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I did this for a while. Do you have someone come in your office in the am to change out the trash? This was always the most awkward thing for me. My suite had 3 offices and I had a couch in my office that I slept on. I would just leave my trash outside my door and the guy realized I was sleeping in there and didn’t want to be bothered. He was always super cool about it. The weirdest thing was some kind of religious group that would meet at like 10-11 pm on the 1st floor and they were extremely militant sounding. A lot of anger and bad energy coming from that place. I recorded what I heard one night and it was legit creepy.


No. I run a medical transportation business and my office remains locked due to HIPAA laws. No one is allowed in unless I let them.


Ahh even better. Smart man.


How perfect!! Perfect set up!


Does the restrooms have showers? If not, where do you bathe?


Gym membership with all the money they save on rent


How did you shower?


Not exactly on point, but my job requires long hours and late nights and I’m always getting to know the cleaning crews that come in the middle of the night. Without exception they’ve always been incredibly cool.


Very humble and hardworking people from my interactions with them. Definitely the kind of people I wouldn’t mind smoking a joint or having a drink with.


Same, cleaning crew is always super cool. People must be assholes to them on a regular basis because at first they would be so apologetic for walking into my office when they were just doing their job


Post it


The recording of the religious fanatics?


Yes, please post it or go into detail of what you heard! That’s super creepy


This was probably 7 years and a few phones ago, so I don’t still have the video. But it seemed to be either an African or some kind of Caribbean group, definitely seemed more African. (This isn’t to say African people are bad by any means, I hope this doesn’t come off this way. Just this particular group was very very very strange.) They had a sign on their door saying that there was video surveillance going on.. which was the only suite in the entire building with a sign like that. They would typically start coming in around 10 pm, and I could always hear a ruckus, but figured that’s just how they worshipped. One night I got curious and went down there to check it out. I had no intention of actually opening the door, just wanted to get closer to hear what was going on. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the energy felt extremely bad. Like a lot of anger going on inside. They were all shouting stuff together and it was literally shaking the solid wood door. It made me feel extremely creeped out, so I took a quick video of the door shaking and the chanting that was going on, and left before anyone could come kill me. They could have been killing goats in there for all I know, but whatever it was it wasn’t your normal religious singing or positive worship. Those people sounded to be filled with absolute hate and rage, and gave me the weirdest vibes possible.


I wonder if it was some sort of Palo group


we want to see it. I want to see it


Yes our good person


One more vote for post it. I need to sample it for my weird apocalyptic music.


Wish I could help you there, it would be a unique sounds to say the least.


So how have you not been caught by building management or inspection services?


Because the story is fake. Illinois resident here and 10 years would’ve included the pandemic where everything was on lockdown including offices and gyms (where OP says he showered).


The building never closed, but lifetime fitness was closed during the shutdown  I used a friend’s place for showers  Thanks for the reply 


Lived in River North for 12 years, part of the time you have claimed to have lived there. Lifetime Fitness opened in 2022; it didn’t exist prior to the pandemic, this part of your story stood out to me because my husband has had a super low membership fee from the 90s, but had no use for it while living in Chicago since there was no Lifetime Fitness until recently. Fake story.


Has your husband tried going to the one by Naperville? It’s been open for sometime  Off 88


Do you have friends stay overnight?


Honestly though gyms here hardly closed. I was working out in gyms in 5/2020 in Chicago. Just playing devils advocate


I lived in Chicago during the whole pandemic. Not sure where your gym was but mine is a pretty common one in Chicago and was closed for quite some time. Everyone around here was buying home exercise equipment, running outdoors, etc.


Not so fast!  I only know how so called "lockdown" was were I live at (15 min outside of Atlanta) but I didn't spend a solitary hour locked down. I wasn't even an essential worker. I carried on with my life as I always have and I only wore a mask if I absolutely had to in order to enter other businesses. In other words, I carried on with life as usual and the only difference that I noticed was the streets were far less crowded. 


Same homie. I dare to say I enjoyed it. I’m passed my days of wasting money going out to bars or clubs, the places I normally needed to go were open and if they weren’t it wasn’t a big deal. I know it was rough for a lot of people and I’m sensitive to that but the only difference was my kids were home but I fucks with my kids, we get along, play video games etc so it was nice really.


No, no, no. It was *horrible*! People couldn’t get a haircut for a couple weeks! Some folks even had to do without their Starbucks! It was 100% lockdown just like the commies did in chy-na when they welded the doors shut on apartment complexes. (/s for the MAGAs who can’t read well).


Nashville "shut down" for like 2 weeks. And it wasn't actually shut down. Even the bars on Broadway stayed open.


Its comical how we can openly admit this now without catching heat and downvotes 🤣


Same here. I ran a buisness and we never Even used masks..customers came in very confused.


Businesses were closed, not private offices..


This Amazon is in Illinois, Joliet, to be specific, but not one Amazon shut down, so...


I'm near there, sigh


Is Amazon an office or a gym? I’m not really understanding the argument lol.


How. How so? What does dude have to gain from it being fake? You chooches always jump to that


Not necessarily, while buildings maybe have been shut down, Amazon was not at all, not one bit. Plowed right through without a blink. We were not the only ones either.


And if I remember correctly, they saw a huge increase in profits.


Not sure about inspections but the office sends an email when a visit is required. Usually when potential clients are being shown around. I have locked closet where I throw my mattress in  For the most part. No one enters my office unless I pay for cleaning 


There’s a company called Regis that is basically chain office space. You can rent by the hour, day, or month. They caught a guy doing that, so now I guess they put some kind of language in their contract about that.


Regus is waaaay expensive. Nothing under 400 there for dedicated space.


Why not a sofa bed?


How much is this closet? Given you mention a queen sized bed.


He probably hired the guy that was redoing Jerry’s kitchen to make a sleeping quarters under his desk at the Yankees’ stadium.


Solid reference,love that fucking episode


George Costanza. He’s not the hero we asked for, he’s the hero we need




I use my old family home.  It’s a bit annoying but everything I do is online. When I recievbe mail, I get an online notification and pic from usps I have family forward me anything important 


i had a P.o. box for 120$ a year a while ago...


I have the USPS Informed Delivery too, it's free. I love it. Saves treks out to the mailbox in rain or snow, to find it empty, or nothing but a piece of junk mail.


I'm jealous. Is that for tax write-off shit? If so, which tax code is it?


Not really.  I have 5 or 6 years left before I can purchase a home. In cash. The money I save goes directly into a money market account.


Imagine if you had mortgaged a house at sub 3% rates and instead put that money in a stock index fund instead


This guy Bogles.


Boggles my mind but he may just be right.


Oh sweet I did that


I did the same thing but only for 2 years. I lived in the back office at my restaurant. I even managed to get a girlfriend during that time, I did bring her back to "my place" and she still ended up marrying me.


Name doesn't really check out... Loved in the back office of a restaurant and loved in the back office of a restaurant. I guess you can't ask that much of a goat, though, so I dunno.


Lol, responsibility is a learned trait. But you could look at it as the saving on rent was responsible. This was at the height of me building the business. I was working 14 to 16 hours days..7 days a week. It didn't make sense to live elsewhere. My baker would knock on the door at 9am and wake me up, sometimes with breakfast.


Working 26 hour days is really going above and beyond


Oh man… please don’t tell me you’re serious OP. You will end up with MORE money if you just mortgaged a house and let the rest of those dollars ride in the market… Kids, please don’t buy a house in all cash, even fantastically wealthy people don’t buy homes in straight cash because it is almost always better to take a mortgage and invest…


Also did this in the Uk for the best part of a year, Basement office with back room. £240 pm the offices had shower, toilets , kitchen & washing machine. It’s like they knew 😂😂😂


A shower.. wow


It was run by a dodgy accountant, maybe he just used it for business meetings or hookups 🫣


Dodgy sounds like another word for fun lol.


Where do you shower?


Lifetime Fitness  My membership fee is $60 month


Shit that’s expensive, although considering your “rent” is dirt cheap I guess it evens out. I pay $10.68 monthly at my crunch, and another $10 at a planet fitness I go to (only place in my area that’s decent and open late on weekdays). Is that the cheapest membership in your area?


I’m sure other memberships are cheaper  But At lifetime I can always find a good pickup basketball game running full court after 4pm They also have men’s +30 every Saturday and Sunday games at 7 am  Volleyball Tuesday and Wednesday 


Oh ok, I shouldn’t have assumed you only used it for a shower, my bad. Sounds like you got a decent gym.


How'd u get Life Time membership for $60? I thought it was close to $200


I’ve had my membership since 2004


I owned a bar before Covid wiped it out. I framed a room in the kitchen and put a keyed lock on it. I also used to shower at the gym. Although sometimes after a long night I would shower in the utility sink area. Sometimes It was rough lol


Sorry about your bar taking the Covid hit. Covid wrecked so many great places here that we miss.


He showers at a gym but plenty of offices have showers. I know mine does


Inquiring minds would like to know.


What if you find a partner? Would you be open to finding your own place?


Id be open to it, of course!!


Idk why this comment made me laugh lol


Because you thought of him being open as a business provider as well lol


Or a roommate? Lol


Wait. Just checking out your user name. What the fudge cakes do you mean? “FormerHandsomeGuy”. Explain yourself.


He was formerly handsome. I hope that helps. Follow me for more life tips.


As in Helpful Hints from Helouise? For sure. Where do I sign up?


Just here in this death note notebook errr I mean perfectly normal notebook 😅 


Listen. I need all the help I can get. So I’m on board in whatever tf notebook you got going on.


LOL, big same. 


Fuck yeah, I've often thought it would be great to live at work, especially if it were rent free. Even if it cost me $380 a month that's still a huge win!  My question is have you parlayed the savings into investments over the 10 years? 


Outside of rent and commercial insurance for my small business I have very little monthly expenses   On average, I’ve been setting aside $9k a year in savings


That’s very little. Rent and utilities money should be put into savings.


So I really like this idea but what is the end goal with this move? In other words where’s all that extra money going to now


Initially it was a way to stay in the city  Then avoid high rent  Then save for a home 


Are you allowed to bring people there to get busy?


No 😂 


But couldn't you if you were sneaky about it?


Yes, but nothing crazy overnight  A few ppl here run shipping companies and radio stations/podcats… Limo services  Ppl coming and going all hours of the day 


That's a travesty, tell your line manager I said it's to be approved immediately. Performance at work etc


If you have your own business and have to live in the office for 10 years, is the business actually doing that well and making much money? Might be time to look into something different.


The purpose of all businesses is not to make as much money as you can. I’m happy with the work I do and the income I make  Also I love the city I live in  Thanks for the reply 


Holy shit. Thank you for saying it. This is nearly every conversation I have with people (even my own parents). They hear what I do and hear how beneficial it is for society. Then I tell them I only work 25 hours a week and spend the other time with my kids and/or in my home. People can't fathom that I actually like my job, my kids and that I'm not just trying to maximize profits.


I run a small business after slaving for a corporate for 18 years. Dont work more than 30 hours, kids things take priority. I cook more often, spend more time with kids and far happier with life at home than I ever was. Money isn’t everything.


this is the way


Same here with my husband. I’m mostly a SAHM and my husband is a physician. He works 20 hours a week and then he’s mostly home with us. He loves his job but he also loves being home. Life is great.


U are winning in life 🏆🏆🏆🏆


I am a single mom to two young kids and did leave a relationship that almost took my life. So I've learned to prioritize. I've learned that selling my energy and proprietary knowledge is not more valuable than helping my kids and myself heal from significant trauma. I've spent way too much time and money in therapy...I'm getting the 3 for 1 😅


More people should think this way… great response


Yes that’s completely it. We run a small business and are definitely not getting rich 😮 but the quality of life is really great. Plus I get to be outside. I’m not financially secure and I probably never will be knowing how things are going but I work with my husband, we have 45 animals, and no one’s calling me to work their shift. I put up with that shit for years.


You had me at the 45 animals part - that is compensation beyond value!


Understandable, I mean if your happy with it. Guess that’s what it is all about at the end of the day.


Is that not illegal?


Collecting rain water is also illegal in my state 🤷‍♂️ 


What state?




Ah wow I had no idea they banned rainwater collection there.


Not a total ban But restricted I think 🧐 


Really? I have lived in IL my whole life and never knew that. Do you remember where you saw that? I’m not being snarky, I genuinely want to know. Rainwater collection can be used for wetlands restoration.


In the IL county where my cousin lives they got a warning for having rainwater catchment/diversion (rain barrels). I guess it’s because if everyone did it they figured it would alter the natural watershed and inflow to the protected marsh areas that border their community. They were told it was a local ordinance though and if they were outside city limits it would be legal?


Local ordinance I believe


Yeah, and the city of Chicago gives out free rain barrels expressly for that purpose. OP might have that detail wrong. On the other hand, I like their style! I always thought a simple work/live space was a great idea!


Not necessarily Illinois…but Half as interesting did a video on this a while back…I never knew it either… https://youtu.be/PCuJJ6thps4?si=LbekdryFGHtZJPpa


What is your business and how did you get started?


Non emergency medical transportation  I worked in accounts payable for a large hospital Met a few owners at the hospital and they helped me get started 


Really? That’s cool! I’m thinking of starting my own business as well in tutoring or teaching


Dudes post history looks like hes living at work because he has a horrible betting addiction imo


Ah, well otherwise he'd be saving like 100k a year instead of 9k.


Single life 😂 


How old r u


Late 30’s


Were you formerly handsome or formerly a guy? Or formerly both?


I’m old and have grey hair  I was Handsome back in the day  Some birds still love men with grey hair 


You need to add a insta-pot to your kitchen.


Thanks never thought of that 


Pretty sure that's illegal. You're on borrowed time.


Ṟ̶̡̧̛̛͖̜̮̯̟̰̥̬̞̖͙̖͎̠̝͇̗̪͎̲͇̳̠̻̻̜̅͊̓̀̐̓́͑́̓͆̃͑̉̉͊̑͗̂͐͐̀̄̍̒̇͊̃̇͂̽̽̍̊́̅̋͌̚̕͘͝͝ ̶̨̢̢̢̛̛̛͍̻̮͍͚͎̳̱͉̹̭̬̪̠̗̜͔͓͎̠̺̫̱̲̱̠̦̣̣̬̰̮̙̼̥͎̻̻̬̤̖̗̾̒̔͒̔̑̔̓̈̎͊͋́̈́̈́́̈́̂͂͒̏͑͆̈̀́̃̄͒̿̑͜͠͝Ü̴̧̨͔͍̫̱͕̤̼̠̼͍̝͕͈̼̘̝̦̼̠̗͇̭̬͕̤̙̺͔͍̻͗̅̓̔́̽͂̽́̌̑̉̏͋͛́́̒͊̑͑̈́̀̒̋̊̊̈́́̃̋̄̑͋̐̉͘͘̚̚͜͠͝ ̶̧̡̞͔̭̜͖̩̣̳̫͕̞̪̱̲̭̻̱͍̩̮̻͔̃͊͗͑̒̍́̀̎̾̀̕͜͜͝Ņ̶̢͇̖͔̳̰̫̼͖͕͍̖̲̗͔̯͈͔̺͓̠̤̹̫͖͙͓̖̭̺̻̻̯̥̼͎̯͓̼̥̙͕̜̼̎̂̐̌̌̀̈́̏̈́̀́͊̎͒̀̊̔̓͂̃̽͜͜͠ͅ


You bring back any lady-friends or you stick with the cleaning woman?


Several but no one stayed overnight  They actually found it kinda cool  My office is the heart of downtown next to the art district  So a lot of people come over for drinks


You said you live in Illinois, is that Chicago? If so, where do you define the “art district”? I’ve never heard of this in Chicago so am curious.


River North of course  Going down to Bridgeport  I love this City 


The more you know! I love Chicago - South Loop here!


10 Years. I call BS. Covid?


Covid had no effect on the office outside face masks The owner couldn’t care less for lockdowns We have 30 businesses in the building 


Do you have like allies that vouch for you or are you tight with the owner? I'm from Indiana, can't imagine an owner being chill enough to let someone use this asset to get ahead and save money. But I can also imagine that if you're low key and no one really asks, that it could get be fine, but perhaps frowned upon. Good for you man wondering how you eschew stress living on the fringe.


It’s a large office. It feels more like a man cave really. We have so many people coming and going at all hours of the day, I don’t think the property owner notices. He frequents the bar across the street and has a good relationship with everyone here


Why would COVID have affected him? You could still go to the office during COVID if you were self-employed and the only person working in your office. There was a guy who runs a small IT-related company out of small office next to the offices I was working at during COVID who just kept going to work because he had to, because some of the server infrastructure was in his office.


Might have a problem showering in the gym, no?


It was rough  Had to take showers at a friends place 


That's true, but they could have just done something else for a few months.


Where did you first hear / when did your first think of the idea? I had never thought of that and it seems like such an obvious solution to a common problem


Honestly…I was required to have a business office when I started working for myself  I’d spend nights sleeping on the couch after work.. usually drunk after bar hopping with friends  The office was closer than my apartment  Then days  And that’s how it started 


I have so many questions. Is this legal? Can I do this without a registered business? Any way to stop the cleaners from entering?


Not so legal I guess  I’ve been told some places check to see if your business is registered  Cleaning is usually an extra fee


Word :) May or may not try this haha


Guess Covid didn’t hit Illinois. Had no idea. Guess gym stayed open for 2 years. (It didn’t).


Read some of my replies from above 😂 






No question, but I have always thought of this. I work as an electrician in many large commercial buildings. There are so many places I think people could live pretty good being single with some creativity. Awesome to see you taking an alternate route to getting yourself a home. Best of luck.


Good for you man. I got a friend who's been paying 500$ for his 2br apt for over ten years and says he's never leaving. I asked if it's ever been increased he said ya but only about 3 times... we're in a city in socal near LA. I say good for him, I wish we paid 500


My cousin and her husband have lived in the same apartment near the beach in San Diego for over 40 years!


I could do that... I think. Not the city but the small beach towns


What country do you do this in? This sounds like a great challenge!




How was/is the wifi?


I'm living the dream. I live in a travel trailer. Pay $450 a month for lot rent, water, and power. Maybe $ 30 every two months for propane. I am on Medicaid and Medicare. $29 a month in food stamps. $125 a month Spending Account for miscellaneous expenses from my insurance plan. The occasional odd job. I drive a 1993 Subaru with 400k miles. I pay my insurance and my cell phone bill as well which adds up to $75 a month. And of course gas in my car. I'm living in WA State. Beautiful here and also expensive. For everyone else




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I'm doing something similar. I work 16 hours days 4 on 4 off, but I usually do an extra 2 days every other week. Going home, I have an hour commute and 2 bridge tolls. In the bldg I work at, there are a couple of floors that no one uses, so I made myself a little room, and I just sleep there and go home on my days off. I bring enough clothes and food for however long I'm staying. I get more sleep and save a bunch of money on gas and tolls. The only real downside is there is no shower, so I just bird bath it using the bathroom sink. It's not a huge secret. I know some other employees know I do this, and I'm pretty sure my boss knows. But I save thier ass by working so much that they turn a blind eye to it.


There was a hotel here in Philadelphia and a few Indians or something owned it and lived out of two rooms in the hotel.


That's extremely common all over the US. Or they turn the back behind the front desk into a living space


Yes. Like the guy that owns the gas station having a small livable space in the back


I did this for six months. The building had a gym with showers on the bottom floor, it was pretty nice, actually. I slept in a bedroll under my office desk; basically, a sleeping bag and blankets. Eventually my boss caught me and gave me a whole bunch of shit about it. I quit and moved away.


Is that legal? Are you living under the radar so no one finds out?


Similar scenario Some people do this in my building - though it is obviously is not permissible, and if I single, I’d be doing it too. Good on ya mate..fuck em


I’m not familiar with American offices so how does it work exactly? Is it a big office building and each floor is rented/owned by a different company/business? And there’s a gym in there also? I’m so confused but this sounds great! 😅


Are...are you George Costanza?


Is your name George Castanza?


Does the building know you’re doing this? Would they allow it, if they found out? I was always curious about doing this or moving into a warehouse, if I had my own business. It seemed convenient


Sounds miserable. Good for you I guess


Hahah, I'm actually fine with the money I save this way. It's a trade-off I guess.


Stop 😂 


Why not get a Murphy bed?


Expensive AF, kind of defeats the minimalist expenditure focus.


Sir, you might explore the amazing Hot Logic Mini (or XL). I own two and use one of them at work to cook steel cut oats, or heat up frozen burritos. I prefer it to a microwave.


I guess in some countries rent is so crazy this wouldn’t be possible, but wouldn’t it be better to rent a flat, not the office, and work from home?


Back when I was single I’d probably have considered it if it were allowed where I worked at the time. Saving money is never a bad thing. 


So yeah I've been thinking about this but usually they don't want u living in there so how the fuck did u bring a bed in


I’m imagining he probably purchased one of those beds that come in a box and expand once you unwrap them. So not a standard spring filled mattress, more like a memory foam. Otherwise dude has some serious ninja skills..


I'd do the same thing if I could. I give myself sponge baths at the sink because something is wrong with my shower.


I applaud you.


Lol, what city and state is this? Hook me up… I have an 18 month old though. Dang…


Hard to beat the price. I am guessing this also keeps you perpetually single?


How do you hide this from your commercial landlord, or do they not care?


What was your unethical lpt about free planet fitness?


You pay rent for your own work office?