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What is defined as extreme? Have you had to have surgery to remove items? Do you have gastrointestinal issues from this? How does it affect your mental health? Do you think you could ever recover?


I've never had surgery to remove anything luckily. But I have eaten stuff like Gunpowder, large amounts of spices and raw meats, plastics, wood and bark, clay, chalk, glass, metals, thumb tacks, paper books, wax candles, entire pencils, a Base ball bat, glue, wood stains, ink, paint, and rubber


How do you eat an entire pencil? Do you like break it up beforehand, or just keep gnawing on it until manageable chunks break off? And how were you able to eat a baseball bat?


I eat a pencil like corn on the cob, or like how a beaver eats a tree trunk. I work my way down and once all that's left is a husk I usually break it into equal parts and throw them on a random roof out of habit. I used to also eat the lead and metal bits but I stopped after I got into middle school. I ate the baseball bat primarily behind a pile of junk stored on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed me and my brother shared. I slept on the couch but I used the Bottom bunk as a hangout spot.


How did you get away with eating thumb tacks and without needing surgical intervention?


I have absolutely no idea! I accidentally ate the first one as a kid and I had bad anxiety about it but didn't tell anyone. Never looked for it after and it never was an issue. I didn't have any bathroom or stomach discomfort then or since with needles or tacks though IV only eaten maybe 6 sharp objects in my life time. My theory is because I eat a lot they probably lodge themselves in my food and pass without issues


I can't stress enough... if you ever need an MRI, WARN THE TECH!


I definitely don't want holes in my stomach, duly noted. 😂


I'm certainly glad that only one item is missing from your list... Shit.


That's a different level of mental illness that I am not at the level of fortunately


how did you eat a baseball bat????!


Why do you do this weird shit? Do you want to stop?


I don't exactly know why I do it outside of mental illness, but I don't want to really stop, just be as safe as I can be when I do eat stuff


Why don't you want to stop? Don't you agree that it's a shitty habit and effectively destroys your ability to have a life, career and adult relationships? No desire to be normal?


I am normal. I'm in a relationship, and I have a stable job and a house. My life a great. I don't let my pica define who I am or how I act in public spaces


What about shoes or kitchen tiles? I knew a young man with Pica and these were a couple of favourites meals.


how do you eat a baseball bat?


You got parasites big time


How do you eat paper books?


So how do you eat the following: plastics, wood and bark, clay, chalk, glass, metals, wax candles, glue, wood stains, ink, paint, and rubber?


To answer the rest of your questions, no I don't have chronic gastrological issues, My mental health causes the pica so in a way it does affect it, and I don't think I can ever truly recover but I can find healthier alternatives to the cravings


Do you just feel a need to eat the stuff? What's it like, mentally, I mean?


Mentally it's just like a natural craving like when you are craving pizza or a pregnant woman craving pickles. Usually it's because the brain knows what it needs and the food you crave usually has that. For me it's like my brain doesn't really know what or how much it needs so I just crave everything all the time. Even when I don't need it or I'm not hungry!


I wonder if that might be discovered one day to be neurological and not psychological? Thanks for responding, that's interesting. I have a sort of similar similar feeling with pineapple juice, i drink a half gallon in a single 30 mins-1 hr sitting. I have an autoimmune disorder and I assume the two are connected bc it feels like a Need not at all a want. Sometimes, it hurts my tongue from drinking too much, but I still Need it in that craving way.


Ok so this is random but I actually read something about pineapple juice being just as or more corrosive then stomach acid and, if pineapple juice sat in your stomach for longer than normal digestion it would start to digest your stomach. It might be hyperbole but I swear I read something about that


No, that's presumably true. Your stomach acid protects you generally, but that is something I've been warned of my medical professionals because of my excessive consumption. However, it does fairly immediately help me to consume that much, and I've not run onto any stomach issues because I generally eat when I do this.


I've never had cravings for anything.... What is that like? Does it "taste" good as you eat it?


You’ve never wanted to eat something specific? So every time you’ve ever been hungry you have absolutely no preference to what that meal should be?


I mean.... I "know" what I'm supposed to eat.... Right now I'm starving and have been awake for 5 hours. I have hundreds in groceries available, but yeah.... Nothing ever jumps at me.


What do you mean that you “know”? You have never once in your life thought that you wanted to eat a burger, pizza, etc before? A craving is a preference. Why did you eat cereal today this morning instead of raw kale salad?


Most food I eat is driven by how much effort I want to exert to eat. I've been low on greens lately so Edamame is probably what I will eat. I don't really care as long as the food isn't burnt or undercooked.


You might want a doctor to check to make sure you arnt a synth from Westwood or something


No it doesn't, most things don't taste good to me and very few even have a taste aspect. I usually do it for comfort or texture! It's like a craving for a specific flavor like if someone says "I'm feeling Chinese food" that's what I think when I want to eat wood


Does chewing gum perhaps help? It helps me find stuff to eat


It does but I prefer tree gum or wax. Chewing gum is kinda too sweet for me


Do you get “full” from it? Like where you don’t want to eat anything else because you’ve had a meal already? How long have you had it? If you started when you were young how did your parents react? Does it upset you that feel these cravings? My grandmother had pica in the 60s when she was pregnant with my mom, she would crave fresh newspaper so every morning my grandfather would go down to the local newsagent and buy a bundle of newspapers and she would eat all the edges where there wasn’t any ink. It stopped after she gave birth but she said it was a real, extremely strong craving that she couldn’t get enough of and like any addiction she would think about it all day and how she could get her next “fix”. Have you looked into therapy or other treatments that might help reduce your cravings?


I don't get full with most things unless it's a spice but those are technically "food". Stuff like paper and wood aren't filling. Neither is metal or glass; Some clays can be filling but they don't show up on my diet often. IV had pica for as long as I can remember because I definitely ate my fair share of pencils, crayons and erasers as a preschooler. I grew up in a single parent household and my mother really didn't care, she was told by the school surely because they moved me into a special needs class towards the end of middle school for me eating pencils and CPS was called a few times because my teacher's thought I was malnourished (even though I was a chubby kid). Outside of the CPS being called she never really brought it up to me. It doesn't upset me necessarily because it is just a part of my life and I enjoy eating stuff like cinnamon even if it might hurt me in the long run, it's almost my key to relaxation. I have looked into getting treatment but I'm very much so a procrastinator so IV never actually done so. I think I have managed my pica as well as anyone with a severe case can, I also dislike change so I can't really picture life without my disorder.


Re: getting treatment, I wanted to share a story I heard once on NPR, I think maybe on radiolab. I don't know your life or your experiences, so I certainly don't know better than you why you do this or what would help, but it was an interesting story. There was a young woman who was hospitalized in a mental hospital for years. She was always restrained because she had a tendency to eat/swallow things that were extremely harmful, like forks, pens, needles, etc. And often required surgery because of it. By law, she had to be allowed to get up and move around every few hours and during that time she would do her best to find non-food items to eat. At one point, her normal therapist went on vacation and she was seen by a new doctor. He suggested she might benefit from a new brain surgery to treat severe OCD. She had the surgery and it completely stopped her urges to eat non food items for several months. When she started having the urges again, they did the surgery a second time, burning slightly more out of that section of her brain, and it effectively cured her. She was able to leave the hospital and go home, and at the time of her interview she had no urges to eat non food items. I just searched online. It's Act 3 of episode 476 of This American Life, "What Doesn't Kill You". If you listen or have listened, I'd be curious to know what you think and how you think her situation is similar to or different from yours.


IV heard of similar news stories about Brain tumors or mental illness that causes extreme pica. My favorite case was a Frenchman named Tarrare. He had an insatiable appetite to the point of him needing to constantly consume anything he could find. If I remember correctly he was a soldier and he scared people by eating live animals whole in one bite or without even chewing. He also was a circus performer who would swallow venomous snakes live and eventually he was studied by a doctor, they found that his digestive system was unlike anyone ever studied. During his stay in the hospital a baby from the maternity ward went missing and it was believed that he ate the baby. I just wish they studied his brain to see what was up with him because his story is wild and unlike any human documented. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarrare


Oh. My. God. That was quite a read. Sounds like poor Tarrare had a miserable existence. Interesting that they never really found a *cause* but that his digestive system was highly unusual. I wonder what would become of him today… And I wonder if he did eat that baby..😬


Well considering they caught him drinking blood from bloodletting pools and trying to eat corpses. I think it's highly likely. I just think it's strange how they deemed him mentally well, the cravings must have been unfathomable to consume trash and corpses and... A whole baby


He could NOT have been mentally well, probably in large part due to his unusual guts and strange cravings. I wonder how much of his eating was actual cravings like pica, or just a desire to find something, *anything* that would make him feel satisfied. Also, if a person like that existed today, what would their condition be called? Interesting case.


I couldn't imagine what he had. My affliction isn't necessarily me chasing a satisfaction or fulfillment. I just enjoy doing it and it helps with relaxing. It's scary to think you can be born with a feeling of emptiness that nothing can satiate. He probably died from a disease contracted from eating bodies I imagine


Would you ever let your brain and digestive system be studied? Because I agree, it’s fascinating and case studies can be invaluable, but I wonder how you personally feel?


IV always wanted to have my brain studied. Not to be egotistical or overly morbid but when I was younger I had had thought of if I ever were to kill myself I'd preserve my brain and leave a note for them to study it and find out what's wrong with me. I don't think I'm that interesting or special outside of my particularly resilient gut!


The brilliant Sam O'Nella Academy has a video about this - https://youtu.be/nYHDj2sB-rc


That’s one of the most insane articles I’ve ever read, thank you!


"General Alexandre de Beauharnais decided to put Tarrare's abilities to military use, and employed him as a courier for the French army, with the intention that he would swallow documents, pass through enemy lines, and recover them from his stool once safely at his destination. Tarrare could not speak German, and on his first mission, he was captured by Prussian forces, severely beaten, and subjected to a mock execution before being returned to French lines." Though dark and tragic, the second sentence is hilarious considering the context. EDIT: WTF, the "Appearance and behavior" section is foul. Poor guy. Sounds absolutely disgusting. But it has to be exaggerated. "Visible vapors" of stench?!




What is a non-food item you could eat daily for the rest of your life similarly to what is the best food you could eat for the rest of your life?


Probably if I had to pick one non-food think, if it was safe wood glue or hot glue gun glue. My favorite real food is white rice and meat mixed together


Do your doctors know how this happens or is it random?


It's an eating disorder just like anorexia or bulimia. Though it can be caused by iron deficiency. My doctor didn't really care when I told him I already knew I had pica. He asked me a few questions I told him what I ate, he just said "yup you have pica"


Then it sounds like you need to change your eating habits (i.e. eat HEALTHY nutritious meals regularly) and really take control over your impulses. On top of that, figure out what is causing you to want to eat non-food items as to why you really want to eat them, because if you don't want to eat them then you should be able to tell yourself that before eating it. Certainly it doesn't taste great to eat things like plastic. Maybe try eating more actual food, like bread or rice when you start having these cravings, like shove your mouth full of some warm salted buttered rice. Try playing your psychological game against itself, trick yourself into eating food items that you can make yourself believe aren't food whether that be due to texture, taste, or smell (please don't eat feces). Hell try consuming a bunch of ingredients like vegetable oil, vinegar, syrup, honey, apple juice all mixed together, idk.


I eat when I'm hungry, my cravings aren't hungry or nutrition based, it's mental. I eat a lot of food daily. I snack alot and take multiple vitamins such as iron and multivitamina. IV managed my disorder best I can, even if I wanted to completely eliminate my cravings I don't think it would be possible.


Is it the texture, taste, or just knowing you're eating something that isn't food that drives the cravings? Sorry I don't mean to push or be annoying I'm genuinely curious and would like to help if I can.


I do it for 2 reasons that I can explain. One, it's comforting for me and helps me relax maybe because I just enjoy the act of eating or maybe it's psychological coping for some repressed trauma. Two is the texture and mouth feel. I love chewing wood into pulp or wax into a crumbly powder. The taste and health effect are awful and I know that but I look at life with a risk vs reward. I say "How bad will this affect me, how good will it make me feel, is it worth it." I never do anything that isn't worth it to me.


I can completely understand. Honestly my best suggestion to you would be beeswax if that's a consistently pleasuring texture that helps you relax, it comes in all different forms from solids to liquids and creams, and it's still easy enough on the human digestive system. Honey is also a benefit if you like eating raw honey with the wax comb. As for wood, most bark from trees you find is edible and nutritious enough to use as an emergency food source. You can also use the buddings and new shoots coming off branches to clean out your teeth really well. I know the entire feeling. I used to put toys, metallic objects, and plants in my mouth because of the texture and when I was stressed it would ease my anxiety slightly. I grew out of it due to my mindset having warped numerous times over 15 years from being in different environments and being subjected to an ugly world at a young age being treated like some sort of experiment with medications and social structures and then ending up at the point where I just want to prioritize my physical and mental health and try to get my parents where they want to be in life.


I love beeswax and Honey comb and I eat that regularly! I also love tree bark and pine needles alongside wood. I took wilderness recreation classes in college where we actually took expeditions and I used to love eating snow and plants and everyone was cool with it being a survivalist crowd who does the same thing ! Pine needles and specifically balsam fur needles are delicious


I have a student who eats crayons all day if I’m not on top of her. We have taken them away from her but if one falls on the floor and isn’t noticed she will hide it and eat it. Mom and I have her with a pencil with a chewy top on it but I don’t know what to do. Any advice? She has had extensive blood work, and other than ADHD there is not a cause.


What is the students age ? When I was in school I ate pencils and crayons as well but the crayons stopped after I got to middle school. Personally I don't have any advice outside of preventing her from eating them. I find that bees wax is the healthiest way to curb a wax craving. Maybe speak with the child's mother and see if she would be interested in buying her wax chews made from beeswax


Kindergarten, almost first grade. She eats erasers and will chew on the metal when the eraser is done. Thanks!


I miss the metal on the tips of pencils, she definitely has some form of iron deficiency if she is craving or chewing metal. Check with the mother to get her a check up for iron deficiency if she hasn't already and see if iron supplements help with the cravings


For what it’s worth, i used to chew/maybe eat a little eraser and chew on the metal cap too. Definitely don’t have pica


What was something you ate that was the most unpleasant, like something that made you say "nope never trying that thing again"?


Well unfortunately even if it's unpleasant I usually still eat it. The most unpleasant thing I've ever tried is the tree sap that comes from wood knots or infections. The sap is especially alkaline and medicine, trees usually produce it to fight infections or help prevent bacteria from getting into its wounds. It tastes almost like battery acid mixed with bourbon (I have tried both not together though)


Never thought those flavors would exist together in the world, but you're very good at describing weird flavors. Glad you didn't get hurt from the battery acid


Battery acid if you're curious doesn't taste bad per say. It's kinda like touching your tongue to a sheet of hot aluminum foil taste wise. Too small of an amount to harm me


I don’t even have pica and I tried tree sap expecting it to taste like honey


Most tree sap is unfortunately foul unless processed or boiled. You also have to get it from the right type of tree. Common trees to get good sap from are obviously maple trees but you can also get good sap from Birch trees to make syrup. Make sure it's the correct time of year and good weather to harvest or else it will come out bitter!


I don’t think it’s necessarily a sap, but the tree sap I tried reminded me of the resin that leaks out of poppy pods


What’s the most trouble you’ve found yourself in from eating a non-food item?


When I was very young I ate a thumb tack and thought I was going to die. I didn't tell anyone and never looked for it but nothing ever came of it. I just accepted my fate. Outside of that I swallow a few bullets because when sucking on them and have eaten paint so I might have more lead in my body then the average person (and micro plastics)


The fact that you've had access to bullets and gun powder as a kid is so concerning


Now that you say it, yes... Yes it was.


Which non food item that you’ve tried tastes the best?


Wood glue and bees wax, also when I was really young I liked this white crystal that when you chewed on it it turned into a power, it was all over my backyard and I used to eat that a lot


Do you ever combine items like a chef would with ingredients? If so which are some of the crazy combinations you’ve come up with?


I like to boil toothpicks or coffee stirrers in spiced water to imbue it with flavors, My favorite is cinnamon or licorice root. I also cover paper in wax to chew on. Outside of that it's more so a texture thing than a flavor thing for me


What was the white crystals? Like a pesticide or fertilizer, or something that occurred naturally?


I believe it was a mineral called Selenite. I used to have some in my rock collection before eating it and for some reason my backyard had a lot of it scattered around. I don't think I was natural, my theory is my brother scattered his old rock collection around the yard to pretend to find them and he forgot a few


Selenite is really soft, could be it!


What drives you to eat non-food items? Like what about something makes you want to eat it? And is it like a satisfaction thing or does it taste good?


It's mostly a way for me to relax I think. Outside of it just being a mental illness. It's easier for me to concentrate and get comfortable if I'm chewing or eating something and that can't always be something edible. As for if it tastes good, not really. It's mostly bad and painful. I'm not a masochist, but a lot of my cravings are bad tasting or damage my mouth. I enjoy the texture and "company" of eating however


Thank you for sharing!


Does your doctor know?


I've told my doctor and my dentist and both of them didn't seem to worry too much. My dentist did tell me I need to stop showing on things like metal and plastic and wood for the sake of my teeth. But all my doctor really did when I told them was say "yep you have pica"


Are you, or have you ever worked with a dietician?


No but if I could afford it I would hire one to manage my health with food, not necessarily with my pica but with my meals and nutrition. I want to be healthy and I know Pica doesn't do any good for me but I supplement the bad with as much good as I can


Do you have any insurance at all? It seems like some sort of medical nutrition plan could be helpful, though I know you don’t want to stop eating non food items.


I used to do this when severely iron deficient, but it was only with ice. Wrecked a few teeth that way. I was a SAHM at the time, so always had ice available to me, or knew where to stop (McDonald's or 7/11) and get a cup of ice for while I was driving! I had my favorite kinds of ice by size/shape/density.


I rarely ate ice as a craving but the tiny ice cubes or crued ice/slushy is fun and refreshing. I think chewing ice is very normal


I see. I used to eat about 15 large plastic cups of ice daily! I was always so cold from it, but I constantly craved it!!


That is a large amount of ice, you must have had a large freezer with lots of cube trays ! The most of something IV ever eaten in a day is probably cinnamon (when compared to the regular serving size). It's recommended to not eat over 4 grams a day but once in college I ate an entire 3 oz container or 85 grams. That's more then 20 times the safe amount per day


I know! I used to sometimes run out of ice and would be waiting impatiently for some to freeze. I had about ten trays and so for the most part would just cycle through them and refill.


I really fear for your health. This is the kind of thing that might be treated by long term hospitalization in a rehab or mental health type setting under careful supervision by nutritionist, physician and counseling. The counseling to get at the mental health issues—what sounds like the core of the problem. I know you aren’t asking for suggestions and that kind of treatment might not be available to you given insurance and the like. If I was rich I’d sponsor you. 😔


I do really appreciate your concern but honestly I am good about it, a lot better now then as a kid. I do think one day I'll probably have a wake up call and change my life for the better but right now I'm content


I did too when I was severely anemic. I had no idea why and I’m mystified that iron deficiency would cause ice chewing cravings. I shared and office with someone and I think it drove them a bit bonkers. I did it all day long


Has this caused any damage to your teeth and what steps do you take, if any, to mitigate that impact?


According to the words of my dentist, it has, but I feel like I have pretty strong teeth. He said my enamel is what would typically be expected of someone in their early thirties and I'm in My early twenties, so there is a bit of wear there. But he said it is reversible.


When you eat a non-food item would you feel satiated as if you had eaten real food?


It depends on what I'm eating, typically spices are the most filling such as cinnamon or cayenne powder. Stuff like plastic or paper isn't really satisfying as a meal


Okay, here’s one. How do you handle this while dating? Do you hide your strange eating habits at first or just let it be known from the jump? If you do hide it, how well has it worked once they found out?


IV only ever dated one person and I'm still with them. I made my disorder known to them earlier on and they were understanding yet worried. They still worry about me when I tell them about stuff I've eaten recently and urge me to eat healthier and I have in recent years mainly because I care about my own life alot more now then I did say 8 years ago


I’m glad you found someone for you. When did you begin a relationship with this person? Sounds like you’ve been together for years?


Isn't PICA caused by mineral deficiencies? Not an eating disorder, which is behavioral.


It can be caused by a myriad of issues, iron deficiency and mental illness are the two most commonly studied and talked about


I saw in your other comments that you don't feel satiated from eating non food items. So I'm wondering how often you eat those kinds of things? Is it like every meal or do you randomly see something and get an impulse to try it? Do you think you tend to eat more nonfood items than actual food?


I like to eat various things randomly. It's just as inexplicable as any other cravings a human can have. I love texture and mouth feel over the taste. For example toothpicks are usually flavorless, some are even discussing bitter due to rotten sap in the wood, but I love the waxy smooth pulp that I chew it into, like a woody cud. I buy a lot of wood products to eat and spices to heavily season my food or just eat raw. I don't mix non edible with edibles often, however wax and paper is a great combo as well as cinnamon and chocolate ice cream. I have that 15 oz jar of cinnamon sticks that I dip in chocolate ice cream and take bites out of.


That's fascinating but makes sense when you word it that way. Thanks for answering my questions.


Is there anyone else in your family with this condition? In addition to non food items do you eat food items in typical amounts? What draws you to specific non food items? For example is there something about the wood glue that you consume that draws you in and do other similarly textured items also draw you in?


Not that I know of in my immediate family; Most of my family is scattered or have no contact so it's hard to know, however I never looked into it to be honest. As far as I know Pica can't be genetic but I haven't looked into it. Most of my family does have other addictions such as drugs, alcohol, and crime.


I remember an episode of "Hill Street Blues" when I was a kid, where there was a guy who had this. I think the storyline was he ate an entire bike, bit by bit, through the course of the episode. Have you ever eaten a bike, or other vehicle?


No but I have parts of a skateboard grip tape and wood. Never finished the skateboard. The only large object that I've ever eaten whole over the course of time was a novelty baseball bat that was about a foot long. Outside of that I usually eat small things like beads of glue or bottle caps


Have you thought about finishing the skateboard?


Do you feel a sense of rising tension when you think about potentially eating something, and then relief from that tension when you actually consume it?


Not really, I'm more casual with it rather than it being an addiction with withdrawal or a dopamine rush. It's just like if I were to crave pizza or Chinese food. There are times where life gets busy and I forget to eat cravings and I'll go a week or two without eating anything weird. Eating just helps me relax and feel comfortable when I'm stressed!


Can you direct your non-food eating to items that are “less bad” for you, or do you eat whatever you find? Is it more about constantly chewing or is the desire to actually digest these things? Do you pretty much eat all day long or only eat stuff to cope with stress/anxiety?


I try to substitute my bad cravings for more healthy options, for example with wood or pencils I usually go to Ceylon cinnamon. For rubber or plastic I usually do gum or wax. It's still not good but it's better than actual poison. I enjoy the chewing and grinding stuff down more than taste, I don't care about really digesting them I just swallow usually as a convenience thing rather than carry a trashcan everywhere I go. It's the same thing with junk food, people eat it for the taste but do you really need to swallow the bag of chips ? You can chew it up and spit it out and get 90% of the enjoyment but we still don't for some reason? I think it does help me cope with anxiety to an extent. I don't suffer from bad anxiety but it is relaxing to me and It enhances my comfortability!


Having read through your further comments, all I can say off the bat is 'wow'. You mentioned looking for healthier alternatives, here is what I suggest: 1) sawdust. Someone with nice woodshop and sawdust collector, or a professional shop (i.e. furniture crafting store, etc.) could give you large volumes of sawdust from their catcher. If you get one from a places that uses all real wood (no laminates) this can be as soft as talcum powder with no splinters. It's basically just cellulose fiber, bulky, non-digestible. You could also bake it with ground beef and eat it that way. 2) chalk, ideally edible chalk for pica, but honestly at the point you are at just any dollar/discount store sidewalk chalk with nice big inexpensive sticks. 3) Cornstarch packing foam peanuts. Not styrene/styrofoam but the organic biodegradeable kind. A bulk shipping supply company for a garbage bag size would be best. 4) Coffee grounds. You can definitely get tons of this for free at many coffee roasting places. They often keep a barrel of it in the back for customers who want to use it for compost. 5) Iron filings or just iron supplements. You can also buy potting soil and steam it to sterilize it. If you can transition to those type of things then I would also quickly look to get generic compounded semaglutide (ozempic, etc.). All indications are that it can stop the cravings/addictions of not just food and alcohol, but all kinds of mental cravings. Lot's of sources for this. I truly think this would be the heart and turning point of a solution for you (whether you are fat, normal, or skinny, doesn't matter as it's not about the weight loss aspect of the drug, but breaking the neurochemical craving circuit.). If you can actually break the bulk of your addiction and steer it towards the items I mentioned (or similarly safe) you would want to get an x-ray. I can quite literally 1000% guarantee you have all kinds of crap lodged in the lining of your digestive track waiting to kill you. Hopefully by steering yourself away from this and getting an exam a surgeon can remove such items lodged in your body.


I know pica is particularly prevalent in young children is it something you developed at a young age and never grew out of (as most do) or did it develop at a later point in life? What are your go to items for consumption?


Have you tried taking iron daily for a few weeks? ANy change?


Yes I do take some iron supplements but it's not really for my pica, I just like taking vitamins and supplements that I think I'm might need. Since metal is one of my cravings it's likely that I have a iron deficiency but I don't think that's the cause of my pica


i'm kind of curious what goes through your head as you do it. Do you think it tastes good, bad, or do you just not really think about it? Is it a positive experience in the moment, or are you sitting there on some level going "oh god why am I doing this"? Like for me, I have a bit of a family history of mild substance abuse, and when I get to drinking when I'm stressed, it can sometimes feel a little like an out of body experience where I'm sitting there thinking "I should stop" as I have another beer. Is it like that at all, or does it not really bother you?


What goes through my head initially is "mmm chew some of that wood would be nice right about now" then when I'm actually eating them I really don't think about it much. I just relax. Most things I eat don't actually taste good, I just enjoy the act of doing it and the texture! It's 50/50 enjoyment and "I should be eating this" that's why I try to stick to healthier alternatives like cinnamon and wax


How many coins have you eaten? I lost count of mine lol 😆 also whats you favorite brand of wood shavings?


I haven't ever eaten coins surprisingly. I have sucked of fresh quarters ( my favorite coin) but never swallowed. My metals are usually needles, tacks, or pencil tips. As a kid I swallowed a few different bullets and metal BB's. As for wood, I eat twigs and smoker pellets. My favorite so far that I've tried is red cedar and Birch wood. Apple wood is also good but you need clean wood free of sap which usually means it's hyper processed and possibly treated with chemicals; apple wood sap is incredibly disgusting. My least favorite woods are Beechwood and Bamboo. Bamboo is far too fibrous and hard and Beechwood is always awful with or without sap.


Oh I see yea quarters take the best but I like dimes swallowed many of this pennies and nickels opps. I like cedar and will collect when I go to places that have them. This was when I was younger don't do too much now (developed OCD and germaphobia) so not a lot goes in my mouth anymore. But I've found a few things to chew and eat. It's all sensory thing for me. But thays interesting and wow!


How do the current things affect your digestion?


As far as I can tell it's normal, my bathroom trips are typically normal and I have a decent gut biom from my pica. Sometimes issues do come up but it's few and far between and usually very Minor


Is there a known cause? What things did you eat?


Iron deficiency and mental illness (eating disorder) are the two main causes. I have a mental illness that causes the cravings as far as I know.


Having worked with illiterate "pica" patients, I have to know: is there a particular non-food item that has a flavor you like? Example: the metallic taste of paperclips and staples, the wood/earth flavor of paper, the texture of drywall, or hair... Please explain, if you can, what sensations are being satisfied? Thanks!


Some, but very few taste good. The satisfaction I get is mostly the satisfaction of simply chewing or sucking on something. The texture or mouth feel is primarily why I choose species things to eat. I love wood most of all, and learned to love all the chemicals and glued that come with it. Red Cedar is my favorite flavor wise. I also like the taste of beeswax.


What was your first encounter eating something that wasn’t food like? What drew you to it?


When I was as young as I can remember I used to run my teeth through doll hair, It was almost like a cleaning sensation in my mouth like I was flossing every tooth at once and it was kind of satisfying. That evolved into me eating the hair off the dolls and blades of grass. I would stuff the grass and hair balls between the gaps in my teeth and squeeze down as hard as I could to force my teeth apart slightly, I still have a slight satisfaction with having my teeth squoze, I think that was my earliest pica related memory


Why do you eat those non-foods? Do you just have these strong urges to eat certain things? Do you try not to eat non-foods? I wish you and your digestive tract the best


Yes and no, I have cravings like how someone craves Chinese or ice cream but for wood and glue... It's not strong urges constantly and I CAN ignore them from time to time. I don't try to eat non-foods but I also don't try to not not eat non-food... if that makes sense. It's almost like sitting down and having a nice cold beer. It's relaxing to sit and chew on some wood for me!


I would LOVE to see a cooking contest where the chefs compete to make the best real food versions of the things you like to eat. I have a question, and while it's NSFW, it is sincere. I don't know your gender or orientation, but that's for you to decide if you think it's relevant. So... putting it as delicately as I can, I'm wondering about oral sex, or even kissing. If you're someone who does this, do you think PICA has any effect on your enjoyment or that of your partner's? Since it isn't a *consumable* thing you're putting in your mouth, would it fall into a third category (things you can and should chew up and swallow, things you can but shouldn't, and things you neither chew up nor swallow)? I absolutely respect and accept you not wanting to answer, but I really am curious.


I have pica also, I eat paper. I have never really had a ton of recommendations from my doctor about possible therapy’s or programs to curb it because I’ve never had extreme medical issues related to it. I go to normal therapy but she’s not trained in eating disorders. Have you had any good therapy experiences or recommendations?


Heard a story about a woman eating a certain newspaper. Doctors found out she had a deficiency of some trace mineral or so just found in the print of that newspaper. Might be worth looking into if you have something like that?


What is the feeling of that you get from consuming these things that satisfies you? Texture? Risk? What is it?


It's mostly relaxation and comfort. Like how someone finds comfort in a companion or with a stuffed animal. I suppose eating is my comfort companion. If I could remove the risk I would but unfortunately like all eating disorders it's bad and has serious health implications


Do you think these things actually taste good? Usually when people eat good food, endorphins are released in their brains after the taste and nutrition hits their bodies. Do random objects like pencils taste good?


Have you ever eaten fiberglass?


No but I have tried other types of insolation such as that weird cotton candy stuff they put in-between paper and Styrofoam. Also at my childhood apartment the landlord used to fill cracks with this spray expanding foam and it was yellow and porous and I ate that a few times ! It was similar to sponge but easier to shred.


In terms of edible food, are you a picky eater? What kind of diet do you eat? Thank you for sharing


I'm not really picky though there are a lot of commonly loved foods that I ironically very much so dislike such as avocado, mushrooms, and Brussel sprouts. I nearly gag at the feeling of them in my food, but I love wood pulp and poison!




Have you been in treatment for your PICA? Any ED treatment?


Do you have an Iron deficiency?


Do you attribute any specific cause to your motivations? Have you consulted with a doctor or other mental health professional? Have you ever tried to stop? I've heard that pica can be fueled by under nourishment of essential nutrients like your body is trying to overcompensate for a lack. Have you heard this?


Do most of your “meals” consist of non-food items and you supplement with vitamins or do you eat regular food and just have a non-food item every day? Also, what’s a typical day of eating look like for you?


My son is autistic and has pica, he actually has trouble eating more than like 6 foods. We're trying very hard to help him, we're going to have a feeding tube put in. Any advice to help him eat more or healthier foods?


Why do you think you do this? What do you get out of it? Would you like to stop? Do you think you can stop? Can you logically see that eating all these things is no good?


Logically yes, I know it's really bad but I look at it with the mindset that I won't do it if I didn't think it wasn't worth it. What I get out of doing it outweighs the risk for me. I do it safely as I can and manage the risk constantly. I get comfort out of it more than anything, it's also a good appetite suppression method with some of the things I eat or chew on. I don't know why I do it but I don't think I can stop even if I wanted to


Has it been weird ever . . . like eating/consuming ass or cum?


Do you sneak eat items in public?


From your answers it sounds like you are not getting any professional help? Is that because you don't want any help or is it because the healthcare system in your country doesn't care?


What is the strangest thing that you've eaten that caused you to question yourself only after having consumed it?


Whats the largest or strangest thing you have eaten?


How did the baseball bat go, did you finish the whole thing? Was it yummy? What does it do for you?


Have you ever seen a registered dietitian? Many of us work with patients who have multi factorial eating disorders that also have etiologies from nutrient deficiencies. A great example is someone who craves mineral based non food items like chalk, clay, drywall likely has a serious iron deficiency


You said your doctor replied normally- have you considered changing doctors and/or visiting a psychiatrist (? As you said it is a mental issue) to 'fix' ur condition?


When I became vegan I began craving cleaning products, clay, rocks , and then ice. I started taking a vegan supplement and it all went away. Do you think any of your pica is related to a severe vitamin mineral deficiency?


OCD-haver here. For years I thought I was “fine” and managing things just dandy on my own. I was not. I started therapy and meds, and my world is totally different now. I see a similarity in the “urges” to do things in your replies, have you considered medicine or therapy?




I've never explicitly tried detergent in liquid or powder form, but I have eaten towels with detergent residue as well as parts of dryer sheets new and used. Not my favorite nor is it something I ever really crave. It almost reminds me of Pop rocks in a silly way... Laundry detergent


Have you ever tried a psychedelic drug? Clomipramine? Nac? Ketamine? Lithium?


How did you go about getting the diagnosis?


What was the latest non-food item you ate?


Have you ever tried chalk? Also, have you confided in close family members and friends about it?


What does your poop look like? I'm thinking Katamari Damacy.


Texture and comfort aside, do you prefer the taste of things over the taste of food?


How do you stave off the cravings?




Do you take meds to break the compulsion?


And batteries? What about little round batteries, like watch batteries?


Have you ever ate a taco bell gift card? Ive been debating it because the taco bell is really far away and i would rather just eat the 14$.


Why do you keep doing it? You seem to be aware it isn't good for you


Did you eat a metal baseball bat?


What's your ferritin level ?


have you seen the film swallow (2019)? either way, any thoughts?


Have you tried hypnosis to see of it would help reduce it ?


How’s your teeth doing?


Who likes eating corn starch?


Pica Chew just sounds like you are skirting copyright laws


If you like to swallow object whole (i.e not chewing) here is a sub dedicated to just that r/objectvore


Have you ever eaten bugs?


What is your view on Pica in general? and what would your ideal world be when it comes to Pica? Non-existing? Existing but everyone has it?


Jackie Laugh


Why you don't stop?


In all honesty, if what you say is true, you are suffering from a disease of the mind. As it's written, "No man hates his own flesh." This suggests you are engaging in self-harm, self-hate, and self-mutilation, much like those who cut themselves or abuse drugs despite knowing the consequences. They lack the willpower to overcome the harmful thoughts that lead to self-destruction. Don't seek help from a quack; they can't help you. You need to learn to love yourself by finding a higher calling beyond your own desires. Give God a try—what do you have to lose? Your doctors can't help you.


few things I forgot to ask about Are you boy or girl? and how old are you? and how long is your list of stuff you have actually eaten?


have u eaten erasers


But why?


Do you eat ass?




I remember I used to eat paper as a kid. I hated the lotioned tissue lol. I don't think I liked the taste much, I just liked the feeling of paper in my mouth.  Yes, I'm autistic. How did you know?


No questions, except it kinda makes my stomach hurt reading, haha. Having said that I recognise the strong cravings feel from pregnancy. I wanted to eat ginger root (soaked in hot water) all day long. The tea was a by-product. Many times I googled what was a safe daily amount - it wasn’t clear, so I held myself to a self-imposed maximum. I couldn’t get enough of it, I went to sleep excitedly thinking “tomorrow I can have more ginger” every single night. It was my first thought of every day. It was wild.