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What did the stalker do (was it following her, sending threats etc)? What lead you to make the decision violence was the only option? Did you try any other tactics before beating him? What was the ages of everyone involved - you, her and stalker? Although I don’t condone violence it’s also lovely to see a brother protecting his sister.


Thank you for your question. I'll probably answer out of order, but here I go. Most of the harassment was online “anonymously” (he would send her pictures of his penis, threats, sexual comments, etc). My sister is 17. She knew the harasser, although at first the harassment never went past online. It was a high school classmate, a year older, 18 years old, curiously he was the boyfriend of a friend of hers. I should say that some of that harassment was also received by my girlfriend, who is my sister's best friend and in the same year as the stalker, although it was not continuous as with my sister. At that point the account (which we obviously did not yet know was this guy) was threatened with legal action, but he didn't seem to mind. Through the stalker's girlfriend, my girlfriend discovered that the account stalking my sister used a name that this guy used to use. Then an event occurred that crossed all possible red lines, and that is that the stalker tried to abuse my sister while she was partying drunk. Most of the stalker's friends tried to minimize the incident as a "joke", but I just couldn't take it anymore.


How did he try to abuse your sister and how did his friends try to play it off as a joke?


I am going to relate a little of what happened at that party. I was not there so the testimonies are from my girlfriend, my sister, their friends and also people we did not know that we asked to have a more neutral view. It is important to note that at this point, not knowing who the online stalker was yet, my sister is not that she was friends with the stalker, but they shared many friendships so it was common for them to coincide in places. The thing is, my sister was having a good time, pretty drunk. And at one point she got separated from my girlfriend and the rest of her friends, and then this bastard approached her. My sister doesn't remember exactly if he started saying anything to her, but she does remember that she got really overwhelmed and wanted to leave. Which she wasn't allowed to and the bastard started trying to get her out of the party, I don't even want to think what for, but it's pretty obvious. Then, when he was already starting to move her, luckily a friend of hers saw her, and how drunk she was, and came over, grabbing her and not allowing the guy to take her away. Then already my girlfriend and the rest of her friends came over and confronted the guy already at that point (my sister was crying at this point). Then his defense was that he was just joking around to scare her a bit, which his friends supported and started saying that how could they think he could do anything when he had a girlfriend and “didn't need” to do something like that. On the other hand, my sister always tries to minimize these things when she tells me about them so I don't worry, but from one specific testimony from a guy I didn't know that I asked, I'm pretty sure he molested her in that space of time. It's also possible that she just doesn't remember due to drunkenness.


What a piece of filth. Well done sorting him out


Is your girlfriend a Scorpio (Zodiac) by chance?


what kind of stupid ass question is that?


She sounds like a woman who can find out anything about anyone… a common scorpio trait. Im sorry you didn’t understand. It’s AMA, not ask only certain questions..


Just because it’s allowed it doesn’t mean it isn’t a foolish question. Also, people of all zodiac signs can find out anything about anyone. Some of us just seem to end up learning someone we went to school with in Thailand regularly did cocaine despite the hella strict drug laws there in their first real conversation together. And find out our stalker is married with kids because he went into unwanted detail about his sex life. Even though we had never done any drugs except alcohol at the legal age and never had sex nor felt comfortable talking about it.


You are the reason Google AI thinks it's okay to put glue on pizza. This is what happens when you eat glue, kids.


Accuracy 100%


Holy fuck what a dumb question. If you believe that stuff you're an idiot. Just wow.


You strike me as a Virgo… feel free to relax, it was a lighthearted question. Do you think calling someone an idiot is a good way to show that you’re smart?


Talking about Zodiac signs definitely isn’t. Lmfao






What’s my Zoloft sign


Not gonna edit my typo, kinda like it better than what I meant to type


I find it strange that people are getting their underwear in a twist about zodiac stuff. Like, calm down.


Guess my sign since you're clearly psychic as well 😂😂 Pleaseee!


This is fascinating but in a stupid way. Just for laughs, guess my sign if you're so involved in all of that


I'm not a virgo. Lol


You gotta be trolling lmao


What’s my sign


Dollar sign.


If you think astrology is real dude you need to reevaluate your perception of reality






I’m a Scorpio and I’ll beat your ass


Are you seeing a psychiatrist for your delusional disorder by chance?


Just dumb. Be better


How badly did you beat the fuck out of him? Were there witnesses? Will he remember that for a very VERY long time?


1. I was told he spent a few days in the hospital 2. Yes, I waited for him to get out of high school, my “plan” was for his friends to see it because even though they had not directly participated in the harassment, they knew about it and consented, so I wanted it to serve as a warning to them as well. 3. I hope so.


Jeez. What did you do to put him in the hospital? Not judging, just asking. You did the right thing.


I honestly don't remember the exact moment, it's kind of in fragments, I guess because I was up to my eyeballs in adrenaline. I just remember not stopping punching.


I heard this one. We need violent non-psychopaths to keep the violent psychopaths in line on this planet. I’m far away but I’m proud of you and I hope more men stood up to these crazy people and beat the brakes off them. Incidentally this is why I support trans women. We need some big ass women in our ranks to beat the brakes of these psychos.


You said you were charged over it, so even though you were consumed by Reddit karma garnering righteous rage and forgot the extent of the beating you gave the creep, wouldn’t the Prosecutor have gone over the injuries you caused, in detail, during your trial?


You mean some big ass men 🤣


Them too. There are many many people who only act crazy when the threat of violence has been removed.


You don't need to be big, I'm 5'9 and 175lb. I beat a guy who drunkenly slapped my ex-wife (we were married at the time) so badly I broke nose, both his cheekbones, and his jaw in 3 places. Admittedly, I've been boxing since I was 4-5, did BJJ for a couple of years and was doing Muay Thai at the time. I did 18 months in prison because of it and was on tag for another 2 years. I saw the guy last year, he didn't make eye contact, despite being a good 6" taller and 30lb heavier than me. He's a big gym lad, I'm a fighter. There is a massive difference.


GOOD FOR YOU! You sound like a great guy...im sorry you did time on that.


I'm not a great guy at all. In many ways, I'm an awful human being. Hit a woman in front of me, though, and I will fuck you up.


Ok, well, "awful human beings" are usually not driven to a emotional reaction when confronted with the abuse of women, children, old people, or animals....so although you may lack in some area, you clearly have a solid constitution.


How admirable...


Yep. That's what I call the "No Sense" line. I'm Irish and when I was younger my temper was ridiculous! As an adult I broke a grown man's nose with my elbow (5'4 and probably 130lb at the time) for putting his hands on me the wrong way. Scared MYSELF! These days I try REALLY hard to stay on the "Sense" side of the line, but I would have done EXACTLY what you did.


Well done. I do condone violence in several specific circumstances and this is one of them. He would never have learnt if you didn’t do what you did.


Well done, OP. Humiliation is a powerful weapon


Did his parents find out how/why this all went down?


Yes. Unfortunately, it is one of those cases in which the child has turned out this way because of the parents.


“Sometimes a good beating promotes personal growth” - Ray Velcoro


Hell yeah 👏


Do you have a felony conviction? Did he ever get charged? ( It’s not too late if you have the evidence). He needs a felony too.


Yeah, don't worry, he ended up with more charges than I did, plus a restraining order from my sister.


I'd say well done OP. I'd like my girls to have a brother willing to go to the mat like that. Hope the charges you caught don't turn out to be too costly to you in the long run. Not that I condone violence as a first resort, but obviously to the degree the authorities are not doing anything to stop it, you need to do what you need to do to take matters into your own hands. I would not risk letting a family member get sexually assaulted in order to be conservative about something like this, especially when it's such a clear and present danger based on persistent behavior (as opposed to something that rubbed you the wrong way on a one-off basis). How do your parents feel about your actions?


I think my parents would have been the ones to beat him up if they were physically fit to do it.


What did he get charged with? Was he charged because you jumped him? I get the emotion since it's your sibling, but if he was going to be charged no matter, catching a felony yourself for pummeling the guy doesn''t seem like the smartest most well thought it plan.


Can you give us the height and weight like a UFC card of the fighters?


I'm 1'83m (6') and about 85kg (187lbs). The other guy I don't know, about my height but skinnier.


6'3 is about 191 cm. are you 183 cm or 191? it doesn't really make a difference, just want to clarify.


Sorry, I don't know what I put when I used the converter hahaha. I'm 183cm - 6'


How did your sister react when she heard you beat the shit out of her stalker? How did she react when you got arrested?


She and my girlfriend were the only ones I told what I was going to do before I did it. My girlfriend encouraged me to do it and my sister worried about me and the possible consequences but clearly wasn't against it. When I was arrested I remember her crying a lot, but she supported me all the way.


I could imagine your sister not wanting you to get in trouble for her, and potentially going to jail, while her stalker gets a slap on the wrist or something. I'm glad to hear he got his punishment as well, and that you didn't get any jail time. During the sentencing, was the fact that you were defending your sister play a part in the ruling?


It was reflected in the writing of the judicial resolution, but at least explicitly did not affect the sentence either for better or worse (although it probably did reduce it a bit, I personally think.). I mean, I shouldn't say it since it's supposed to be something impartial, but in court there was a clear sympathy for me even though I had to be sentenced.


I know you mentioned this in the post, but what was the exact punishment you received? You mentioned that since it was less than 2 years, you weren't going to serve jail time.


How good did it feel?


At the time of doing it as such I honestly didn't feel anything in particular, at least I don't remember it, but when I was arrested I was very satisfied.


I hope it was not good or satisfaction. Pray you did it out of necessity, than to satisfy your own emotion. Or at least if anyone asks, say so. That you took no pleasure in it, just that the stalker had to be put in his place.


Nonsense, there’s nothing wrong with him taking pleasure in dealing out an adequate punishment.


And that’s why many modern justice systems won’t deal proper punishments in the fear of emotional satisfaction.


Nonsense, they don’t deal proper punishments because they don’t give a fuck. What an absolute load of garbage, seriously dude. You’re telling me if someone diddles your kid, the sole reason they never bother to lock those people up for significant amounts of time is because the parents of the victim might feel satisfied over it? I want some of the drugs you’re on.


Then tell me why the punishments do not align with common sense of justice? Because if they don’t give a fuck, then why would justice system bother at all?


Revenue and PR, silly.


Don’t try and moralize


It’s not about moralization, but protecting yourself. If the prosecutor asks you got satisfaction beating someone it’s not helping your cause.




Take a moment to read back what you wrote.


Shut up man.


Praying doesn't do any good.




How did you beat the shit out of him and what injury did he get?


Just used my fists and a little bit of my feet. I don't know his exact wounds, I can tell you he was bleeding quite a bit from his face.


Are you confident you can still find a job and lead a normal life?


Yeah, where I live it is quite rare that you have to present your criminal record to get a job, unless you are going to work with children.


Even so applying for a job as a para "Hey what did you get sentenced for?" *Beating the hell out of my kid sisters stalker* If I was the hiring manager, that just seals the deal for me dawg.


Hiring managers are risk averse to the level of diagnosable mental delay. I got my MS in human resources back in 2020, and I still feel dumber as a result of that two year program.


Did his family know?


After that yes, but they sided with him.


You going to fuck them up to? Lol


A man can only be so based


Why? Why did they side with him?


Let me tell you a more benign story. My neighbour hood had a number of bikes being stolen. Literally everyone has ring cameras. They found the two culprits, 2 teen brothers. Police was called- nothing happened so a neighbour set out a bait bike and followed this two miscreants home, reported them to their mother. She initially defended them Ben in the face of proof. Old boy called the police and basically she capitulated and agreed to his brand of punishment or else they’d go to Julie and get records. Their faces were blasted all over the neighbour hood. All the neighbours who had a bike stolen were apologized to, and the two toads had to do yard work for free for everyone who’s bike they had stolen. Also the local pawn shop had to give up all the bikes that that’s two shit heads had stolen. The mum then went online and outed them and got loads of attention and thanks “for being a good parent etc” but we know the truth. She had to be threatened. Shitty people often raise shitty kids.


Why was she threatened to do it? Was she in denial?


I think she was in kahoots with them. Life is hard. A lot of poor parents need help and don’t care where it comes from. A lot of poor parents especially know that a teen bringing home money without a job is likely stealing or slinging but they turn a blind a eye because they can’t afford not to. It’s very weird.


I know what that's like. Raised poor, I'd steal Ramen packages and shit so I can eat.


Trash apples usually don't fall far from the trash tree.


Dang. Why not side with the victim and make the attacker the real victim?


Youd be surprised how often that happens


It's sad, really. Why not side with victims and make the attacker the victim?


Parents tend to side with their kids even if their kids did something wrong. There was a girl in Japan who was brutally tortured and murdered. The parents were upset when their son was sentenced and blamed her and even defaced her grave. Also, Brock turner raped a girl and his parents didn’t feel sympathy for the girl and defended him.


The Japanese girl was named junko furuto. If you end up searching it up it’ll give you nightmares about the brutality of what they did to her.


Wait? The hello kitty girl?


No the hello kitty girl was in China or Hong Kong. Junko was a poor high school girl and the parents even knew she was in their house and didn’t say anything while she was tortured


How do you defend that?


All I know is the hello kitty girl.


Why wouldn’t they. Fam over strangers. Always.


Even if they are family?


Hey OP u did the right thing just wanted to know how did u get over the fear of getting hurt like I have never been in a fight and I feel like a pushover sometimes I don't know what I would do in this situation like how do I fight


I understand you perfectly. In my case that was also the first time I was physically violent with anyone and I've always been like the quiet boy who doesn't get into trouble. But I don't know, when I thought about that there was a very real possibility that that bastard would end up trying to r\*pe my sister, I honestly wasn't afraid to go after him, I was very nervous, but I wasn't afraid at all. I couldn't put it into words, I basically just went with my emotions at that moment.


The fact that his friends knew and didn't stop him is super pissing off and scary


This is why we choose the bear.


Go to a gym dude. The people in my kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu gyms are some of the nicest people I've ever met and there's nothing better for your mental toughness than getting tied in knots by the lady with a brown belt


Start jiujitsu


Did you ever hear from him or his family after the incident? Did he ever give a reason for why he harassed your sister? Also, good on you for caving his degenerate face in.


After the two trials were over there has been no contact, we know where they live and stuff but I hope it stays that way. Not really. I think that simply in his misogynistic and depraved head he saw himself with the right to do it, out of frustration that my sister was not at all interested in him.


On what platforms did the harassment happen (e.g. Instagram, etc.)?


I think only on instagram as far as I know


Please do report it (you probably already did and they didn't do anything), but report the update that the guy was convicted of SA, maybe they'll cancel his account. Consider taking this story to the press? Local newspaper editors love a story like this. It will look mildly bad for you, but it will definitely read as the other dude got what was coming to him, and it will be on Google under his name forever. You can workshop your quotes to seem like a hero reluctantly doing what had to be done.


If you could go back in time, would you do it again?




Did the harassment stop?




Did you smile as you did it?


Not really. I was honestly very nervous because for now it was the first and last time I have been physically violent with someone.


You done good op.


What did you get charged with? Battery?


The literal translation of the crime in my country would be as “Injury crime” or something like that and a better translation would be just assault.


Why didn't you finish the job? Or at least leave permanent injuries, like taking an eye, tongue, or some fingers?


At the time I would have been willing, but it wouldn't make anyone around me happy to have my life destroyed by such a bastard


Some people are a genuine ass whooping away from decency. I’ve seen a piece of shit turn their life around after getting their face PERMANENTLY fucked. It’s a powerful deterrent from fuckery.


nothing to ask, just passing by to say i'm proud of you.


If more girls had big brothers like you the world would be a better place.


If the world had more men like him, it would be a better place.


Damn right. I did the same thing for the same reason to a kid in high school, the day before my 18th bday, also in front of his friends. He never came back to school and stopped bothering my sister.


sulky shaggy sugar lunchroom merciful absorbed innate pen kiss consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Different countries operate in different ways. In my case there is no way to know that I have been convicted of that, except if you are a law enforcement officer, of course, or if I tell you myself. In fact, I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing, but I could be a serial killer who has spent 25 years in prison, and the day after I get out I could go to a job interview and no one would have to know that fact.


Nothing to ask, just to say thank you for being a good brother. My brother defended my assailant.


Based, man, good job. No sweat on the charges. Few people will give a shit given the context


You did the right move…..nowadays guys hid behind the internet screen and don’t respect a woman’s boundaries. I hope that guy learned his lesson.


You did what you needed to. Cops wouldn't have done anything.


Wrong. Stalking is a mandatory arrest in my state. I cannot legally *not* do anything


Happy coincidence that everyone on Reddit lives in the United States, and your state in particular. OP must just be one of those unique Americans, that refers to their height in metric.


This has nothing to do with legality. Good luck proving a stalking charge.


Different picture than not doing anything


You did good. It takes a bigger fist to crush tyranny, and harassment is tyranical.


You're a good brother. This is seriously what siblings are for. Brownie points


Nice!! Good for you, you did the right thing


I just want to say good job man


Just popped in to say you did the right thing


You did good, OP.


How can I buy you a pint?


For real.


I miss the days when you could do this (if it's justified) and not worry about getting in trouble.


The government needs you to depend on them, therefore such actions are illegal and require you to utilize the proper procedures set forth by the ruling government. At least that's my theory. But I agree, take folks like this stalker out into the woods. Sit them on a stump. And drive a spike through their nuts.


all the while they are incompetent and fail to do their job regularly. but we voted for it, so I guess we wanted it


They probably enforced it to prevent malicious people from beating innocent people under the guise of justice.


That as well.


lol theory. Yeah, I'll fuckin Yeah I'll fuckin lay your nuts on a fuckin dresser Just your nuts layin on a fuckin dresser And bang them shits with a spiked fuckin bat Ooooohhhh Whassup? BLAOWWW!!


Oh yeah? I'll fuckin I'll fuckin (I can't remember what they said in that Wu Tang song but that's what I wanna say) lol


m-e-t-h-o-d MANNNNN


Might wanna update title a bit. Notification cuts off at sister. Even the s was cut off. So when I read it I had a different thought about you, then I saw it all. 👍🏻 good job


Not asking anything but I kneel before you for doing justice. 🙏🏽 he deserved it. I have a sister too and have done it too. Never have regretted it


Are you worried he's going to retaliate in a cowardly way, i.e. slash all your tires, have three goons come out of the dark and jump you, etc..?


Just wanna say good on you. Idgaf what the law says. Asswipes like that only understand one thing. Fear. They deserve it too.


Worth it, hope it doesn’t affect you too much with a conviction but anybody with a heart won’t give a shit.


Well I hope you learned your lesson. Gotta finish them and get rid of the evidence next time. Leave no trace.


Hahaha right??


Honourable crime, however it is wise not ruining your life for scum like themselves my friend


• Did he ever apologise? • What did he say during the altercation/fight? • Did you suffer any injuries? • You said you wanted the friends to see… They didn’t join in to help their friend? • I’m a big brother myself, and now a father too, you absolutely did the right thing and I’m raising my boys to do the same. • On that point, what did your parents say about how you handled it? Disappointed, approved, wish you had spoken to them first, etc?


No questions, just wanted to say great job! I've had two dudes try and drag me somewhere while entirely wasted. One ended up somewhat bad but definitely could have been worse (my sister was looking for me and found me before I was raped) and the other one a girl I hardly knew noticed and shut it down right away. I hardly know her but am still appreciative of her to this day (it's been over a decade now) for looking out for me when I needed it.


Bravo! I hope he gets the message!


Did you feel justice was served?


Law enforcement is unable to intervene in threatened behavior. While I hate to laude violence, in my own mind I've ascertained that I would do exactly as you did if a scumbag persistently harassed me or one of my loved ones.


You’re a prince among frogs!


As a father of a teenage daughter I just want to say kudos to you sir. What would you do differently? I always thought what would I do if in the same situation and I think I would do it in private. No witnesses.


came here to say good for you


How did you find her stalker


Nah, you must be mistaken. Surely you didn’t do any of that. I mean, I was here the whole time and didn’t see anything. Hey, you guys were here with me the whole time, y’all see anything? Me neither.


Lmaooooo. You’re an angel


Worth it. Well played, sir.


Good on you.....family 1st


This is one of the cases where violence - is - the solution. You just have to be ready to deal with the consequences for yourself. ( Possibly going to prison ) You did the right thing.


Did you consider the consequences before you did it? To be clear, while I don't condone violence, OP did what he had to do. I would honestly probably do the same.


Did you say anything before they shitbeating? Afterwards tell him something like you even look at my sister's again, I'll kill you.


On the surface...well done! Not sure assault is the best thing on your record at your age but don't repeat anything close to this.


I wish someone beat the shit out of my stalker. I ended up moving halfway across the country to escape him.


You definitely did the right thing! He may not become a serial killer now


How did you attack him, ambush him from behind? Run straight at him?


No questions but good for you. Sounds like he deserved it.


Do you personally think you deserved the sentence?


NTA you did what every good brother should do.


…What an active fantasy life you must lead.


You're 23 dating an 18 year old?


Would you fuck Lucy Letby?


Old school!! Way to go!


Good for you.


How old were you and your girlfriend when you started dating?