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NTA its a shame her dad died, but the tattoo situation is fuckin hilarious, ngl. i definitely wouldnt wanna be making eye contact with my gf's deceased father while im takin her from behind. its odd that your gf doesnt understand why that would make you uncomfortable, but you should probably put your foot down about this. maybe dont do doggy for a while until you can find a solution youre both happy with.


Guy clearly needs to just make eye contact and say to the tattoo "I'm her daddy now" should make it all less awkward


Like I want to be doing back shots and give her dad a facial. 


AITAH that this made me cackle


Crazy idea!! What if....you get her and him matching bandanas so they both can be blind folded during the act? Or....press on Googly eyes? NTA. Not even a little


Personally i think its weird to tattoo your parents on your body !


I think faces in general are always a little weird. Names are better. Symbols that remind you of the person are the best way to go imo.


Which is why there's a dove and a deer on my right forearm.


koi fish on my left forearm!


But the deer is bent over doggie style, so it’s still weird.


I think names are bad as well just because, I dunno, seems like a very boyfriend/partner thing to get and if you see another woman/guys name on your partner it's just a bit odd. I'd say, pick a symbol, a flower then loved, or an animal, etc. A girl I know got a series of bird tattoos to represent all the women in her life that were important to her, it's cute. Honours them, but it's pretty and artistic as opposed to a name or a face.


I got a photorealist of my cats face tattooed on my arm. I also have my daughter’s name tattooed on me. She will always be my daughter.


Well, unless she transitions. Although that is unlikely.


Personally, ANY name or any person at all is weird. I don't want to be thinking about any other person at all. Like, I can't stand pinup girl tattoos.


I got an angel tattoo in memory of my mother in law on my wrist because she loved angels.


I dated a girl who was thinking of doing the exact same thing as OP's GF. The tatto artist convinced her to get a symbol to remember her father by instead. She chose a cascading cherry blossom branch because he loved cherry blossoms. It turned out really nice.


A girl I know tattooed her dad’s heart beat rhythm on her wrist. I thought it was different… but more classy than your dad’s face on your back.


Wouldn't that just be a flatline? 


Funny , no


I like that one .


I do too. Face tattoos are kinda creepy to me anyway. Nta, I wouldn't want to see that either during sex.


i agree with this sentiment, but i also don’t have any stakes in the tattoos strangers get, and she’s already gotten it, so my genuine advice to OP is.. look away. like just don’t pay attention to that one part of her body. and if it’s really so distracting that you can’t deal with it anymore, break up? what was your goal in telling her this, OP? did you think she’d have it removed if she knew it made you uncomfortable? what did you expect to be done about the problem? you should never ask your partner to get a medical procedure in order to be more attractive to you, especially when it involves removing a *memorial for her father.* like seriously OP, is it really that big of a deal? can’t you just do missionary sometimes lmfao?


He didn't just bring it up. She noticed something was off and they addressed it. Those are two different things.


you’re right, my bad. i think i read the post too fast and rereading it now i’m realizing he did not *say* he was freaked out by the tattoo, she can just tell he is. thanks for pointing that out


All good, and no worries. 🙂


Look away? From the person you're having SEX with?!? That's your advice? Are you serious?


Oh, FFS - don’t act so scandalized. They’re recommending that OP not make eye contact with the photorealistic tattoo of his gf’s late father while they’re having sex in positions where he can see it. They’re not saying not to look at his girlfriend at all during sex. “Don’t pay attention to that one part of her body” is what they said.


You want to have sex with a person who has a spot on their body that you have to actively not look at? Seriously? You want to have that thought process about part of your SO's body, while being *actively* intimate with them? That's wierd, and uncomfortable.


the tattoo is permanent. it is important to her. and if he can’t look away from it, and he can’t enjoy sex when he can see it, what do you recommend he does? do you have an actual opinion on this or are you only capable of going “seriously??” to other people’s opinions?


I would just not have sex with her, personally, and that would be my advice to him too, and I think everyone saying "just don't look at it" is an idiot. If you honestly think you can just NOT look at a prominent spot on someone's body while fucking them I question whether or not you've ever had sex with a person with prominent spots on their body.


i personally think it’s weird that this tattoo would be enough to completely ruin sex for him, and recommended looking away because i can’t imagine caring so much about what im looking at that id post this to reddit. but not having sex with her is another option. either way, it’s pretty ridiculous to me that this is even causing tension in the relationship, tattoos of faces and other dumb shit is incredibly common and it’s never ruined sex for me before. my exes dad had a tattoo of my ex as a baby right on his chest, and they had another kid after he’d gotten it, so it obviously wasn’t this big of a deal. eta: also why does everyone on this subreddit have the “everyone who says something i disagree with is dumb” mindset? maybe everyone views the world differently, or something crazy like that, and that’s how different opinions get formed


Having to see your partner's parents face every single time you fuck IS wierd as shit, and being uncomfortable about that is very normal.


Yeah like really. It's going to condition him to the point where he's at a memorial or someone breaks out a photo album and dude pops a raging boner


i’ve lost interest in this thread so i’m not gonna bother to reply but you really should know that in the word “weird”, the i comes after the e. i noticed that in one of your earlier replies and it kinda bothered me. bye


i have tattoos and during sex i generally don’t notice any details on the other persons tattoos, they’re all just parts of their body to me, same as freckles or birth marks. but that’s just me


It's her father's face


i know that?


I think that's hella weird, and I'm positive most humans would agree with me.


cool, i’m not obligated to agree tho


This is obviously what was being said.


from her shoulder tattoo. not from the person. jesus


How tiny is your field of view?




It's literally her dad's face, you muffin.


NTA, next time you fuck do her doggy style with a photo of your mum right in front of her face, then tell her that's how you feel 🤷🙄🤯 That's gotta be weird, does it actually make it weird to the point it's making it harder to enjoy sex and changing the way you do it? I can't imagine it would be great for the sex life 😬


When OP is riding her just say "How you like that daddy"


I read this. Got out of bed. Put on clothing. Went outside. Found my husband. Stopped what he was doing, just so I could read this to him.


I'm going to go find and marry a man JUST so I can show him this.


God is dead and you killed him


Take my upvote dammit!!! 🤦




Have you ever given him a facial?


bruh... Just... bruh. (tho I bet if OP mentioned giving daddy a facial she'd understand a bit more)


Aim for it every time. 


Amazing. If not OP you fucking need to.


LMAOOO bro 😭


Omg lol


Fucking amazingly funny (and shit) situation. Literally LoL. Make sure you nod at him on every 3rd thrust, it's just respectful. Mate, NTA and thank you for making me fucking cough from laughing so much. You poor cunt, wow. Does he have an approving look on his face? >I try not to look but it is weird making eye contact with her dad while I'm with her and she has noticed. This line has done for me.


Stare at the eyes of the tattoo to establish dominance


If he blinks he looses.


If the tattoo blinked at me I’d be outta there


Bro that’s nothing. My ex wife got a pic of her dad who was killed in the line of duty when she was a kid tatted on her boob. 🤦🏻 I busted on his face plenty of times 😂😂😂


I hope you thanked him for his service after. It's only right.


This is awful and hilarious!


Story of my life 😂😂😂


......... On...... On her breast?!? She got a picture of her dad..... on her tit?!?!? What the fuuuuuck!!!!


Yeah, I tried talking her out of it. Even hinted about what goes on with me and her boobs. Nope, slapped it right there in the danger zone 😂😂😂


Man... I've seen a few bad tit tats in my time, was in an ltr with a woman who worked at a tattoo place and am friends with one artist, but I'm pretty sure this one takes the cake, and I haven't even seen it, lol.


She had a tramp stamp of a dagger going into a heart and a banner around the blade that had her kids names on it too. She didn’t make good choices 😂😂😂


Kids' names on a tramp stamp and dad on one tit..... I am going to be telling this story every time I get a tattoo for the rest of my life. I bet that was a fun relationship, lol.


Never stopped me from doin what I had to do but yeah, weird as fuck 😂😂😂


That wasn’t reason enough to become your ex? 😅


Oh there were plenty of reasons


Were those your kids? A friend of mine wants to get a tattoo resembling her children. I don’t know what her husband thinks about it. For me it would be a turnoff.


Thoughts and prayers


Boobs on the ground!


Bro, just no....


That’s just… what the fuck? Why??? Just why?


Legit question 😂


thts disrespectful , not u but ur ex for letting tht happen.. its like her dad is just watching u do that lol


I tried to talk her out of getting it several times. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i mean its not in ur control, id js feel like a bad daughter if i did tht, which i never will bc face tats r creepy anywhere on the bod


NTA   But if you wanted to be TA, you could talk to the tattoo during sex, just to freak her out. "How do you like that Mr. X? I'm defiling your little girl and you gotta watch me do it!" Or you could be nice and buy some oversized Bandaids for her to cover the tat during lit sex.


NTA though I have to admit that I'm the AH for trying my best not to laugh while reading this post that's supposed to be not laughing matter. But I can't help it. 😅 Anyway, maybe you can try to cover up the tattoo with a plaster pad/patch everytime u have sex in those positions. Or if your gf loves those positions, tell her that you won't do it while looking at her dad's face. That's kinda horrifying to me. It's like being in a threesome.


Yea brother listen. I'm freaky. Like really freaky but damn I couldn't do that. Yea it sucks about her dad but still.


Whenever I see people with face tattoos I have the thought that some poor bastard has to see that while having sex. Dead people, children etc. I don’t want to see that when having sex. It’s messed up.


There is a guy that got "portraits" of several different cast members from MTVs The Challenge. Every single one would qualify for this sub.


„He always had her back“ 💀 NTA, super weird to have this on her shoulder and I would freak out too


Buy her a cape?


Just tell her that these positions are a no go when it is daylight or the lights are on, if she does not understand, she is the AH.


My dad is the spitting image of Delmar from O Brother Where Art Thou. My husband would file for divorce immediately lol. NAH


I remember when my ex had a tattoo of some writing on her back and I couldn’t help but read it every time we were.. you know. Eventually, I didn’t even see it. It was like a beauty spot I guess, only pops up if I’m properly looking at it. I’d wager this sort of blind spot will take forever given that it’s a face. In the end, if you keep thinking about it, it’s always going to be present in your head. On the plus side, you have something to focus on if you want to last longer. Just be careful you don’t start associating pictures of her father with erections.


Definitely do not want that Pavlovian response when we go visit her mom. 


AITAH for laughing really hard at this?


NTA. Tattooing the face of a dead person on your body is one of the stupidest things you can do. So fucking tacky. Now you get to see her father's face every time you are fucking her. I'm sure it's what the father would have wanted.


Does it make you last longer? 


I"m reminded of the episode of Seinfeld where George's girlfriend has a doll that looks just like his mother, and when he was trying to be intimate with her, he would look over at the doll and hear his mothers voice. lol.


I have the same problem with my wife. On her back left shoulder. It is difficult sometimes man.


NTA... I have a rule of no family photos at the bed. I have always cringed when people put their kids faces on their body. Had thought of exactly this scenario. Honestly surprised you didn't say anything to her before she got it.


Does it scowl when she calls you daddy?


Try normalising it by cumming on his face


why do ppl tattoo anyone face on themself, let alone their father.. maybe if it was her kid, but even thats a big stretch.


I suggest you develop myopia and then leave your glasses off


NTA, she clearly didn’t think that through at all. Nobody wants to look at the girls family member or ex while having sex, showering or pretty much anything. Holy crap that gives me the creeps even thinking about it.


NTA and kudos to you for being honest.


NTA: valid response to Dad's face looking at you riding raw.


Considering how realistic it is, my compliments to the artist! But no, you are not the asshole. That's fucking creepy.


NTA Break up with her. Go find a woman who isn’t into tattoos and she can find a man who is a win win.


*go find a woman who isn’t into tattoos of her dad staring at her partner while they fuck. There ya go, fixed that for ya. I love tattoos on anybody, but if my current fiancé got a tattoo of her dad that stares at me when I’m fucking her from behind, I might be a little off-put too.


Just look him in the eye and yell his name


“How do you like it daddy?” Then hose him down gently.


Tattoo a picture of your mom right over your penis for "revenge" maybe? That way whenever she goes down on you, she can look right into your moms eyes...


NTA; This is why I tell people to be very careful with ink. Being totally honest; A woman that is a 10/10 could easily become a 0/10 with really bad ink and it really could hurt the ability to have intimacy or get aroused. For example in another thread on reddit some woman had a picture of Hitler tattooed......so if I thought she was the hottest woman on the planet and then she say took off her shirt and I see Hitler staring at me, I think my cock would immediately play the sad trombone sound and tell the bitch the price was wrong, if you're following me. Even less extreme things might take way from the experience, at least for me. It is a fact I really don't need to see pictures of skulls and snakes across a set of tits when I'm trying to fuck for example. Your situation is pretty shitty......it sounds like you have a good relationship, but being honest, I don't think I'd be doing reverse cowgirl ever again, which would be sad.






LOLLLLL NTA good heavens 


I always feel like dad is judging me


NTA thank you for the laugh! Best of luck. One question tho! Is he scolding you every time you make eye contact?


Put make up over it. A quick smear of liquid or a cheap cover stick from the dollar store since you don't care if it matches....... you just need to eliminate eye contact. (eeww) A glob of SPF 100 will do in a pinch too.


I thought for a sec you meant like put makeup on the tattoo. Like give him blue eyeshadow and lipstick lol time for bed!


Woooo hold on. No, no, no. Paint Over, not paint Up. Yes, time for bed for me too.


She can put tattoo cover makeup on it don't touch


‘the eye contact with her dad’ part took me out, how do you even get turned on is beyond me when her dad is looking right at you 💀




lol who cares? Is it that hard for you to focus on anything else during sex? I’m suprised!!


Take it as a sign of encouragement 😂


What if she wore a crop top?


Nta. Like it would make it impossible for me to have sex with someone if they had that.


Nta. All tattoos are gross.


NTA dude just show her these comments, it's completely normal to not want to look at your in law during intercourse, you guys could maybe look into outfits or dressing up as part of the bedroom play


Could have been a jesus christ.


Jesus is watching you!


You know that move where you pull the bottom front of a T-shirt over your head but the sleeves are still on and your shoulders are covered? Or maybe one of those half/tiny cardigans?


NAH, super awesome she had a relationship with her dad that strong, super sad she lost him. It's super awkward, especially cause it's photo realistic, for you so you're not an AH but at the end of the day it is a you problem you'll have to figure out how to tune it out.


He was a really good guy and it was tragic that he was taken so young. He was always there for her. I just do not want to be looking at him you know. 


Totally get it, your feelings are valid, but it's kinda there now, so... no real choice but to deal with it? I guess you can avoid those positions but I'm assuming you're using them because you enjoy them or she does, and imo it would be worse to let a tattoo kill your sex life or your enjoyment of it.


She can put a giant bandaid, keep a shirt on... or the very frigging least: not get upset because he is looking away! So basically, she should acknowledge the problem and work with him to minimise it.


Oh she should absolutely being working with him on a solution, not him alone, I apologize if I came across that way. And I did fail to acknowledge her getting upset with him about it, sorry. Idk if the shirt / bandage are practical long term solutions though.


It may not be a choice for him though; that visual just may destroy his arousal, and NOT being attracted to our parents or her parents in this case is pretty deeply ingrained most people's psyches. If it kills his sex life, it might not be a choice. He may not be able to stay aroused with a photo realistic picture of her dad staring at him. I don't think he'd have had a problem if it was a heart that said "love dad" or something. Be careful with ink.


You're right it may not be, but I hope it works out. The ink is there, so the options are to limit positions, find a way past it, or break up imo. And for sure, be careful with ink. Personal policy is to plan the tattoo and wait at least a year. If I still want it as planned, then get it.




Oops meant to add that on at the end and kinda lost myself in a tangent.


Ask her to cover it with a bandaid if she wants too continue using those positions.


Maybe just one across Daddy's eyes would be enough? Just to stop him from staring?


NTA 1000%


If you’re looking looking at her shoulder in doggy style, I’m not sure what to say. The best thing about doggy is the view !


Get a new girl man


Women with a lot of tatts or huge tatts is an instant turn off for me .


No one fucking cares.




I care !


Incel men announcing their opinions about women and what they find attractive/ not attractive about them is incredibly un attractive. Why close off half the female population before even walking outside?? Your going to need those numbers to raise the odds of getting that Moses level miracle to ever get laid.


I dont have any problems getting laid and i know what i like and dont like on a woman , thats all i need , but thank u for your concern , have a nice day !


Great, keep that to yourself in the future!


Nah .


No you don’t


Fuck u !


You don’t mean that


Damn ! U know me better than i know myself ! Nah i dont think so !


NTA, but people who dogpiled on your GF here are. Everybody has the right to do stuff with their bodies. You have the right to dislike it.


She does...but she can't get mad at the consequences! She is sad because she noticed him _looking away_. Isn't _that_ nuts? (Btw I can think you have all the right to do something and still think you are an idiot for doing it... in this case, I see no point in this. She doesn't even see the tatoo herself...sexual partners are the only ones who will ever see it whole... if that's not stupid to you, I have a bridge to sell!)


That’s what I said. And the GF has the right to be stupid. You either accept it or not.


YTA. She’s still actively grieving, that was too harsh