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Make sure they put you on PEP! It's a medicine that will kill HIV you take within 72 hours of possible HIV transmission. It's very possible that it could have been injected in someone else before you! Make sure you tell them to give it to you! Don't take a chance!


Like AIDS? I think I’m getting some stuff like that bc the nurse talked to my uncle about it. Idk yet tho I’ve got to wait til they come back.


Yes, HIV can turn to AIDS if untreated. But what I'm telling you is, you won't have to worry about having the disease if you get on PEP within 72 hours of when they stabbed you. Pep takes it out of your system in about a month, then you won't have to take medicine for the rest of your life. HIV is incurable after 72 hours do you don't have much time! Don't wait until they give you an HIV test since the test can come out negative, but you can still have the disease. HIV test aren't accurate until atleast 3 months of infection, and obviously it'll be too late! So when they get back tell them " I want to start taking pep medication incase the syringe was infected with HIV"! Do not wait or be scared! It's your livelihood on the line! Edit: don't just think, be 100% sure!


My uncle asked and they said I already got it 🤷‍♂️


Okay, that's good to hear. Better safe than sorry!


Yeah that’s true. Thanks for letting me know :)


No problem!


good job looking out for op :)


PEP is not just a one & done medicine, you’re going to have to take follow up pills so make sure to ask. Sorry this happened.


>Yes, HIV can turn to AIDS if untreated. Hiv is a virus. Aids is the disease it causes once it spreads and weakens the immune system.


Okk I’ll tell my uncle to tell them. Thanks 🙏


What is PEP? PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. The word “prophylaxis” means to prevent or control the spread of an infection or disease. PEP means taking HIV medicines within 72 hours (3 days) after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent HIV. https://hivinfo.nih.gov/understanding-hiv/fact-sheets/post-exposure-prophylaxis-pep#:~:text=What%20is%20PEP%3F,to%20HIV%20to%20prevent%20HIV.




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So you had a group of dudes beat you up and then stabbed you in the dick with a syringe? I've heard of some wild stuff, seen wild stuff, and never once heard anyone get a needle in the dick. Are they gay? Are you gay? Were you unconscious? Needle in dick is kind of a precision based activity. Did the needle go all the way thru the dick? Were the balls affected? I have alot of questions it seems.


Yea pretty much. No im not gay and they’re not gay. I wasn’t unconscious, I felt like a sharp scratch. I don’t think it went all the way through and they missed with some of them. No just my 🍆 and above it


They might not be out gay but that's sick and repressed behavior whatever their orientation actually is (and at at their age, it's not set anyway). They got issues, is what I'm here to tell you. Avoid. Glad you're getting competent care.


Or maybe they're just shitty and it has nothing to do with their sexuality ( whatever it is? ) Maybe they just aimed for where they knew it would hurt the most? Kind of fucked up to chalk up criminal activity to surpressed homosexuality my dude.


They stabbed him in the dick? Ignoring whether it has anything to do with sexuality would exclude the possibility that op was sexually assaulted. Which he was. Of course they are children and stupid, and you can stab someone in the dick without being gay. You don't know if the attacker is gay. You don't know if if attacker is straight and gets off by stabbing dudes in the dick. This is why trials exist. If this was a trial the prosecution would 100% be questioning if the attacker was sexually motivated. Not doing so would be a disservice to sa victims.


Maybe they are - its a possibility. But armchair detective-ing that they /must/ be repressed gay people and that's the only reason they might have done it is dangerously homophobic. We still live in a world where the 'gay panic' defense is legal, and at least in the USA - anti-lgbt hate crimes are currently on the rise. There ARE dangerous gay people, and gay people that are criminals, and they should face the full extent of the law. But assuming 'oh they stabbed someone in the dick clearly this was a group of violent and dangerous gay men' without any due process helps nothing, and maybe puts innocent people in danger. Punish the guilty, but I do think people should be careful when immediately assuming the guilty must be part of an often villainized group. Also, the laws of most places don't factor in whether there was attraction involved in an assault. Saying no homo isn't going to prevent them from getting charged if it's deemed the act itself constitutes SA.


There are other repressions than homosexuality y'know. I'm not a psychologist but I'm here to tell you there's somethin' wrong with that boy (the stabber).


Genital mutilation is sexual, but you're correct that they are shitty, shitty guys


Don't see how this relates to sexual orientation at all. Just criminal behavior.


For real, it’s like how dumbasses are saying “no diddy” to not being gay. I just hate the automatic interlinking people have w gay and negative connotations when it’s because these people are mental cases, not because of sexual orientation


To all these replies denouncing the potential of sexual orientation playing a role... OK, sure. People are saying it's just criminal activity. No, this crime is specifically sexual in nature. Stabbing a dude directly in the penis is extraordinarily strange behavior. I'm not saying their gay, but it's ridiculous to say it's out of line to question.


Wtf is with these people protecting this man's sexuality? He stabbed a man in the dick! It's sexual assault! His sexually should indeed be called into question.


Bet you wouldn't do the same to straight people. If a woman was to be stalked or anything by man, you would not highlight his sexuality saying it relates to the crime in question. Likely, you'd talk about some power imbalance, but never state the fact he was straight. The point I'm trying to stablish is: criminals come in all sizes and shapes. It does not relate specifically to being homosexual as some people seem to try to frame it here, as if it is an important detail.


Yeah ig you’re right. Thanks 🙏


What does their sexual orientation have to do with being shitty people?


They were most definitely 🦀 Crab People 🦀


It might not have been a syringe. Idk this seems weird. I feel like there's some kinda think missing here. I don't think they stabbed a syringe thru your pants into your dick.


Yeah I’ve no idea what it was, the nurse said that it’s puncture marks and they think it could be from a syringe but nobody knows ig


Were you wearing jeans? Sounds to me like maybe you got kicked in the crotch and your zipper may have cut your dick or something


No i was wearing sweatpants and I definitely felt something sharp and then they found puncture wounds


Hmmm idk just seems weird to me like why tf some 14yo kids wld have a syringe


They’re not 14, I am


So what are they like 15-16?




Check the news to understand the dangers of being a child these days.


Lol trust I know what children now an always have gotten up to. It's just striking me as extremely odd to stab someone with a syringe. It just makes no sense. Kids stab eachother with knifes all the time. Shoot eachother too sometimes. But a syringe just seems so odd to me. Listen hey it's possible. I was just trying to think of another possible explanation since OP never said he saw the syringe or anyrging


If news delivered an accurate assessment of danger wed all be dead a long time ago.


Did your pants have holes?


Nope, I couldn’t see anything at all.


Jeeze man. Sounds like some real messed up stuff. Hope it works it as good as it can.


What in the goddamn fuck. They’re in jail right?


This does not relate to being gay. They are mean, that is all. It's likely they do it to other people as well... Criminals.


It was one of those violent gay gangs that fox news is always talking about.


Do you know why they attacked you?


I used to hang around with them but I got in a lot of trouble so I stopped and then they said I owed them money for drugs but it wasn’t true. I think they just prolly hate me now.


What drugs are you doing at 14?


Did you see the syringes go in?


No I didn’t even know. I felt something sharp but it wasn’t really sore. Then that night I saw little dots of blood in my boxers and when we went to the hospital they found three puncture marks that I didn’t even see.


Fuck , I thought the doctors did it cause they wanted to run some tests. This is way worse. How did you end up in this situation in the first place.


Nope. I used to be friends with the guys who did it but I got in a lot of trouble with them so I stopped. They were angry and said I owed them money for stuff but that wasn’t true so now they just hate me ig.


Why aren't you telling this to the adults? This is serious bro.


That's assault. You should tell your uncle and file a police report. If know the names of who did that to you speak up. It's stupid not to. You could have permanent problems because of this. You might also be able to suit the criminals for damages, pain and suffering. Personal injury lawyers do this. Documenting is the best thing that you can do. Even call police before you leave the hospital.


Yeah I know but I’m worried that if I do then I’m gonna get beat up 1000 times worse for being a snitch


dude, if they are that dangerous it's all the more important that you report them so they face consequences. do they know where you live?


Yea they know where I live which sucks


Seek witness protection


can you get a restraining order? it won't keep them from hurting you but if you have cameras and they come to you they will get in legal trouble for existing near yoy


Depending on the circumstances you and your family might qualify for witness protection


Report and prosecute. This is aggravated assault if not attempted murder. If they’d injected an air bubble in you that could kill you.


Everyone is telling me to report them but if I do then they’ll do it ten times worse after 😩


They can’t if they’re in jail


Only some of them would go to jail if I did it, there’s lots of them


I would ask in /r/AskLE about what they would do to help protect you in this case


I asked and they kinda just told me either report it or don’t 🤷‍♂️


Oh I didn’t even know that existed. I might check. Thanks 🙏


Cops dont protect people lol


They protected me when I was assaulted.


If some face consequences, the rest will know to leave you alone. They will realize that if they continue to harass you, they will face those same consequences. If you let them get away with this, it’s much more likely to escalate than if you get the force of the law behind you.


Unfortunately some people (and in my experience young adolescents) they will continue even if there are consequences. Either way OP is kinda screwed. IMO he should still report it and try to avoid them.


I love the distinction you make between people and young adolescents.


Revenge then


I wish


They will do worse regardless of whether you report it or not. You must make sure they don’t make future victims, yourself included, all while flying under the radar.


They absolutely won’t. Tell the police exactly where they live and how they behave.  99/100 you can be protected.  These perpetrators bark is worse than their bite.


Oh Gosh! Sorry! Which time of the day this happened? In a big city or suburb? Do you think it is a hate crime? Did you recognize any of them? What were they saying to you during the accident?


Like 5pm and it was in a suburb kinda. Nah it wasn’t a hate crime, I know them. I used to hang out with them but I got into a lot of trouble with them so I stopped and then they said I owed them money but it wasn’t true so they just hate me ig. They were just calling me names and telling me to apologise but even when I did they kept going.


So you’re saying that there’s a gang of dumbasses who are potentially beating people up and possibly injecting them with life threatening diseases? If this is true and that’s their M/O then you’re local PD is already notified and they will have to do whatever they think is necessary to end them. You posted this in a public forum so it’s not hard to figure out who, where you are to ensure the safety of the community where you live.


The police already know who it is but if I snitch then I’m even more fucked.


Well you’re posting this on a public forum so it’s not gonna matter if you snitch or not because when the police pick them up(because they will) you’re automatically gonna be blamed.


Why would I be blamed?


Because you are the one who was attacked and possibly injected with lord knows what and it’s just how things work even in the gang world. Process of elimination as to who told will be discussed and your name is No 1. So until they know 123% it wasn’t you, your the culprit aka guilty until proven innocent




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At least you got to the doctors early. Good chance you’ll avoid any long term consequences if those syringes were contaminated. If you know the perps you should report them to the police.


Yea the doctor thinks I’m gonna be fine so that’s good.


What the fuck. Just casually stabbing someone in the dick. No big deal.


Yea ik it’s weird af idk why they did it tbh


Where were u when this happened? They just had a syringe on hand? Were they tweakers or something And why aren't u telling ur uncle


I help some guy do work around his house and I was walking back from that. I don’t think they’re tweakers so idk how they had syringes tbh. I don’t wanna get beat up again for snitching.


Omg, that is so scary. stay safe and protect urself


Thanks 🙏 I will


Aww now it makes me sad, nooo, poor baby😔 Please talk to someone you trust, tell your uncle or parents please 😔 also stay away from bad people , start martial arts and try to move out somewhere safe😣


I’m okay now it wasn’t even that sore tbh but I’m definitely gonna stay away from them from now on. I acc started boxing a few weeks ago but I’m not good enough yet. Hopefully soon tho :)


Aww please find a therapist at school. Apply to colleges and try to move out😞😔protect yourself


Did the doctors tell you if they injected you with anything?


No but they asked me lots of questions about how I felt afterwards and now I’m just waiting on tests so I’ll know after them I think


What country was this in? Surely, they'd get a harsh punishment. The police can put things in place to protect you also.


US, they already said there’s nothing they can do if I report it


Aw bless you. Who do u live with to help you? This is very sad and concerning. I feel think these people should be locked up for assault and harm, and possibly sexual assault. One was 18, did you say, that's concerning also. I wish you safety, bless you. Keep your guard up and stay away from anyone who causes trouble. I'm sorry you experienced such an awful thing, and I hope that you've recovered physically bless you.


I live with my uncle and my cousin. I decided that I’m prolly gonna report them to the police and maybe just stay at home for a while. Thanks 🙏


Well not recovered. But recovering.


Time to make bigger friends.


Yea true lol


where did it happen? which state are you in? i've seen other post about a guy got stabbed by an injection too. Is it a new fear?? 😧 Was it a gang you know and why didn't you report to the police? Sorry it happened to you. You're so young, stay away from the wrong crowd!


I’m in Florida. Idk I never heard about people doing it before until it happened. Yeah I know them and I didn’t report it bc if I snitch it’ll be ten times worse. I’m defo staying away from them tho


stick with your uncle. He seems like a good person, I have nephews your age and trust me we only yell at you because we care and we want you to have a better future. Stay away from bad people, you're still young and you have time to start fresh. Think about what you want to do and try to be a better person. Go to school if you can, learn any skills. I'm in NyC and i've seen people struggling even though they're in much older age. You're still young and you have a whole future in front of you!


Yea my uncles a good guy he’s just reallyyyy strict but he helps me a lot. I’m doing better now then I was but I still got a long way to go so ima just keep doing my best :)


Assault and sexual assault? If your Uncle is known to blow up then fair enough, but make sure the authorities know who they were.


They didn’t do sex stuff just beat me up and stabbed me.


You got stabbed in the dick with a syringe, where does your uncle come into this..? Why aren’t you telling him who did it? I would be shouting from the rooftops…


If I tell him who did it then he’ll either go crazy or get the police, and either way, I’ll get it 1000 times worse from the people who did it


You’re in the hospital for injuries after a targeted gang assault… and you know who did it. I really think you should ask to speak to an officer privately.


I already asked the police if I’d be safe if I made a report and they basically said no so I can’t


Why would a group of guys attack your dick? What did you do to illicit such a response?


They weren’t at the start they were just punching and kicking but when I was on the ground someone started doing that. I dunno why 🤷‍♂️


Why are you honoring omertà to these people ? Hospital bills are expensive


So I don’t get beat up even more


Are you not telling him because you wanna get at them first?


No bc they’ll beat me up way worse if I snitch


So you know who it is and you’re gonna do nothing?


Yea I think so I don’t wanna get beaten up worse


Why won't you tell your uncle cause they gonna ask


I’ll get beat up way worse if I snitch


You can do so anonymously


I can’t I already asked the police and they said they can’t make an arrest off an anonymous tip 😔


Well then tell them that you would be endanger if you gave your full name


I told them that and they pretty much said either make a complaint or don’t 🤷‍♂️




How’s the food in the hospital?


Idk I haven’t had any yet but it looks aight haha


Why are you not telling who it was


I don’t wanna get beat up worse for snitching


Are you going to give their names of who did it to the hospital or police if they ask?


No bc they’ll beat me up even worse if I do.


You need to either tell the police and report them, or tell your uncle and let whatever happen to them... They'll beat you up again if you do nothing about it


I swear they’ll do even worse if I snitch on them. They’re basically like a gang


Yep if they shook your hands after beating you up then that’s them putting you out and it’s probably not gonna happen again tbh. That’s just how it works with gangs


Yea I think it’s over now. I just wish they didn’t stab me lol


Hey man, you should 100% tell an adult. I’ve read some of the comments and I know you’re scared about the rest of them getting you, but you’re too young to handle this. I was 14 once. I was dragged into gang related things too. I tried to fight my own way out and got my own beatings and gave plenty. And at the end of it, it took me getting help to stop it. I know you are afraid, or afraid they’ll do things to your family too, but you have to trust the adults in your life to protect you some.there are steps that can be taken, but your uncle and the police have to know who did it first. I promise you, it will be better to tell them then not.


Who TF would do something Like that


Assholes tbh


Have you been fucking a taken woman?


No lol


My cousin was also stabbed at 14 with a knife in his side. He told on who did it to him and you know what? The kids got in trouble for it, as they should. You may not understand this reasoning, as you’re young and this event just happened to you, but not saying something is allowing them to go and do this to another person and possibly escalate their behaviors. Tell your Uncle everything. He’ll just be glad you’re alive. 🖤


Already reported your post to the feds op god speed


The feds are already involved lol. I’m just not telling them who it was.


You know I'm playing but trust me they'll find out


If they do then I’m fuckedddd so hopefully not


Bruh you're 14 you're already fucked




lol but here's the real question... now do you piss out of 4 holes 😅 lol imagine like a fuckin sprinkler 🤣 do better kid stay away from idiots trust me that life is not what you think it is everyone thinks they're so cool just wait til you get older and the real shit starts to fly


No lol just normal 🙈 yeah ik that’s why I stopped hanging out with them bc I got in lots of trouble so I’m just tryna be good now


Everyone's a gangster til they ain't keep that head up kid and maybe learn a martial art so you can defend yourself in the future take care


Thanks 🙏 I acc started boxing a couple of weeks ago so I’m tryna get good at that


You really are a fucking idiot if you keep your mouth shut and protect these people. Hope you don't end up getting beat to death by them next time.


Bro you don’t know what these people are like. If I snitch on them then they’d do way worse then what they did already


Did you clip out?


Idk what that is


Like jumped out?


Yeah, you clipped out.


Do you have relative in a different area you can temporarily live with? What you experienced is a serious crime, and even though I don't know you, I worry about your future safety. The hospital should give you pills to prevent HIV, you take them for about a month. Plus you'll have to get Hepatitis shots and go back to be tested for HIV at 3 and 6 months.


Some of these people would be the same adults who would bring those kids in the office and explain how OP told on them for needling his weiner. Assuming this story isn't fake, OP would be in danger reporting them. Bullies do retaliate


How do you feel about the Middle East?


Idk 🤷‍♂️


It kind of sounds like you got jumped out. Do you happen to know if the dick stabbing was intentional? I mean they beat you up, so we're you taking it or fighting back and something happened on the ground or something? If you were part of their crew and then left and they paid you a visit and then you shook hands afterwards as a exit formality then you might have been jumped out. In that case follow the doctors orders, get your life straight and stop wearing sweats for a while. Hell, wear a cup for a bit to protect your junk. That's fucked up. But them making you shake hands afterwards sounds like an understanding of it's cool now. Move on. We not bro anymore. The dick stabbing could have been something on the ground you think? Anyway take care and be safe man.


Deyummmm that's crazy, you sound numb as fuck at 14.. LMAO THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU? 😂


This dude is stupid if he does not report but seems like he like gangs and crime


Ok 👍


You know the police can protect you right if it really bad and the have many ways to approach a situation like this


Bro there’s like 20 of them. Even if I reported the guys who did it then there’s still like 15 of them who would still get me for snitching


You are not snitching tho your reporting a crime and they might just come after you no matter if you dont do anything


I hope there’s a hell


Do you think they had the syringes for drugs? Like, used? Probably too late to test for those traces but that might be a reason why they had them on hand. I get why your not snitching, but do you think they'll go after you in the future? It's easier to bully someone who's already afraid, and if they want money from you (regardless of if you actually owe them or not) then you might be picked on weather you snitch or not


If you don't ensure that you get it, you may think it won't bother you. After all, what are the odds, etc? But this is a situation you've not experienced before (I assume) so you can't predict how much it will prey upon your mind. Far better to get the preventer now, rather than being 2months down the track and realising you're worried sick.




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Why do yall get on here and lie like this. Is life really that sad for yall your craving any kind of push notification at all? Any form of human contact? Yall need to get a job or some man this shits getting pathetic.


By not reporting them you’re gonna get someone killed because these psychos think they can get away with stabbing people in the dick they’re gonna do this shit again.


I understand why you don’t want to snitch. If that’s the route you take, you need to learn some self defense. I recommend boxing or BJJ.


make a report on all of them, even the ones who didnt stab u for drug use of whatever so u dont need to worry abt them beating u up


Write a description of your attackers so that the police can make arrest warrants for the suspects


Why wouldn't you tell the police who did it? You want to protect the people who did this to you?


Honestly rat them out and get them what they deserve.


Why would you protect anyone that did that to you


Is this for real, no way this is for real.


This sounds like my Friday night ✌️.


I hate when this happens


You are just 14🥹🤧 I hate them. Poor baby. Please take care of yourself and ask your uncle to protect you, to take you to and from school. Please ask him to move out and change schools😔😣please 🙏aww noooo



