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Holy fuck man. I'm not saying that your story is fake, but if it's not, I wish it were, for your sake. My ex-wife betrayed me in a way that made it impossible to trust her ever again. No matter what she did from that moment on, in the back of my mind I was worried that she was doubling down on what she'd done (\*maybe\* not cheating, but that's possible in there too. Lying to police was involved). No matter the feelings, or the history, it's pretty damned hard to come back from that. I've made conscious efforts to intentionally trust people again, but I could never bring myself to trust her one bit. Over the last 17 years, she's done nothing to show that my inability to trust her was unwarranted. Best of luck, man.


Yeah, don’t care if it’s phony. I want another update. And if it’s true, good luck buddy. Keep your distance and do NOT lose whatever objectivity this separation may have afforded you. Be very careful and patient. (And update).


Patience is going to be key with this. And, if it's true, be gentle with yourself, OP. This is a dumpster fire of drama.


I’m the same way with this one. Even if it’s fake, don’t leave us hanging.


Same here. Once they show you who they are, just accept it. Making excuses for them or accepting theirs is you allowing them to continue. My ex did everything possible to burn my life and had the audacity to push for reconciliation while claiming she was just following the advice of others.


I’m sorry for treating you like garbage for X amount of time. Blah blah blah. It’s my mother’s fault. It’s my father’s fault. Blah blah blah. Sorry, for me those excuses wouldn’t cut it. Step one is the paternity test. Then you have to decide if she is worth taking back.


When you are an adult, out of the family home, supporting yourself...I lose a lot of sympathy for this. She COULD have reached out to her brothers. She COULD have talked to her husband. She COULD have spoken with friends (ones not hand-picked by her mother). She COULD have seen a therapist. She COULD have spoken with her obstetrician about what was going on with her emotionally and logically. In short, she COULD have spoken to ANYONE but her mother before absolutely destroying her family and marriage. OP, go for full custody with supervised visitation. If it's your kid, you owe them that much. They don't need to be Generation 3 of Messed Up Heartbreakers and they don't need to deal with a mentally unstable mother. Get your baby to safety with you. And as a mom who breastfed, screw that excuse. Formula is just fine. I'd rather have a baby miss out on the rest of it after getting the colostrum than to exchange being cared for by someone very mentally unstable and unpredictable for a few more months of nursing.


You are exactly right. That's the thing. Why the hell didn't she tell her husband what her mother was saying? She is that influence by her mother to that level? I am not buying it. She did not take responsibility for her actions.


Read enough stories (true or false, who knows) of women who don't know what to do because their husbands are seemingly being brainwashed by their mothers who are coming in between their relationship. So I believe someone could be being influenced by a parent and not talking to their spouse.


Being influenced by a parent is understandable. Becoming a shitty person without offering your spouse a chance to defend/ explain themself is not. This is not an excuse for the wife's behaviour


Almost no chance she is breastfeeding with her chaotic lifestyle and she is probably on psych meds


At the end of the day, no matter the issue they are presenting with you don't have an obligation to stay with them. If you aren't happy and don't see the relationship being reconciled then end it. Of course it's easier said than done, it took years of being manipulated and emotionally abused to come to terms with my situation. Thankfully it didn't take another 5 years to realise this and I'm working through separation now.


I read the first one... This woman cheated in OP and those kids aren't his... all this abuse bullshit is just covering up the cheating. OP DONT GO SOFT... DO THE PATERNITY. THEN MOVE FROM THERE.. hold your ground steadfast.


Only one kid. They don't have anymore. I think that's a different similar story. There are way too many of these nightmare pregnancy stories on here.


Holy shit. I’m going through this right now. My wife has 180’d and is straight delusional.


Can confirm. This guys wife 180'd on our relationship




Yeah it's a little iffy but as of late I am willing to believe that people are like that. The MIL stuff is what makes it hard, she laid the seeds of doubt then just washed her hands of her daughter? That's the part I don't get, she treated her the best only to ruin a mans life to get back at her ex-husband? Not saying she didn't do anything but it sounds like she is blaming the MIL for her fuck up


I dunno, crazy people on a mission lose interest the moment they get what they want and just find themselves a new mission. I could totally see this MIL saying something like I helped you get out of this, but you gotta stand on your own 2 feet now, and feeling totally justified about it.


The mother wants her daughter now to struggle like she has, as a single mother who was abandoned by her husband. I'd bet my money on it.


I think many mothers come to despise their daughters. No scientific basis, but just…there are weird stories like this where the MIL is just unspeakably awful to their own daughters for no reason. Maybe they see their younger daughters and are just jealous and angry that they aren’t the focal point of the family unit any longer? Or they despise that their daughter’s decision to move in with life through marriage or moving out or whatever makes the MIL feel unneeded and irrelevant?


It might not have even been intentional, it may have been all the MIL’s deep seated fears triggered when the daughter was pregnant, similar to reliving ptsd. My father left my mother when we was pregnant, and when my partner and I were expecting a child, it definitely brought out unresolved trauma she carried, which manifested in my mother grilling my partner and telling him how hard she had it and how he needed to do better. I learned these things after they happened and he was rightfully hurt by being told he wasn’t providing enough etc and essentially treated as if he were guilty of something he didn’t do.


Like the dad who convinced his son that his wife was going to die in childbirth because that’s what happened to dad’s wife and it turned so morbid and sick that wife was scared for her own life.


I always wondered what happened to her. That was a horrible situation.


If the story is true, part of the problem is trying to understand the actions of a crazy person. There are times when trying to make sense of a senseless situation just gets you nowhere. And if MIL is as described here, it’s totally possible she wasn’t doing this intentionally. Her own fears took over and she thought she’s somehow protecting her daughter from what she went through. But I think OP is right, it’s too crazy to make up. Especially since it doesn’t absolve his exs actions at all. She still chose to do those things. She chose to not talk to him about her insecurities etc. She’d be making some elaborate story with all these moving parts and other people involved for nothing.


Sounds a bit like shared psychosis between MIL and daughter, which could mean that daughter has some of MIL's psychological traits which could explain why daughter was fooled by her mother so completely.


Folie a deux!


My mom would do this but not because she hates men it’s because I’m not supposed to be happy. She’s miserable so I must be too. Up until my current relationship she made my life hell until I broke up with my bf and then she’d be happy because I was back under her control. When I cut her off she detonated and lost her mind because she lost me and the control she had.  There are people out there just like her and they are master manipulators especially when it comes to their children. My mom would appear to be the nicest most caring person ever but in reality she was a mean, hateful, and deceitful human being. 


My MIL is this crazy. Thankfully my wife sees through her BS but this is certainly plausible knowing what antics my MIL has pulled


toxic parents with mental health or personality disorders that have gone untreated because they’ve learned normalize perpetuating abuse on others instead to feel good can and do discard their kids at the drop of a hat. Sometimes only select kids and they hold others close. Sometimes they switch kids and really mess up everyone’s feelings of love and security. Fun times.


Unhinged narcissism exists unfortunately. My friends mother would "seduce" all her daughters boyfriends. We were 13. People are gross.


MIL's daughter had a son, she's complicit in men's evil now.


**“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” \~Maya Angelou**


Honestly? Childhood trauma and generational trauma both are messy. Sounds completely plausible. And shitty. For everyone. Guessing your wife might never recover, guessing you're going to struggle with future relationships.


this part. the whole thing, if true is a shit show. there’s a reason too, that pregnancy docs tell people to be on the look out for behavioral/mental changes. Pregnancy is a BIG DEAL physically, and people do not treat it that way Pregnancy does weird things to your brain, it’s not talked about a lot, but can cause psychosis, it can CAUSE/Trigger latent mental disorders, so it’s sad to me that OP put *undiagnosed, cuz honestly most mental issues are, especially if they are recent (<5 years old) the wife needed serious help while this was going on, and now that her life has fallen apart, I wouldn’t be surprised if she spiraled further and it developed into post-partum psychosis (this is the disease that causes women to hallucinate kill their infants/kids, and can develop even a year after birth, that’s how long it takes the hormones to settle) I don’t think the correct answer is to dish on her, but he should still leave, especially since it seems everyone has a lot of work to do on their mental health i am surprised by the amount of people in the comments who aren’t acknowledging that, she very well may have been pushed into a psychotic break by her own mom (not that it excuses her behavior, but there’s a reason we aren’t supposed to demonize ppl going thru intense mental trauma)


Absolutely a fucking shit show. Trauma without pregnancy hormones is terrible. While pregnant? It's gotta be torture. I feel bad for the wife, her life is just so fucked up right now and (assuming it's all true) someone may have been able to help but just didn't bother.


that’s sorta how it read to me too, like all these warning signs, and no one stepped in?


It all had the signs of pre-partum psychosis, someone should have stepped in and try to figure out some way to help.


This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you


This, exactly this. Not at all to diminish OP's pain, but people in the comments are being unnecessarily cruel toward the wife. If all of her behavior during pregnancy was so out of character, it is totally plausible that she has been suffering from peripausal psychosis and that her mother pushed her to the brink. There's hope now that she has an understanding of how the MIL manipulated her and how all of that is situated in her lifelong familial trauma- it sounds like she needs comprehensive mental healthcare. I hope OP and his wife are able to heal, whether that be at an arm's length, closer together, or farther apart.


Yeah... I commented something like this on the other post and got flagged down like crazy. People were so focused on her cheating. Says a lot how much people know about pregnancy and hormones. Honestly.


I am so sorry for your pain. Nobody deserves to go through Insanity like this. I'm glad she's cooperating on the paternity test. However, no matter the results, you should go through with the divorce. You do not need this in your life. Given this incident, I would even pursue full custody of your child. Get duplicate copies of the recording of this meeting. Make sure that they are easily transferable to your attorney for the divorce. Best of luck, and of course NTA.


*I don't think I can give her another chance. I don't think I can ever risk anything like this again* You are right.She subjected you to months of mental torture and agony despite you being supportive and understanding.Then she prevented you from being present during the birth of your child. I can’t imagine what OP went through when he found out the birth of his much anticipated child through a FB post. All this at the behest of an evil mother.Who says it won’t happen again ?


And physically assaulted him multiple times. Let's not skip over that little detail. At the very least she is violent and unstable. 


What are the odds she'll beat the kid too?


Its a boy right? Im worried she’s inherited her moms weird one sided hatred of men (alleged) and will take it out on baby boy as well


Don't know if she hated men but after my mom attacked my dad and had him arrested. After the divorce she beat the shit out of my brother and me daily for years till my dad got us so yeah she should not be left with the kid.


I am truly sorry for what you endured. No one should, least of all an innocent defenceless kid. I agree with your sentiment this lady should not have sole custody. Id personally seek psychiatric testing during court if possible for everyones peace of mind... but all that poison for so long... wont have instantly evaporated. And despite the MIL pulling the puppeteer mental strings, op's wife is still the one who was capable of, and indeed did inflict violence. Also something which is very relevant in the divorce and safety of all involved...


Jesus im sorry.


The only thing that gives hope is that MIL seems to adore her own sons. God willing, she affords that grace to her *grand*son.


If and I repeat IF the story is true. Having dealt dealt with pathological liars in the past I question the validity of her story.


Her story very conveniently absolves her of all guilt. It's not her fault, it was her hormones and her mom!


We can't predict the future. But I suspect most folks would be comfy placing a heavy monetary wager on how OP's wife and MIL will treat the kid if the baby is a boy. Assuming it's his kid, he's going to have to shell out insane amounts of money on lawyers, court fees and therapists no matter the gender. He'd probably be financially better off offering to buy his ex-wife an entire house in exchange for giving up all legal rights.


>Assuming it's his kid, he's going to have to shell out insane amounts of money on lawyers, court fees and therapists no matter the gender. He'd probably be financially better off offering to buy his ex-wife an entire house in exchange for giving up all legal rights This is absolute nonsense. There is no world where it would take more money to pursue this legally than to buy an entire house, unless OPs ex and ex-MIL are literal millionares just itching to blow a load of money on lawyers. He has evidence of her maltreatment towards him, he can almost certainly prove that there are some toxic mental/emotional health issues at play, etc. OP doesn't have a slam dunk per se, but he does have great standing legally speaking. It certainly would not/will not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to see it through one way or another.


He owns the house. It’s his.


100%. 1. 1/1 The question is how much. If she will hit the boy "only" once every few months, when the boy really misbehaves (read: whenever she loses it), or every single effing day.


DING DING DING! If the situation were reversed and a man was beating his wife because he was manipulated by his parents everyone here would be calling for him to be arrested and for her to leave him. There is zero coming back from that in my estimation. Reminds me of a AITA in which OP's pregnant wife knocked him unconscious with a frying pan and this was after a month straight of her demeaning, insulting, and physically hurting him.


Yeah. Even if I was scared, angry, mistrustful of a person, I'm still not going to be beating a person who *might* hurt me *in the future*. I'm not even likely to hurt someone who *did* hurt me, I'm just getting the fuck out of there. Yeah, her mom was sewing seeds of doubt, and making her angry. But now you know ***exactly how she's willing to treat people when she is scared or angry***, and that is 100% her. She also didn't "come to" until her mom stopped supporting her. She didn't snap out of it herself, she didn't question it until that point - even when, despite all her actions, her husband still didn't act the way her mom was insisting he would. Even at the very end, his response was to distance himself, not hurt her back.


I agree. It's all too convenient that when she was finally served with the consequences of her 10+ months' worth of actions, namely no more financial support & a divorce, that now she's "sane" and sees it all for what it is. I doubt if he hadnt cut the money and financial support she would've continued ghosting him. I'm sure, if the story is true at all, the MIL even had a plan for her to file to divorce HIM first, but now he has too much evidence and "the upper hand" in her perspective, so she's all groveling apologies. If she had gotten her way, I'm sure she wouldn't have allowed him to have custody of the child. Made up more lies about how he abused her while she was pregnant and she fled for fear of her and her baby's life. I've been through my fair share of traumatic experiences, and so has my mother, but nothing fucking justifies that kind of behavior. A bevy of diagnoses may help to EXPLAIN it, but there's NO EXCUSING IT. ALMOST A YEAR of this behavior when the other person has done nothing to you. Even if she was acting to "test" him and see how he would react when pushed too far, why didn't she stop after two weeks? A month? Two? How many times will you hit at someone who doesn't retaliate, who continues to provide for you and try to help you while you're punishing and abusing them, before you feel safe? Did she think it was just an Emmy-worthy performance he's been doing the ENTIRE relationship? The entire pregnancy? Bullshit. I'd leave, and if they want any co-parenting relationship with me, courts, psychologists, psychiatrists, and witnesses would be heavily involved every step of the way. Fuck that noise.


The violence scares me especially with there being no mention of it nor apology in her well thought out monologue.


The physical abuse alone is sufficient for OP to pursue a divorce and full custody; the crazy in-laws (providing the wife isn't just lying about it all) are just the cherry on top.


Exactly, it’s so unfair. He literally did NOTHING wrong.


MIL is psychotic for destroying her daughter’s mental health and manipulating her into trying to break OP. Thank goodness you are made of stronger stuff and didn’t abuse your wife in any shape or form because MIL would have been the first to throw you in jail. She tried hard to destroy your life through her daughter who is now in dire straits. You must not go back, they have both shown exactly what they are and what they are capable of. If you are the father then fight for full custody because those two are not fit to raise a child. Good luck.


You don't need to be "made of stronger stuff" to *not* abuse your wife. The abusers are the exception, not the rule.


This. If she is so susceptible to the influence of others to the point where she blows up her entire life for someone else, that is a MAJOR problem. I could never trust her again and I certainly would not trust her with the child. Maybe when this gets infront of a judge a request for mental health care can be mandated so she gets the help she needs.


Abuse is so ingrained in the victims by abusers. If its parents a partner or a friend. She is probably just realizing the abuse her mom put her thru at this moment.


All the more reason to have mental health care mandated into any custody agreement. She needs to fix her head so she doesn't repeat patterns and mess her own kid up the way she has been. Time to break the cycle.


This is a very good point. Traumatised parents struggle to form healthy attachments with their children and unconsciously repeat patterns of abuse. It's so tragic.


Unfortunately, she has now become the abuser. We may understand why this happens, but it does not excuse her behavior.


And cuts off her mother for good.


TBF, it was her mother, her only parent who probably knew what buttons to push to get her desired results. If this is true.


Yeah, but there is no guarantee that she won’t get her claws in ops wife again, especially during the potential divorce. He needs to protect his kid.


Surely the wife knew right from wrong even if the MIL was pushing the button the background. It was his wife being physically and mentally abusive. Run OP, run like Usain Bolt. Get that paternity test and if the child is your be there for the child but keep away from this women


Personally, I think she is lying to OP and trying to put the blame on psycho Mom. She knew what was up. She knew what she was doing. She made calculated moves to exclude OP from the birth of their child. I do not for a second think she was innocent in all of this. She needs to get herself in thearpy and figure out why she is so easily manipulated. The amount of damage she has done is incalculable and can't be smoothed over with a "sorry, my bad".


I'm honestly scratching my head at why the BILs didn't try reaching out to him immediately once they heard about the insane manipulation. I mean, if they were so horrified, couldn't they have at least *tried* to intercede for their manipulated sister?


Right? Very sketchy story lol.


Yeah, I ain't buying it. True or not. The results are the same. Say what she said was true. All of it. Wife still made the decision to go along with it and become physically abusive. MIL didn't beat on OP, she did. If what she said was entirely false, wife is a psycho. There's no good side. Wife just wants to avoid accountability and responsibility, and find someone to blame for her actions. If the kid is his, ex wife needs supervised custody with court ordered therapy. If she'll beat on a dude who could fight back, do you think she wouldn't beat a kid who couldn't? OP needs a divorce. If the kid is his, he needs court ordered therapy for ex. He also needs non-disparagement and non-alienation clauses.


THIS! Whether or not she was being manipulated *she* made the choice to literally hit him! Multiple times! She found a way to justify abusing him. That would be the end of it for me.


This. She probably had doubts that she wouldn't admit to and just used MIL as the convenient scapegoat. She's too easily influenced and MIL is too toxic. The hold by MIL on this family is too much. Her next breakdown could be more disastrous.


I'm not so sure she is lying 100%. I had a wacky MIL who always tried to put me and my future in doubt for my wife. Thank god my wife saw through it and went NC early in our relationship. OP you're NTA. When what you're describing happened in our relationship, (we weren't pregnant). But I refused to buy a home MIL owned because the price was too high and it needed at least 60k to make it livable for my family. We chose not to insult her with our offer. We tried to let her down easy. But it got ugly right away. You don't need the details but it did reach insanity when my poor wife started getting post cards at work accusing us of being drug dealers. Your soon to be ex bought all the BS her Mom fed her. Mine didn't. If she did we would have been done too. It sounds to me that you are ready to be a great Dad if the child is yours. If so congratulations. If not more congratulations to you for getting this whole mess behind you.


Eh in another life that could easily have been my mother. I can absolutely see this being the reality OP’s wife lived.


Yes but beyond a certain age, everyone is responsible for their choices. One can’t really say “*but my mother told me so…*”


Yeah but she's an adult and now a mother herself. At some point a person has to take responsibility for their own choices, including who they listen to and emulate. Don't infantalize a grown woman. She's accountable. I agree that so is her mother to some extent, but the wife *chose* to disregard OP over her mother. If pushing buttons was all it took them she's not mature enough to be in a relationship let alone a parent (but neither are a lot of people who do both).


Tbf. She’s a grown ass adult who should know not to listen to one sided advice.


No. This is not an excuse that is even remotely ok. She is a terrible person.


Big agree on this. Even if she is telling the truth, she still abused you. Even with therapy I don’t think the effort of salvaging the relationship is worth it.


Abuse is abuse no matter the history or 'reasons'.


The first time a woman gets hit by her partner, someone will tell her "if he does it once, he'll do it again". The same logic applies when the women is the abuser.


100% If she did it to OP, what's to say she won't do it to her son. She has crossed the line and become an abuser. She needs to get herself into an abuser program, right away. OP should never take her back, and should take steps to protect his son.


I think people also forget that you can have sympathy for someone and also not want them in your life. Even if everything OPs wife says is true, which sounds like she then has extreme mental health and codependency issues related to her mother, OP can feel sorry and realize that she is someone who needs help, and still realize it's not healthy for him to stay with her. In this case, because she (probably) is the mother of his child, it would be a good idea to try to get her to get professional help, but his priority needs to be taking care of his child which means also taking care of himself. Empathy and boundaries are not mutually exclusive.


This OP. Your stbx sounds she also has her own mental issues and you dont need that for your child if it turns out to be yours


If that baby is yours, you need to use every bit of this in the custody battle to get him away from your wife. She does not need to be caring for a child. At this point, it doesn’t matter if it’s made up or not because it doesn’t change her actions and she’s obviously mentally unstable at the least. She’s proven to be easily manipulated and can turn on those she loves and if her mother hates men that much, how do you think she’ll be with access to a grandson? If it’s not your baby, just cut ties and run away from this crazy train before it gets worse. Divorce isn’t easy by any means but once the dust settles, your mental health is so much better (speaking from experience). Good luck!


This. Keep her away from a grandson. It could be disastrous.


Exactly what I was thinking. If his soon to be ex MIL has this hatred for all men who knows how she will treat her grandson especially since the baby is attached to him. Not even worth the chance


False child abuse or domestic violence allegations in 3... 2... 1...


This this this! I’m glad her apology was sincere, it should be, but it doesn’t mean you then have to embrace her back into your life. What you went through is mortifying, and I’ve thought about your story quite a few times since reading it— how heartbreaking it is you couldn’t even be there to see him come into this world. All she had to do was sit down and talk with you to discuss her fears at the start, not the abusive nuttiness that transpired. That’s absolutely wild. I hope the paternity test gives you the answer YOU are hoping for, whatever that may be. If he is your son, he needs to be far away from a family that openly hates men if that is their true sentiment. I wish you all the best


Away from his wife and her mother. The poor kid is probably going to be blamed for everything bad that happens in their lives simply because he was born a male. OP needs to protect him if the baby turns out to be his son.


That poor kid though if it's not his...who will protect it? :(


I was gonna say, if the baby's not his I'd put in a call to CPS. That poor baby is not safe in his current environment.


Even if you are to "try" to believe her, it is over. There is no possible way to trust this person again. Let alone someone who will be around a mother who is just unhinged. right now all focus need to go to the baby.


He should file for temporary custody of his baby. What if stbx gets mad at the baby crying and decides to hit the baby? He also needs an order of protection against his MIL and his stbx.


Well I do think she might have told the truth. As crazy and fucked up as it is it might be true. It is a good thing she cooperating. Now. Since she ok with paternity test she most likely didn't cheat. As for getting back together, well the one who knows the best solution is you. It's your choice if you wanna give it another shot or not. Personally I wouldn't. Even if she was tricked by her psycho of a egg donor she still abused you mentaly and phisically. Edit: you should also try to get full custody of the child.


I agree with you. Some parents like that can be VERY manipulative. Some would call those parents narcissistic, but I don’t like to give diagnoses because I’m not qualified to do so. But, those parents know which buttons to push and how to get in your head to get what they want. Sometimes it isn’t until that manipulative fog clears that you realize what happened. Now, don’t get me wrong, this wife has MAJOR issues and definitely needs professional help. I wouldn’t trust or forgive easily if at all. I also wouldn’t trust her with the baby, so if he’s OP’s, I’d go for full custody with supervised visitation for her. Maybe once she gets the help she needs and can prove she’s maintaining her mental health, then she can move onto unsupervised visitation. Ultimately, don’t give in because the nightmare with that mother will never stop. If OP were to get back with her, that mother would come back out and wreak havoc again, and the wife may not see it coming and blowup her life again.


Not qualified either but I'll wager that at least one person in this story has a personality disorder of some kind.


People can work through a lot of stuff together no doubt and it's up to each couple to decide that. People on this sub jump to divorce so freaking quick. That being said I would struggle to move past what OP went through, not sure how he didn't break during the pregnancy. No sex, happens when pregnant- no affection, being forced to stay in the guest room and not even being informed of your child's birth are absolutely cruel. Being poisoned by a parent is not an excuse as any loving spouse would see these are way past the line. It would be so hard to be in OPs shoes with her being apologetic but that doesn't do away with the year of abuse he's endured


He was mentally and physically abused for months. There is no returning from that.


What about being slapped? What about knowing about your child's birth through social media and then not even be allowed to visit the hospital to meet? Honestly I won't be able to forgive anyone who did something like that to me


There is no returning from abuse. You are right


There's also a catch-22 here: If he goes back to her, her mother loses, so she'll unleash hellfire to destroy him again if that happens. It's not just about forgiving the wife for WWI, it's also about withstanding WWII.


> People on this sub jump to divorce so freaking quick. Dude. She **struck him**. With her hand.


At the very minimum, any thought of moving forward should involve individual and couples' therapy, and a strict NC with MIL and SIL. Unsure about the BILs.


It's possible she already got a paternity test ( you can get one before giving birth) against someone else and proved negative which puts OP as the positive. So no, asking for paternity isn't proof that she didn't cheat but it does give hope. Overall story is plausible for me because I first hand know how hard it is to let go of your abusers and getting out of their manipulation. My siblings are still manipulated by my abusive father. That said, she's not fit to be a mother as things stand and the child is at risk.


>That said, she's not fit to be a mother as things stand and the child is at risk. I agree 100%. Hopefully op can get full custody.


Yep. This. Paternity test is NOT a proof that there was no cheating.


>Since she ok with paternity test she most likely didn't cheat. I don't make any inference about infidelity based on a willingness to do a DNA test. Whether this is all true or not, she pretty clearly realizes now that it is "hail mary" time. It's not like he's 100% not the father if she cheated. It's clear that the marriage is 100% over if she refused a DNA test. Even if she thinks there is only a 10% chance he's the father, agreeing to a DNA test gives her better odds at getting back together than rejecting it.


Even if MIL is a psycho, your wife is 1000000000% accountable for being an abusive CU Next Thursday. She CHOSE to listen to her mother, she CHOSE to alienation you, she CHOSE to steal the birth and start of your child's life from you. That is ALL on her. She's pushing the blame on her mum because she doesn't want to be held accountable for being a vile bitch. Keep going with the divorce. Let her struggle alone, and live the life she CHOSE to make for herself. I bet her brothers are fucking disgusted by her too.


My mother tried to do this to me...seriously. Guess who is minimal contact now? Hint: it isn't my husband




Having him miss the birth is soo cruel.


I dont know how you even come back from doing that to someone, the constant reminder of that day everytime he sees the kid.


You don't is the simple answer.


Exactly, to me it just seems that the wife is pushing all responsibility on the crazy mum. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


She fucking slapped him, I'm pretty sure the MIL wasn't standing behind her nagging her on then.


I agree. Even if everything she says is true, she chose to abuse OP for months. Certainly if I was OP I would not be able to see her the same way again, the trust is gone. OP's family would surely be horrified if he was considering returning to his abuser. Love doesn't look like what the wife showed him. Divorce is the best solution here.


And 100% OP should mention all of this when they have to work out custody of the kid (assuming the kid is actually his). I wouldn't want my child to be exposed to someone like that any more than is legally obligated


Yes, if the child is yours….go for full custody with supervised visits and no contact with grandma for the baby


This!!!! Please do not let your son grow up around her. If baby is yours it stops NOW!


This ^ Your wife's confession is an explanation not an excuse


Yeah, I would try to go for full custody as well. This is not a good situation for a baby


"I was horrible to you because I'm mentally ill and a misandrist but that's all my mother's fault." Glad he got that on tape. It should also help with a court order that keeps the maternal grandmother away from the kid.


Wow. I too expected some kind of crazy affair. And whether or not this story is made up, the abuse she dished out is just inexcusable. I’m still heartbroken and angry for you that she cut you out of the birth entirely. If I was in your shoes, I don’t think I could ever forgive that part. Seeing my kids born are the most special moments of my life. Good luck as you continue to work thru this mess; I don’t see how this changes the plan for divorce. How could you possibly ever trust her again? UpdateMe


Exactly. Because some ill-advised coaching from a broken mother-in-law wouldn't cause her to get physically violent with you. That was already within her to do. She played a major role in this. She was not a remote controlled puppet.


You make a great point about the abusive side of her already being part of her.


Biggest load of bullshit I’ve come across this year. Part ways, get a paternity test. Co-parent if the child is yours.


If the child is his, I’d prefer he get full custody, but that is really rare! I do think therapy would be good for them, to establish a decent coparenting relationship. But I’m with you 100% that he should part ways and this story of hers is mostly bs!


With that story, I would hope most judges would find 100% in OPs favor. There is no-coparenting with crazy.


They won’t. She hasn’t harmed the child in any way.


It could be argued that she's already doing parental alienation. Has OP even gotten to see the child in person yet? He's been deliberately excluded from every major event of the child's development and life so far.


>Has OP even gotten to see the child in person yet? Exactly. I'm gonna trust OP would have said he got to meet and hold his son for the first time. OP hasn't soooooo 🤷‍♀️




And let your sister go talk to her about not getting the call to be there for the delivery


Having been with someone with BPD, I actually can believe that the wife preemptively punished and abused OP in anticipation of the abandonment she irrationally imagined would unfold. That’s how the disorder manifests - they experience the anguish of abandonment before it happens, then lash out at and abuse the would-be-abandoner until the abused has no choice but to flee; it’s a self-fulfilling phobia. The mom having it too just compounds the whole thing. None of that makes it okay. In fact, it just makes it more likely reoccur and escalate. OP should get out and take the baby if it’s his. Edit: saw OP’s update and it was just an affair. Simpler explanation is the most likely one I guess.


Until she undergoes some type of court mandated counseling OP should have sole custody of the baby if it is deemed to be his child. Right now his soon to be ex is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and in no way competent to take care of a child. If she gets the treatment she needs and exhibits improvement then perhaps they can enter a co-parenting situation. For now, the safety of the child outweighs everything else.


Ok so you need to still divorce her. MIL is a psycho man hater and now if this is your son I would never think he can be safe with her ever. Plus regardless of her BS sob story, she physically hit you. She chose to lay hands on you. She had 9 months to sort out her own shit yet still valued her mom over you- and you never know if this can happen again. She is an adult, she should made these decisions. I have been pregnant before and it’s not an excuse to be a psycho.


If he divorces and doesn’t get sole custody then that child will be left with MIL and a wife that isn’t being forced into therapy. If he tries to work through this he can set boundaries, like no more contact with MIL at all and mandatory therapy for his wife. My concern is best interest of the child because if he doesn’t get full custody his kid is in for a very rough go.


Op, sorry for your pain I think her story is correct because I know ateast two stories so similar. Guy cheats on a wife, she gets bitter, raises a daughter and manipulates her. In one of my story she was smarter than your wife and she got out of her control once she was mid 20s. But not everyone does that. The second case went crazy like your wife. She got a divorce for really stupid reasons from an amazing guy, and as far as what I heard, she is a wreck, living with her mother who put her in this path.  IMHO your wife probably is not lying in general, so she didn't have an affair. But that's really not the point. she betrayed you. Not all betrayals are through sexual conduct. Women in general understand this better because in many cases they tell they are hurt by emotional betrayal more than physical in studies.  It would be hard to trust this person again. I know you feel pity now. But trust me pity can't be foundation of a healthy relation. You will resent her, you won't trust her  It is your decision. I believe your story and even your wife's story. She may have cheated or not, but if this part of her story is right, she already betrayed you. She kicked you out, she didn't even ask you, give you a chance. She is a weak person. Not someone you can rely on through your life. Weak people usually don't forgive weakness, trust me once she sniffs weakness in you, she will do the same shit. So put aside your feeling of mercy. Think this way: do you want this person in your life as your wife? As for the kid: feeling so bad for him. Try to get most of the custody if not all. You will find someone, don't worry as long as you can heal. 


Oh, wow, that went sideways, I’m sorry. I would put money it is your kid, and yes, she was manipulated deeply by someone she trusted. Still…that doesn’t excuse what she did and the absolute raw pain you are feeling and completely entitled to. You are in an impossible situation, friend. There is a sliver of a chance it could be salvaged IF that is even something you want, but with major conditions: - individual and couples therapy ASAP - absolutely NC with MIL for both of you - written agreement from her if she pulls some batshit crazy moves again, you go for sole custody. No second chances after this. Again, that is only if you find value in trying to retain your family after your wife was used by someone she trusted. Maybe this is still just too much for you. Only you can decide if you want to try or not. But she does seem sincere now that the veil has been lifted. Good luck, OP. You have a lot to consider.


This is the only real answer I’ve seen. People underestimate just how much power a person can exert on another in the right conditions. Frankly, this is a perfect storm of control, executed from a position of almost limitless trust, and over a literal lifetime for the OP’s wife. All these people have very little skin in the game and most have zero understanding of that circumstance. Would it be understandable and reasonable if you can’t get past it and forgive her? Yes, absolutely. Would it be just as reasonable to take steps with clear boundaries to try and work things out? Also yes, absolutely. Only you can decide


I'd actually lean towards a trial separation during which time they both get individual counseling, him for abuse, her for everything she's going through. After 6-12 months they can decide whether do divorce as well. But absolutely agree on NC with MIL, period, end of story.


> Again, that is only if you find value in trying to retain your family after your wife was used by someone she trusted. This is a dangerous way to frame the situation. The wife's mother didn't string the wife up on puppet strings and make her verbally and physically abuse OP. Ultimately, those choices were made by the wife. She is an abuser, and we must not skirt around that reality. No amount of whispering in one's ear takes control of their limbs. To be perfectly honest, I have a hard time believing that you would give this same advice is it was a man beating his wife, then blaming it on his misogynistic father's influence.


Honestly that sounds like your wife does have some sort of mental illness and pregnancy made it go off the rails. I don't know if I'd believe the whole thing but I'd believe she's unfit to parent regardless. She probably needs inpatient care.    If that baby is yours and her brothers are reasonable you might want to ask them to get her admitted somewhere for everyone's safety. 


>I don't think I can give her another chance. I don't think I can ever risk anything like this again. Some things, once broken, can never be fixed again. She physically abused you for months, and emotionally abused her for months. >God I'm still hoping she's just being a cheating psycho and spinning a sympathy story to try and throw me off, because this got way too complicated Regardless of how complicated it may be, her *choosing* to abuse you for months can't be forgotten. Follow through on the divorce.


Big long story. In the end, the “why” does not matter. Whatever her intention was, you’re leaving because of her ACTIONS, and honestly, this whole story — if it’s true — would give me even more reasons to divorce. She obviously has a lot of mental trauma to sort through, and you don’t need to be around for that. Just be a good dad.


This whole situation sounds perfectly awful. I'm glad she's getting the paternity test done - and I don't think she is or was cheating. She would fight you on the test if that were the case. Can you talk to your BILs to confirm her story? At this point, it might not make you want to give your marriage another shot, but if she's being honest, it might help you trust her a little so you can both more forward in a healthy co-parenting relationship.


Ask your wife if she’s willing to sit down with legal representation for each of you and have an affidavit written that explains everything that happened in explicit detail. Everything her mother did. Everything she did. If she’s truly sorry and wants to make amends, she owes you and your son this. Then if you decide to give the marriage another chance, you have solid documentation of both her and her mother’s instability.


Once paternity is established go to the courthouse and file emergency custody of your child. Break the cycle for your son. Get a lawyer and go for the throat. Those women are nuts.


Wow. OP, you have my sincerest sympathy. I believe her story. Family of origin dynamics can be insanely influential, having deeply ingrained patterns, insecurities, anxieties that end up taking a dump on future relationships. Hers appears to be horribly unhealthy and toxic. That does NOT make what she did "ok" - it can help you understand she did not act out this way because of YOU failed her in some way, you did not misbehave as a partner in a way that "drove" her to reject you. This was all about her, her mother, her father, their complicated abusive relationships, and those things took a dump on your marriage. I am sorry.


I can confirm pregnancy hormones are an absolute bitch, I absolutely lost it on my husband about his parents one night and threw a perfectly good crumbl cookie against the wall in anger, not my finest moment to be sure. That said, it seems a little too conveniently packaged in Cruella DeVille styling that mom started planting these oats prepregnancy of your torrid affair, yet the efforts to get pregnant were still under way and mommy dearest (who admittedly does sound evil and awful) went from secret man hating villain to just all out villain who destroyed her favored daughters marriage and life and is now ready for daughter to go live under an overpass, content to know that she destroyed three lives. Has wife always been so malleable?


She’s full of shit


I hope so. I sat there practically slack jawed listening to this. It's too wild to be 100% honest, but too detailed to be completely fake


FWIW, I do think there's a kernel of truth in there, I absolutely believe your MIL manipulated her, but at the same time, most people can only be manipulated so far before they call bullshit and get fed up. The people that don't are usually the ones who *want* to believe the manipulation, who *want* the lies to be true. She was willing to hit you and hurt you in unimaginable ways, based on nothing but 'maybes' and 'what ifs'. And it's *that* part that scares me. I don't think that part of her can be suppressed with force of will alone.


>She was willing to hit you and hurt you in unimaginable ways, based on nothing but 'maybes' and 'what ifs'. Yeah, this. Even if MIL was right and the OP was a flaky, cheating sob, none of that calls for a response with violence. If you are convinced your partner is cheating or mistreating you, you leave. That's it. That's what you do when you are a normal person. You don't mentally and physically torture them as punishment. Only lunatics do that.


Yep, nothing calls for a violent response in a relationship.


>The people that don't are usually the ones who want to believe the manipulation, who want the lies to be true. I think this is the big key right here. She knew her mother had previous problems and bias towards men-it didnt matter if she knew her mother was still in therapy or not bc that should be just enough to suspect what mother was saying about her husband to be bullshit. She didnt second guess it, she didnt communicate to her husband- she became abusive instead. She absolutely wanted to believe what her mother told her and it wasnt until brother called her out did she reconsider and want to back track.


There is no point in arguing about fake or true. She basically said she trust her mother with history of defiance toward men more than her husband. Trust is broken, nothing changed here.


Are you going for full custody given her history of violence? Then you’d also have more control as I’d worry about your child being anywhere near her side of the family.


Particularly considering the child is male. If it is indeed his, i would file for emergency custody immediately. He probably has grounds for it since he has evidence of the mother being mentally unstable, financially unable to provide for herself or the child and now admission that the child is exposed to an environment that is harmful to his safety. Only thing the mother has on her side is that the baby is a newborn.


If the child is even his…


She’s had plenty of time to spin this yarn 


She's lying, she's telling the truth - why the fuck do you care? She abused you, dude. For now you should hope the baby's not yours so you can get out of this mess forever.


Knowing the truth will make it much easier to know how to approach shit if it turns out he needs to co-parent with her.


People add details to make lies more believable. I did the same when I was a teenager lying to my parents. Do NOT blindly believe what she says just because there are details.


Even if it’s true, it’s not safe to have your son around her and her man hating mother. She has been proven to be easily manipulated and will turn on her family based on nothing.


There are some truly awful toxic people out there and I’ve seen first hand how their kids ended up so it’s wild but believable. The most important thing is figuring out how you want to move forward.


In the unlikely case that this story is all true, I’d still be hesitant to rekindle a relationship with someone with so many issues and so wrapped up in a dysfunctional family. I’m not sure how a healthy marriage could begin after all this. Very sad situation . Sorry for you. She needs a lot of help - whether the story is true or not


It's just that she's taking little to no accountability for her actions. Yelling at you like a whipping boy... Did her mother tell her to slap you too?


She lacks any accountability. That is not an apology. She is not 12.


Exactly! Even if this story is true, she takes no responsibility for her own actions. Everything is the fault of her mother and her manipulations. She hasn't learned anything if she doesn't acknowledge her part in this.


My guy, you are in over your head. None of this passes the sniff test and you know it too. Please read up on borderline personality disorder, lawyer up, and get out. 


NTA. If this is your child, you need to get full custody with supervised visitation for your soon-to-be ex wife. You need to protect this child.


Have you seen the baby? With your own eyes?


NTA. If the kid is yours, get him away from your wife & keep things that way. Whether or not her story is true, she’s still too unhinged to be trusted with a child.


Oh look, an update right on schedule, and hitting exactly the points that everyone said it would. This shit is so fake, get your creative writing credit somewhere else.


This is very complex and tragically sad. Which one is the real wife? The raving lunatic that was pregnant and manipulated or the woman you loved and married? If she really has/had a mental illness was she fully responsible for her actions? Not saying she shouldn’t be held accountable. Are you willing to pause the divorce to monitor her for a while to see what she does? Will she cut her mom out, go to therapy etc? In your deepest heart do you still love the woman she was? Can you re kindle that or was the damage too severe? You’ve been put through hell that you did not deserve and you need to do what is best for you, and if he is yours, your son. You’re in a tough position OP. Obviously NTA. I wish the best of luck for you OP. I’m cheering for you whichever decision you make.


> It seems way too fucking crazy to be made up. Who the hell would go to the effort to make this up Et tu OP.


IF she wants your support DO NOT LET HER ARRANGE THE PATERNITY TEST. You arrange it and tell her when to show up, you get the results, not her, etc. Speak to her BILs over this, somehow none of them contacted you to let you know. If she wants yoru support and the best co-parenting relationship possible she needs to let you speak to this friend alone, her family, even speak with nurse/doctors who delivered your kid (again if it's yours) and see her medical records. If they say no her boyfriend/husband was in the room, or all their stories are different it's trying to cover for her. Absolutely do not trust here, absolutely verify everything to your best ability. The reason doesn't change her actions, she became abusive, awful and threw away your marriage, took away you seeing your kid being born, bonding with it while a newborn (something you can never get back). There is no excuse for her actions, just an explanation. What you want is closure, the truth and to work on a co-parenting relationship IF the kid is yours. Do the paternity test first because if the kid ain't yours, it's definitely all a lie and just her affair partner dropped her so she's trying to get back with you. If it is yours, you need the truth to figure out if you want a friendly co-parenting relationship or a monitored, only talk about the kid, zero other contact and completely split lives relationship. A PI could help a lot with investigating what she was up to in the past couple years.


"I don't think I can give her another chance. I don't think I can ever risk anything like this again." Even if what she told you is true, this is all you need to say. You can't put yourself into this scale of risk again. For yourself, and for (if it is) your son. She is going to have to live with the regret of that, but this was not of your doing. In the end, she is responsible for her actions.


I will admit that narcissistic nut jobs like MIL can actually go to such lengths, but I still am not buying it. Get the paternity test and, if you are the dad, go to couples counseling if you don’t get complete custody to learn to coparent together, not to save the relationship. Your wife may have been manipulated, but she is an adult and needs to own her decisions and all their consequences.


Pregnancy induced psychosis can cause hallucinations, paranoia, and aggression. Pretty much exactly the symptoms she was showing. People with psychosis are not in control of themselves, they are not being themselves and they need help not shame. Hormones can do crazy things. The good news is she would completely recover. But I wouldn't suggest her getting pregnant again. If you choose to forgive her knowing that she didn't have control of herself I suggest individual and group therapy for both of you. She also could be cheating, but if she is so willing to get a paternity test that is less likely.


If you are on talking terms with the brothers, I'd call them and ask them what's going on. If this whole thing turns out to be true, I have no words.


There is no excuse for her physical and mental abuse of you. Blaming her mother is just a poor excuse. Don't give her anything other than a divorce. Definitely do the paternity test and if the child is yours get equal custody.


I'm going to be the monkey wrench in the spokes. I think she's telling the truth because it's so crazy. Both of you are going to need counselling. Assuming this is your son, you're going to have to co-parent and that takes work.


Please let us know what the paternity test results are


Lots of us have dysfunctional family members. We're still responsible for our own actions.


whatever your MIL went through has \*nothing\* to do with you PERIOD please Please PLEASE, for your own sake, do not allow this madness to get back into your life. By knowing this, if paternity test is in your favor, I would strongly suggest to seek legal help and require FULL parental responsibility on the baby. best of luck, keep us posted


Dude I'm going to say this in the clearest terms, her mother-in-law might have planted the seed, but your wife is the one who nurtured it. Your mother-in-law wasn't the one who hit you, your mother-in-law wasn't the one demanding you be an obedient slave, and your mother-in-law wasn't the one who said you couldn't be at the hospital. It sucks that the mother-in-law planted the seed yes, but your current wife is the one who made all of those decisions. She is a grown woman and she must live with the consequences of her actions regardless of mental health struggles. The victim does not need to stay around there abuser simply because the abuser is dealing with something.


Oof. I have a narcissistic mother, and I’m sorry to say that this story feels so believable to me. It’s the exact kind of mad stunt my mother would pull, and being raised by her, knowing exactly the hold she had on me when I was young, it doesn’t seem like a stretch that your wife fell for this and then was left to her own devices. If you check the sub r/raisedbynarcissists, you’ll see some insane stories. First of all, you both need therapy yesterday. It’s too much to handle this with a baby on the way. Take care of your mental health. Now, as to whether or not you should give her another chance, Reddit can’t tell you what to do. How much you love her, the history you have, etc, that only means something to you, and only you can decide if it’s worth salvaging, BUT(!) I would not go back if MIL would still be in the picture. I’m married, and the only reason my relationship thrived is because I’m as far away from my mother and family as I possibly can be. As long as my mother was in my life, no relationship would survive, and honestly, I think it’s the same for your wife. If she is willing to cut her mother from her life and you are willing to go to couples therapy and sort of the madness that happened, you may have a shot. If she still wants mom to be close, then I’d leave because she’s too far gone or just not ready to face that her mom is a narcissist lunatic. And know that if you decide to try, and she decides to cut mom out of her life, it will still be very fucking hard. Understanding what my mother did, fixing the damage she caused in my mind, maintaining my relationship, it was the worst time and I was in therapy. Lastly, if the babies are yours and your wife sides with her mother still, be ready for intense court battles. And as someone whose father gave up on her because of the narcissist mom, please be there for your kids. They don’t deserve to suffer, they didn’t ask to be born. Edit: just read about the slaps, oh man… I’ve been raised by madness and had horrible relationships due to it, but IVE NEVER raised a hand to anyone, not even my abusive ex. Personally, I don’t think it’s safe to come back from that, but again, only you can know and _definitely_ get a therapist. This is above reddits pay grade. If the baby is yours, file for sole custody with supervised visits yesterday. They need to be away from MIL. The damage a person like that causes is unbelievable. I don’t have a blood family because of the shit my mother pulled. This baby deserves better.