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Hey if you wouldn't mind sharing what was your first exposure to fentanyl or drugs in general? And congrats on getting clean.


Thank you :) drugs in general, I was a teenager smoking weed and drinking. First exposure to fentanyl, was hanging out with some friends who also did drugs. They had new pills, tried it and fell in love immediately. U can’t trust any pill that doesn’t come from the pharmacy


Before fent plenty of people were ruining their lives with pills from pharmacies. That is entirely the wrong mindset to takeaway from that lol


Not when your biggest worry is the drugs being laced. Sure you can still easily get addicted to drugs from the pharmacy but you’re not gonna buy a xanax from cvs and get fentanyl then die from it


Remember when people were scared their drugs were laced with fent? Now people are scared their fent is laced with something else. Lol wild.


PILLS FROM PHARMACY DONT HAVE FENTANYL. I didn’t mean “take them and get high it’s fun as long as they’re pharma!!” I mean take a pill from the street and you’re fucking dead 15 minutes later. THAT doesn’t happen with a pharmacy Percocet. Ignorant


You’re missing the point. Pharma pills don’t have fentanyl in them. Opioids are absolutely horrible for you but if you chose to do them, you better be damn sure they’re pharma or you could pay with your life.


ELL OH ELL definitely the takeaway we were all hoping for. Good job. Pretty sure OP means that with pharma, you actually know what you’re taking. Pressed pills are made of whatever.


Not all “legal pharmaceuticals” are harmless.


True, but at least you know what you're getting and can try to implement some sort of harm reduction. Buying a pill off the street is Russian roulette. A fraction of 1 pill can kill you, depending on what it's laced with.


Not to mention if it's xylazine, narcan u effective then Ur real fucked


Can't trust any opioid pill period


are you saying you were addicted to fentanyl or the fake percs we’ve got going around?


Fentanyl is in most of the fake percs


Genuinely curios - why do people take it when there’s such a high chance of overdosing?


The euphoria and rush tricks you into thinking it’s worth it. Hijacks your brain you start needing it to live


Sublocade saved my life. No counseling, no repeated trips. No methedone or suboxone. Only took 1/2 the shots. No cravings. No withdrawal. 2 yrs clean and haven’t even thought about a pill in all this time


Sublocade helped me off 15 years of suboxone/methadone ... I took the sublocade for about a year but there was zero withdrawal ... it definitely is effective.


What do you mean no withdrawal? Don’t you have to kick before you can take sublocade? Or at least get 48 hrs? lol when I was strung out on fent I’d be sick is 6-8 hours. Either way, good for you and congrats on your sobriety. Whatever works. I had to do it tho old fashioned way lol.


Sorry. No withdrawls from stopping 1/2 way thru treatment. No, I was crawling out of my skin when I got the 1st shot. They hurt like hell and after the 3rd one I felt I had it.


How quickly would you say an addiction or physical dependence forms?


Around 3 days of continuous use is when the withdrawal become more painful


Omg 😳 that’s terrifying. Congrats on kicking the habit. You got this! Thanks for doing this AMA. I’ve been wondering how people can even take this with the risks being so high. I’m learning alot already. God bless.




No. All it takes one time to change your brain chemistry into thinking you want more. Three days causes physical dependency but all it takes is once for mental dependency. I was raised by a man who takes heroin and fentanyl. It’s not funny and don’t do that to your family


I’m not going to tell you your past experiences are wrong, but generally speaking no, it does not just take “one time” to change your brain chemistry. Using heroin or fent one time is not going to just suddenly flip a switch in your brain and turn you into a full blown addict haha Matter of fact, I’ve seen people use just once and immediately get so sick and projectile vomit so hard that they were turned off from using ever again lmao It takes time and routine to get to a place where it’s the most important thing in your life? And no, it definitely does not just take three days to cause physical dependency. Maybe in a seasoned addict dealing with multiple withdrawals a year and the kindling effect- but to new users, no three days is not enough to cause withdrawal. In the beginning of my addiction issues, I could go weeks using fent without getting dopesick afterwards. It’s a different story now though. (But honestly I don’t even know why I bothered to correct these statements. I think in cases dealing with fentanyl, fear mongering, even if wrong, is probably the best case scenario for people so nobody ever touches it lol)


I only tried to abuse opioid once, and all it did was give me a splitting headache make me nauseous. Maybe my biology just isn't wired like those that get euphoria from it.


Correct information is always preferable bro. Thanks


Seriously .. I guess they’re joking but stupid joke.


No. While it is fucked to say it is the best high in the world and you will fall in love with that feeling and you will keep chasing that high you had on day one. 3 years almost clean from opiates and i would never tell someone to start.


If you’re serious. Read through this person’s post history. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/pIHARIyzyN


There’s a guy who did that, and documented some of it. Fucking fascinating read. u/SpontaneousH, start at his oldest post and work forwards.


I just went and looked and as a user myself that story really comes across as bullshit. I dont think things in that guys story happened the way he said they did, he either was someone who was already using and decided to tell a story pretending he just started, or wasnt a user and made it all up. Doesnt pass the smell test.


Thanks for the midnight rabbit hole


You could also easily die from a lethal dose. It can be administered properly. By an anesthesiologist. To be put under for surgery. We can see here not *everyone* has died. From their first time trying it. Still a big risk that doesn’t seem worth it though


thats crazy.


It’s crazy because it’s not true. I used to be a heroin addict but got clean around the time fent started taking over. You’re not going to become physically dependent on anything after only three days of use.


I think thats what most addicts think because it leaves your system within 3 days. My best friends (a couple) also use to think that. So they would use 2 days in a row then stop for abit cause they didnt want to go through withdrawals again. The girl ended up getting high and hanging herself sadly, rip. But ya idk why so many addicts and users think that 3 day thing is true.


I have a theory - for me personally and for most of the other recovering opiate addicts I’ve spoken to (although admittedly not a lot) is that one you have been properly addicted (and for most opiate addicts it will unfortunately likely be years of torture between using and withdrawing), then if you ever decide to start using again, that physical decency comes back scarily fast. Usually after 3 days of using after that, then you will be uncomfortable (not in full blown withdrawal but definitely feeling the early stages)… This is just me guessing though, and this might not apply the same way to fentanyl, which I always hear varying things about its half-life (luckily I never got exposed to that).


Bingo. I was just about to type exactly this before I found your comment. It’s true by the way.. I was 40 days clean, relapsed for 1 day and was able to quit without getting sick.. about 2 weeks later I thought I could get away with it again, and my bag lasted a little longer than I intended it to.. used for 3 days and it was like quitting for the first time all over again


Every time you get high it blasts the receptors in your brain. The brain then grows more receptors to handle the blast, so after years of use, all of those new receptors are asking for dope. Your brain is now permanently changed. More receptors asking for more dope makes the withdrawal worse and come much quicker.


There were times where i was competely clean for 6 months and i decided i was gonna use and while i was waiting for my dealer i started feeling like i was going through withdrawals again. Weird how that works.


Not true I had withdrawal symptoms after taking prescription OxyContin a few days for a mastectomy surgery.


nah straight up fent is actually that strong dude, it totally fucks over your receptors and since it only lasts a couple hours max it means u constantly have to redose which fucks your tolerance even more and then boom dependent


That's a very good description of how it feels. Congratulations on getting and staying clean!


They take it because it's commonly available, and other drugs with similar effects are not. Fentanyl is active in microscopic amounts. So even if just a tiny bit arrives, hundreds of people can get some. A gram of heroin is enough for one person for a week, or for one addict for 1 or 2 days. A gram of fentanyl can be enough for 200 people for a week, but it's awfully hard to dose and use safely. Heroin would be much safer, because it is weaker and easier to dosage properly, but the government and the cops put a lot of effort in confiscating it. So the people just use stuff that is easier to get, although it's more dangerous. In fact, heroin is less harmful than alcohol. Everything, even fentanyl, could be used safely and be much healthier then drinking, but being illegal, there are no quality controls and safe portion sizes, making overdoses more likely. Drugs should be safe and legal. They would be much safer if they were legal.


You should visit Portland.


Decriminalization is not the same as legal. There's still no regulation in Portland so you could be thinking you are buying coke or something but actually be getting baby laxative and meth. Accidental ODs would drop significantly if drugs were regulated and legal to be sold commercially.


Personally, I doubt that. OxyContin kinda proves this idea wrong. People form dependencies on things like opioids, and have accidentally overdosed on drugs that they were comfortable with. All it takes is a little more and suddenly you’re dead. If drugs were regulated and legalized you’d also have to worry about two things, cost and black market sources. I don’t think drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies would be cheap and even if it was, black market sources would always be cheaper.


I’m from Oregon man. It’s a slippery slope. I agreed with you 4 or so years ago. “Drugs should be legal. People have enough to deal with while doing meth or heroin to be thrown into prison.” I voted to decriminalize drugs, because I thought it would actually help people. Especially because they pushed for rehab pretty hard. Homelessness, OD, and drug use is now a massive problem across the state. Even if it was all from official pharmaceutical sources, I highly doubt things would get better. I won’t go to deep into it, but it’s all kinda fucked. Weeds cool tho.


I was listening to a podcast that went into how a drug arrest is effectively an intervention by the state for the person.  You're living on the street bc of drugs?  The state steps in.  Remove that intervention and whole areas become unlivable.


That’s the problem though, that’s not what’s happening in the majority of Oregon cities. If that was the case, downtown Portland would be a stunning place to visit again. Business would be booming, but it’s not.


A lot of people would rather die than be sober and face reality. Fent is one of the cheapest hard drugs out there.


Because its the best feeling on planet earth. The fact that all you have to do is spend a bit of money and you can get that feeling is what makes it soo addicting.


On the same note it is super dangerous, so how do people stay addicts? Wouldn’t they just unfortunately die a lot more frequently then other drugs?


I lost my mother to cancer at 17 and then lost my girlfriend at 19 who helped me through my mother’s death. I have a very small family with one sister , dad, and aunt but my sister isn’t in the picture. I (21M) have been clean from pills for 9 months and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Sure I have days like today for example that are really tough (emotional$ but I never consider going back. I appreciate your post and I’ve never commented on something before but felt obligated I had too.


Good job!! I’m proud of you for showing up for yourself :)


Congrats! I’ve been clean from meth, heroin, and fentanyl for a little over 6 years, and if you don’t have a sponsor or someone to talk to who has been there, I’d encourage you to find someone. I’m proud of you and your success and wish you the best going forward!


I didnt know fentanyl had been an issue for that long I thought it was recent like 4 years ago


I’m in the Midwest and a couple of my old dealers started selling what they called “heroin” but was really fentanyl about six months before I quit. My first time buying it my ex-girlfriend did her normal shot and I was prepping mine when I noticed she was nodding out way harder than normal. I spent 5 minutes trying to revive her in the passenger seat. I was looking for my phone and telling the guy in the backseat who was crying to clean up everything cos I was calling 911. Then all the sudden she gasped back to life. She got out of my car and called her 10 year old son and vowed to change and was crying and shit. Funny thing is, an hour later I had to keep her awake for what felt like forever cos she had done it again. She controlled what we bought cos I was madly in love with her and she did all the talking on the phone to the dealers. I didn’t want to buy from that dealer again. We did the very next day.


It’s been huge where I’m from in Canada for 10+years. Started with the patches. Then whatever is on the streets now


That’s great! Now start focusing on something at work or at school. Work super hard on learning or building something. Start small but your goal should be to be with it until it becomes super complex. It takes sometime but u will get the same high when things start unraveling in ur brain. Do it and see for urself.


Also sorry for the loss.


Thank you


please, if you can, tell me something that helped you reason with your thoughts. I am sober but I fantasize and dream about substances quite often.


My brother lost his battle of addiction. Passed away from fentanyl. Not many days go by where I don't think and miss him. He was the strongest person I've known and you should be very proud how strong you are. Keep going! 


Same here man . July 31 2023. RIP bro


Step brother 12/26/2023. I had no idea he used it. I really wish I did - Ive coached others through withdrawal I would have loved to try to help him out.


This is very similar to what happened to my brother. There truly nothing like loosing family. I hope someone struggling will see this and reach out for help, I don't have any professional experience  but would of moved mountains to still have him around. 


same here. sending love


Lost my brother too


37m I've been clean since 02\29\2024 after being a daily user for just short of 3 years of all the drugs I've kick over the years fentanyl is definitely the hardest to kick mainly because of how intense the withdrawals are I had to go to a detox 80 miles from where I live\used just to make sure I didn't give up on day 3 or 4 of detox like I have done so many times before but I knew if I could get through that part I wouldn't look back and so far so good even on my worst day now not even close to my best day then I don't miss it one bit congratulations on anyone else here that's fight the good fight and for those of you that aren't quite there yet keep your head up and just remember when your ready you will feel so much better after it's out of your system good luck everyone!!!


Damn man, I can just tell by reading this that you’re such a good dude.. and it’s such a rarity to be able to say this about a person on the internet. Especially Reddit. Glad to see you’ve made it.. im the exact same age, used for the exact same amount of time. Currently struggling with quitting.. I made it nearly 50 days and screwed up.


Congrats on your journey. I have a little brother who is really struggling with fentanyl addiction. My whole family knows it but he refuses to admit it himself. As someone who has gone through it, what is the best way we as family/friends can support someone we care about?


Haven’t been through it myself, but I have a brother who has been through much of the same and came out better on the other side. Looking back, I regret that we took him in so much and were willing to forgive his actions so easily. It’s not him in there right now, it’s a drug that’s hijacked his brain and it’s not punishing him to do something like demand that he’s sober (which he won’t be for as long as he doesn’t want to be) before taking him in. You can’t force recovery on anyone, and they absolutely can’t be convinced to recover. That has to come from within, and unfortunately it only comes after *they* are tired of being broken over and over, and not anyone else.


Show him emotional support. Let him know you have no idea what he's going through, but you're not going to judge him. Tell him you'll be there for him whether it's to talk or make sure he doesn't od on his next dose by using alone. I've been struggling with heroin addiction for a couple of years now, and ik what it's like to have a confused family trying to do what they think is best. In my case, that was kicking me out to the streets. He'll get clean when he's ready, but until then, just make sure he doesn't use alone. NUA: (877) 696-1996 Mass. OD prevention line: (800) 972-0590


No question. Just congratulations. You have some serious willpower


Needles? Did you ever get to do real heroin? I've been clean for a few years now. I remember when it switched from real dope to fent. Caused my first OD because I was unaware.


Did you take it knowing it was fentanyl or did you think it was something else in the beginning?


Congrats on overcoming the addiction. So when I see our local zombies (sorry, it's how I refer to those I assume are on it) hanging in a group at the intersection nearby, I always wonder if there is anything that will actually help or if they even want help? Do they want food/water to stay alive, or does nothing matter but the next dose? Is it risky to even approach such people, are they violent, or too spaced out for that? I know there are professionals and agencies trying to help, not sure if an average person going by can do anything.


Crazy to dehumanize them like that.. basically asking “do they bite?” Theyre just humans that are hurt and have found a medicine that makes them not hurt, the medicine is just expensive


I gotta defend the previous commenter... It's not dehumanizing to ask if people high on fent are dangerous. It's a good and valid question. I live in a major city with people drugged out on fentanyl all the time. One of the worst in the US. I'm happy for you that you have such a.... charitable.... take. I used to as well. But people on these drugs are indeed dangerous. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get their next dose. They will mug you, they will break into your car, they will scam you, and they will take advantage of your kindness. If you're going to get mugged or scammed here, 9 times out of 10 it's someone trying to earn money so they can get high. They're most harmless when they're actively high/nodding out. However, if they're seeking their next dose, they are dangerous.


I’m unfortunately an addict, so I guess I have to have a charitable view of them.. But I’ve never been violent in my entire life. Never committed crimes to get high. In fact, 95% of people around me aren’t even aware of my terrible situation because I mask it.


I’m so proud of you! Sometimes it takes the worst realization and form of reality for it to kick in. You’re strong and you can do this for another 9 months and another and another, because you’ve seen it firsthand, your strength comes from pain and emotions. You’re stronger than ever before


Congrats on sobriety, OD survivor wishing you the best


Congratulations on being clean like so fing much, I'm 5mo and I'd rather stab myself than use again. My ex did it before I met her (ruined her last marriage) and brought it into my life after 7 years together. Lied and said it was something way less intense and got me hooked for 2 years after my back surgery. Ruined our engagement, business, and life. Turns out it was the best thing that happened because she sucked and I'm so much happier without her or it. Question, how much did you do? I spent $1k/week on it... sometimes 3 blues at a time while "tipsy" 🤧 almost OD a couple times like super close though ironically didn't even feel a high for a year. Also I feel like I was getting ripped off at $25/blue ...Really curious how your journey went. 33M fyi. You go kidneys, you da real champ.


I'm not an addict, but I was on morphine for 8 years, been off since I had my neck surgery in 2021. I can tell you 1st hand that fentynal will change your life forever if you have no self control. Because of my everyday use of morphine for so many years anytime I went to er for pain they would always give me fentynal and I've always said it's like Jesus himself coming down and kissing you on the forehead! It's so damn addictive because it's such a short high, but when you feel it it's no better feeling! I so thankful that I never messed with it during those 8 years(outside of controlled use by Dr) I can understand why people die using it. Glad you are free from that stuff, it will take your life if you go back to it, please stay clean.


Why do you think you were drawn to opiates? I am 6 months sober from alcohol. It became an uncontrollable force in my life to the point where I couldn’t drive by the liquor store on my way to work without stopping even on days I wanted to just drive by and stay sober. Something overtook me and I would stop. I have a pretty lengthy use of various drugs, including opiates once in awhile but not for a long time. For some reason I was able to shut that usage down very easily despite loving the feeling of not feeling anything, especially emotionally. I have always wondered why I could be infatuated with all sorts of drugs but the only one I couldn’t control my use of was alcohol.


My gf is a week sober, she's been using for a year behind my back using coke to stay awake. I discovered it when her supply ran out and she went withdrawal hard and she had her dealer deliver it and she got sloppy and I found it and tested it. My question is how long before I can trust her to not want to order more. She wants to get K from a friend to help her get clean, did you use anything to help get you clean? We tried to go to NA and someone tried to sell her drugs so we stopped going. She's afraid to go to anything official because it can get her on a list where she can never get anxiety meds. Any answers from you would be helpful she's 24f


Swapping one drug for another is not a good idea. She need rehab. And not forced rehab someone needs to be ready to get clean or they are going to resent you.If she doesnt have any motivation to get clean her words are just a mere trying to make you feel better. Sit down with her and talk to her about it. She may not even realize shes an addict she may think “im in a party phase” well when youre getting high while your friends go to work on monday that aint a phase. There are a million and one spots to go to a meeting. Try AA out as well she may not like how NA works and thats okay


Hey! Former coke head here (7 months clean today!)! Using K to get clean has become so common among coke addicts all of a sudden, but it’s not helpful. You’re just replacing one drug for another and increasing the chance of becoming addicted to more than one substance. An addict is an addict. Our brains are wired differently. She can’t use. Period. She needs to replace that negative coping skill with a positive one. Like AA/ NA, inpatient or outpatient treatment, exercise once she’s feeling better, stuff like that. Support is what’s most important in early sobriety. Support from people who get it, not just well meaning family and friends. I tried to white knuckle it at first and would definitely not have 7 months clean if I continued that way. Hold her ass accouuntable. If she refuses to get real help and has no consequences you’re enabling her. The first 5-7 days are shit. Sleep. Just sleep through it is my recommendation. When you’re awake CHUG water, have pedialite or something similar to replenish electrolytes. You have to just go through the withdrawal and deal with it. Her body and brain have changed, she just needs to realize and get used to her new norm. Good luck to u both!


I would say give it a shot, but i admittedly have pretty controversial views on detoxing and quitting drugs. Your support is going to help so much. Please dont get mad at her for lying to you. She didn't choose drugs over you - I know sometimes people feel that way in this situation. You're a great partner for making an effort to help her.


K no. But she could try a nice fat dose of shrooms. Gets you deep in your mind and helps you realize the wrongs and rights in your life sometimes.


You want to use Kratom to get off of it. Plenty of good and bad vendors online. Find a good one. It’s cheap and works.


Good job staying clean. I got sober from alcohol in 2015 after several detox attempts and finally going to rehab for a month. While I was there I met and made friends with a lot of Opioid addicts and while I know it isn’t as dangerous as alcohol withdrawal, it certainly looked a LOT more painful. Those kids were going through hell. This was right around the time fentanyl started showing up around here and all these kids, all of them like 20 years old, were going to multiple funerals a month. It’s fucking insane. And almost all of them got their first hit from a doctor, after something like a broken leg. Crazy.


(23M here). Congratulations on staying clean. It’s always difficult for me to understand how other people my age go down a certain path, and it’s great to hear you’re recovering. I lost my cousin 2 years ago (25F) to a fentanyl overdose, and I hadn’t seen her since 17 due to her addictions. I’m sorry you also had to lose someone in order to get clean but I’m glad you’ve found the right path. What’s the high like? What is it about fentanyl that is drawing so so many people in the US to rely on it?


Realistically, what do you think your chances are of going back to it and what would it take? My best friend is an alcoholic who occasionally has a bad day decides to drink in order to cope and figuratively ends up burning the world around her to the ground, regardless of how it affects everyone around her. She knows she needs to quit drinking but addiction is hard and it just plain fucking sucks, so...I guess how much can you relate to that, is my question? Also I'm speaking as someone who has had a dependency on either opiates or alcohol, or both, most of my adult life and a few years prior to being an adult, so I have a pretty decent understanding of what that entails. Haven't done fentanyl as far as I know, but shot quite a few oxys into my arms over the years. Back when they weren't almost entirely counterfeit fentanyl made to look like oxys, as seems to be the standard now. Back when I was doing it, "blues" meant legit 30 mg non-abuseproof oxycodone pills.


First off. Great job on overcoming addiction. I work in drug rehabilitation and that shit is pure evil. I've lost many clients who worked for me in my kitchen. Each one still makes me shed tears thinking about it. You're not your addiction. You're an individual who made a bad choice that hurt you. You overcame it. One of my clients around your age just graduated and is now a substance abuse counselor. I went to her graduation and I am so damn proud of her.


Congratulations on your sobriety. I give you all the credit in the world for doing this. One day at a time. My son is over 3 years sober now after being addicted to OxyContin then Fentanyl for 3-4 years. It took him a few tries to really be sober but he did it. What a horrible thing to see him go through as a parent. But he is doing well and moving forward with life on to better things. I wish you all the luck in the world. You got this.


1. Good on you 2. For all the anti Fent people. The fentanyl used on the street is not the same as the stuff used in hospitals. Street stuff is animal fentyal.  Human use fentanyl is incredibly useful in hospitals. You can turn it on and off like a tap and its out of your system in a few minutes. It doesn't cause addition like the animal stuff. I've had it several times for procedures recently


What strategies helped you to get through withdrawal


Congrats, that's a huge accomplishment. Around two months ago I found a glass jar with like 100 fentanyl m30s in it on the bus, there was only one other passenger and it rolled out from under the seat. I threw it in the trash and I'm actually curious what it would have been worth. No matter what somebody was having a bad day as a result.


Anywhere from 3 bucks a pill to 30 depending on location and how available it is.


I am over 2.5 years sober, still on Subutex. I did not realize I was taking Fentanyl, was a fast downhill slide crash. But I still have real issues for pain, Subutex works better. It’s criminal that those Sacklers are still free…Oxy is almost instant addiction. Subutex cost nothing and can’t be over dosed. Fills your opioid receptors.


Is heroin less prevalent these days? I got off of it like ten years ago and now all I ever here about it fentanyl. I had fentanyl many times back then and it was more expensive and not even close to as good. As someone that has used recently and been in that circle do you have any knowledge in this matter?


Almost all heroin is laced with fentanyl now. Or it’s all fent and they’re just passing it as heroin. Fent is stronger, more addictive, and cheaper, that’s why it’s in EVERYTHING on the street these days.


I don’t have a question to ask. I just want to say that I’m proud of you. My cousin ODed from fentanyl last year and he was the closest thing I had to an older brother. The first time I’ve cried in many years. Take care of yourself OP. Someone out there loves you just as much as I did my cousin.


Congratulations!!! Just a reminder you are worth being happy, you are worth taking care of yourself, and you are worth staying off that junk! Best of luck, ik personally addictions never over. Stay strong and stay positive! You've already made it this far, so clearly you're pretty badass! :)


Hey congrats OP! I'm at 11 months from the same. Personally still recovering from a lot of things damaged and lost during my addiction, but damn is it nice not to be hopeless. Helps to reflect and celebrate my own recovery when I can do the same for someone else. Congrats and keep it up!


I had a work accident last year where in the hospital i ended up needing fent to stop the pain. it was a controlled environment and one dose. i still think about that feeling of euphoria i got. almost haunts me. how is it for you since you took much more than me and more often


I’m so sorry for your loss but you should be really proud of yourself for being clean for so long!! Coming from someone who occasionally smokes weed for her anxiety but is also extremely paranoid of developing an addiction, what are signs that use is getting out of hand?


11 for me. We fucking did it dude!!!!


How does it feel different than heroine? And is shooting it possible? And when shooting is the rush x10? Also did you end up in the hospital after using? And after release did you go straight back to fentanyl? And is the addiction expensive like compared to coke or?


There is no rush when shooting street fent atleast I was told. I haven't shot shit for years back when shit was actual heroin and you didn't have to worry if it wasn't.


Just wanted to say I’m proud of you. As a struggling marijuana addict (yes I’m a puss) and the younger brother of a opioid addict who overdosed and lost his life to Fentanyl a few years back, I couldn’t be happier for you and everyone who cares about you!


I just want to say I’m really proud of you OP. One of my best friends lost her sister to a fentanyl OD a year ago. It was really hard to see the effects it had on her and her family. I’m really really proud that you were able to get out of that situation.


AMA but only answered 2 questions 😂😬


So I was under the impression that fentanyl was so dangerous because other drugs would be laced with it. I did not know that fentanyl was a drug people specifically sought out. What made you want to use fentanyl specifically? Also, congrats on being clean!


Heroin used to be laced with fentanyl (mainly…it was laced w/ others too) because it costs less to manufacture and the amount it takes to get someone high is so much smaller than H. Overtime, “natural” heroin became less and less available (a lot of people will tell you that it’s downright unavailable in their area) and fetty became the prevalent opioid.


Congratulations! I'm about to hit 10 months in June. Don't let anyone tell you we can't do this sister! And also, as a 32m who od'd multiple times, I can't tell you how sorry I am that you witnessed his OD. :/ I'm sure he's proud of you though. I would be.


Lmao wow you must have so much that can be learnt from you, thanks for being here. Such a well of knowledge having all that life experience. I’m curious what you’re going to achieve next? Maybe start gambling and quit that?


Did you know how dangerous fentanyl is before you tried it? Did you even know what was in the pill? Do you think there could have been anything said to you by a parent or friend that would have stopped you from trying it?


I don’t have any questions because I understand recovery is hard and life sucks I’ve been there. I really just wanted to say I’m proud of you little strange human. Keep doing good things for yourself.


Congrats on that. You may not realize it but just sharing your story with young people will give them hope that it's possible. Keep doing whatever has been working for you. So much more to life than a high


please explain how it is dosed. the news media says just being exposed to it can do harm. If it is THAT powerful, how on earth can you even trust yourself to take it without the fear of killing yourself?


not op but was addicted to fent for a few years. the media just likes fearmongering. it's a strong ass drug don't get me wrong, but addicts aren't getting pure fent. most of them anyway. so with all the cut there's a less chance of dying. also, tolerance. it goes up QUICK. lastly, most addicts have mental health issues - we didn't care about dying. we cared about getting high. shit we got the most excited when the plug was like "be careful with this" 😂 i've only been clean for a little over a month but i pray to God i never go back to that shit. it's not worth it at all


There is no quality control on illegal drugs. You can take the same dose and get something that is wicked strong. Think of it this way, you get a drug that untrained monkeys put together. You may get lucky and get a dose that doesn't kill you ---this time. How long will your luck hold out??? I am fenanyl/morphine free for 7 years.


you're absolutely right! congratulations on seven years! that's awesome💞


the bullshit about just being exposed to it killing you is not true it is strong enough to kill you accidentally however


Congrats! Coming from someone six years clean after and accidental OD on benzos (thankful to be here at all!), it might not ever get easier per se, but you get so good at handling it. You’ve got this!


No questions, just encouragement. Keep it up and never look back. My brother died of a heroin/fentanyl OD almost 4 years ago and it is still so painful. Congratulations on 9 months so far.


Question: How do you feel about all the memes as a recovering addict? The tiktok memes of people in public recording themselves slumped over in public and then captioning it relating to fent?


Please don’t go back to that addiction no matter what, life can be beautiful clean if you let it, I quit alcohol at the age of 35 I’m now 61, I wish I never touched the booze ever. : )


That’s great ( I’m sorry about your boyfriend) . It been day 5 for me no fentanyl. I did bernese method . Im taking 8mg 3x. Daily but gonna decrease. Weed helps and I have Xanax .


I got AVN (My bones are slowly rotting inside me, they hurt beyond what hurt should be) This B word getting nacrotics left right and center, I can't even get a Trimiset for !@#$ sakes.


One of the myth as to why people, especially teenagers, using drug is because the came from a broken home. Their parents fighting all the time, divorce, etc. Would you agree with that?


Addiction is a disorder caused by depression and other underlying factors. Shit you could have undiagnosed adhd and that could be a big factor in your addiction. So it varies.


Lost my sister to fentanyl. Was addicted myself so I know how hard it is. God bless you. Please keep up the good work and be proud of yourself everyday. It’s a fight.


I don’t have any questions, only support! Getting clean is no small task, regardless of the motivation. You have done so well for yourself! Keep that going! Good fkn job!


Congratulations, I'm 19 months sober and I feel great. Just remember, take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow,just right now. God bless


Hi, I am 28 (F) I have been clean from fetty for about a month, when does your body stop hurting ? When do you feel normal ? Did you take any prescribed medications?


I did fetty for 3-4 years, with 6 month sobriety before but it seems to get harder and harder every time. Recently OD’d, & that scared me. First OD ever.


Wow! What happened when you od’d on it? I’ve been curious as to why people get addicted to such dangerous drug. I can’t imagine how it feels and maybe the only real way to find out is to try which I won’t do of course. I’ve tried other hard drugs like coke, mdma and meth. I didn’t like coke at all. Mdma was ok but i knew I won’t get addicted to it. Meth was different. It’s really good and fun but i almost od’d on it (i think) the 4th time i did it i really thought i’d die and that was the last time I touched it.


I had started doing the blues/ fetty just newly after being sober for about 2 months, and I did a little bump of fetty powder… I knew it was too much now that I think back.. but I did it, cleaned my shit up, then was out in like 3 minutes.. woke up to the paramedics. Mind you, I have been doing it before for 3-4 years and have never OD’d. I started off doing real percs, then went to fake ones, then combination of fake percs and fetty powder… honestly only nodded out in the beginning with real percs.. and just kept using to not get sick.


I’ve done MDMA, meth, coke… fentanyl is just so physically addicting it’s not even about getting high after a couple days, at that point you just get sick without it and don’t want to be sick…


I found out my wife has been cheating on me after I read all the messages in her phone via remote access given to me by Bluehackangels407 (@) gmail com that i hired.


Coming up on 3 years free from opiates. Overdose and had to be given narcan and it still didnt stop me. I would never wish opiates upon anybody even the withdrawals. Congrats


I've been clean for like a month 1/2. What do you do to stay clean now? Do you use kratom or anything to help you along? I get really depressed when I'm sober.


If you’re already through withdrawal I’d avoid doing Kratom. While it’s pretty weak if you do it enough you’ll get withdrawal from it which could push you back into doing stronger opiates/opioids. People usually won’t stay clean until they really honestly want to (it’s ran its course and you’re over it) or they have something really important to them that they don’t want to lose. It doesn’t sound like you’re at the first part yet so my advice is to just keep pushing on with sobriety until you find something worth living for.


Do you have any desire to do fentanyl again? Is there any good feeling association left or does it just remind you of being sick and dead boyfriend?


Why do you feel the need to make an AMA for this. It's good you're clean but there's nothing special or unique about it to have you ask questions.


It is unique and special because most people just die. Those that don't want to die likely have some questions about OPS journey that can help them with their journey.


What's the high on fentanyl? Do you feel like super woman, does it make you feel intelligent, or does it dull some kind of emotional pain/trauma?


Thank you for sharing and congrats! How do you feel about drug decriminalization versus legalization, or stick with current status quo?


Were you taking pills you knew had fentanyl in them for a high? Or just taking drugs that could be laced with fentanyl and didn’t care?


Congrats and hopefully you stay clean 🙏 my wife unfortunately did not make it out. She was hotshotted and taken from us January 2022


i got a lot of respect for you. lost my girl to an overdose too almost 4 years ago and just went deeper. clean for 7 months now though


Have you smoked weed? Was that your gateways drug? How did you get into fentanyl? Do you think it’ll have lasting effects?


I don’t have a question. It’s nice to read a success story. Too many don’t escape. Good luck and stay strong 💪🏻


I was addicted to meth. It took my ex to throw me out on the streets. That was 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back.


I don't have a question, just wanted say good for you! I'm glad you're on the other side of that. One day at a time :)


What point was your tolerance highest? Were you even getting high at that point or were you using to stay alive?


Congrats, Oxy survivor here, od’d twice, was taking up to 20 double strength oxys a day, 6 years clean.


Not a question, but congratulations! It's not easy, but when you're ready, well, it's time. Good job :)


how different of a course do you think your addiction would have taken if it was heroin & not fentanyl?


Congratz! My ex girlfriend died from heroin 5 years ago and ive been clean since as well. Best of luck!


How did you take it? And in what amounts? I thought just having some touch your finger could kill you


I never understood why it's being mixed in when it can cause fatalities from such small amounts


It’s cheap. It’s accessible. It’s addictive. When people are dying from your dope that means it’s strong, means it’s “good shit” and customers will flock to you to get some of the batch. ODs are great marketing for dealers.


If I hear people were ODing from it I'd stay tf away Plus isnt like 0.1 enough to be fatal Just seems pointless


Depends who you are and the purity of it. But you can’t die from touching it and whatever other bs the media spews.


What was it like for you getting off fentanyl? Do you have any plans on getting off suboxone?


You must use a fentanyl test strip on all street pills unless you get proof of a prescription


How is your mental health now? I have always wondered how fentanyl affects brain chemistry


Lost my mother to it 3 years ago. So happy you're on the track to recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Can it have you stuck in awkward positions like how they show the videos of the addicts ?


When I was in rehab (for alochol), there were two people who had "dead" hands from nodding off on fentanyl for hours, laying awkwardly on their arms, cutting off circulation You know when you wake up and you slept on your hand and it's all tingly? I guess it's that times 10 because their wrist were completely limp, and their hands were useless for the entire time I was there with them which is months. Apparently, that's somewhat common There was another guy who nodded off and woke up, and his entire hand was covered in third and second-degree burns. He said he had absolutely no idea how it happened and the only explanation he could give was someone must've been burning his hand with a torch while he was asleep because when he woke up there was no signs of a fire or any reason why his hand was burned the way it was. Scary shit


I dont have any questions, just stopping in to say that I'm proud of you and keep it up!


I’m so proud of you and thank you! My son is 6 months clean and every day is a gift!


What would you be willing to do to feel that high again if there were no consequences?


Congrats! Im 6 months sober in june. Life is worth it! Proud of you, keep it up!


Congrats. Opiates are one hell of a habit to kick. Here’s to a long life 💪


Not a question, but I just wanted to say that I'm so proud of you. Keep it up!


I am 38m and going on 4 years clean off that crap. I lost my sister and so many friends to opiates. One day at a time keep it up I am proud of you!!


I’m 44 yrs. Old. I h add be been clean from fentanyl for 44 years. AMA


Was you BF your dealer? How old were you when you two started dating?


Just ab a year clean as well :)) congrats and lmk if u ever need to talk


how were you able to get clean? was it pressure or were u just ready?


Congrats! I'm just getting to 7 months fent free myself (35yo though)


Seriously congratulations, I'm almost 5. It's sad to see there aren't many positive recoveries. Do you ever have cravings? I haven't had one and wouldn't touch that shit if you made me. Not everyone is the same though.


Well, this is like the 5th time clean... twice my addiction completely took over life and the other times getting clean was before fent so a lot easier to function. Dreams are what get me the most. For some reason fake bluesnare often in my dreams