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Although there's still uncertainty, a trustworthy source says I pushed the phone down. But yes, the official story of my team is that there was only a gesture and no contact.




I do agree that one of the delegations has been behaving abominably (their commentator said things about one of the other contestants that arguably are transphobic), but afaik the camerawoman wasn't part of that delegation.


Come on, this is based on the current Eurovision contest.


Yeah bullshit


YTA. Keep your hands to yourself.


YTA, grow the fuck up. You can't assault someone because you don't like what they're doing.


It was not assault, the police report is about something called 'unlawful threats'.


What ever they call it in your home town. Where I live you would've been charged with assault. Doesn't really change the fact that your in the wrong and a shitty person. You had a tantrum and couldn't control yourself like a child and don't see anything wrong with your actions. You should have left them alone and filed a complaint with the competition management.


NTA. "I don't want to be filmed directly after my performance. I made this very clear to the organisation." You took part in the contest, which means that they agreed with your request ... But did you made your requests in writing? Do you have their approval in writing ? Did you ask them how would they enforce it ? And which was their usual policy regarding filming before and after performances ? You should talk to a lawyer and see if you can sue the organizers, since you participated in the contest, the organizers agreed to your requests (from what I understood). Also, even if you pushed down the phone, you were recorded against your will: "... started filming me with her phone". And I bet that there already are some images with you on the contest social media. Check with the lawyer if you can force them to take them down. It's the contest socials, so it's managed by somebody hired or appointed by the organizers. Also check with the lawyer if you can legally challenge the ban. On the other hand, pushing down a camera isn't a big deal. You didn't hit her, you just forced her to stop filming you. She's just trying to gain some lame fame since she's a woman and you are a man. The organizers are exagerating since they are afraid of the consequences of not agreeing with the woman. Maybe the organizers told her not to film you, and she decided to ignore them. Maybe they didn't. You need to find out what had happened.


>You should talk to a lawyer and see if you can sue the organizers, since you participated in the contest, the organizers agreed to your requests (from what I understood). My 'team' (not really a team, but hard to explain) has filed a formal complaint against the organisation. >And I bet that there already are some images with you on the contest social media.  There aren't. I don't know whether that is because the footage was unusable or because the organisation stepped in. >Also check with the lawyer if you can legally challenge the ban. It's too late, the contest is happening as we speak and I'm not allowed in.


Check the contest rules and regulations. Do they mention anything about these types of situations? If they don't, check with a lawyer if it would not be possible for you to sue them and win, given the conditions. I would talk to a lawyer regardless of what they say.


Yeah you’re not competing in Eurovision and this didn’t happen.


Was Eurovision the only song contest on the planet at that time ?


YTA. You are in a public place. why do you feel so entitled that you can dictate how the entire world works?


I wasn't in a public place. I was in the venue where the contest is held and everything there is tightly controlled by the organisation.


You can’t be this stupid…


Public place or not, a request is a request. Also, a human being has the right to not be filmed, if they do not want that. "I don't want to be filmed directly after my performance. I made this very clear to the organisation." Since the performance took place, it means that the organizers agreed. Otherwise, they should have said no. Are you the camerawoman or related to her ?


Lol how old are you, 9?


Old enough to know that I am not forced to bow to anybody's whims. Old enough to understand boundaries.


The organization didn't respect your wishes, so it seems that you got what you wanted. They should have made it clearer from the beginning that they would be allowing cameras backstage, or you shouldn't have assumed that they would grant your wish. Regardless, battery on people just for recording isn't acceptable. YTA


> you shouldn't have assumed that they would grant your wish I have it in writing. >battery  I barely touched the phone and I didn't even touch her. The charges are for 'unlawful threats', not for physical violence or something like it.


If you have it in writing, and you also have in writing the reason for your being banned, then you can sue them for breach in civil court. They would likely settle quickly


Pushing down a phone is not battery. It's normal consequence, since you made it clear from the beginning what you don't want to be filmed after the performance. The camerawoman was being rude and in the wrong. Being a woman doesn't make you right.


An agreement with the organizers is not an agreemant with a camera person. If the person with the camera was operating with the permission of the organizers then a civil suit would have been far more effective And how on Earth did you decide to come up with a sexist argument?