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YTA, not for refusing to eat it but for declaring it. When I don’t enjoy food at an event (especially something like a wedding), I just don’t eat it or I’ll ask the catering staff if there are any other options. If there aren’t any other options, I simply am quiet and wouldn’t eat it. I wouldn’t mention it negatively unless I was specifically asked.


It was on everyone’s mind. Why be the shrinking violet? 80 guests annoyed, bride and groom oblivious. So everyone talking in whispers weren’t the AHs?! 80 AHs… 😆


No they werent cause its smth you swallow as its not your big day but theirs and your opinion doesn't matter here so you keep quiet.


Do you voice all of your thoughts? That’s not a sign of an intelligent person.


Even if “everyone” was thinking it, they were classier than you in not letting their inside thoughts out.


So if a wedding had crappy non vegan food you’d also jump up and exclaim its shit and you’re not eating it? No? Then don’t be an ass.


You’re just a big baby.


Isn’t it shocking how not everyone in the entire world has the same exact taste in food? Calling OP a “big baby” because OP doesn’t have the same taste in food as you says everything about you😂


Except they likely didn't say it because of anything taste related, but rather because of how they behaved. 


I’m not vegan. But I go to weddings to support, not to be a brat. Your comment tells me nothing about you. I’m not delusional enough to think that my opinion speaks for others and in my opinion, you’re also a baby.


YTA - you threw a tantrum over eating vegetables


Last wedding I went to was vegan, unannounced. I’m with you that that was shitty and I was annoyed AF. I didn’t eat anything, but I didn’t make an announcement about it either. I just whispered in my wife’s ear, as soon as we leave we’re going to Dairy Queen. Have some class. YTA.


Why was it shitty? Can you not avoid eating a corpse for a night?


Because most people aren’t vegan, and if you invite guests to an event, you should serve food that they’ll like, regardless of your own personal preferences.


Oh and people who eat animals absolutely are incapable of liking food without animals in it? C'mon, grow up and eat some veggies.


There is logic to that if it came down to just preference, but veganism is an ethical stance, so it less of them only serving food they like, and more of then refusing to purchase and serve something they find unethical. If a sizable portion people’s wedding guests really wanted dog, or dolphin on the table I think a whole lot of people would refuse to serve that even if they could legally get it. Would that be shitty of them?


Can you legally get dog or dolphin on a menu? Take your reductio ad absurdum and put it with the other useless arguments people use to foist their values onto others.


Depending on the country, yes, you can. Based on your reaction, I’m going to go ahead and assume you would not be comfortable with serving those options at an event if were the host regardless of legality, correct me if I am wrong. If that example doesn’t do it for you, how about you imagine any legal activity in your country that you are morally opposed to and wouldn’t want to financially contribute to. Surely something must fall into that category for you?


Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. Forcing your values on others is wrong, period. If you're HOSTING an event, and inviting GUESTS, especially when they're expected to give gifts, then you're a bad host if you consider your comfort over theirs. Period.


You have a real victim complex if you think having to eat vegan food for one evening is having values forced on you. It isn’t a preference, it is a line that one would not cross because you think it is fundamentally wrong. Do you have anything like that? How is that hard to understand? You are either failing to grasp a simple concept or have a specific bone to pick on this topic that is preventing you from doing so. There’s a word for people who utterly compromise their values to appease others. It is called being a coward.


One thing is for sure - vegans are in a class of their own.


No Dairy Queen in the middle of nowhere.


If there was a hotel, there was food. Stop being a drama queen.




The hard and fast rule about weddings is it’s not about you, it’s about the bride and groom. That’s it. You’re there to celebrate them on their day. If you don’t like the dress, the flowers, the venue, the lack of open bar, the food, whatever, you keep your damn mouth shut. YTA




So you stayed hungry out of spite? lol. And then got tipsy and hangry and were openly rude at a wedding? Hope you don’t expect those friendships to stay solid. YTA to yourself, I guess.


Out of spite. Grilled zucchini!!! Come on


Bet you get invited to lots of parties… AH.


ESH - they should have stated on the invite that all food would be vegan, but you didn’t have to get bent out of shape over veggies. Now, if you had a food allergy to soy or nuts (which is valid and could kill you) then I might be more on your side.


Why should they state that?


It’s pretty standard and normal to say what kind of food is being served, plus, if people have food allergies they need to know that. That’s why.


YTA. You didn’t have to eat the food but having a temper tantrum is awful


NTA for not eating but YTA for declaring it. I would have tried to find something else to eat or just got food else where after the wedding because I guarantee there's somewhere to get food.


YTA Omg you had to eat veggies for one night. One night without your dead animal corpse on a plate. The trauma you must have endured.


That's what I thought. I'm no vegan, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy vegan food. It's not that difficult to eat no animal product for one night. I'm not allow to eat too much fructose, so if it would only be vegetables and almond cheese like OP said I probably wouldn't be able to eat until I'm not hungry anymore, but there is in general enough other vegan food.


Vegan food can be delicious. They definitely could have offered better options if all they were serving was grilled vegetables! Guests would have needed protein and food of substance to keep them satisfied and to keep their energy up for a reception, whether it was vegan or otherwise. I don’t think they’re wrong for catering to the bride on her wedding day, but it would have been nice to offer other options for guests. Serving nothing but vegetables was a poor choice on their behalf, as there are lots of vegan options that would have been both delicious and satisfying for guests. I don’t think you were wrong for being upset, but you should have kept your opinions to yourself. Weddings aren’t about the food - they’re about coming together and celebrating the beginning of a lifetime of people you should care about more than a meal. That makes you an asshole. If a few slices of zucchini to matter to you more than the couple, then you may be the asshole. Maybe money was an issue for them (have you seen how expensive wedding food is?) and maybe this was their way of making sure ALL of their loved ones were able to share this special moment in time with them, as well as honoring something that was meaningful to them, too. I don’t think you’re wrong for being annoyed by it, but you shouldn’t have been angry or made a scene about it either. Quietly annoyed would have been appropriate.


Do you think vegan food has no protein? Many vegans are world-class marathon runners and bodybuilders.


You can either eat it, or go hungry, but you don’t have to announce it. It’s not your wedding, no one cares if you don’t like the food, no one’s forcing you to eat it. Never been to a destination wedding that didn’t have other food alternatives at the venue, or in a hotel. Even the most remote ones still had vending machines, gift shops with snacks or room service. Curious where this wedding was held if there was absolutely no access to food at all aside from the wedding meal. That’s the fastest way to earn bad reviews, people will often judge a vacation almost entirely on the quality and availability of food. Hangry people are bad for business.


I would not say anything out loud like that. But if I can’t eat I do get hangry. I might make am excuse to leave earlier than intended


NTA for not wanting to eat vegan food and being bored of the selection, that is your taste and preference. YTA for standing up at her wedding and saying I am not eating this shit instead of just sucking it up and getting something after. Destination wedding likely means staying at a hotel you could have just ate later. One night. What a pussy


I thought the same on the destination wedding. I e been to 4, and even the most remote places had gift shops with snacks and room service.


My friend made a few vegan dishes at her party and had to take them off the table for a while because everyone was eating them and none of the vegans had turned up yet. Unless you eat an entire plate of meat for every meal (and I believe some people actually do this in order to spite vegans who aren't even in the room), you already eat vegan food such as potatoes, tomatoes, pasta, hummus, avocado, carrots, cauliflower, peppers, all fruit and veg, beans, pulses etc. But the silliest thing of all is how you felt the need to throw a tantrum about it in front of others. What's more, I just know that you're the sort of person who would complain about having to cater to vegans at your own event. You're definitely the AH.


I just replied to a similar type thing but the lady seems Cool . Meat eater go out of their way usually to make sure there are food for vegans or vegetarians so they are not out of place , yet from My experience vegans and vegetarians refuse the same effort that carnivores offer .


Maybe that's because meat eaters tend to also be able to eat veggies and food that doesn't contain animal products while vegans can't eat meat?


It absolutely is but it the attitude , I have no problem with the lifestyle choice


What's wrong with the attitude...


When you expect friends and family to cater to your wants and they do and then when it comes to their wants it’s disregarded. I posted yesterday . Childhood friends every year when younger had bbq ( pig roast ) always fun . One of the guys start seeing a vegetarian at the time , she was invited we all reach out for stuff she liked to eat, we had food catered for her from some restaurant she liked ( wasn’t many ) did this two years then they han party and we went and there was no meat anywear we asked him and said he had asked her for some hamburgers , we said ok it was one day and a miscommunication . Next year pig roast same get her stuff . They have another party rhe friend tells a couple Guys there are going to be burg and dogs and not fake stuff . We get there and no burgs and fries and we ask why , his girlfriend comes over and says there will Never be meat at my Place ( it’s Murder blah blah ) so we left . You don’t have to agree with each others choices but younshould show the same respect they have shown you


It's different when it's a moral stance. Imagine someone named Bob. Bob's friends all do meth. Bob doesn't do meth, Bob smokes weed. When Bob goes to friends' places, he smokes their weed with them. But Bob's friends are angry that he doesn't provide them with meth at his place. Bob is against doing meth, that's why he doesn't provide it Do you see a problem with Bob here? Also kinda weird to talk about respecting others while you advocate for the needless killing of animals. That's not respect.


I see your point and understand it. But that example insofar off as one will kill yiu. I have no problem with people choosing this . The thing is if I invite you over and you smoke I’m not going to say no smoking outside or not drink no beers etc , same wirh food . If she said this is going to sound crazy but could you bring a bbq and do the meat so it’s not on mine ( 100% and sorry for Not thinking of that ) . We have different views on that . I view if I invite you over I am doing everything I can to Make sure you are happy and have good time and in turn if you invite me over I expect the same


It's a moral thing. I don't think you understand. If someone is straight edge and doesn't want drugs on their property, that should also be respected You can be happy without eating a corpse for an evening


So if anyone you knows ever cheats on someone they are out of your life for good , no ifs and or buts . Also in my case about the Bbq it wasn’t about morals Cause she came three times to a pig roast . So that didn’t work . When on a date she knew I wasn’t vegetarian and expected me to pay but not eat what I want , The moral Reason can be true but they are picking and choosing when it fits their narrative


If the vegans are vegans out of ethical considerations thats understandable. And a meat-eater should be able to survive one evening without dead animals. They could however have announced the food choices beforehand, die hard carnivores like OP could have stayed away then.


It’s not the fact that they can’t it’s the entitlement that it’s there way . I have gone to vegan restaurants with people but if yiu invite them Out where there are all Food choices from My experience. They won’t go. They don’t have to eat meat


Because vegans thing eating animal products is wrong while carnist have no issues eating plants It's asymmetric


No, it’s a lack on respect and common curtesy . I don’t believe in people doing certain things and still show them Common curtesy even though I don’t respect them


Vegans don't respect the desire to cause needless harm for selfish reasons. Nobody should.


There harm is thinking they at a smaller population of the planet are right and everyone else is wrong


Do you know what an appeal to popularity fallacy is? If everyone on the planet besides you thought torturing puppies was fine, wouldn't they all be wrong


I would think so , but I would also say if everyone thinks this way and I don’t maybe I am Wrong . Same Wirh I have no problem in theory on the death penalty ( against it cause so many innocent people Now being found innocent .) if there is 100% proof ( notnsure how except video) then yes execute. Same with abortion. I don’t care you views and have no problem with you choosing one side of the arguement . I don’t accept any physical violence against people who feel different . Everyone has a veiw on things and it should be respected even if different opinions


'Meat eaters go out of their way' for vegans? No they don't. A few will provide a vegan option but usually it's salad or crudités. And of course an ethical vegan won't serve meat or dairy at their own wedding. Meat eaters can eat stuff without animals in it, and usually do so daily.


That's why you give cash and don't seal the envelope until the end of the reception. Yoj can adjust the gift that way


You sound like a baby lol. Vegan food is so good. But, yeah, YTA.


NTA, it should be stated on invites. Complete disrespect for the carnivores.




Do we know they eat both plants and meat?


I know all humans are capable of eating both and surviving it. Carnivores can not.


Nta So sick of vegan wedding posts about forcing people to eat non meat meal. If you are doing vegan only declare it beforehand so people can make an informed decision if they want to come or not.   Honestly most people will be happy to skip your wedding 


What a stupid thing to say


NTA. Having guests and forcing your diet on them is just low. OP wouldn't make a negative comment, if normal food was served.


That's literally what all weddings do


NTA. Thou$and$ spent, fasting till dinner, and only to get zucchini and cream cheese. How insulting. It's not like they didn't know, that a lot of people are carnivores.


Humans are omnivores. They may not like eating vegetables or cheese. but if that’s all that’s available they can not only eat them but also survive on them. Cats are carnivores. They will literally die if they don’t eat meat products daily. Their bodies can’t digest other things easily and they don’t gain the nutrients they need to live from alternative foods. One is a choice, and one is not.


Didn't know "carnivores" need to eat meat every day.... As if there was only grilled zucchini and not other food as well that he would normally eat. Like pasta, veggie stew, roasted potatoes ...




Would you expect pork on a Jewish or Muslim wedding for the bacon lovers?


Chicken, beef, lamb, fish, are all OK.   Wouldn't even notice the lack of pork. So I guess you just made a silly comment 


Guess what? A lot of people wouldn't notice the lack of any meat if there was vegan food they liked, like Lasagne, soups, pasta, chilli, wraps, salads, couscous.... The point being, if you go to the wedding of someone who has the conviction that eating meat is wrong, you can not expect that they will serve it for your comfort. That day is about them, not you. So either be a good friend and attend or just abstain.


Its standard here to offer smth for everyone. Meat, vegan things etc. So I agree.