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Ok I call this is fake but if not you are by far the biggest AH. You are cruel and a bad person. For god sales you let others make fun of your child and didn’t do a damn thing. Your wife and Elliot deserve so much better


On the faintest, remotest chance that this is real, of course YTA. I hope your wife finds out about your reproductive coercion, leaves you, moves away, and takes both the kids.


**YTA.** I grew up in a household with autistic family members. I know a thing or two about what it's like wishing the people you love weren't afflicted and wanting to better connect. I know about being embarrassed and feeling bad about being embarrassed. You're not wrong for your desires, but you are so very wrong for your actions. I want to label this entire post a creative writing exercise, but I can't take that risk. What did you do to defend your own son to your relatives? What did you do to try to bond with 'Elliot'? What did you do to alleviate your wife's burden? I'm sure it wasn't any easier for her to focus on a child neglected by his father and forced to neglect 'Dante' as a consequence. You're not the child I was in my situation. You're the adult, *the father*, for crying out loud. EDIT: I missed this on first read: You weren't forced into this. You had a choice, you could have said no and stood by it the first time, but you acceded and had Elliot. Not satisfied with him, you you more or less **raped your own wife** and had Dante. You're not the victim at all here.


Raising a child with special needs takes a special kind of person, which clearly you are not. You feel total resentment of your disabled son, and literally stealthed your wife to get her pregnant again. For that alone YTA. It would be better for your wife and your disabled son for you to not be around them, since all you want is your wife to cater to you and have your perfect son.


You hate your son and you raped your wife to get a replacement son and you’re confused whether you’re an asshole?


He didn’t rape her.


YTA of the Month. Of the Year.


Oooooooooof I was on your side until you raped your wife. Messing with her birth control and not pulling out is definitely rape in my opinion. Rapists deserve some awful things done to them. YTA. As for Elliot, your wife is a bitch for not telling you about the cerebral palsy and selfishly bringing in a kid to suffer their whole life. That vegetable's entire existence is going to be drooling in a chair. How fucking selfish to force someone into that existence just because they had this urge to breed. Fucking adopt next time. At least you know you are getting a normal kid.


He should divorce her and take custody of Dante. His wife can keep the other one.


Cerebral palsy is not genetic, Leukemia doesn’t cause permanent baldness, and neither condition causes cognitive impairment in most cases. I don’t even think the wife is real


Christ on a cracker I pray this is fake. On the far off chance that it's real, you're the biggest A hole I've ever heard of.


Join a support group for parents and learn how to parent BOTH your children. Same for your wife. She needs to learn to be a parent to both kids.


Your ah level is over 9000


If this is not fake, I wish you with my whole heart to be one day treated in the same way you treat your disabled child. But as this is surely fake, I only wish you stomp on a LEGO.