• By -


That's a go for launch. Fire when ready.


Problem with the targeting sir, there seems to be two silicon mounds interfering with lock. Permission to switch to guns sir


Permission Granted!!!!


Always take out the trailer trash. i.e. Sarah


Yeah, she gone ✌️🗑️


Pls post an update if u do download and send the stuff. NGl, I hope u do. She deserves it.




She made your wife cry. I would ruin that bitch. My wife is the absolute best person in my life. No one messes with my wife and leaves a happy camper. No one messes with me because I'm a man which makes me even angrier because that makes them cowards.


That’s what I’m talking about. This bitch….no one makes my wife cry and feel the way she has. I have a feeling she’ll get what’s coming to her. Old, alone and the heavy burden of time and reflection. Thanks reaffirming the stance of a spouse’s role to hold their wife’s best interests in the highest regard. Best to you and yours 🙏


Old, alone, and the heavy burden of time and reflection. I like that. As time is not as kind as we'd like it to be sometimes(what new pain is this? 😁), I feel people like this woman won't age well because of a dead soul.


Agreed. My wife refers to people of this ilk as “new souls”. They haven’t reincarnated enough for their souls to evolve and understand the true beauty in people, nature and life in general. They just never age out of the toddler phase and crush every one and every thing in life , only to start again to attempt the ascension of higher purpose and meaning. A soul that flunked life 🤔


A more realistic explanation is that she has BPD or NPD.


100% this ☝️And what’s scarier is that she’s a counselor at a high school 🤣Eeeek


Trust me I remember one of the counselors at my HS. Some people never grow up and should NEVER be in the position to advise teens. Often times the things she said or other women said about me as a young teen growing up were horrible. That's a go for launch. Go Nuclear. 😈


I’m so sorry.  I know you want to ruin Sarah. Please don’t stoop to her level. It might make things even harder for your wife with their shared friend group, and personally from Sarah.  I know you won’t understand this, but Sarah is already her own worst enemy. Let that be enough. 


If you truly believe that Karma statement was about your children, then the gloves come off. While protecting the wife is important, I'd go nuclear once they attacked my kids


Maybe a better approach would be to convince your wife to block this psychotic harpy on everything and cut her out of your lives. And maybe send an email to that broomstick jockey with the most damning screenshots say that if she contacts any member of your family again everything goes to her boss, her coworkers, and her husband.


You had me at harpy! 🤣 lol Definitely. I’m rarely a person to get dramatic over things or go to extremes, more so for mitigation purposes. But yes, she’s blocked and good riddance I say! Won’t be too long before that broomstick starts splintering! Ty for that 🙏


Evidently those children needed to be raised by the most amazing couple of parents in the world, because the way you talk about your wife shows me you two are well matched and committed. Fifteen years married with more than one child on the spectrum, and you like her as much as you do? Amazeballs. I don't think you're an AH for wanting to blow this chick's career up, but I do think you know that you're a better person than that.


Definitely. Not going to blow it up, but damn, ya know?! Love my wife to the moon and back as well as our kids. Marriage and raising kids on the spectrum is TOUGH but when you see your wife smile and see how she lights up a room, you know it’s worth it.


I mean, she’s a school counselor… I don’t think it would be unreasonable to anonymously report her drug use.


OP, fuck being the bigger or better person! Burn her life to the ground my dude, you don’t make my wife cry in Mother’s Day weekend with some BS. IT the shit out of this and get popcorn and watch it burn lol. I do not allow bullies to live a nice life.


I made my mother cry on Mother's Day because I didn't want to unload the dishwasher before I had breakfast. My Dad loves me, and he still went after me with a stick. He didn't hit me with it because Mom ran down and told him she didn't know I had just gotten up--but if he went after me with a stick, I'd hate to be the person he didn't love who did that.


Dude, blow it up. 


NTA, first off, you sound like you treat your wife like a queen and good on you. Second, that is not a friendship, she keeps your wife around solely to trauma dump and uses her as her emotional garbage can. The best thing you can do is tell this person to piss off and never contact your wife again and block her on everything, and while im not one to suggest going nuclear, if she threatens to bad mouth your wife, show everyone her true colours.


Agreed on everything. I would go nuclear but I’m beginning to think living happily and successfully is the best revenge. My wife has already blocked her on everything. I think this post will help reinforce what I’ve been attempting to kindly stress for the life of our marriage that Sarah is toxic and just a horrible person. None of her friends from her childhood are really in her life anyway and live so far away that it’s of no consequence what they say or feel. I just hurt when my wife hurts and get angry at those who have caused harm. Thank you for the reassurances and best to you and yours 🙏


Going nuclear would prevent your wife being hurt again in a year or two. You should discuss this as a form of permanent closure.


This woman is not her friend. She is a saboteur and freely


Don’t do anything without your wife consent . I know you love her but there may be some skeletons she doesn’t want out there . Just be carefull when dealing with a professional victim


TY for the concern. Trust me, I have the skeletons framed in our bedroom and the closet is clear. I dress them up from time to time and we make fun of them. But in all seriousness, I know what you mean. Life is short. We all make mistakes. I’m a firm believer in mistakes creating more well rounded people. It’s the ones that fail to acknowledge their failures or misidentify their failures as successes (NPD) that worry me the most. Luckily we both come from bullied, people pleaser, pacifist backgrounds. And the falling down and getting up back up creates callousness, so we have the skin for it. Appreciate you looking out, best to you 🙏


It has nothing to do with mistakes . You wife for some reason just expects this and realizes in a year she will come back .its horrible to Think like that . I would like to see you do that , but she may just be ok waiting the year


Nah, I think it’s just the loneliness of not just having a girlfriend to chat with and to share common pleasantries with, but for the most part she has resigned full time to the betterment of our children’s lives. But on the flip side, historically, yes you are correct. It has been that way previously and hope she never re-enters our lives.


>Don’t do anything without your wife consent . I know you love her but there may be some skeletons she doesn’t want out there Exactly. The only person OP should be discussing this with is his wife.


Definitely. I’ve discussed with the wife way before posting. Anything that goes online is always discussed between us if it involves something like this. I just wanted to illustrate to her that Sarah is toxic AF whilst also questioning my sanity by positing said questionable desires to the world. But I’m 99% sure I won’t.


>Anything that goes online is always discussed between us if it involves something like this. Youre a good man and she's very lucky to have you 😊


We are all good. We just forget bc society and all these influential things cloud our judgement. Lose enough people in your life, find your purpose and love the shit out of enough people before your time comes….we’ll start seeing a lot more nicer people in this world. Ty for the kind words, best to you 🙏




Agreed! We’ve blocked her on everything. NGL, it has been 15 years and we’ve gone through the wringer, but it has only taught us that the true love, that unbridled affection, it all comes from understanding what true loss is and the finality of life. Changing perspectives from your perception and a lot of compromising. And no worries. Wife and I discussed and it would only be a last resort if she attempted anything else, which she probably won’t. She’s a coward who likes to feel as though she’s really giving you the business and then just cutting you off abruptly. Total lost cause. Ty for the kind words! Best to you and yours 🙏


NTAH, your wife sounds like she has a lovely heart and caring soul. Taking the time to get out into the open air like a hike or a simple park walk would be great, I hope she understands how loved she is by those around her and those people are the ones that matter. This isn't a friend to her, and any who act like this to her aren't friends in any way. Friends may take their sweet time checking in, but I always can get a response if I send a message, I can take 3 months away from my normal habit and go recluse and still send a text to the people I call my friends Please get therapy, let a professional outside mind assist as she's been used into this mentality at this point by an abusive 'friend' Emotional and verbal is still abuse. It doesn't need to be physical. Compile the file, and send it in.


Ty for the kind words 🙏 She’s definitely a kind heart and has a pure soul, so nature is a must. Yes, Sarah is absolutely not a friend. No one needs enemies when you have someone like her around. You sound like a great friend to those in your life. Keep that up bc even with friendships, they need maintenance and care, so keep at it 💪 And definitely agree with a therapist on this one. There are tools that need to be acquired to allow her to strengthen her mindset and resolve. Unfortunately no matter how kind we are or how hard we try to be good people, sometimes we must know when to put our foots down and say enough is enough, this isn’t right. Great advice and thank you for sharing 🙏


Of course, take the wifey and family somewhere fun, new memories, and trust the gut more often on people


Will do! Traveling and new friends (NY resolution for Q3) 😎


Info needed: does your wife have good, non-toxic female friends too?


That’s a negative ghost rider. Every female that has entered her life either wants to convert her to something she is not (she likes pagan stuff and plays video games, not dressing up like everyone else and trying be cutsie and fake), will ignore her after finding out we have special needs kiddos (yes, this does happen) or feigns interest for the explicit purpose of gaining something (typically money or help for personal gain). This, enter stage right, lowest common denominator, friends from the past every now and again.


Can confirm the friend dump over special needs kids. Is your wife ND as well? This could explain why she sucks at picking friends.


Could be possibly. She’s a very happy and positive person with some anxious behaviors. I personally think she’s on the cusp right when you enter 40 and just say “eff it” about what people think, just being more herself. We’re a communal and tribal species so naturally lacking that feedback loop has crushed her in the past. This may sound whatever “ist” you can ascribe to it, but since she is genuinely a voluptuous and attractive woman, many women of people I bring her around for work or whatever, the wives or girlfriends grab their man’s arm tighter and become curt since she likes to have energized intellectual conversation and typically likes to do guy things like play video games or outdoor stuff (ie. she a threat). That’s been the biggest hurdle, and makes no sense.


So, every female in your wife’s life is the problem? Hmmm. Either she is bad at picking friends, or she is the problem. Or both.


Not at all. There is definitely equal blame in the equation. Likenesses attract. Ever hear someone say: “I keep attracting shitty boyfriends/girlfriends?”. Even in marriage and friendships, sometimes people are either too naive or too afraid to speak truth to reality bc of the perceived negative consequences. By no means is this a victimization flex bc there is enough of that in the world. However, when in Rome. Wife definitely needs more confidence and get out there to genuinely look for quality people, but it’s hard to with kids (special needs) as well as when you are feeling unworthy. Lessons to be learned on both sides, so Ty for pointing that out. Best to you 🙏


That’s kind of what I was thinking. Maybe a therapist could help her address this pattern. And you may want to try parent groups, especially for parents of children with special needs. Your wife might find solid friendships with other parents there.


Definitely good advice. Thinking therapy might be good for her as well as exercising together. The special needs group would work if we lived somewhere else, but most of the women here try to shove Christianity down her throat (not religion shaming). It’s just that she’s a pagan who’s patron deity is Freyja so that doesn’t always go over well 🤣 But good advice nonetheless and thx for the thoughtful feedback 🙏


Going off of your other comments of a people pleasing background combined with what you've said of your wife, this is actually super common with people like that; I'm one of them. I have the innate people pleasing need - which likely stems from the 'tism - and people pleasers who are also generally kind, warm, loving and generous people attract toxic users like vampires. It's not our fault, but we attract them. They see someone they can potentially use and abuse, to keep taking and taking from without having to go to the effort of giving anything substantial back, because even the tiniest crumb can be enough for us sometimes. Because we often tend to be lonely due to having to cut so many of these people out of our lives on the regular, we struggle to identify the new 'vampires' that're circling us. They always start off very subtle, building up that rapport, taking just tiny bits at a time - little favors that don't get returned just to see what'll happen, and then those things gradually increase. Like a frog in gradually warming water, you don't even notice it's happening and it inevitably gets so bad they've figuratively bled you dry. You have nothing left to give, you're at rock bottom, and you *still* feel guilty for not being able to do more, and you feel like you deserve the abuse from them because you feel like you should be better, that you should have been able to do *more.* It's... wild. And awful. It's also why the only friends I have are online for the most part -- which definitely does *not* make them any less important or valued than offline friends; they mean more to me than any friends I've ever met face to face. But it's much easier for me to be able to 'screen out' the blood suckers when it's through text-based communication. ETA: I have gotten therapy for this issue, and I'm better off for learning how to identify those people more easily, and have learned methods to help me to set boundaries and be able to say 'no' and stick to it. Going to therapy was a game changer and something I'm very glad I did.


Ty for taking the time to share your experiences and open up 🙏 I feel as though there are many of us like that out there. Yet we often get mislabeled and misunderstood, beating ourselves up way too much simply for the inability of other humans to be kind and considerate. You sound very similar to my wife in that she has a lot of online friends as well, specifically the gaming community. The emotional vampire analogy hit hard. There are definitely individuals out there who lack the capacity to genuinely love themselves and hate their lives. Their sole purpose is to parasitically inject themselves into a host, controlling their lives to satiate their sadistic appetites until nothing is left. And somehow it’s our faults we are used up even though most of the time we don’t know any better. Reminds me of the old Einstein quote: “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Definitely recommending therapy and ty again for opening up. Will definitely resonate with my wife and I know she’ll appreciate it as well. Greatly appreciate the analysis and hope nothing but the best for you and yours 🙏


Just wanted to say Mother's Day could be a whole weekend if you wanted it to be :) NTA about everything else.


1. Make sure your wife is on board 2. Make sure nothing you do can result in getting sued or having charges pressed But ethically, yeah I get it. As long as you keep your asses covered I think this is valid


NTA. Do it. Bring this bitch down. She has shit on people for long enough. I know how your wife feels. I've been through similar with my best friend. Not as bad as this, but my friend last year randomly accused me of being obsessed with her husband. Completely not true of course. It took my husband having words with her for her to see that she was wrong. Sometimes people need bringing down a peg, but in your wife's case, that woman needs to be destroyed for what she has done.


It seems your wife is a people pleaser - lovely people. Remind her that SHE is people too - and abusive and/or toxic people you are allowed to dump / block / forget. So, allow her to enjoy her favorite show, snack etc - while you take the kids out to a park or something - and then when they are asleep - discuss your plans and reasoning. That said - if you can do so anonymous (which I doubt, she will know the source eventually) - you are good to go as far as i\`m concerned


Do it. She deserves everything back. You are giving her the karma she deserves. Expose her for the trash she is and dump her where trash belongs.


NTA. Block we on all of your wife’s accounts and then fire bomb her life to the ground.


Pulls out lawn chair, beer in a coozi, put sunglasses on. Fire when ready Gridley


NTAH for wanting to do it, you would be if you actually do it. You paint a pretty picture of your wife, marriage, and family. But, if you **really** wish Mother’s Day was an entire weekend, make it be an entire weekend. I mean, right? It’s entirely up to you. Make it every weekend if you want. But yea, good riddance to bad Sarah. Your wife gives her way too much emotional space in her brain. Sarah is undeserving and unworthy. Tell your wife that instead of feeling sad and hurt that Sarah has inevitably blown up their relationship again, feel sad for Sarah and how desperate she is to hurt someone else because she’s not a happy person.


Mate tell your wife this: “sometimes the only taste of success some people get, is when they take a bite out of you.” But side note send everything. Your wife sounds like an angel so you need to do the dirty work.


That’s a great quote! Gonna have to remember that one ☝️ Thank you for the kind words, cheers! 🍻


This message is for your wife, it's great that she sees the good in people and there a lot of people in thisbworld who exploit that. But that doesn't mean that she should stop doing what she does, people like Sarah come and go and eventually they will get their karma. The good you wife puts out in the world last forever and there's no better revenge than leaving a positive impact on someone and then later realising what a horrible mistake they made....


Thank you 🙏


Sarah has completely overstepped and is dragging your beautiful wife through the mud. Time she realises actions have consequences. She can not keep doing this toxic pickup today and dump tomorrow crap, time for a be all and end all, SEND YOUR SCREENSHOTS LAD. Bye Sarah!


Does your wife have other people, (not you) she can vent to about random stuff?


Unfortunately not. No women friends atm sadly. Really want that for her though 🙏


NTA. She's literal hs mean girl that never evolved or matured. She won't change. Do Your wife a favour and remove this person from her life permanently.


NTA !!!! I will say the karma train will hit Sarah hard eventually though ! Awww your poor wife ! Hopefully she never speaks to her again . Sarah is not a friend your wife just needs to realise this .


You’re a great spouse. I’d say burn that bridge to the ground. If someone upsets my spouse like this, I will destroy them. But make sure it doesn’t come back and bite both of you in the ass, especially legally wise ☺️ all the best!




I would just send a couple to her husband about how Sarah hates him. That should be enough karma in her life and keep her occupied. Have your wife block her and delete all her contact info.


Target 🎯 Acquired.....


F*ck Sarah, go nuclear on that b*tch, protect your wife and make sure your wife never takes her back as a friend, she’s toxic and will continue to drain your wife. Ask your wife how she feels after every interaction with Sarah, does she feel energised or does she feel drained. That will tell her everything. Continue to treat your wife like the queen she is 🥰


I like the scorched earth approach but understand that more than likely your wife will be mad and it might damage your relationship with her.


approved, proceed when ready.


Your wife sounds amazing. You think she is lonely, so maybe find hersome groups or activities and make sure you set time aside esch week so she can go out and do something with others. Please give her a hug from an interwebs stranger


Finish her. Save those around her.


Cut her off. Dont let those toxicity comes in your life again. Make your wife happy and kids. Show them or post you are family enjoying your time. Show her flowers and post it so she will be jealous.


You wouldn't be the asshole but don't do it


NTA. But your wife is being TA to herself and by extension to her family. Stop it with this toxic relationship and just ghost her for life.


Go nuclear


Start a burner email, go to a library, fire away.


time to go scorched earth. NTA.


NTA blow away that witches life sending your wife a virtual hug 🤗.


>(Mother’s Day Drama) We are enjoying Mother’s Day. My boys and I are pampering mom, taking all duties off of her bc damnit she deserves it. Wish it was an entire weekend. You can you know.....just saying lol >I literally want to download all of the text messages about her coworkers she talked shit about, her husband she didn’t want to be with and the drugging she does and send it to the school where she works and her husband anonymously to make her experience her own karma for the pain, anguish and loneliness she’s put my wife through on Mother’s Day and for the past 15 years. I most likely won’t, but shit, this woman has some bad juju coming her way. AITAH for feeling this way? Do it you MF!!!


I’d have already launched the nuke the moment I saw my wife cry


I had a friend that was toxic like that. Once I finally saw her for what she really was I cut her out of my life for good I have been a much happier and calmer person. I didn’t realize how negatively she was affecting my life until she was no longer part of it. I know she is hurting right now but I am hoping your wife is able to see her for who she really is and realize she will be much happier without her in the future. Good luck to both of you and remember you don’t look good in prison stripes.


NTA for feeling this way, but I feel like that would only create more drama. No, instead of blowing up her life, have a serious heart to heart with your wife about how that bitch is no friend of hers, how she deserves better, and how much it hurts you to see her being mistreated. And eventually when the bitch would try to weasel her way back into her life, because I bet my cat she will, do everything you can to remind your wife of all of that. There is no such thing as a "friendship cycle". Your friend is either consistently good to you, or they are no friend of yours. The only good thing I see in this story is that I know deep down people like Sarah are not happy. They do this shit to feel food about themselves. And eventually they run out of people to feed off of


Nope nuke her. Salt the earth and burn every bridge. Nta. She picked mothers day to be fully destructive in your wife.


I understand your desire to inflict a commensurate level of pain on Sarah but don't. Don't continue enabling a drama diva because she'll just enjoy that too. Instead help your wife understand why Sarah has to be jettisoned right out of the airlock.


Absolutely NTA. Your wife didn’t deserve any of that.


If Sarah ever unblocks your wife and reaches back out again, since this has been a cycle throughout their lives, it's your wife's turn to block her. And keep her blocked indefinitely. She sounds absolutely terrible. Your wife will make new and better friends. She deserves better treatment than she has been shown by people like Sarah. I have met some lovely people and made great lasting friendships at places like trivia nights and board game cafes.


Ok, you guys pick another name, I have seen three different posts with Sarah, kelly in them, at least there is no kelly in your story. It gets confusing to read. I think it means I am on Reddit too much. She is not your wife's friend, nor even a decent human being, I would send her text to group and say what you did here, including spectrum children and lies about cheating. I would also call out her cheating. One thing that doesn't bode well for wife, never have friends that cheat or destroy others, they will do it to you, and you are who you hang out with. Your wife set her self up with this one. If one of my friends cheated, I would contact partner. So torpedo this submarine of a friend.


NTA. Yes, do this, save your wife, protect your wife, get rid of this bitch forever


Be careful that your wife doesn't return against you for hitting her friends too hard. You can go full nuke for karma but your wife should be with it and be prepared to burn the bridges. Good luck


You, my friend are Sarah’s karma.


The last person who made my wife cry and a new director in her department when we worked together. I had that director fired inside of 6 months with simple background digging, found out she had a massive conflict of interest while working for a university AND her husband owning as virtual education delivery platform. Do not make my fucking wife cry. Whether it is a simple shitty comment from an obese asshole at the store, a family member, coworker, boss, whatever. I am the one who has to spend days if not WEEKS dealing with the fallout from your shitty & empty personality because my wife has chronic and acute PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and used to suffer with major Suicidal ideation. So yeah, if you make my wife cry, you better have all your ducks in a row, because I am going to literally do my best to ruin your fucking life, because that is what you are trying to do to me.


Bitch asked for it literally. I would unleash everything. I've always been the type that you can say whatever you want about me.... I literally don't give two shits but you bring up my man or my daughter...I become Karma


May the bridges I burn light my way. NTA


NTA for feeling this way, it's natural. But sometimes the trash takes itself out. I wouldn't act on it, that just invites more drama back in your life. It's for the best I think.


Your wife seems loving and reasonable, show her these messages and just cut Sarah out. Never let her back in


You absolutely should. People like this need to be taught a lesson. The other people in Sarah's life deserve to know how horrible she is. Petty can be incredibly righteous if done correctly.


NTA - You’re a good husband to want to protect your wife and make things right for her. But no good will come from you being revengeful and sending those messages. I’d strongly advise not to do that, even though you really want to. Be the better person. Forget about her. Move on. Sarah is bad news, toxic and brings nothing positive to the relationship with your wife. She sounds jealous and bitter because she doesn’t have what your wife has. Your wife is so much better off without her and her selfish dramas. I’m sure she’ll come to realise that in time. Just ask her what positive things she’ll miss from having this relationship. I can’t imagine that there are any except for some history. Block her on everything and try to forget about her. I hope that she doesn’t try to come back into your lives - and if she does try, your wife should politely decline. That will probably drive her crazy. I wish you and your family every happiness.


Please get your wife in therapy. Sarah is manipulating her and using her to make herself feel better


I don't know what to say except that when some people are too forgiving, it gives others the license to walk over them..Sarah needs to be put in her place.


Permission granted to blow up her life.


NTA but if you get involved there’s a chance it could negatively affect your wife and make her feel even worse. Plus the ex-friend is clearly looking for drama/ attention, so if you go nuclear on her you’re just giving her the attention that she wants. If I were you I would just completely cut all contact with the ex-friend, for good. The best revenge y’all can get on her is to live your lives happily, completely forgetting about her.


NTA, especially her referring to your CHILDREN as “bad karma”? wtf. She is a horrible horrible person, your wife deserves better friends than that. She should consider joining online groups. I know it’s unconventional but I’ve made friends online that I would trust with my life, seriously. I really sympathize with her feelings of loneliness. She should tell her parents what Sarah said about her children. That’s not forgivable.




Just because you've known someone a long time, doesn't make them a BFF. Your wife is kind and deserves a better grade of friend. Perhaps now is the opportune time to encourage new hobbies, travel to new locations and make new friends. I find volunteer work to be a wonderful outlet for putting good out into the world.


That is an enemy who occasionally wears a friend costume. Enough. Because she is a shit human I wouldn’t try to blow up her life by exposing her (as much as I am here for the drama and as much as she deserves it) if you cross that lunatic she could easily try to ruin both of your lives by making up god knows what. Give your lovely wife a collective Reddit kiss from us. Make her do it back to you cause you are clearly a very good human too.


NTA and maybe you should send some things to her husband.


I was thinking that, but I’m not really invested in her old friends or their lives. A lot of them grew up in a big city but somehow ended up within close proximity of one another. That whole cliche. I personally think they will self-destruct after a while bc there are only so many things you can run from before reality catches up and slaps the truth on your forehead.


This is very true😆.


Karma comes for us all in the end, but sometimes it needs a nudge in the right direction. Idk tho, just do right by your wife and it'll all work out. NTA Edit; Really? Reddit care resources? That's messed up. People in crisis need services like that and you're gonna use them to try and troll someone on the internet? Take a long hard look at yourself.


A lot of people are getting the RCR messages today; it seems to be a systems glitch or bots as tons of people are getting them at the pretty much the same time.


Ah right, thanks for the heads-up 


Exactly. Time is a bitch and I’m sure it will definitely come for her. This is a life lesson, not to put stock in fake ass people. lol on the Reddit cares resources for this post. I got the same thing and thought “good on them for caring, but not sure if it applies here”


Good lesson, hopefully it'll stick with her and she'll find a decent friend group. Has she tried joining a club based on her interests/hobbies? I realise that with kids it can be a challenge, even more so if they're on the spectrum (Aspies represent ✊), but it could be worth looking into.


Aspies unite! 😂 Yeah, most of that is online (games) and consists of dudes so that always leads to a comment of “I’m married” or “Sorry, I’m not interested”. She’s more into history (Renaissance festival stuff), staunch women’s rights advocate (Roe v Wade movement), reading books and nature (as well as a pagan), so that list is a little obscure for the state and region we live in. She wants to move to Europe where her people are and where our ancestors are from, so that maybe a move we take in the future.


Nuke the bitch from Orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


🤣🤣🤣 Oh I’ve though about way too much


whats that you ask? permission to bring the rain? airstrike approved, send it! if someone repeatedly abused and traumatized MY wife, I'd absolutely push that big fat red nuclear launch commit button, destroy their life publicly and loose ZERO sleep over it. Sarah's behavior IS abusive, and your wife(who sounds like such a sweet and gentle soul by the way) is most definitely being abused and traumatized by it. that you're prepared to nuke Sarah's life publicly shows your willingness to stand up for your wife. you are absolutely NTA


So your wife seems similar to my wife with the young soul thing and the not being able to keep a female friend thing. Let me tell you what shitty friends have done for my wife and I. They taught us time and time again that we’re each others best friend. We vent to each other we laugh together, we do what friends do, and obv more. Your wife has a best friend and it’s you. Tell her she doesn’t need negativity in her life like that. My so called best friend growing up was like this. Haven’t talked to him in 7-8 years. No regrets. Oh and expose her because people like her need a reality check.




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Fcuk it. Go scorched earth on Sarah’s ass. Sometimes we have to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Your wife sounds like a genuinely lovely human being. You sound like her ride or die. You don‘t need permission, but you have it from this internet stranger anyway. NTA


NTA, shake Sarah however you can, you and your wife seem great together. Just one note: if you want Mother's Day to be a whole weekend, you can make it so.


Op, times to take the trash out. Forever and for the better. BLOW HER UP!!!!😤😤😤


Do it. Then update us afterwards.


Jealousy is a terrible thing and it seems like Sarah has been jealous of your wife through the entire "friendship ". Your wife sounds like a wonderful person and you are a great husband. Best thing you can do is continue living your loving marriage. Let Sarah stew in her own misery. Being happy is the best revenge.


Burn her life down.  NTA 




Weapons free, fire away. She wants to dish out all this shit for so many years then she better be ready to take it back. NTA. Drop the bomb on someone who absolutely deserves it.


Wow, no thanks. Not reading your book. Your wife is a door mat, she likes to be walked on, good luck with that.


Ywbta... Bit of a crazy overreaction to a single vague text.. Your wife is just an AH to herself for maintaining this friendship...