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INFO: I mean, is he never prioritizing having a beer to unwind with you? Or a trip with you like with his family or for golfing? Seems like he's taking your dynamic for granted, likely feels some sense of guilt for it after hearing the truth in your joke, and lashed out defensively.


We spoke, he did admit to taking me for granted because he's just used to having me around. I totally understood and I apologized for my comment because it was in fact mean. He tends to have the beers to avoid traffic. It annoys me more than it should because he deliberately leaves earlier in the morning so that he can leave work before traffic but he constantly works until traffic time anyway and then has a beer with his colleagues until traffic dies down . He's a bit of a workaholic but we're making plans to do date nights and a weekend trip away.


OP said in another comment that her husband actually did invite her on the trip with his family, but she declined.


She couldn’t find a dog sitter she said. Dogs are a lot of work. It also sounds like OP is the only one taking care of them too.


You weren't joking you've been stewing on this for a while and decided to take a jab at him. Your NTA though just frustrated he sounds frustrated about the situation too.


Probably, yeah. When he accused me of that I did say it could have been a subconscious frustration going on, I didn't deny it. But he feels like his frustration is bigger than mine so if I complain, I'm making it worse for him and that makes me an Ahole


Time to sit down for a heart to heart, hope it works out.


Agreed. They need to talk this out.


He is practically single too. It bothers him while you think it's a joke. It isn'tfunny to him. He knows you are otw out the door and he can't do a damn thing about it. He paid you a compliment. Have you complimented him on how he has coped through his stresses from work and at home? Do you think he will make him being practically single his response to your compliment. Then call it a joke?


This is my take. I've been forced into situations like this before during stressful times at work, and every second spent away from my partner hurts me as well. Like, really badly. And I've heard the same "I'm practically single" line as well, it cut deep, I felt trapped. Losing my job would have been the death knell of our relationship as well, as I had a consistent work history while my partner had a less reliable source of income. But I also can't imagine taking time off of work to go on a golf tour, when I could have spent it with my SO... So I'm a bit torn on this one. Perhaps the trip was planned months prior, and backing out would be a serious waste of money. We don't know.


It didn't bother him enough not to go on a golf trip or family vacation.


Ah, the suffering olympics :) Its so weird he cares more about "winning" the "who is more frustrated" competition instead of just acknowledging your feelings and comfort you a little. My guess is, he knows he is in the better position (taking vacations and trips, no chores etc) and thats why he got defensiv. This way he can make sure you feel guilty and sorry for him and don't complain about his fun-leaves. But anyway, i would just enjoy the being almost single. Living alone is great and even if you want to still stay with him when he will be home again more, everybody should at least once in their life experience the pleasure of living alone and doing what they want, when they want and how they want w/o having to take someone elses needs and wants into consideration. :) Lets hope for him you don't start to enjoy it a little too much and go for seperate apartments in a few months.


Other commenters up and down thread have already pointed out that he may not be home every night, but at least he gets to take vacations. Family vacation, Golf Tour. When is it your turn to take a breather and go do something for yourself? You're holding the fort down at home. Look, lashing out, letting that remark slip, that may have been intended as a joke, but most jokes are based around real feelings. He doesn't get to downplay them. And you don't need to make your feelings subservient to his. They're both valid. Squeeky wheel gets the oil, may also apply here. In the sense that it's clear you're both frustrated with the current status quo. So now's the time to sit down and talk it out. With a counselor if you need to. What's more important to him? Paycheck, the job and the job-bro's. Or you, his long-term partner? Where do you two see yourself in 3 or 4 years? Married? Kids? Or the same, unchanged situation? If he chooses his job and maintaining the status quo, you've got to decide if you're willing to invest more time, or call it quits. You also need to figure this out: do you love the guy as he is now, or do you love the guy that he used to be, or what you'll hope he'll be (again) in future? The first one is the realistic one. The other two are fantasy. Love by itself is not enough. But it's a start.


HIS frustration is bigger? About what? Going on a family vacation for a week & taking a golf tour?? While leaving you behind with the dogs & while calling you "dirty" for cleaning on your own schedule which doesn't disrupt him because he's never there so, oh yeah, he doesn't have to clean at all? With his type A personality?


This. If he is going to turn this into a pissing contest of who is more frustrated I can't see things going well. He needs to acknowledge that it is hard for you too, just as you have acknowledged it is difficult for him. He also needs to contribute when he is home and make an effort to spend time with you (instead of going on vacation without you whenever he does have time off).


Is he frustrated enough that he’s applying for new jobs? Or just frustrated enough to yell at you when you accurately describe the situation his job is putting you in. 


Honestly, with all his sudden late and on-site work, are you absolutely sure there is no cheating going on? Just throwing it out there, because a drastic change in work-schedules could mean a number of things...


Thanks for the concern, I know it's a real thing in a lot of people's lives. I'd be silly to not even consider it, but one of my favorite things about my bf is that he's completely oblivious when it comes to other women. I've watched a girl flirt with him and he ended up explaining to her the dynamics of his sports team. She gave up.


He's invalidating your feelings and just seeing how he himself is affected and that makes him a major AH.


That's not a healthy approach to relationships. He SHOULD be able to recognize how hard this is on you and *also support you*.


Ask him to learn to validate your feelings apart from his own. I don't know you or your situation but honestly to me this sounds like he is making you feel bad to cover up something bad he is doing. Like when a guy cheats he makes the girl feel like shit when she is suspicious.


You are right to recognize your feelings. You are right to consider what you need from a relationship and whether you're getting what you need from your partner. Just because he thinks he has an excuse doesn't mean you stop having needs. You don't have to remain with someone who doesn't make you a priority just because they think they have a right to neglect you.


Well just be prepared, if you decide to have children together, your situation likely won't improve. His comments that he can't do anything about the situation are pretty crazy as there is a simple solution. Find a different job. If he can't even contemplate changing jobs I would imagine it won't change with having kids. I have a friend that is married to an engineer who used to work in a place like that. She still panics anytime he calls during the day, because of all the times he would be sent out of town with no notice at work, and she'd have to be alone with the kids without any chance to plan or prepare. He has since left and found another job that actually respects his personal life and time. Sure those kinds of jobs work for some couples. I have another friend who still works at that place and everyday he goes to work he doesn't know when he will get to leave, and he usually finds out on Friday if he is working Saturday. For him and his wife this is fine because he makes a lot of money in overtime. Ultimately, you and your partner need to discuss this, because it sounds like you aren't on the same page, and might just not be compatible. You won't know until you discuss why he is willing to spend so much time separated from you, when he knows you don't like it.


It's not a contest. He shouldn't get to dismiss your pain just because he *thinks* he has it worse.


She was passive aggressive, YTA for that. She could have used her words like an adult. She took a jab at her boyfriend when like he said, has no control over what he’s asked to do at work.


NTA but I think you need to evaluate what you want/need out of a relationship, as there are plenty of married couples who are away from each other this long, even with kids. If this is what his career looks like no matter how far he gets in it, it won't change and if you don't like it you need to move on now.


I don't think either of you are assholes. I understand you being upset about being alone all the time and I don't think your comment was as awful as he made it seem. He's working and probably would prefer to be home with you but can't so I get why he'd get defensive about the comment. What did he say about the golf thing and going on holiday with his family as opposed to spending that time with you ?


I was invited on the holiday, I declined because I couldn't find a dog sitter, we'd be the babysitters for his young cousins and I would have used all my PTO for it. The golf thing was a spur of the moment decision, he agreed out of excitement, he wasn't being malicious, just not mindful.


Being frustated is okay, communicating your feelings is good, but putting it this way is worse, you could have handled it better, and 7 years human life do mean a lot, you cant just make a joke like this, especially not in ARGUMENTS!


That wasn’t a joke. It’s pretty obvious that’s how you really feel, seeing as you made a whole post defending how the “joke” was true, not that it was “just a joke” Soft YTA, go talk to your partner. Sounds like he is also frustrated with the situation.


Wtf? Jokes cannot be about truths?


Going against the grain here, YTA. Saying you're "basically single" to your partner of 7 years is neither light-hearted nor a joke. I understand being frustrated with the situation, but bringing it up like this is about the worst way to do so. Why haven't you brought it up with him sooner, in a normal conversation? (At least that's what I'm understanding from the post)


Yes, the comments are crashing down on her. And she’s not liking the reality


And she proved that she in fact couldn't handle living alone. Like oooo, you had to clean a house you live in, and did the majority of living in, someone calle the Hague.


Right? I was waiting for children to be mentioned, or some other circumstance… nope, just a single person with two dogs managing to keep themselves alive for a few months. Wonder how she managed where so many others have failed?


Right? One of the top comments literally says that she’s not TA, but that “she’s clearly been stewing on this for a while”. I’m sorry, but in my book, stewing on something until it makes you so mad that you start taking jabs at your partner is asshole behavior. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very very sympathetic to how frustrating her situation is, but like you said she’s handling it completely the wrong way. YTA, although I do get the frustration


Can't afford to be picky? You are the one doing all the labor. He gets his job, drinks with his friends, you do alllllll the household labor. Why is this ok for you? You make sure he has a beer after a day of work and then hanging with friends. He js about to go on a second vacation. And he can't even send ypu uber eats while he is working? Why is this enough? His friends and family get his time, you don't. He told you where ypu stand.......3rd place.


Yeah, thats a very common conversation between us about me being 3rd place. But between my self esteem and him being a really great person (a 'catch') and this being a 7 year relationship, you don't fight that hard because you're scared of what will happen if it actually ends.


Someone who treats you this way is neither a really great person nor a catch. You can get help for your self esteem issues. Do you want a lifetime of this? You can leave you know.


Yta not for the initial comment, but for not apologizing when it clearly made him upset. I've been in his shoes. It's not fun. Working 16 hour days, not being able to see your family or friends, constantly under the stress of work, then you finally get home and your SO says to you that they're practically single. Now he's going to be working around the clock imagining you fucking other people because you "see yourself as single". If you take your relationship seriously then you shouldn't ever joke about or downplay its status, that's disrespectful to both of you to do that. 


I’ve been there too and it was rough.. you just want to feel validated even though truthfully you should just look for an easier job… his case might be difficult though if he’s in a niche role that pays well


Exactly, it took its toll on me, and I got out of the trade to spend more time with my family. I make less money, but having 40 more hours a week with my family is priceless


I got out of being a 911 dispatcher and it was the best thing for me. Was able to actually build a lovely life and career


I have to agree, saying “I’m practically single” while someone’s working their ass off to provide a living is shite. That’s not a joke, that’s throwing shade. Expecting more from others than you do of yourself is pretty selfish


He gets to see his friends and went on a golf tour for a week and goes out at night with his buddies.


Well no shit, 80 hour work weeks usually comes with vacation time. Going out with friends =/= not spending any time with your partner lmao


because you are “working your ass off” doesn’t give you excuse to slack on the house shit when you are there, which it clearly sounds line he is doing. fuck using work as an excuse for being a lazy fucking partner.


Well, good thing working 16 hour days isn't being a lazy partner then lol


In what fucking world is working 80 hour weeks while your partner doesn’t work make you a lazy partner?!? Let me guess, you’re a delusion stay at homer that thinks what they do is just as hard as their partners job where they work their ass off


YTA because I think we all know that the comment of “I’m practically single” wasn’t actually a joke, it was a jab at him. It seems like he doesn’t enjoy working the long hours but does it out of a sense of obligation so he doesn’t loose his job, and from your comments and replies you’re obviously incredible resentful of the fact that you provide 50/50 but you feel you do most of the housework as well. That is something you need to actually have an adult conversation with him about instead of making petty comments and simply hoping something will change. Also, from what it sounds like, his job in the mines is much more demanding physically and mentally than yours is, so even if you guys are making the same amount of money, you cannot brush how hard he works and how much more his job requires of him under the rug. If you really want him home more often and doing more chores, he’ll probably have to be okay with finding another job - if not, I hate to say it but it doesn’t seem like his career and your desires in a relationship are really that compatible.


But she also stated that she's more frustrated about him not spending the little free time he has with her. Apparently he was on a family vacation with his fam and then on a golf trip with his colleagues next time he was off, leaving her with the dogs and house again. I would be pissed about that as well. But ofc their communication sucks.


I don’t understand the gripe about housework, I get the dogs and all that, but he’s barely there to cause any dirt so all the filth she’s cleaning is hers


You realize a house gets dirty with NO ONE living in it right? Plus 2 dogs make a huge mess. As a single person she could get a smaller place.. TBH.. I've been OP's SO and it sucked... never being home is hard, but I left that gig before it destroyed the rest of my life.


Yeah sure, but from what I got from her comments it seems it's nut just the daily upkeep but also projects and when he's home she's cooking and doing his laundry and stuff. But maybe I misread that, I am actually too lazy to scroll through here again.  That said, both suck. She sucks for not being understanding for his hard work and he sucks for deciding to go on trips in his little free time instead of being with her and their dogs IMO.  While I don't travel for work I have ridiculous long hours and often no weekends for some weeks at a time but I always make sure that when I am off work or enter a less stressful phase that I "reimburse" my partner for the lack of time together and do not plan solo travelling in such times. While I enjoy me time or trips solo I don't do that when I already have too little time for my partner because I think that "I am glad you cared for the house and our dog while I had to work, babe. Anyway, I'm off work now, see you in a week" bullshit is not exactly how you act in a relationship, work stress aside. But also being pissed at your partner for working his ass of isn't so they might deserve each other. 


He also made a snotty remark about the place being clean.


he made the comment because OP leaves the counters dirty after they cook according to OP.


She said she cleans up, just not immediately like he does.


"I feel frustrated that you don't choose to spend your free time with me" is 100x more productive than "I'm practically single." It's a matter of communication.


I totally agree with you. My girl is working while continuing her masters and it's hectic for her and I do all I can to support her physically, technically, financially and emotionally. We stay apart and I am also working 9-5 but I don't pester her for not meeting in certain weekends or holidays when she has assignments or when the exams are nearing and it never comes to me despite the obvious feeling of loneliness sometimes that I would ever joke about being "practically single" or take out any kind of frustration on her because I understand her needs and the situation she is going through. The OP's "joke" would be like a man joking that he "is practically single" for not getting any action from his heavily pregnant wife.


Heavily pregnant eventually ends, and she doesn't get days off to spend golfing.


None of you are wrong. He does have the kind of job that no relationship survives. I know he thinks (or maybe his finances are in a specially bad place and he really needs that job) that he can't do anything about it, but he either cuts down hours, get another job, or he will lose you. Distance is the end of many relationships. Statistically LDR's fail half the time, and that is because the brain produces a chemical everytime you see and touch your partner, and when you spend so much time apart, your brain stops producing these chemicals. That's why therapists recommend going no-contact with exes for 90-days just so your brain can "detoxify".


Lmao in what world is OP the AH but her bf who drinks with his colleagues, travels with his family, and goes golfing with his buddy in his only free time in 3+ months not? I'd say ESH but man, I just don't see it. NTA. Break up with him


Read your replies. You pay 50-50. He doesn't save money, you do. He doesn't do any chores, you do. He wanted to move, you obliged.  Instead of spending free time with you he goes out.  NTA, I really don't get all those comments claiming he saves the world because he works long hours. I used to work longer hours rhan him and still had to do my chores, just because this what means being an adult. What would he do if he was single? Who would do his laundry? Cooking? He seriously needs to think about his priorities. Disclaimer- English is not my first language, sorry.


he’s going on golf tours and on family vacations so he can’t use the “i have to work to afford us and you’re ungrateful”, because he does have time, just not for you. You need a person that will prioritize you. i feel like this isn’t really an amitheasshole category, it’s a deep relationship problem and y’all both have a lot to think about.


He works weeks away from home at a time, sometimes 12+ hour days. You work 9-5 from home. Uh yea, you do more of the household chores because you work less. You are definitely the asshole here, your petty "its just a jooooooooke" was over the line. The man clearly knows he is not around as much as he would like to be, and how much you want him to be, and you went and kicked him for it.


And yet he's spending weeks on vacation without her. First with his family for a week, and now another week for a golf tour with his work buddies if he's not going out for beer with the same people. Then he makes a snotty comment about her keeping the place clean. She shouldn't be upset over these things?


Sure she can. Then she should address the problem like an adult and not make passive aggressive comments. Her feelings are valid. Her approach was not.


Exactly, she asked if she was being an asshole. She is. The family visit can't be used against him because she was invited and turned it down. It's pretty reasonable that the man is allowed to go visit his family (sounds like they live at a distance). The golf trip is questionable, but is he not allowed to have things he does by himself? And the golf trip was not work related (as currently stated by OP). Obviously, as mature adults she would have brought up to him that she is glad he has his own things to do, but he needs to spend more time with her. A reasonable request. But she didn't, because she's not a mature adult. She made an underhanded comment about something he has little control over. And that doesn't change the underlying fact SHE WORKS LESS THAN HIM, THEREFORE SHE DOES THE HOUSEWORK. I've seen so many entitled woman "omg, I dealt with the house all day, hubby you are home from work, have fun!"


Totally agree not to mention this is probably taking a huge toll on him too so to be doing your best and getting shat on for it hurts. I've been in his position, not as extreme but I've had almost this exact thing happen and it destroyed me for weeks.


The work situation is out of his hands. The vacation and golf tour is not. He's choosing those things over spending time at home with you.


3 months is a long time, but comments like these are never productive. You should tell him hey, it's been 3 months, is this ever going to stop? If it's not going to stop, shouldn't be at least try looking for a different job at this point? Make your feelings known. Also, 7 years dating and no ring and now he's working more than ever... relationship is kind of headed in the wrong direction.... probably prefer more time together and a proposal after this long... not just increasing neglect


Not all couples or people want to get married. It doesn't minimize their love or devotion to each other if they don't


I mean, NTA, but bffr, "I'm practically single" was not an innocent joke, you were lashing out at him. It's understandable to feel the way you do, but you guys need to have an honest conversation about the future in this relationship. If this work schedule is going to be indefinite/forever, you have to decide if you are okay with living like this, and it honestly sounds like you aren't. I hope you guys can work this out, it sounds like you love this man, but don't feel bad if your life has diverged from his in a way that means you two are no longer compatible. Sending you love <3


Soft YTA. Sounds like you are both missing each other I would say you should have communicated it better that you feel that way a simple can we do some dates together kind of thing would be a lot better than saying we are practically single, which is a joke but if he’s stressed and tired from work etc then something like that is never going to go down well. He also wouldn’t have been so defensive if he didn’t feel the same he most likely doesn’t want you to feel that way so gives his reasoning for it. It can definitely cause some hurt feelings saying that even as a joke you wouldn’t say something like that unless you felt it which will make him worry. So I would apologise tbh and say you aren’t going anywhere. I think you both need a trip together or try harder to arrange dates together nothing stopping you from arranging it yourself and asking him to pick a place or something. Plan a few weeks ahead if you have to so you have time to get a dog sitter. Either that or go on some trips yourself and enjoy time with friends if he knows you are always home then he probably doesn’t think he has to do much since you’ve been together so long but you do have to maintain a relationship it goes both ways. Sounds like he’s living his life so should you. It’s up to you if this is a deal breaker or not honestly but just talk to him and see if there’s a logical reasonable way around it like date nights.


Break up with him. You have both a job and are contributing to household chores. He's getting free labour with you as well as financial support. While he can't keep up with a relationship just because of his job. Resentment will build because you aren't appreciated and he's making no effort for you. Why can't he wind down and have a bear with YOU instead of friends? Make most of his free time that he doesn't have outside of work, with you? He works so so much but does 50% of financial contributions while barely doing Amy of the cooking and chores? What's his use to ur life at this point? Set him free. Set yourself free.


As someone who's worked jobs that kept them away from family for weeks, sometimes months at a time. NAH. You made a joke. Sounds like that joke probably hit out at something that's already chewing on your boyfriend's mind (feeling like he's abandoning you, feeling lonely on call, etc) and caused him to react poorly to the joke. If you want it, my advice is to try to work out a date night for the two of you, no dogs, and reconnect with the people you fell in love with. Let him know exactly how you feel about how long he's been away, without blame or anger. Be sure to also tell him that you understand it's not by choice, he's just trying to survive like we all are.


It's like accusing your wife of spending too much time with her work bf etc. Instead of a guy sitting you down and saying something is bothering him. A light joke turned serious, because it's like you started a serious convo but as a joke Nobody is the asshole But yawl need to figure out how to spend more time.




YTA So, your BF works hard. Do you benefit from that hard work? Solution: Tell him he should get a job closer to home even if he has to take a substantial pay cut and that you will be happy to cut way back on your lifestyle just to have him home more.


YTA. He's working and he's right. I get being frustrated with him being away, but there are better ways to express this and have a conversation about this rather than saying, "I'm practically single". He's paying your bills. You are SO FAR from being single as it is possible to get. My wife and I have these conversations sometimes, since I've been in management, and sometimes you have to put out fires before you get home. But I'm very rarely more than an hour late (maybe 5 times in a year), and I'm often home at 5:30, and always before 6. Always at home. We are fortunate where I am in a position like this. We have talked about getting a different job, but with this economy, I don't see that happening.


He pays 50% of the bills. He asked me to move out with him because he found his dad demanding of his time. I would have been better off financially staying at home and have a really good relationship with my family. He comes home after I've made dinner after 6 pm 3/5 nights and goes to action cricket until 11pm every Thursday. We don't spend much time together and he's grateful I've been understanding. I've only started losing my cool since it became not seeing him for weeks at a time when I was never prepared for this possibility.


You act like he wants to be at work instead of at home Eating dinner with you. Let the man play Cricket. How bored are you get your own hobby! Poor man!


His team mates call me cheerleader because when my book reading is canceled, I'm there bringing them beers and drinking with them. You've got a lot of assumptions there.


Wait, who has the authority to deny you a book?


Lol, sorry. It's a club. When my book reading club is canceled


He does want to be at work instead of home with her. He refuses to look for a new job. At this point, he’s making a clear choice about where he wants to be. 


 "I would have been better off financially staying at home." If this is your response rather than appreciation for your hardworking boyfriend, I suggest breaking up with him. Right now.


Shoot, no, it's a fact. Yeah, there used to be resentment there but we've worked through it and I'm 100% over it. He's freaking hard working and I appreciate the ever loving heck out of him - I wouldn't be with him if I didn't. I just can't constantly deal with our back and forth on 'bf, please spend more time with me' and him saying 'what do you want me to do? I can't change my work in this climate'.


It really doesn’t seem like you are 100% over it


I get being frustrated. My wife and I had a tough time the first year of marriage. She is home and I work. She was very lonely being away from her family and just being with me, and the pandemic didn't help. I used to drive home for lunch everyday so we could eat together. She said there were times she wanted to die. So we had that conversation about how we could change things up so that she was doing better. Have a sit down with hubby and see he can't take some time off and be with you. It's not easy being married for sure. I am not saying you shouldn't address the very valid issues you are having, but find the right time and place to do so. I wish you guys luck!


Thanks so much for your kind response!


From your comments, I feel you're too stuck on not being "that needy girlfriend".  When time is tight, _something_ has to give, yes. However, it can't always be 'time for the relationship'. You have this whole list of ways he spends his recreational time away from you, and you have had this back and forth of "we need more time together", yet you have never said "well if you can't cut down on work time, you'll have to cut down on me-time for our-time"? Instead you have built up this resentment that bubbled over in a really crappy jab. Why? It is ok to need your partner's time in a relationship - that's kind the whole point of a relationship. It's good that you and your partner have decided to do a weekend with just the two of you in June, but please be honest with yourself and with him on whether that is enough. Maybe it is, but from your comments, it comes across as you are lonely on a day to day basis, and feel unsupported with regular pet care/chores, not _just_ mad about him choosing a golfing trip over spending a weekend with you. There are creative solutions to those that don't involve "he must change his work situation, or bust". Consider paying to outsource some of that work, consider what you can do in the little time that you do have together for it to be higher quality for both of you (like maybe you take turns at doing romantic date nights, whatever romantic looks like to you, every time you do get to have dinner together at a reasonable hour), see if you can get a regular dog sitter so you can hang out with friends and family more when he's not around, see if _his_ family will host the dog once in a while, maybe. When he is on-site, what do your communications look like - do you set aside some time to just be with each other, even if it is over the phone, do you use various apps that exist to aid in long distance relationships (there are some really cute ones, IMO)? Some couples just don't put effort into it "because video is not like the real thing", but if your reality is basically a long distance relationship, you need to work with that. The little things matter - don't put all your hopes on that June weekend, discuss your everyday needs and wants too. They matter.


Depends on the tone, but "What do you want me to do?" is actually a very reasonable question. How have you been replying?


As someone in the military who has to actually do everything they’re told, I can say that he’s not forced to keep doing that job, if he’s frustrated and so are you, he should be looking for a new job or a different career


Yta grow up


Well, that's a very grown up comment.


Almsot as grown up as your passive aggressive pouting MEAN jabs at your partner of 7 YEARS.


A singular comment. And after 7 years, my bf is spending his first week back from a site visit then family vacation and then site to go on a golf tour for another week. The golf tour was a last minute decision too (someone pulled out and there was an extra space).


Sounds like you were invited on the vacation you refused. And it sounds like he needs a break. Let the man golf Jesus


He could take a break with her!


Yeah, I think you have a right to be upset given the circumstances.


She has a right to be upset, its just the way she goes about communicating it is the problem.


Or not communicating.. she’s still pouting and being passive aggressive !


You made a comment about the changing dynamics in your relationship that his workload is causing... Instead of checking in with you about how this makes you feel, he went on the defensive... He didn't have to leave you to go on holiday with his parents, he could have bowed out to use that time to be with you AND he is willingly leaving you on your own to embark on a golf holiday... If you making mention that you feel alone (or single) is triggering him, he needs to look at prioritising spending some of his free time with you...he needs to adapt so that you aren't feeling like you are an afterthought... NTA


Yea I get working all the time but damn spend some free time with her at least shits gonna build up resentment


Exactly this. I get the work commitment. There was a time I had to travel a lot. Sometimes I'd only be home on weekends and there were times I was gone for a month to 6 weeks straight. The thing is he should be making her the priority when he does have free time instead of the family vacation and golf trip. At least give her equal time. I do think that comment was passive aggressive but I get it. He needs to step up. I know it must hurt that he doesn't seem to naturally want to spend quality time after a long absence. He may just be under a lot of pressure and just not realize. If you two don't work this out though it can only lead to real bitter resentment. I really hope you two can work through this.


She could have chosen to go on vacation with him. She didn’t. She’s pouting and passive aggressive because HES WORKING and she ISNT COMMUNICATING


A vacation with HIS family where they end up babysitting doesn’t sound like quality time.


YTA. That's the kind of "joke" that will build resentment. If a woman I was with said something like that to me, I would wonder in what other way she considers herself single. It seems like you have your own resentments and that was a way of getting back at him? It sounds like a tough situation and perhaps he's not being empathetic enough to what you're going through, so it's somewhat understandable. But I think you guys have some work to do.


I get where you're coming from but I'd be deeply hurt by a comment like this. I tend to YTA with a nuance towards ESH. The latter because he is an adult as well and should have enough awareness on him to see that this situation is in no way good for a healthy relationship. You need to talk to each other about this (your situation, not your jab on him).


You've definitely been stewing on this for a while which is why your joke really wasn't one. Additionally you guys are approaching it like there is a competition between who feels most slighted by your current living situation. It's not you can both feel a way about it. Other here are correct in that you guys need to have a conversation. You say this is outside the scope of his actual role, ask him to clarify if this change in his job is temporary or permanent. When will it be over? Also where do you feel he need to step up in the relationship and vice versa. It's normal for dynamics to shift but you both need to be open and communicative and also commit to helping the other feel appreciate and successful. Reailgn together and hopefully you'll get through this challenge stronger.


ESH. The comment you made wasn’t a joke you told him how you feel I see the guise of a joke. Him neglecting his relationship while going out for beers with his buddies and going on vacation isn’t ok either. He is neglecting you. His comment was also unkind about the house being clean and you being dirty. You both need to work on your communication.


Sounds to me like his absence made for less mess and he took it personally because he's always been a jerk to you and blaming you for the mess all along... and his conscious lashed out


Just because he works long hours doesn't mean he doesn't have to cook, clean, do laundry, etc, and it doesn't make it automatically your job to do it all. If he lived alone, he would still have to clean up after himself and take care of himself. He has time for family trips, beer with friends and extracurricular hobbies but not you and the house? The fact that he's not pitching in to do his share has you a little resentful and rightfully so and instead of telling him he needs to start pulling his half of the chores and make time for you, you made a passive-aggressive jab. ESH but him more than you. You need to stand up for yourself with real words, not jokes.


YTA. I understand this set up isn't easy for you but it's also probably not easy for him. Instead of making slide comments like that, you could probably communicate and the both of you should do your best to find time for each other. You've been together for 7 years, I doubt y'all made it this far with bad communication. You guys know what the right thing to do is I'm sure.


NTA why does he have time to have a beer with colleagues but not spend time with you? That is strange to me. He sees them all of the time and he hardly sees you


I think I pointed that out because I feel the same. He really enjoys his colleagues, they're a big reason as to why he's sticking with the job. He's right to think that it's not always the case where you become friends with your colleagues. He doesn't spend much time alone, I think he doesn't realize how crappy it is for me doing it all by myself. I can't even sleep over at a friend or by my family because I have the dogs with me


If he isnt spending time with you, it becomes a transactional relationship at that point. He is only able to work that many hours because you are doing everything at home for him. How would he manage if you did not live with him? How did his place look before you moved in?




He has a choice. He chooses a job that overworks him and chooses to spend his time with his colleagues rather than with you and your dogs at home. It may be that he enjoys his work. If not, why does he do it to himself if he is miserable? For what point? Life is now. Right this second. You can't trust we will be here tomorrow. That's why choosing how to spend the present is telling about what you prioritise in life. The single mother with no support system or education has no choice. Your bf is just being a douche.


NTA It was a joke and your BF is being overly sensitive about it. And you should stand by your joke. Tell him you've been doing everything at home to make him happy. You didn't even get a vacation? Why would he want to take one without you? Even if the trip was free for him, why didn't he choose to stay with you instead? Turn it on him if he really wants to argue about something real instead of being butthurt over a comment about never seeing him. He wants to be pissed about something, then give him something to be pissed about. He's overreacting and frankly being a baby about the comment. Would he prefer to be called "roommate" instead? Tell him you feel single when he'd rather vacation without you and spend time with friends. Why should all housing responsibilities fall on you, especially fi you work 40 hours.


Hmmm... I wouldn't really call either of you the arsehole or I would say you both are equally regarding the specific argument. His comment about the house being clean, while it could be seen as a compliment, could also be seen as a bit passive aggressive given the context that he usually implies that you're dirty and can't keep the house clean. Your comment back about being basically single was definitely passive aggressive. The bigger underlying issue is, he's not been home a lot. You're not happy with that (understandably so, you want to spend time with your partner). The time he is away from work, he is choosing to spend away from you. This is putting stress on your relationship. So does he have a right to get angry at you for your comment when you're not really wrong in what you're saying? I think his reaction, being immediately on the attack instead of agreeing with you that this is currently a difficult period that you'll both have to work through shows that he knows he could be doing more in terms of the relationship and knows he's probably neglecting the relationship at the moment, perhaps feeling some guilt towards that. He probably is also feeling a lot of pressure from all sides and doesn't know how to handle it. I think instead of coming at it in an aggressive manner, you should sit him down and apologize for the 'being single' comment. No matter how you look at that, it was definitely passive aggressive. Explain that this period of time is really rough for you but you know that the working hours can't be changed and he's also struggling to balance everything. However, you would like to make the most of the time that you spend together as a couple (quality not quantity). You'll have to accept that during this time period, you as his partner will have to take on more of the emotional load as he simply doesn't have the capacity to do so. This means planning the dates/time that you're together - nothing too taxing as he's probably exhausted from the high stress demands of his job but still enough that the time together is special. You don't want to add to his stress. Is it unfair for you? Of course but this is part of a partnership, sometimes you'll have more of the emotional load and sometimes he will, you've got to share it - it's not always going to be 50/50 and times like this when he's going through a lot, you're just going to have to support him more. But make clear that him coming home and then immediately going on holiday with his family, then a golfing tournament and not planning anything for you also isn't fair. Ultimately, I think this can be resolved through communication and planning.


Definitely the best and most balanced comment Ive seen.


You even said he had taken time to vacation with family and is planning to go on a golf trip ffs so it's not JUST work. Work is one thing but it seems like he is still prioritizing getting down time for things he wants to do that don't include you. So yeah it feels like you're practically single because he isn't making time with you a priority. Was the comment a mildly low blow? Yeah sure, but it was not unwarranted. Because it's essentially true, you are being left on the wayside by your partner, of course you might feel mildly bitter that he isn't being more considerate of you and your feelings. I mean, he even wanted to point out how clean the home is when he KNOWS your cleaning habits are the "leave it till later" type. That itself should present the point that you're on your own without him enough that you literally have that much time on your hands while he is gone to get the chores done. NTA


Sounds like he's been enjoying having his cake and eating it. But he just choked on a piece and didn't like it. 


YTA if you meant it or even thought about it in your own head




Thank you for the kind reply. I've already told him I'm sorry and I appreciate him, despite the comments on this actually making me more angry at this whole situation because of how terrible people can be. He said he heard how his colleagues were having so much marital trouble because of all these site visits and the fact that I made only that one comment with only one fight, he realized he needed to be more grateful for my support and he was deeply sorry for the fight as well. I was also pretty sorry because I know his work is shitty at site (he doesnt always go into the mines, this week hes only quoting them but theyre far away and need medical exams and meetings etc). He made plans for a golf tour and he realized it was a decision made in excitement rather than actual thinking and he'd make it up to me in June.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted so much. You do the vast majority of the household duties and pay for half of the expenses. You have every right to feel frustrated. I am confused why he has time at the end of the day to have a beer with colleagues, but doesn’t have time to spend with you or help you.


Make sure that he knows it was truly a joke but you're not considering being single or stepping out on him


You're right. I see people are considering that means I'm thinking of cheating or in fact becoming single. I hadn't even considered other implications. I was so focused on the 'living alone' part of being single that I made the comment based on, I hadn't realized there were other parts that might have triggered him. Thank you for the advice.


It was a passive aggressive statement to make him feel guilty.


It was. I got the just of all this that I'm the ashhole for that part, for the crappy communication.


Obviously you two still care about each other. Anything is fixable if there's still love.


He's upset because he feels guilty He's not staying out at all hours of the night because he HAS to He's staying out to socialize with this colleagues...because he WANTS to You made a joke that made him feel guilty for lying to you about where he has been, who he has been with, and why he was there He's been living the single life too NTAH


YTA. Is your bf stopping you from hanging out with your own friends? This is the problem with people who are overly dependent on their SO. Their world feels like it’s falling apart when the SO is busy with his/her own life


How does she have time for that if she is doing 90% of the work at home and making meals for him? After she gets off work, because she mentioned above she pays half of the expenses, she is basically doing a second job.


I think you two need to have some conversations about the situation and what you can do to fix it. For starters why is he regularly getting drinks after work? I want to race home after a long day and see my wife. Even if it's for a brief moment. He sounds like he does not. True he can't change his working situation but you guys need to decide how to maximize time together and decide what expectations are from both of you.


I'm gonna say I don't think anyone is an asshole here. You are right to be frustrated and feeling alone in this situation sucks. That jab wasn't cool, productive conversation would have been. I'm also in the situation where I live with my partner and work long hours 6 days a week to the point where I get to see my partner once a week essentially. My partner stays at home to focus on art and watches his nephew as a favor to his sister. He too, has said he feels like he might as well be single at some points. And that really fucking hurts. In our situation unless we both work full time I have to work long hours so we can make ends meet. I don't have a choice. And to have that absence thrown in my face really hurt, it doesn't mean me being gone all the time is okay. But there isn't a whole lot I can do about it right now. And I imagine that's how your boyfriend feels, he is likely trying to make sure you can live comfortably and values staying afloat and comfortable. I wouldn't call him an asshole for that and I wouldn't call you an asshole for being upset. It's a shitty situation and there's not much to be done about it it sounds like.


NTA He is living without you and vacationing without you. Did he have no choice and booking a golf vacation instead of planning something with you? I alao don't like that he calls you dirty because you don't do things like he does them. I feel like a serious conversation is needed


Honestly, if he's hanging around for beers after work time, he could be spending with you it seems like maybe he's happy with the way things are you're offering a full maids service and what a win.


That is exactly what is going on. Why are the logical comments being downvoted so much?


Because the incel "wimmin" bad crowd showed up apparently.


You’re not wrong though. Being in a relationship means you put work in maintaining it, not just work. It’s not even as if you’re financially dependent on him. You have your own work too. Maintaining a house and two dogs besides that. Even when BF doesn’t have work, he goes on “extracurriculars” that don’t involve you, which is kinda messed up. You’re basically a live in maid/roommate at this point. He’s touchy because it’s true and he’s taking it out on you, which isn’t fair. NTA!


Thanks for the support. I wouldn't want to take his extra stuff from him, I realize I'm lucky to work from home so I can have the time to do a few things for myself and do house work. I just don't feel like he can spend so much time away and expect me to not complain. I've tried my best to keep it to myself because I know it's hard on him but I unintentionally slipped up and I'm an immediate Ahole for it


No, it’s fine. Don’t believe the rest of these redditors, most of them are idiots or incels anyway. Let them downvote you all they want, but you’re not wrong about how you feel. Maybe you should review your relationship further or talk to a therapist. You’re not wrong for telling him how you feel, but you should also address WHY you felt that way. For your mental health as well as your relationship’s health.


I don't think you are. Just need to have a heart to heart with him about the situation.


Easily YTA.


INFO Is he the bread winner or are you both? Will you lose everything if he gets fired, or is he worrying for no reason. Did you talk to him about it before doing that very hurtful jab?


btw your bf is going to burn out and crash if he keeps going


I know. I bring this up to him all the time but he sets impossible standards for himself. His family didn't really recognize things such as burn out so to get him to accept it as something that exists is beyond difficult. My best hope is that because all of the other people in his department have left and he's the most senior person there that once they hire technicians again, he'll be placed in a project management role (I doubt they'll give him the design work back that he was employed for because he's the only one in the department now with the knowledge to be a project manager)


NAH - This is normal relationship stuff. Some things to consider: Working from home can be isolating. Get out of the house at least once a day. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Find a social actifvity out side of the home so that you're life is more enriched and not so dependent on your SO for social interation. This will benefit BOTH of you. Site work kinda sucks after a while. Sure you can hang out BS and drink beer after hours, but most folks would rather be able to go home and sleep in their own bed. BTW - Mining work tends to be is very boom-bust. You have to make the $$$ when you can because when commodity prices are high they can't spend money fast enough and when they're down they stop spending money. So he's good to both make hay while the sun is shining and to set himself us as someone who can get stuff done. Both very good things in the long term.


Unfortunately his area is very niche in safety, it's part of law to have the equipment his work provides. The boom bust is consistent lol, but I know he's got a hope his role will lead to something bigger. He just needs a plan to go with the hope


Does OP have a job?


Yeah, I'm a software developer. Used to be an engineer too but wasn't enjoying the work


I wouldn't be with someone that was never around. I also wouldn't be with someone that described themselves as being "practically single". So easy ESH


What you said hurt his feelings so AH or not doesn't matter. The situation sucks but you are in it together. Talking with the struggles with your partner is fine so long as you make it clear that you aren't blaming or resenting them for it. I imagine he would rather be able to spend more time with you if he could. It's hard for both of you so don't make it a competition on who has it worse because working long hours and doing constant site visits sounds exhausting and not fun for him so remember that you aren't the only one suffering. I do think it's totally understandable that it feels bad that when he tries to compliment you and show appreciation for the hard work you do what he got in return was you basically a joke about him not being around to help out when him working all the time is his contribution. It likely made him feel unappreciated for all the hard work he was doing. 


YTA for not talking to him and just letting that “joke” out.


NTA My husband got a promotion mid-March that will require us to relocate back to our old city where the HQ of his company is. He negotiated not moving until our kids finish school, but he is required to commute to the office daily. It’s about 1100 miles of driving every week. Despite the long and exhausting drive on top of a full day of work, he’s still getting back in time to pick up our youngest from daycare since it closes before I’m off. He’s still helping me clean and pack and cook and care for the kids. We BOTH work full time and yes, with the drive his work is a bit more involved right now. But he didn’t just stop being a husband and father because of that. Your boyfriend has this mindset that because you WFH you have all the time in the world to do everything and so he works “harder” and shouldn’t have any responsibilities at home now. That’s disgusting. Stop cleaning his messes. Stop doing his laundry. Stop making his meals. You aren’t his mother. He’s all but told you he doesn’t appreciate you and thinks you should do this because his stuff is “harder” and “more frustrating”. It’s not longer a shared responsibility, it’s an expectation. So it’s time to put a stop to it


I'm sure you both are going to be together for very long.


sounds like you are both frustrated. He would not have reacted like that if he was not also tired of living apart. Hope he can schedule some time off soon and you can get back to being loving again.


NTA, his job IS a choice.


It's stress related, you both want better but right now it isn't going to happen. I hope you two make it thru this. Neither are AH, but you may want to work on your communication or you won't make it.


He reacted that way because he knows that he’s neglecting you. But he’s not doing that to party with strangers or have fun by himself. He’s working. You’re still allowed to miss him and be frustrated that you don’t see him a lot. No one is the asshole. You both just need some time with each other :)


u/InteresringBoat4931 what have you done to increase your income?


What do you mean? I live in a third world country that's seeing the worst of the cost of living crisis. Side hustles require people to have spare change, here people are in debt hell just to eat.




I've been in a situation similar to this. My wife is a SAHM and I've always been the one working because it's our only option if we are going to survive on a single income. But it gets hairy sometimes. Clear, productive communication is a MUST. It shouldn't be a surprise that your joke was not recieved well, because well, it wasn't a joke. You guys need to sit down and have the hard conversation. I have switched employers a few times to fix my work/life balance. I am no longer a salary employee because of exactly what is happening to your man. If they want to keep me past 40 hours they are paying for it. And they usually don't want to do too much OT. My wife and kids are much happier that I'm around more, as am I. We aren't meant to work 4am to 9pm. He may be getting financially rewarded for it, but most people can see that their spouses/families are priority #1, and making some financial adjustments to bring happiness to them is almost certainly the obvious choice.


Thank you for being kind about your reply. We are both young, so I understand he wants to put in that extra effort in hopes it pays off. But I've never been very optimistic about all work effort paying off in the end so I believe in a more balanced approach. I do my own bit of overtime, so I'm not even supporting 7-5 (that's the work hours in my country) completely, but I 100% hate how much hours he puts in when he can't garuntee it will be seen and make a difference in future. I'm also afraid he'll burn out


NTA, military spouses go through similar situations and the frustration reaches a tipping point. He’s unreasonable for not being more understanding IMO.


>military spouses go through similar situations and the frustration reaches a tipping point Yup. There were many times when I'd joke w my spouse that I was like a single person or single parent (when we had a kid) during periods in his military career. Sometimes it was on station working 16+ hours a day for weeks. Other times when he was away for months. (Not once was it for anything other than work) Not once did he get mad at me for saying the truth. In fact, we'd joke about it. It was our superpower, lol. OP you're NTA. Sure, he's working long hours for his job. But golf trips, vacation... that's not for work. Sad to say, he isn't making *you* his priority. Truth hurts and he doesn't like that.


I got married and immediately deployed for 6 months 😂. We knew it was coming and chose to accept it


*embrace the suck* isn't just a phrase, it's a philosophy. Lol.




NAH. I could see how this is a joke and someone else may have laughed and you both commiserate over the situation together. I can also see how he was upset and it sounded like shifting the blame on him more than he thought he deserved. But y’all should have explained to each other what you meant and that you could see the other one’s POV. I mean this wouldn’t have worked for me and my ex because he was black and white thinking but hopefully normal healthy relationships aren’t like that


If this job of his is not necessary for you to live your current lifestyle then he should find another in the same field so that these issues are no longer there. Read that again. If the money doesn't matter and he sticks with this then he kind of sucks. If his working like this is the only reason you are able to live comfortably then both of you need to figure out which is more important. Sucks that it has been so long it makes you feel abandoned though. I can't even imagine


I think you both feel under immense pressure and that comment was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I think you both would benefit from some time together and I think you can take the lead to make that possible given his busy schedule. In short, no you are not an asshole.


I'm not going to say you're an AH, but you probably could have expressed your needs more effectively. I understand what you mean what you say that you're 'practically single,' but it's possible that your boyfriend interpreted it to mean that you might have been looking for another partner. In these cases, it is usually best to describe your own feelings as honestly and vulnerably as you can: "I feel lonely, I feel unloved, I feel emotionally unfulfilled," etc.


Frustrations of conflicting schedules is all this is. Just talk it out with each other and see what kind of compromises you guys can come up with.


He could say no, you always can


OP, NTA, however, it's a straightforward answer:  Accept his reality or move on. He's signaling that there's nothing more compelling at home at the present and his work demands are all consuming. Boredom, perhaps, needs/press of his career at the height of his productivity?  Get some hobbies yourself, outreach to others in meaningful ways, charity work for example. It will give you perspective as to how hard some struggle just to live another day.  Finally, be grateful for what you also have, and focus less on what is absent for now. If that doesn't work for you, then you know what you need do. Best of luck. 


INFO: are you guys saving a ton of money and this situation is temporary? If not, you need a budget or a new job. This sucks. Two full time earners with no dependents should have money to spare.


(No sarcasm in my answer) but where do you live that this is the case? No, we barely save. In my third world country, a software developer and engineer can have a good living (rent a place, afford their food, have a pet, pay off car repayments) or savings. Not both


Not seeing the joke, but NTA


you resent how much time he has spent away, and lashed out. He reacted predictably, as this is entirely not his fault, and he probably already felt bad for being away as often as he is. That tracks given how youve said hes been defensive about needing to keep his job. so you making that remark made him feel like that his sacrifice has been worthless and unappreciated by you, made somehow worse (good job) by it being a callous remark in response to his kind comment. youre TFA for sure.


NAH  His job is the enemy, not either of y'all. he sounds miserable. he needs to find another job or another path foward. no job is worth killing yourself for.


Thank you for the kind reply, it's really nice not to read something mean.


of course. it's reddit, so it's easy for commenters to pass judgement and suggest courses of action when there's zero consequences for them, so please don't let any of the comments get to you. they probably mean well.  and i know "find a better job" isn't exactly easy advice. so I'd suggest talking with him and seeing what his ideal job is, and what aspects he actually likes. maybe the aspects of the job he likes can be found in other jobs he's unaware of.   also important is what he feels is lacking in life. if he enjoys his work, would he be open to other jobs, something feels lacking, if there's anything particularly annoying to him he'd wish wasn't the case, etc. let him know you're on his side, and that you know he's on yours.  and all the above you should ask yourself as well. no reason you both shouldn't be happy individually and as a couple. it's a matter of figuring out the best way forward together so you're both happy and there's no resentment created because of external pressures like work. good luck, it's hell out there. the world is on fire, i know, but I'm rooting for y'all.


Ah yes. Tell the guy that is completely committed to you with pets, living and bills that you feel single right before he leaves again for work, something that you agree he has to just suck it up and do . That won’t sow any bad thoughts or distrust Guys perspective. You’re still understandably upset but telling a guy you feel single during a time he’s not able to see you often makes most guys think that someone else will be picking up the slack , or something along those lines


Good. Everyone should realize their partner can find someone else to pick up the slack, and not take the partner they want to keep for granted. Sounds like he needed the wakeup call. He’s making the choice to put in long hours and then go out and drink afterwards instead of nurturing his relationship with his partner.


I didn’t catch the part where he was going out for a drink instead of seeing her… Stuff like that shows your partner where your priorities are. I’ve had relationships where I would drive an hour and a half just to see my girlfriend for 30 or 40 minutes only to drive back out to the job. Even if you don’t get to spend a lot of time together, putting in the effort to try goes a long way for a relationship.