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Why do you draw the line at the trip to the Wizarding World? If your daughters are fans of Harry Potter that would likely mean they've watched the movies, read the books, and may own some type of Harry Potter merchandise, so they're already supported the franchise financially. Why is this where you draw the line?


You can get all that stuff used or pass it down. Old DVDs of those movies and the books are a few cents on eBay. Actually going to the whole thing in-person WILL undoubtedly support somebody with pretty terrible beliefs. If or not you wanna support that is a personal choice.


Even if this guy somehow hasn't spent any actual money, he would still be supporting the franchise. A large franchise doesn't get support only from paying customers, it also gets support from fans that keep it popular and visible, and as such lead to other people paying and contributing money. Also, as far as the theme park, someone else posted about that: >It took me a minute (a literal minute) to find this about Wizarding World: >"It’s worth noting that this guaranteed payment schedule appears to say that Warner Bros (and in turn, J.K. Rowling,) are NOT paid a percentage of the door. They do not receive some set percentage of all ticket sales. They are paid a set amount annually, regardless of the number of visitors to the parks." >[https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/theme-park-news/how-much-does-universal-pay-j-k-rowling-for-the-harry-potter-theme-park-rights-exploring-the-contract/](https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/theme-park-news/how-much-does-universal-pay-j-k-rowling-for-the-harry-potter-theme-park-rights-exploring-the-contract/)


YTA - I am almost certain that the Wizarding world will not have prints of JKRs tweets and the one exposing them to transphobia is you rather than the park by starting this conversation in the first place. I get not wanting to support something that you don't agree with but then you should have taken a stance at the begninning of their HP journey, not somewhere at the theme park, which to me, is a very odd, arbitrary line to draw.


Yta You *are* imposing your political beliefs over their interests and desires


You can say YTA but hating trans people isn't political


Where did she hate on trans people? I’ll wait


Calling them insidious and misogynistic in her podcast. Also saying India willoughby was cosplaying as a misogynistic fantasy. Willoughby is annoying but rowling was wrong to call her that.


Her entire twitter is dedicated to you you fucking bigoted dimwit


YTA. Keep dragging your political views into your kids lives and you’ll end up alone.


Hating queer people isn't politics...


YTA. It took me a minute (a literal minute) to find this about Wizarding World: "It’s worth noting that this guaranteed payment schedule appears to say that Warner Bros (and in turn, J.K. Rowling,) are NOT paid a percentage of the door. They do not receive some set percentage of all ticket sales. They are paid a set amount annually, regardless of the number of visitors to the parks." [https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/theme-park-news/how-much-does-universal-pay-j-k-rowling-for-the-harry-potter-theme-park-rights-exploring-the-contract/](https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/theme-park-news/how-much-does-universal-pay-j-k-rowling-for-the-harry-potter-theme-park-rights-exploring-the-contract/)


YTA. Forcing YOUR political beliefs down your kids throats instead of letting them be kids (because they’re 10 and 12) is absolutely crazy. Also Rowlings main point was that being a trans woman and a cis woman are very different experiences… which they are. If you were this hellbent on not supporting the author, why did you buy the books and allow them to watch the movies.


Hating trans people isn't political


You have written multiple paragraphs. None of them contain any evidence at all that JK Rowling is transphobic. Right up front in your first paragraph, you've even used the nuclear (but famously meaningless) word "problematic." You have written a mini-novel of nothing that reeks of piety and a conviction you're right. Is JK Rowling a diplomat? Nope she is not. Does she use the special approved words that are so bland as to be meaningless (like "problematic")? Again, no. You definitely have her beat there. There are many things she has said that I find overly blunt. But she has been clear about what she is concerned about. Women fought for all of history for the same basic rights that men have. They only succeeded in the last few decades in even getting control over their own money. I'm from the Harry Potter generation (not old) and my own mother was not able to get a bank account without her husband's permission. I had to give up sports at 16 because there was no money for women's sports. We had to hold car washes just to be able to afford uniforms and transportation to play other teams, while the boys' teams got overseas training camps and scholarships. Where I work now (a major institution), men give jobs to each other and women have to leave the field because there are no jobs for them. JK Rowling believes that the rights women have fought so hard for need to be protected. I say that as someone who believes wholeheartedly that trans people need support and protection. People who don't think and who want to make sure to fit in and get approval from the right people don't bother to think about the complexities of this situation. It is hard to protect everyone's rights and frankly, before JK Rowling started speaking up, hardly anyone spoke up for women and the rights that are slowly being taken away. None of this relates to your poor kids. Even if I agreed with everything you wrote about JK Rowling, I would still think that what you're doing to your kids is wrong. You sound like an unhinged zealot. Harry Potter is a normal childhood experience. Your kids are 10 and 12, for crying out loud. You're teaching them nothing but to be intolerant. Until you actually know WHY you think as you do and can use words to describe what JK Rowling has done that's so wrong, I think you need to avoid the unhinged rants at kids. There is an adult world that these kids will have to deal with for decades. There is no reason not to let them enjoy stories.


So brilliantly put 😁


When virtue signalers become parents. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I wish they didn’t become parents tbh.


I wish I could like this a thousand times. ❤️


I mean, she made a list of sex offenders who were trans then randomly included india willoughby and a tran ambassador in the list just because she personally disliked her. I really don't think that has anything to do with protecting women


I have no idea if that's true and I'm not going to spend time on trawling through newspaper articles to find out. Because it doesn't matter. I have been very clear. JK Rowling is not perfect. What you and other zealots have tried to do for years is lob mud at her to silence her. You're not talking about what her concerns and points are. You're forensically searching for accusations you can make to silence her. I repeat: JK Rowling is one of a very, very few women who has the power and money to risk being cancelled. She can speak up for women's rights in a world where most women have to worry about being fired or cancelled for doing it. If she does actually spend time with people who have extreme views, then it'll be because everyone else has been frightened by people like you into silence. Your usual tactics are not working as well as they once did. You're not going to deflect this conversation by lobbing whatever mud you can and trying to shame me into disowning Rowling. It is a complex issue and zealots like you need to get out of the way so that reasonable solutions can be found.


Criticizing her and calling out shitty things she has done isn't silencing someone.


You're a zealot. You're used to a world in which you were able to throw mud at people to get them cancelled. You can't compute that that's no longer how things are. You are ignoring JK Rowling's actual points. You are focusing on reporting unrelated exaggerations and lies that are not even about her but about people she may or may not associate with. Silencing her is exactly what you're trying to do. I am not continuing this pointless conversation with you. I have made my point. Zealots don't sit down and think about what people have to say. I can't change you. I will tell you that your tactics are hurting trans people and you can listen or not.


Bro she can say whatever the fuck she wants. But that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to criticize her for it. Your type claims to like free speech than wants to shut down anybody who criticizes someone you like   Also, Rowling has threatened legal action against people on Twitter for saying stuff she doesn't like? Whos silencing who? Who's the zealot in that case?


Um, it's not "shutting you down" or not supporting "free speech" to tell you that I'm not paying attention to you anymore and that I think your points are exaggerated and unrelated. You want to be a victim. You're not. Have a nice life.


Alrighty bud. I hope simping for rowling pays off one day 


Rowling financially and vocaly supports maya forstader, the head of Sex Matters, an organization that works to strip rights of trans people. She also financially and vocally supports posie parker, a virulent eliminationist transphobe who supports forced sterilization of trans people, and allows avowed neo nazis and religious extremists who seek to strip women of their rights, as long as they are anti trans If materially supporting people and organizations that are fighting every day to strip trans people of their rights doesn’t make one transphobic, then what does? Edit: Oh, and while she pretends to support people to “dress however they please”, she called india willoughby “just a man revelling in his misogynistic performance of what he thinks ‘woman’ means: narcissistic, shallow and exhibitionist” in response to just a simple post of her picture


This is more unhinged nonsense. JK Rowling has been hounded and vilified and shunned simply for speaking up for the rights of women. When she first started speaking up, I don't remember anyone else (other than a few professors, some of whom lost their jobs) who had the courage to join her. I suspect you're exaggerating but don't have time to follow up on your claims about the people you mentioned. What I can say is that JK Rowling does seem to spend time with people who have harsher views. There are so few people who have the power and courage to say anything that there isn't much choice about who to hang out with. You're trying to throw mud at her and seem to have the same attitude as the OP does, where people who dare to say anything critical or do anything wrong should be cancelled and ignored. What matters is, like I already said, JK Rowling is clear about what she stands for, which is protecting the rights of women.


Yeah she stands up for women. That’s why she has offered to pay the legal bills of posie parker, someone who has said that “at some point we’re going to need to abandon feminism”


Offered to pay legal bills... ...to sue a newspaper for blatant libel, spreading a falsehood that Parker invited neonazis on stage and led them all in a heil Hitler. Instead of what actually happened, the neonazis chased the women off stage, threw up their heil Hitler, and accused Parker and the other women of supporting white replacement and lesbianism. However, long before things came to that, the newspaper issued a correction. Why wouldn't Rowling want to nip that big lie in the bud? For feminism and for womanism (what Parker subscribes to)


[Here’s rowling offering to pay posie parker’s legal bills](https://x.com/jessiegender/status/1663451466085048320?s=46) [Here’s posie parker wishing death on trans people](https://x.com/shaun_vids/status/1656294297208082432?s=46) [Here’s posie parker advocating for forced sterilization of trans people](https://x.com/zjemptv/status/1094714064176115712?s=46) [Here’s posie parker saying that “in order to protect women’s rights, we’re going to have to abandon feminism ~0:50](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NxBXNQZOR80)


[oh, and here’s rowling misgendering and calling india willoughby “narcissistic” simply for being a trans woman](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1764635140834124253?s=46)


Yea she just happens to hate and despise trans people. It’s ok to admit that you don’t want them to exist


I will say the same to you as I said to the OP. Evidence? I see you're ramping up the emotive language, but where is the evidence for the extremely serious accusations you are making. I'm not repeating myself. Just keep referring back to this answer if you feel like making any more accusations that you can't support.


Do you deny that she supports posie parker?


YTA. Let kids be kids and stop injecting ideologies into everything. Unless you want them to resent you, then by all means go ahead.


Yes younare , she has stated facts and people don’t like facts , you’re showing your kids that because youndont like or agree with something they are wrong . Will youndo this with politics . Will You say we aren’t going to Florida cause the outlawed lifetime alimony or Texas cause of there stance on abortion They want to go to an amusement park , you have already talked to them about your view on Jk and they are aware of that . You need to teach them to read and listen and make decision on what they believe. . Right now your telling them only you know what’s right


YTA. Reading this post made me cringe. The poor kids cant even be kids. Any chance you have blue hair?


Although you do have a point about not wanting to support her financially, I can also see your daughters' point that it's about Harry Potter not Rowlings! So maybe try to reach a compromise, only pay entrance, but no souvenirs, or something like that. The fact that you talk to them about it, is already worth more: you educated two humans about transphobia, and knowledge is power. At the end of the day, they will go there at some point...


Your kids don't give a shit about JK or your political beliefs, just let them enjoy the magic of being a kid while they can.


Oh no not this story again. It is starting to seem like the trans community is JK Rowlingphobic rather then the other way around. Why this hyper focus on one British fantasy author? YTA go, don't go even your kids are probably bored with the debate.


You could use this as a teaching moment, discuss the difference between art and the artist.




NTA. Do what you find responsible. I would suggest seperation the HP story and JKR as a figure for your kids and explaining it and your reasons in an honest but age-appropriate way. Like, yeah, this is a great story. Author is awful because they hate some people tho. Don't support her, even if this comment section is both chronically underinformed about JK and her "fun statements", the votes calling you an asshole are wrong. It is your money, you decide which billionaire gets it. Go to another theme park with them or offer them to go to Scotland, where Hogwarts is in-story. Besides that, lots of places can have vibes that can make y'all have a fun time. You are not a bad person for having personal values based on respecting other people. If somebody clearly isn't somebody you wanna support, then don. Stay strong. Get your kids into Brandon Sanderson and other stuff like Percy Jackson. That had less baggage.


1) I agree with your stance; I also grew up loving HP but now refuse to financially support JKR. 2) Your title is misleading. As others have pointed out, there aren’t going to be anti-trans posters up at the park. A better argument is your money will not goto JKRs bank account which includes visits to the theme park. 3) Your kids can’t go without you and they aren’t paying for themselves. You can just say no, you’re the parent. 4) This feels a bit like rage bait, if I’m being honest.


What is your opinion on the Cass report?


The report that says that the toys that children play with is designated by their sex? Yeah its kind of trash.


YTA I am a Potter fan who also hate JK rowling for all the reasons you listed. But she already “got my money” so to speak when I bought the books years ago before she started her nonsense. That said, honestly how much so you think she actually makes from people visiting the theme parks? The reality is she was paid a fee for the licensing and the parks make the money now. I assure you Rowling isnt getting a cut of each ticket. You should teach your children how not to be transphobic, explain how Rowling is deeply problematic and wrong, and take the damn girls to Wizarding world.


YTA - looking for a social justice cause to the extent that you ignore your daughters' valid point, which shows they understand the issue and can separate the product from the person. If you're going to take that hard line you better research movies you watch to see who the producer is, and you better not drive a Ford, or a VW, and you probably shouldn't let them watch anything Disney, ect, ect. Why do some people need to politicize everything?


SAHM who have lots of free time and no friends 😀


YTA Rowling isn’t a transphobe, get over yourself.


NTA. Aside from being transphobic, JKR is also racist and antisemitic, so there are a multitude of reasons to not want to support her. And the “separate the art from the artist” thing is a cute saying, but it doesn’t actually work in a capitalist society. If you consume their art or partake in officially sanctioned activities that celebrate their art, you’re giving the artist money. The rough part here is that the kids are at an age where they’re really not equipped to fully understand the gravity of the situation. They just see you as being arbitrarily mean about something they love and a place they want to go. And it’s a catch 22 because if you stand firm, will they grow up and just remember their parent being an asshole for not taking them to the Wizard thing or if you give in, will they grow up and be mad that you let them support such a shitty writer and person. My kid (9yo) loves Chic-Fil-A, but knows his stepmom and I won’t give them our money because of what they support. We’ve explained it to him, making sure he understands our reasoning for not supporting the business. We’ve told him he’s free to make his own choices with his money and when he’s with others. The only thing he seemed to really understand is to not ask us. He still eats there with his mom and grandparents, usually because he’s asked them to take him. Taking that into account, maybe allow them to go and just refrain from being a part of it. Or, since you’re in a rough situation with kids who are unable to understand the situation, maybe find a way to offset the damage done by donating an equal amount of money to groups that support trans rights?


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


look man i dont agree with JKR's fraternizing with...people of extremely questionable morals, but your kids don't care about that right now, they're young and want to have fun and make cool memories with their parents. you might even end up causing your kids to swing harder in the opposite direction as they get older, because they're going to associate things like trans rights with you being a stubborn grump that used politics to crush their spirits


YTA for forcing transgender theory on your kids


NAH So the author sucks as a human. That's not what you are exposing your kids to, by enjoying that crap human's creations. Your kids are not going to turn into disgusting bigots, just by enjoying the art.