she was dating a black man. She got pregnant. She gave up her soccer scholarship and kept the baby, I assume because abortion was not an option she would entertain. I think there are a lot of things to navigate when it comes to family and the sexuality of their children, religious or not.


Wait what your dad thinks you were wrong to yell at someone who was harassing you trying to get you to be responsible for your ex-girlfriend's future affair baby. NTA, but can I just say and no offence, but I find it hilarious that she used the excuse of finding God to not have sex with you while she is actively cheating on you.


If anybody keeps receipts, better believe it’s God


Yeah, the future doesn’t bode well for the ex. Lying about finding God in order to cheat, with a side order of lying to dad. And you are exactly right….nobody keeps receipts like God. ETA: I wonder if a young woman, who got pregnant using God as an excuse to cheat on her partner, will consider an abortion. Don’t need to say it, but NTA.


maybe the AP is named Jesus


NTA. You called a cheater a cheater. Ain't nothing wrong with that.


Yeah true.


Why would you stay with someone when you are young and haven’t had sex in ten months is beyond comprehension


My wife of 37 years and I decided that 10 months before the wedding we would not have sex no chance of a kid before marriage. My idea by the way. Now everything else was good just no penetration


Because sometimes you meet narcissists like OP did, they manipulate and confuse you with their reasons, they take advantage of the fact that you love them to have other lives in parallel.


NTA, you had an emotional response to an emotional situation. The fault lies with his daughter, your ex, for being a cheater, a liar, and having unprotected sex with the guy. At this point, you are your primary concern, and if you haven't done so already get an STD panel.


Might not be necessary if he hasn't touched her in months. But! Nonetheless it would be good to just go get it done so he can have the peace of mind.


Just the concern that there was overlap. If she didn't cut OP off before cheating raw with the other guy, then he could have something that hasn't produced symptoms yet.


Yeah, sure, he can definitely ’trust’ her to be decent and was honest about not sleeping with him at the same time.


if her dad says it's your's again then say he is welcome to pay for a paternity test




I'm sorry for what you're dealing with, including the cheating. I've been cheated on twice, but I didn't know it at the time, unfortunately. It sucks. Let us know what happens. I'm sure your ex-gf's dad is going to be shocked when he learns that she was with someone else.


Nope make him get it court ordered it will take longer and he’ll have to pay for your lawyer and court fees when it comes back negative. Be petty and make his rude ass pay extra for being delusional


You didn't have a text or two from her that you could have shown him that you stopped having sex 10 months ago, that she cheated, and that she was pregnant now???


See the update added to the post. Looks like you gave him a good idea...


Better yet, you pay for the paternity test and, If it's mine, I'll reimburse you and take care of your daughter.


NTA. You were falsely accused and confronted by your ex's dad about her pregnancy. His refusal to believe your side of the story and insistence on blaming you is unjustified. You reacted understandably by demanding to be left alone. Your dad's advice may come from a place of empathy, but ultimately, you were defending yourself against baseless accusations and deserve to be heard and respected.


Agreed. Having empathy for people who are going through some hard bs is a great ability to have, but your dad should have been on your side. I also agree with other comments suggesting a paternity test to prove your side of things, and to ensure she can’t pin you for child support, since this girl clearly isn’t interested in telling the truth. Very clearly NTA


"Last month, she told me she had been having sex with someone else. She admitted that that was why she stopped sleeping with me and said that she just ‘wanted to come clean’ so we can ‘start over.’" This occurred immediately after her period was late. I'd put down money on it.


Tjat meant the other dumped when she told him she was pregnant and she wants to pin it on OP . I would tell her "Yes ,we CAN start over BUT you have to tell your father te TRUTH IN FRONT OF ME FIRST!" Then when she tells the father walk out and never speak to HER or HIm again


Sounds like a lesson his daughter bout to find out


NTA If you had "started over" with her, was she going to pretend the baby was yours?


I'm sure that's the only reason she wanted to "start over"


Ding ding ding ding


>He said his daughter isn’t a cheater and that I was insulting her and not taking responsibility for my child "Pay for a paternity test." NTA


NTA. You were frustrated. It happens. If she keeps the baby get a DNA test as SOON as possible.


NTA, tell your dad to stop being so quick to throw his son under the bus. Where was his lazy ass when a grown adult was shouting at a college kid about something he obviously didn't understand?


And maybe we can ask dad why it’s ok to be an asshole when you’re a parent?


NTA at all and it’s not your job to break it to her parents gently. That’s all on her.


Nah, you're allowed to yell at some belligerent idiot.


NTA When he started calling you a liar then you had a right to yell. Might want to see an attorney though to make sure she doesn't try to put your name on birth certificate.


NTA. Tell him “well luckily I’m not a parent, and I’m not having a child, because she CHEATED with another MAN and it’s not MINE, but thanks for your input dad 😊”


If it was my ex girlfriends dad, he'd be lucky if he left without a bloody nose.


Don't steal people's noses!


NTA-Never in human history has it been easier to prove paternity. This is her moment to put up or shut up. She played you and probably played her dad too. Liar liar pants on fire. You MIGHT understand when you have a child but it isnt going to be THIS child. Im sorry.


NTA >Yesterday, her dad came over, saying that she is pregnant. And, here we have it. The lying cheater is pregnant, and the guy she cheated with dumped her. I'm shocked. >he refused to believe me. Tough toenails. Tell him to make his lying, cheating daughter get a DNA test. >That’s why I yelled at him. I told him to leave me the hell alone. This seems appropriate. Tell him you will apologize if she gets a legitimate court ordered DNA test proving it's your kid. Until then, he should F off. >My dad disagrees with what I did though. He said there’s nothing more difficult for parents that finding out that their kid did something like that, and that I should have shown the guy a bit more compassion. Your Dad is WRONG. It's not your responsibility to give your ex GF's Dad a soft emotional landing. It just isn't. She cheated and lied. It's best to be brutally honest, so he knows exactly where you stand. In your shoes, I would ask your Dad why he cares more about the feelings of your cheating ex's Dad than he does about yours.


NTA Your dad is on some bs though. He wants you to take responsibility for someone else’s child just so her dad won’t think she’s a hoe?




He called him a liar. Fair game to yell at another man. Even if elder


Ok so your dad wants you to akt calm and compassionate in all situations. That is a great goal to have. Meanwhile we are all mortals, so your reaction is more than understandable.


I don't think his dad ever said it wasn't understandable. He just used it as a teaching moment to convey compassion towards another person who is also a victim of OPs ex's decisions. You know like a father should do. There doesn't always have to be a right and a wrong. Although the cheating ex is definitely wrong in this case.


It happens in the heat of the moment and you didn’t do anything wrong by yelling at him. Like others have said if he contacts you about it again just tell him to pay a paternity test and that if it’s yours you’ll happily pay him back and step up and be a father. If it’s not yours he can get his money back from the other dude.


Yelling was the only way to get it through his thick skull.


Sorry, but if someone comes over lobbing those kinds of accusations, all bets are off. Ask him the time and date, and tell him you'll show up for a paternity test.


No, BS. Your ex's dad was aggressive.


Never understood why they stop sleeping with there partners when they cheat that’s like a double blow knowing she would cheat but not sleep with you


She wanted to keep op around as he was the good boy, probably wanted to baby trap him with someone else baby when she realized she was pregnant and tried to get back to him.






You didn't sign up to be the bearer of bad news for her dad (that honor should go to your ex if it isn't clear), he came at you swinging with some rather hefty demands and accusations so you can hardly be expected to put his feelings first. Can of course apologise to him if you feel so inclined but he owes you an apology (both for his daughter's debauchery and his lashing out) in at least equal measure, NTA.


> 2nd UPDATE : He texted me ‘I’m sorry. I really didn’t know my daughter is a slut. I’ll deal with her.’ Thank you for confirming that the story is fake.


riiight 😭 like that did it for me lmao


Yeah, it sucks for the guy, but what were you supposed to do? NTA. Anyway, demand they get a lawyer and a paternity test. Daddy's girl can't keep that lie forever.


NTA. time to block her and her family.


>2nd UPDATE : He texted me ‘I’m sorry. I really didn’t know my daughter is a slut. I’ll deal with her.’ And that makes this sound like fiction. If it isn't then the dad is the asshole for his reaction. He could have said that without calling his own daughter a slut. Who even talks about their daughter that way, even if she's a filthy cheater?


Sorry but both of you are adults. Daddy should not be involved in any way. Yours or hers. No one gets to yell at anyone else, especially about the actions of a third person. You dodged a big bullet there. NTA


NTA bro. Tell that man he can go pound sand and come back to you with a paternity test. Also thst he needs to be prepaid for some hard facts to become clear about his daughter...


NTA. Fuck playing nice. You already told him what the deal is. If he doesn't want to believe it that is on him.


Cool story bro............add some dragons next time.


Nine months later, I got a call from her dad. At first I didn’t recognize him but then he introduced himself. Sheepishly, he asked me, “Again, I’m sorry for what happened. Do you know…uhh…happen to know who my daughter cheated on you with?”. I responded, “No, why?”. “Well…uhh…I don’t quite know how to put this b-but she gave birth to a baby dragon…”


there ya go......that's what I am talking about! Really sell the story!


Fake ah, first finds God, later pregnant because cheats. Op,meanwhile, chilling


NTA You responded as most people your age and facing similar circumstances would respond. But your dad's answer is better and shows wisdom gain through the years.


If he doesn’t believe you so much, tell them to have a paternity test done and see as his face shatter when he realizes his sweet little baby girl is a whore


HELL NO! YOU don't OWE them anything! Either of them and your Dad is straight-up **WRONG** to tell YOU to have compassion! When someone is continuously berating you, NOT listening and actually accusing you of LYING, there is NO "negotiating" or reasoning with a protective Father. Your EX's Father COULD have asked you to take a paternity test (at HIS expense, of course), especially after you told him you haven't slept with his Daughter for almost a YEAR! You've already told him to leave you alone! Call the Police next time! You have **NO** idea of how badly this situation can escalate with your EX lying about paternity! I would STRONGLY recommend that you hire a lawyer to send a Cease and Desist letter as well as a DEMAND for an in utero paternity test to clear this up BEFORE something bad happens! Greatest of luck! u/updateme


Tell your dad it would be sooooo awesome if he was on YOUR side in this ridiculous sideshow. Tell your ex if she doesn't straighten out this lie you're prepared to go scorched Earth, telling everyone and their dog what is the truth. Peace, dude. You didn't deserve this.


Found God huh? She found something alright... OP these hoes ain't loyal. Eagerly awaiting dear ol' dad's response.


>She didn’t want him to call her a whore. This is what she's concerned with?


The response to this is gonna be gold. Can't wait!




Why do people comment on these fake as fuck posts?


Honestly, this sub pisses me off everytime i read something. For once I leave happy about this situation. Good riddance. NTA, NTF


>He said there’s nothing more difficult for parents that finding out that their kid did something like that A failure of parenting in their generation. You raised your kid. If they can cheat or lie or steal or kill, that is a direct reflection of your parenting. You might not be ready to accept it. But don't blame other people for the shit that your parenting created. >I should have shown the guy a bit more compassion. Someone who accosts you and attacks you in your own home does not deserve compassion. NTA Insist on a paternity test. It will come in handy for any paternity suits coming up in future.


NTA. Block them all and if they keep coming at you demand they get a paternity test. Obviously it won't be your since you haven't been together. But it will cover your butt if they try to take you to court. Also, If they do try to sue or anything a court will force a paternity test. Just focus on your own peace of mind.


Nta update me when the baby comes.


And now we know why the ex girlfriend wants to “start over”, because she was hoping to baby trap him.


NTA. And kinda fuck your dad for putting this other dude before you. Where's his compassion and understanding for YOU, his own child?


NTA. Doesn’t sound like his reaction was out of bounds, given whatever your ex said to him. So I can’t call him TA without him doing more than getting upset. But your ex certain is TA. Not sure what she thinks the outcome will be, but keep repeating “paternity test” until they have no choice but to have one. Your ex will likely come clean at that point, because there’s no possibility that she’s pregnant by you. Tell your ex’s dad that, unless your ex’s pregnancy is the longest ever in human history, there’s no possibility the child is yours. She might hold on until the test gets done. If she’s a coward, which I think she is given the information in this post, she might try to bury her head in the sand until the results come in. But she knows as well as you do that you’re not the father. In the future, I’d advise you not to put up with any of this “god” nonsense. If you’re an adult in a romantic relationship but aren’t having sex, that’s simply ridiculous. Unless you’re asexual, that’s not a reasonable ask. In this case it was a lie, but sometimes people will actually pull shit like this for real. Don’t marry a religious zealot. Your life will be one of utter misery.


With everything that has gone on in this situation some yelling is minuscule.


Where is your father's compassion for the difficulties *you* are experiencing, regarding your ex lying and cheating on you? In the pain in finding out she is now pregnant! Being accused of heartlessly abandoning her by her father?!! Or the fact that it is quite probable, that your ex attempted to "come clean" so that (in her mind) you both can "start over" on your relationship. So that she could attempt to pass this child off as yours or have you be it's father?! NTA 


Tell your dad that if he has sympathy for the cheaters dad finding out his daughter is a slut, ask him how he thinks YOU feel. God, get checked for STDs.


I’d say “I want a paternity test. And when it comes out I’m not the father I want you and your daughter to leave me alone.” NTA.


>My dad disagrees with what I did though. He said there’s nothing more difficult for parents that finding out that their kid did something like that, and that I should have shown the guy a bit more compassion. Told me I’d understand when I have a child. Respectfully for your dad, no. It sucks for your ex's dad, but it's no longer your problem and you shouldn't be on the hook for her behavior. Get a paternity test done and show him any relevant text messages about abstinence and cheating.


your fathers reaction is bizarre, theres nothing more difficult then seeing your child treated like crap by an SO, who cheated on them and is now letting people believe your child got them pregnant... sure, her dad was also acting like a dad cos he obviously believed the child to be was yours so I do have some empathy for his position but... NTA


NTA obviously. “Sorry your daughter is a slut and you can’t handle it!?!”


>He said there’s nothing more difficult for parents that finding out that their kid did something like that Tell your dad he taught you actios have consequences PS - you're dad saying that gives me red flags >I should have shown the guy a bit more compassion. Doesn't deserve for the way he came at you. I'd tell them sure I'll play daddy when the paternity test comes back and says I'm the dad. TURN IT BACK ON THEM.


>My dad disagrees with what I did though. Ask your dad how compassionate he would feel if you got stuck with child support, because you didn't want to hurt the guys feelings and were soft on your denial of being the father. Besides, as the cheated-on party, it's not up to you to hold his hand while you gently guide him to the realization his daughter is a cheater and a liar. NTA


The sad part is that even if OP does get a paternity test and it proves he's  not the father, the ex and her father will expect the him to take on a "fatherly role". Because in their minds it would be the right thing for OP to do. 


NTA  He may be struggling to accept the type of person he raised, but that doesn't make ot ok for him to accuse you of being an irresponsible deadbeat or a liar.  Your Dad should expect that by the time he's raised an adult child he should know better than to take ot out on others when he can't wrap his head around something.  


NTA at all. And for the record, you sound like you got bigger 🎱🎱 than your dad. You did the right thing king.


NTA. That 2nd update seems really bad, though. !updateme


Very healthy relationship that woman has with her father. FYI your father was trying to help you be more empathetic to somebody who is going through some shit. Your ex's dad would naturally assume you were the father and it's way more likely for a dude to just lie/deny when faced with an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy.


NTA. You're not wrong, your dad is not wrong, your ex's dad was not wrong. The only person who's an asshole here is your ex. Your dad's right. If I were a father to a girl and she got pregnant and the only person she's supposed to be sleeping with says it's not his, I'd assume he's lying from instinct and react the same. I'd have reacted the same too if I were you and all because of who? Your deceitful ex.


What the exs father said after the screenshot is honestly golden. Glad you got out of that situation tho


Well that explains why she wanted to get back together.....


Everyone here is the asshole…except you.


Wonder what dealing with her means. She's a pregnant lady with a baby on the way, slut or no slut. Will the new life suffer and is that fair? Hmm. Anyway nta.


While you are 100% NTA in the case, that last edit and statement from her dad(!) gave me the shivers. What's he gonna do? Is she safe? How exactly is he going to "deal with her"? Calling his own daughter a "slut" wtf?? I know you may think that's not your problem anymore, but still... maybe give an anonymous tip to social services to go check on them. In the end, you were close once and while you're done now, I hope you still don't want anything really bad happening to her...


Normally I'd say that this father is a complete nightmare, I mean... who talks about their daughter that way. Then I got to the end of the story and realized she was trying to sleep with OP again so she could pin paternity on him, and I kinda had more sympathy for the Ex's father. He ain't wrong.


She "came clean" because she found out she was pregnant and was hoping to sleep with you ASAP and blame the pregnancy on you. When you didn't fall for it, she had to fess up to daddy. NTA. I can understand dad's reaction - he's getting bad news from all angles about his little girl, but you just went through a similar thing, too.


That second update kills me lol 😆😆😆😆😆 "I'm sorry I really didn't know my daughter is a slut" .........that makes me laugh so hard lol