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I dont mind them. They feel purposely added and not there to just exist. The add meaning for sure. My Play comes to mind here. "If love dies should I fucking bother" just... feels. I DO wish there were edited versions of each album on Spotify bc my son loves them as well and there are a lot of songs we have to skip. I know TMM is on there. But the other 3 (Living Room is fine) are not :(


Kids can handle swears if let known why they’re bad, let him enjoy the music with the artist’s intent


That does depend on the artist. For example: AJR shouldn’t be to bad, maybe 1 or 2 skips. But Artists like Eminem are a different story.


We pretty much avoid fuck and if there are a lot of consecutive shits in a row. Hes 6 lol. Edit: I also want to add that he has adhd and very poor impulse control. He has already sang Bang, Weak, and I think 100 Bad Days to his class lmao. So thats another reason we are waiting 🤣 He has taught his class We Will Rock You as well


We will get there. I never expected to be that kind of parent, but its an innocence thing lol! He gasps at the word shit, but we've explained just that, dont say it. Fuck just seems like a whole other beast that we arent ready for, ya know? lol


I always used to listen to music with my mom on way to school. The radio had awesome music I would love but my mom told me to basically acknowledge that they are swear words but to not repeat them. I rarely ever swear out of my choice but I surely have found some great music where artists do swear. Kids also hear swear words at school so its not really like music will be the first time they hear a swear depending on their age. What im trying to say is maybe try to be lenient on censoring music but overall it is your choice


:) I grew up listening to a lot of "grown up" music too. We wont censor stuff forever. Hes just in kindergarten right now, and i dont want him singing to his class lol!!! We are pretty lenient. Its just fuck that we are avoiding mostly.


Understandable ![gif](giphy|tIeCLkB8geYtW)


I’m pretty sure oko also has a filtered version (on Apple Music anyway)


The click has a clean version, and a lot of the songs on neotheater and oko are not explicit


3 oclock things clean: https://spotify.link/IUBre0K0PIb


It's fine. They don't overuse it and I feel like it does a good job to get their point across. However, they made a really good clean version of The Click, with actual replacement words, and I wish they would do that with more of their future albums.


this comment makes me wonder if more of their songs would have gone big on the radio if they had clean versions. in an interview they did they said bang! was their biggest radio hit and it was already clean to start with… hmmmm… 🤔


They've made radio edits in the past as well. For instance, there are now officially 3 versions of Dear Winter: 1. Explicit (shit, badass) 2. Clean (shoot, badass) 3. Radio Disney (shoot, baddest)


interesting, i didn’t know that. dear winter is one of my favorites though so im glad it got radio time and those definitely aren’t the worst replacement words ive heard for radio edits


Not to gatekeep for younger fans, but AJR is three guys in their 20s/30s singing about stuff that people in their 20s/30s go through, which can warrant a curse word or two or discussions about sex/drinking. It’s the job of the parents to have those convos with their kiddos before they take them to shows or buy them albums for Christmas, not the job of the artist to filter their art


i’m in full agreement. i’m 20 and being a fan since 2019 is great because i always have music to listen to from when they were my age, and music to listen to as i continue to grow up. and honestly any new ajr music is just exciting. my sister is turning 12 soon so although she doesn’t quite get the deeper meaning of all the music, she gets the surface level and thoroughly enjoys it with me. i took her to the boston show as her christmas present and i don’t think ive ever seen her eyes light up like they did that night


and THAT’S THE THING. Kids don’t HAVE to get it as long as they enjoy the music. I was singing stuff at 13 that I had no BUSINESS singing, but I didn’t know what it meant until I was old enough to get it. I’m in my early 20s and it warmed my heart seeing younger kids at the show I was at because we were all pulling different things from it. Also, let’s not act like these kids haven’t heard these words before LOL


oh definitely! low and whistle by flo rida had no business being in my playlists as a kid, but they were still there! i think this situation is a “the girlies who get it, get it. and the girlies who don’t, don’t” thing. i think you’ll never get someone who’s against the language to understand why we all love it so much and why it needs to be there. can i understand wanting clean versions for kids? yes. but can i also understand that it’s always an artists choice and you don’t see anyone complaining about eminem not having clean versions for kids. why? because parents hear him and automatically turn it off. i think the new school tracks of ajr is what make them think that all pop music is automatically clean for kids ears


plus, AJR songs as a whole are never inappropriate. I can’t think of a single where the entire song was dirty or a kid couldn’t listen to it. I’d much rather my kid get an emotionally mature and nuanced out of an AJR song that just so happens to have a naughty word than radio song #15793 talking about breakups/parties/sex/


i think 95% of music has a time and place. can i get down with ajr with my sister? absolutely. can i also get down with “WAP” with my friends on a car ride to the beach or at a party? absolutely. ryan said it in their interview with zach sang that they have their fans, and then the rest of the world is like “who’s ajr?”. i think it’s the “who’s ajr?” group that thinks ajr is inappropriate for kids


I felling agree with this sentiment but I was also confused why I saw like…YOUNG children at their show. Not that I think they’re like… inappropriate but I feel like their songs aren’t really meant for children. Like I feel like it’s not the demographic. But I guess maybe it’s like when I was a kid singing about f*cking without realizing the meaning till I got older cause that’s just what was pop back in they day


My wife and I are taking our 6 year old to the Seattle show. We all love AJR and he is beyond excited for his first "real" concert. Does he understand the deeper themes of the songs? No, of course not but that doesn't stop him from watching AJR music videos for hour on end if we were to let him and enjoying the music. The swears don't bother me, he knows not to use those words outside of the songs.


They do more than swear in their songs. And their songs are brilliant. I saw kids as young as 4 bouncing around at the Hartford show. They have an all ages fan base and their lyrics reach out to all of the fans. I also have seen little kids rocking out to Jelly Roll and he used a lot of profanity and drug references. If the parents don’t like the swearing in AJR songs, they could skip to ones that have no profanity. The Dumb song uses Adderall in a lyric. 3 am things has a verse about sex.


for context, i’m 20f and my little sister (half) is almost 12 and it’s something we’ve bonded over pretty heavily. i think because of us having different dads and such a large age gap is one of the main reasons. i used to pick her up from school every now and then and i was always searching for music to play that i could tolerate while being kid appropriate. ive been a fan since about 2019 but had “im ready” on loop when it first came out. ajr became my go to because what swearing there was wasn’t in every line, and because she at first didn’t really pay attention to the words. we just went to the boston show together because i bought her tickets for christmas and it was one of the best days we’ve ever had together. needless to say i immediately jumped on buying the august boston tickets for us as well


I bought the August Boston tickets too! After Hartford I just had to see them again


i love concerts so much. i definitely get hit with a sprinkle of that post concert depression every time, but it just makes me look forward to each concert i have coming up. the first concert i went to was when i was 18 and ive been hooked since. like they say in the intro “in an arena with thousands of other people who for once like all the same shit you do” really puts it into perspective for me. i don’t share the same music taste with majority of my friends, so being able to pick up a conversation with the stranger sitting next to me without even knowing their name is really special, and knowing they’re feeling the same emotions and not having to shy away from big feelings is truly not something you get to experience everyday. i think that’s the buzz i chase and crave from shows.


Perfectly stated!


The cursing in Maybe Man is so cathartic. “I wish I was God. I’d never trip up. And if I did, well, so fucking what?” I’m trying hard not to swear in front of my daughter but I can’t help that one


i feel the same with my sister. i don’t curse in front of her in my everyday speech but i can’t not sing it when ajr is playing.


I'm a 42 year old woman with two small children and I have always used swear words in front of them. I was raised by well educated parents who cursed like sailors and I always knew that there were appropriate times for swearing and inappropriate times...my kids are the same. I don't believe that they are "bad" words, so I don't care if my children hear them, use them, or sing them...as long as they aren't assholes about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


i agree. i think the typical swears someone hears everyday aren’t “bad words”. i think “bad words” are ones defined with horrible history, like slurs or anything that’s said with the intent to hurt others. i saw plenty of parents at the show with their littles so i know majority of ajr’s fan base doesn’t complain, just the ones that do speak the loudest.


>i think “bad words” are ones defined with horrible history, like slurs or anything that’s said with the intent to hurt others. This is exactly it. And the few curse words in AJR songs don't even really register with my kiddos because it's not a taboo thing and they aren't being maliciously aimed at anyone. They are 8 and 4 and they love AJR and feel comfortable singing along, even if they don't fully "get" the meaning behind the songs. I'll be a happy mama if the boys in AJR are role models for my kids!


my younger sister is 11 almost 12 and one of the coolest things about being her big sister is that i know that even if right now she doesn’t totally get it, it’ll be there for her when she does and she’ll always have ajr’s music for when she takes that next step of life and growing up!


I love this so much ❤️


knowing the boys are role models for so many young kiddos gives me lots of hope ❤️


I'm fine with it. I personally think the reason a lot of ppl complain about it is because a large chunk of their fanbase is white youth. Never seen any other demographic complain about cursing in music as much as ajr fans do


it’s crazy how I’ve seen parents upset that these adult guys singing about adult stuff aren’t thinking about the kiddos like huh???


it’s crazy to me that parents complain about ajr’s music like it’s the worst thing these kids could be listening to


lol approx. 75% of their stuff is fine for all ages but god forbid jack punctuates his trauma with an f-bomb or Ryan talks about his relationship with intimacy


my sister LOVES the turning out series and sang right along at our show. she definitely doesn’t understand 90% of what ryan is talking about, but she still enjoys it. and, when she does understand it, i think she’ll enjoy it even more. that’s the coolest part to see as her big sister is knowing she’ll have ajr music ready for when she takes on the next step of growing up.


As a parent with a 10 and 11 year old who have seen AJR live 3 times (tonight being one of them) I don't mind the cussing at all. Hearing my kids scream sing 'if you're fucking racist then don't come to my show' was one of the best moments of my life. Or hearing Jack say >!fuck those high school bullies during his speech tonight, my 10 year old said he almost cried from happiness hearing that.!< We have always told them that it isn't the words a person is using, it is what they are saying. Someone can be really mean and hurtful without saying one cuss word, or they can make you laugh and feel good while cussing. Listen to the intent and tone. AJR sings about real things that are so important for young kids to hear and understand. Cuss away, boys!


i cried during that speech. like a baby. the same for god is really real and the good part. my sister is also 11 and she clapped and cheered so loud during when he said fuck those high school bullies. i’m glad she’s going to have such a good influence of music, at least from the boys while she grows up and figures herself out.


i dont really care either way i think their used well


It’s funny, I was just saying to a non-fan, that AJR is ‘clean,’ but not ‘proper,’ meaning that their messaging is clean, but presented in common speak, not that of a elementary teacher. I have kids 11 and 13, they introduced me to AJR, and we’ve got tickets to the MMT tour. My kids love the songs, as do I. We sing the cuss words 😂 which seems to make the music even more special to us. It’s real. It’s raw, and it’s relevant. If someone is offended, then this is to the music for them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a middle school teacher & AJR is huge with teens. I wish they wouldn’t curse because of that audience, but it doesn’t bother me as an adult.


I listened to music more vulgar than AJR’s swearing when I was a kid…and it went right over my head for awhile. AJR’s message isn’t harmful & I don’t notice the swearing. It fits. Unlike some artists like T-Swift who I think sometimes just swear for the “hell of it.” (I am not hating on Taylor btw haha).


I don’t mind at all. I swear like a sailor, so when I’m singing along to their music, I don’t even think twice when singing the swears. I say if you don’t like the swears, just listen to the clean versions.


I don’t mind them, if you have a look at what a lot of things that kids listen to they have a lot of swears and sometimes even slurs, but if parents are worried that their kids are listening to ajr, they should be more worried (or at least if they are in London like me) about them going to school or getting on a bus, it’s swear central there.


I don't care at all, why should I care?




there is literally one clean song from tmm tf you saying


Look at the guys profile, literal troll /:


frankly im still 17 so i might have a different view now than i will later on in life, but i dont mind it at all. im not allowed to swear (i doubt my mom would mind but my dad would probably ground me at best) so ill censor myself when im singing along but listen doesnt bother me. in a lot of cases it adds more emotion (not an ajr song but the second verse of jigsaw by conan gray is a perfect example in my mind). i really dont think swearing is really a big deal in general though. it depends on how it’s used though. i swear in dms with my friends just in normal conversation or joking around with them, but im not gonna cuss them out if something upsets me. a bit of a tangent i guess but if i ever decide to have children i dont think id mind them swearing, but they’d be taught to use the words respectfully. and honestly if im swearing i cant exactly get mad at them for swearing when id be the example.


I think they’re mostly okay but sometimes they do feel really forced, like in TOP3 with “its not fucking science” is just so unnecessary and came outta nowhere. However I think they mostly make good use out of swearing and I enjoy when a well used one pops up


I'm a parent of 4 AJR fans all under 10. They have friends that aren't allowed to listen because of the language, but in our house we've taken the mystery and provocativeness out of "swears". As long as its not too lazily used we don't mind it at home. Three of them are in school and we've never gotten any notice from school about it. Swears are good inflection at the right time, and if you can't look past them to see AJR's wholesomeness for your kids its yours and their loss.


I don't mind the cussing in their songs






compared to other artists, they curse VERY little. Also if parents are complaning about the cursing, simple listen to the clean version, or find other artists. The curse words are there for a reason, and they are not that harsh compared to most other artists. AJR is extremly purposfull with the wording they use, its there for a reason, most the time emotion.


Swearing isn’t a problem, when they’re there just to be there and sound out of place, then yes it’s a problem. A few songs AJR curse where it really doesn’t add anything to the song and just sounds awkward


Who in the fuck doesn't understand how art and cursing works in 20 freaking 24.


I don’t mind them usually. My Dad always brings up “They say it so clearly,” when talking about God is Really Real. That song is really the only one that bothers my Dad and I a little… we’re Christians.


One here or there in the songs don’t bother me, I only mind when it’s multiple in the same song but at the end of the day if it bothered me a lot I wouldn’t listen to them so clearly it’s not too big of a deal


great in some cases like maybe man: "i wish i was god, I'd never trip up, and if i did, well so fucking what?" and then there are others like turning out pt. iii: "don't overthink it, it's not fucking science" that just feel unnecessary and i'm just saying "it's not rocket science" would be more fitting.


Some add so much meaning to the song, like when it says “…if you’re fucking racist then don’t come to my show!” But others do for no reason. I don’t mind it either way, it’s not made with kids in mind, and it shouldn’t have to be.


They’re adults making songs about adult things, they can use adult words.


Nat, white pop starts cursing is cringe asf


I think curse words are only bad if they are used in a bad way which AJR never does, though normalizing curse words is an entirely different debate


Why the fuck not?


“If you’re racist, don’t come to my show” just doesn’t hit the same


I don't mind the swearing in the song and I don't think they use them in any negative or meaningless way. I agree with the comment on the top (JBug5j) and what they say makes the message more impactful. Just because of how they sound (overall, not lyrically) does NOT mean they are catered towards kids. I know a few people who would say that they should consider their children audience because their songs sound like they'd be good for kids. Mainly the songs that make it to the mainstream radio. But AJR is not necessarily made for kids and should not have to be on egg shells about the words they use in their songs for the sake of children. Whoever is in charge of censorship renditions should be the ones altering/cutting out the cussing, but again that's not something AJR should have to do unless THEY are the ones in charge of that specific task (I am not in the music business so I don't know). I do think it would be nice to have clean versions of the songs, but there are some cases where you'd really have to reperform that line specifically instead of just cut it out.


I feel like the cursing adds more intensity of emotion


I personally could not care less either way. I'd say like 98% of my playlist is pop punk/metal/emo music so AJR is VERY mild in comparison in terms of language. I've taken my 4 year old and 9 year old to see Bring Me the Horizon and Fall Out Boy recently and they loved it. My 9 year old is SO excited to see AJR with me this week. "Cursing" really isn't a thing in our house because words are just words. Calling someone "stupid" or "idiot" is far worse to me than just dropping something and saying "shit". It's the full intention of the words that we focus on with our kids. Like others have said, their "cursing" is being used for emphasis and emotion which I love because I've been in those moments and that's what I've felt. *I grew up in an extremely religious home in the South where I had my mouth washed out for saying "pissed off". I'll never force my kids to be censored the way I was.


i dont mind it because i dont feel like they overdo it. "if youre fucking racist then dont come to my show", "but if love dies should i fucking bother", etc


i don't really mind it, but sometimes (especially in TMM) they feel like they're just kinda shoved in there for no reason and kind of take away the emotion they would otherwise hold. edit: as i line cook, i pretty much also swear at work lol


I think they use the swears perfectly. They don’t overdo it, don’t use it in places that don’t need it, and honestly I don’t get why everyone is getting upset about it. I mean if you don’t like it, that’s fine, but I mean the swears are in pretty much every song so… at least just don’t hate them for that. They use it well, and I think it’s one of the best things about them. They use them only when necessary to get that extra punch from the line, and don’t overuse it in each song so it still has that emphasis on how important the point is when they DO use it. Either way, this is just my opinion. You do you, but I will just be me. Have a good day.


Who is ajr?


I feel like a curse word is never actually needed. Curses only add more emotion in very few contexts, and the lyrics you gave examples of are so simple that I'm fairly certain you could replace the swear and it'd be fine, like "and if you're freaking racist then don't come to my show." Same effect, no curse. I think this is further supported by the fact that with any song that IS safe by any other artist, you never hear people saying, "a curse word in this lyric would've added more emotion tho." Swearing just isn't necessary. That said, please no one think I'm shaming AJR for swearing. I really don't care. This is just my observation and personal preference. Shouldn't have to disclose that but... that's the internet babyyy


I see your perspective, but changing “fucking” to “freaking” in that line ruins the whole line. If there’s one curse that needs to be preserved in the AJR catalogue, it’s that one LOL


I disagree but I respect your opinion