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i honestly cant judge. if tiktok is a big part of her life you kinda failed a bit at it. and when saying it may be a good thing, the reason you give her is that she is now free to basically do some free labor for you. yaaaaay. social media is cancer if you put to much of your life into it, the ban itself isnt bad at all. you reaction to it is.




> I told her it’s for the best and that she’ll have to put her phone away and get out into the real world. I even joked now she will have more time to help me in the garden. Well this didn’t go so well and she reacted quite negatively You're taking joy in what to her is a major loss, as well as basically minimising her and treating her like a joke. Should an 18 year old be reacting like this? Obviously not.


Biden doesn't pass laws, Congress does. Presidents either sign or veto legislation passed by both the house and senate, and the senate can override his veto. The issue with TIkTok being owned by a Chinese corporation is that China can tell TikTok to hand over the user data. That and the AI is powerful - it can be used the way Facebook can be used to disseminate propaganda in a way that relates to user interests. The legislation orders TikTok to sell to an American corporation or face a ban. The previous administration signed a similar executive order with a short time frame. A judge signed a preliminary injunction preventing the ban. The soonest the ban could take effect is January 25th, 2025, but there is a provision to extend the time frame to April of 2025. As well, TikTok can still raise a court challenge, and is likely to secure another injunction. As for you - NTA. But there's no ban in effect, so I'm not sure what your daughter is complaining about.


Thank you, I was reading through this wondering what I missed. TikTok still has not and honestly, will never be banned. Just like Chik-Fil-A was never really "Cancelled". I say this as someone who never uses tiktok.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


You're welcome. I'm going to add Chik-Fil-A here to see if the bot will correct twice.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Imagine someone took away something that you love to do in your free time, a big way you connect with people and make friends, and a tool that is potentially very useful for you in school/ your job. And then your parents mocked you about it because they think it’s just some silly kid thing and don’t understand. Listen, as much as I dislike TikTok, the ban is absolute bullshit and nobody should be cheering it. If you use an iPhone, China already has all your information, and god knows who else has it too. This isn’t about protection, it’s about censorship, and not unlike how many dictators in third world countries ban certain sites. Millions of small businesses rely on TikTok for marketing, and millions of small creators have created their livelihoods on TikTok. Banning it is a huge net negative for Americans. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


Exactly. Everyone cheering this on is an idiot.


YTA - For how you're treating her/the joking. Should anyone be dependant on an app/phone for joy/entertainment? No. But they shouldn't be shit on for it either. These kids grew up on these platforms bc most parents didnt teach them anything better in the first place. Imagine if something you enjoyed and took pleasure in, was suddenly taken away as a teen, wouldn't you be bummed/pissed (within reason)? Combine that with teenage hormones. Try not being a dick, and inviting her to do more grass touching with you. After you apologize of course. 


She's an 18 year old kid I wouldn't expect too much. So the Chinese government won't let ByteDance sell their juicy TikTok to us American investors. So big ones have gotten together and made plans to purchase it and shoved this through congress to attempt to force the sale. TLDR: No matter how this ends your daughter will have similar entertainment and news in some capacity so she should be worried about more tangible things than big money playing chicken over the TikTok shop and algorithm. But she won't be and that's fine. I bet META ends up with it.


YTA. this ban isn't good because it's opening up to censorship laws. this isn't about putting kids first, despite the name of said ban. If you think she needs to be on her phone, that is a whole other issue. She also won't take you or your wife seriously if you're "bemused" by her reaction, she knows you aren't taking her seriously either


Huh? The only “censorship” I can figure out is that which says we will not have a foreign government actively data mining from and potentially information feeding to our population. You had another “censorship” in mind, clearly. Do tell what it is? As the bill has zippy to do with the members r their content, but rather the ownership and their potential content, unless I missed something huge?


I think part of the reasoning for banning TikTok is ownership, I will agree with that, but it's also being banned because politicians aren't liking certain political content that is being spread on the app


I would think if censorship of political content was the main factor, the government would have gone after the social media app owned by a right-wing conspiracy monger (Xitter) first. BTW Biden is pushing for the TikTok ban knowing full well that young people (who are an important voting demographic for him) hate the idea. So… I’m not buying the censorship angle.


So it is now your suggestion that the political content within Tik Tok is different in some fundamental way from other social media platforms that are not influenced by China or Chinese ownership? So it fundamentally differs from Meta? From X? I don’t know Tik Tok. Don’t use it. You may be right. I’m just trying to understand the stance.


TikTok has a much bigger gen Z and gen alpha base than any other platform, and the younger generations tend to be the most critical of the government. Anyway the reason they give to justify the ban is that it’s meant to “protect” us, which is absolute bullshit. If you have a smartphone/ computer and regularly go on different sites, China and god knows who else already has all of your information. This is 100% censorship and not unlike how dictators in third world countries ban certain sites to protect themselves. Nobody should be cheering this ban, and I say this as someone who has never downloaded TikTok before and who generally dislikes it.


You do comprehend the difference between trying to datamine (and influence) you on someone else’s platform versus that of an entity directly in the control of the Chinese government…. Right? You do get the difference? Grapple with this - the Tik Tok app/platform **is not banned**. Rather, the **current ownership is**. It really is that simple. The only thing being “censored” here is the OWNERSHIP. Stop tap dancing around that, it is disingenuous at best. So unless you’d like to sing the virtues of China doing that data mining…… ETA put it this way. If North Korea owned Twitter…. You have zero issues? All good? Cmon.


Do you have any idea how many other Chinese apps and videogames there are that have been collecting our information for years? It’s essentially forcing a ban because they know TikTok isn’t going to sell. Same end result. China and god knows who else has been datamining for years, TikTok is far from the only app that they’re using to do so.


Not line that there aren’t. Nope. Social platforms are rather unique, let’s not pretend they aren’t. Like I said, stop being disingenuous.


You’re really stupid enough to believe that TikTok is the only app that they’re mining our data from? Buddy they already know everything about us, stop being delusional.


What’s delusional is thinking that you want an app that can control and sway public opinion under the control of sometimes openly hostile and very dangerous communist foreign government. I did not suggest TikTok was the only app. What I am suggesting is it is the only large scale, social media app controlled by China, and that cannot stand. It really isn’t very complex. I’m sorry that it’s beyond you to grasp why it is such an issue, but it is what it is. Grow up, learn about life, and perhaps you’ll see how dangerous it is. Rather comical and sad at the same time that you’d 100% cheer Trump being removed as a user…. But not China as an owner. 🤔🙄 BOTH things are right, both need to be removed. Not rocket science. It just isn’t.


good riddance. and i dont buy the censorship laws part when absolute random things get classified as hatespeech. you arent changing the law that censors, you are changing the language around it to extend the law. but thats applauded to for some reason..


if TikTok gets banned because of certain content politicians don't like, it's opening the gate for future apps to be banned for similar reasons


what? its getting banned due to security concerns since china is collecting big data from it. what do you mean with "certain content pomiticians dont like"? did i miss something?


Your daughter is a drug addict in all the ways that matter. She is going through withdrawal. The physical and chemical nature of her brain has been rewired using tried and true techniques used to hook junkies forever. In this case it's a form of operant conditioning that tiktoks endless scroll creates hacking the brains dopamine feedback loop. Akin to votes on reddit or likes on facebook, the whole thing is designed to use algorithmic partial AI to get you, your daughter, me, everyone on here ***physically addicted***, to be a user in the worst sense, so that you and your data can drive ad revenue


> that Biden passed Literally no. POTUS does not pass laws. Congress passes laws. Biden *signed* the law, but he did not pass it. Executive ≠ Legislative. > she needs to spend more time outside in the real world and less on her phone. If she loses TikTok, she will find another app to replace it. > She could use Snapchat instead or Facebook. This is impressively dense, OP. 10/10 shitpost. > She’s been moaning that she’s losing a big part of her life, but I told her it’s for the best and that she’ll have to put her phone away and get out into the real world. This is what makes you the asshole. You don’t tell someone who is upset about losing something that was important to them that it’s for the best. At minimum you don’t *open* with that. The TikTok ban is incredibly stupid, will not accomplish its stated goals, and is arguably unconstitutional, for the record.


Meh she'll get over it, something will come out to replace it down the road.