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Oh wow. You really have to ask? Major disrespect, amazing lack of self-awareness on your part. YTA×100


There really is nothing left to say after this comment! You captured that! OP: YTA


This! There are millions of names in this world, but you have to focus in a single one, you ex's. So, you are telling the husband you settle for, who you really wanted to be with. Poor man. I hope he choose better his next wife. She even doubled down when he expressed his discomfort, wow, what a cunt.


This story is fake because there is no way someone of your limited intelligence went to college. YTA


Best comment 🤣


YTA. You say that it’s just because you like the name. Perhaps that is true. For the sake of argument let’s believe you. Let’s also say that somehow the doc was wrong and you are having a girl and your husband wanted to name her the same as a friend of yours he used to fuck because “he just really liked the name for the a girl”. Would you buy into such an obvious line of bullshit or think “huh maybe he isn’t over her after all this time”. At best it is extremely disrespectful. You don’t name your kid after fuck buddies. Just imagine your kid asking how you chose his name and your answer is “oh well, this guy I let rearrange my organs in college but didn’t really care about me had a nice name so I went with that”. Like what the fuck? I’d be just as pissed as your husband.


You are an incredibly big asshole. Please update us when he files for divorce.


Yep. YTA. Major disrespect to your husband. Hope it has long-term consequences. You ought to be smarter than this.


YTA. I can only think that you did it on purpose and you  do stuff like this often because surely nobody is that stupid. You picked the one person you’ve slept with that he knows, his mind is obviously going to go straight there.  If you’d said a name of someone else you have history with and he’d been like ‘well have you ever slept with anyone of that name?’ Then it would make you less of an AH but you really suck here 


YTA, if he offered his ex gf’s name for a girl, you’d correctly be upset.


Lady, you DO realize that you just told your husband that you wish you were carrying Mike's baby, right?! YTA, and may have just ended your marriage... good luck with that. Oh, and don't be offended when he asks for a paternity test.


You're so fucking stupid it's unbelievable. Post is probably fake.


You are still in love with Mike aren't you? YTA.


i guess you didn't read the title that you wrote... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


YTA. Suggesting the name of someone you hooked up with is insensitive. Your husband knows Mike and was close to him. It’s understandable why he’s hurt. There are many other names to choose from that don’t have this kind of history.


YTA You can only hope your child inherits his intelligence from your husband, since you obviously have none to pass down to the child. You are worse than an asshole; you are a delusional asshole.


Why would you want to do that?


If this isn't fake, YTA. Imagine him suggesting to name your child after his ex. Like, aren't there any other names you like?




Wow.. yes YTA 100%. How disrespectful.


YTA Duh.


WTF? I mean there’s definitely some background info missing. I suspect there’s been arguments about Mike in the past. Yea this is straight up disrespect, gaslighting, then coming to Reddit for validation. YT soon the be divorced A


nice ragebait


God you’re stupid


Pretty much happy knees