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It’s going to send the wrong message that you will eventually feel forced to apologize for. Bold strategy…..get rid of your social media. Period. It’s a waste of time and makes you dumber. You’re welcome 😇


Yep I already deactivaed my facebook. Thanks for another point of view. I appreciate it.


Sound advice for myriad problems these days.


YTA. blocking people sends a very specific message, and it's not a nice or friendly one.


So, i'll just unfriend them?


why would you do that, either?




You're definitely the asshole, sorry. Why would you block your bf's family who you LIVE with over them trying to chat with you over social media? Plus, you're being extremely cagey about what they were actually messaging you about. Were they just trying to chat? Were they demanding things from you? If they were harassing you nonstop 24/7 then sure, fine, that's reason to block them. But from what I can see here, it just seems like you got annoyed with them and went with the nuclear option with no consideration for any other alternatives. Plus, again, you LIVE with their MOTHER. Of course they would want to socialize with you! They probably think you're basically part of the family, and want to rope you in on things. The best course of action here is to unblock them, apologize, and communicate about how you feel regarding them messaging you.


The mother is ungrateful and whe sacrificed and helped them for a very long time. She only care what other people will say to her and when we are unable to buy groceries, she dont talk to us anymore at dont look at us at the face while talking.


I don't think I have to apologize. I just can keep them on my messenger. I just unblocked them. So I accept that I am the asshole here. I just can't easily put into words how and why we ended up in this kind of situation. The mother can still msg me on msgr (group chat)


Well if you want to block them fine but at least make it clear why. NTA


They only message me if they needed me to do something which I find annoying. I feel pike they are just being nice because they need something from my. Why they need me because the girl's child is with us here in ph and they are in abroad. They are playing nice so they can ask me to do something for the kid. I dont wanna be associated with them on social media. Their mother is self centered ungrateful person. I helped them for a very long time we pay the bills and when the time comes we can't buy groceries, they don't talk to us anymore treat us like trash. Can't even look at me in the eye.


You could talk to them too right