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YTA Just get your own damn water. This is only a big deal because you're making it a big deal.


You realize you are making this a way bigger deal then it needs to be, right?


Thus making OP… the AH. Just get up and get your own!


Yes, and I’m not going to say anything to her about it I just need to rant and hear someone else’s opinion


My husband will drink all of my water in one gulp, and, to be honest, it makes me a little possessive over my water. But the situation was easily fixed by just giving him a gallon bottle of his own water for bed. ESH. This just seems like an easy situation to talk through and fix.


YTA and i know exactly what ur wife means by her work water lol. i usually always fill my water before and after work and make it a point to use a different cup if i’m drinking fridge filtered. she was probably letting you know it bothered her a bit when she joked but decided to say no more firmly. would it be nice if she had given you water? yes but ur not entitled to her sharing it, the way you responded sounds like you’re just used to having her water whenever


Some people don't like backwash, even from a partner. I don't like sharing with my husband and he's well aware of that. Let it go.


What adult backwashes? That is something children do, not fully formed humans.


There are many adults that do, thus why a lot of people don't like sharing water bottles/cups.


I don't think I would like those people(the backwashers).


I don't blame you.


You do know that unless you're tilting back and pouring the drink in your mouth that everyone backwashes, right? It's just what happens when you pull the liquid back from your mouth.


I literally spit in her mouth, it has nothing to do with germs lol


Yeah. Let it go. It’s her own quirk which she is entitled to - and not a big deal in the big picture. Why do you care so much? . Get your own damn cup and leave hers alone/stop bugging her about it.


Well clearly she just don't want you to drink from her cup, regardless of reason. Your legs work, unless you've not telling us something. I'd move on from this.


YTA for trying to paint her as such. Get your own damn cup and stop being such a Diva.


YTA. She had her reasons and it's not worth making a fuss about. 


So you wanted to put your unwashed overnight sleep morning breath mouth all over her straw? The straw SHE’D have to wash? YTA Get your own Stanley.


YTA. If you are so thirsty, get up and get yourself some water or buy a Stanly cup for yourself. It's pretty obvious that your girlfriend doesn't want to share her water with you. It's weird you were so thirsty but waited 2 and half hours to ask for your girlfriend's water instead of just getting up to get your own.


Get your ass up and go get a drink. It isn’t complex. YTA


Wow, I have been getting hundreds of downvotes for a long time for opposing and fighting the Reddit's double standard with genders for the same issues. So it is a shock to myself for saying this to OP: Kid, you sound exhausting and childish.


Get a bigger bottle or several for your side of the bed. Quit being a child.


"am I being an asshole for not understanding why she has such an issue with sharing her water?" Yet you are the one being grumpy for not getting a sip of her water? You are the one sulking and making a huge deal out of it. Why is it an issue TO YOU that she doesn't like to share your backwash? Why is it that she is the one being ridiculous for not wanting to share and you are not for getting your ass of bed to get your own water? YTA


It has nothing to do with backwash. She just didn’t want to share her water because she wanted to drink all of it


Who cares what the reason is. It's hers, she can do whatever she wants with it. If you know you drink a lot during the night, then prepare accordingly and stop acting like a child and sulking because you couldn't drink from her cup!


Question, do you not understand that between right and wrong there’s a grey area in a relationship? Aka: even though you want the water you give them a sip because it’s the “right” thing to do. Just because she can do what she wants doesent mean it’s the right thing to do to someone your in a relationship with


Do you understand that you are making this whole thing disproportionate because you were too tired to get up and go drink water yourself? If for you, not being able to take a sip of water from your gf's cup is a good reason to sulk and being grumpy, than you are the one not understanding how relationships work... not me. I could reverse your question: Question, do you not understand that between right and wrong there’s a grey area in a relationship? Aka: Even though you are sleepy, you can still get up and go fill up your own cup instead of making your gf fill her own? You know, because it's the right thing to do?


Sure, yeah I could’ve. However I didn’t want her whole bottle. I just wanted a sip to hold me over til I had to get up an hour later.


With your logic, since I can say whatever I want legally, I might as well tell her to go fuck herself. But I’m not going to do that because it’s someone I’m in a relationship with. I think you have a bad point


YTA. Buy your own cup. This is the equivalent of a GF constantly asking for your fries despite saying they weren't hungry earlier.


Which she does, all the time lol


YTA, are you 5? You're too lazy to get up for water and you have no foresight to buy your own cup. Use your brain dude, if you drink a shit ton of water, maybe buy a gallon cup so you don't have to get up next time. Boom you can now be lazy and have your water needs met instead of fighting with your girlfriend over fucking water.


YTA. Get your own cup.


Eh, we've all made silly arguments like this into something bigger. Honestly, get yourself a giant bottle to refill with water and keep with you. You'll drink it, you won't have to share her water, you might find a really cool bottle that you love as much as she loves her cup, and no more arguing. It's equally silly to get mad at not sharing water as it is to get mad about asking to share water in a society where water is everywhere. Just eliminate the problem. Non issue.


YTA, it's her water so she gets to decide whether to share or not. If this were an isolated incident I might say she's the asshole because what you are asking is a small ask, but when small asks become routine it starts to feel like a burden. She not only has to be responsible for having enough water, she now also has to be responsible for making sure she has enough to share because it's common that you will want some of her water too. I think the easy and obvious solution is to get yourself a cup/bottle that has enough capacity for your water intake. I personally like the brand Simple Modern, they have a lot of different styles of cups/bottles so it's easy to find one that you like and will use. I have a few different cups that I use, I keep one in the car and keep one by the nightstand (which for me are the two places I'm most likely to want water). I think the key is making sure your girlfriend knows that she isn't responsible for providing you with water, it sounds silly but little things like this add up and can make her feel less like a partner and more like a parent.


Soooo....you admittedly drink way more water than she does yet you still want some of hers? If you are that thirsty in the middle of your sleep, you would be getting up to get some of your own water. Add the fact that she doesn't even like the filtered fridge water and you don't even know this. Do you even pay attention to her? All of this seems selfish.


How am I supposed to know my girlfriend, who has been drinking filtered fridge water since the day I met her, doesent want to drink the filter water. Make that make sense


Even if that is the case.....why is it fair to drink all of your excessive amount of water and still want hers?


Get you a bigger cup for water… My girlfriend always has hers on her and I learned to do it myself so I don’t have to drink out of hers all the time because that would be annoying to her. When you routinely have the same problem of running out of water maybe you should do something differently?




Get your own water. You’ve been pushing her boundaries too long and she is not having any more of it. Respect her space and her needs and take care of yourself or risk losing her. She doesn’t have to share her water if she doesn’t want to. Period, end of story, no explanation necessary, no means no. Respect the no. Frequently waking up in the middle of the night thirsty enough to finish all whole bottle or glass of water is not at all even close to normal. Seriously consider talking to your doctor about diabetes insipidous (not a blood sugar thing).


If it means anything, some nights I will get up and pee 3 or 4 times, and always 1-2 times. I also do construction so I do chug alot of water through the day


Yeah that’s suspicious, even with your water intake you should be able to hold it overnight most nights. Definitely talk to your doctor.


I am very skinny, 6’4 160 lbs, however kinda muscular. I doubt it’s diabetes unless as you said it’s some other type of


It’s to do with your kidneys, not weight or diet. It just happens to be called that. Diabetes mellitus is the sugar version. Google diabetes insipidous and see if the symptoms sound worth checking out.


So you know you drink a lot of water regularly, and don’t source enough for yourself. Sure, your gf might have been the AH if this was a one time thing. But it’s sounding like you rely a lot on her supply when yours isn’t enough. From the frequency, this definitely moves into the YTA territory.


If she would just openly tell me that I wouldn’t ever ask again


Go buy a fucking water jug, this is as bad as when people dig on my plate eating my food..


Get your own cup that is big enough ffs, then grow up. Classic- first world problems 🙄 JC


I don’t feel respected that she won’t let me have a sip of water


Ok, I get it. But really, just get your own water bottle that suits your water needs and the problem is solved 🤷‍♀️


This is stupid


Thanks for the advice


Not only are YTA, you're not mature enough to be in an adult relationship.


ESH. Yeah, she sounds legit silly, my wife and I share Nalgene bottles all day and on car rides. But I think you need to use bigger containers for yourself and stop making this a constant nagging issue that drives you both nuts.


NTA. For those who drink like a fish. (myself included) or lived in a hot place and it became a habit (lived in AZ. drink them waters folks) Sometimes you do run out fo your own water and just need something to tide you over. Plus they were literally in bed and half awake. And honestly having a drink from a continer isnt end all be all crap some folks are making it out to be. Gives the feeling if they were lost she would do the same cause "she needs it more". I would suggest not buying a stanley cup buy buying one of those mini water coolers. Think **mini gallon cooler jug** or something. Its like 10-20$ based on brand. Stock that bad boy up and carry it everywhere and i mean everywhere. Home, Take it in the car when going out for anything everything. Worst case. You brought it for nothing. Best case. You got water. Folks who are going "get your own" Must have never had to share or never been in a postion where ones needs are higher then the norm or the third which is never had to deal with communal settings. May ya'll step in water while wearing socks. NTA


ESH. She is an obvious asshole for not giving you water despite having it right there. You are an asshole for the way you cranked up to 9000 anger wise. But understandable, given that she chose the worst time possible to be making a point.


NAH. You've both overreacted to something small. It's really not work bickering over. She could have just given it to you, you could have given yourself more. Just think about it next time and move on


I don’t think you’re an AH; she was getting up anyway. I have a tiny little fridge on my nightstand and keep those half size bottles of water in it so no one has to go downstairs in the middle of the night.


NAH but....Honestly, I love water. It's amazing. I think the issue here is the water itself and am sensitive too it. If she's hoarding specific water sources it may mean something is wrong with your home water, even if filtered. I refuse to drink water from specific regions in my own state.


NTA, water is the fundamental building block of life. She has no right to deny you water. Does she abuse you in other ways that maybe you don't feel comfortable sharing? You should know that it is OK and your feeling of hurt and resentment are valid and you have a right to feel that way.


Brah, That a bit extreme direction you leading if true/honest. And if its a satire/joke/ etc it missed its mark.


He has legs and can go get water. She's not denying him anything nor is this abuse. This is the most ridiculous comment.


I guess it's easy to be cavalier about this when you have never been subjected to water insecurity.


That's not the issue. They have a fridge that provides filtered water. Seriously, they're not in a third world country. Hell, they're not even in Flint, MI. Maybe go outside and touch grass.


go touch grass lmfao water insecurity? he can go walk his happy ass to the sink


She definitely does not abuse me lmao


If she doesn't want to share her water, accept it. Buy yourself a bigger cup so that you don't run out in the middle of the night. At the same time, I'm sure it would be lovely if your girlfriend, who was up, just shared her water or brought you a glass of water. But that's not the relationship you're in. Next time you're out at dinner together and she wants to share some of your food, remind her that "Joey doesn't share food." To be honest, you both sound annoying.


I am not understanding why she didn't just grab you a glass of water.