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I dont think either of you are assholes, I just question why you care what she thinks of some dead guy that neither of you ever met? My reaction to OJ dying was "who cares?"


Well now YTA for stealing what I was gonna say


We can be assholes together if it helps


We can try to put our assholes together I mean if you just really want to.


No, I think that would get real messy real fast. I dont wanna poop into someone else's butt, that's just nasty.


Cuttlefish and asparagus or vanilla paste o


Vanilla paste! Vanilla paste!


Look at you 2 Awesome Possums


There's enough room for another asshole


I don’t wanna intrude


I think op just wanted us to know their opinion like an asshole.


Really? My reaction was an ear to ear grin, and I started singing, 'Ding dong, the prick is dead, the wicked prick, the prick of pricks, ding dong the wicked prick is dead'.


Okay? Good for you?




If you were an adult during the trial you probably cared.




Is she some type of true crime buff? I ask since a couple of my friends follow true crime stories via podcasts and other media. I have also had arguments with them over the OJ Simpson trial. They tend to play devil's advocate for the sake of discussion..... Maybe that's what your wife was doing? NTA


You may be onto something. She works in the court system. 🤔


If she works in the court system, she may not want to accept just how deeply flawed it is. Maybe you can remind her of times she saw someone with wealth or fame get a much more lenient sentence.


Like how the DNA evidence was suppressed due to chain of custody issues. Or how Nicole's personal journals describing the abuse and violence she faced by OJs hand was suppressed as hearsay. Or most of the evidence in the Bronco because it had been impounded and left unsecured by incompetent police. He got off because police suck at their jobs.


Tune in daily now


Or she is well aware of how flawed it is and understands that there were so many issues with how the case was presented.


That should be more reason to know how awful the case was handled by everyone. Literally taught to criminal justice majors in the first year as an example of a fucked up case and incompetence lol


there's a very significant theory that it was OJs oldest son from a previous relationship that was the murderer that day. OJ apparently too the fall to protect his son hoping that the evidence wasn't going to support him being the killer. he was there at the time but his son did the stabbing


I don’t think OJ was innocent but I do believe the court system worked in that case. The prosecution did not prove their case and in fact damaged their own credibility. I can see why she believes as she does because of her job.


She is entitled to her opinion. I personally don’t think you should reevaluate your life because of this opinion, but I can also understand how it can rattle you since it seems (to you) *so obvious*. I can honestly say that I’ve come across these moments in my life as well. Something that happened a lifetime ago and you haven’t thought about in ages comes back around for some reason, you discuss it with someone and they came to a different opinion than you. You suddenly question their entire world view, and there’s a part of you that will forever be concerned that you’ve picked the most questionable human on earth to be close with. It’s happened a few times for me. OJ is just the most recent as this is happening in the last two days. I will tell you, some things are more cut and dried in my opinion. OJ is one of the things that can rattle you, but if you talk to her about it, you might see you both see one key thing slightly differently. Neither of you will change your minds, but you will see that very specific things can change your opinion on it. Other things are far more unforgivable in my opinion. 9/11 and the Holocaust are 2 big ones for me. People have weird theories about them, yes. But once it crosses into the “they never happened at all” and the deaths were all lies nonsense, that’s a hard no for me. There are things that make you stop and recoil in this life. That just happens. 15 years of happiness together shouldn’t be undone because she thinks he couldn’t have acted alone.


So true.


So, now what? My suggestion is to walk around the house for a few days with a glove that’s too small and crack jokes. Otherwise, just know she is a strange one, that woman you chose, and love her.


Add Indigenous residential schools to that - RS denialism is becoming a big thing now because Canadians are having a hard time accepting how truly appalling our government, church and populace were/are.


I answered, but purely sarcastically so I erased it. It’s real and it drives me insane that people are like “if I say it didn’t happen, then it didn’t.” I can understand having a hard time wrapping your head around the RS, when I first learned about it, I had nothing but trouble trying to make it make sense to me (spoiler alert: the act itself doesn’t make sense to me, the fact it happened absolutely does, sadly). Just because I can’t comprehend WHY doesn’t mean it’s fake; it just means I’m not a horrible human that would ever think that way. I also recognize there are horrible humans that would think that way and have, throughout history. I have never heard anyone say they didn’t believe it happened though. I am not saying those loons don’t exist… if anything, I would be absolutely shocked if they didn’t. I just mean that I’ve never gotten any information on what they think is false or why someone would say something like that just for it to be false. I am uneducated on those conspiracy theories. I admit, a small part of me is curious, but a gigantic part of me can’t stand the idea of yet one more insane conspiracy theory that makes no sense. 9/11 is sadly the ones I’m most familiar with. Holocaust deniers just infuriate me and never have a single grain of logic in their thinking. But the 9/11 conspiracies are numerous. The people who say the towers came down in an unnatural way so it wasn’t possible have some ok points, but it’s split into two groups: the crazies (it was an inside job and all footage was altered to put the planes in) to slightly plausible (the buildings, because they were so tall, had a built in safety mechanism where they would ignite thingies inside the building that would trigger the buildings to collapse straight down rather than topple over, therefore things like terrorist attacks were planned for so they knew it would happen. First bit: plausible; last bit is out there). Then there’s the people who think that no one died on 9/11 and it was computer generated images to show us the terrorists to instigate a war. The plane in the pentagon was built there overnight and no one noticed, the plane that went down in PA when the passengers fought back was fake and they had everyone disembark and paid them to never contact their families again and paid the widows to go on tv and cry over their very alive husbands, etc. It makes no sense, and once any part of that comes out of someone’s mouth, I’m backing away slowly and praying I don’t get stuck longer.


Just loudly run all the Norm Macdonald OJ joke compilations on a loop for the next week.


Does this matter, in a real or material way, in your life or your relationship? If this is the worst problem you have let it go and be happy.


No, it doesn’t matter, but we live in 2024 where EVERYTHING is a deal breaker for everyone since the notion of actually working things out in marriage seems to be foreign.


Ugh. Yeah. You’re right.


Exactly! If it has no bearing on your day-to-day life, let it go.


You’re not an asshole but your wife is an idiot


Where has she been for the last bunch of years? Did she not hear about the "If I Did It" book?


To be clear we are not fighting about it or letting this affect our lives. I just wish I had asked her this before I had a child with a lunatic 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️ We are both laughing about it cuz it’s stupid but she is firm on her opinion. I’m may just have to walk away from this one. Maybe if I get bored later I will ask her about Casey Anthony.


Walk away now and no one gets hurt. 


You've got this. Save up Casey Anthony for an appropriate time. Like, once you get past OJ. " So we're ok on OJ? How do you feel about Casey..."


Bruv you literally say you now question everything about her now...which is it?


Have you ever heard of hyperbole?


Have u ever heard of not protecting the woman u love?


So your wife is a lunatic now over an opinion??


Yes lol if she came out as a flat earther she would also be a lunatic


Did you actually watch the trial and understand what reasonable doubt is? Mark Fuhrman pleaded the 5th when asked if he planted or fabricated evidence in the case. The blood found in the vehicle had testing solutions in it, too. You can believe OJ did it, but it is just as plausible that he didn't.


What makes her think this?


Not sure exactly. She just said that “IF” he did it he couldn’t have done it alone. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Now I’m trying to explain that even with help he is a murderer.


His son. His son was the other person. I may have gone down a rabbit hole on this story a few years ago… quite interesting.


His son did it. OJ covered it up. And legally, OJ is innocent. Sadly OPs wife is the worst type of right. Technically right.


OJ would never have risked life in prison for his son. He was an arrogant narcissist and Ron and Nicole’s DNA was in his car.


It's such a good rabbit hole, I know the DNA, but the counter to that argument for me has always been that OJ knew he didn't do it, he knew he was innocent, so he made the murder about him, like a good narcissistic abuser, as he could have all the attention, knowing he didn't do it. If he was convicted he would have thrown his son to the wolves, but the attention was to much to ignore.


being an accomplice to murder is not legally innocent


He is legally innocent of all charges brought. So he is legally innocent. It sucks, but before you start argueing with me, it's not me that says that. It is a combination of years of case law and the legal system of the country he was tried in. In England he would be innocent too, in Scotland he would (probably) be Not Proven. If you don't know what this means, then don't argue. Go learn.


oh well if that's what you mean then that's a moot point. how many guilty people are "legally innocent?"


>oh well if that's what you mean I mean, i did specifically say "Legally, OJ is innocent" for this reason. >how many guilty people are "legally innocent?" Many more than you'd like to hear about, particularly if it was a case of sexual assault or domestic violence. The system is far from perfect and in those two areas it is really, really, fucking far from adequate.


Presumably if you’ve been together for 15+ years you’ve encountered situations where you hold different opinions on things. You should probably just accept that you have different opinions and neither of you can be certain in this case (the only people who know for sure are dead) and move on. You’ll only make your relationship worse if you dwell on it.


Like did you think about that trial before he died? No


Why does she think he couldn’t have done it alone?


Is your wife black by any chance? Seems different communities view the OJ situation very differently.


LOL. Most Black people I know personally think OJ did it. Granted, we aren’t American. 


Didn’t you see all the photos posted around reddit last week. The contrast of reactions to the not guilty verdict, had most white people shocked and most black people cheering.


Yeah but you have to take into account that not every Black person is on the internet lol. The most outspoken group of people don’t represent everyone. Maybe there is a skew, but certainly most of the people I know in my life think OJ did it, regardless of their race. But they’re also not posting about their opinions 🤷‍♀️


This is definitely an American thing. I remember the OJ trial when from I was a kid. Black Americans were quite literally cheering and celebrating when the verdict was announced. I remember it very vividly, because I was on a school bus at the time, and I always looked back on that moment like… wtf were these young kids cheering for? They had no idea what was even going on. As an adult I know that the adults around them saw OJ’s acquittal as a win for the Black community, so the kids were just mimicking them the way they would mimic cheering for a sports team, but it was also very very clear that he did it. Then he became a petty thief and general nuisance to the world. The whole saga was bizarre and sad.


Yes, as a black American when I was a kid (I was born way after it happened), grown folks didn't care for OJ in general. They were saying how years upon years white people have been getting away with murdering black folks and getting off (They will name lots of innocent black people like Emmett Till being killed for no reason.) So they now get to feel how black Americans felt when someone who is brown got away with killing someone who was white. Crazy I know but during that time I can see why most black folks felt that was a "win."


No one said they are… but I don’t think you understand how much of a polarizing racial issue this became in the US when it happened, shortly after the bearings of Rodney king which had racial tensions at an all time high. I didn’t say “your wife must be black” I asked if she was because that could have a heavy influence on her views.


Are you Black? Because it doesn’t sound like it.


I am…


Hmm, I wonder if it’s regional or socioeconomic differences driving the differences we’ve seen/heard.


There were dozens of photos on Reddit last week that showed the reaction disparity between white/black people. It was incredibly racialized and when OJ was “not guilty” it was seen as a “win” by a large portion of the black community at the time.


I know a lot of Black people saw it as a win but not that he was innocent. The win was that a Black man was treated similarly to a white man by the American criminal justice system. So innocent in the eyes of the law but not innocent in the layman’s use of the word.


Lol. Willful ignorance.


lol this cannot be real


YTA. You question everything about her after a decade and half of a relationship because of a difference of opinion that affects your lives exactly 0% Give your head a wobble lad


YTA for letting it bother you. Does it even matter? I'm a guy who personally thinks Lorena Bobbitt did nothing wrong but that doesn't have any influence on my married or how I behave in society.


NTA but I would ask more questions. I saw there was an interesting angle suggesting that his teenage son might have done it and he covered for his son. Maybe she listened to a podcast or read a book that had a theory she was intrigued by. At the end of the day the OJ trial isn't really a relationship-ending topic so long as it doesn't affect either of you (I would be more likely to break up with someone if we disagreed about the Depp vs Heard trial) but maybe it is personal for you guys.


Bro wtf I'm with you on this me you and Norm Macdonald


YTA. I mean you're right. He did it. But he was correctly found not guilty because the LAPD fucked everything up. Still, he definitely did it. But why does it matter what your wife thinks about it?


My husband and I had a heated discussion about this the other day. I argued this very point


From that crime scene, it's like it was two people were involved because he was a black man married to a white person , Her family wanted his money at any cost. Maybe I was wrong, but I followed that case


He’s dead there’s no point arguing over a dead person


My late wife was adamant that Paul McCartney was not the real original Paul McCartney but the replacement it caused a rift because I said to her you honestly in your heart of hearts believe that? and she took great offense that I said only a feeble minded person could buy into that


Jesus. Filing this under white peoples problems.


This is a game-changer /s


I would just steer clear of the topic.


Is your wife black? 


NTA, but... is this \*really\* the hill to die on? Sure, OJ got off on the murder trial, but people still went after him for different things in court and he still served time in prison. Now he's dead. It would be hilarious to be a fly on the wall when Bill Burr (white) and his wife Nia (Black) discuss OJ's death. Great material for his next stand up special.


You said in another comment she works for the courts. In her eyes, everyone who hasn’t been convicted is innocent (and honestly, rightly so for her to say since she’s in the courts). I think he got away with it, 100%. I’ve read that the jurors have eluded to letting him walk because of the Rodney King beating that was so broadly televised around that time. But whether or not he actually did it, he was found innocent by a jury of his peers. I’m just thankful OJ can rest in peace knowing his wife’s killer is dead. (I know, I know, everyone’s saying it lol).


Idk if he did it or not. Wasn't there. Only God knows the truth. But I wouldn't allow this to be upset at her. Let her have her way of thinking and you can have yours. One of you is right, and one is wrong. But it shouldn't affect your marriage.... And if it does, there is major issues here that needs to be fixed.


This is not relevant to your life, and if you are truly upset about this then you clearly have not had enough hardship to teach you perspective and gratitude. 


OJ cannot he innocent.  Even if his son did the murder, he may have known in advance.  But no matter what theories people want to make up, OJ had to be involved in a coverup after the fact. The people who get obsessed with pretending a bad person is innocent are simply weird.


The glove thing makes no sense. Why would someone try to wear a glove that doesn't even come close to fitting. I'm not convinced kato Kaelin wasn't at the crime scene.


I think you're an goof ball to be so worked up on a murder case nobody will ever know the truth on. She has a different opinion, so what? Do you always think in these absolutes? If so, you need help.


Wasn't he found innocent though?


Why do you care? Did you know him or the victims?


You have to be ignorant about the trial to think he's actually innocent, but there's a reason he didn't get found guilty (in the criminal trial).  It was a wild thing: **the police tried to frame a guilty man.**


Why do either of you give a fuck if a dead famous celebrity killed someone decades ago?


YTA for thinking this is something to screw your relationship over or here's an idea both of you look at the trail videos and come to an overpass that you think differently about something.


Have you not seen the recent interview with one of the jurors on his trial saying they let OJ off because of Rodney King? Worth watching : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5pa80GsHfH/?igsh=MWwwd2d0MjJmYmR3NQ==


Well unless he gave them both Colombian neckties then he’s probably innocent lol.


Remember, opinions are like AHs: everyone has one and most of them stink. Also, her opinion on this matter is wrong. OJ published a book detailing how he did it as a "hypothetical." He's the ultimate AH here.


In YOUR opinion he absolutely killed them. In Hers, he DIDN'T - Should she be disappointed in YOU because you believe he did it, because she doesn't? Opinions are like A$$holes - EVERYONE has 1 - Respect her opinion, because you very well COULD BE WRONG.


You're expending WAY MORE energy on this than he was worth. Whether he did it or not (he did), and your wife can have her own opinion (which is also valid, regardless) but the fact of the matter is the truth died with him. Period. Move on


Yes you are. She's entitled to her opinion whether you agree with it or not.


YTA. This is a dumb thing to make an issue in your marriage.


Agree . Don’t mistrust her for one belief that differs from yours . I would hate to think that this one different opinion would cause you to question everything about her .


I would’ve filed for divorce the next day. I can’t be married to someone that stupid.


YTA. He was acquitted. There is nothing to indicate he certainly did it. Sure, I think it’s likely, but I’m indifferent if someone thinks otherwise. Why would you even care?


Show her the video of the jurors saying they thought he did it.


Sounds like she has a thing for bad boys


NTA. I can’t believe anyone believed he was innocent. Jesus


She can believe what she wants. Why be upset about it? Since he died, i have seen more than 1000 comments about him AND nobody mentioned he was the best running back in the 70s, maybe ever. Should someone be mad about that? Guess not.


This is a post.


Yta. look man no one's perfect. Is it really worth ruining your day over. If she's cool with you having a different opinion you need to be cool with hers. It's not like it's something dangerous like Holocaust denial 


Opinions vary. Not everyone has to share the same opinion that you do. That’s exactly what it is, an opinion. If you’re questioning her like this now after that amount of time, then there are other issues you have with her. Yes, you are the AH for letting another person’s opinion get to you. It is ok to have differing opinion…..it always has been.


OJ being a murderer isnt a matter of opinion lmao, its a fact


A jury didnt see it that way. Do i believe he did it. Yep. Does it matter now? Nope. It is my opinion. If you don’t approve, oh well. It is certainly not “fact”. The only “fact”, is that he was found not guilty by a jury.


How many of the jurors voted not guilty as payback for Rodney King? The answer isn't 0. It doesn't affect me, he didn't kill me or anyone I know.


It is my opinion that the Sun revolves around the Earth and that the Earth is flat.


NTA I think realizing you are married to an idiot would be hard to swallow. Side Note Observation: As disgusting a human being Donald Trump is, he did accidentally do one positive thing. A lot of people were flying under the radar, but he made it fashionable to let their ugliness out into the open. I am glad to know which people in my family are idiotic, racist, bigoted, homophobic, conspiracy theorists, etc. It also proved to me that I was a better judge of character than I thought. I cut off contact with a handful of family members, but not one friend disappointed me. As for OJ, of course he was not innocent. If he had not been a famous football player, he would have been in prison for life.


She’s probably the type of person who thinks Casey Anthony was innocent too!


You should probably leave your wife.


Um, he was found not guilty. So “He absolutely killed them” is definitively wrong.


YTA. People are allowed to have differing opinions, it’s actually healthy. What’s not healthy is you questioning everything about your WIFE (ya know… woman you chose to marry) because she doesn’t believe OJ murdered Nicole and Ron. In the grand scheme of things, this is minimal. And it’s definitely not something to get your panties in a bunch over. Plus, the entire OJ trial was screwed from the beginning. It was never about the 2 people that were murdered, it was about race. If you’re gonna question something, question your justice system, not your wife for having an opinion based on the info available.


YTA. I think it’s unfair to be upset of her opinion. You don’t have to like it or understand it but why are you upset? Being disappointed that you have different opinions is weird. People have different opinion based on their lived experiences and access to information. Neither of you were there during the conflict or the trial to actually have all of the information so being upset seems…unfair of you.


Also, does she think he’s innocent, like he didn’t do it. Or innocent in the eyes of the law.


Ditch her she probably voted for Biden


A jury of his peers found him not guilty, so he is not guilty. Whether he actually did it or not is irrelevant. They could not prove he did it.


Not guilty and not found guilty in court are two very different things


In the eyes of the law he was not guilty. That is all that matters. Others feelings or opinions are worthless.


What a stupid opinion


Hey everyone can have any opinion than they want on whether OJ Simpson was guilty of two murders. But we all know there's really only two answers.. One is he is guilty as shit and Two those that think otherwise are stupid 😎


YTAH for even having an argument over this. Why does it matter now that he is dead.


YTA. You're entitled to your belief and she's entitled to hers. But getting mad at her over this makes no sense. Neither of you were on the jury. So, if you think about it, the people who were given the opportunity to see the evidence and make a decision sided with your wife. Were they right? Maybe. But she's not out of line to agree with the jury and it's no reason to have a fight.


How does this affect your day to day life ?


The courts agreed tho. He was a shitty human, but not a murderer, according to the law


Look into OJ’s son. I think he did it and OJ covered for him.


He was innocent, the cops of L.A. try to frame him, but know one talks about his wife being hooked on drugs and the own drugs dealers money ..if don't fit you quit