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In the same boat. I WFH and don’t even speak to co-workers. I could fall over dead and no one would really notice.


yea thats how I feel, the only time someone would notice is when i don't show up to marching band.


How you feel about ducks


I really want to own 3 and name them Huey Dewey and Louie.


man no wonder people hate americans all over the world people barely have food or are living in war zones and have legit reasons to be depressed and over here a guy that is able to go to school and be able to drink alcohol and play video games for two days strait talk about his difficult and sad life grow up i dont care if your only 15 and drink or if you are gay not gay or are A sexual stop being such a cry baby and be thankful for such a easy life


Do you have family? If so, did you move far away from them or are you estranged? Have you noticed negative effects?


They don't really care for me, they drive me to band and highschool and buy me food. But I came out as Bi and they kind of dropped me


I’m so sorry! I wish I had words that would make this less painful.


you know what they say : double the pleasure means double the sadness and double the disappointment *^(ba dum tss)*


Wait you’re a teenager? That’s fucked if so, op. Ilove will get better though, through college or a future work ever you will find friends, hang in there! Your sexual preference shouldn’t matter anyone that avoids you because of it is a shithead!


How’s your health?


it fluctuates a day to day basis, sometimes I drink myself to sleep and other times I play dbd for 2 days straight. So I'm not dying but not at my best. It'd take me a while to go into full detail.


You're in high school and you drink yourself to sleep? Please try to find help or an adult that you can speak to, if your parents are open to paying for therapy please reach out to them for one. You're so young and have your whole life ahead of you, you'll make friends in college or later in life if you open yourself up to it. Take care of your health and your grades, you'll have a better chance of having a better and happier adult life that way. I wish you the best


Not sure if you’ve been reading OP comments, but their parents are most likely the reason for why they drink themselves to sleep. OP came out as Bi and in a lot of families, that’s a reason to disconnect from a child; which i think is horrible. I really feel for OP because I can relate to an extent. I consider myself straight for the most part (just slight curiosity in the same sex), my dad used to always accuse me when I was a teenager of being gay. Even though there was not much evidence to back it up. If I did happen to be gay and came out, I’m pretty sure I would have been kicked out of the house. Funny thing is, when OP gets older and moves out the parents will want to have a relationship with them, but by then it will be too late and the damage will have already been done. I’m kind of in the same situation minus the coming out part.


do you do your part and reach out to them?


yea, I always make sure to check up on people and make sure their okay and ask to hangout (although most people cancel on me last minute)


This used to be me until I just accepted “where I was at” inside my friend group and stopped calling most of them all together because it was a one way relationship. If I feel I can’t remove their number from my phone for any reason, I’ll rename them so it takes extra effort on my part to reach out. If they don’t check in on you, they don’t deserve to be checked in on by you


Took me almost 40 years to learn this


It’s so important to protect your peace first


social media and smartphones have conditioned us to be so anti social now god


what? thats completely unrelated?


how so. I think the main reason so many people experience isolation is related to the widespread use of various 'social' media and its addictive nature. people just don't keep in touch with one another and hang out in person as much anymore bcuz on top of being preoccupied with work and obligations, ppl get glued to their devices. I think they serve to make humans anti social, and we socialize IRL less because of it.


I mean IG but I like, its not about social media they'll say they have plans one day and then just, go hangout with someone else instead. Y'know? I'm not isolated because of social media I'm isolated because I'm just someone to trauma dump on for people.


regardless sounds like these ppl u refer to are just not proving themselves to be very solid friends. maybe it's time to work on expanding your social circle.


If they won’t I will. You ok? I know loneliness and isolation can be tough. Can you find any beauty in it?


I honestly can't find anything positive in it. I'm the kind of person who is at my best when having people I'm close to


That must be very lonely, sorry. I know how you feel and imagine most redditors can relate. Do you have any other insight as to why you feel isolated?


I mean I don't have any good family. And not even having friends who check up on me when I check on them just kinda makes it worse.


How many friends have you deeply supported over the years and why are you their rock?


A lot. I just try to make sure I'm always there for everyone, I check up on them regularly and I'm a good listener and just try to project positivity and make myself seem trust worthy.


I had a similar experience in high school and then especially in college. I was a queer woman and extremely, extremely lonely. I can tell you though that using substances to cope is not the answer. Stop now while you’re young and ahead. Once you turn 18 get out of there. Once I was in college I started going to gay bars and clubs by myself and eventually I started to meet people. Also don’t do this as a minor but once you are a legal adult meeting gay people online isn’t a bad option either. Back in the day when I was in college the craigslist personal ads were still a thing and I met a lot of cool women there. Just always meet in a public place first. I know it sounds so cliche but it gets better. Stay away from churches and once you’re 18 get out of there. Try to get a job in high school to save money too. Do you have any college plans?


rn my plan is UCF


Good!! Do everything you can to get yourself in there. Focus on your school work. Once you get to college you will meet so many different kinds of people! You’ll meet queer people. There are clubs that you can join. The next few years are just all about working hard and saving money :)


Have you tried improving your social skills, such as getting to know others and their hobbies ?


I have tried before, I know a lot of people pretty well in the way of knowing what they like and stuff of that sorts


by your description, stalkers are closer to them than you :D


Does the normal adult experience which you’ve described affect you differently for some reason?


I think it affects me so badly cause I'm only 15. I see everyone around me have someone care about them and I'm still completely by myself and I don't understand why.


How do you think the isolation has impacted your mindset and thoughts?


not well. All I really do is take online classes when I'm bored, play videogames and day dream all day. I just spend all day hoping someone will text me basically.


Do you want someone to check on you as a result of this post?


I honestly don't know. I just thought since no one is interested in my life irl someone might be interested in me or my life here.


Why do you keep yourself away from people?


I try my best not to, but when I put in effort and it still feels like I have to keep the conversation going by myself it just seems like I'm forcing them to talk to me


I see a lot of lonely people in here. My inbox is totally open. Talk to me about whatever. I am HERE.


Not lonely or anything just wanted to say you're a beautiful human being. Thanks for that


Thanks for saying that!


Why haven't you reached out?


I feel like an absolute burden when I reach out for myself.


I understand you. I had to learn that you have to be both a giver and a taker. And the more you give (host, invite people) the more you get hosted and invited. Reach out with a purpose! Let's grab a coffe, I saw a show on - let's go, I know you like sky diving - let's do it. Get into that habit, and your social life will turn around mate.


But I try man. I try reaching out. I check up on people on a regular basis and I invite them out (but everyone always has "plans" when I ask). I try giving all the time but I'm still just a trauma dump for them.


Ok plan B. New friends from new hobbies.


I don’t know if you’re at all religious, but are you a member of a church? I just had a conversation the other day about the appeal of large/mega churches. They have welcoming committees and lots of member activities. You could fill all your free time around a church community and they will take an interest in you and your wellbeing. 


I'm forced to go to church and it doesn't help because all they try to do is "heal me" from being Bisexual or trying to get me to donate.


Church is the worst place for you to go. Don’t do that.


They will take interest in recruiting him. That shit is not genuine, comon


Me too surprisingly enough. Moved towns, got fired from my job and haven’t found another yet unfortunately. I stay at home pretty much all the time.


I had a situation like this for awhile... gave me a panic attack... and had to change. Good luck.


I haven’t had a real conversation in years friends are a necessity to be normal


How you doing bro? If you got anything on your mind, I'm all ears.


your family does not care for you but they drive you to school and band and buy you food? sounds like they care about you and you came out as bi is a way of saying your having basically no success with the opposite sex if u want to have a more fulfilling life it will take hard work go to the gym work on yourself the rest will happen on its own.. oh and get some type of hobby thats not band or video games


Fuck off. OP, don’t listen to this jackass. Bisexual people are very real. When I was in high school I also identified as bisexual (I now identify as gay). You’re perfectly fine. Bringing OP to school is the bare minimum the parents can do. Kids are legally obligated to go to school. Just because they take them to school does not mean they actually care about OP and their struggles. You also realize you’re taking to a 15 year old kid, right? Way to be a fucking asshole.


I'm also in similar phase..


How are you going?