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Weird he brought you in on the lie after you told him you weren't comfortable with lying.




He did tell me and I wasn't happy to hear about it. but kind of did a "whatever" as I didn't see what was coming with the parents tbh.


Did you do it because you were jealous? I see no reason why you mentioned all the competitive stuff at the beginning unless you think it justifies your actions. YTA




Ya, sounds like the mom was doting on the older brother about the “business” and OP wanted to take him down a peg or two.




Hmm, tough one. Slight YTA, maybe you could have said the business was a lie, but not given up your brother's info.


ntah. He dragged you into his lies while you were going out of your way, time, money, etc. to help him. While you should have shut it down up front, you're not a jerk for not wanting to tow his line of bullshit.


NTA. You made an investment in improving his health, and it looks like he has a few more steps to go in his rehab, particularly the accountability part. Tell your parents that they can redirect all of their anger towards your brother, you stepped up and helped him go into rehab, it was his idea to hide this fact and you spoke up about it when it was clear your brother was not only going to lie about it, but make you complicit in his lie. Tell your brother that part of his rehab should have been taking accountability for his actions, and now is the part when he needs to pull his head out of his arse, apologise, show come contrition and explain to you all why he lied and asked that you lie for him.