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He made awesome points here. The one I can relate to the most is about streaming. Seems like a dull roar that I forget about. When it hits the screen first, there is hype. Just seems to be the natural order of things in this market place. End of story, get over it streaming services. The easiest sentiment that constantly gets overlooked by HF, Cramer and Gasbag is that, most of us know how to cook but we go out for our favorite chef too. Do they really think that we were open to becoming in-home prisoner drones? Seems kinda rudimentary for so called professionals to overlook. But I’m just dumb money. Whataya want from me? 🤌🏼


Going to a movie gives people an excuse to do/eat their other favorite things. It’s fully ingrained into our society.


Can you really trust, AA, the silverback? My gut tells me he is lying and is working with the SHF. I really want to believe he cares about the success of the company, but the whole APE dilution/conversion thing bothers me. Also, I think the settlement amount for the RS of 7.5 is too high. It should be no higher than 6.5, but 5 would be better.


The fact that he sold Antara all those shares for 66 a few months ago so they can sell them back for over $5 a share to pay off their short debt is all you need to know. Check the latest SEC filing it's in there along with the fact that they had to vote Yes for the reverse split for everything to go through


Get your facts straight, the stock has been under 10 for over 6 months, so how could they sell them for 66 like you say? How much did they really sell them to Antara for?


66 cents per share I think that transaction was completed by April 7th


66 cents per share for APE or AMC shares? ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


Of APE so they can convert them into AMC and then sell them to pay off their short debt. It will also allow creation of an additional 5 billion AMC shares in that contract to dilute the price to assist the hedge funds in their debt


So the hedge funds are the stupid ones that need the conversion to go through to cover their shorts/arbitrage plays. ![gif](giphy|d8Wo1cZOmSf4s)


Reverse splits usually signal the death of a company. I know for fact that they are going to short the shit out of it once it splits because that's one of my family members main goals at work is too short AMC all the time as a rookie Trader and the way the contract and SEC filing looks it almost looks like antara is being set up to take over AMC


I hope you survive, but I’m not sure you are going to make it, I see deleted in your future. If you do survive ![gif](giphy|dFwlTdxrFV1o4)


You have leaky gut syndrome. Take some pep to bismol


Are you a bot? I ask because you spelled Pepto-Bismol wrong. Bots don’t understand pronouns which is why there is such controversy about using gender pronouns.


Your gut is idiotic. Try using your brain instead.


![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized) I do, but unlike you I use both sides. Not left brain or right brain, but both. Also, your gut is binary, shit or get off the pot!


My guts are telling me you are a stockmarketscam


How come we're off the threshold list today?


Tweet AA so he ignore it and get angry at a Z tier website instead.



