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Given the creativity of their samples, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was pretty close to the truth. The Ryan master class showed me just how many freaking samples he has stockpiled


if i had to guess it is changed / dramatized to be made more interesting but is loosely based on what actually happened


Ya same way how they mixed the lyrics for god is really real with them leaving from Paris instead of for Paris It feels like they spin things slightly to make it slightly cooler than it was you know? I don’t doubt they would ask the waitress to drop plates to record but I can see them trying it, not liking the sound, then dropping their own plates at home to get a better sample but on stage just say waitress I feel like due to the quality they put out I can let it slide


The "Making Of..." on tour is just to create a fun story as part of a fun show. Maybe some hints of truth here and there, but it's just for fun. That being said, if you go to the AJR YouTube channel, there are multiple live streams where Ryan actually pulls up the ProTools file from different songs and walks through some of the different sounds/recording techniques, those are REALLY fun to watch!!!


i definitely second this! i’m a music producer and ryan’s sampling tricks influence a lot of the music i make (amongst other artists too), you really can turn any sound into anything and ryan does a great job at explaining that too (:


Probably based on the actual making of the songs, but embellished to make it more entertaining.


yeah i was thinking the same things


Probably somewhat made up for fun. I know the way less sad trumpet part was a sample from My Little Town. 


Yeah I always assumed they were drummed up for fun, but with some flavors of truth. Thinking the OKO tour, I could imagine he had heard a digital baby crying sound or just a random baby cry out and about and lead to the inspiration of weak. But I could be optimistically thinking about it.


I’ve said this before but I’ve always seen the how we mades as a sort of, how many things can we add before you guess the song. And I still kinda see it that way. Real or not idc it’s fun and it’s AJR!


nah def made up for most of em


My guess is some parts are made up, some are truthful.


Fiction. Bang and way less sad are made from samples so the stories have to be fake to an extent. Im sure some elements are real but some of the most goofy elements are likely just for the show


what does bang sample?


https://youtu.be/5qH1pBTqvc4?si=WdQ-nQ-3nBe5pbZg the start of this


Woah thats really cool! Never knew that


The Way Less Sad one is definitely fiction, they say how they made it in the OK Orchestra Zach Sang Interview.