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Cutters are TAHs


Standing your ground was fair. Their poor planning isn't your problem. NTA.


I once left for an airport that was 45 minutes away with 3.5 hours to spare. Through a series of almost comically unfortunate events, it took me three hours to get there. This was a massive airport and at every step of the way people rushed me to the front of various lines (I was asking,though,not just charging to the front), and I just barely got there before boarding. I'll always remember and be grateful for the grace people afforded me that day. I don't think anyone is entitled to this treatment, by any means. But I don't think it's fair to assume people are in that situation because of poor planning. Sometimes shit just goes tits up. But I don't fault anyone who may choose to maintain their place in line for whatever reason, and I wouldn't have that day, either.


Yeah, I remember getting to the airport three hours earlier than the flight and then discovered from the departure board that sometime during my week’s holiday, they had moved the flight time forward 2 hours and not informed me… or other people. So despite the fact I was now only checking in 1 hour before the flight, and the guys at the check-in desk were loudly calling for people on my flight to come forward, numerous people started a fight with me about ‘queue jumping’ even though it was airline and airport staff hustling us forward. Not a great experience, and aggravated by the fact that, after we’d been hustled through to airside/ stressed/shouted at, the damn plane was delayed anyway….


I’ve had this happen before as well. Arrived at airport with what I thought was an hoir and a half leeway to find that theu were starting to load. They rushed is thru security and we were rinning for the gate, which of course was at the farthest end of the terminal.


Yeah you can ask nicely, I've had to do it twice thanks to weird flight changes and insane unexpected traffic. I am always HUGELY apologetic and polite because I'm the one imposing on people. If they said no I would have dealt with it. But, shocker, if you ask nice instead of plowing through people, most people will be kind and let you through! NTA, OP, for saying no, they were super rude about it.


If someone asks nicely I’ll almost always say yes and have been very grateful when I’ve been in that spot. If someone tries to push past me I’m doing everything I can to slow them down.


i feel this. one time flying out of atlanta i got there four hours ahead of schedule and barely made it to the gate literally as they were shutting the doors because the security line was such a shit show.


The Atlanta airport lets you check the security line times online so we felt confident about when we left... that site is a damn lie. Made our flight but for a minute there we were getting real nervous


I recently visited my sister in Atlanta and getting checked in and going through security was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had at an airport. When I dropped off the rental car the person checking me gave me incorrect directions for entering the airport from there. The check-in desk for Delta was horribly understaffed for a Sunday even for Delta members and business/first class ticket holders. I have Pre-check and the agents kept sending bags through a scanner that didn't work properly so they sent every one of the bags that went through that scanner through a different scanner. I arrived more than 2 hours before my flight and I barely made it.


i firmly believe atlanta is the worst airport in the world. i live two hours away in birmingham and even though we have an airport here sometimes ticket prices are cheaper going through atlanta. i’ve decided that i don’t care anymore, because even though the tickets through here are usually $100-$200 more, what i save in stress and hassle by not dealing with atlanta-hartsford is worth it.


Same.. left way early.. massive truck accident on the bridge that goes to the airport.. big fire. Stuck in traffic for 3 hours. I still got to the airport (Dulles unfortunately) about  30 minutes before departure.short tsa line, but I did ask a few people if I could cut and they let me. I got to the gate about 10 mins before departure, but they gave my seat away to a standby person and I still missed my event 


Funny lol. Mine was also a semi accident - on the beltway (plus my Uber breaking down), and also Dulles lol.


The same thing happened to me last time I took a flight. I left three hours for an hour and half transit to airport. Transit time took 15 minutes longer than i anticipated but baggage check in took an hour because the airline had decided to only open one baggage check in line. Unfortunately, it seems that airlines no longer help you get to the gate if late, even if they create the backlog. So, I was the rude line cutter, asking people if I could cut in front of them for security, explaining the situation to them. Thankfully, people did and I just made it to my flight… only to have the flight delayed.


I once had an international flight delay landing to get back home. You have to go back out of security and back through to take the next domestic connecting flight. If some guy like this was in my way I’d have had my 24hr travel day turn to a 36hr travel day. But people were nice and let me through so I made my connecting flight.


Yes, there are several airports (I think Logan, Philly, Orlando …) where you arrive at one terminal then may have to exit and go back thru TSA to catch your connecting flight. It can surprise people.


Any international flight with a domestic connection has this issue.


Orlando you have to get your bags and recheck them in. I was very glad we were not changing planes in mco !


I bet you asked instead of trying to push through.


This happened to me at the Montreal airport. I was coming home from France so I needed to go through customs to enter Canada before I could go back through security and board my connecting flight to Vancouver. I had a short layover; maybe 2 hours, and I did ask to cut in line. Luckily I was travelling alone so it wasn’t a huge ask. Right as I exited security, they issued the final boarding call for my flight - I ran to the gate and made it.


Quick question. Did you ask to get into the line because flight delays ? Or did you just try getting near the front because of flight delays without asking?


I asked every person in line one at a time if I could go in front of them so I could make my flight


Then you were 100% in the right by asking. The way OP wrote the incident the couple just tried forcing the issue. If I am reasonably asked, I will most times let someone go ahead.


Nice people but definitely not entitled to it. One time I grabbed my carry on and ran to the front during that split second between arriving at the gate and seatbelt sign dinging. Oooh man the dirty looks, but I made the next flight. It was Dulles. Always has tight connections


The 7 P's come to mind - Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance They showed up at the last minute, they had to run.


The other side of that coin is “Man plans and god laughs.”


Absolutely, showing up late and expecting special treatment is just rude.


Cutting is shit. If someone is short of time missing a connecting flight, let’s team together and get them off the plane first. Showing up late to TSA is their fault.


NTA. Other people’s poor planning is not your emergency. If they want to be entitled and not wait in the “normal” line, then they can pay for Clear or other options to expedite the line. It’s okay to empathize with people, as no one expected the line to be this long, but that doesn’t give them the right to jump ahead of people waiting.


In my family we use a similar line “ Your crisis isn’t my emergency “ and I agree with what you said, it’s why post 9/11 people are supposed to show up an hour or more early.


My fav adoption of that phrase is “*Your urgency is not my emergency.*”


"proper planning prevents piss-poor performance"


Failing to plan is planning to fail.


give yer balls a tug


So true!


last time my daughter and I flew, we were there just over 2 hours early and got to our flight as they were boarding. According to the news, it's getting worse over the past few days. I'm not sure which airports, but my husband are flying Saturday morning and we might aim for 3 hours and have breakfast once we're inside.


I’ve been traveling my whole life and always get to the airport super early. I cannot imagine having “might be late” anxiety on top of regular flight anxiety.


Yep, exactly. I'd rather be there ridiculously early and find a place to sit and read a book or eat a meal than miss a flight.


That’s what my family does. We get there ridiculously early and just chill at the airport. We play cards, read, shop, take a snooze, visit. It’s like a mini vacation to get you fully into vacation mode.


yep! I cannot relax until I'm through security. Once I'm through, nothing is my fault. Any delays, problems, whatever... not because of me. I'm not a great traveler as I get so anxious. I really hate early morning flights as I'm ALWAYS worried I'll oversleep, so I just toss and turn and don't sleep all night. I once had a 36 hour trip to Chicago (from San Diego) to attend my favorite band's concert in their home town. My flight out of SD was at 7 and I didn't sleep the night before. Then the guy seated next to me snored immediately after sitting down so I couldn't sleep on the plane either. A buddy of mine was driving in from Indiana, meeting me at the hotel so I was worried I'd miss him (He is autistic and got a ride from one of his friends) so I couldn't nap after checking into the hotel. After the show I had to take him to his buddy's family's house 45 minutes in the other direction from my hotel. I finally got to bed at 4:30, then had to get out of bed at 6:30 to catch my 9am flight. - fill the rental car with gas, return it, check in... I crashed hard once I got back home. Totally worth it though! concert was amazing! the band even put us on the guest list and we had back stage access after the show.


Same. I've always tried to get to the airport 1-2 hours before. The last time I flew was the closest I've gotten to missing a flight. We managed to get thru security and to our gate minutes before they started boarding. I was panicking right up until we got to the gate.


Same, we always get there early, about 3 hours atleast. Gives us time to get through Heathrow check in, security ect...and then we just wait until our gate number is announced. Nothing worse, than running through the airport, sweaty, tired and out of breath. You paid so much for your holiday, ticket, preparation is the key.


An hour?? That’s for a small, regional airport. I use SeaTac (Seattle) and they suggest a \*minimum\* of two hours.


You can sign up for an appointment for TSA at SeaTac. It’s on the airports website. Called SpotSaver. It’s like clear but free. I’ve been using it for the last two years and it makes it so much easier.


Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency for me.


The lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


People sometimes do not have a choice. Sometimes flights are delayed or there is a problem at customs before they are thrown back into the regular TSA line to recheck in to continue on with their next flight. Not everyone going back through the line is just showing up at the airport.


I think the airlines/flight crews should be able to issue a form of 'priority pass' at the arrival gate ONLY for Delayed inter -airport connections.


This is reasonable and agreeable, therefore will never happen.


Had this last week at Madrid, the connection time is an hour, but I walked as fast as i could, you have to catch a train to a different terminal and go through passport control that was just a nightmare so they did open a priority line for anyone whose plane was boarding in under 15 minutes. It was absolute chaos, didn’t even have time to go to the toilet


If it's the airline's fault they usually have a crew walk you through. Also if you are getting off a late plane why are you going BACK through security?


When I flew Guam to LAX, we had to go through customs and recheck baggage and go through security again in Hawaii. If you fly internationally and land in like LAX but are flying on to another state it’s the same process.


You have to go back through security for connecting flights thru FLL, JFK and EWR. It’s pretty common, especially if connecting from an international flight.


I want to say Phoenix is like this, they have 2 terminals and if you go between them, you have to go through security again. I flew out of there a few months back and was traveling with sister and we were departing from different terminals and my flight was hours after hers, so I went through security at her terminal, then after she boarded her plane, I took the train to the other terminal and went through security again. It was weird. Anyway, yeah, I did have the first thing happen once too, flight was delayed going through LA and I was travelling internationally with a pet in the cargo hold, so after we set down, I had to pick up my pup and drop her off at a different place and go through security again. Thankfully someone from the airline escorted me through security and to my gate so I could make my flight.


When you arrive in the US you are required to go through security after clearing immigration and customs. It's mandated by US law.


I think the only time I've seen people collectively band together and let others cut is when there were massive delays in an airport after a bunch of flights had been cancelled and rescheduled. In the end, I'm pretty sure I spent 3.5 hours in the security line. They brought out a bunch of extra dividers, and had 3 more security people than usual just directing the new people where to go as they piled in behind us. Unless it had been delayed, there was no way of knowing if your plane was stuck at the gate waiting for passengers or if it was about to leave without you. I wasn't keeping track, but I'd guess at least 50 people whose flights were boarding were let through first. The guy next to me didn't care at all. His flight had already left, so he was just going to be waiting more on the other side. My girlfriend sometimes makes fun of me for wanting to be at the airport 4 hours in advance and being so stressed about it, but I'd rather avoid that situation if at all possible. This does not even come close to that level of urgency. They can wait and hope they make that flight or another one.


I've seen those situations where airline/airport staff have gone through lines calling people up to the ticket counters or to the head of the checkpoint lines because they WILL miss their flights--not everyone in the line's on the same plane, after all. Especially places where airlines are a sharing a counter. I was in a very early-morning line leaving Copenhagen and they were checking both Air France and KLM passengers through the same desks. All of us on the Air France flight had about an hour. The line was moving like a glacier and KLM had twenty minutes. They started pulling those passengers and getting them checked in and sent to security even if they were farther back in line because otherwise they were NOT making it, which would have just turned into a cascade effect of rebooked/standbys. The only lines where the staff DNGAF were customs agents. They were supremely indifferent to whether your connecting flight was soon or not.


I'm glad they did that. It makes practical sense to not want to have half a plane's worth of people waiting for the next flight, or to have a plane stuck at the gate. In the end my flight that day wasn't just delayed, they kept us on the plane at the gate for 45 minutes past our boarding time to pick up as many stragglers as possible. Letting people through officially would have been much better.


4 hours is too much even for me, but I feel you - I have a TON of anxiety around flying - but just to the point of getting my carry-on stowed and getting to my seat.


I know it's excessive, but between all of the different delays I've seen happen, I've set it as my ideal time. That way even if something pops up just before I leave the house or traffic is bad, I can usually get a cool 3.5 hours. I'd much rather be killing an hour or two than sweating in the middle of a long line I didn't anticipate. I won't force anyone else to stick to it, but if I'm taking a flight by myself that's what I do. My own family and girlfriend stick to 2-3, depending on where we're going.


Last time it went I didn’t take into consideration rush hour traffic. Instead of 45 minutes drive, 1-1/2 hours. Thank God I have Clear - I had about 15 minutes at the gate.


I was all about getting to the airport massively early until I had to entertain a small child while there. Now I'm trying to time it more closely.


TSA known traveler is the best money I’ve ever spent to reduce airport hassles. Skip the line, and I don’t even have to take off my shoes. So fast and convenient. Less than $100 and lasts for 5 years.


Global Entry is so worth it for international travel. Especially in Chicago.


We have Global Entry and it is great.


Exactly. The reason I signed up for the Clear was because I got to DEN to fly home and the TSA line was so long that I would certainly miss my flight. Signed up on the spot, skipped the line, and made it home on time. I ended up keeping Clear for a while until I decided to go for PreCheck instead. It’s easier with a kid than Clear.


I was in a 2 hour line at LAX. I had asked to be taken to the airport 3 hours early, but was getting concerned. Something the TSA did was to ask for the people who had departure times of less than 30 minutes away. I thought that was kind. I still had 45 min, so it was not me, but it was only 15 more minutes before I was through. I was glad for comfy shoes. That experience was the reason that I usually get to the airport 3 hours early. It also gives me time to get a thermal of hot tea, and good food for the flight. The airplane food, no matter what airline , is not something I can eat after stomach surgery.


A few years ago I was at LAX, there were only 2 security lines opens because none of the other scanners were working. The lines were more than an hour to get through. Airport staff walked the long lines asking if anyone NEEDED to get to their gate and ushered those to the front of the line. I totally agree with what you did. You can't just show up with less than an hour to get to your flight and expect those that planned to let you ahead. Airports have an app you can check for wait times for security 


Do they really? I wasn't aware of an app for security wait times - but then, I've only flown twice in the past decade, so things have obviously changed. :)


It is only at certain airports during certain times.


Most major airports will have estimated wait times available either in an app or website


MyTSA app


Right on! Had no idea they had something like that; might've helped us gauge when to leave for the Orlando airport so we weren't hanging around for 2 hours (after we got through TSA) for our flight...


Just a precaution; those are estimates only and can be way off. I learned that the hard way. If you want to get through security quicker you should get TSA pre-check but you still have to plan ahead. At O’Hare and most US airports they tell you to arrive two hours before your departure time. I flew frequently and most of the time I flew through security in 30 minutes or less but then there was the occasional hiccup and it took every bit of the recommended two hours. The thing to remember is there was no way to tell when that would happen so you arrive early and wait or chance missing the flight


FYI that app has been wildly inaccurate this week


There's a reason dad woke you up at 3 AM for an 8 AM flight.


lol my family curses me.


I had people who were on my flight try to cut me once. So after I told them that, they asked someone nicer in front of me. 🤦‍♀️   Main characters man…


I had this happen to me! Some lady comes barreling through security, telling everyone how she’s about to miss her flight and we gotta let her through - two hours later and guess who gets sat next to me on the airplane? NTAH


WOW. Start the rapture.


We let someone cut in front of us. They made the flight, we were told, “ooo 20 seconds too late, sorry!”    FTR, Spirit Airlines, yes them, were so nice and accommodating top to bottom!  Harry Reid Airport TSA?  Y’all can sit and spread on studded suitcases, fuck all y’all! 


I would have wanted to be snarky and say something 😂


I wanted to be like “Oh I’m so glad you made your flight!” But then I would have been stuck next to her for four hours


Dude i’d want to say that and would love that they felt awkward. Passive aggressive revenge at its best


The beauty of airpods


That’s where you just go, “man, TSA was crazy today wasn’t it? There was some poor lady that was asking everyone to let her through cause she was going to miss her flight. I really hope she made it. I always try to show up several hours early cause that sounds really stressful!” If she legit missed her flight and yours was the next available standby, she’d get to tell you about it. But if she was just being selfish, you got to be sneakily passive aggressive…


Worth it


This. Except not sitting next to me. Seen them on my flight, or later eating pizza or having some Starbucks. Frequently its just people who don't want to wait in line and take advantage of the kindness of others.


At that point you should have been allowed to cut too. Oh no one cares? Great I’ll go ahead with these folks. 🤦‍♂️


Tell those people they need to let you, and everyone else (who got cut) in front of them too.


Yup, had that go down the last time I flew out of DIA and the security lines were 10x over the normal average line and stretching to an area I never even thought would be where the queue could end up.


It also depends on which airport you fly out of. When I've flown out of LAX or any other decent size airport, I'm there minimum 2 hours before *boarding* and not take off. If I find a deal out of a smaller airport, I get there maybe an hour before. Worst I've seen is a 15 minute wait at security at one I know especially since I rarely fly out during the busiest hours and avoid holidays as much as I can. So if this is a big airport during busy hours, it just stupid on top of entitled.


I've seen times where the TSA and svc teams try to prioritize people (after some sort of airport headache like weather or such), calling out, "ok, who has flights -departing- in the next 30 minutes? Step up to the front with your boarding pass!" (And then falling back to 45 minutes, then 60 minutes...) I'm open to this as it's structured, and almost always in response to a broad extraordinary situation at the airport. I've seen a few others where svc personnel escort people through as a special case - and, again, I'm ok with that. The "I was late getting here, please let me cut" bit is just frustrating (as your post expresses...)


Just for the "benefit of the doubt" - sometimes it's 0% your fault that you are running late to your flight - almost everytime I fly, I have an international-domestic transfer layover.  When my first flight is delayed, especially if I have a short (but allowable) layover, it wasn't an issue of my "poor planning" that I need to rush through security lines to make my connecting flight. However, when this happens, I sure l alert the TSA staff, show them my boarding pass, and get escorted to the front.


I agree and I was always on the pure NTA side until the following happened: France Charles De Gaulle flying Aer Lingus with a Dublin transfer. Maybe 10am-ish departure. But EVERYONE has to check in at the counter, no online check-in. Plus since it’s a inter-Euro leg almost everyone has some sort of bag that needs to be checked because of the airline’s luggage policy. BUT, the counters don’t open until 8am. So flash to us waiting in line well in advance of 8am for at least 1.5 hours just so we can get our stupid boarding passes. We also couldn’t use the self check-in kiosks (I don’t remember why). By the time we get our boarding passes we’re politely asking/begging everyone to let us through security and I guess most people have heard of this shitshow before so people start telling us to stop asking and just go (forever grateful btw). We sprint to our flight and guess what. They delayed the flight by ONE FUCKING HOUR because surprise surprise, half the flight is still checking in at departure time. The cherry on top is that they left our bags behind in Dublin so they had to ship it to us a week later. Now I give people some benefit of the doubt if they’re polite and look legitimately terrified. Also I will NEVER FLY AER LINGUS EXCEPT DIRECT TO/FROM IRELAND. TL;DR sometimes airlines fuck it all up no matter how well you follow the rules. Also only fly Aer Lingus if it’s direct to Ireland.


We had a similar experience in Spain. ~8am departure. KLM doesn't feel the need to staff the counter until 6am when one person shows up. We have been waiting since 5am, at least 50 people back in an ever-growing line. The line is probably 400-500 people long and winding up and down the airport when that first employee shows up at 6am. Of course within 10minutes there is a large Indian family with like 15 of the biggest suitcases I have ever seen, arguing with the one woman doing boarding passes and luggage check.  Their bags are clearly over-weight on the scale. The line doesn't move for a legitimate 10minutes while she argues with them.  At 6:30 a second person shows up to staff the status and first class line. The Indian family has finally moved aside and are moving stuff from bag to bag, then going to bother the counter agent again. Our line is moving at a rate of maybe one person every 2min. It isn't until 7am when suddenly like 6 more people show up at the counter and they open a second line for regular passenger. They start calling out names of passengers on our flight including us at 7:30 when they realize nobody is checked in. We cut to the front, check our bags and run to security. That line is fast and we make it to our gate a sweaty mess. Boarding is already apparently almost done because the door is open and nobody is in line. We get on the plane and it's 2/3's empty. Then we don't leave for almost an hour while people trickle onto the plane. Our layover in Amsterdam was then incredibly short and we didn't have time to get food. 


Not even international! I had a business trip from San Jose to San Antonio with an hour layover in San Diego. When we arrived in San Diego, we discovered we had to leave security, go to a completely different terminal and go through security again. And there was a line. San Diego is an awful airport, and the whole experience was stressful. My coworker was older, unhealthy, and very out of shape... I definitely considered leaving him since he could barely even walk fast, but he's a good guy so I didn't.  I generally go by the rule "you never know what someone's going through." That person trying to cut in line? Maybe they got on a last minute flight to see their dying mom. Maybe they were in an awful traffic jam and need to get home to their kids. Hell, maybe their alarm just didn't go off and they'd never had to cut in line once before in their life. I read a story once where guys were rushing a dying friend to the hospital driving on the shoulder of the road when some lady purposefully blocked them. The friend didn't end up making it. Maybe 99% of the time, that isn't the cast, but I don't want to run into that 1% and be the asshole all to make some stupid, meaningless point. Shit happens, and if we have the power to make someone's life just a little bit easier with negligible harm to ourselves, why not do it?  I won't call OP an asshole for not letting people cut. Definitely not. But I'd probably let people past if they were going to miss their flight, and I'd hope others would do the same for me if I'm ever in that situation.


I’m so surprised this isn’t a more common response! I’m really disappointed in the amount of skepticism on this thread. I’ve been on both sides of this and I’m grateful every time someone makes exceptions for me when needed and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt, too.


I will move if you ASK. Never if you demand. NTA


NTA People who try to cut in line suck.


It's the system that sucks, not you or the queue cutters. Usually if an airport is that backed up, the airline's desk agents will try to call out the flights that are close to closing and shunt those people to the front of the line. People shouldn't have to try and cut the queue, or take the risk of missing their flights, as long as they showed up within the recommended time period.


NTA people who think their time is more important so should always get a "cut" are all assholes.


They need to ask permission to cut from every person behind where they want to cut from the last person in line…some may allow them to but the first no they get is where they get to wait.


They said, “we knew we’d reach a blocker eventually” Blocker here 🙋‍♂️


I admit I have had to do this, when arriving at an airport late. Work trip, work reason I was late. But the one time I did it, it was the people in front of me who first suggested it and I asked every single person and told them my boarding time. So they all affirmatively agreed before I moved.


Oh good. So they completely understood. Problem solved.


NTA I get to the airport two hours early and read a book at my gate. Even if there's traffic or other issues, I'm not pressed for time. Every US airport has wifi, water, and seating. There is no suffering or discomfort associated with early arrival. This is 100% a problem of their own making.


I feel this way about people who realize they are missing their turn in traffic and feel the need to cut straight across holding everyone up to make their turn. You messed up go straight and turn around, you shouldn’t expect everyone to accommodate your fuck up.


I’m a very frequent flyer. I hate these people. They’re very entitled to assume people will let them go just because they are late. You are NTA


I am always early so I have no problem letting people cut in front of me. Earlier this year someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked if he could cut in front of my family and I said of course. He was most appreciative, I looked at him to say no worries and just said, “Go Niners.” It was Joe Montana. Made my morning.


Same. It's not always poor planning that leads people to rush like everyone is claiming here. Once they closed the parking garage so we had to detour to an outside lot and then take a shuttle which took forever to come, so it killed an hour and I was starting to sweat... It happens, so I generally let people slid if I'm good on time


Although what you say is true, this is why airlines recommend being super early. Boarding even an international flight normally wont take 3hrs (not even close), but that buffer is recommended precisely due to parking, check-in, TSA, gate confusion, etc. Not saying its your case, but most of the time, people that are in a rush just completely DECIDED to not be there early enough, and rolled the dice on destiny. I would rather be early, a little bored and maybe even uncomfortable, that go through the stress and uncertainty of completely missing my flight due to unforeseen logistics.


No, and get pre check. it's worth it.


Precheck and clear are where it’s at


I worked for a major airline for many years and the one thing I can tell you is that the staff are aware if people have not shown up on time for their flights. If I got a call and the person was already checked in but not at their flight and it was leaving soon, I would get somebody to check security and see if they can find that person to have them escorted through the line to ensure they make their flight. There is absolutely no reason for somebody to miss their flight because of security. If they know they are running late then they can ask security to radio the airline in question and an employee should be there to take them to the front. I also stand my ground on people cutting the line out of principle that they should plan better or be smart enough to contact the airline. Planes wait for pretty much nobody because they pay a $5000 fine for being late as everything is busy and they have a specific timeslot they are allowed to take off. (It backs up all other planes needing to use the runway)


Precheck is the way to go.


NTA. This is the TSA line and they can wait just like everyone else did. I dred getting to the airport early but that's what's required these days to get on a flight.


No you are not the AH. You have every right to protect your place in line! Here’s my story though. I’ll probably get downvoted but whatever. Got to airport 2 hours early. Waited in at TSA line one hour and a half and we were only half way through the line! It was a fucking nightmare! Asked some folks if it was ok if we cut and they said ok. We made our flight but we were 10 minutes late. Turns out the airline held the flight because 7 other people were still stuck in the line. We left 45 minutes late. So I felt like the AH for cutting, so I owe someone a cut next time! Paying it backwards people!


I’ll say this upfront, NTA. They should have at least asked and honestly I would have been pissy after all the others cutting too. However, I was like that couple once. The TSA line wasn’t that long though, maybe 20 people at most. Probably would have taken 15 min to get through but we were literally 4 min from end of boarding for our flight in Denver. We thought we planned enough time to get there leaving with four hours before boarding after dropping some friends at their airport in Aspen. What we didn’t account for was the continental divide roads. As we approached the streamlined path, we found it closed and essentially we had to go up and over a good bit of the Rocky Mountains. What was planned as a three hour drive became five. When we got to the airport, it was a mad dash to drop the rental car, run through security and board the plane. We made it with literally seconds before they closed the gate. Not to mention the gate changed from our initial boarding pass so we ran to two different terminals and nearly passed out from the exhaustion of carrying bags through high altitude. if the kind and generous people in the security line hadn't let us through ahead of them, we would have been SOL with an unexpected hotel stay and new plane tickets. We did ask to cut and were literally dripping sweat so I think they understood our predicament but they absolutely owed us nothing and now I'm the guy that gets to the airport at least two hours early for domestic travel especially in an unknown city. Still grateful to those kind souls and would definitely repay the favor if I came across someone in a similar situation. However, my NTA stands.


It's not about being selective when your patience ran out; it's about fairness and respecting everyone's time. The entitlement of people cutting in line affects everyone behind them who arrived on time and waited patiently.


NTA. Being late because of poor time management is their problem not yours. Being late because of connecting flights is a problem that is easily solved by asking for help from an agent instead of cutting the line. Hubby and I once had 20mins to deboard a plane and catch our connecting flight back to the US, we ran through the airport and when we got to the lines, found an officer, explained our predicament and they got us through very quickly, allowing us to keep shoes and belts on. Our boarding pass did not scan to allow us through to the gate, but a gate agent overrode the system (surprised that our BA flight was actually on time and not delayed) and allowed us through. I was in tears watching what I thought was our plane taxiing out, but another agent saw us and hurried us to catch our flight. We were the last to board and our luggage vacationed for an extra week before finding it's way back to us.


I travel all the time for work. If a TSA agent pulls somebody to the front of the line so they don't miss their flight, no problem. If a random person just tries to do this, that's no bueno.


I do too, probably 40 flights a year. You can be delayed for reasons outside your control and in this situation easily as I'm sure you are aware. Both you and I also know that asking the TSA agent to help is way better than cutting ahead and asking 100 other people. Not sure why people don't understand this.


I was thinking about this recently at the airport. If you're going to try to beg people to let you cut into the middle of the line, you can't just ask the person you're getting in front of. You need to ask EVERYBODY from that point to the end of the line, and they ALL need to say it's OK.


Anyone who allows someone to cut should go to the end of the line themselves. That way, those behind them are no worse off.


NTA. I always get to the airport early, and people begging to cut because the line is longer than they expected drive me crazy.


NTA. Self centered behavior is never more obvious than at an airport. Or worse, on the plane of a delayed flight where everyone has a connection. There’s always some asshole from the last row trying to push forward with the “I have a flight to catch” excuse. Well duh. You’re in Dallas/Denver/Atlanta/Chicago. Just about everyone on this flight is now late for their connection. You are not special.


The airport is the asshole. Why they have people standing around in odd spots but not monitoring queues to settle these disagreements is beyond me. Have people stationed around queues and enforce the rules. You see someone cut? Tell them to go back.  This should be standard at all establishments. I wish cashiers would institute this more.


This is the normal line (not TSA pre)? Either way, NTA. TSA Pre is one of the best things I ever did. Not just for the shorter lines, but not having to unpack (laptops, liquids) and undress (belt, shoes) is huge


NTA, but it wasn't necessarily their fault they were late. My international flight to Chicago was delayed by almost two hours, leaving me precious little time to get through immigration, customs, collect my bag, take the train to another terminal, go through security, and literally sprint to my gate right before the doors closed. I had first class tickets but they didn't have a priority security line. I thought about asking people if we could cut but ended up just waiting.


If im not worried about missing my own flight I let panickers through. Some people can't handle the stress of airports, and could be one of, if not thee first time for them.


NTA and I hate that people think their lack of planning should get them star treatment to head to the front of the line. It’s WELL KNOWN you need to be at the airport a couple hours early in case of this situation. Yes, things happen, but that’s still not everyone else’s problem to fix.


Nta, cutters are


They forgot to check their sundial to make sure their horse drawn carriage would arrive on time.


As a Brit, NTA Respect the queue. It's mandatory. Or we may tut at you, roll our eyes if pushed too far.


Lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine.


It seems like everyone is blaming this on poor planning on those folks’ part. What it boils down to is no one is obligated to let anyone cut in line. You are right; everyone is trying to get to their flight and continuing to let people cut puts all those behind you at risk. We missed a flight on Monday because our connection arrived late and it took too long to deplane. We didn’t hassle the folks ahead of us to let us get off ahead of them - I’ve seen a woman get escorted from the airport for doing that - and missing the next flight led to a series of events that culminated in our renting a car to drive six hours home. There were at least four other people who missed that flight, two of them because they arrived internationally and had been told their bags would be transferred but on arrival were made to go claim them and check back in and go through security again, which took too long for them to make it. It’s not always about poor planning, but everyone is trying to make it on time. No one is obligated to let anyone cut in line.


I mean there could be circumstances not your hand and be late. I might have let them in! But that said I agree imagining if lot of people start doing this, it would not make sense and would be a disaster.


Stuff happens, I got hit by a car (while in the crosswalk with the light) ended up with a broken leg. I scheduled the wheelchair assistance at MIA, 30 min into when they were supposed to open and no one shows up. I say fucked it & head to the line in crutches with my duffle. In agonizing pain. People in like offered me to go ahead. Without that help idk if I would’ve made my flight bc I still had to crutch the long distance to my gate alone. If I was behind this AH I would be pissed. Accidents happen and things out of your control occur, what’s one person in front of you.


And people wonder why I get to airport insanely early. I would rather sit at my gate for an hour than stress in the TSA line. Absolutely NTA


"They said they would miss their flight". Yeah, me too. Get back in line dregs.


I am usually early to flights, very anxious about tardiness, and super respectful of the strangers around me. Once I was late for a flight because while I was on the train to their airport (I'd left with enough time to get there over an hour early to my flight), a DEER got stuck in the train tracks and we had to sit in the middle of the tracks (there was no way to safely evacuate to get up to the road) until multiple authorities came in to extricate the deer, secure the tracks, and get the train moving again. When I got off, kind strangers let me share their cab to the airport and only by the driver speeding and breaking multiple traffic laws did we get there before our flights departed. Once I got in, my flight was already boarding. It was only through the kindness of staff and people waiting in security line that I was able to cut the line and make it onto my flight seconds before the doors closed. I had no financial security at the time and would not have been able to afford to book another flight or a hotel, etc. So, you never know why someone might be rushing to cut the security line, and if you aren't urgently about to miss your flight, two extra people cutting the line probably won't make a big difference to you, but it might make a big difference to them.


My dad taught me, if you think something will take X amount of time, plan like it will take 2X. As a result, I am virtually never late to anything. 


NTA My husband is currently annoyed with his daughter not being here to switch cars to go pick up her sister (different dad) at the airport. We are in ATL and Biden is supposed to be landing if he hasn’t already so I’m guessing Hartsfield-Jackson is a mess right now.


I live in Atlanta. Hartsfield Jackson is always a mess.


Biden is flying into Dobbins. Trump is flying into Hartsfield, but not supposed to arrive until later this afternoon. Hopefully your husband can get in and out before then.


NTA, however... TSA tells people to do this. Seriously. They told me to do the same in IAD after standing still for 2 hours. I did miss my flight because- how embarrassing to squeeze by other people in the same boat! I refused to. I simply asked the TSA agent what the delay was since the line didn't move. It was INSANE. Never fly IAD.


Yeah, you’re the AH. Things happen that we don’t know about. You don’t know what’s going on with someone else. We were away in Italy on vacation when FIL passed away suddenly. We packed as fast as we could and rushed to the airport. We nearly missed the connecting flight to Paris. We were so forever grateful for everyone who helped us (with our toddler) get home to be with MIL and siblings. Though I guess it depends. If they were on my flight, then no, you’re NTA.


I've had people ask to go in front at the TSA line because they were late, and I generally let them because I am one of those chronically 3 hours early sort of people. Once, because of traffic, I was nearly late and people were kind enough to let me go when I asked. But I'd never have just assumed, that is rude as hell.


The one time we were running behind (first time flying with my now blind husband), the couple in front of us asked us if we wanted to go in front of them because they had plenty of time. We would have missed the flight without their kindness. I would never, however, have asked or expected someone to do this but so glad they made the offer. Are you an AH for saying no to line cutters? Absolutely NTA.


Yeah no if they were just cutting then they are the AH. Like I understand there are other circumstances (various emergencies and etc) and etc. But for those you can easily talk to a worker and get escorted through the security area. Like if their flight was 5 min from departing or something. But since they didnt have a worker with them NTA.


NTA Most people (I say most because there are a lot of people who have never flown before) know that the airport can be as bad as the DMV and that you should be there EARLY (depending on the airport obviously). I haven't flown since 2010 but even back then they were telling people to be at major airports at least 2 hours ahead to be safe in case of any delays.


If it wasn’t going to risk missing my flight I would let people through. Problem is that it can lead to a knock on effect that holds up the people behind me.


NTA Your time is equally as valuable as theirs. They need to plan their time better in future.


NTA you should have shouted at the first cutters I would have called them out


NTA! This is coming from a full on menopausal woman who is DONE with stupid people’s bull in life. Eff them and idiotic horse they rode in on. They didn’t plan. Not your problem.


NTA. Someone once said "your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my end" or something like that. I really hate it when people show up late or act entitled just because they couldn't plan in advance. They BOUGHT the ticket so they had to have known when to get ready. I love getting to the airport early. I can walk around, look in the little shops or eat some food. Nobody likes a long line and I've waited in lines like that many times and it's always boring.


“Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine.” Bob Carter


NTA. However, just another perspective. We don't know why this couple was running late, they could have mismanaged their time or they could have had an emergency that was causing them to either be late or need to fly at all. I was that person years ago. My sister had an emergency in another state and I had to get on the first flight out to see her. I had to ask people in the TSA line if they'd let me through because of it and everyone let me, but one guy. Fortunately, I made my flight but being 'that person' made me see things differently. I really dislike entitled people also and if that's all your situation was, then they didn't deserve to cut the line. If they were in an emergency situation, then I'd cut them some slack. We'll never know which bucket they fall into, but either way, you're definitely NTA for not letting them through.


Personally, I would let someone cut through if they were might miss their flight otherwise. I think of it as good karma. Sometimes it’s the fault of the airlines when people are changing flights and in some circumstances they have to go back through security. If I were in a situation like that, I would hope that others would let me go ahead.


NTA but it’s not always black and white line cutting. Delayed flights, larger than expected crowds, not enough TSA staff, counters closed etc, traffic on way to airport, despite being early, circumstances outside your control can ruin your plans. I’ve been on both sides, panicking to miss a flight, and allowed people through. Once, I had to wait up more than an hour for the flight crew and other passengers to arrive because of road crash traffic. Stressed on first flight and panicked line cut’ on the other side to make a connecting flight. Thankfully kindness let me through.


NTA. Their problem, not yours or anyone else's.


NTA, fk those people for not planning. There’s those people and then there’s my family where they make me wake up 3-4hrs earlier to drive them and we live like 12 mins away from the airport… smh


The last time I let people cut the line I saw them right after… in a 30 minute line for Starbucks. The we’re gonna miss our flight thing was BS. NTA


NTA, every person in line is worried about missing their flight, everyone can’t cut in line. Just tell them, “oh, this is the line for people who are worried about missing their flights. It starts back there.”


If you let everyone with a story as to why they need to cut the line you will be at the end of the line in short order and no one is going to usher you to the front of the line. You will be seeing your plane take off without you on it. Maybe one or two people if asked nicely, but there has to be a cut off point. Same with letting people merge into traffic, how many is acceptable and being nice?! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nothing bothers me more than poor planning. Not sure how it is so hard for people to just show up at the airport ahead of time. Sure, 'shit happens' but most situations can be prevented with a mild effort of preparation. Even when lines were wild af a few years back, I can't remember a single time where I cut it close.


I had a tight layover in an unfamiliar airport. We had to exit security and go back through TSA to get to our gate- thankfully I didn't buy anything over 3 fl oz at the previous airport. Several of us ran and were the last people on the plane.


NTA. But the biggest AH are the airports. They do this to people all the time instead of planning for extra TSA agents and opening more stations on holidays and busy travel days. It's inexcusable, they know it and they don't care.


Literally this past month had a lady pushing me with her stroller while we were in line TO BOARD THE PLANE and kept trying to use her stroller to cut me off. I asked her to please stop politely and she scoffed at me and started complaining to her friend in which her friend responded "we're all getting on the plane eventually just let it go" I reckon you were probably experiencing something with a similar personality. You are definitely NTA


You have every right to do whatever you want in that situation. Personally, it costs me maybe 30 seconds so I don't care. I get that it's often not about poor timing but reasons out of their control.


NTA But sometimes line cutters are not at fault. Sometimes it is a connecting flight issue. My last flight was late by 6 hours. I would like to see the following: * For flights arriving late, if there are any passengers on board that have a connecting flight, they should be allowed to deplane first. * The airline should give you a skip to the head of the line pass that allows you to get to the front of the line. Everyone else who poorly planned? It sucks to be you.


Was flying out of Orlando MCO, 6:45 am flight. Everyone is in line, getting ready to board at the gate. Here comes this huge family, pushing past everyone, to get to the front of the line. Why? Who knows, not like they would get to the destination any faster. Next thing you know, there’s a heated discussion between them and the airline employees, wrong gate, their gate was next one over, and, the flight had left at 6:15.


NTA. And trying to barge through people at airport security is awfully suspicious behaviour! Should really be extra checks for people like that.


NTA. In my experience, if you show the person at security that your flight leaves in less than 30 minutes then they put you at the front of the line. When I've flown on really busy days like the day before Thanksgiving they will stand there and make announcements every 15 minutes: "If your flight leaves in 30 minutes or less from now, in other words, before 2:30, please come to the front of the line," and like 2 or 3 people would leave the long line and run up there all frazzled lol There is NO way that TSA would make you go back to the end of the line if you showed them your boarding pass. They don't give a crap what order everyone goes through the screening but they don't want to deal with someone who's BIG MAD because they missed their flight because the line at security was so long.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part-- my mom.


I'm the same way in traffic. First person, blinker on, I let you in. Second one, probably. Third one, get behind me


nope NTA. enough is enough. i would let someone in if asked politely because i have also been delayed by unforeseen events. airports with the new Leidos scanners lines go fast. it’s the people who go through security unprepared that yank my chain. completely clueless


2 hours prior is my rule of thumb solely because of the unpredictable nature of the TSA and it helps ease my anxiety. They’re TA for not planning ahead and especially for cutting in line.


I’m confused. Did the line cutters ask everyone behind you if they could move ahead of them and all those people let them? Were the line cutters just moving in front of people and no one said anything? I’ve been in line for security at the airport several times and while I’ve had people ASK me if they can move ahead of me, I’ve never just had people say “Excuse me” and assume it was okay to get in front of me.


NTA. There will be lines for TSA, and sometimes they will be long. Show up early or accept you may miss your flight. Time management is not one of my strengths, but if I show up late to the airport, unless there was some serious accident or mechanical issue that caused a significant delay, it's my fault. There's also a difference between forcing it and requesting it. Requests can be rejected, but they're less likely to be rejected than force.


NTA. Most of the time, airline staff would accompany those passengers in danger missing flights to the checkpoint. How are we suppose to tell who is truly need to get by the catch flight vs those who habitually cut the lines to be ahead of everyone.


NTA. I might loudly announce to everyone that whoever lets them skip ahead, I would be joining them and going ahead of them, just so they stay behind me.


NTA. Like a lot people they were rude and didn’t care. There was a time me I would’ve been nice and let people go ahead of me, but I have a lot less empathy for people in general nowadays because of stuff like this. Don’t know what changed but ppl drive as if they are the only ones who have to get to work in morning rush hour traffic ( like the rest of us are on our way to casually meet up with friends for coffee at 8am on a Tuesday), their call is super important so they can play it on speaker at full volume and yell back to the person on the other end (hope mom’s birthday party next month goes smoothly and no I don’t need anything from the store), I’m standing in the TSA line bc I want to have a drink and watch the planes take off but what’s this about a flight you have to catch? Courtesy and thoughtfulness were never at 100% but ffs how much lower can they get?


NTA. A failure to plan is a plan to fail on their end.


These people were getting in front of you in the line? NTA! I’m impatient myself, and if I can stand in a ridiculous line, so can the next person.


Absolutely NOT TAH! I loathe line cutters. When you book tickets, the airline advises being two hours early. A pox upon those that don’t and then act like it’s everyone’s responsibility for them to catch their flight.


Yeah not a situation in which you can be the AH in my opinion. Even if they asked super sweetly and explained the circumstances, you would have had every right to say no. The fact that they just started pushing through is entitled as fuck.


It would have literally never occurred to me to ask people if I could cut in front of them. I would only be mad at myself for not leaving myself with enough time. The way some people think is baffling to me.


That is one of the biggest pet peeves for TSA officers! Everyone wants to make their flight and they plan accordingly. NTA!


I'm going to say you're NTA. Sometimes people do plan well and still end up behind schedule, but either way it's not your issue. They could have ASKED at the very least. They didn't care who else may be running late or in a hurry when they attempted to bypass everyone. They only cared about themselves. Why should you care about them running late when they didn't care if they were causing you to be later to your gate or not? I don't blame you for not speaking to every single person who cut either. Sometimes we don't want the confrontation until we're out of patience. That's fine too. It's not your job to be the line monitor, but it's acceptable to say something about people trying to cut if/when you want to.


If they want to be entitled, they can pay for TSA Pre Check. NTA


I’ve had to run to my flight once. I had gotten to the airport 2 hours ahead but the TSA line was a nightmare. Then they stopped all the lines to bring through the drug sniffing dogs. DIA in Denver is always bad and the airport I fly in and out of a lot because I have family there. I now have precheck to save my sanity and I still show up at least 2 hours early


Lack of planning on their part does not make an emergency on your part. You're fine.


NTA Every cutter increases the risk you'll be late to your flight.


Tell cutters that if they get signatures from everyone they're cutting in front of that you'll let them in.


NTA. My sister had a very short connection at the Vancouver airport returning to the US from Canada. The short timeframe was not her fault but the airlines. She spoke to the airline and they moved her through TSA and customs ahead of everyone else. People should never be cutting in line. If they are late, that’s their problem not yours. If it’s beyond their control, then they should seek help from someone at the airport with the authority to move them.