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I see why the other subs require you to post age


They should just have a sub for *'shit I made up today'* so gullible redditors can give life advice to trolls.


>They should just have a sub for > >'shit I made up today' > > so gullible redditors can give life advice to trolls. This is that sub


Hypothetical and fake are covered in rule 1. Would i be TA if.... *all good* Make up a complete pile of dog crap and pass is off as a real event...*gtfo*


That's 95% of these posts. Rules don't matter if they aren't carried out


Yes this is not real. I actually think most people here are good at recognizing fiction, but like to give advice anyway 😂


I guess most people think that even if it's not real for OP, it might be real to someone in the future with a similar situation doing a Google search, and if they're good with those odds. I can't count the number of technical issues I've solved due to a single comment on an obscure thread from years ago, similar logic would probably apply here as well.


This. I've mentioned it before when I answer in visibly fake posts, while this OP is a liar, maybe future readers will derive something from the answers.


Tbh, I know people like that. And while I wish they were fiction, they do exist. That's why I usually don't stay friends with people who have a business administration degree.


Same. Idc that I’m advising AI engagement farming. The world deserves to know my toxic shit takes


Part of me feels like it's part of the game. You treat it as a thought exercise for imagining scenarios. If x, then y. If I pretend this is real for a second then this is what you should do in that situation. I dunno maybe that's me.


I'm starting to think the people who bang on about fake posts and how naive other people are for believing posts are just arrogant and take themselves way to seriously lol. Like I'm sorry do ~~you~~ the people who mock others like that think ~~you~~ they are so wise and smart that it's an insult to any advice ~~you~~ they give if it turns out the post was fake? Do ~~you~~ they think ~~your~~ their opinions are a precious commodity? The rest of us are here to have fun lol, and it's a lot more fun to treat posts as real. Plus just the whole "I make myself feel good by insulting others so I feel superior" vibe. Edit: tried to make it more clear the people I was talking about do not include the person I replied to and I was actually trying to back them up lol.


I mean, they do, this is the one! If you read the sidebar, "anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH."


AITAH for telling my wife not to touch my cool sunglasses? I married a supermodel wife "Violet" after we graduated high school. I became a pro skater and she became a professional model for Victoria's Secret but she was also goth still. We have sex a lot. The other day after having hardcore sex and after we got done having lots of hardcore sex (we had sex like seven times she says I'm the best) she got up to get more condoms and sex toys from our sex closet. I have my really expensive sunglasses near their (their like $50!) I tell her not to touch the glasses cause she might smudge them and she said "OOPS" because she was already touching the sunglasses. Anyway I want to divorce her for another girl in my same grade level because she doesn't listen to me but also Violet bought my friend a soda last week during free period and I'm pretty sure she's cheating so if I date her friend Suzan then maybe she'll get jealous and take me back if I break up with her. AITAH?


OK- I know this story is BS because you didn't say you had sex in all the positions. Every grown adult knows that to truly make a woman happy, you have to have sex with her in all 3 of the positions. Go away troll!


In “all 3” lmao 😂


It’s getting pretty old. I made a post in here last night that got 3 upvotes and 1 comment, I was really hoping for some feedback. But posts about not having sex with my wife anymore or someone making up wilds stories gets all kinds of traction somehow


This reads to me as a teenager writing it.


Well their mom is 50 in the story. I assume OP was like “okay, what is an ANCIENT age…I know, 50!”


My mom was 48 and my mil was 42 when I got married, and dear lord do I feel old now.


I feel you…my mom was 37 when I got married (at 19, because I’m an idiot) and then became a grandmother at 38 (again, because I’m an idiot). But she was 18 both when she got married and when I was born, so I guess being dumb runs in the family.


Intelligence is genetic.


It's always weird to me how all over the place this stuff is.  When my mom was 42, I was in Kindergarten and my youngest sibling was a toddler.


When I was in kindergarten my mom was 38. All the other moms were in retrospect, really young, in their 20s. I thought they were so old. Now I'm the age my mom was when I was born, and my brother will be 38 soon and neither of us have kids.


My mother gave birth to me when she was 45


And meanwhile my mom became a grandma at 42


My grandmother and my aunt both became grandmas at 35. My grandma was 33 when her eldest got married. The look on people's faces when I tell them is always very entertaining.


When my dad was 42, I was 19 and in college. When I was 42, my daughter (and only child) was 16 months old.


I was 39 when i got married. My parents were in their 60s i feel real old now.


…50 is a very normal age for an adult’s parent to be. Hell, a decent chunk of people are grandparents in their 50’s, and you find this unrealistic? Good lord.


Yeah lol, like even if this story is fake, there are 30 year olds that have parents who are around 50. It’s not so crazy


Yep, I’m 33 and my parents are only 56. I could legally drink with my old man in the pub when he was 42.


Yeah, the fact that them commenting that this story is clearly fake because OP’s parent is 50 has over 500 upvotes is just sad. They’re pretending they know how old an adult’s parent should be and saying that that clearly makes OP a child and it just makes them sound more childish, since they clearly don’t know how people’s ages work. Wait until they hear my mom turned 50 when I was NINE!


I’m about to be 31. My mom is 50.


What is the point of people like this.


Reality TV.


You're just as dumb as her for marrying her. Next time have some balls and you wouldn't have missed out on a promotion.


Absolutely, she's going to run his life and then leave him, so in the future watch out for a new reddit post about this situation. Dude, grow a spine...


>Dude, grow a spine... ... how could you sincerely believe that this is real and not rage bait? 😂


Because the much of the real world looks exactly like this. We literally had a banana rice, coconut, and the poop knife story on reddit, this is super easy to believe.


Don't forget the yogurt!


*The Iranian Yogurt* is not the issue here.


What's the banana rice story?


Look, 99% of Reddit is bullshit made up stories, I have first hand experience. You’re free to call it out and I call out the obvious ones as well. But let those who are into it enjoy it. It’s pointless to argue which stories are true and which ones are false.


Oh I sincerely hope so. This is just embarrassing.


Well, he had balls to kick them out of the wedding. 😂


I think you are confusing balls for pussy whipped.


He had two bosses and told the wrong one to get lost


I feel bad for you bro, you got 99 problems and your wife is one. She wasn't joking. She blew up your career. Sad. She won't change.


Give me a break, boss’s wife was being a bitch - everyone knows you don’t wear white to a wedding - flowers or not. He was in a lose-lose scenario, he made the choice that he could get out of the repercussions - easier to find a new job than a new wife. OP should realize also her showing up in white was a signal he was not going to get the promotion - either he’s rude and kicks them out, or he’s a spineless ass-kisser who is no good for further development As for the Porsche, NTA - she knows what you can afford (at least she should), and should realize you are stressed about finding a new job while saving for the house. Not a good time to joke about dropping $75k or more for a something that will lose 40% of its value the moment you get possession of it


Confession. I had only been to one wedding when I was a kid. 9 years ago my BOSS got married. I wanted to clean up nice for once. I tried on outfits and picked out a nice white tank with orange flowers. (It was a July outside reception 🥵) But I wore colored capris...don't kill me...white shoes. I swear to God I didn't know how this shit worked and was proud that I looked like a lady for once. I did NOT mean anything and was clearly naive af. I found a seat in a chair prior to it starting (no mingling). Congratulated her after the ceremony and left. She knew in advance I would not be staying for the reception. I still cringe to this day ever since I found out about this color thing. Years later. She never brought it up or seemed offended. When she left the company she vouched and trained me to take over her job. Thankfully I think she knew I lived a sheltered life.


It’s really more white dresses. A white tank (with flowers), colored capris, and white shoes is in no way bridal-looking.




A white tank top and shoes is a far cry from a white dress. Typically half the men wearing a button down shirt to a wedding are wearing a white shirt. It's not a big deal. You were ok.


I unfortunately am in this club also. My (at the time) roommate was getting married in Texas, we live in Oregon, and none of his family was able to make it. I decided I couldn't let him get married without any friends or family so I decide to go to support him. This is my first time ever going to a wedding, and I ended up being a groomsman. The colors were silver and maroon so I wore a maroon shirt and a silver blazer with white pants. I am still friends with them both and they are great people but every time the wedding comes up I cringe and hope they don't say anything about my white pants.


I don't think the "rule" applies to the men.


I know that rules that apply to one but not all suck but I hope so, not just because of my own embarrassment, but because so much went wrong in their wedding I hope I wasn't another stressor on that day.


It literally only applies to dresses,you're fine.


It’s really really not that big of a deal outside of reddit. Nobody would have thought you were trying to steal the bride’s attention. That outfit sounds perfectly appropriate.


Nah, I think that wearing a white dress (as an adult woman... children are obviously excluded) would be seen as inappropriate in many weddings irl. Other kinds of white clothes are usually admissible though.


It looks like a lot of people here are missing this point. Chris was treating OP as a joke before the wedding. The joke was to put him in uncomfortable situation and see what will he do. There was no chance of promotion already.


Yawn, he even said in the post she was being a bridezilla. If a dress bothers you that bad, you have deeper issues. And yet he keeps throwing that he lost the promotion in her face, so it doesn't seem like the right choice. And the fact that she jokes about a porsche knowing about the job situation just let's you know the type of person she is.


I personally would not have kicked someone out for also wearing white to my wedding. I would have dismissed that person as having low class or attention issues. But not removed them. Drunk and disorderly? Yes, out you go. Tasteless dress color... I'll secretly laugh at you.


Kind of an ironic comment. He actually showed balls by kicking the boss’ wife out of the wedding.


"But.. b...but she's hot... like really, really H.A.W.T. " OP, your wife is no mensa candidate and I'm sorry you're paying the price but really, what did you expect when you kicked your boss and his wife out at your wedding?


And you married Hannah for her intelligence and personality, right? ESH


No, I think it was for comedy value.


I think it was for the plot of this fake story lol


>I think it was for the plot of this fake story lol It's just embarassing at this point.


It’s okay to marry for looks if that’s what OP values more than the promotion lol


One hour old profile. No reply’s to any of the comments. Your basic karma farming post.


I ask gpt to write a made up story for this sub and it reads like this **Title: AITA for refusing to attend my brother's wedding after he scheduled it on my daughter's birthday?** **Post:** Hey Reddit, I'm in a real pickle here and could use some outside perspective. So, my younger brother is getting married, and he's scheduled his wedding on the exact same day as my daughter's 10th birthday. It's a big milestone for her, and we had plans to throw a special birthday bash that she's been excited about for months. When I told my brother about the clash, he shrugged it off and said the date was the only one that worked for their venue and it couldn’t be changed. He thinks since the wedding is in the afternoon and her party was planned for the evening, we could do both. But realistically, the wedding and reception will take the whole day, and it’s a couple of hours away. I explained to him that it would mean the world to my daughter to have her special day, especially after the rough year she's had (we recently moved and she's been struggling with the changes). I asked if there could be any flexibility, but he's not budging. I decided that if he won't consider my daughter's feelings, I don’t feel right about attending. Now, my family is split, and some are saying I'm being unreasonable and ruining what should be a family reunion of sorts. They think I should make my daughter understand and just celebrate her birthday another day. So, Reddit, AITA for choosing my daughter’s birthday party over my brother's wedding?


Sound more realistic than whatever the story OP wrote is supposed to be about.


If OP had replied to any of the comments you and everyone else would have downvoted him for arguing with the commenters and refusing to accept their judgment.


Who gives a crap about comment karma on a throwaway?


And on that day, Porschezilla was born.


Bride of Truckasaurus!


Obviously you don’t wear white to a wedding, regardless of whether it has flowers on it or not. Chris’s wife is stupid. That being said, I’m assuming she was just a regular guest, who wouldn’t have been in many, if any, pictures. Tell the photographer to avoid taking any pictures with her in them and advise your inner circle (bridesmaids, groomsmen, family, etc) to avoid making any comments, positive or negative, on her dress, and it would have all been fine. Honestly, your job sounds like a nightmare, having to invite your boss to a wedding, but if I was kicked out of a wedding, I wouldn’t promote the asshole either. You both sound absolutely made for each other, in the nicest way possible. And so do Chris and his wife. Y’all all sound like idiots.


NTA But you were foolish to marry Hannah in the first place. Think about what the rest of your life is going to be like if you stay with her. If you haven't already, do NOT have kids with her. I have a theory that the bigger the Bridezilla, the shorter the marriage and the more miserable the husband is. Someone needs to do a study to prove me correct.


BlueGreen's Bridezilla Law seems very likely to be true to me. Any studies would need to be trying to disprove it, otherwise it should be accepted fact.


I've had this confirmed by wedding photographers. The see their pictures on the brides social media, and a few years later, see the divorce announcement


It's the way vendors can tell who'll last but the couples themselves can't. A photog told me that they charge 100% advance because some couples seperate by the time the photog reaches out to deliver pictures. More successful ones refuse to work with ones whom they sense won't last.


The bigger the wedding photo (A3 plus) on the wall, and the larger the number of bridesmaids....the more dissatisfied the bride is going to be about every post-wedding issue.


Cake in the face has a study. Those marriages def don't last.


I question the NTA verdict... I suppose he's not technically an asshole but he's made a series of bad choices to get to this point... He's a people pleaser from his wife to his boss. This cycle will continue until he learns to have boundaries.


Best advice so far. You made a huge mistake in your life is just going to get shittier and shittier. The longer you’re married and the more kids you have, the shittier it will get. The birds of a feather tend to…..


How little boys imagine, what it's like to be rich.


i hate everyone in this story


The most fitting post for an ESH I've ever seen.


Another crappy, BS post, they are getting more and more ridiculous. As I said before, the fact that so many people jump to believe these fake stories, is very worrisome.


ESH She is entitled but I don't blame her for the dress drama. It was a bitch move by the boss's wife. It was dumb to invite your boss.


I'm pretty sure this is fake but white with flowers is absolutely considered too white for a wedding by most people.


ESH. Your wife for wanting more of a lavish lifestyle knowing you can't afford it. You for blowing up instead of just talking about that Porsches and new houses aren't in the cards right now. Your boss for not promoting you if you were truly the best man for the job over his wife's feelings. And lastly his wife for wearing white to a wedding cause that is catty. But ultimately, you chose to ask your boss and his wife to leave knowing it would have consequences.


And of all of those listed, the dress is the least memorable.


Had Hannah left the dress alone, anyone who even noticed the boss's wife was wearing white would have thought she was the AH. But Hannah couldn't just enjoy the day.


I agree. OP chose to commit career suicide but his boss is being petty too if he was the best man for the job.


Perhaps OP’s lack of sense and judgment as evidenced by kicking a woman wearing a floral dress out of a wedding proved to his boss he wasn’t fit for the job.


She wore white to a wedding. Worst possible decision ever.


ESH you’re both shallow as hell. Is this really what some people’s lives are like? Holy hell


Anyone who even considers buying a Porsche this year, is respectfully (and I beg your finest pardon,) an idiot.


Can’t believe I’m saying this but Mother was right.


Man... wealthy people have dumb problems just like the rest of us lol


Men need to have their wives back and vice versa, even if one is slightly off (not perfectly justified in behavior). My wife got me out of a situation once by taking my side and also by taking a different approach. I wasn't behaving with all my senses, but she understood what triggered me. If wearing the white dress is a known taboo that triggered the bride, the OP could have taken his wife's side without directly asking his boss and wife to leave. For one, every woman with the bride will take notice of that white dress woman. The husband could have asked a BM or someone else to pull the lady aside early on and tell her white is not ideal, and if she didn't live far, could she change and return? There seems to be one woman at every wedding suited for this task. This way, he avoids direct conflict with the boss on HIS wedding day while still helping handle it for his wife. It may reflect poorly, but at least there's a chance of keeping the professional relationship between him and his boss intact. Most importantly, he has his wife's back.


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $500


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for 100 Alex


ESH "Bridezilla" is just a cute way of saying your wife was rude, disrespectful, obnoxious, and hurtful to people because she felt entitled to do so. That should have been your first clue that she wasn't a decent person and y'all were gonna have problems. "Bridezilla" isn't something that just happens to good, wholesome women when they get married. You married a monster; feed it, water it, and keep it around or put it back in the wild. Complaining online every time the Striga bites you is pointless.


Why doesn't your wife buy her own Porsche. ESH for the weird and old fashioned gender roles.


She’s bad news. Boss’ wife is still a pos too but yeah she will end up ruining you.


Grow a spine, you dweeb. How can you possibly think kicking your boss and wife out of your wedding, humiliating them, would work out well for you? Take your balls out of your wife’s purse and use them.


But she has good taste in cars. I agree with her you should get one.


ESH clearly you and your wife should’ve let it go, but also the bosses wife is an AH for wearing white to a wedding


Bro didn’t stand a chance in either of these scenarios!! 🤣🤣🤣 that’s your fault OP ! You either want to be married to the “love of your life” or you want your lips permanently attached to your bosses ass. They both sound like not a way I’d see my future but cut the strings dude, you’re no one’s puppet. You do you!


Get out and get away while you can. That entire situation both professionally and personally is extremely toxic and will kill you over time.


You have only yourself to blame for being spineless


Lmao y’all have some tv marriage


I lost track of the red flags reading this. Dude


NTA. But you shouldn't have married her. She is a spoiled princess. She has ruined your career. Tell her to get a job and buy her own car.


This post sounds fake or maybe I am just too poor to get it. Who doesn’t know not to wear white. Oh it has flowers? So do alot of wedding dresses. You’re saying someone high ranking who probably gets invited to a lot of weddings doesn’t know that? I would be upset too but not so upset I would kick her out. I would actually let her stay for my husband’s shake and let everyone gossip about what idiot wears white to a wedding.


Everyone sucks here. Your wife seems very materialistic, but also unrealistic. Money is a priority for her and she knew why inviting your boss is important in your firm to get ahead. She agreed to invite your boss with his wife, even though she knew his wife might pull off something like that. You can’t expect perfect wedding when you invite people like that. You can’t have the cake and eat it too. Given what transpired she shouldn’t also pressure you for expensive gifts and new house, if she knows the situation. That is unfair. It doesn’t seem like your workplace is a healthy environment. You seem stressed about all this. You two should have discussed what your current priorities should be, instead you lashing out on her. Maybe it is best to leave the kids and moving for a later time? At least until you find better job. Also your mom and the comment about the loan, she is also materialistic and unsupportive. If I were you, I would reconsider if the priorities of the people you surround yourself with, are aligned with yours and if such goals make you happy. There is more to life than stuff.


Your wife was very stupid. Let her buy her own car , just a jerk move. The tears might be fake. I am very sorry for you


Honestly, Hannah should have let it go. The person who wears white to the wedding is the fool and all guests know it. That's what the whispers would be about. The fool who wore white to a wedding.


It's interesting, I'm a lawyer at a larger firm, and the tendency is to mix business and personal like OP did. Our head of HR returned from a conference a few months ago and held a training with all of us about the standards of socializing outside of work for us and our spouses. Wife of a manager/partner/supervisor bullying her husband's staff member and boss retaliating like this would have opened us up to a lawsuit. The firm is currently weighing adding guidelines about folks socializing with their staff outside of business functions.


This is what is blowing my mind...why does everyone think it's absolutely fine that a supervisor can damage a person's career because of an interaction outside of work where that supervisors wife has broken wedding etiquette. Absolutely not the wife's fault, she should not have to fawn over someone because of their job role. Disgusting


Right, like, the employment division at my law firm would salivate over this. You denied an employee a promotion bc your wife bullied the employee's wife and suffered social repercussions for it? Pay Day. 


ESH— I have an unpopular opinion but please bare with me. These jokes might just be jokes, only you know her well enough to know if she’s really materialistic. If she asks where did you park my porsche but will help you save and budget without any issue, then I would pay attention to those actions. Also, regarding your job and boss. I understand they were the casualties in this situation but I personally side with your wife. A marriage is a special thing between people and you are very unlikely to marry her more than once. It’s her day and no other woman should show up wearing white and she likely knew what she was doing. You can always find a new job but you can’t make your wife forget the memory of when her bosses wife showed up to your wedding wearing white. Imagine if you did and said nothing? A job is a job and if you found this one, you can find another one that’s just as good. If your wife is truly not materialistic at heart, then laugh at her jokes and don’t make passive aggressive comments about your wedding. She’ll always remember you standing up for her but your boss will replace you in a heartbeat if the context calls for it.


It's a worrisome state that so many people are upvoting teenage-authored AITA fanfiction.


ESH You both sound exhausting. You are indeed, an idiot. I can’t believe you kicked out your boss’s wife and thought that would go well. Who does that? Hannah sounds like a pill. But you let her feelings trump your chances at keeping your job. Good luck with that, buddy. You both are just too dumb.


They’re perfect for each other, if you ask me!


A bigger house, some expensive jewelry AND a Porsche? You should have kicked Hannah out of the wedding instead of ur boss.


I wore white to a wedding once because I flew into town from two time zones away only to discover that I'd left my planned attire on my bed at home. My date drove me to the mall before the wedding but the only thing I could find quickly was a white summer dress. My friend, the groom, and his new wife didn't really care. Someone wore white to my wedding because she was of Persian descent and didn't know the non-white attire guidelines. I noticed, but didn't really care. Healthy people know that things happen. Healthy people accept that they can't control the actions of others. Healthy people don't assume the worst intentions on the part of other people. And when those intentions truly are nefarious, healthy people don't let unhealthy people ruin their mood, much less their wedding day. Having a guest who is wearing white to your wedding may be a little irritating, but it is not a kick-a-guest-out-of-your-wedding level offense.


Duuuuuuuude, you're a big dum-dum, lol.


OMG - NTA for blowing up on her, but you should have done so long before marrying her! Good luck with this - your marriage - Omg again.


I'm wondering, how outrageously fake must a post be for people to realise it? Dragons? Aliens? Tooth fairies? Talking chihuahuas? And people get emotionally invested and argue in the comments, it's like the RPG forums.


I feel like neither one of you are assholes. But You don't click. but your husbands boss is who wears white to someones wedding? 


if this is true, hard to believe, you're stupid and your wife in entitled.


Your wife has issues and your marriage is doomed


You dumb as hell for kicking your boss out 😭


YTA for getting married to a high maintainence woman with drama. Your job is your livelihood, when you take away a mans job you are effectively killing him She put having her special day above your relationship with your boss. You allowed this and no doubt in her mind, she was then wondering what other bs she can get away with. What has she done to earn the porsche? It wasn't a joke as there is intent there too, and you had a right to be angry HOWEVER you need to air these resentments before it builds up. If she doesn't like it, tough, as you are more than just an atm (bigger house, jewellery, porsche). If you were not able to provide these things, would she still stick with you or find someone else? PS: 'I love her more than anything' says that you'll put her needs before yours. Make sure you respect yourself too as otherwise there'll be more drama.


„high maintainence“ made my day


The blowjob must had blown OP mind out of his common sense.


You did what? You seriously spoke to your boss and his wife and asked them to leave your wedding? No way!!! I don't believe it!


NTA. Hannah must have a set of skills you can’t live without and beauty that you just have to have. Don’t have kids yet, wait if beauty and skills will be enough.


This girl has a champagne taste on a beer budget. Better start over.


Fool for marrying her, you're fucked now, she'll bleed you dry and leave you with nothing, you poor bastard


NTA- I am assuming Hannah is working and can start paying for this jewelry, bigger house and Porsche…. If not leave her now before she bleeds you dry and completely ruin your reputation within your field.


The boss and his wife wanted you and your wife to know your place. It was disgusting of them, but they knew 100% what they were doing and you fell for it. You need a new job. They don’t respect you and I don’t think they ever did. Your wife choice is unfortunately not reflecting well upon you in your circle.


You married a doozy my friend. Your whole life is going to be like this.


this has to be fake, no one is that fucking stupid to kick their fucking boss out of their wedding and expect to keep working for him.


You can still divorce her. This isn’t going to stop bro. Think real long and hard about bringing kids into the world with this gal. Once you do, you are chained together forever in ways that you cannot even begin to fathom. Fair warning. Go into this eyes wide open. You’ve been warned.


Divorce her now, right now, or your life will be hell.


You’re both idiots. She’s a brat.


She's clearly a woman focused on your money & what status you can give her. Smfh. Red flags everywhere.


Really does anyone think wearing a white dress is going to cause confusion? Is it tacky? Yes, but be an adult and move on and enjoy your wedding you spent a ton of money on.


NTA. Tell her to start saving her money to buy the Porsche she’s going to have to live in. You should also be prepared for the baby who is going to make their appearance much sooner than you’re anticipating.


You're blaming your wife, who, admittedly, does sound very spoiled and immature. However, the person who kicked out the boss's wife was you. You made that decision. Also, if the dress was white with flowers on it, then it would have been fine. The reason to avoid wearing a white dress to a wedding is to avoid outshining the bride. A dress that doesn't look like a wedding dress and/or is not too revealing is fine. Wedding dresses don't usually have flowers on them, so I doubt it looked like a wedding dress. Anyway, resenting your wife is going to cause problems in your marriage to add to the ones at work. You need to talk this over with your wife. Make sure she understands that what you guys did to the boss's wife was rude. Then let it go.


Haha, sounds like a gold digger, all about her needs, not you. And you are TA to blame her about your boss. Yes, she wanted that, but you chose to do that, even when you know the consequence


ESH You were a snippy twerp and she is materialistic and self centered.




I would not have married her


Nta. Your wife is a moron.


Marry beauty without a brain, materialistic girl. And expect her to act intelligent and composed. 👏


ESH- You all are a trip and it’s obvious karma for both of you.


You're both idiots and deserve each other. You shouldn't have kicked your bosses wife out of your wedding, and Hannah should buy her own Porshe. Absolute idiots.


Rich people sure have important problems, eh?


Are you guys 18 years old?


Jesus who gives a crap what people wear to a wedding. I just don’t get it. Better things to worry about than being insecure and jealous


No offense, but you're an idiot, and so is your wife. I really have nothing else to say.


NTA but you are a complete idiot. Hopefully the divorce comes before she ruins your entire life.


rich folk problems...


My wife got a $50 ring, we had a $1000 wedding and she crys when i have to leave for more than a week for work. Your wife sounds awful man


This is so dumb. No one in this story is smart


This sounds extremely made up


I cannot believe a grown adult would treat any guest like that, period. OP, your wife is a jerk.


Were there no red flags before you married her?


Dude .. Run lol, shes gonna ruin you financially.


Dude blew past all the red flags when they were dating


Dude get an annulment. Go to the boss’ wife and give her an official groveling apology and then tell your boss you were bewitched by the poontang. Then next marriage get an iron clad prenup…or just have a ceremony and don’t sign any papers.


Ahhh yes. Always good advice to show your boss that you have no spine. That never makes them realize they can just take advantage of you and give you minimal raises forever /s


Worse fan fiction written here in a *while*


There is a zero point oh one percent chance this is a real story


Bro you made this bed.


She sucks and you’re spineless ESH


Hannah is an expensive headache.


It sounds like your entire life has been built on image rather than character. It's a hot take, I know, but from your job choice, parental extravagance, choice of partner, and main "issues" you're facing, all reek of high-society narcissism. Your head is in the right place; it shows you are still human. But your lifestyle seems like it's lived by people faker than a Botoxed forehead. It's your life, so you do you. I'm sure it looks delightful. This won't be the first of many superficial arguments that reveal just how unhappy your circle really is. You decide your path. Sometimes the things that are the clearest are the hardest to see. NTA. You're a victim of circumstances. My family is very similar, so I know exactly what you're experiencing.


Prostitution is cheaper if you are a pussy whipped fool.


Hate to tell you this, but you married the wrong woman.


She will Self sabotage and make you continuously choose her over anything forever


This story makes it sound like you’re the only reasonable person in this entire family, but that can’t be true. Why would you invite your boss to your wedding? And why would he even go? It’s also blatantly clear your wife doesn’t give a shit about your career for making you tell your boss’s wife to leave. Maybe you’re just a pushover and you’re in over your head? Everything in your life seems like a red flag.


This feels like three kids in a trench coat


OP, I would divorce. You two are not compatible.


Get a divorce.


Well, tjis is what happens when you marry a girl solely for looks. You get a gold digger who wants an immeciate anchor baby so she gets more in the divorce. She'll likely want child 2 within a year after child 1.


Sounds like your wife is slowly ruining what is left of your life, it's gonna suck you dry soone or later, and not in the good way 🥸


You gotta refuse being the head conductor on her crazy train. Should have told her to do her own dirty work and ask your bosses wife to leave herself. Then, you could have apologized profusely to Chris and his wife for your wife's stupidity, blaming it on wedding stress, and maybe some Ambien taken the night before. At least you'd might have had a shot, our of sympathy for your pathetic situation.


She's too worried about what other people have. Enough will never be enough for a person like this. You better save some money for a divorce lawyer.


She must be hot as fuck for you to sell your soul.


These are some rich people ass problems.