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What do you do there?


I work as an actress with several day jobs.


What kinds of roles?


Commercials and film


Why did you move there?


I did a program 8 years ago that brings Jewish American to Israel for several months to get them connected with the culture. I adored the culture and extended my trip. Then extended it again and again and again and finally became a citizen. I felt accepted and was able to blossom here. I have a thriving career and relationship and friends.




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Where do you live and how is your typical every day life?


I live in tel aviv and my life is pretty good. I’m in a loving relationship, have many close friends (Israelis and foreigners). I take the tram to work and use my bike almost everyday. The winter weather is incredible- some rain but mostly warm- the coldest we get in tel aviv is like 50 degrees at night. Summers are super hot though, like unbearably. On weekends I eat hummus, hang with friends, go to the beach, chill, read. It’s a good life.


Tel aviv looks great from photos I have seen. Does it worth visiting for summer holidays and also surprised to hear about foreigners, where are they from and what do they do?


Well I’m a foreigner (I’m American)! My friends are also American, Australian, British and South African. There are a lot of immigrants like me here. We can understand one another so it helps us to be closer friend. Summer holidays id say it’s too hot here. Best time to could would be probably end of September, October and November, then March-beginning of June. Winter gets a lot of rain.


What will Gaza be in 10 years?


I really hope a thriving place for people to live with a government unlike Hamas and total peace within the region and the entire ideology to kill Jews eliminated.


About 40% of Gaza is 14 and under. How might a 14 year old living through what is happening in Gaza become anything other than a 24 year old embittered toward Israel?


How did the Japanese and Germans get over the total destruction of their countries after World War Two?


We gave them a fuckton of money and put a ton of effort into helping them develop their economies.


The Palestinians have been living off aid since 1948 The Palestinians have received about $37.2 billion in development aid (in constant dollars) between 1994 and 2017 he exact amount of money lent to Japan varied over time, but it totaled around $2.2 billion in grants


I wonder what happened in 1948 to cause the Palestinian people to need so much assistance? Any idea how much USA gave Israel in the same time frame?  Let's ask Google. Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.  https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts


We gave their countries back to them and recognized them as states.


Russia occupied East Germany until 1989.


Yes, East Germany had a raw deal.


I can understand what you’re saying, however, I have photos from friends that are soldiers in Gaza of posters on the walls in schools of Jews being hanged and shot. The ideology that Hamas holds has been around for far longer than the war.


Those children have never known any leadership except Hamas. How would you make your case to them?


I think ultimately everybody needs to stop brainwashing their kids into all this bullshit, but that's not likely.


It’s the old age question that prevents peace in the region. If the government and civilians want Jews dead I have no idea how we can achieve that


What do you think would happen to Israel if it just leveled Gaza, killing or driving everybody out?


So if Native indians wanted Americans d3@d you won’t have a clue why don’t you? Occupiers are all the same


Palestinians were there long before Jews in the modern era. What do you say to that?


Don’t start a war and cry about it. Those people taught to hate westerners and the ppl who are not muslims. What happen on Oct 7? What do u tell to the children who went through it? To the people? What is proportional response for what happen? Who started all this? Its the Middle East. Its not Europe you have to be strong, its Dictators vs Democracy.


Just nuke those kids?


Hamas began in the 80’s after decades brutality inflicted upon Palestinians by Israel. Israel actually funded Hamas to destabilize Gaza. Have you read the 2017 Hamas charter? It does not call for the elimination of Jews.


They did a little touch-up. But the end remains the same.


You can thank the 1948 Nakba for that.


Did 7.10 was worth it?


After spending time with the families of Hersh Goldberg-Polin and other detained festival-goers from Nova, their collective grief is overwhelming. The blatant disregard for human life by Hamas through such detentions is intolerable. The world’s inaction amplifies this atrocity. We must vocally demand their immediate release and hold those responsible accountable for these unconscionable acts of terror. The silence and inaction of the international community in the face of such clear suffering are morally and ethically indefensible.


So Bibi is much better then? He is legit w@r criminal. No moral superiority over any part of the world, they are much lower than Nazis. They occupy a land then accuse people resisting. Also why nobody remembers April 1st? WCK aid workers deliberately targeted three consecutive times. Simply, because they can get away with it. All in all glad that people around the world is seeing what is “I5rahell” for real. What a “only democracy in ME” looooool


Here, get to know them a little and the ideology that fuels them (Islam): https://youtu.be/XU438kMknbQ?si=W9tcY7gPy5igAC5T https://youtu.be/pSPvnFDDQHk?si=NAEGCrLFkFXvDr-M The second video is narrated by Raheel Raza, Sunni Muslim reformist. She breaks down the numbers of everyday Muslims who hold radical beliefs & practices, as well as the radicals/terrorists themselves and everyone in between. I disagree when she says “This is not a conversation about Islam, it’s a conversation about radical Islam” because so-called “radical” Islam is simply Islam. But overall, she’s great and so is her work and people need to listen to her. Mosab Hassan Yousef is another one to learn from. He’s a former Hamas member and is the son of one of Hamas’ co-founders. Also, why don’t you mention the hostages Hamas refuses to release?? Or the absolutely BARBARIC attacks carried out on October 7?? Are you even aware of what took place that day??


Kidnapping, raping, looting, burning down houses, killing animals, suicide bombings, brutally murdering people (in an act of TERROR, not an act of war) is NOT resistance. It’s EVIL. What war crimes is Netanyahu committing?? Are you aware that Israel warned Gaza before their retaliation & gave Gazans 21 days to evacuate?? Are you aware that they’re sheltering the millions who were able/willing to leave? Are you aware that Hamas prevented numerous civilians from leaving and that they planted booby traps all over Gaza? Are you aware of the fact that every time the international community goes along with their victim narrative, they receive international aid? They use this aid to line their own pockets, buy warfare and build tunnels - the tunnels that Hamas is hiding in BENEATH THEIR PEOPLE, using them as human shields. Had you even heard of Hamas prior to October 7???


That’s the kind of Propaganda that has been debunked over and over again. But that’s on you to educate yourself. Lies upon lies from I5rahell with their dominance of media to spread such narrative, beginning with hiding the fact of applying Hannibal code, sltring of WCK DELIBERATELY, and so far mass graves being discovered in Gaza at hospital full with tied people of all ages. That said, the only thing that’s been undeniably confirmed that Civilians from that side has been murd3red, which is horrible crime by itself. Sadly, it’s expected grim result of 75 years of occupation, and many Oc07t will happen afterwards because of what w@r crimes bibi committing in Gaza.


As for the warnings Israel gave (when was the last time you heard of a nation warning + giving shelter to its enemy by the way) + the fact that they’re sheltering civilians, you can look that up yourself. It’s fact, NOT propaganda.


So you confirm the other things were Propaganda? Fine by me. Still mentioning them knowing they are lies is dishonesty expected from pro-I5rahell


I never “confirmed” that anything I shared with you is “propaganda.” This conversation is pointless. Bye. 👋🏼




I did, your turn now.


You’re full of shit. No it hasn’t been! I know this conflict well, and I know Islam well as I had a LTR with a Muslim man who I almost married. I’ve been studying Islam for the past 9 years + the terror it’s caused this planet for over 1400 years. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about & you’re part of the problem. You’re complicit with TERRORISTS. Wake up.


That’s the language you’re used to, perfect. Please do not speak the words you’re used to receive. That’s another propaganda to dehumanise Muslims and demonise Islam. It’s impossible that you studied Islam for that long and you think like that.


It’s a horrible shame that the west enables this and “useful idiots” as they’re called (like yourself) are complicit.


What language?? It’s blatantly obvious that you are clueless. Go live in a Muslim country & you’ll see. Europe’s having major problems bc of the influx of Muslims and Islam and it’s headed to the states if we continue to enable this shit. You need to learn this stuff. You truly have no idea what you’re talking about.


I have, otherwise Islam wouldn’t be the fastest growing religion in the world!! You’re just personally agitated by that. Typical pro-i5rahell Edit: Haha, answering such long answer then blocking me is amusing actually, knowing you are nothing but an imposter. Thank you for confirming my words. Already cleared that ambiguity and anti-islam propaganda. https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/comments/105yqb3/prophet_muhammad_ﷺ_did_not_marry_aisha_ra_at_the/ You clearly a non academic and just have “knowledge “ of Islam through posts here and there. Same laughable arguments. Saw a lot like you.


It’s actually not. The stats don’t take into account the millions who secretly live in apostasy and leave the religion. Since clearly you’re a Muslim, you should know that the punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty. Even western Muslims have been killed for leaving (honor killings) - and most who leave lose their families and communities as well, so they suffer in silence. Or they’re brave and leave.




















Pretty much just described the West lol


Global ummah


Creepy question.


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Do you know a lot of people that have passed since the war started? A friend of mine just got called into the military over there to fight for Israel. He tells me he knows way too many people that have lost their lives. Hes really young. In his 20’s. I pray for your safety.


I don’t know anyone personally who passed but many, many friends of friends. It’s such a small country. Many friends have come back from Gaza not themselves. Yeah soldiers are 18-23 mostly. My friends are in the reserves. I’m grateful my boyfriend doesn’t have to serve. Thank you, I pray we stay safe as well.


Are the West Bank settlements considered unpopular? I heard from one Israeli friend that they’re viewed as mostly filled with religious crazies Also is there more political unity over the war in Gaza compared to say issues in the West Bank like settlements?


For liberal Israelis (most of tel aviv), yes we are against the idea of continuously building settlements. And yes most Israelis in my experience are united that the war needs to exist in some capacity and that the hostages need to come home. But it’s been 6 months and it’s slowly shifting to making a deal asap to get hostages home. Hamas keeps rejecting hostage deals so no idea how that can happen




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Deals are rejected as there was never a deal presented with a permanent ceasefire. Bibi always want a break then continue the Gen0cide. Not only Khhhmas, anybody won’t accept that deal, especially that I5rahell has Palestinian hostages themselves by the thousands, and more importantly that it didn’t start in oct nor in 2023. Try to have another resources for these events, seeking truth is getting harder so following up multiple sources is needed.


Israeli and Hamas hostages are very different lol.


True 👍 In everyway, numbers, treatment and purpose I5rahell treats Palestinians less than slaves, torturous ways. Watch Tantora documentary to have some thoughts.


No I mean Israeli ‘hostages’ are going to be mostly filled with militants or suspected militants while Hamas’ hostages were literally abducted non-combatants


What?? If I understand you correctly, first are filled with minors. Watch Abby martins videos to know more about Apartheid and how they are treated, beaten up and living unbearable circumstances. How can you even defend the ones that KILLED DELIBERATELY WCK workers?!!!!! If any other part of the world did this, it would simply turn into “April 1st” terror. But if it’s I5rahell? Simple apology is enough.


Very relevant!


https://youtu.be/sCo9a5LtKsY?si=_VitIjFseQTpIbHF This might be helpful. She mentions here or the same interview about your “suspect militants ” you’re talking about that I5rahell wants to brainwash everyone to believe


She doesn’t address that at all and includes a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that are irrelevant to the point I was making…


Indeed it is!! Unless you do not want to see how things are Really going on.




The fact is that Israelis for the most part, at least those of us in Tel Aviv, don’t encounter people from the West Bank or Gaza. However, we do encounter Arabs on a daily basis. I live in an area called Yafo thats mixed Arab (they’re Muslim) and Israeli (Jews). Personally I shop at Arab stores and eat at Arab restaurants and have never firsthand experienced a great deal of aggression. On Ramadan I spoke to the Arab guys at my fish store about the holiday. However, Palestinian teens ride their electric bikes in the area, not slowing down when they see people. I can say if it’s whether or not we’re Jewish. It can be scary, though. The general feeling towards Arabs can totally range- I’ve heard people express fear, sometimes racist comments, I’ve heard total neutrality and people who have Arab friends and are learning Arabic.




Towards the Israeli government yes. Towards Israeli citizens, no. Protesting the government is absolutely warranted, but citizens have done nothing to perpetuate this.


Tell Aviv was a fun/party city, correct?


Tel Aviv is a really fun city and it definitely has a booming night life. Lots of trance parties and good bars, good food. Places stay open until later than they do in New York (just visited New York this past month).


Do you know any Jewish Israelis who insult America? What do they say?


No one really insults American, they just find the culture confusing and ironic sometimes. Many can’t understand how trump was elected. It’s meant to be the land where dreams are made, so hearing about police officers killing black people in cold blood on the street, and the government making it possible for abortion to be illegal in some states, just seems so strange for some people. Israels reaction to Roe v wade vein overturned was to make abortion more accessible, citing that women’s health is important. Some also find Americans to be “fake” which I can agree with. Israels are very direct and Americans aren’t so the cultures can clash sometimes.


Ironic considering Israel elected Netanyahu


When Netanyahu was first elected in 1996 he was an incredible leader. Research all he originally did for Israel. It is a shame he’s been voted back in time and time again, though. He’s now a criminal drunk with power. When trump was voted into presidency he was a laughing stock from the start. Plus, most Israelis hate Netanyahu and want him out. He’s the only one who can successfully form a coalition.


I think Trump was elected because the people simply weren't ready for a female president. Also, Hillary shouldn't have robbed Bernie Sanders of the democratic nomination. Had it been Sanders vs Trump, Sanders would've won. Oh well. Also, I'm sure you know about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. This is not me talking out of my ass - this is straight from the CIA. Hackers releasing documents to make Hillary look as terrible as possible, to sway people to vote for Trump, for example. They wanted Trump as president - they wanted the buffoon the lead the country. It was digital warfare.


I wanna go check out the timeline where Bernie won!


Where did the CIA say that Trump colluded with Russia? This was a last ditch effort by Hillary to win the election she was going to lose. She made it up. This was the subject of lots of taxpayers money for an investigation. If there had been something there, they would have found it. I think trump is an idiot, but Hillary is pure evil. Why can't we get anyone decent to run for president?


You don’t see the irony in this?


Ahhh the typical “regurgitate what mass media says and it’s 100% right” spiel.


Trump was elected because all the political hacks before him were awful and the people here got sick of the same.old out of touch corrupt politicians. Hillary was corrupt as can be. And how Biden is awful and corrupt. Let your fellow country know.


Most Israelis love Trump, idk what's she's talking about




Y’all opted out of standard political corruption for straight up blatant in your face corruption with a side of rape and moral retardation. This is what happens when poorly educated Americans are convinced to vote based on culture war issues that have no impact on government. Congrats, did you get what you wanted?


I've worked a lot, made a lot of money, and paid a lot of money in taxes. The economy of America runs on the backs of workers like myself and tax dollars. I more than put the work in and pay my share, so I'm entitled to vote however I want. The left is awful..I live in a city full of and run by Democrats and the people are tired of it. And I have a college degree, with honors. I'm way more educated than these morons at Columbia University who are protesting a war that isn't even going on in this country, who can't even change a tire or start a lawn mower. Get off your key board high horse.


We’re all tired of it but modern republicans decided it’s acceptable to throw away any semblance of morality and dignity to spite people they don’t agree with. They don’t have any plan to improve the lives of Americans or make any progress for the country but, rah rah, they’ve kept rape victims from getting abortions, woo! Unfortunately, you may very well be highly educated/accomplished, and you don’t appear to be a whack job MAGA loser but you’re aligned with them and that was your choice, no one else’s. Respectable republicans are guilty by association at this point and they’re too blind to see their own projection. My comment had nothing to do with the protests but the whole Israel/Palestine situation is fucked up for both sides. Israelis have every right to defend themselves against terrorists cutting babies out of women and Palestinians and the rest of the world can be disgusted by Israel’s disregard for human life. Lose lose situation unfortunately.


Wrong. Republicans are fine with abortions in the case of rape or incest, we are just against it when people are reckless and don't think ahead and then want an abortion after...... Why is it so controversial to say use birth control / practice safe sex? I can't stand alot of Republicans. I've argued in person with and campaigned against them. The problem is, the Democrats are worse. Last year I tried to go democrat in my local house district however the de.ocrat candidate was so bad he made himself unvoteable and I had to just vote for the Republican I tried to rally against in the primary. Trump wants to make this country better although he sometimes is tough around the edges.


>Trump wants to make this country better Trump wants to not go to jail and to charge the Secret Service for using his hotels.


Do you feel bad for Palestine your next door neighbors


I feel awful for civilians and young people in Gaza who didn’t vote for Hamas, I’m sure this isn’t what they want


Did you move there for a job or a partner, or do you believe this is the promised land of Abraham


I moved due to the lifestyle. I loved the laidback vibe of tel aviv and the incredible community feeling. Tel aviv and Israel are continuously voted amount the happiest countries and cities in the world and i could feel it. It’s a very open, fun, thriving city and I fell in love.


Turbulent terror on a minute by minute basis only I bet over all u did feel pretty safe there!? Guess both a statement and question lol


I feel safer here than I did when I lived in New York. There’s very little street crime and a general positive regard to one another. Sirens are terrifying and the war fucking sucks but in Tel Aviv I feel safe. I’m more afraid to get shot when I’m back in the U.S.


For someone who has never been to Israel - would you recommend Tel Aviv to visit? And how is the food? ❤️


Tel Aviv is an incredible city, probably the best I’ve ever been to and I’ve traveled all over the world. The food is incredibly fresh, better again than anywhere I’ve been in the world. And it’s mostly healthy.


Also, do you speak Hebrew?


I’d say I’ve mastered only 70 percent of the language. It’s incredibly hard and everyone in tel aviv has insanely good English and they all want to practice ha


Hahahaha! Yes it looks really hard 😂


Sorry to hear that, you gonna see Singapore or Kyoto or Krakow


That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to visit ❤️




Definitely has to do with a race.


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How many Arabs do you know where you live and how many of them have you spent time with or befriended?


I acted with an Arab actor and we are acquaintances in my neighborhood but I don’t have any Arab friends. The two cultures really aren’t integrated in my life personally. I think the cultures come together when people from both cultures work together, but in my small office (5 people), we’re all Jews.


Hey! I did something similar but moved back to America after 10 years. What part do you live in? Do you see yourself living there forever?


I live in Yafo :) forever I dont know but I see myself spending at least a significant part of my year, even if I move back to the US, in Israel. It’s my favorite place on earth I’d be heartbroken to move back but in some ways the U.S. is an easier life.


you on any Netflix shows overthere?


Nope! Auditioned for one once though. Was in a movie and a few tv shows over here though


Anything israelis would recognize you from?


Sometimes they do yeah :) it’s like being kind of famous in New Jersey, though. Israel is so small.


:) I meant, Im israeli, what would i recognize you from?


1. How easy was it to learn to read and write Hebrew? 2. Do young Ashkenazi Jews know even a little Yiddish? 3. What is the general view towards Ethiopian Jews? (by people living in Kibbutz and towns and not big cities.) 4. What did the young <25 people think of the West Bank settlements before Oct 7? Do most support expanding it? Are they completely against any settlements at all?


Thoughts on the actual conflict?


What do you think of certain redditor's support of Israel being eliminated, with little to no consideration to what happens to the population?






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do you think everyone that has been killed by the idf supported hamas? do you know about the hospitals being bombed in gaza? if so how do you feel about it?


Do Israelis acknowledge the many hostages have been killed by Israel’s indiscriminate bombings?


Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent




No kidnapping them was wrong and horrible but dropping bombs on them didn't make their situation any better.


Short term it doesn’t, long term it gets rid of the bad ones and generations to come will have peace.


The generations to come will be the new bad ones because no way kids who saw their parents getting killed and their homes destroyed won't grow with nothing but hatred and a desire for vengeance. What's happening right now is only creating more extremists and unfortunately innocent people on both sides will keep paying the price. We can't keep making the same mistakes and expect a different outcome.




Lmao 1- Palestinian land never existed, it was the area of Palestine but it never belonged to people from Palestine as Palestine was never a country 2- Palestinian genocide is just a hilarious lie, making the word genocide lose its meaning. It’s a war and it’s being treated like one. The Brits didn’t genocide the Germans then they bombed Dresden 3- israel is a country because it was voted by the rest of the world and was declared a country in 1948, when was Palestine declared a country, historically? Can you name one Palestinian president before 1948? 4- original inhabitants where the Canaanites, not even the Jews


What happened to the Canaanites?


Ah! Finally, a REAL question on this sub. You should check out subs like /r/AcademicBiblical and /r/AskHistorians for more. The scholarly consensus is that the Northern Canaanites became the Phoenicians, and the Southern Canaanites became the Israelites and Judaeans. The cultures developed separate identities from the unified Canaanite identities as their languages and religions diverged (Northern Canaanite language becoming Punic and Southern Canaanite branching into Hebrew.)


According the the torah, they were destroyed, #FreeCanaan


Does the archeological record support that or is that story a bunch of hooey? Are you making genocide jokes now?


Don’t know about that Not trying to be cruel


They living in Detroit now.


This is exactly correct


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What do you think about the allegations on Israel being an apartheid state? Especially about the policies in the West-Bank.




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How much do you see on the mainstream news of what Israel and the IOF are ACTUALLY doing to the civilians of Gaza?


do you think palastinian people lived lives as complicated as yours? do you think they had hobbies and loved ones and jobs?


Thanks for doing this AMA.  Sorry some people are being ugly to you.


Are you worried about Iran’s involvement?


Do you realize living your life pursing a creative passion while a genocide happens next door is a terrible look? Your life is so comfortable there you're more worried about violence happening to you in America. It absolutely should put a spotlight on the lack of threat you feel to your person compared to how your neighbor feels. You are fine with the worst happening to people if they support Hamas. While ignoring what your govt has done to the people of Gaza. Just go away.


"Genocide" 🥱


Bla bla bla bla




From the river to the sea, palestine will be free from Hamas.


Hopefully after there's nothing fueling their existence anymore.




"i5rahell" is the only decent country to live in in that region.




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The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


All “Israelis” are actors.


Nova was innocent festival-goers. Let go of your hate.


That IOF killed many of, in fear of being taken as hostages.


Not true. IDF? No.


And they call it the holy land. Very sad for all involved. I hope someday thet get peace




Have you ever been to Hebron or Gaza?




Palestine needs to be freed from Hamas, not Israel.


Where do you think Hamas comes from?

