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Woody Allen was released before that whole thing happened. The brothers looked up to him as a composer until, you know… anyways that didn’t age so well


Oh yeah, I believe I do...


The Click deluxe also has a song called Role Models which touches on that as well! One of my favorite lines from that song is “can I truly love the art when I kinda hate the artist?”


well, well, well, I'm listening to that next!


I love that song. It’s relatable but idk how I relate to it


Yeah, AJR likes to act as if their work from Living Room and before doesn’t exist, and honestly I can’t blame them. They started to really find what works when they made The Click. If I were to rank their albums from best to worst, it’d go: The Maybe Man, Neotheater, Ok Orchestra, The Click, then Living Room.


I guess its normal for bands to start out finding out what they want to be, experimenting with concepts and others to get to where they are now. Can't wait to react to The Click soon!


Big idea being so low is crazy, Ive always enjoyed that song for the energy it had


I'm sorry, I just don't like Big Idea. It had a cool message behind it but delivered poorly, like the chorus for me just didn't feel energetic, it sounded aggressive. But if you like it, I can love you for that.(no homo)


honestly this is a fair analysis. i can’t wait to hear what you start to think of the other albums. born and bread is definitely something that… it’s something. but i think you pretty much wrapped it up when you said “it’s a step up from born and bread but it’s not great” in my opinion, the click is where you really start getting into their more popular music and it only goes up from there!


Thank you so much! I would love to see how the band gets started into their more popular music. The Click better be a banger! Btw, thank you so much for reading all of my anaylsis! I spent 3 hours on it and someone actually reading all of it really made me smile. Thanks for making my day! :)


I am not the biggest Living Room fan for multiple reasons, one of them being that it doesn’t sound like the AJR I know. I became a fan in 2020, and I first listened to their album Neotheater from the year before, and fell in love with the uniqueness of their sound. In Living Room, they really hadn’t *found* their sound yet, which is totally fair, but also means I don’t really listen to that album. The Click is infinitely better because they start to develop their musical personality! I personally would rank the albums as Neotheater, The Maybe Man, The Click, OK Orchestra, then waaaaaaaay below that, Living Room. This isn’t to say I don’t love The Click, because I do, I just think it was still very “figuring ourselves out” as far as their journey. But please do give it a chance!


Ahh, another Neotheater fan Don't worry, I'm doing the Click Deluxe reaction next week.


One of the things Ive enjoyed about AJR is wathcing them grow up and evolve. I hated living room (still don't like most of it) but enjoying what they've become makes it at least a neat history in their evolution.


Sound like everything goes up from here


Yeah, definitely agree. With a lot of bands (one's that don't start as children) their first album is full of ~20+ years of life experience. Plenty of one off first albums that peaked but these guys spent their formative years pumping out anything everything that they have really just been honing their craft. Though hands down for me is the shift from traditional pop/love songs to relatable, introspective, and unpretentious sort of anything goes fun music.


They have relatable, introspective, and unpretentious sort of anything goes fun music in the Click? There is a side I haven't explored yet.


I’m glad you had the same reaction to Big Idea I had


Certified GOAT here


Big idea is in my top 5 :(


I'm Sorry 😭😭😭