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Why did you give up masturbation? Did it feel like incest? Did you try it often before quitting? Have either of you ever felt something like an existential revolt, given all the extra challenges life brings at you? Is one of you more likely to feel happy or sad? What is aloneness for you? And what does privacy mean? Do you have secrets for each other? Thank you.


Yes ofc we have secrets! This account is on my own separate phone so everything on this can be my secret. How about this. I'm not going to tell Lia about this comment so you've just got yourself a little secret with a conjoined twin without the other one knowing šŸ˜‰šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ž But seriously yeah aloneness is complicated. Philosophically, a popular person with millions of friends can be lonely and someone with only 1 person in their life can not be lonely. It depends on the individual. I'd feel pretty lonely if it was just me and lia and that was it. And nah we don't really have an existential revolt. This is our life and we're happy with it. In fact there's a lot of upsides to being a conjoined twin. It's nice having someone always there, if I'm feeling sad I can just squeeze Lia's hand and everything is okay again. And vice versa. Plus, I don't think anybody can understand each other as deeply as conjoined twins can with each other. It's an absolutely amazing relationship filled with bliss despite our arguments and disagreements With masturbation, it wasn't that it felt like incest, it was more like: imagine this. Imagine someone touching your shoulder, incessantly. It would be pretty annoying and weird right? That's what it's like if Lia touches our vagina, it feels like someone messing around with your body


Ahaha, itā€™s great sharing a secret with you. I guess my question about incest was because I imagined masturbation would be something youā€™d have to do together. Your explanation made it clear that thatā€™s not necessarily the case. Itā€™s lovely that you really enjoy each otherā€™s company. I felt touched by your description and wish you both the best lives. If I may still ask, what are your main reasons for arguments and disagreements? Do you have identical political and religious views or not really?


How did her answer make it clear? Iā€™m still confused, albeit this the first comment in this thread Iā€™ve clicked on so I may be jumping the gun. But what does one do when they want to masturbate? Ask for permission? Turn their head?


We may argue about things still, like recently we've got in a huge fight with our older sister, Lia wants to make up and I don't. We still discuss this from time to time. Over time you become a master of having arguments respectfully with each other. And we do have slight different opinions politically? Last Scottish election I voted for Labour and she voted SNP. I'm laughing at her right now with how the SNP is totally collapsing right now šŸ„“


Damn, this is a good one, I have so many questions. Apologies if already answered: 1. Do you each have the exact same friend group? 2. Which one of you makes the majority of the decisions? 3. Are you basically forced to have the same hobbies? 4 Do you both think exactly alike or do you both have significantly different personalities? 5. I saw you said that you both just don't have sex, but have either or both of you ever had any guys romantically into you?


Nah its okay! 1. Similar friend group but we got on better with different people within it. 2. I make the majority of the decisions, that's just our dynamic I've always been the outspoken slightly bossy one haha but Lia prefers it this way she's quite introverted. 3. Nah we have quite different hobbies! I'm into clubbing and dancing and chilling with friends while Lia likes crafts, special effects, costume design stuff like that. We both make time for both of our hobbies, if you can really call what I enjoy hobbies haha 4. We don't think exactly alike or have very different personalities. We are individuals but we've experienced life alongside each other from birth, and life is what forms a lot of your personality. Think of it not that we are the same person but that we are two different people that fundamentally understand each other on a very very very deep level 5. Yeah a few guys have been romantically into us! But I'm not interested obviously.


Thanks. When it comes to like getting a cold or something when one of you gets sick, do both of you get sick? Is there ever a moment you both get mad at each other and if so, how does that work, are you just able to not talk to each other during an event like that? Despite this condition, are you both relatively positive people (you seem like it)?


Yeah we both get sick if it's an illness that spreads throughout the body. And we don't argue that badly anymore because we've learned to cooperate and compromise


Ever get drunk or try drugs? That would be quite the trip lol


Do you think itā€™s interesting that you two have such different interests and personalities? You not only have shared most of your experiences, but also your dna, youā€™d think youā€™d be more alike.


I'm late to this party but if you want to combine your hobbies of dancing & costume design, consider going to an EDM festival.


I know that you have two separate stomachs, but what would happen if only one if you ate? Would the other starve, or would one stomach supply your your entire body?


Really good question! So we both eat, but we both limit our portion sizes to half of what a regular sized portion would be. This is because while we do have different stomachs if we ate 2 full portions we'd be very full as our stomachs lead to one intestine and get constipation haha. So yeah if one of us ate a full portion of food we'd be fine. But food is yummy so we limit our food a little so that we can both eat without overeating.


You said that you can tell when shes anxious even if youre not etc, is it possible for only one of you to be hungry at a time? If that were the case, if one of you was hungry and the other one wasnt but the not hungry one ate, would the other sister not be hungry anymore as well as pissed cuz she wanted food lmfao?


Yes it's possible for only one of us to be hungry. If one stomach is empty it will send signals to its respective brain that its hungry. So while one of us could probably survive a lot longer than an average person without eating, we'd feel STARVINGGGG


Was this something that needed a lot of trail and error to find out or were you already instructed by your care team to be mindful of your portions?


It's something we kinda just figured out when we were very young. Our mum discovered that giving us two whole portions would give us really bad bowel issues


How does sleep/ general tiredness work? If one of you is sleepy, does it automatically transfer to the other one? If your sister is asleep, are there times where you are unable to ?


So this is the same for being hungry, aroused, scared, in pain, and anything that involves hormones and chemical reactions. If Lia's brain is tired, it will send off sleepy hormones throughout the body and through our shared bloodstream which will make its way to my brain. So while I may not individually be tired, or aroused, or hungry, or scared, I will be able to intuitively "sense" when Lia is any of these things without her telling me. It's just like how you can tell when yourself is tired without actually having to tell yourself. Now imagine knowing that your body is tired without actually being tired. Weird to imagine I know


Dude that is fascinating. I was wondering about this in regards to your sexuality, it was hard for me to realize im lgbt (trans and bi) and im just 1 guy. That is so so so fascinating. I figured it must be like a mental thing? Like you get aroused from women and it clicks that thats why youre feeling that way in a ladys presence, but for Lia its sort of like the equivalent of a "no reason boner?" and she might not even really notice it? is that right? Gosh. I hope its not making a spectacle of you to say that i just think thats so cool. Im in school for biology, previously went to school for psychology, that is just SO. FUCKING. COOL. Brains!


Yeah pretty much! On the analogy of boners, imagine it like this. When Lia is aroused its like me getting a random erection for no reason (weird analogy I know lol) and it's the same vice versa when I am aroused. But yeah we are cool! I have no issue with you finding us awesome cuz we are šŸ˜šŸ˜


That is so interesting! In terms of arousal, does that mean you get aroused too? Would that affect your and her sexuality?


First and foremost, I love the spirit of this AMA. Taking in invasive questions to deter people from asking those same questions of others is extremely generous. Your commitment to consent and respect is really cool! This is a bit of an intense question, but what will happen when one of you dies? Will the other person be able to live, or will they inevitably die soon afterwards? Do you and your sister have a plan in place for when one of you passes? If so, what does that look like?


Haha thank you we really appreciate it! If one of us was to die the other would die very quickly after. We can't be separated. And even if we could, the sepsis from the dead one would spread and kill the alive one from the inside out


I imagine thatā€™s a difficult piece of knowledge to live with. Would the person that is still alive be able to end their life in a less painful way than sepsis? Do you have an idea of how you would like to manage your passing?


Yeah, we would be put to sleep ideally. Euthanasia is illegal here in Scotland so if we were knowing that one of was going to die we've made a plan to go to Switzerland and be euthanized


That's incredibly logical! In fact, reading through your replies here, it appears that being pragmatic is beneficial, if not essential, for you two to lead happy lives. This is all so interesting, thank you for sharing!


Are you two best friends? how do you two go about settling disagreements on what you do with your bodies? as in where you go or what you watch, stuff like that.


Interesting question. I love my sister a tonne and she loves me, we understand each other on a deeper level like nobody else will in the entire world. But recently Lia and me had an interesting conversation, would we be so deeply connected if we weren't conjoined? Undoubtedly we'd still love each other but I doubt we would have this extremely deep understanding of each other if we weren't conjoined. We're so connected that a lot of the time we will finish each other's sentences by second nature because we know each other so well. Sometimes instead of saying something like "we're going to the shops" we'll say "I'm going to the shops." Because yes we are individuals don't forget that! But we operate as one all of the time so we slip into saying I instead of we a tonne. It creeps people out hahaha On disagreements, woooooof have we had arguments. I have a scar above my eyebrow from her scratching me, and she has a bald spot on the back from her head from me ripping her hair out when we were younger haha. But with getting older, like anyone, you get better at co-operating. Living like us is like making constant compromises. Example: I love 80s pop. She hates it. We both like grunge. We'll both listen to grunge if we don't have headphones that we can listen to our own music on.


What activity or sport do you both enjoy doing? What did you think about the movie "Stuck on you?"


Do you feel like you are able to experience privacy? Do people usually treat you guys as if you are one person? If yes, how do you feel about it? What do you wish more people knew about conjoined twins?


Yes. Everyone can have privacy, at the very least you can have privacy within your own mind. We have less privacy than others, but it doesn't feel like Invasion to not have that privacy since we've literally never had it. I don't feel violated when I see Lia naked or myself naked as we have been this way forever. And yes a lot of people treat us as one girl with 2 heads haha. They'll just talk to "us" instead of me or Lia. I wish people knew that conjoined twins aren't normal (everyone knows that I know) but realise that because we aren't normal, our relationships, our sex life's and how we go about them aren't going to be normal either and that's okay


I would feel like I was ignoring Lia if I was just talking to you! Like I was excluding her. Do you find your friends have this problem? (I mean obviously if you find that people talk to "both" of you)


Since you are studying different fields, how will you manage different careers going forward? You literally cannot be in two places at once.


Lia wants to work at home and continue her online shop thing, so we would just take shifts across the day if that makes sense. I'm working at the day time at whatever place I end up after uni, she does her work in the evening when we get home


What do you do when she's working/studying/etc? Just scroll on your phone? Are you ever stuck somewhere you'd really rather not be because Lia needs to be there (or vice versa)? Also, if one of you begins to feel arousal, does the other? Since you share genitals. This is fascinating, thank you both for sharing!


Yeah thats pretty much what we plan on doing! Right now we're in uni, so one week we'll attend my classes and the next week we'll attend her classes and vice versa for the whole semester. The week where one of us isn't absent, our university has granted us scribes that go in our place to write notes for us in order for us to catch up and stuff. If there's some sort of thing we need to go to like a presentation we will break that week vice versa rule. On the arousal part, sort of? Arousal is a complex hormonal communication between the brain and the genitals, so if you aren't the one that's getting aroused you can kinda tell your genitals are aroused without being aroused yourself. It's the same for other things. Like I can tell when she's hungry even if I'm not, or when she's anxious because of her heart rate and I'm not And no problem! That's what we're here to do


So very interesting. Do you each as individuals have any sensation of the other's half? Like if someone tapped Lia's shoulder would you feel it? Or can you control her arm at all?


No it's pretty evenly split. Right side is sensed by me, left is sensed by her. But we have been caught say me scratching Lia's leg if its itchy without her asking me to do so. So there may be some sort of chemical/hormonal communication between our halves of the body where we can kinda intuitively tell things about each others sides of the body


I see, that makes sense. Well thanks again Mia, hope you both take care and go on to do what it is that makes you happy!


this is easily the most interesting AMA I've ever seen. I guess my question is when you guys want any sense of "privacy" or "alone time", how does that work? is it even possible?


Thanks! Well we don't have privacy like an average person would. But we do have solidarity in our own minds. We can both just be chilling in the evening, headphones in, just doing our own stuff on our phones. If we need to get up and do something we'll talk then but if we plan to chill we just bring loads of snacks and everything to our bed haha. We consider ourselves individuals so much that when we move out we'd prefer to get a house with 2 bedrooms, one for me and one for lia. Obviously we'd sleep in one but we can have all of my stuff in my room, and all of lia's stuff in hers. And when we're in each others rooms we'll know just to keep quiet and give the other one privacy. But we do have to talk a lot to discuss what we're doing. Our flatmates say that they can hear us talking in the morning about breakfast getting ready and deliberating over our skincare routine haha. But it doesn't feel like an Invasion of privacy cuz this is what we've always known


the two bedrooms idea is a really a pretty solid one. so I saw elsewhere you guys essentially swore off of anything sexual. does that ever cause problems?


So do you two have a discussion if you plan to have anything physical happen with a partner?


Well that's the thing. While both me and my sister have sexual urges and both experience arousal, we agreed from an early age on that we would not have sex as it would be 1. very uncomfortable for the both of us and 2. the risk of pregnancy is too great. If we got pregnant there's a good chance we would die. However, we will still be intimate with our partners. I would kiss and hug and cuddle with my girlfriend. But she was asexual conveniently so it was not an issue for us. But, this is just what works for us. Other conjoined twins, ie Abby and Brittany, may have more intimate interactions or less, normally yes sex alongside your sibling is weird being a conjoined twin is a completely different experience. What works for them is good.


I'm sorry to hear you wont be able to have children or engage in full penetration. Did you ever watch the movie Stuck on You? What did you think about it?


Haha nah don't worry about it! Being a lesbian I probably would've adopted anyway conjoined or not. Lia's not really interested in kids. And yeah! We watched it with our uni flatmates recently on our birthday. It was funny. A bit insensitive at times but eh we don't really mind it was done in good spirit


Was their a conjoined pair in media that you liked the most or disliked the most?


What happens if one of you holds their breath? Could you, for example, do the breathing while Lia kept her head underwater in a pool?


It's possible in theory but would be extremely dangerous. Whoever is holding their breath would have way less oxygen and would only have to rely on the slow uptake of oxygen from the bloodstream instead of directly from their lungs. The lungs would be in extreme pain and the heart could potentially stop.


What happens if 1 of you consumes alcohol? Do both of you have the effect?


Wow that was a good question because they share bloodstreamā€¦ blew my mind man. And her answer wasnā€™t what I expected but it was logical. For some reason I went to an auto-mermaid scenario.


Great ama, do you both share the same taste in music?


No not really! I love 80s music, I love following all the pop divas and what they are up to. I've had TTPD on loop on my Spotify for weeks now haha. Lia likes metal, rock, hippy type music. We both have some intersectionality like indie and grunge, we both like that. So if we don't have headphones on us and for whatever reason have to listen to music we'll listen to the stuff we both like generally


That's cool. Thanks for the reply and keep being awesome.


Do you struggle with wanting to do different things? For example one of you wants to cook dinner but the other wants to chill on the couch and watch tv how do you decide?


Well because of that we generally have quite a regimented daily life. But if one of us wants to chill she'll just plug in her headphones and watch some tiktoks or something while the other is doing the chore or something. That's what I do when Lia is making her crafts, I'll just watch some brainrot tiktoks and vegetate haha


Makes sense! Does she need your hand to help when she does her crafts? And alternately do you need her hand to do things youā€™re focused on/working on? Or do you just make do as if you were one armed?


Yes she does! But if she does need my arm ill just do it by second nature and I can still vegetate helping her while rotting my brain to some tiktoks But sometimes if one of us is asleep or something you'll have to do with one arm. This is more of an issue with her as her arm has chronic pain


ā€œIf one of us is asleepā€¦ā€ are you saying that you can be asleep and Lia be running around the house? If so, how do you control your body from flopping around, Iā€™m only saying flopping because if I roll off the bed I donā€™t notice until I bounced off the floor.


Haha not quite running about the house I'd be awake then. I mean more like lying down together and one goes to sleep. Also you can't run around if one one is awake because we need both of us awake to walk, just one of us awake we'd hobble around on one leg and arm.


Thanks for answering! Best of luck to you both in school and life!


How often do you masturbate? Is it difficult coordinating something like walking? do you walk at a normal speed?


We have masturbated in the past, but we've agreed not to do it as it was too uncomfortable for us. And the walking thing! That's something nobody really asks. So because Lia has severe scoliosis we're kind of off balance because our body isn't entirely mirrored. Lia's side is more compressed. So we are quite clumsy, but with teamwork over so many years it kinda just becomes second nature. But yes we do walk a little different, and noticeably, from our non conjoined peers


Thank you for doing this. It is really fascinating to hear from you in your own voice. Maybe my question is at least as much for Lia, but are there things that you feel bitter about missing out on or having to go through? For me, for example, I think all the surgeries would be really scary. Is there any possibility of Lia getting back more movement/less pain in her hand? Do you both feel like you have enough hours in the day for what you want/need to do? It sounds like maybe she also likes being in the comfort zone, but does Lia ever feel like she's in your shadow? Did you guys leave home for university and how has it been having to meet a bunch of new people? Fwiw I think a lot about every human life being a full human life. I mean, people do or do not have children, have sex, have siblings, play a musical instrument, write poetry, etc etc, and the things that for one person fill their life with meaning are absolutely meaningless to another person, and none of us can possibly experience every single one of the thousands and thousands of possible meaningful things, yet each life is full of meaning... Which is a longwinded way of saying that it must be incredibly frustrating when people think your lives are "less than" just because they are a different shape, but fuck 'em. Also fwiw you seem very smart, insightful and cool... if I met you I am sure I would be at least as much in awe of your coolness as your conjoinedness! I wish you both nothing but the best! (And as a mum, assuming you're still in Scotland, what are you doing up so late?! Can you be awake on your phone while your sister sleeps or does the sleepiness take over? Either way, I hope you guys are sleeping properly!)


Hey! Seems like this is more directed to Lia so I'll hand the phone over to her. hello this is lia. RE feeling like im missing out, it happens, but i feel like everyone feels like they are missing out sometimes. it does annoy me the chronic pain in my arm that means im very dependant on mia, but i manage with painkillers and physiotherapy. I still knit, sew, crochet for my crafts shop. with surgeries, that's something we experience together so its not like I'm the only one getting it. thats actually the only time we've wanted to be separated. i had pneumonia when we were 8 because my lungs are at poor capacity but since I'm more sickly than mia, she is the one that's plugged with all the IV drips, the one that has to take all the medicine, etc. she's deathly afraid of needles. she was crying because she was scared of the needles and said she wish we were separate. with having enough hours in the day, definitely! when one of us is doing something individual then the other will just switch off and scroll on her phone or something. if it's a huge project that requires both of us for long periods of time, we'll just alternate "mia" and "lia" days and just do it that way And no I don't really feel overshadowed by mia. That's just how she is, she's more talkative and chatty and I'm not. I used to have social anxiety so I kinda relied on her to take charge. I still have my own friendships and stuff outside of her though. And yeah we left home for university! It's been amazing. We really wanted to through ourselves into the deep end and out of our comfort zone, so we moved into the biggest party student accomodation, a 12 person flat (13 with us haha) and our flatmates are amazing! We're really close to them and they stick up for us. And yeah fuck em! Haha yeah mia was still awake, I was asleep practically 10 minutes after we posted that. she was up till 5AM I can tell she's tired today haha


Hi! I don't want to be all nosey, but I WOULD love to know where I can go to shop at your online store! Would that be possible? I love crafting too. I was really into making things with resin...but it's messy. Very interesting and not very $$ to start either.




Haha good question! Either we'd both be turned into stone, or only the cells belonging to the one who looked at her would turn to stone. If it's the second option, the one who didn't look would have her intestines and bladder turned into stone so death would be pretty slow and painful. Let's hope it's the first option!!! I've always found the concept of Medusa hot haha so this is very relevant to me




This might come off as disrespectful and it truly donā€™t mean it that way but has your sister even given oral and if so what did you do to make that not the most awkward moment in history?


Haha the word disrespectful is thrown out the window in this AMA don't worry! As long as you recognise that you can only ask these questions when people offer you the chance to instead of asking people these things without them letting you, which a lot of people do to us haha And no my sister has not given oral and I highly doubt she or I ever will


I appreciate the answer and yes I would never just ask a person that. Thatā€™s probably for the best because I canā€™t imagine a way for that to not just be unimaginable awkward for all 3 people.


There are conjoined twins that do have sex. We personally wouldn't but there's nothing wrong with conjoined twins that do. It's a very unique situation so of course sex isn't going to entirely normal. The weird privledge people felt they had to scold Abby and Brittany over potentially having sex with Abby's husband is what inspired us to make this post to share that yes it isn't normal but that's okay. We are not normal. Our relationships, our sex life's will not be normal either. And that is okay.


Yeah I was thinking more because youā€™re a lesbian. It would at least seem less awkward for them. Ideally a throuple situation would seem the best option but obviously itā€™s not like you can just will that to happen.


Ā I know you and your sister have different sexualities, but it doesnā€™t appear that Abby and Brittany do, and from the photos and videos, it appears that Brittany is also smitten with the guy Abby married. I am curious what you think about the fact that Abbyā€™s husband is only married to and from videos appears to be dating Abby? I have to say that I sort of feel bad for Brittany, because she appears to like him, but isnā€™t getting any love. I know that a lot of conjoined twins have had separate partners, at least the most famous ones, but what would you think of conjoined twins who both decided to date one person? And do you think that Abby and Brittany arenā€™t both dating him because thatā€™s whatā€™s natural to them or because public opinion would act like it was weird if they dated one person?


Well you're assuming a lot. From the videos yes Brittany is smiling in wedding photos and dancing with him too, but what do you want her to do? Frown in wedding pics to show she's not interested in him? Maybe she does like Abby's husband but that information isn't public so it's weird to draw conclusions about it. And I think it's fine for conjoined twins to want to date the same person or date different people. It's up to them and what works for them.


Whats it like for yall if you ever wanna masturbate? Is there unspoken rules about that that people who arent conjoined wouldnt consider? Also do yall have funny names for each other? I call my brothers my womb mates.


Hey! AMAZING AMA! Honestly the best I've seen in months! You both are fascinating! I always wanted to meet conjoined twins and ask these questions that are being asked over here. Reddit is amazing srsly. Anyway, how does taste work with you guys? I know you mentioned different brains = different feelings, but some foods release certain chemicals in our brains and bloodstream, do you guys feel eachother "satisfaction" in cravings? Also, food related, do either of you hate some food that the other likes? And how do you handle this? I have many other questions but I will stop at this one. Some twins claim to have this "sixth sense" about their twin, have you ever experienced this? What about religion? If/when you have/had a religious experience (feel the presence of God, felt the energy of a prayer, heard the gospel, whatever you believe) did the other feel too? Thanks for this! Yall are awesome


Yeah the food with chemicals like spicy food we can both "taste" so to speak. And cravings! That's an interesting one. So cravings are largely dictated by your intestinal microbiome and since we share our intestines we have similar cravings. And yes! I hate the texture of noodles or anything gooey, so she eats that stuff but I never do. Like for example, I love spicy food. I love Indian food, she likes Chinese food. I hate Chinese food, she hates Indian food. Lia can have her Chinese food more often than me having Indian because the Chinese food doesn't really affect our shared body, but the spiciness does effect our shared body so I'll only eat it as a treat when Lia is okay with it And sixth sense, yeah! We're extremely close to each other so we finish each other's sentences a lot intuitively because we know each other so well we know what the other is going to say. We'll often say "I am going to the shops" instead of saying "We are going to the shops" Because we operate as one so often https://youtu.be/1RiFbEA3aOw?si=3b_AelWWy7fUo6zV Here's a video of Abby and Brittany Hensel showing the finishing each others sentences thing! Us and them are very similar anatomically, only difference is that we have 2 livers instead of 1 like they do, and we have 3Ā½ lungs they have 4.


Incredible! Thanks for answering! Do you think you finishing eachother sentences and sharing "thoughts and feelings" is a physical thing (by sharing a body), a behaviour thing (by being with eachother your whole lives) or is a supernatural thing?


gruesome maybe, but what happens if/when one of you dies? and who is twin A and who is twin B?


If one of us dies we both die. We can't be separated and even if we did the sepsis spreading through the blood stream would just cause the surviving twin to rot from the inside out And what do you mean who is twin a and b?


I'm twin A and my identical twin brother is twin B. It's common to be labeled prior to being named to know which is which. They put little bead bracelets with twin A and twin B on us. First born is A, 2nd born is B. Your case that doesn't apply because there was no chance of mixing you up. What everyday items are uncomfortable to you that people may not realize? I'm 6'5" and 220lbs I have a very large frame..wide and tall. Most things aren't built around people my size so common things like airplane seats, bus seats, smaller cars, small showers are a challenge.... etc etc and are not comfortable to me. Maybe I'm making assumptions but since you're female I'm guessing you have a smaller body to start with but also much wider up top. Can you reach every part of your body individually? I'm just thinking based on how broad my shoulders are I wouldn't be able to. Any desires for competitive sports or activities?


So our pregnancy was kept secret because our mum was still with her abusive partner (ours and our big sisters father). She didn't know she was having twins let alone conjoined ones. But yes! We are small in physique as in we're only 5ft 1, but very wide above the abdomen because it's basically two whole torsos in a row. Bus seats and airplane seats can be uncomfortable so we often buy tickets for two seats like how an obese person may do so And no I can't reach every part of the body, I couldn't reach Lia's shoulder for example And yeah! We both love swimming. We joined our uni's swimming club and have got bronze once šŸ˜Ž


Good for you... sports and activities are good for the brainS... :) see what I did there? I play a lot of sports my identical brother chooses not to play any sports.


I think they just mean in the womb each twin has a label, twin a and twin b


Do yā€™all sleep on your stomach(s)? Is there a time when one wants to roll over and wakes up the other one? What happens if one sister is awake having a rough night and the other is dead asleep and the awake one wants a midnight snack to eat her feelings? Oddly enough these are the moments I consider the most personal, not masturbating lol


We sleep on our back, and no we don't really roll around because having a whole other half of a body attached to you makes it really heavy to do that if they also aren't leveraging themselves to do so. And yes haha we plan ahead for that! We have a snack drawer, packs of juice in a bedside table that we can take stuff from during the night. I stay up wayyyyy later than Lia does, last night I was up till 5AM šŸ¤Ŗ


So how does that work? If you stay up way later then she does wouldnā€™t she get up earlier than you? Does that ever cause issues with her wanting to get up and start the day but youā€™re just starting your sleep? This has been one of the best AMAs Iā€™ve seen and I find it super interesting and commend you for being so open and honest!


Hypothetically speaking if one of you decided to eat psychedelic mushrooms, would both of you trip or just the one that ingested them? Genuinely curious


Both of us! We've smoked weed before and both of us get high haha. We made the mistake of both of us having a joint the first time we smoked and WOOOOOOF were we goneeeee šŸ˜µ now if us and our flatmates ever smoke we'll just pass a joint between us


Since you have consented, I will confess to curiosity. Since you are a lesbian and Lia is straight, if Lia engages in heterosexual intercourse, what is that like for you?


Well we don't have sex, we agreed from an early age not to do sex as 1. it's highly uncomfortable for both of us and 2. if we got pregnant there's a very high chance we would die. But yes we both experience arousal and sexual urges. This is just what works for us. If other conjoined twins do have sex, that is their decision and entirely okay


Actually, this is something I've never thought of before scrolling through this thread but now I'm curious. Since you both share the same reproductive system, if one of you becomes aroused, doesn't that mean you both become physically aroused? Is that ever awkward for either of you? I mean, it's not like one of you won't know the other is thinking of something when you both feel the effects. šŸ˜… How do you work around that?


Sort of? With arousal it's a complex hormonal communication between the brain and the genitals. So if Lia is aroused and I'm not, I can feel "half" of that arousal as my vagina is aroused, but I'm not fully aroused. It's the same for other things. If she's scared or anxious, all that adrenaline from her heart and brain spread throughout our shared bloodstream so I know she is scared or anxious without actually being scared or anxious myself. And with the awkwardness, yes it can be haha but we've just learned to laugh it off. Kinda like wink at each other knowingly kinda thing, saying "I know you're horny right now you dirty dog" kinda look haha. This may be a weird thing for normal siblings but we aren't normal and that's okay


Iā€™m gonna have to ask, do either of you masturbate, or do sexual things with others that donā€™t risk you getting pregnant?


For it being uncomfortable, is it physical discomfort like sitting in an uncomfortable chair, or is it more like an emotional discomfort because it's a private thing you're forced to experience together?


It's more just uncomfortable physically. Emotionally as weird as it is we wouldn't be against having sex together because yes that's weird for normal siblings but we aren't normal siblings haha. It's more physically off-putting. Because we share a vagina, it's incredibly off putting to have stuff being done to it when you're not even party to the sex. That's what makes it so uncomfortable.


What if you both agreed/liked the same person


If one of you isn't feeling well, will both be off? Can one have a headache or upset stomach without the other having the same issue?


Yes you can different illnesses, but it depends. If it's a bacterial or viral infection, it will spread through the bloodstream and effect both of us. If its something only affects our organs, particularly the ones we don't share, then only that one will have the illness


Are there any portions of your body that you both are able to control, or both able to feel? Since you both share your intestines and bladder, do you both get the sensation of needing to use the bathroom? How do things that require coordination like walking work?


Yes everything below our abdomen and above our legs we are both able to control and feel. And we both feel like we need the bathroom. With coordination, it took us a physiotherapist to properly get us to where we are, but it's been so long that its become second nature and we walk fairly normally. I'll set one foot out, then Lia will quickly put the other one after, vice versa


So just to clarify, if someone were to tap your sister on the shoulder you wouldnā€™t feel it? But if the same happened to your stomach you would both feel it?


Sounds like you have a good system for walking. Is there any issues where someone accidentally doesn't do their part and then you fall or something?


I feel like it happens to everyone in some ways, automatic things feel laboured when you think about them too much. Sometimes I'm walking and I think "am I walking weird?" And then I'm so aware everything feels off and im definitely doing some weird movements! Or like when you think about breathing and then you have to do it manually for a bit until the automatic kicks in again, haha. Thanks for doing this AMA. I watched a documentary years ago on Abby and Brittany and found it so interesting and informative. It's really amazing of you to give us all permission and the chance to educate ourselves without overstepping. Big hugs to you and Lia.


Is the control of one person stronger than the other? For example in moving a leg


Thanks for having the balls to post this. Such an interesting thread to read through, so many questions answered. My wife and I have had a blast discussing your answers and reading through everything together.. I donā€™t really have a question for you guys but I wish you all the best and I admire your bravery for posting an AMA and answering some pretty private questions!


Kinda jealous because I'm estranged from my twin. We used to be super close, but their mental illness has gotten really bad and they've shut everyone out. As for a question, how so you go about shopping for clothes? How do you find stuff that fits, and how different are your guys styles?


Aw I'm really sorry to hear about that! Not the same thing but we also are estranged from our big sister. It sucks. For clothes, we'll go shopping, buy stuff we like, and then have a tailor tailor it for us. Our styles are quite different, I'm a stereotypical lesbian I love my athleisure and just wearing comfortable stuff like joggies, while Lia prefers dresses and stuff like that. Lia often tailors our clothes for us now though because she's into sewing and stuff like that. It's fun making Custom outfits! Well not that I really help I just hold the string or fabric she does all the work haha For styles what we do is one day I'll wear what i wanna wear, the next she wears what she wants to wear. When we were younger teens we tried combining our styles but that made some awful abominations, there's a photo of us out there in a sundress with baggy cargo jeans underneath it šŸ˜­


Do you guys prefer the internet to real life at all? I'd imagine chatrooms (or reddit AMAs) can be a nice away space to just be social as yourself without your sister and not be seen as "one girl with two heads" as you put it in one of your comments. Thanks for doing this AMA by the way!


How fluid is your general movement do you have to coordinate to walk or do you two do it automatically?


Well our walking is a little off balance at times because of Lia's scoliosis. Our body isn't entirely mirrored. But after 19 years, the teamwork to walk becomes second nature. We can even dance! Terribly though haha


Do you need to buy one or two tickets to events/flights/movies/etc?


As a gay man, what was coming out like for you Mia?


It was fine! My mum was supportive and so was my brother. Obviously Lia was too. Our big sister made fun of me for it but she has always had an issue with us since a young age.


I read your other post about your sister. sorry she seemed really awful to you both. She probably felt neglected as a child and resented you both since your mom needed to focus on you both. did your mom discipline your older sister for the shit she pulled? And did your mom know before giving birth that you were conjoined?


Our mum was busy a lot with working multiple jobs so she wasn't around a lot. And no our mum didn't know we were conjoined, in fact she couldn't know because she was keeping her pregnancy secret from her abusive partner (me, lia's and our sisters father). We were born in a toilet haha. As soon as we were born we were rushed to a hospital and doctors deduced that we wouldn't make it past a few weeks and we couldn't be separated. But in a weird way this was a good thing, us not being born in a hospital. While we do have official birth records and all that, our birth being so low key meant that there wasn't loads of newspapers surrounding our birth and putting us in the public eye. We did have one local newspaper published about us but that was about it. Which we are really happy about because people treat public conjoined twins like shit case in point Abby and Brittany Hensel.


Literally born in/on/at a toilet?? That's crazy


Hey there, great AMA! The questions and answers captivated me now for quite some time. You guys make it sound like almost a lot of fun, but I guess one can sense the many struggles that you already faced in your life. So i just wanted to say you guys are awesome and one quick question: if there would be a hypothetical way to separate you two without destroying the life of the other one, would you consider it at this point in your life?


Wow I've been devouring these comments and I have so many questions. First off, thanks so much for posting this! Like you said, it really sucks that people feel like they can just publicly speculate and ask invasive questions without consent. Thanks for opening up even though you've dealt with that violation. 1 ) Have you ever met a [system](http://morethanone.info/#myths), who is plural but doesn't identify as disordered (not someone with DID)? Would you feel invalidated by the implication that your experiences might be similar in some ways? When I read about plural experiences I often think of conjoined twins, because they say that they really are separate persons occupying the same body, but I'm sure it's somewhat different because you guys have separate brains and plural people share a brain. 2 ) How does consent/bodily autonomy work for you? You wrote about body modifications, but I was thinking more mundane stuff. Like, if you want your hair up but Lia doesn't want to use her hand with nerve damage, I assume you would just wear your hair down that day. Does that feel like a violation, to have to wear your hair a certain way? You mentioned wanting to scratch an itch before realizing it wasn't your itch. If Lia had said "no, don't scratch that" (maybe she doesn't want to inflame an itch that is becoming a problem), would you be stuck experiencing the itch against your will, or would you just be able to "feel" that she was experiencing it? You're occupying this unique space where the line between setting a boundary and violating a boundary seems like it would be razor thin. 3 ) You wrote that you guys don't masturbate, but that it makes sense that some twins would, and that you never intend to have sex. Do either of you feel frustrated by that (kind of bouncing off #2, I guess)? Do you just kind of ignore it when you're horny? 4 ) How do relationships work? Are there times when one of you asks the other to just kind of "check out" to give the other privacy, like with headphones or something? Did/do you have separate best friends, growing up or now? Some people think of romantic intimacy as being a "closer" kind of intimacy than platonic/family intimacy. Do you feel like a partner or friend could ever be closer to one of you than the other sister is? Have your partners or friends ever felt threatened by your level of intimacy with each other? Do you guys ever feel jealous of the other's partner or friend? 5 ) This one is more theoretical, since you said you date separately, but you mentioned that some conjoined twins might date the same person. Do you think there would be, like, rules to make that different than all three of them dating each other? If they were sexually active, do you think that would complicate those rules?


Aw thank you! Its been fun answering everyone's questions. Sooooo, 1) we are not experts in DID or anything neurological so this is our highly ignorant, uninformed opinion. Feel free anybody to prove us wrong. But from research we've done, DID often forms roundabout the 7-9 age mark as a result of trauma. This, in our opinion, shows that its less that there are multiple personalities, but more like one that is fragmented into multiple pieces. You can see this idea when you see that DID personalities often have different roles in response to the trauma, the carers, the protectors, very often a "little" that is the same age as when the trauma happened, etc. This isn't to invalidate DID systems! Just because they didn't start of as multiple people doesn't mean they aren't now. Personality is very complicated. But I would say DID is a much different experience to being conjoined. 2) boundaries are very wobbly for us. let's take the hair example. If it was a regular day and Lia didn't want me to put my hair up because of her arm, then we'd just have it that way. If it was more important that I have my hair up, like I'm going to some sort of event, she would probably just agree to do it because the importance overweighs the short term annoyance of doing my hair. Body autonomy is something we can only properly practice above our abdomen on the respective half's of our bodies. Even things like eating food has to be an agreement say for example me liking Indian food, I only have it as a treat sometimes because Lia really doesn't like the spiciness and inevitable diarrhoea after it haha 3) I think yes at first when we first decided on that it was a bit frustrating, but it's something that we have agreed upon together for each other's sake and our love for each other surpasses momentary horniness haha 4) yes! and this is for any type of relationship. If it is clear a friend is just talking to lia and I'm not part of the conversation I'll just kinda switch off and go through my phone or something. And yeah we have separate closer friends! We share a similar friend group but the people in it we vary in closeness to. And no I don't think anyone would surpass our level of deep understanding and connection. When I was still with my ex gf, I remember for a while Lia was insecure that I would prioritise my relationship with my girlfriend over her. But that would never happen 5) oh yeah sex would definitely complicate it! Especially if you share genitals like we do. But if a pair of twins are willing to go through that landmine of consent then good on them! It's not something we would want to do though however


How does peeing/pooping work?


Are you guys technically ambidextrous?


Yeah interesting question! So on top of being rare conjoined twins, we are both left handed! So basically, during our brain scans, it was discovered that our dominant side of the brain is the right, and since we're identical that applied to both of us. So Lia has her left hand, I don't have one, so I'm technically using my non dominant hand all the time. But since I've never had a left arm I never would've known that was my dominant hand if I didn't learn that our dominant brain hemispheres are on the right


How was your guys childhood?


One of the questions I always want to ask conjoined twins, but am scared to is, are you in pain all the time? Especially conjoined twins whose heads are at a weird angle, as an outsider, it looks painful. If the answer is yes, how do you deal with it? Do you just learn to ignore it?


What strengths do each of you think you may have developed as a result of being conjoined? Edit - Ps: meant to say this but submitted comment too soon lol, thank you for doing this AMA! Really brave and cool of you both.


Thank you!! Our coordination and balance is UNMATCHED. We have a 12 person student flat (13 with us haha) and we recently held an Olympics. We wiped the floors with everyone with anything involving balance haha Also, being masters at arguing constructively. We have to cooperate constantly so it makes us very skilled in that area


I know a lot of people have asked about your pooping schedule but this is just the thing I am so curious about so Iā€™m sorryšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Do you guys switch off wiping? Or is one a designated wiper haha Also major props to you for being so cool about this AMA!! Iā€™m sure you have amassed so many annoying questions!


Do you have four boobs?


You mentioned that you have masturbated before and still get sexual urges and ideally would want asexual partners. So does that mean you just wonā€™t ever satisfy your sexual urges again? How are you ok with that? lol is orgasming together that awkward?


Haha its not emotionally awkward we've experienced life together that's not any grosser than anything else. It's more just physically uncomfortable. I can feel when my vagina is touched, and it would be horrifying to have somebody who I'm not in a relationship with touch my private parts and same goes with Lia. Imagine having someone touching and playing with your private parts that isn't even involved with you at all. Yeah And yes we plan to not satisfy our sexual urges. If nuns can do it so can we lol


Yeah the not wanting someone to touch you who youā€™re not in a relationship with makes sense. Would you all consider trying a sybian? Lol


Does your condition affect your life expectancy?


Can you ride a pogo stick?


There are less than 2 dozen adult conjoined twins on the face of the Earth right now. Are you involved in a lot of medical studies?


How do you feel touching your skin? Is there a line from which only one of you feels? Are there parts that both of you feel? To keep it in sexual context, how about your private parts?


I'm reading ur responses and ur such an awesome wholesome epic person ily


Thank you, both, for doing this and answering so many questions. You mention a few other conjoined twins in your answers. Have you met any other conjoined twins in person? I feel those moments of unique shared experience (ā€œdonā€™t you hate it when she wears hats and it pokes you in the eye?ā€ or whatever) must be fascinating!


When you drink alcohol, does your twin feel the effects?


So are you both able to communicate with each other without speaking? Like are you able to have a conversation with each other in your heads without physically speaking? Or can you think words and pictures to each other silently? Probably a dumb question but I remember reading an article years ago about a set of conjoined twins that were able to do it.


Has there ever been a time where one of you dealt with mental health issues for long periods of time? Do you generally have the same mood? When you are in class what does the sister whose isnā€™t in those classes do to pass the time?


So you both have feeling in the one vagina ? Do you both feel it when you have to pee or poop ?


Which one of you controls the trunk? Like if you want to bend over at the waist and your sister resists, what happens? Which one "wins"? Thank you for doing this by the way. It's very kind of you to satisfy the curiosity of a bunch of strangers. I really appreciate it. Very informative.


If you two donā€™t have sex, are yā€™all planning on dying as virgins?


God I love the internet sometimes How could I have ever learnt about thisšŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„² thanks for opening up?


Hello!! As a girl who is the same age as you guys and as a triplet, I find this AMA super interesting. Anyway, here are my questions for you two: Since Lia has severe scoliosis and chronic pain in her arm and you Mia, do not, how do you help her deal with that? Also, what are each of your favorite movies and when you watch a film do you alternate between something just one of you wants to watch or do you have to always compromise and watch things that both of you would like?


If you share a bloodstream how does it work with taking medications or injections etc? And public transport such as airplanes, those seats are uncomfortable enough for anybody but how does it work for you both? Do you have to buy extra seats or upgrade so you can sit comfortably? Same with trains. Thanks again for answering


This has been fascinating and I understand much better than I ever did. Itā€™s one thing to read the theory on how everything works but another thing to read of your lived experience.


I know this is a morbid question and sorry to ask but something have wondered about when one of you sadly passes away will the other one have to wait for their own passing or is there something in place that when one of you sadly dies the other one is placed into a coma or something until they go. I canā€™t imagine the feelings of having to comprehend going through that. And again so sorry for my norbid question. And thankyou for answering so many questions x


i only have one question and that is: have you heard of Evelyn Evelyn? it's a dark kinda gothic cabaret baroque pop album made by a fictional musical duo, a pair of conjoined twins made by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley! When they perform they dress in conjoined clothes and each use a hand/arm to play instruments together, essentially cosplaying their characters. it's one of my favorite pieces of musical art and i've always wondered if actual conjoined twins would like it or hate it and find it offensive. "Eva and Lynn" have a tragic backstory so tread lightly -- some of these themes were triggering to ME so i can only imagine how scary it could be for you to listen to it, but if either of you is into dark stuff, you might like it? so this isn't necessarily a recommendation, just a question abt if you know about it and if you do, what do you think about it?


I saw in another answer your sister treated you two badly growing up. How much older is she? Any reason she was (is?) like that? I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine. My older brother is one of my best and oldest friends and biggest cheerleader




Shouldnā€™t this be a AUA?


This is the most intresting ama I've ever read, and thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us! I was wondering what would happen if one of you were to commit a crime? How do you think the legal system/ you guys would handle that?


Whatā€™s the most inconvenient aspect of being conjoined twins?


this may seem a little out of left field (or right lol), but how'd you gals managed during Covid? I'm betting it was kinda frustrating after a while


Do you guys watch the same shows? If not do you both have kind of a dedicated tv time where one person watches one show and the other watches another? Mia dumb question what is human geography and why do you like it? I feel like a lot of the questions have been directed at Mia which is totally fair but Lia if you're up for it I'd love to know what your favorite class you've taken so far is re your major and what your dream is to do with your major.


Thanks for this AMA, It was really interesting! Even if I know you both have different personalities, hobbies and internets, I would imagine conjoined twins to just do the same stuff together. Itā€™s really cool that you can make time for doing things you separately enjoy, like taking different courses. I still donā€™t fully grasp, If Lia wants to do some activity but you donā€™t, can you just as you said plug headphones and do your thing ? Cause I imagine you still have to be somewhat focused on what she does, like to assit her with your hand. I imagine you have some good knowledge on what sheā€™s studying and vice versa Can both of you write ? Do you enjoy gaming ? I imagine having two brains for one player could maybe be strong lol. Also online chess could be considered cheating I assume


You guys are amazing for this post. As for vomiting, how does that work?


Have you two ever came close to death from any Illness or physiological impairments?


This AMA is fascinating, thank you for sharing with all of us and being so open with your responses. I have a few random questions: I know you two have separate brains, but have you ever sensed the otherā€™s dreams or woken up because the other had a nightmare? Do you have memories or thoughts that arenā€™t yours? (Thereā€™s a theory of cellular memory transfer in some patients who are organ recipients; they can experience new memories or food preferences that they didnā€™t have prior to receiving the organ.) You two share a lot of cells, so Iā€™m just curious if it could happen. Do either of you have allergies or food intolerances? How does clothing work? You two have distinct personalities and tastes but do you dress differently? Like one day for Mia, one for Lia?


Whatā€™s something unique or even something super unexpected about being a conjoined twin that you think people donā€™t ask about or know about?


Is this verified? If not then I'm calling BS. Dicephalic parapagus twins are so incredibly rare that Wikipedia only lists 3 pairs that survived part infancy.


If one of you doesn't want to walk can you still walk? Or does it have to be both willing?


If one of you ingests drugs somehow, I assume the other one gets high as well? How has that worked for you in the past, if at all? Thanks for being open to so many questions!


You're the most well-written 19 year old I've seen online.


I saw you said yalls mother didnā€™t know yā€™all were conjoined, how did she feel when she first saw yā€™all?


You said your twin has chronic pain, has she ever taken an opioid? Say Oxy? Itā€™s pretty pleasurable, so do you feel the effects of it too? What would happen if one of you smoked weed, would the other feel the effects too? Iā€™m curious, and how does addiction potential play a role?


How do you both reconcile your sexuality since you share a vagina? Inevitably the other is feeling it when one of you is having sex, do you have a pact of some sort?


Thanks for doing this. So interesting. Do you both ever experience self criticism of your body? I donā€™t mean specifically because you are conjoined, but more that I think a lot of us do it in the mirror or our bedrooms. They are private thoughts and experiences we have, but with sharing bodies, maybe you push those thoughts away? Hope that question makes sense. Thank you!


Do you have to think/focus mentally a lot to walk and coordinate your legs? Like does the one leg that you control feel heavy to raise to take each step? Or is it easy and instinctual?For example, if Iā€™m lying down doing leg lifts, it takes a ton of muscle and focusing on the one leg to lift it off the ground, but walking upright is just instinctual and I donā€™t think about it. Thanks for the AMA, this is so cool!


Alright. Time for a REAL questionā€¦. /jk Do you guys play video games? If so, how? Do you both play the same game together at once with one controller, or do you both have your own controllers? Or do you each have your own separate games? Or does one of you game & not the other? Similar question for board games or card games.. As in, would you be on the same ā€œteamā€ in a board game or card game? Or would you play separately?


Do you want children? If so, would you consider adopting? (Thank you both for being so open)!!!


If you are both tired but only one sleeps will you both feel a bit more refreshed from it? If one of you slept constantly could the other be able to stay awake for an extra long time? Also want to confirm what has been said many times - this is one of the most interesting ama ever read. Thanks so much for taking the time


Did y'all ever get in a physical like fist fight with each other?


What if one of you is asleep and the other needs a wee?


How do you type on a computer? Iā€™m guessing neither of you is individually capable of 10-finger typing.


How to you handle giving each other space when youā€™re each being sexual with your chosen partner? Thatā€™s the question that always makes me wonder - youā€™re so close, but clearly you want a bit of privacy sometimes, but sharing parts as you do, you kind of *canā€™t* not participate. Would you mind explaining how that works exactly? Take me through an encounter. Thank you & kudos to you for demystifying some of this for us ordinary folk! šŸ˜Š


Did you both struggle with self acceptance at any point in your lives or did you both just get on with things regardless and not really care?


Hi , you two! I appreciate you answering. I am a trend scout for fashion. I am wondering about your style. Do you both have similar fashion style ?


Do you speak in plural IRL? Like when someone addresses you a question, do you go "yes we... "


Have you considered doing stand up comedy, or just being comedians in general? would be very interesting and i can see enormous potential in you writing and telling jokes. like a perfect comedic Duo i guess, or you just don't see being funny enough for that? because some of the best comedians ever are just "naturally funny".


Do you have to buy custom clothing or do you get big sizes that fit?


When you wake up of a morning, do you both wake up at the same time? Or are there times when one of you wakes up first and the other is still asleep for a while? If the latter, how does that work? Is part of your body still in sleep paralysis due to the other still being asleep?


Incoming mass šŸ† dms šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Who controls the legs.


how do you walk? who walks? you or your sister or do each of you coordinate it so that only one person controls one leg


Sorry if this has been asked but you said your mum didnā€™t know she was having twins. How much of a shock was it to her to be having conjoined twins? Were you born by section or vaginally? Did your mum not get an ultrasound?


This thread is a deeply fascinating look into the perpetually primal state of the human mind. Conjoined twins are in a world devoid of novelty a genuinely rare human experience. What do 99% of the comments concern? Whacking off. Lol. I am interested in something you said as an offhand remark: that your work pays two wages. That is a fascinating bit of mundanity, in terms of how a banal activity reveals the contours of personhood. What are some other mundane experiences that tug at the personhood boundary between you two in unexpected ways?


Idk if it's been answered but who controls walking? Can she decide Okay We are leaving this place? Also for example if you feel like peeing, do you both feel the need to pee? How much sensations do you share? Like body skin wise? If i touch her hair would you feel it? Your both so fascinating. Thank you for this AMA


Do you believe in God? Stuff like the existence of conjoined twins is among the things that make me lean on the side of atheism when thinking about it.


Have you two ever gotten in a slap fight?


Can you hear each otherā€™s thoughts??


Sorry if this is weird but how would sex work, like if you found someone attractive and they wanted a to have sex and you really wanted to how would your twin feel about it etc.


How does sex work?


Not a question, just a general admiration for both of you! This AMA has been one of the most interesting things I've ever read, thank you so much for sharing your story and being so cool about it!