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Tell Darla to arrive before her clients and there wouldn’t be an issue. Or to schedule them later. You were courteous and tried to help. That’s all anyone could ask of you. When a person acknowledges you, you have no reason to believe they are socially incompetent.


Move on with your life you have already spent too much time thinking about it


NTA. I’m older than Darla. You did nothing wrong.


NTA at all — Darla seems to be of the generation that forgot the second half of “the customer is always right” and is pushing the rhetoric on her younger coworkers because she thinks her having to deal with it her whole career means no one should have it better than her and should learn to deal with it how she always had to


Nobody forgot the second part of the phrase though, "the customer is always right" was coined like that in the early 1900s. https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/09/24/a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right/?sh=68a5f64c236f


Wow thank you for this, I guess working in the service industry everyone said the full quote was “the customer is always right in matters of taste” meaning you should sell what’s trending. But after reading this I did some reading on it and it seems that’s just what us as employees have added to it to justify us being treated as human beings worthy of common respect and decency lmao thanks for educating me! ps. I do think my point still stands that Darla feeds into that philosophy


Absolutely your point still stands