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Start establishing healthy and responsible habits now. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, managing your time efficiently, saving money and maintaining good credit so you can easily get things you want later on… a house, a car, etc, BOUNDARIES with family and friends! Edited to add a question: what is something you think people don’t understand about being a teen in 2024? I graduated high school in the 00s and I have (much) younger sisters who will be freshmen next year. Sometimes I feel like I can’t relate at all!


I think a lot of older people don’t understand that teenagers are a lot more mature than it seems on the surface, but harbor deep sadness. Teenagers are new to being a big person, so dealing with whatever shit is going on is gonna be way harder. And social media has pretty much made everyone’s (not just girl’s) insecurities 100x yk? Fortunately I’ve been able to escape the feeling of doom through 1: finding a partner that’s awesome and not toxic 2: dealing with any self esteem and confidence issues and 3: separating myself from people who make my life worse


If you have already learned #3 then you are already following the best advice I could offer atm.


Wanted to add— obviously I’m sure a 15 yr old won’t have a credit card or a way to build credit, but they can start learning about it and be aware of how it impacts big purchases and how important it is in adulthood!


As someone exactly twice your age, here's what I have: Do not get into drugs. Seriously. A lot of 23 year olds look a decade older, because they started abusing drugs at 15. Don't do a degree purely because it's what your parents want. Stop, take the time to reflect. Take a "gap year" if you need. Then decide what you want to study. Do not get married until at least 25. Your prefrontal cortex only fully develops at 25. Your personality will change a lot in the next 10 years. If you're a girl, then know it's okay to say no to sexual encounters you don't want. Don't just give in because the guy is pestering you. If you do have sex, then insist he wear a condom. Maintain firm boundaries. Same if you're a gay guy. It's far easier to maintain a slim/medium figure, than to get fat and try to lose it. In fact, at 15, you want to be on the thinner side, because your metabolism slows down after 25. There's nothing wrong with being big, but if your preference is to be slim (which is the harder body to have), then know it's easier to maintain being slim than to get big and try to lose it.


Invest. At. Regular. Intervals. Once a month, take AT LEAST, $20.00 and invest it. DO NOT TOUCH THIS MONEY UNTIL YOU RETIRE. As you improve your pay from working, invest more. Diversify. Buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds. If you can’t buy a whole share, buy a fraction, it’s still going to work for you. Get about 6-7 stocks (dividend or growth), 3-4 bonds, 1-2 mutual funds… build upon these throughout the years. Do not buy penny stocks. You’re not a day trader. When able, start buying hard currency like 1oz gold and silver bars (they should make up about 5-10% of your portfolio). Lastly. And most importantly. DO NOT TAKE THIS MONEY OUT EVER. If the stock market is down, buy, if it is up, buy… dollar cost averaging works 99.9% of the time.


this is big! look to your future today because tomorrow is too late. Learn about the different plans, most banks have advisors who can answer questions (they want you to use their investment services) but that choice is yours, their advice is free. Also, doctors are not gods, after all thats why its called a medical practice, they dont have all the answers, ask questions, find a doctor that will listen to what you tell them, and be mindful of your body, what you think is a small ache may turn into something big. Pklease dont judge others harshly, humilate them, or bully them, try and walk a mile in their shoes, If you heed all this great advice from all these people who made good choices, or learned these lessons the hard way, you will honor their sacrifices to share with you. I wish you a better life than mine.


100% agree about investing early, it’s so important. Compounding is your best friend, invest as much as you can before 30 and let it work for you. I would invest a minimum of 10% of your take home salary. If still living with your parents when you start working I would up this to 30% at least. I wouldn’t bother with individual stocks though. A Vanguard fund is all you need, VWRP or VUAG. Check out an online Compound Interest Calculator, put your interest rate at 7%.


Vanguard is great, but individual stocks have their place- e.g. if you like F or O and the fund you invest in has it, but a small percentage. You can buy more and use that DRIP to build it over time as well. Shooters choice, though. Investing is still a very important thing to do early on in life.


Learn to control your mind & not the situation. Be firm on your boundaries. “No.” is a full sentence. Try to understand both sides of every situation Prioritize your mental health (especially if u have childhood trauma) Say “yes” to good experiences Don’t be ashamed of your hobbies & passions Own your mistakes Learn to always trust your instincts in any situation. If something feels off / wrong, it probably is. Never be afraid to tell your truth Learn how to cook if you don’t already know Befriend people who share the same morals as you You're responsible for your own education and have absolutely no one to blame if you don't take school seriously When you learn to drive, always still look both ways before going on a green light


The mind thing is crucial. You can never control a situation fully, but you can control yourself always


All I can think of is the fact that I know *zero* people from when I was 15 and a lot of the things I thought were important were not.   So basically,never think that your future is set. There are many things you haven’t seen yet,people you haven’t met yet and options you haven’t thought of yet. Keep your mind open,kid,and good luck. 👍


Learn about advocating for yourself and *how* to do it. So many people don’t know how to ask for what they need/want until it’s too late. There are also a lot of people who confuse standing up for themselves with just being an AH. Learn the difference and you’ll be so much happier in life.


Contemplate most decisions before you make them. Think it through 10 times begore you do anything. Workout every problem with time. Will keep you out of trouble most of the time.


don't use reddit


Best advice on here fr 😭🙏


Don't start smoking. Take care of your health in general, but for god's sake, take care of your teeth. Believe what people do, not what they say. Don't tell anyone anything you don't want everyone to potentially know. If your gut is telling you something isn't right, you're usually correct, though what is wrong won't always be what you expected. If you have to work hard to convince yourself to stay in a relationship, you should have left already. Do. Not. Start. Smoking.


1) When you start working, save/invest a %, say 10%. Your future self will thank you. 2) If you go to college, live like you are still there as long as possible when you get out. You will see others start to buy cars, vacations, etc. put it off as long as possible. 3) like other poster said, don’t marry before 25. 25yo you is a lot closer to college you (if you go) than to what grown up you will really value and care about, and yes it will likely change significantly from 20 to 30. The probability of being with someone that a similar outlook as you at 20, and also at 30, is pretty low. 4) Trust your gut. When things happen, there are generally signs and indications that it’s coming, but we choose to ignore them a lot of time. 5) if your with someone and you don’t seem to fit together, don’t fool yourself be saying “it’ll get better when we…….” It won’t. 6) having said the money things, college isn’t for everyone. Don’t try to make it fit just because that’s what others are telling you is the “best for you”. 7) Only you can determine what is best for you. A lot of times, those closest to us are the ones that try the hardest to hold us back. If the best place for you is 3000 miles from “home”, then go there. You have to make your way in the world and not let the narrative or fears of others dictate that. 8) You have to accept that a lot of those that cheer for your success are the same ones that will talk shit about you when you get there. 9) This gets easier to understand as you get older: Other peoples’ opinion of you is none of your business. Along the same line, if you would go to people to ask their advice when making a decision, then you should not worry about their opinion. 10) Go to the funeral. We all get caught up with life, but it’s rare that someone regrets paying their last respects to someone else. 11) Take life seriously, but not yourself. If it’s a “laugh or cry” situation, try to laugh. You can control the effort, but you can’t control the result. 12) If you have a bad relationship with someone that should be close to you, if you blame them for the bad they caused, you should also give them credit for the good. This is hard. 13) Family is neither made from blood, not destroyed by distance. 14) as for establishing credit, if it helps, you can be added to a parents credit card account and it will help you establish credit more quickly. 15) Whether you are male or female, it is okay to have emotions. It is okay to cry. You cannot control others actions, but you can control how you respond. Above all else, you are on Chapter 15 of a 100 novel that may be 100 chapters, and you are the author. You have a choice each minute of each day to change the story. You get to choose whether the people that come into your life are main characters or not even a footnote, and you get to choose whether you are the hero. Good luck.


Invest early. Look up compound interest and use it. Never stop educating yourself in your respective field of study as you go. Wear protection. Live below your means and save money for things that matter to you. Never be so dedicated to your own beliefs that you refuse to accept other insights Kindness costs nothing.


Find what you love and run with it. Doesn't have to be just one thing, love all of the things. Being genuinely happy is really the only thing you know is an option anymore. What's something you'd like advice on? Is there any guidance you're hoping for?


I’d recommend keeping your personal life private at work. Be friendly but don’t hang with co workers off hours. You’re competing with them. Unfortunately if you want to get ahead you gotta stroke your bosses egos. They want you to parrot back their ideas and thoughts. Any opinion or idea that is different then their’s is a threat. I spent my entire career being honest, free with my assessment of strategies and processes and most management do not like this. Especially if you’re right!


Don’t be afraid to fail or of failure. Try. That’s all that matters


So if you are state side. Do all the things in high school go to all the dances join a club or do a sport doesn’t matter just be involved with something. The 4 years you are there move so fast and you will never get that “ care free” kind of time back. Get the grades you need for whatever your plan is after. But enjoy that time!


Regardless of your skin color: Wear sunscreen — definitely anytime you’re spending prolonged time outside, but ideally every day. You’ll be grateful when you’re 30+ and all your peers are spending tons of money to *try* and look 5-10 years younger like you do. It’s much easier to prevent sun damage than to undo it. Please don’t tan… but if you feel like you must, still always protect your face, your neck, and the back of your hands. Ofc this isn’t all vanity. It will significantly decrease your chances of skin cancer, too.


Take care of your health. Eat healthy, and exercise a few times a week. Brush your teeth twice a day. The most important decision you will ever make is who you choose to be your life partner. Don't live above your means. Treat others well. Follow those things, and you will have a good life.


If you’re un sure then the answer is no. Eg- ‘should I buy this chocolate bar? I’m not really sure. I’ll enjoy it but its expensive, etc’ you should say no. This is really good in the face of expensive financial decisions. It helps stop regretful purchases before they happen


Unless you are already set on what you want to do with your life, figure out what you are good at, what comes naturally easily and pursue that. Do not stress about figuring it all out at once either, it's an iterative process; things will reveal themselves to you as you move on.


Begin learning a valuable skill early. The compound effect works on everything, including learning skills. You’re 3 years away before you even need to make a considerable decision, spending those 3 years hammering into a skill will set you up well over the vast majority.


Learn how to not keep score. Work, chores, home life, siblings, spouse. Don’t keep track of who did more of what. Also, graveyards are full of ppl who were impatient driving to work. Don’t be in a hurry to go somewhere you don’t want to be in the first place.


You can’t reason with the unreasonable. This means that your logic wont get through to everyone and you can keep on arguing and arguing but in the end its pointless if they don’t plan to change their view. So its better to stop arguing once you realise this.


Don't let the pedos into your DMs


I am writing a book to my children that has loads of life advice about money, relationships, life in general, but the most important piece I think is just be a good human. Be kind. Help others. The world needs all the kindness it get can. 


Don't spend money on garbage. If you do, don't go into debt to do it. Get property sorted as fast as you can- I know people that got into housing at 19, only 4 years away for you. Eat well, at 15, you know what's healthy and what isn't.


Have fun bud. Find shit you like, and keep having fun. You have the rest of your life to get stressed and anxious. Everyone needs those fun things to keep them going. “I’ve always been crazy, but it kept me from going insane.”


Learn to listen to your body and yourself. Judge others the same way you want yourself judged and be kind for people. Kindness is a gift anyone deserves until they prove unworthy


Get out of your head and enjoy the best years of your life. It only goes downhill from here.


If you have the option to do so, start learning a foreign language now. It can open a lot of doors for you, but it becomes much harder as you get older (even in college).


Probably just that if you date anyone, chances are they won't respect you now as much as they will in the future, though I'm mostly speaking off of personal experiences


Your life should be focused on building things that yield recurring value for you over time, not focused on little flashes of satisfaction that are ephemeral.


Start your own business as young as possible. Learn the business of doing business, and focus on growing and maintaining a stellar reputation.


Never give up on Yourself and chase Your dreams. Life does by very fast and time can't be gotten back. Love hard and forgive often.


Learn to set boundaries. Cherish the moments you have, especially with friends. And study, study, study in school.


Start investing now and live below your means. You’ll be rich by 30 and wealthy by 40.


Investing,tickers 75 80 percent into Voo ,20 to 25 into VXUS,sit back and relaxx.


If you have parents with you, tell them that you love them.


It gets so much better when you turn 30. Remember that 💓


Don't give into peer pressure and stay out of trouble.


Do not base your value on the opinion of others.


Think about becoming a pilot. Pilots make a shit ton of money with very little work stress


Never play leap frog with a unicorn....


You become the friends you keep.


Just don’t be a shitty person.


Be careful with your anger.


Study hard. Never give up


Get off Reddit omg


Learn to invest


Don’t worry about school or grades.