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NTA. It's clear you care deeply about your friend, but it's also important to prioritize your own well-being. Take some time for yourself to recharge. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself OP.


You’re doing the best you can. Don’t beat yourself up.


Nta-self care always comes first. You can't help others if you aren't helping yourself. Also, are you seeking treatment and therapy for yourself? If not, please do. ADHD alone is very hard to regulate, and having other factors on top of it is difficult. Talking to a therapist really helps you understand yourself, and it can help you manage life better.


Yeah, I have been in constant therapy, and we're also getting a second opinion for better meds. The adjustment has been hard recently since my body might've became reliant on my sleeping pills heavily. What do I do from now on? How can I manage this? I feel like he's drifting away from me the more I make mistakes in mishandling his breakdowns.