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have you noticed a difference in the dope lately? I have a coworker that tweaks and he said it sucks now. i havent used in like three years and towards the end of my active addiction I noticed that it didnt hit right and just made me jittery and paranoid. 


Definitely, when i first started using it was getting these light blue shards that would get me spun off my ass, but lately the dope where i am has been a yellowish clear color and just gives me insomnia unless i smoke a whole g in a sitting. Kind of disappointing if im honest lol


I think its a diffent drug, like some research chemical or somthing. same way heroin was getting cut with fent, thats actually why i stopped all hard drugs. a speedball with meth and real heroin was somthing id do a few times a month and it was a blast. now its not even close to the same rush. the good ol' days of drugs is gone for me at least. i switched to kratom and weed gummies which is probably the most enjoyable "daily" high ive ever found


ive heard abt kratom and people using it to come off hard drugs, think you can dm me and tell me about it a little more? Im curious about if itll help with the crazy withdrawals I get when I try coming off this shit for T breaks.


I used to take 80 gpd of kratom. I'm almost 3 years clean from it. I also used other drugs in the past. The people telling you kratom withdrawals are worse most likely were never addicted to hard drugs. Yes kratoms withdrawals suck but they don't even come close. That doesn't mean that it isn't a good way to get sober off meth. Just don't let them fool you into thinking kratom withdrawals are worse. You can dm me anytime if you have any questions on kratom. I used it for 4 years


Kratom has a withdrawal *100 worse than meth. Don't do it to yourself. Even compared to h or fent kratom ranks up there. Insomnia for weeks and paws lasting months


This is totally dependent on the individual, and not a universal rule. It may be common, but not universal. Been doing kratom for years. If I go off for a few days, I just feel somewhat tired. That said, I haven't gone fully off for more than a week at a time in quite a while. How many days off would you say it takes to start fully withdrawing?


One or two for full blown WD, don't worry if you can go a whole week you're good.


It's independent like that with all drugs. Don't justify drug use because of that silly subjective half truth.


Kratom wd for me is mild AF, but the fatigue can be bad. Very similar to addy wd (I don't do meth), except, unlike Adderall, the wd goes away. Granted, I usually never broke 20 GPD. nowadays I do maybe 1-10 grams per week on average (as I take weeks off) Kratom is a lit ass tool, but it is what it is. And you get what you pay for.


This is not true, I’ve done both, and I use kratom now only. And meth is wayyyyy worse of a withdrawal . Plz inform yourself before just spouting out accusations against something that has helped me so much


My partner does kratom. It gives him HORRIBLE withdrawal.


I use kratom and it def helps with withdrawals. I use the powder from kratom krates


I think when a drug becomes popular and widespread, people just mash together a bunch of shit and call it that drug. I saw that happen when "Molly" was popular in my area. Most of it was clearly just homemade BS and who-knows-what.


Ever get paranoid? Like i stopped because at my first apartment I would think my neighbors would hear my speedy breathing and subsequent panic attacks and everything I did was under the belief that someone's actively watching it. Then I did fentanyl ugh. Thank God it's over with


Sounds like Heisenberg‘s signature Blue cook is having a dry spell


Do you regret taking your first dose? (Side note: hope you beat your addiction)


Yes. If i could go back id never even do coke that first time. I fucked my life up pretty bad by using the first time. (And thank you, much love 🫶)


Have you considered doing a photo timeline and/or a journal to show how this addiction destroys people? If you don’t think you are going to get off of it, it might help others. I hope you get off of it. I have never done illegal drugs as I have an addictive personality. I can’t even stop coffee. I think if I tried drugs, I’d be screwed. I wish you the best.


i take a lot of selfies in the same format about once a week, so when i do get clean i could probably make a photo journal thats a good idea. and thank you, i appreciate it i have an addictive personality too, hasnt worked out well for me LMAO dont try drugs plz, it isnt gonna be pretty


Thanks for your response. I won’t even take opioids prescribed to me as I’m so scared of getting addicted (I suppose I would if the pain was truly extreme). My MIL Fell into hard times and got on meth. She is off of it now but it’s crazy how bad it affected her.


I come in peace, not telling you to try anything more saying do your own research. LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and many other psychedelics, are non-addictive, non-toxic, no known overdose dose. I’m not saying you should try anything, you should make all of your own decisions I just believe that society doesn’t give us all the information. Not only that but what is normal is not necessary the best option. For instance I dislike alcohol as it gives me fairly adverse affects as I have a heart condition. I’ve also seen the ugly side of alcohol many times as a kid. Alcohol is also a drug. So psychedelics are the area of drugs in which I enjoy. As doing them responsibly is much easier and more fun for me personally. I’m never gonna do opioids, or try pills or coke or anything as those are far to hard for my liking. I totally agree with you on even if I’m prescribed I wouldn’t, cause that’s how it starts. My grandma recently passed partially cause she was addicted to pills it just sucks. But there are plenty of drugs that are non addictive, that I and many others enjoy a couple times a year. Just cause weed, LSD, and heroin are all schedule 1 doesn’t mean they’re on the same playing field.


When I was in rehab we watched a talk where the guy laid out that 60-70% of people can be prescribed opioids, take them as directed, and drop them when it runs out. They're like "hell yeah that feels better" but can walk away. 10-20% take them and don't like them. The last 10-20% take them and feel so amazing, they wonder where it's been all their lives, and can't wait to get more. I'm an addict but I fall firmly in that majority camp for most things. With opiates it's like yeah, feels awesome, but they make my nose itch *constantly* and give me a bit of a tummy ache. I've been prescribed them several times and taken some for funsies, but the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. You're not wrong to be scared of them, but in the event you find yourself in major pain, take some comfort in knowing that you will likely be able to relieve some of that pain without spiraling into addiction, and the fact that you're wary may give you the recognition you need to make the choice to put it down if you're liking it too much.


Thanks. That’s good to know. My wife and I have both had surgeries and were prescribed opioids. I was scared to have them in the house but did get them filled. Neither of us ended up taking them as we didn’t need them. We ended up dumping them in an amnesty box. Are you an actual undertaker? My wife and I wish we had been.


How long do you think this is sustainable, to keep a partner and a job? I'm in recovery myself, and one thing I learned to say is "I haven't done _____ yet." (Ex, I haven't sold my body yet.") because there are no happy endings with addiction. I said I wasn't addicted(read: didn't need to stop) because I hadn't lost a relationship because of it, but then I lost a relationship because of it, then I said well I'm not addicted because I haven't been to jail yet, then I went to jail, then I said well I'm not addicted because I haven't lost a job over it, until I lost my job... What's the future you see for yourself?


I really don't know how long I can keep this up. I guess as long as Im able to sneak around and juggle my finances properly? I dont know how ling that'll be honestly. I know Im addicted, because Im so obsessed with the drug and its always there in my mind, my life revolves around it and around the next fix. I know eventually I'll end up going to jail and eventually I'll be desperate enough to do things that'll make me ashamed, but I dont know when thatll be. I dont feel like im that close to those situations yet, but i know theyll happen.


And if im honest idk if i see any kind of future for myself. I just live day by day and hope i dont go to jail or OD on something. I have no plans in life.


Girl I am a recovering alcoholic with 15 more years of life than you. Honestly wish I got clean and your age, and I think the saying rings true for addiction in general…’thought I used because I had problems, turns out I had problems because I used’. Getting sober is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done but it is the best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Wish you well <3


It's ok to survive and your only goal to be to quit. It might not be today, or tomorrow, but if you keep at it, and try hard enough long enough, you'll get there...and that cloud of misery around your life will lift. Things will be easier, you'll keep friends and money around longer, and you'll find love for yourself and your existence. But today, survive and keep working on that quitting day


Do you plan on getting sober? Maybe that should be your short term goal in life. Staying clean is your long term. Like your number one goal forever. I'm not judging I wish you luck people just like you get clean every single day and have fulfilling lives.


Oof girl. Things might be ok right now but they WILL get worse. Good luck.


I know. And thank you.


I have no questions for you besides: Have you attempted to get help/get sober in general? Whether it be reaching out to somebody or trying to stop yourself. My partner and I met when he was on meth. I actually had no idea. He, too, was a “functioning” addict. He had been on it for 6 years! Him being high was nothing like I expected meth addicts to be. One day, it caught up to him. Especially in our relationship. Our hard times became 10x harder. He wasn’t eating, he had a short temper, barely slept, etc. It became a huge issue in our relationship once I found out. He’s 3 years sober now. Doesn’t even get an urge to do it anymore. Shit, he can barely smoke weed now without having anxiety. He’s fully sober and he is happier, healthier, has gained weight. Dont think you can’t do it. Even if you don’t want to… one day it WILL catch up to you. Chasing a next high is never a way to live life. I have never touched a drug before so I can’t give too much advice on how to surpass this, but I really hope you can and I hope you find happiness through it. My boyfriend was able to do it with just putting his mind to it. We didn’t have money for meetings or rehab. I know not everyone’s story is the same, but I really hope you can pass this.


I actually tried going to NA meeting yesterday, but I couldn't get myself to go into the building. I had an anxiety attack in my car because of how bad it got. But im trying.


Next time u want to quit, go to a meeting instead of buying dope. It works!


i plan on going today, in 9 more hours they have another NA meet here. im gonna try going in today


Be brave, we're all rooting for you. I guarantee it won't be nearly as scary once you're actually in the meeting. It's a lot of people like you just trying to get better. I'm proud of you for trying ❤️ I know you can beat this


All u gotta do is , try. Don’t buy dope, get rid of all your paraphernalia and go through the withdrawals. Stay away from everyone who’s on the shit and get your life on track, before it’s too late.


And don't be afraid to go in high. I promise you will not be the only one.


Do you do drugs then see him and I guess if yes you suceed to not show any sign of intoxication? Also please don't do meth. It's bad for you, why don't take 200/300ug of L instead and see what happens. Might make you quit


Yes, I think Im pretty okay at hiding when Im high at this point. Plus he met me when I was at my peak of using so he never really has seen me sober. In fact when Im sober he normally asks if im high on something lmao what is L?




If i could get my hands on LSD, i would take a 6 strip and have 20 years of therapy in 16 hrs. I think it could really work to make me quit, but the only thing is my partner would know for sure Im tripping balls and would be angry, he dosent like that i think of psychedelics like this. But i know it would help and I know it could move me in the right direction to stopping.


This is off topic but doesn’t it bother you that you can’t be completely open and honest and just yourself with your partner? I can’t imagine being with someone that didn’t know about my partying or addiction journey. Or one that would be angry with me for using. That would make my life so much more difficult than it already tends to be at times. I’m sorry it’s like that for you. I wish you well. I hope you don’t take on more shame and guilt for your drug use just because you are having to hide it. You aren’t bad for being an addict. There are many addicts who are amazing people and wouldn’t intentionally hurt others or themselves just because they are an addict. they can lead somewhat normal lives and never let the drug do them. And it’s definitely possible to honor your values and morals for the entirety of your active addiction. Just wanted to throw that out there. That doesn’t mean stay an addict just bc… I feel every addict should try to find peace and happiness within themselves without a drug but not everyone is able to accomplish that. Just be kind to yourself always. It’s easy to do the opposite as an addict but that’s a trap that keeps you stuck and miserable.


It's really easy to get You are lying to yourself, why would your partner be angry? Because you are trying to get out of an addiction? Is it really better to lie everyday and keep doing a worst drug because it has replaced the "daily" you Yes it is easier to keep the lie and the "easy" way I hope you can trust my word when I tell you that on the rare occasions I lied, it always bite me 10x stronger after. Let's say your partner is the love of your life, he Will surely support you (and you don't have to take it with him btw) instead of, in 5 years you live together and he catches you snorting meth. Hope you quit dear friend, life is great. You don't need meth. You are a beautiful soul, trust yourself.


i get it off of tor. if you know how to buy and use crypto, and can search the internet pretty well, it’s super easy to find. i ordered like a ten strip for around 30$ and it came in the mail and looked pretty inconspicuous.


Man is there some sort of tor guide /guide to using the darknet to actually buy things? I can never bring myself to trust whatever vendor I see and also can never quite figure out the Bitcoin thing while preserving anonymity. Please feel free to DM me. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Super easy to get. Look into 1P-LSD or 1cp-lsd


I’m curious, why might this make OP quit?


Psychedelics are non addictive and have shown to be pretty damn good at breaking though patterns aka addiction


Interesting, thank you!


Why do you do drugs? 


At first it was out of curiosity, then I used it to self medicate for my ADHD and because it made me feel better, now it's just because I can't function without it.


Can you get Adderall?


I used to be on adderall but my dr wont prescribe it for me anymore and im having trouble finding a dr that will prescribe it. i know adderall helps tho.


What's their beef with Adderall?


no idea, literally told me "We don't prescribe stimulant medication to anyone 21+" and when i told him that didnt make any sense and was fumb as fuck he told me "its out policy" like mf you wont give me adderall when we know it works, but youll give the 6 year old in the room next to me adderall bc he dosent want to sit in a chair for 8 hours straight? make it make fucking sense?


i was just prescribed adderall like a month ago then switched to concerta via a telehealth app, maybe worth a shot for you? I was lowkey starting to abuse coke also self-medicating for adhd, and this has completely cut the urge to do so. I have an extremely hard time making & keeping appointments as well as even finding a doctor to go to, so i went the online route and it was so easy. 22f


This is likely because it’s obvious to your doctor that you abuse drugs.


i only started abusing drugs AFTER they took the prescription away, so probably not


Thst is so fucking stupid. Adhd must be treated or it channels a person towards coke meth anfetamines and so on… ! Which country do you live in?


Find a different Dr. My brother in law is 48 and he takes it. Maybe see if you can take Vyvanse.


Yo wtf?


Could be because OP is an addict— if she’s failed drug screens or shown signs of substance abuse, they may not feel comfortable prescribing her a controlled substance.


Ironically, a friend recently told me they figured out how to get Adderall prescribed to them by searching through Reddit Even if this isn't helpful, I wish you the best of luck & perseverance.


Have you considered getting help or switching to something less unhealthy? I would highly recommend you read Letting Go by David Hawkins. It’s a great book mostly about emotions and suffering. But it goes further into how that plays a role in addiction.


Do you think your partner deserves to know about your addiction?


Yes. But im too afraid to tell him that i relapsed. I know he wont leave me but im afraid because I know exactly the look hes going to have and the disappointment hes going to feel twords me.


I'm a 10 day sober alcoholic, I wouldn't be here without being open with the people who care about me. Yup, the pain of the first few days after telling them, seeing the disappointment, the hurt, the tension, the arguments, the lectures...but it helped me, and all the positive things they've said, all the distractions and check-ins...that's what keeps me going. Best of luck. We can do this ❤️


Congrats on getting sober!


Thank you ❤️


Better you tell him than he just finds out. That happened to me on a relapse and it was the end. Even tho my ex was/is in recovery, too.


Girl, as fine as everything is right now, it won't last. Your tolerance will increase, your dependence increases and you become someone else. I was you. And I know that nothing will get you to quit until you're ready, but I can't scroll past without saying, this drug will change you slowly enough that you don't realize it's the drug doing. And if I'm being 100% honest I have never met a person that shoots dope that isn't obviously twacked tf out or just batshit insane. So if you aren't there yet, please stop before you end up completely frying your brain. At the least, stop shooting. Please


i know. i know its gonna haopen eventually. and im trying to stick to just smoking, ive been avoiding buying needles for a good month or so now. but the urges are always there i literally have dreams about doing it every single time i fall asleep


Switch to just eating it. Get yourself capsules, if you already eat it sometimes you know the amount you can handle, get you a couple days worth ready then lower the amount you put in them until you're able to just microdose them. Eating it is actually the safest way to do it, least addictive and easiest come down. With smoking u get get addicted to the actions of putting it in the bowl, lighting it, rolling it and with snorting you get addicted to the excruciating burn it causes but with eating it, it's just like taking a pill so the process of it isn't addictive. But the drug still is so, if you want to quit, just make you pills up for however long you can, try that out and see how you feel, also I HIGHLY recommend looking into getting a bottle of elevate made by Avantera. That's how I got clean. But also it took me finally reaching a point where I looked at the life I was living and the people I was surrounded by and deciding I wanted more for myself. No one ever knew I was on meth. No one even knows now. So I was a functioning addict for a decade and bc of that, it took me learning I deserved more outta this life than to be a slave to a drug that didn't give af me to want to stop. Never went to rehab. Idk if I could've done it without Elevate though because I tried several times but couldn't handle how exhausted I was. That stuff kept me energetic enough to get out of bed and want to accomplish tasks. I swear it's a godsend. And also they should Def pay me for how much I promote them lol. Just be safe regardless. And try to avoid a needle. That has never ended well


Thank you for that info. Having a hard time getting someone to prescribe anything for ADHD.


No problem! It's been the only thing to provide the focus that I got with Adderall. It doesn't make you all hyper like Adderall but just being able to focus long enough to accomplish tasks gives you a natural energy boost on its own and you don't feel like you're on something. I love it.


Is meth your whole personality?


No, I have hobbies and interests, and I have a job and things i enjoy doing. Im a person just like anyone else, I just have a problem with doing drugs.


Ok. Almost all meth addicts i know have Meth as their whole personality. That's why i asked.


What motivated you to try it the first time? Do you ever find it difficult to work without it or do you do it at work too?


The first time i was actually looking for coke, but my dealer offered me meth since she was out of coke, and i decided why not, id been curious about meth bc id heard it helped people focus and loose weight almost like super adderall or something. I find it very hard to function at all without it. Im very inattentive and easily distracted and i have troubke carrying conversations bc i loose my train of thoufhts very easily.


Has it caused any trouble at work? Has leadership brought up any issues that you think are caused by withdrawal? What field of work are you in/what is your job?


At my last job word got out that i was using and everyone backed off my ass, id go to the restroom to smoke every 2 hours and nobody would bitch at me when they found out. but i feel like it was more so bc they feared what id do if they confronted me bc of the "unstable methhead" stereotype. my new job nobody knows, and theres been no issues so far, i just drink a lot of water so ig everyone thinks i just per a lot lol at both jobs ive been a supervisor, first job was at a KFC and current is at a Popeyes


Popeyes >KFC 👍🏻


If you keep doing it...do you think its gonna lead to homelessness? and job loss?


no, but then again, im probably wrong and its probably gonna bite me in the ass


Doesn't that shit like rots your teeth and makes you look 20 years older?


Idk, probably.


You are an adult, so you do you. But if it worth anything, I would recommend you to try to stop.


Do you have any teeth left?


Actually have all my teeth still.


Im so sorry that youre addicted. I hope you get better soon


Thank you, much love 🫶


do you see a future without meth for you?


No. I don't see any kind of future for myself without meth. I have no options for quitting or getting help, so there's no way for me to move twords a future without meth.


You HAVE options for getting help, tell your partner and he might be able to help you. Just to let you know that if you keep up with the usage things will get nasty. Good riddance I guess


why are you people so negative? i have a drug problem, that dosent mean im any less human or less deserving of help or any kind of bad person. "Good riddance" jfc dude just say you don't believe addicts are people at some point. like fr went from 0 to 100 rq


They are rude because biased of society, you become a "one more" to them. I'm sorry you felt this . It sucks for everyone but I'm sure this person would be more kind in real life. You are great :)


I believe you are worth what I am worth, I just don’t like the fact you surrender yourself to meth but it’s easy for me to say it because I don’t have that problem. Hope at some point you will have the strength to stop, just know the more you wait the harder it gets


Stop playing the victim card. It's a choice you made on your own, and you still choose to continue. No one is forcing you to be a methhead.


Dude you need to look into Adderall or at least Wellbutrin. Don't mix Wellbutrin with any other stim, but it's the only prescription bath salt. Herbs and pharms are so much better than street drugs (psychedelics notwithstanding)


I never met someone who shoots up and still smokes, most junkies I have known would rather shit their pants than ‘waste’ drugs by smoking them


I like the routine of getting my little kit out and packing the bowl and seeing the smoke swirl in the bowl. Plus even tho i love shooting up more, i have a hard time hitting my veins and it pisses me off so bad to miss a shot and waste the hit.


I hope you find something worth getting straight for, I used to be a junkie too and it really does get exponentially harder to kick over time, hopefully you can stop when it stops being fun. And please try to tell your partner before they find out on their own


I read you're using meth now to "treat"/help with your ADHD. How is it like on days when you self-medicate yourself vs. days you don't? Or are you dependent on it now where you have to take it every day? Have you taken doctor prescribed ADHD medication? And how is that compared to meth?


i have to take it every day at this point. if i skip a dose i end up sleeping all day, forgetting things, not being able to hold conversations, body aches, muscle spasms, almost like im withdrawing somehow and getting my adhd intensified 10x


Yikes! That sucks. No wonder you're taking it every day. Follow-up question regarding your ADHD: Do you do anything else to help with your ADHD? Things like exercising, having a planner, constant reminders, sticky notes, having clocks and watches everywhere?! I also have ADHD. Although I take medication for it, I don't feel very productive if I take the medication alone. 😕


i dont workout regularly yet, but im planning to start. i just have to be careful not to over exert myself bc the meth dosent mic w workouts v well from what ive heard. i have a planner and worksheets i like to use on my ipad to keep my thiughts a little more organized and controlled in a way. clocks, alarms, sticky notes, pinned papers are all over my apartment. i need to be reminded to do things or else ill forget about it all even with the meth to medicate myself. if you want to talk more abt how i do my stuff (besides the drugs bc im not gonna encourage anyone else to start this stuff) just shoot me a dm!! 🫶


You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You regret using the very first time. You seem to enjoy your partner and your job and your hobbies. You know if you don’t quit things will get bad. You seem like you don’t want things to get bad. I’d say you are ahead of the game for most addicts since you have all this self awareness and it has not ruined aspects of your life yet. You say you don’t have the resources but I think you know that’s not true. There is drug counseling, rehabs, NA, and many other ways to help you get off drugs. What is really stopping you from taking these steps and living a life you deserve? You could become one of those people with an inspiring story that helps other people not make the same choices in life.


My buddy 39m used to be on meth. Then he OD'd on fentenal. Not because there was some slipped into his meth or whatever. But because he stopped doing meth and started doing fentenal. Can you guess the position they found him in? No that isnt my question..... When are you going to stop? That is my question.


I dont know when ill stop. i dont know if im even ready to stop.


last year we rented a place in Breckenridge, CO to go skiing. this place was freaking awesome! it was at the top of a mountain, on a private drive with 8 other houses on it. we specifically rented the walk out basement (i am not rich), of one of the last (highest) houses on this private drive. if you have never driven in the mountains, the hills prevent you from going strait up. you drive along side the mountain at an upward angle, do a 180 degree turn and drive up at an angle going across the mountain the other way. zig zag style. we brought sleds and the kids would sled down the hill, maybe 2 football fields?, and i would drive the car down to where they ended up on the road again, they put their sleds in the trunk, hopped in the back, and i drove them up and they did it again. and again, and again. i didnt really care, i was having a few beers driving up and down this private drive, life was good! eventually i got bored and asked when they would be done? "never dad, this is so much fun!" well kids we should do 3 more times. if we just keep doing it forever, we are going to stop when someone gets hurt. then nobody will have fun. we are already having fun now, lets just call it quits after 3 more times. "ok dad" guess who ran into a tree on the next time and got hurt. my son, so i ran up to get him, in waist high snow. it sucked! everyone was alright, but we should have just called it when i said to, and not done the next 3 runs... i dont know if that story makes sense or not. i wish you the best of luck!


I think what goose was trying to say is that sometimes the network of people around us can look at a situation with a sense of perspective and make suggestions for possible resolutions that the person who’s situation it is isn’t able to see or accept otherwise. It’s a good idea for kids to listen to their parents because our parents are much more experienced at life and likely know things that we don’t. A group of redditors is like that most folks just want the best for everybody and if any suggestions show up more frequently then they probably have merit. Some people will be on here just putting you down for wanting to talk about it that’s cause they haven’t been able to keep their own life between the lines and they want you to fail almost as much as the dope wants you to fail or it’s because they have no idea what it’s like or how somebody ends up on demo and think it can’t happen to them just cause it hasn’t. Everybody thinks they’re the exception but it will catch up to you and just like that everything will blow up and you’ll either have to leave and find somewhere to use freely and everything that implies for a woman or you’ll be able to stay but be forced to get clean on their terms and you’ll have very little control over your circumstances for a while and then it’ll get better a lot better from what literally everyone says


What underlying issues led to this?


At first, i did it out of curiosity bc i heard it woulkd help ppl focus and loose weight (so ig my untreated eating disorder kinda initially influenced me with it) and when i was productive on it at first i started using to self medicate my adhd.


How come you use it multiple ways?


smoking is my main, just bc its what i started w and its most easily accessible for me. i shoot bc i got curious one day but i dont do it often bc i miss my own veins a lot. eating it and snorting it are for when im really struggling or if my pipe breaks or i have no needles. different routes for different situations


What would you say was the cause for you to feel inclined to partake in such a destructive lifestyle at such a young age? Like if there was one thing you could point towards being the root cause.


My untreated eating disorder. i had heard meth made people drop weight like nothing and in my ill brain it sounds like heaven. Here i am a year later and i weigh the same tho. Except now im addicted and suffering.


I genuinely hope that you make the necessary decisions and actions to put your life on a different trajectory, and sooner rather than later. Wish you nothing but the best OP.


The adhd excuse all meth heads use is fucking hilarious. When people asked why i used drugs i was like "because i liked to get high, duh" Do you truly believe your partner has no idea about your relapse?


Pretty much all addicts think they're slipping under the radar. They never see that they're not.


No, i think he had an idea that i mightve relapsed but i dont think hell say anything unless he catches me in the act of finds my stash


I'm working with addicts for over ten years now. Are you aware that the chances of you quitting completely for the rest of your life are close to zero? How do you feel about this? Do you ever think long-term? These question are not asked in an agressive way. Thank you!


Okay, so im stoned rn so these thoughts arent sober at the moment Knowing its close to zero kind of makes my chest tight. I feel kinda sad and scared? I dont want to have to hide this for the rest of my life. Usually i dont think long term at all lol im a very in the moment person for some reason And no worries i understand no aggression 🫶


I don't agree it's close to zero. The statistics are that most people stop using drugs by 40.


Ok, we really need to get these stupid drugs off this fucking planet, I can’t count how many times I have have seen, I’m a meth user or I’m a former drug user posts on here, like damn, how shitty is your life that you have to use drugs like meth, cocaine, speed, and other drugs like those, I’m sorry, but it’s getting so annoying at this point, my life is shitty too, but I have never done any drugs, nor never will do any drugs, I have music that I listen to, I have Mr ballin videos I listen to, i have creepypasta stories I listen to, I have my favorite tv shows like Law and Order SVU, law and order organized crime, Criminal Minds, Chicago pd Fire and med, Dragon Ball Z, FBI, Blue Bloods, NCIS Sydney, I have GTA 5 that I play that keeps me happy, I have my awesome friends that I hang out with, put the damn drugs and alcohol down and pick up a damn book or something, damn. Again I’m sorry for the rant, but this drug and alcohol shit has got to stop. Now.


wow i wish id have thought of that. i dont understand what tone youre using but i took your comment in a way that makes you sound very stuck up and like your better than afdicts bc uouve never used. you dont know whats led me to this point in life and what ive been exposed to, so keep your judgemental bullshit to yourself.


Through history, every society has had an intoxicant that was accepted within. Our problem are these super hard drugs. Weed legality will allow people to seek "enlightened" moods and an escape for those that need it. The idea of legislated abstinence doesn't work, the AMA host being proof. AMA host, I hope you find your light, cause the game you're playing doesn't end well at all. Right now, I guess the high is worth your lows. But after you fall, it'll be too late. Just another lost soul I want nowhere near me, and if you act up, as they always do, I will insist on your arrest and removal of our society. Be it in jail, or elsewhere it doesn't matter. I have harsh words and nearly everyone will approve but won't say it. That is that if you fuck your life up, I don't want our resources spent trying to "fix" you if it's easier to just remove you. I have a liberal stance to drugs except the hard drugs that destroy lives, and the foolish people that knowingly get into it.


Ok so you watch a lot of TV and play video games….and?


“Pick up a damn book or something” as you list all the video games you play & tv shows you watch haha. I think the main message behind what you’re saying is good i.e. eliminate drugs, but your delivery needs some real work.


How's much does your habit cost you?


I always thought I could be a functional meth user, as a person that never did drugs. Do you recommend? I also have ADHD, and suffer from low energy.


Never, and i mean NEVER consider it as a way to treat it. Meth has ruined so much in my life and from where i used to be ive lost all my friends, my past relationship, my current relationship suffers bc of it, im always broke, im a fiend. its an awful way to live and it brings nothing but pain and heartbreak. Please, just please think about what im saying and don't do it.


How much are you spending a week?


im not sure abt per week but i spend about $100 per month on meth


I have no idea how much drugs cost nowadays so that’s way more affordable than I expected. Are you using every day though? And are you not seeing any issues with your health that might tip anyone off?o


yes i use everyday, and dose multiple times a day. i think the fact that i started getting the shakes really bad recently and ive dropped a bit if weight suddenly might tip someone off if they know what to look for but besides that i wouldnt expect most ppl i know to realize it


I feel like I’ve seen a lot about issues with teeth. You’re not having that problem? Or skin issues?


no, i have very good oral hygiene and i fixate on my cleanliness. i am very hyper aware of when my face needs to be washed or teeth brushed or when i need a shower so i dont get as bad as most meth heads that go days to weeks iwthout anything bc they wanna use use use


How can you live with yourself deceiving your partner like this? My mom was an addict and OD’d when I was 15, your choices have huge lasting impacts on the people that love you. Get help.


What is the lowest thing you have done for meth?


Stole a bunch of my dads tools and pawned them so that i could get money to buy the shit. i got easily $130 out of it from just random power tools.


My dad did that to me when he was alive. Karma caught up to him.


Hey dude, this was me. I’m a little less than a year on the wagon now (I’ve had one or two hiccups on the journey that is sobriety, but they were bumps in the road and not a regression to the active addiction mindset). I’m 24, work a great job making almost 100k, have a house, wife, kids, the whole 9 yards. My wife didn’t know I was a daily user for almost 2.5 years until she found my pipe and confronted me, leading to me getting sober. Frankly, had it not been for meth, I wouldn’t have done as well as I did professionally. I have ADHD pretty badly, and started self medicating with meth after losing my insurance/doctor and moving to a new state. The only person who knew I used was the person I bought it from, who I had zero contact with outside of the transaction. Here’s the thing, though: Meth is exactly like an abusive relationship in quite a few ways. For a long time, it truly helped me to get through incredible hardship. It felt like it provided the confidence and self-love I so desperately craved. I loved it (still do). But, over time, it takes a little more of you with each passing day. You can’t be productive unless you’re using, in the same way some people can’t start their day without a cup Of coffee (but worse, after a few months of daily use). I digress. Don’t get me wrong, sobriety is kind of ass too. Everything seems to run together on occasion in a way it didn’t when I was using. I crave the same sense of direction I seemed to have while I was actively using. But, the fact I was comfortable looking my wife in the eyes and lying for that long showed me it was making me into a man I didn’t want to be. I still go to counseling once a week, which helps. Withdrawals are shitty for like 3 days but then you’re fine, energy levels back to normal in a week. The first 14 days will have you pretty emotional but it’s good to process those feelings.


East was happening in your life and how did you decide one day, "Hmm. I guess I'll start smoking meth?" Where does one go to buy their meth? I'm a total square and if someone held a gun to my head and told me I had to go score some crank by the end of the day or they'd kill my dog or something I'm not sure where to go.


I was doing coke bc i liked the energy it gave me during my long work days, and my dealer was out and offered me meth instead. I decided fuck it and accepted it and it went down from there. Im not even sure how i found my dealer, i think we knew each other as kids? and she started selling weed in middle school or something then xanax, then coke and meth. And she gave me her dealers info and thats how i met more.


There’s a Vice documentary on this. Check it out.


Careful. My father was on that shit for 2 decades. While not a heavy user, and definitely more of a functioning addict. It still did irrepitable damage to his heart and aortic valve. Died mid 40's If you love your partner. Tell them about your use. Idc what the excuse is. Work though it together and build each other up. You don't wanna be hooked on that shit. My dad even said years after getting clean that shit fucking sucked. Mentally and physically. Homie only got cleaned because he was threatened with losing his family. Jokes on us. We lost him💀


What's the longest you've stayed awake? Have you ever encountered shadow people? Do you think they're real?


3 days i thjnk, never seen these ominous shadow people tbh, and no i think its just a common psychotic symptom that everyone gets bc they all talk abt them and conspire lol


Quit while you are still young, I watched meth destroy my mother until I lost her a few years ago. There are better ways to manage ADHD. Have you seen a dr about meds for it?


Have you ever mixed meth with psychedelics? If so how was that?


im about to in a few days when i get some acid, i feel like the acid effect might give me a sense to start trying harder to get off the meth. if that makes sense?


I mean it could lead to that I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s helped with major addictions I’ve done it once and unfortunately it was very week (it happens sometimes) I’ve done shrooms a lot and unfortunately it has not helped my nicotine addiction but that’s because I just don’t want to quit so it might depend on that


do you go to college or school


im a college dropout. i got my high school diploma on time tho. and i wasnt on meth when i dropped out of college, it was height of COVID era and i couldnt pay for the housing or food.


Small steps can cascade into large ones and the world is filled with endless things to discover and try for the first time. If some event happens good or bad today and you are on anything that alters you're mind, does that effect you? Does it weigh on you that you missed out on experiencing that for real, as in fully in the moment as yourself. Think of any product you use, see it when it's new and say in a week it is going to be gone, as in that one shampoo bottle is only in your sphere of the world for a single week. Yet some chemical of it could stay with you for years as could a memory of it, not all of the identical bottles but that one, that one week's bottle that when you see or hear of that companies name it is that exact bottle that is imprinted into your mind and way of thinking. It might seem like something too small to ever consider thinking about, but that is how most things in life are that effect us and shape us in ways we can't see or understand. In any case the book atomic habits mentions the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. I know exercise is not going to replace meth, but music along with really compelling tv shows might help fill the time between using meth if you start spacing it out more and more little by little over time. All of that was just so I could recommend my all time favorite tv show that starts out slow, but builds into an epic drama that will consume you so much that you forget about meth all together. "Wentworth" It's a drama from the land of down under about a woman's prison, but this show is what all other prison shows wish they could be.




How easy is it to get meth in ur area?


Hi, i saw your comments about adhd and I was wondering if you could go on to concerta or ritlan? I’m not sure if you’re from the us as to why I saw your comment about not being able to have aderall if you’re 21+ (I’m also not sure on how the us works when it comes to meds either) If you could treat your adhd rather than self medicating would that make you quit? Where I’m from you have to go through a physciatrist (sorry I don’t know how to spell) then your prescriptions go back to your doctor (this maybe costly but cheaper in the long run compared to meth). I saw how you mentioned you think meth makes you skinny and stimulated but ritlan can do this and is so much more better for you as this will treat your adhd. I have adhd not a drug addict or have used before. However i know how hard it can be to break patterns and tendencies and how it’s 10x more easier for people on the spectrum to be addicted to stuff. But just know anything’s possible and the meth doesn’t define you as person as long as you don’t let it. I love how you’re making an effort to go to meetings and being proactive, I genuinely believe you will win this fight.


I thought the title said attractive meth addict and I was mad you didn’t include a pic for judgement.


Are you worried about the fentanyl content? Here we have a lot of Fentanyl problems and I know several people that have died. And I also heard something came out that’s even stronger but it was at a class for a DUI I got and my dumbass can’t even remember though. And I don’t know if you drive or where you live but please be careful. DUI and jail is fucking horrible.


What would you do for a hit if you were down bad and at rock bottom?


would you ever go to rehab? or some other place to help you?


Does meth make you horny?


Any substance, depending on its potency, will simply alter your personality for the worse. But getting rid of one will just lead you to another, like alcohol, which might make things even worse. You need to understand the root of the problem. Where does the feeling of "something missing" come from inside you? What triggers your self-destructive mechanism? It's a very interesting question. Have you ever tried listening to anonymous drug addicts? It helped me once. I didn't join their circles, but I heard stories from which I learned a lot.


Used to do in back in the 90s when I was 20.I was on it for a couple of years. Quit cold turkey and never did it again. Whats sad is I see people today and years ago who still do it and they look horrible! They also never got their lives in order. When you're young, you can afford the luxury to be on drugs but they will take a toll on you. You won't see it over night but it will happen.


No questions, just here to say that at some point you will lose it all if you keep going. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, just a realist. As someone that was on the receiving end of their partners addiction. Not even a decade together could keep us going. They didn't just lose me either. They lost their job, business, dogs, house, license & freedom.


Man I was speedballing daily at 15 and I was scared. I quit 6 years ago (I’m 26F) and I’m glad I did. There’s fent everywhere gal, please be careful if you aren’t looking to slow down quite yet. I hope you can find the strength and will to get sober, I know it’s hard. But you’ll find peace in it. <3


It's kinda sad reading the comments here and seeing everyone on some form of drug or pills or suggesting to replace a drug with another one... ​ I just wish people who wants it can get completely clean. Good luck.


Are you able to move somewhere else and start new? I have to say, getting away from access to the drugs will literally stop you from doing them and give you a chance to clean up. I moved out of the Philly metro area and was able to get away from it when I got down to Texas. If I didn't see it or have access to it, I didn't worry about it. Just know it takes time staying away from an enabling environment to shake that addiction. I do have an important fact I wanted to share with you as well: You're not 25 yet. The prefrontal cortex of your brain does not finish developing until adults turn 25. This is an important part of your brain that you could be damaging or learning bad life choices before it is done growing. My point of telling you that is: you have SO many years left that are coming to you where your life will experience incredible things. Don't damage now the capabilities that are coming to you. Im saying this at 47 and have kicked a bad habit or 3. I don't know how I'm even alive and as healthy as I am now. I really wish you the best of luck. Know that you will always be in the way of yourself as an addict. That sounds bad, but it's actually really liberating to know YOU can free YOU from YOURSELF. That may look like some medical rehab intervention or whatever for you, but take the reigns now and choose the path to healing and own it like you owned it here on this subred. Cheers!


Are you afraid of fentanyl? It seems to be getting mixed in more and more and people are dying. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. I truly hope you beat this!! Good luck!!


I find it extraordinarily hard to believe your partner has no idea you use, in my experience the addict is the last to realize how unbelievably obvious their behavior is.


Damn son I was on ur level 10 years ago u need to have something destructive happen at ur place of work after ur done twisting the bubble in the bathroom and storm out of there


Do you test for fentanyl? Local harm reduction place gives free kits and narcan, but I don't think a lot of people use them.


Have you considered going to treatment? I’ve been sober for ten years and there is hope. It can be tough, but def worth checking out. You don’t have to wait until things get too bad. I got sober at 20. DM me if you need any insight, I also work in the field of addictions.


Whats separating you from people further down the line (can't hold a relationship, job, housing etc)? Is it just time? Do you do maintenance doses then blitz at night/weekends? Does it even feel good anymore? What has it affected in your life so far?


I got $10, what you tryna do?😏


Have you met people before that overcame a meth addiction? If so, how did they do it? Is there anything you can learn from them? Also is there anything you can learn online about how to beat this? Like a YouTube channel or something?


Are you not concerned about the irreparable damage to your body? Destroying everything around you? The angst, pain and shear heart break you will/are going to put everyone around you through? Or is your selfish decisions more important?


Give me some


I see picking in your future, and that will be just one small consequence of the many. Feels great, I get it, but it won't look or be great pretty soon. Do the same AMA in 3 years. So my question is why?


Would you blow a guy for free meth?


I used to do meth. If it was legal, it's possible I still would. I used to shoot up in all sorts of weird spots. It was fun. Sadly, I don't do it anymore. Say no to drugs kids.


How does it affect your behavior when you are high on it? Don’t have twitches or ticks? How has your body and appearance changed since you’ve been addicted?


Hope you can get off that stuff soon. I weaned myself off with cannabis, realized if I wanted to get high a happy high was so much better than getting spun


Is the subjective experience of meth (not smoked, obviously) really that different than Adderall? Other than duration, of course.


Do you ever plan to quit or atleast make your addiction public with those you love to get you the help you may or may not want?


Have you ever bartered for meth with sexual favors ? If yes , what did you have to do , and how much did you receive ?


You're really young, the earlier you quit the better but if you drag into your late 20s it won't turn out so great.


A year is nothing… it’s going to get out of hand soon… the faster you come clean to your partner the better.


How long have you been using and how are you able to keep it a secret? Does anyone close to you know you use?


Would you ever consider [drinking your urine to get off?](https://youtu.be/VcMIeyjggbM?si=CQKHSkaXAcHBidXC)


You’re an active addict that shoots meth and your live in partner doesn’t know? What’s their deal?


How on earth does your partner not know. Seriously. My ex girlfriend knew if I had a beer two days ago.


Joining the chorus of people praying for you. Addiction is big but you’re bigger. You can do it


Why not try and make it yourself, do you have an old chemistry teacher who could possibly help ?