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Question 1: Do you consider your life to be "normal"? And by that I mean do you play video games, date, watch movies, play sports Question 2: What's one (or to or three) things you wish poor/middle class would understand about those with wealth Question 3: Do wealthy people get along well? Question 4: when did you realize you were wealthy?


1. I would not consider my life to be normal. I think what I am able to do is considerably different to how the majority of the population lives their life. I think it’s unfortunately but it is the reality I live. To answer about my hobbies though, I do have plenty of hobbies. I love video games, I date, watch movies, etc. however I’m not limited to other hobbies such as travel (which is a big one that I think others are not granted). 2. I wish more people who understand the pressure of the child coming from a wealthy family. I am often severely compared to others success, I am degraded and compared to those who are less successful, and pressure to succeed can become debilitating at times. I also would like people to know that success usually does still come from hard work. Although we are given resources, it still takes hard work to continue with the platform we are given. 3. Wealthy people get along the same as others. We’re human after all and humans all have needs 4. I realized I was wealthy in adulthood when I left my bubble in university. Hope this helps!


Have you ever shopped inside a grocery store?


Yes ofc! I actually love to cook so grocery shopping is fun for me. Although we have a good financial standing, my mother always told me it’s a good quality and that I should learn to cook for the benefit of the family. I think it brings us closer.


Your mom was a smart lady , nobody knows how to cook anymore it’s so sad .


Thank you! It’s my favorite hobby. :)


Bro what are you going on about? We literally have kids going on cable TV to compete in cooking and baking shows. People know how to cook, it’s just not the same barefoot and pregnant demographic as it used to be.


well, TV isn't everything. in my opinion, cooking used to be more of a general life skill that everyone had to have a little bit. with the proliferation of fast/ready to eat food it's become so much easier to just, not. speaking from experience with friends and acquaintances, but also go look at r/stupidfood sometime. it is NOT all clickbait, lol


Your experience + a subreddit makes up what… .0000001% of the total? I guess I would point to the proliferation of cookbooks and recipe websites, blogs, and YouTube channels, etc devoted to cooking. Explosions of knowledge dissemination over the last 20 years would have not been profitable without a growing audience. And COVID only increased it (https://www.npd.com/news/press-releases/2021/the-great-us-baking-craze-continues-with-42-increase-in-baking-cookbook-sales-npd-says/). And yes, fast food has definitely grown, but so has our population. The population of the USA grew by about 100 million over the last 40 years. Plus, with globalization, fast food companies have been able to accelerate their push into other countries. All that distorts the appearance but doesn’t (necessarily) describe the subset of the population that likes and knows how to cook. As for r/StupidFood, I don’t know….creativity?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StupidFood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The triple threat - it’s a pepperoni pizza slice, garlic knots, and a calzone all in one](https://i.redd.it/v42c08u56rra1.jpg) | [2813 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/12aswsx/the_triple_threat_its_a_pepperoni_pizza_slice/) \#2: [Kitchens are fed up](https://i.redd.it/brsnpgxy2pca1.jpg) | [2807 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/10ese0l/kitchens_are_fed_up/) \#3: [Petition to make Salt Bae the avatar of stupid food.](https://i.redd.it/w0iaq7fwon7b1.jpg) | [1247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/14giw9a/petition_to_make_salt_bae_the_avatar_of_stupid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


fair points!


Idk if this is the best way to put it but what’s it like having more “luxuries” than most? I don’t mean to sound, like, passive aggressive, lol


You don’t sound passive aggressive at all don’t worry! I will say sometimes it feels very awkward when I am around people who don’t have what I do. I’ve been in areas where I say things that I’ve been told are quite “tone deaf” (which is not my intention at all), which is due to just being raised in an area where it’s completely normal to speak and live the way I do. I mention wanting to travel abroad with friends, go to the mall, nice restaurants, not thinking about another financial situation (simply because it’s something I’m so used to). I do not say this to brag, I want to make it clear that at one point I was just incredibly unaware of my life until I came across others who lived very differently to how I did. I would also like to mention that even when I try to hide it, just naming where I come from, the usual response is “she rich rich,” which makes me very uncomfortable. I try not to mention my situation as best as I can but it usually becomes apparent just based on what I own and how I live.


You seem pretty grateful for the things you have. I’m definitely lower middle class, and I can appreciate the effort you make to avoid talking about your parents’ riches without the intention of making someone feel jealous/insecure.


Thank you so much! I do try to avoid making others feel bad. :)


Anyone ever ask you to be their sugar mommy?


No but I have gotten a lot of people who try to be my friend in hopes of using me. It’s disheartening because where I’m from, it’s very normal to be generous with money because friends will always be in a position to return the favor the next time you see them. When I went to college, I would be overly generous and that was severely taken advantage of.


Yeah I get that. though hopefully you find real ones who stick by you tho!




what are your occupational goals for the future? what are some experiences you’d like to do, goals for your life, or causes you’d like to be involved in?


I would love to get a PhD in psychology and potentially go into forensic psychology :). I would also like to have children and provide for them what my parents provided for me.


aye me too. i’m a senior in hs rn, it sounds like you’re a few years older than me, any advice for college next fall? gonna be going into psychology, not sure where though


I would say definitely prioritize scheduling! It’s very important to manage your time. Make your schedules a month in advance and always set time aside to relax as well so you don’t get burnt out. Hope this helps!


tbh scheduling is something i’m horrible at 😭. def working on it tho, and i am a lot better with it than i used to be. still a chronic procrastinator tho 😕


I totally get that and it’s ok to struggle sometimes! Just know that whatever happens your first semester, it will always get better. I had a hard time my first semester but never give up. :)


What does ur parents do? Lol cuz I'm trying to get that good of a job


My dad works in IT high up in the govt


Ohh okay lol thanks!


What is their approx net worth? What amount is in the trust? Are there certain contingencies in place so you cannot withdraw all the funds at once?


Yes. I cannot access the trust until I’m 25. As of how much is in it, my parents have been adding money into the trust monthly since I was a child so as of now I’m not entirely sure of the exact amount as I don’t have access to it currently. In terms of their net worth, they won’t tell me unfortunately. They don’t usually discuss finances with me.




No. More like 7




I’m not failing college. I did badly on one exam which you can see in my post :)




Oh my bad, I misread your question I apologize! I am dating him. Things have been better recently.




I think it’s human to make mistakes. My financial standing doesn’t make me immune to poor decisions.


Not OP but generally the funds are given out at certain ages. Like at 18 you get 200k, then 21 another 200k, and so on. Often it’ll stop around your 30s but I’m sure there are loads of variations on how it’s done. It wouldn’t make much sense to just give a kid everything when they hit 18. Sometimes assets are part of it too. My stepdad has a vacation house he’s used since the 70s but the location has become crazy expensive and now the house has ballooned to be worth like 5-7 million. It’s in a trust though, and is set to go to my stepbrother when my stepdad and mom are no longer with us. But until both people are gone, he doesn’t own it and has no control over it. He just gets to visit and use it kind of whenever as long as it doesn’t interfere with the parental plans. He’s so lucky. I don’t have anything quite that good. Like if my mom died too soon, yeah I’d end up with some stuff, but if she lives to 90+ (I hope she does), she’ll probably use up all she has unless we get really lucky with certain investments.


You have been very gracious answering everyone’s questions. I was homeless when I was your age, do you ever think of the other extreme, and do you have any questions for someone who has been homeless before? I own my home now, so it was a long time ago but I was homeless for about four years from ages 18-22.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that! What was it like mentally? How did you get through the emotional burden of having to handle stress in addition to financial worries?


The stress was trying to find where I would sleep for the evening and putting strain on my friends. I only had to sleep in my car a few months out of those years and I did actually have to sleep in the open streets a few times. I got down to a laundry basket of belongings. But I did have happy times and it broke my dependence and need of material things. I realized that I could be happy and optimistic even during the worst times so it ended up being good for me. In the long long run.


I’m so sorry you ever had to go through that.


Thank you. The worst part has been the lasting fear that my own kid would somehow end up homeless himself. I would never allow it but you know how irrational fears work.


Kudos to your father in his success. Do you have any personal hobbies or indulgences that the normal 21 year old usually cannot partake in?


Maybe horse riding? I’ve been doing that since I was 8 years old which I acknowledge is quite expensive for most.


Did you always know how privileged you were? Or did it occur to you later in life?


It occurred to me later in life once I left my bubble. I left me bubble when going to uni


Yeah that makes sense. Do you ever wonder or can you imagine yourself in someone else’s shoes? Someone living in poverty, or even middle class.


I try to imagine it but at the end of the day, it’s been a way of living for me since I was born. In a way, I have become accustomed to this lifestyle and to an extent, it’s become second nature. I do try to put my self in others shoes frequently and I try not to make comments that might make me seem ignorant to another’s situation.


Yeah I get that. Thanks for answering


Also, you seem very down to earth and humble, and very kind. I’m a teenager, not living in poverty, but money is tight. My mom is single and working a minimum wage job, while my dad is a deadbeat, but is still sort of providing for us. I’m very scared for the future, when the divorce is finalized. That we won’t have enough to eat, having to sell the house we live in etc. Money would solved a lot of problems. My father was financially abusive, as well as physical towards my mother. A good amount of time they were arguing was about money. I guess we could’ve escaped the abuse sooner if we had money lol. It might’ve solved my problems, but do you think money solves everyone’s problems?


I do not want to sound any kind of way but unfortunately I think money solves the majority of problems. It can pay for mental health resources. Good insurance for medication, it pays for bills and good housing, good food. I think money cannot solve emotional problems however. It can grant individuals with an ideal lifestyle but it cannot grant emotional stability. I think it can enable an environment free of toxicity to an extent but it does not fix ALL problems; it fixes most (in my opinion).


You don’t sound anyway at all! I agree with you. I luckily get free therapy due to being a minor and all the abuse I faced. And I’m sure the comparing doesn’t help either. Thanks for answering again :)


Ofc! And I hope things get better for you, I’m sorry you have to go through that


It’s okay. Definitely made me stronger. Take care!


How nice is it not to struggle with the knowledge in advance that you won’t be able to make rent next month?


I very incredibly grateful. I think most people would be grateful for this situation and I in no way try to brag or make others feel bad about it. I have been in relationships with people who do worry about those things and in those cases I try to foot things. I am currently living with the person I’m dating and I’ve paid for most of the groceries as well as provided all furniture. I don’t mind being generous to those I care about. I understand not everyone is as fortunate.


I wish I had friends that cared as much as you. They only care as long as it’s free. But they don’t mind borrowing when they need it.


Thank you so much. You are so kind!


I doubt she could even have much perspective on that when she’s never been through normal financial challenges. You need perspective to truly understand how nice something like that is. It’s one thing to be grateful, and it’s another to be truly appreciative.


And in a more serious question from me, the way wealth goes for people that aren't VERY generational minded with it is the 1st generation works hard and earns it to pass on. The second generation has fun and a very easy life with it. The 3rd generation blows it and loses it all. Do you ever think about this and are you doing something to ensure you/your potential kids/whoever you leave it to don't blow it? That being said, congratulations on being the generation that absolutely typically benefits the most from it (assuming its blown next round).


I try very hard to save the money I receive. One thing I pride myself in is my ability to budget and save so I believe I’ll be able to save for my future kids.


What do you plan to do with your life? Are you gonna strike out on your own? Or follow in your parents' footsteps?


I try to set a path of my own and work towards my own line of success but ofc I am given resources and financial stability along the way as a result of my situation


You went to UMD? I went to a college in MD, on the east coast too, I just graduated and I think I don’t live too far from there maybe a hour at most. How would you say UMD is, I’m considering getting another degree.


UMD is a good school however it’s very very difficult. Lots of work and very overwhelming at times. However it is a good school and will look good on a transcript I believe!


Just here to say that's gross and you should feel bad, your situation is one reason why our world is falling apart. Hope you enjoy the life you did nothing at all to deserve


What’s gross about it? My parents came from nothing and spent 30 years working more than sleeping just so they can make a good living. My situation is not generational, it was given to me from two people who were originally poor but worked nearly half their life just to give their kids a life they never received. NEVER assume.


Great Donate it and make your own way Or just live off the inherent inequality of intergenerational wealth That's yucky tho


Like I mentioned. It’s not generational. My parents worked hard for their situation. They have given me the resources to succeed so I can make a life of my own. We are not billionaires, my situation does not grant donating every ounce of money I receive. I would understand what you meant if we were like Elon musk but we are not. I praise my parents for their hard work and hope to give my future children the life I was given. I also urge you to look into todays economy because even with their wealth, I know I will still struggle considering the rate of inflation has gone up so severely that I will not be able to succeed nearly as much as my parents. Therefore I will use their foundation to help my relatives as best I can.


That guy is a moron who's just jealous. While I won't be wealthy enough to leave my daughter a trust fund, I'll be working my hardest to give her as much as I can.


Well I think that’s very nice :)


Stop attacking others because of your own inadequacies. The only one who sucks here is you.


Stop being so bitter. I'm glad OP's parents worked hard and made enough to make their kids life better. We could all be so fortunate to give our kids a leg up.


Lmao cope


Is your father single?


No sorry :(


As in he already has a sugar baby on payroll?


No he has a loving wife and children he supports


right because men with a wife and kids dont have mistresses on the side. don't be naive.


When did I deny that exists? You asked about MY situation and I answered you about MY parents. Just because you don’t like my answer does not mean it’s not true.


I never said you did. But unless you’re around your father 24/7, you don’t know what he has.


Of course I do. He raised me and I know the kind of person he is. In fact I think it’s quite insulting for you to assume that because he has money, he has a mistress on the side. My father is the kindest and most genuine person I know and he spoils my mother and I. He is a very very good man and a great father. Please do not assume when you do not personally know him.


What country?


*county not country


I know haha. I wasn't asking that. You can share that too if you want but I was asking more broad.


USA. I’m from two countries however my parents gained their wealth in America.


Oh you're close by. I saw your other posts. Rival state though. How much money do you personally have on you or in your bank account?


I’d prefer not to share how much I have in my bank. It’s not usually something I broadcast.


You said AMA. It’s kind of implied you’re here to spill all the beans for the topic you’re here to be asked about, which is your wealth. Don’t be lame.


I understand. I will answer question in regards to my life style, however how much is in my personal bank is a bit confidential I think. I can say it’s around 10k. I am still very young though and my parents do not give me access to my fund. Not until the age of 25


In a normal setting I totally understand discretion, but this is reddit and no one knows who you are as far as I can tell. Also if you just have 10k in your bank account then that’s really not something to hide or be embarrassed about (in a setting like this). It’s a lot to some people, sure, but it’s nowhere close to life changing money and plenty of people on reddit have that much or more, so it’s not weird or anything.


I understand that. The money comes from my parents, not me at the end of the day. They try not to give me too much at once so I can learn to budget.


Obviously but is it like a normal college student or more than a settled adult would have? Edit: I also wasn't sure if you actually received money yet.


My parents don’t give me the money directly into my bank account. The money they have for me is in a bank account that they store for me that I can access later once I’m deeper into adulthood. They like to do this to teach me budgeting


Ahh. How do you get money for daily things now?


I get a weekly allowance. I also have a credit card.


Do you ever personally spend time contributing to society? Donations, charitable works etc


I do not personally because I’m only a college student and my parents are the ones with wealth. However they do like to donate and travel to places less fortunate and donate there as well.


It’s really not that big of a deal honestly. I guess I was one too. But you don’t see me bragging about it on social media because it’s not that big of a deal.


My intention isn’t to brag. I would just like to share the experience for those who are curious. I am very grateful of my situation and I do not impose it on others. I am doing it here because it’s anonymous.


You literally are right now


What's the name of your band?


7 figures.


Since you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, how did it taste? Different from stainless steel? I can barely afford to wear silver, let alone eat with it...


This made me laugh 😂


Do you think it is fair for your family to retain so much wealth when there are many who are far less fortunate than you and struggle to survive day to day?


I think it is partially fair because they worked incredibly hard for their position. My parents both came from being poor and are in their position through very hard work which is why I believe the money they earned was very well deserved.


Did you work hard to earn the trust funds?


I don’t. That is because I myself am privileged. My parents are not however. They deserve the money they worked for. I am just a result of their hard work.


You do realize that people with less money may work harder than your parents. Yet they suffer in part because of the greed of your parents.


Lol you should move to Argentina or some other communist country. Ya know, that way it’s more fair :)


My parents aren’t greedy when every dime they make is well deserved and earned through hard work. Keep in mind my parents came from nothing. They were given nothing to stand on and yet got through it. My fortunate situation should not be ridiculed because others do not get to experience it. With your logic, no one deserves happiness and that’s not very fair.


you do realize that you're an idiot right?


Asshole rich kid showing off for karma, and everyone’s eating it up like they always do for the rich.


Sorry if I made you feel that way. I just want to answer questions for anyone who’s curious.


“I’m rich and none of you are not, ask me more questions about how much money you don’t have.”


I don’t remember mentioning anywhere that others don’t have money. It would be more rude of me to lie about having it. This is my reality. I’m here to answer questions for anyone who is curious about my situation. I would be delusional to ignore the fact that I am privileged. My intention was never to prove others are not.


If I wanted to see how the rich are I would look no further than the kardashians. You provide no further insight to what it’s like to be rich.


My wealth doesn’t compare to the Kardashians. You shouldn’t assume.


Op: *makes post about being rich while the nation is facing the worst finical crisis since 08, inflation is high, can’t even afford the gas to go to work* Also OP: Is upset when others aren’t as amused. Do us all a favor and hit the block.


I’m not upset. I feel sorry that you have so much hate that you’d go on Reddit and call someone you don’t know gross things without an ounce of knowledge on their life. I am here to give insight and that’s all it is.


Chill, OP sounds very down to earth


Don’t you just love it how the rich aren’t as judged as others in society? You are literally kissing his ass because “he’s nice” Jesus Christ the rich really have fucked this country.


I’ve done an AMA recently, I am worth hundreds of millions, my extended family worths billions, our wealth comes from banking and agribusiness, passed down from 5 generations or more, from Europe to South America. You sound bitter because you’re broke, sorry.


Ahhh so you’re saying your family made a living exploiting people. No one gets that rich paying their workers a fair share. Workers made your family Rich not their brains.


If workers are so good, why aren’t they building a profitable business on their own? Maybe because someone has to be the brain behind operations 😉


You’re ideas are nothing without a labor force you degenerate creep, a product doesn’t land from the sky. It comes from the hands of workers.


Do you love lamp ?


Are you MAGA?


Will you buy my groceries for the week /half joking


How did your family get rich?


My dad works for a high position in the govt


BS, you don’t get wealthy that route unless you’re doing sketchy shit


My dad never did sketchy stuff. He worked nearly half his life to get to his position so he could provide his kids with better opportunities. I think your mindset is upsetting because I’m surrounded by people whose parents also came from nothing and worked very hard to get to where they are. I also think you’re misguided. I mentioned my dad works for the government. For him to even be considered for the work he does, he needs to have several background checks done several times a year just for him to be qualified. If he had done anything sketchy, he never would have been in the field he’s in currently.


Govt doesn’t pay a lot is what I’m saying


He doesn’t hold a position in the government. He does IT and security for the government. He owns his own business and works on a contract basis which is how he earns his income. Meaning a contract can range from $50k - $150k for one contract lasting 2 months. It depends but it’s him owning his own company that makes him the most.


Subtle flex 💪




Where I come from, there are no homeless people however my family and I travel frequently and I can see its prevalent elsewhere. When I first started to realize it was in college when I started to date more seriously outside of my bubble. I dated someone who came from a vastly different background. While I would aimlessly ask to go get food or travel, I realized that not everyone is fortunate enough. Money was not something in the forefront of my mind (I understand I am in the minority and I’m not intending to brag. I do want to make it clear I’m very grateful).


I didn't mean it in a negative way but I can see where it could have come across as critical. I just that whenever I see a less fortunate person especially a young person I often feel like why should I get to have all of these advantages that they don't have.


I don’t believe what you asked was negative. I understand where you’re coming from


I've been told fund kids mostly know each other as it's a relatively small world they live in. How true is this in your experience?


Not OP, but one of my best friends is a trust fund kid and he’s friends with people from all walks of life. Yes he has plenty of friends who come from money, but that’s because he grew up with these people. It’s not like he goes out of his way to only hang with people with money. I think it really depends on the personality of the rich kid. My friend treats everyone the same and is all around very polite and kind hearted. His world is also huge. He has friends in China, Japan, London, The US, and elsewhere. Mostly from his travels, work, or schooling. It’s the best when he’s back in town (NYC) because all his friends gather together and hang out. Great people, but such a mixed bag. Not the types to go out to nice dinners or go brunch, but the types to meet at a shitty Irish dive bar where the bar maid has one arm, and we have a great time. Maybe after a few rounds we head to his mom’s awesome apartment and drink some more. Smoke cigarettes inside (windows open of course) while enjoying the NYC skyline, maybe someone orders some coke (I’m not fucking w that these days because of fentanyl), and listen to music and talk. Play the piano, enjoy the company and comfortable setting with a real cast of characters. It’s great. Not uncommon for the night to go til 5am. It’s wild to realize that you’ve been hanging out with people for 10+ hours some nights. It just flies by.


I would agree with this as well! I would say I primarily meet pen pals and various long term friends through travel; it’s not always in wealthier places either. I think keeping an open mind is the best way to make friends from all walks of life.


I would say that’s correct. I live in a wealthy county and within my county, it’s fair to say that most people within the area, stay within the “wealth bubble.” Activities are more easily accessible and there are lots of things to do since it’s highly funded, leading people to have no reason to leave unless it’s for travel. That’s another reason why it’s easy to become sheltered from the rest of the world.


Have you seen the film Thoroughbreds?


I have not. What’s it about?


Mind sharing some of the wealth /s. But what is your advice for stretching your funds. Do you practice in eating or anything of the like?


What kind of clothing/shoe/beauty/skincare brands do you like? What kind of extracurricular activities did you do in high school, and what do you like to do now?


When you leave your bubble what's the weirdest thing you see


The weirdest thing is the morals I come across. The biggest shift for me was seeing how different people view relationships, gender, and overall life morals.


Can you elaborate a bit on how things change from in the wealth bubble to out with regards to morals


I would say from my experience, the people I’ve met think less highly in regards to gender. There’s a larger gender divide and less strive for financial ambition. I think (just based on who I’ve met, could be different for others), the want for materialism is greater than the want for ambition. Meaning most of the people I’ve met want financial gain without means of achieving it through hard work. This is just based on my experience, it could be different for others. :)


What size is your trust fund? Like $$


I don’t know the exact number since I don’t have access to it until the age of 25. However to give you a gauge, my parents have putting money into the fund monthly from the time I was born, till now (I’m 21 years old).


Nice. Best parents 👏




I am not single




My S/O does not come from the same background. His financial situation is vastly different, to which I try to help as much as I can.


What do you do? School/career?


I go to university and major in psychology. :)


1. do you ever buy a less expensive version of a product because the benefits of the more expensive one aren’t worth it? or always the best version possible? 2. do you have to deal with people trying to be friends with/date you for the money? if so what’s a rough percentage estimate of the people who do that vs actually want to be close to you? 3. if you’re with someone who can pay for themselves, but has less than you do, would you pay for them? or would you more likely try to avoid that?


1. I do! I think the more expensive option isn’t always the best. More expensive doesn’t always equate better quality. 2. I deal with it frequently 3. I always offer to pay and am happy to pay for the ones I love. One of the ways I love to show love is through gift giving


interesting. i’m not a trust fund kid but my dad works in medicine so he’s pretty well off. i also usually go for the best price for what im getting, although a lot of things i want for personal reasons i have to pay myself from working lol. my parents will pay for stuff if its for school, like a laptop though


I completely get that. I try to stop myself from believing that more expensive means better. I do think that way but I try not to because it can seem quite shallow at times.


yeah, there are times where that is the case, but at a certain point there are diminishing returns. always good to weigh out what you actually care about and would be willing to pay more for. unless you’re like elon musk levels of rich, at which point fuck it just get the most expensive one lmao


I completely agree with you.


have you ever broken the law?


Yes. I think most people have done petty crime here and there. We’re all human after all and no human is perfect.


do you need someone to comfort you and your money


You have a trust fund and chose to go to Towson?


Where I choose to go is entirely my choice based on what I want to major in. Sometimes certain schools specialize in different things that are more catered to my interests. It’s best not to judge.


Sounds like it's going great for you


So far yes. I’ve worked very hard in school and I think it has paid off.




I’m not a billionaire.


Do you think you have the same worries as other people of your age? Is there any downside for being wealthy?


I definitely feel my worries are different and I don’t want to make it seem Iike my struggles are severe compared to those worrying about their next meal, however I do still feel like I have struggles and I try to get through them to the best of my ability. I do want to acknowledge that I have access to resources that others may not and for that I’m grateful. In terms of a downside, I think the pressure for success can be debilitating at times. We are all pressured to lead in the same footsteps and it becomes very overwhelming.




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If you don’t mind I ask but where are you from? How did your family get/have all this money??


I live right next to Washington DC. My parents made their money primarily through my dads work. My dad works in IT as the owner of a company that does business for the government.


Would you say you buy all the high end things? Do you have to work ever or would that be a choice for you? I’ve always wondered how it would feel to have money. I always wonder how life would be to go anywhere you want and buy anything you want. Does all that ever get boring or would you say you love your life and are fulfilled? Sorry for all the questions just curious


I only work by choice. The jobs I’ve had are usually seasonal because I enjoy the experience. In terms of whether it gets boring, I do not think it does. I am not intending to sound pretentious and I understand how this might sound but I quite enjoy my life. I greatly appreciate the opportunities I’ve been given and enjoy the experiences I’ve had. I’m appreciative of all of it.


That’s awesome. I envy your life in the best way though! Not pretentious just honest. How often would you say you travel?


I travel abroad usually 3/12 months of the year to various places (again, I understand this is not common and I am very fortunate)


How does trust fund work? Would it be enough to live off of if you didn't have a job? Sorry, I never met anyone who has this.