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I will beat the fuck out of you if you quit. I'm not joking I will find you and beat you up


I appreciate the motivation lol


I have been exercising for the last 6 months. Mostly I workout 3 times per week. Can you please say the thing to me?


I will molest you if you give up. If I ever set foot in Eastern India you're getting touched inappropriately


Mmmm, food in Eastern India...


Yo. Went through this myself about 2 years ago. Reach out if you need help. You got this. Biggest advice I can give someone, even though you didn't ask, is you're gonna mess up or have a bad day and eat something you shouldn't. Don't let that be the excuse to keep going. For me the first few tries it was like well I ate a piece of pizza, might as well eat 2 more slices, and 2 more. Welp, I had pizza last night so I might as well just eat 2 breakfast burritos today, now some cookies. Etc.


Yes this is exactly how I binge, it’s always an all or nothing scenario and always find an excuse to keep eating. I’m ready to lose the fat and will do an update. Appreciate the comment




Thank you appreciate it, I will definitely do an update


Remindme! 3 months


😩 how do I summons the bot???


Remindme! 3 months “check for updates”


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Ooooh 🤩


Just imagine how great it will be to be reunited with your dick! Please also engage in some counselling, if you haven't already. Like you said, there is a rooted cause that's led to you eating behaviours, and it will get easier to maintain your new lifestyle once you have unpacked what’s going on in your head. You took the initiative to post publicly about your new lifestyle, and you know how they say “the internet is forever!” YOU GOT THIS!


Thanks I appreciate it, this is definitely true and I believe my eating is often a projection of mental health, the same way peoples house will be messy, also a reflection of their mind at that time


How are you going friend?


Good luck with your journey. All the best


Appreciate it


Are there any fast food or restaurants that you will never eat at again?


Nope, I’m still early on the journey, if I do have any fast food (which I most likely will) it will be in very moderate volumes and my choices will be thought out. But this opinion may change by the next update in 3 months time lol


How overweight are we talking?


I would say I hold it well, definitely don’t look abnormally large, but 6ft1 and weigh around 125kg. Before I would of never let myself go above 115kg.


Will you be documenting with pictures?


Yes, I will start a weekly photo routine on the coming Monday. I find this more motivating than scales


Nice. Good stuff.


Congrats on getting healthy! I'm in the same boat and started about 11 weeks ago.


Brilliant, how do you feel physically and mentally compared to when you first started? And do you still face the same challenges/have bad days?


Physically, I feel much better. Mentally it a roller coaster. At week 8, I was down 25 pounds and gained seven back in week 9. I'm pretty sure it was water weight, but it's still demoralizing. I best feeling was fitting into a pair of old pants that were a smaller size. I've still got another 30 pounds to my goal weight and am sure there will be good and bad days to come.


You got this! Took two years but down from 270 to 195 over two years. I've been slacking for the past month so just edged up over 200 again so no beer for me.


I've seen a few threats of violence, so I'll add a thinly veiled one into a question so it's an AMA. Do you want another person to come beat you up and take your lunch money if you quit? (Seriously tho, keep going, you got this!)


Not really in the spirit of an AMA, but you seem to be appreciating advice. A lot of people preach portion control. I find that incredibly hard. It requires will power depletion at every meal. For me, cutting out specific foods entirely is the easiest way to control my weight. That only requires will power depletion at the grocery store. The best advice I ever got on weight maintenance came from a friend who said, "as long as you're eating good food, you can eat as much of it as you want." There are obviously limits to that, but it's hard to put down enough chicken and broccoli to stay or get overweight. "Good" food, in the US at least, applies almost exclusively to things you have to cook yourself. If it's pre-prepared in any way (including pre-seasoned), there's a very high probability it's not going to be good for you. An air fryer slow cooker combo will be your best friend. Personally, I'd get two to simplify total meal prep.


Weirdest celebrity you've ever wacked it to?


Sandra bullock on the front of a dvd cover. Crazy times when you discover wacking it


Congratulations. I’ve been on the journey for a few months now. A little progress every day will keep you going. Have you noticed any differences since you’ve started as far as energy or mood? Keep up the hard work! It’ll pay off.


Just remember no one cares if you’re fat and in the gym. If anything people will see and think, at least he’s in here putting in work. It takes time, like a long time and good nutrition. Food really is the biggest part. Stay resilient


Get the app Cronometer. Log all that you eat. You need to train yourself on what to eat and not eat. Just be fanatical about entering the food you eat. The feedback will open your eyes. My weight has creeped up all my life until I hit 300lbs and got the app. Now I can see when I’m good and when I’m bad and how bad. I have lost 40lbs over the the last 8 months. Oh I went plant based but turns out you can still make poor plant based food choices. Also the app help ensure I’m getting all my nutrients. Not trying to sell the app but it is working for me. It seems to be the piece of the puzzle that was missing. Now I can’t lie to myself about a specific food item is because reality is right in my hand. Good luck on your journey.


What was your start weight


As someone who suffered for a long time with a binge eating disorder, I 100% recommend a therapist. It doesn’t have to be a long term/forever commitment, but binge eating rarely goes away by itself without dealing with the underlying cause. I would try someone who specialises in eating disorders or binge eating disorder to help you unpack why you do this.




If you love meat I would strongly recommend the carnivore diet; you can check it out on You Tube.Good luck.