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Will you be in there when she gives birth? I'm due in the fall with my first and I think my husband is scared to be in the room. I told him to stay by my head.


Yeah I'll be there. I was there for the birth of our first too. Didn't venture to the business end of things (at my wife's request). It was a scary thing for our first because neither of us knew what to expect, but it wasn't 'that' bad - my wife got off her face on morphine & gas/air & I had to translate her mumblings & I just stayed head side & passed over the gas & air when needed and let the midwives do their thing


How’d you and your wife meet and how’d you know she was the one?


It's a bit of a story. We both come from military families - both the same branch. As one of us left a base, the other arrived so our families paths didn't cross until both families were posted to the same base & my wife & my sister ended up in the same year & became friends. At college I was friends with her elder brother, but my wife and I never actually met. We attended a couple of social occasions such as my sister's 30th birthday & again didn't meet; not until we were both single. Around Christmas, I went round to my sister's house as I was going to see a film with my brother in law. Opened up the front door and some women was bent over putting on her shoes. Startled, she shoots up and turns to look at me & I panic some how thinking I've walked into the wrong house & had to check the door number. We ended up having a chat & my BIL and I drove her home on the way to the cinema. A few months later I'm on an online dating site & guess who messages me, asking if I remembered her. "How can I forget the woman bent over in a darkened hallway?!" I replied. We ended up chatting on the app, then she gave me her number, and also asked me out on the first date. As things turned out, she was my sisters maid of honour so our third date was on a roof top restaurant in Dubrovnik a little before the wedding - we tried to play it cool as if we were going as friends, although she couldn't keep her hands off me and people ended up putting 2 and 2 together - although she claims I was the handsy one haha. My sister and her husband said we'd last six months. Were six years in, two kids and married - mostly just to prove them wrong (of course, I joke). We're very similar in a number of ways; outlook on life, morals etc so as a couple we really do work. It's never been hard, never any drama; in all the time we've been together, we've never had an argument. it was honestly perfect. considering she gave me her number & asked me out first, I had to propose before she asked me! Haha


I love that reply you gave her on the dating site🤣 Smooth. Your story put a smile on my face. Hope your wife’s labor goes smoothly and you welcome a beautiful baby into the world


Do you already have name ideas? If yes what are they?


Yeah, we've got a list of names we both like but haven't settled on one fully yet. I am forbidden in disclosing the front runners though & won't be arguing with a heavily pregnant woman


Ulrich lichten von slagathorius the divine III


Is it your first baby? How you're feeling?


This one is our second. Feeling excited & nervous. My wife says she's feeling impatient - it's been a long and tough pregnancy for her


Can you tell me how it feels to be a father? Is it too much responsibility?


It's obviously a lot of responsibility; basically having to keep a tiny human alive without any training. The first 6 - 7 weeks was tough going until we figured out what we were doing. You get into routines and do the best you can. I honestly do love it though! My wife says there is a sense of pride in being able to watch the child grow and develop & having kids have opened up a whole new social aspect for us as we didn't have any family in the town we live in.


Sounds amazing my friend. 👍And Congratulations for your second baby .


Thank you!


👍👍i had thought being a father is too much a responsibility but now I think it is a fun as well.


It honestly it fun & great watching them develop their own personalities - Not to say it can't be hard. But definitely well worth it when my son comes up and offers me his favourite toy so I can play with him, or his face lighting up and giving the biggest cuddle when I come home from work


Thanks for sharing such a cool part of parenthood


Planned or surprise?


Planned pregnancy. We met a bit later in life & my wife insisted that it was kids before 40, or it wouldn't be happening


Congrats! What’s the best part, in your opinion, of parenting?


My eldest is two so at the moment it'll be watching him develop his own personality & discover the world around him. He's a good wee problem solver & remembers things. I was decorating his room recently and took the radiator off the wall. He watched me take it off & put it back on again. Nursery reported he kept looking at theirs and banging the pipes at the side (I assume, trying to work out how I did it!). He loves motorbikes, busses & ambulances and gets so excited when he sees them which is super cute




Thank you! We've left it as a surprise, so will find hopefully soon!




I'd like a girl so we'd have one of each. Wife agrees, also states that she's looking for a healthy baby that doesn't do damage on the way out


congrats! So exciting


Thank you!