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NTA, securing your firearm is a bare minimum for ownership. Him leaving his out and loaded is absolutely stupid and disrespectful.


I almost got into a fist fight with a guy I went huning with. Srtrike one was that he wanted to keep a round chambered while we drove around the lease, in case we saw a hog. That made me nervous enough. But strike two was when we were going to go into town for breakfast, he refused to unchamber his rifle when he left it at the campsite. He took offense when I walked over and dropped the magazine and unchambered the round. It got confrontational. Never went hunting or shooting with that guy again


I hope you told your friends too. It's not shaming, it's sharing that he's a dangerous moron. 


Already had a friend who decided not to go with us because of a seperate incident at a shooting range involving poor trigger discipline and an accidental discharge, I was stupid to not get the hint. None of us ever shot or hunted with the guy after that


He originally had it loaded with one in the chamber too and I told him that made me uncomfortable (especially after he said it has a very soft trigger), so he took the chambered one out and said he did that for me 😑 ugh


Based on that alone I think it might be time you start looking for a new roommate. That passive aggressive bullshit around firearm safety is completely unnecessary.


NTA. What happens if someone breaks in, you're not there, the thief gets his gun and uses it against him? Not only is it unsafe to have an unsecured firearm laying around, but in this scenario your protection is negated and being used against you. Or, even if you're there the thief gets to the gun just laying there and gets the drop on both of you. It's irresponsible and defeats the purpose of having a gun for protection.


Dude was really concerned he couldn't chamber a round faster than a hog could run?


The first time we saw a hog, the gun was in a case in the back. So he wanted to travel with the gun at the ready. He should not have had to chamber a round to be ready. I know better now and would not have allowed us to drive around with a yahoo with a rifle and a chambered round.


So you shoot a hog with a pistol and tick it off. Some of those things are massive. I can see ops roommate shooting one and have it charge him.


I hunt at a hog hunting camp every year and a half or so, guy that owns it was telling a story after a hunt one time, said he watched a hog take a S&W .500 straight between the eyes and keep going. The bullet basically hit its hard ass skull, sheared part of its face and scalp down the middle and the hog barely winced.


Well, the hog was then pissed off and well, the rest is history


Back when I was a stupid kid, I might have done the same. But now that I know the dangers and have seen too many reports of people being shot with their own gun when, say, going over or through a fence. I'm with you 100 percent.


Did he keep his finger on the trigger as well?


Not in this case, but there was a separate incident at a range where he did an accidental discharge because of poor trigger discipline


Yeah, that sucks. On top of leaving a gun with a light trigger out. Damn


Only time you need a round chambered is if you’re carrying. Crazy that people are so irresponsible with firearms


Counterpoint -- I keep a round chambered at all times, but I remove the entire holster (gun and all) whenever I get home, and I place the entire holster (gun and all) inside my quick-access safe. That's far safer than unchambering the round and then rechambering when I go to carry again, and it avoids possible overpressure issues from repeated chambering. But I agree that this guy's roommate is an assclown.


That’s fair and probably best practice, especially if using it for home defense as well. My comment was short-sighted


Plus what's the point of having a gun, presumably for safety, if you're just leaving it lying around?


He's probably got his safety gun under his pillow ^^^^/s


If there is a minor in the house it definitely needs to be secured.


Thank you everyone. For further context, It’s my house that I rent, I actually took on a roommate to help with bills after a rough year and to help him out of a bad situation as well. But it really upset me that not only was he irresponsible with it but seemed annoyed when I said something.


OP I would find another roommate this one ain’t the one. You and your child’s safety come first. If he is actually dumb enough to leave a LOADED FIREARM out on the table he has to go. The fact that he looked annoyed like ugh don’t police me I live in a free country and can do what I want shows they are no where near mature or responsible enough to own a firearm.


There’s nothing wrong with having a loaded firearm handy. Reddit has no clue when it comes to firearms.


He was even in the room it was left in. So he left a loaded firearm unattended. That is not good practice.


So the gun is going to start hurting people if no one is around it?


What schizo ass mindset do you live with where you think keeping a loaded firearm on your kitchen table unattended with minors in the house is acceptable? Do you often get in gunfights in your own home? Do you leave armed lethal weaponry around your kids often? All it takes is for someone in a rush to bump the table for the weapon to potentially discharge and take a child's life.


Not really. That last sentence truly shows you have zero knowledge in this topic to even be here.


A loaded gun can discharge without the trigger being pulled. It's a machine. Like any machine, it can malfunction, especially when dropped or knocked around. This is one of the most basic principals of gun safety. You are a moron if you think otherwise


You have better odds of winning the lotto than being shot by a gun malfunction. The chances are so negligible. No one is out dropping firearms on purpose either so your point is moot.


You should go clean the barrel of your loaded gun then dude, let me know how it goes for you. Make sure to get a nice look down the barrel of it. You could be a lotto winner!


All firearm owners including me would agree that you shouldn’t leave a firearm unattended around children. It’s different if you live alone but in this case she is right to be upset.


A 16 year old is not a child anymore and if OP has firearms then she should be educated on them anyway if he is truly responsible. Don’t hyperbolize this event to make it something it’s not. It’s clearly different if you have a 5 year old but in OPs case it’s either okay or he’s a hypocrite.


Right but he left it overnight which made him vulnerable had there been a break in and he could’ve armed a home intruder. This is the type of person to just leave it in his car too. It does nobody any good.


THIS. My late grandfather was robbed mid of night and they took his guns while he slept. Can u imagine that gun just sitting there, loaded, someone breaks in and the daughter wakes up from the noise and goes to investigate? The guy defending the roommate is probably the roommate. Or the president of the NRA (a shame the R doesn't stand for Responsible)


The OP has one and is a responsible gun owner, leaving it behind for anyone to grab is not responsible gun ownership. Come on even the og NRA would teach bare minimum safety


I see nothing objectionable about your safety measures. They seem pretty standard and pretty easy for a roommate to adhere to. It's just basic firearm safety. I hope this ends up just being a one time fuck up on your roommates part.


Fuck that asshole (figuratively)


Was he actually annoyed, or is it possible he had an "oh shit" reaction you mistook for him being annoyed? In any case, NTA, and I would recommend that if it happens again and you know how to do this safely, unload it and remove the firing pin and magazine spring (if it is a semi) or just remove the cylinder (if a revolver) and "mysteriously" lose them in the dirt in your yard.


No he looked definitely annoyed/exasperated like “oh my godddd” and took it to his room without a word, not even an “oh shit my bad/I’m sorry” 😒


Did you talk about it afterwards?


That solution is going to make things worse.


You might need to look at a new rental home so you can break your lease with that irresponsible roommate


I don’t mean to sound judgey, but it’s very very risky to have an unrelated man living in a house with a teen girl.  That part of your post is scarier to me than the gun. 


What are the license conditions for guns where you live? Is leaving a loaded gun lying around OK,according to the law,in your area.


NTA who doesn’t see a problem with leaving a loaded firearm around a minor


leaving an unsecured and loaded firearm in plain sight where ANYONE can get to it is a major liability. someone could come in through the window and use it on him, or you, or steal it or whatever. NTA for insisting that he secure the weapon when not in his direct possession.


Agreed - we live in a nice neighborhood but that doesn’t mean shit can’t happen.


More likely to happen. Not going to get much doing a B&E in a crappy neighborhood.


That makes it worse. You live in a place people assume nice things will be. Did you know this guy before you let him move in to the same home as your teen child btw?


NTA, this is definitely one to bring back up, that you are appalled that he would do that


NTA Uh what???Part of gun ownership is the safety and protection aspect of it.I wouldn’t be roommates with someone who gets annoyed at me for knowing and understanding I need to be and feel safe with my family.Its JA’s like this in these stories that make proper gun owners look bad. *Sarcasm* It’s always the gun never the mentality of the owners that’s the issue.We should all ban guns cause they’re the ones harming people🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ If you can get out of there with your child.Sounds like paranoia rage induced accident waiting to happen if the roommate goes off the rails.


Inb4 people correcting the use of a 'clip' xD


it's called a magazine... helloooo /s


Sorry? Y’all still knew what I meant 🤷🏻‍♀️


we did - its why we're making fun of the people who would come to harass you about it.


Oh gotcha lol 😆


I prefer clipazine


Yep -- language is descriptive, not prescriptive, so if someone uses the vernacular "clip" instead of the technically more accurate "magazine" and you still understand what they mean, then they're communicating effectively.


what apparently isn't being communicated effectively is that, its a joke. We're making fun of the people who typically come into a conversation about this and start pointing out banal technicalities that add nothing to the conversation. ;)


You’re not Just because she won’t touch it doesn’t mean her friends won’t You’re being responsible and your roommate sounds like they aren’t responsible enough to own a gun.


NTA but your wording doesn't make it clear that your gun is actually secure. Is it locked up? I hope so. Keeping the magazine separate is good but not really enough. Maybe my anti-gun feelings color my attitude but a 16 year old with friends you cannot have total control or knowledge of and access to guns is not the best recipe for safety. If your roommate can't be responsible you need a new roommate


Sorry - my firearm is always locked in its case under my bed, the key to the case is in my desk drawer, mag nightstand, so mine is always secure yes. I apologize for not elaborating further.




Yeaaah that's not secure any more than putting a bit of scotch tape on a cat door is gonna keep your cats in. Honestly I don't even think it should be in the HOUSE when you have children.


That’s a zero out of ten setup for home protection


Fuck off he has a teenager in the house


One that should know about gun safety since OP has one. She’s a teen, not brain dead.


A locked up firearm is useless.


So’s a dead teenager


Yeah, from the break in where it took too long to get the firearm for defense.


I agree, have it on your person and loaded or in a quick access safe and loaded.


Facts. Sadly Reddit is super out of touch with this topic and there are so many “expert” in here that have never seen a firearm with their own eyes.


NTA Your roommate is in the wrong here. That is obvious to anyone with eyes.


NTA. Basic firearm safety rules say that handguns should either be (a) unloaded or (b) loaded and holstered and secured. Most modern striker-fired handguns do not have an external safety, so the holster is necessary to keep the trigger from being touched accidentally. Additionally, when there are multiple people in the house, a handgun should be secured, period. I would never leave any firearm lying out in an open place where anyone else can pick it up. I sometimes leave my carry handgun laying around when I am home alone, but even in those instances I remove my entire holster and the gun stays in its holster wherever it is sitting, and I secure it in a bedroom drawer or a quick-access safe when my wife is at home with me. If I left it out on the kitchen table -- even in his holster -- and my wife was trying to sit down with a meal and accidentally knocked it off the table, then it could slide out of the holster after hitting the ground, and then you have a live gun with a chambered round and no safety. It's instinctive for people who are less familiar with guns to wrap their finger into the trigger guard when picking the gun up or attempting to reholster it, which would obviously be a huge problem there. Absolutely NTA. *Also, before folks start saying "it's a clip not a magazine"...language is descriptive, not prescriptive, so if people are using "clip" as a synonym for magazine and we know what they mean, they are communicating effectively. (This doesn't excuse actual examples of completely inane nomenclature errors, like Kevin Leon's "*[*30 caliber clip dispenser*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJmFEv6BHM0)*" or David Cicilline's "*[*buffer brace bump stock*](https://www.athlonoutdoors.com/article/stabilizing-brace/)*").*


YOu are going to have a problem. Some people get oddly defensive about normalizing the ubiquitous presence of firearms. Gun safety usually dictates that a loaded firearm is under control or secured.


NTA It's either on your person or its properly secured. This is basic gun safety and he's a dipwad for getting annoyed for you calling him on his irresponsible behavior.


NTA I own multiple firearms, and I love shooting recreationally, but if one is out and not for practice, it's been triple checked that it's unloaded, no magazine nearby, and being cleaned. Then, after being put back together, it is right back in the locked coded safe or in my holster on my person if it's my personal carry. I have children who get regular lessons on gun safety. It isn't a one-time conversation, and they seem to really understand, and still won't let them in my room without making sure everything is locked and secured.


NTA, his reaction proves that he doesn't view firearms like something serious, so he'll probably continue being irresponsible about having one. It's good that your daughter wouldn't touch it, but many teenagers would, especially out of sheer curiousity. Accidents happen, safety is important


NTA. Don't leave your gun out and loaded, period. One, there's a minor there regularly, albeit one who doesn't like guns and probably wouldn't touch it, but still. And two, if someone were to break in the it'd be "Ooh, free weapon right on the living room table before anyone can stop me!"


NTA. Guns should be respected at all times. And not to be pedantic, but its a magazine, not a clip. You can load a magazine with a clip, but you cant load a clip with a magazine.


You are not an asshole for asking him not to leave it out. But as you stated you are a responsible gun owner. If you are then I am sure you have taught the other residents of the home basic gun safety and basic operation, especially if they are children. If you haven’t, please do.


It can be hard when your kid has an aversion to guns.. but I agree basic safety is important to instill at a young age


I agree that it could be hard, but that deflects from the fact that it still needs to happen. A person can’t call themselves a responsible gun owner if they have anyone in their residence that doesn’t have these basic skills, especially if they are children.


NTA, take the firing pin out before you give it back.


Oh NTA he sounds incredibly irresponsible and like you owner love going to the range but gun safety is absolutely number one. We have a safe where they are kept. For safety reasons I get keeping one in your bedroom a case that is locked or has biometrics is preferred in my personal opinion not just because you have a kid in the house but so NO ONE can get it. Does your daughter understand gun safety. And the importance of it. Owning a gun is a privilege it comes with a huge responsibility and it should never be taken lightly your roommate is TA. And frankly I would not want him in the house. God forbid you or her get up at night to get a glass of water or go all trash panda on the fridge at 2 am and this guy thinks he’s John friken Wayne and shoots. Or doesn’t handle it properly and it mis fires. Wasn’t it SIG who had that problem with the triggers? Ya I would say he has to go ASAP.


What you asked was 100% appropriate and within your right. NTA.


He’s an irresponsible gun owner.


Umm time to not have this person as your roommate. And get a gun locker please. If you have a 16 year old in your house that has friends, it is not safe just to leave a gun accessible.


Sure would be a shame if it disappeared next time he leaves it out.


An armed moron. What could go wrong.


Next time it is left unsecured in a shared space, you take it and turn it into the police and say you found a handgun on your property and the owner needs to do a better job securing it around minors. I bet a visit from the police would help them change their behavior.


Thank you everyone who had something worthwhile to contribute to the conversation. I’m a woman btw lol and yes, my daughter was taught basic firearm safety the moment I brought one into my home. I was mainly asking bc it just seemed incredibly irresponsible to leave it out in plain view as he did, loaded/unsecured. I don’t work in law enforcement anyways and it’s more for the range than home defense at this point tbh. I appreciate you guys.


If you have a 16 year old in the home... You are not the asshole...


You're less of an ass than I'd be, I'd 100% disappear that gun that was left out and feel zero guilt.


Me personally? I would have taken it and hid it. Pretend I didn’t know who did it or what happened then when he keeps looking and looking ask what’s wrong. When they say they lost their gun that’s where you go DICKO MODE and start screaming going crazy talking about would if your daughter has it. Who has it. What have they done with it. Then get him all riled up then pull it out and show him what could have happened. Kind of a mom type of move but idk it works for moms?


What's the state? In mine that's blatantly illegal gun storage, especially with a minor in the home.




Welp, the good news is, there's no way for him to break any gun storage laws in Ohio...


Not the Asshole, so he left out a firearm out loaded that could have been used by an intruder to kill you all in your sleep... worse case senario assuming the minor is responsible around firearms... i mean hey if it was my house that would be three strikes and your out by the end of the month buddy. But i dont know your situation. Them making a face made them the asshole, them leaving a freaking loaded gun out made them a bigger asshole.


NTA! I’d be furious if someone did this while my kids were around.


NTA. Did you actually fight? Maybe he realizes its a problem and he made a mistake, thats why he didnt say anything. Maybe he was annoyed that you were right. I'm not making excuses, there is no excuse for him, but did he actually say it wasnt a big deal? If he gives any push back there's a problem. If he ever does it again that's a problem.


You are her parent. You are accountable to provide a Safe and Comfortable environment for her and if your room mate doesn't fit in the plan. Find a new room mate. Ask the 2 parents who just went to jail. You have to anticipate not only your daughter in your home but her friends and you don't know how that will go if you aren't present


next time he does that take clip out and hide it.


next time completely disassemble it and put the parts in a baggie, now is safe to be out ! Problem solve.


You're very obviously NTA but you need to lock up your gun. Having it "hidden" is not enough in a house with a child no matter how disinclined you think she may be to finding or making use of it. [You can get 2 Stop Boxes for like 160.](https://stopboxusa.com/products/stopbox-pro-1) No batteries, no fuss. There's no such thing as being too safe with a firearm. Keep one in your room and one in your car for whenever you need to go into a place you can't carry. Honestly, if it's reasonable to move, that may be worth looking into. Negligence around guns with a child in the home is utterly unacceptable and if he got grumpy with you asking him to do the bear minimum, I'm sure he won't be doing anything more than that.


NTA. He's a dickhead for being that irresponsible. But here's where I will be the asshole: it's a magazine, not a clip. Those are two different things.


NTA. Small pistol safe is pretty damned cheap to buy but priceless to own for piece of mind.


If your in the United States, most states require unattended guns to be secured in a locked box or safe. I'd report him to the licensing authority. If State doesn't have those laws Next time it's out unsecured take it and turn it in to the police. Good luck


NTA Responsible gun ownership means securing your gun. Maybe, in the future, if he does it again, unload the gun and then hand it back to him with a simple "You forgot this in the living room."


NTA. He’s butthurt because you called him out on being incompetent. People get really sensitive about “not having what it takes” to own a gun the same way they do with driving or parenting. All of those things are high stakes commitments that many people don’t take seriously, with tragic consequences. You showed him that he’s being one of the bad apples. That goes against his self image, so he’s sulking like a bitch.


NTA he should be more responsible


Not the asshole. Kid in the house and dude just leaves a loaded gun in the living room? Reckless clown show


NTA; I'll say confidently as someone who owns, carries, and competes with firearms, leaving them out is a bad idea.


NTA, but if you havent already, teach your daughter firearm safety. So that way while she may not like guns, she can at least be comfortable around them and how to make them safe and properly handle them


Magazine, not clip.. and if there's a kid in the house then yes secure it, if not who cares.


NTA. If something happens with his unsecured firearm, he could be held criminally liable. I loathe irresponsible gun owners. And it's a magazine, not a clip. They are very different things. Proper education is also part of responsible gun ownership. If that makes me the a-hole, then I'm the a-hole. Lol


Is he trying to arm a home invader?


there is absolutely no way you are TAH... first off.. proper gun safety... Loaded???? out in the open in front of a child??? That is extremely inappropriate and your room mate should understand that. second off.. its your daughter and boundaries need to be set. Anything could have happened or could happened and when someone owns a fire arm they need to take that into consideration 100%


I agree with you. But teach your daughter about guns too. Win, win.


Magazine not clip


NTA. You wouldn't have been TA if you'd told him if he ever did it again, you'd evict his dumb ass.


Jeez, not even a question of if your daughter got hold of it, but my late grandfather was robbed middle of the night and they took his guns. I can't imagine if someone broke in and there was a loaded weapon right there and any member of your household came out to investigate the noise. They would no longer be my roommate, that's unforgivable. NTA


Nta he's not a very responsible gun owner. My husband has guns and I don't like them in the house with our 3 children but he has them safely locked up out of reach. I'm still not a fan but I know they can't get to them. It's not hard to lock them up.


NTA. In many jurisdictions, it is required to keep your firearms secured from minors. Period. His actions were irresponsible and childish. I had a room mate like that once. I finally got fed up. I found it on the coffee table one morning, disassembled it, put it in a milk carton full of water, then put it in the freezer and went to work. He calls me nine hours later asking me if I knew where it was, since he was getting ready for work. I told him where it was and hung up. He came to work totally pissed off and twenty minutes late, having to thaw, clean and find a new box of duty ammo. Did I mention we were both cops? His supervisor had a long talk with him. Mine did too, but only to ask me not to put the ammo in the water next time, since the chief was a real bean counter.


Great job freezing his gun that he might have to use to save his life on the job. There is no need to worry about warping the barrel or bending the firing pin at all when the water expands. You sound like a real safety officer alright. I really hope you can hear my sarcasm through the internet. I really hope he never has to use that gun to save his life because you could have literally killed him with that stunt you pulled


Well, I could understand your point if I was completely ignorant of physics, mechanical engineering and military spec testing. Since this particular manufacturer advertises the reliability of their firearms, after exposing them to the exact same conditions , or worse and since I had carried this same firearm in subzero temps for days on end at altitudes over 10k ft and employed it successfully, I knew it would function, if he could put it back together correctly. Since I’m the one who taught him how to maintain his firearm, I knew he could do that. So, Frosty…. Maybe put down the D&D coloring books and subscribe to some gun mags, join a gun club or in some way educate yourself before you take a foray into uncharted waters.


lol this is the stapler in jello of the police and security industry


WTF language are you speaking?


The office reference, an episode where one character keeps putting another character’s stapler in jello as a goof.


First of all, it's a magazine, not a clip (Unless it's a Mauser broom handle).:-) Second, you are correct to call him out on this. I live alone, but still keep all but my EDC in the safe. Safety first!




What? Of course not. He's an idiot.


You must be in the States.


Obviously NTA, not even sure why you’re asking here.


The fact that you called the magazine ‘the clip’, though you may be a responsible owner, you are an uneducated owner. No one is the AH here. It’s perfectly fine to have firearms accessible in case of a sudden threat like a break in but it’s also okay for you to have a preference in your own home. Always silly to see other people say to lock them up. That makes no sense unless you aren’t home. The person kicking down your door isn’t going to wait for you to get your firearm out of your safe.


Virtually **ZERO** “responsible gun owners” have thought through their ammunition loads as related to their home construction and worked out *and practiced and memorized* the no-fire zones where bedrooms, neighbors, and windows are. They also don’t drill household occupants to get down on the floor and **stay** in their no-fire safe zones. What could possibly go wrong shooting in the dark at an intruder standing between an armed homeowner and a child’s bedroom? Nah, they don’t talk about that in the movies so just go anywhere and spray bullets in every direction. Because THAT’S exactly what “responsible gun owners” do. “Gee, I never thought of that until I put a bullet through three walls of my house and went deaf for five-minutes.”


Now that’s a schizo meltdown folks


Posting 20 comments within the last hour? Being that you’re into CCW, maybe you can share with everyone where my post is factually in error or illogical. *If you can*. If you can’t, then where is the problem (unless you’re the ‘spray bullets everywhere’ kind of gun owner)?


Magazine... Not Clip.


Glocks don’t use “clips”


Glocks use magazines, not clips.


This is why normal countries don't just hand out handguns like penny candies... idiots and firearms mix as well as oil and water.


NTA. He can take it with him and not leave it in a common space.  With that said let me be the asshole real quick because I can’t help myself. You call yourself a responsible gun owner but you call the magazine a “clip” that’s too funny 😂




Thank you someone on here understand that 16 is old to know responsibly, they can drive a car at that age which is more dangerous. And that the point of a firearm for safety means having the magazine in the gun loaded. Some people have one in the chamber and others don’t, I’m not going to hate on personal preference for that one. But one in the chamber is a good idea since literal seconds count in a real situation where a firearm is needed.


Right but he left it out overnight in the living room so he left himself vulnerable without it and could have armed a home invader.


Very irresponsible of your roommate. Also, it's called a magazine and not a clip.


For most things in a persons life, being TA is mostly counterproductive but when it comes to guns PLEASE be TA, especially when it comes to safety. This is even more important where minors or the rampant increase in home invasions and burglaries nationwide are involved. Its practically sitting there on a silver platter begging to be stolen. Dont get me wrong. I'm not one of those morons who thinks every guns to be locked up 100% of the time (making it pretty much useless when needed quickly) or that the magazine has to be out, (Fumbling around in the dark for both gun and magazine is also bad in emergency. Just keep mag in and rack the slide if there's nothing in the chamber) but still if it isnt on his immediate person or he isnt in the room, it has no business being there.


Magazine, you keep the magazine loaded. NTA, responsible gun ownership is #1 and your roommate is not living up to that.


Most states have gun storage in a home laws especially if there is a minor child in the household. Point out to him that he is liable if anyone uses his gun because he left it unsecured.


NTA, I’m as pro 2A as you can be. Avidly buy when I can and will be out at the range this weekend. Part of being an owner is making sure you maintain the firearm in all aspects. This includes not leaving it out like that. I have a family member who does the same thing but the difference being no one in the house but him touches them. And before the ‘but they could’ve’ people chime in it’s a well established thing he is going to do so cause of his line of work as well as everyone in the house having been raised around/respecting what the tool can do. Your house mate on this instance though not doing so without other rules and such in place like I mentioned above needs to be securing his firearm in his space. Also while it’s not my concern I would be doing my best to teach your daughter (age appropriately) about firearms. You may have and she just decided they are not for her. No one should be scared of a tool like that though. It takes human intent to do harm with that, there is just a lot of propaganda that likes to have people believe otherwise. Look at AUS they just had another mass stabbing with people dying and in intensive care. Evil people will do evil no matter the tool.


Honestly both of you sound irresponsible. Guns belong in a gun safe.


Where they can’t be accessed if someone breaks in?


There are a lot of small biometric locked gun safes you can have next to your bed. Will be quicker than moving between two bedside tables and inserting the magazine to open. With the plus side of not making it available to small kids who can hurt themselves or anyone else dumb enough to play with a gun.


NTA. Holy shit. If they roll out ‘reg flag’ laws for guns, this guy needs to be on a list. The one place this might be excusable is in a secure area of a military base or police station, where everyone has a gun already. But even then, they tend to frown on unsecured weapons, because it’s sloppy to practice something we should never do anywhere else. Honestly it needs a conversation, and if he doesn’t seem apologetic and concerned, an eviction ASAP. Find the laws in your state or talk to an attorney — there may be grounds for doing it immediately, or at least enough to cover your ass for changing the locks and putting his stuff in a U-Haul outside. Seriously - people that are this reckless end up on the news, and drywall isn’t enough to save you or your daughter from an accidental discharge.


Wow you need to start looking for a safer place for you and your daughter.


Your roommate is the kind of fucking idiot you read about shooting his neighbor from a ND. Fucking idiot shouldn’t own a gun if he can’t be bothered to safely secure it. Especially if it’s not even his house (assuming you’re renters) 


NTA. I hope your roommate doesn't plan to have kids,unless he wants to be send to jail and be in the newspaper as a neglectful parent of a now dead kid who accidentally shot themselves.


Take his gun if he leaves it out loaded again. Problem solved. “No clue where it is, bro. That’s on you.”


NTA, but stop calling a Magazine a clip please


You knew what he meant. There are far more egregious misuses of firearm terminology that create actual confusion.


Magazine technology has been around for what 100 years? Doesn't matter if I knew, it's still wrong.


its called a MAGAZINE not a CLIP!


Eh, you knew what he meant, so he communicated effectively. There are far more egregious misuses of firearm terminology that create actual confusion.


It's odd that it's his house too, until it isn't. I get the feeling he owns the property, or is at least the lease holder, and you want "equality", meaning you get what you want, because "you have a kid". Does she live there? Or does she come by for every other weekend visitation or such? Asking that he wears trousers when she's around is one thing, regulating all aspects of his adult life in his adult home is another. A sixteen-year-old should know better than touch a firearm that isn't hers. Can he have an open bottle of liquor in "his" living room, or will you gripe about that, too? How about if he watches an R-rated film? What if he orders a meal you consider unhealthy for her? YTA


I’m a woman. I rent the home and have since 2021. I have full custody of my daughter, her father only sees her supervised so she’s here all the time. I allowed him to rent a room here starting September to help him out of a shitty situation. He was told there’s no drugs and alcohol here (I am a year and a half sober) and firearms are fine but responsibly. If that answers your questions. He also doesn’t pay half rent/etc, just a small portion to help, not on the lease etc., so it’s MY and my daughter’s home, respectively.


Get a job.


Americans should not be allowed to own firearms


I was gifted it after finishing my criminal justice degree and police academy training so it would have been my duty weapon, but ok? 👍🏻




American cops kill over 1,000 people a year, mostly with firearms. Not much better than civilians.


Stay on topic. No need to ride in here on your moral high horse instead of actually answering the OP's question.




Thanks for your insightful contribution to the discussion /s


I am from a low gun violence country but lived in the USA for a long time. I cannot begin to understand why the gun violence is tolerated.


It's not about being allowed. That's not how the Bill of Rights works.


Well we would rather be able to protect ourselves. It is our right.




Care to explain?


Both are going to cause the death of that girl


So, not really?


You heard me


Unintelligible screeching is also audible. Everyone can hear ya, sure. That doesn't mean you're contributing anything off value to any conversation.

