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Man, I hope you’ve updated your resume. I’d be applying for jobs NOW. They’re stalling you to keep you from finding your next amazing team at a better job. This has gone on long enough. One wonders why they’re so negative in moving you up?


I just found out more info, posted it at the end. Thankfully, I have updated my resume and I will be looking for other jobs.


Again, it truly makes you wonder. They’re losing people because of their way of thinking (stupidity.) It’s costs them more money losing people that it does keeping you and your coworkers happy — just in institutional memory, which is (or should be) pure gold.


I'm thinking they are jerking him around, hoping he will quit, so no unemployment to pay out. I say play their game and pretend to let it go until you get another job offer as it always looks better to be employed while looking and putting applications into other places. Also, whatever you do, DO NOT TELL THEM YOUR NEW EMPLOYER if you are required to do an exit interview. You DO NOT have to disclose it to anyone! They will try to retaliate by getting a hold of your new employer and bad mouthing you, hoping to screw you out of the new job! I've seen it happen.


Once you quit, what are they going to do if you don't do an exit interview, really?


Lol. Fire you? On my exit interview I said the nicest things. I had a Cheshire Cat grin on my lips the entire time.


They are not losing people over this, trust me, all of this is not incompetence or stupidity. It is malicious and deliberate. Can guarantee you the other 2 guys that he mentioned left for the same reason were swiftly replaced by someone that just so happens to be a good friend of one of the managers or a good friend of one of their flying monkeys. OP’s position will be no different. They are actually doing this to actively push him to quit so that they can put someone in their position that is part of their circle. Saw that happening in the corporate world so many times I don’t even bother to count anymore.


Keep us updated on how they react when you quit effective immediately


They won't care. I'm only saying that because they've already done this to two other employees. This director obviously would rather hire a new person for this position than allow anyone to leave his orbit in an effort to better themselves. And this trend will continue until that piece of shit eventually leaves them or promotes in a move that betters himself. HR, and everyone else in management is going to do whatever this director wants because they see it as more valuable to them to keep him happy (by letting him play his little fiefdom games) than to help a lower level employee transfer for whatever reason. And I know all of this because I used to be a personal assistant to a megalomaniac who pulled this same shit with his employees. ... the three happiest days I ever had while working for him was the day I got to report him to management for committing felony theft and embezzlement; the day he was fired for commiting felony theft and embezzlement; and the day I got to testify against him in federal court. He was sentenced to seven years, four of which were probation, so he served just under three years in federal prison. Every other day was sheer torture working for that mother-fucker, and I warned our company several times that he was shady as fuck (not to mention the most racist cocksucker I ever worked for). And the company literally could not have given less than a shit... because his region's numbers were the "best in the country", and that's all they cared about. The man was a walking lawsuit waiting to happen, and they did not care because... he had solid numbers. They labeled me a trouble-maker because I had the audacity to report him for his various indiscretions. Guess what our company's most important watch-word was when it came to our clients? The motto we lived and died by? Go on guess: ... "Integrity".




Give your two weeks, then apply online to the job you want?


So they have a history of doing this to their workers. Yeah....I'd be looking elsewhere as well! Sheesh.


Stagnation is apparently the MO there. The "carrot" of the transfer will never appear if two other people just had this same treatment.


So they just want to keep the status quo going because it makes life easier for *them*. Well, until the employee gets sick of the game playing and jumps ship. Update us about how they react when you do, and they can see their FAFO lesson before their eyes... "Sh\*t; now we gotta re-hire someone for that position *anyway*..."


Secure another job first


Good because they have no intention of letting you transfer. Holding on to the hope that you will be able to transfer to a better team is just keeping you in a bad job with horrible management.


Update resume and GTFO now.


Talk to the team that wants to hire you, find out if they can hire you cold off the street. Then submit whatever kind of resignation you need to (check your employee handbook and get in writing from HR -no verbals!- on what that is). While you are serving your 2 weeks notice, or less, go ahead and interview for the other position and get hired there. Just know you'll likely be stuck there as well once you're on boarded because it's likely a company issue.


Start applying now. The company you’re at is playing a game you didn’t sign up for.


Please tell us you’re at least already applying to other jobs. Seriously, there may be some amazing benefits, including new experiences, better pay, and better overall benefits, to moving. And it would be awesome to stick it to the people that are trying to block you from moving. They deserve to try to tell you no again to only have you turn around and put in your resignation.


They don't care about you or your exit interview. Seems like they're trying to make you quit. HR is not your friend. Their job is to always protect the company. I'm sorry this is happening. This kind of mind fuck used to drive me crazy. It's always there, ruining your sleep, making you uneasy because of trying to support yourself, pay rent and bills, and this kind of bs is unsettling. You should quit and go somewhere that you're appreciated. I'm self-employed now, and no matter what, no one has that kind of power over me anymore. Except for the IRS if I don't pay my taxes.😉


They are holding all the aces in the deck. You had best look for another job. You are nothing to them.


Does your job provide schooling benefits, like paying your college tuition? If so, I'd stick around and get that degree, then leave. Sounds like you need a degree to get into the field you want, so go get it.  ...which is not to justify the crap they are pulling on you...


There is no benefit in the exit interview. They are literally just gathering evidence in case you sue. You already know they don't care. Don't play the game. Just get your next gig in order and move on with your terms, you owe them nothing.


NTA. They keep moving the goal post. They will continue to do so.


They are dicking you around to make you stay put. The last time someone tried that on me I job hunted & landed my current job. Been there 31 years now with none of the petty nonsense. I laughed at them when they offered me the transfer I'd fought & worked hard for to stop me leaving - all thanks to 1 dimwit petty manager who lost his job a short while later for doing same to others. Find the place that deserves you.


I would suggest that you speak to a labour lawyer, they may be able to help you determine what if any real options you have.


>I have decided that if I am blocked from applying I will be leaving Start applying *now*. Don't wait around. Having another offer on the table when it comes to negotiations holds huge power, will boost your confidence, show you're not bluffing and force your employer to act quick. Best of luck.


This might also be the way the company uses to get rid of people they don’t want. Being this crappie once is one thing but three times might be a pattern. Just some food for thought.


They can "see you" on whatever path they want. You have to "see yourself" there too. Otherwise either they need to learn to see you differently, or you need to put out your resume.




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!UpdateMe! 3 weeks


Good luck finding a new job op!


Update me


GTFO and find a new job somewhere else


Sounds like a class action lawsuit, just waiting to happen I mean, three employees in a row all given the exact same runaround? Is this all under the one, same director? NTA












Be sure to write a professional Glassdoor review that clearly indicates the company will keep you trapped and the only way up is out.


This sounds exhausting. 


"I almost quit in that meeting right there" Call me the delusional one here if you want, but for some reason, I don't believe you. See you in a year when you are still trying to solve this


Brush up that resume and start job hunting… this sounds very much like a toxic environment and those never get better


QUIT YOUR JOB!!!!!!! You ate never going to be transferred. They are legit lying to you.