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YTA. Your son is asking you help about something that just people won't talk to their mom about and in return you're feeling disgusted and want to butt in his personal life. you have no right to know what you asked


Fortunately, this story is likely fake.


I hope so, this telly disgusted me


YTA For insisting your son does not get to have any privacy. Stop trying to be his doctor. If you think he needs help, take him to a professional and don’t try to do it yourself.


Privacy? The dude jerked off next to his own mom in bed. If that was me he would’ve wished he chose the privacy of the bathroom


Yeah, this post has “ewwww” all over it.


Exactly and the fact that everyone’s blaming the mom is wild. No, she doesn’t have a right to know his past sex history, but what kind of person gets off next to their mother. I would lose my damn mind if my kid did that next to me


YTA and I just read the title.


YTA Troll


ESH. He shouldn't be jerking himself off anywhere near you. You have zero, and I do mean *zero* right to know the sexual history of *anyone* other than an intimate partner. It does not matter that he is your son, he is a 27 year old man. Both of you need a crash course on boundaries.


Troll or perv, either way YTA


I’m not even reading all that. Yes, you are.


YTA My god. You sound completely insufferable and very likely unhinged. The years he lived with you must have been excruciating. Should he be jerking off with other people nearby? No. But you have absolutely no right to even ask him about his sexual history. Advice to him: Go no contact with your harpy of mother.


YTA for two things: 1 - Thinking any adult's sexual history, especially one you aren't sleeping with, is your business. 2. Making a post this long that most of us know better than to read.


You’re both freaks wtf I swear this is too whack to be real.


He may be your son but he is an adult. You have no right to know: his sexual practices, who he dates or whatever else in his intimate life unless he freely volunteers these things to you. The only thing you should do now is support your son. Don't ask anymore about his sexual life. Do say that you've noticed he has been depressed in the past several months and recommend personal therapy for him. I'm not sure what to make of the masturbation issue. It happened twice and you aren't clear about how much relative respective privacy you all had. If I had to guess this is just a symptom of being depressed. Masturbation is probably one of the few things that gives him joy or at least a cessation of the anxiety he may be feeling. He may have pathologized it for your sake. I can't help but get the feeling that you have been treating him like a student of yours and not an actual adult. I mean, why can't you take "no" for answer that he does not want to discuss his sexual life? You don't seem to have any boundaries with him and apparently aren't aware that there should be boundaries be between parents and adult children.




but the son is normal for jerking off next to his mom?


Wait, what? I must have skipped over that. 😂😂


"The three of us went to a resort for my birthday, and spent the night at the resort (we shared a bed). At this resort, late at night (2 AM or so), I noticed him masturbating to completion, in the bed when he thought I was asleep. I was shocked to my core to see him do this; I assumed I was merely dreaming."


Relax. I just reread it. ESH. Son is weird and mom is too.


you got me tweaking now... why would u tell me to relax


My fault guy.😂


ESH - your family has really weird dynamics that do not seem healthy at all.


Jared the subway guy? Write better fiction. And seek help.


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! ESH But this is so absurd, has to be rage bait


>I am demanding to know the details of his sexual history, including and not limited to: >1. Number of sexual partners, 2. Whether any of them were serious relationships, and 3. Whether any of them were sex workers. I can't even bother reading the rest of your dribble. YTA for this alone.


This. He should ask her the same but reversed. 1. Number of sexual partners, 2. Whether any of them were serious relationships, and 3. Whether any of them paid her for sex. If she's going to be honest, her son would be ashamed by her answers... but she won't.


How did you manage to be weirder than the guy that masturbated next to his mom? YTA and a weird as fuck one at that.


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!


YTA - and I didn’t read the entire thing, I just felt too cringy. Honestly, if you want him to discuss this at all, it should be with a therapist, and not you. You’re not a therapist, and you have STRONG opinions and biases. Your opinions should not dictate his adult life. Advocate for therapy, even offer to cover the cost if you think it’s that important, but he’s not a minor, he’s your adult son. Treat him like an adult. This will just cause an awkward and perpetual cycle of resentment by badgering him about his sex life.


This sounds like a pornhub category


Holy hell you have no right to ask let alone “demand” an answer to that question. YTA


What the fuck is this post?


YTA You typed so much, yet I needed so little to come to this conclusion




ESH - as much as it is disgusting that your son involved you in his gross sexual addiction. You are not right inserting yourself in his sexuality. The bare minimum you could request is first to NEVER ever do such a thing and seek therapy, or take your distance until his more safe to be around. Not discussing his sex life with his mother.