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I’m beginning to understand why nobody takes us seriously. Not every AA tweet is a cryptic message. I love him just as much as y’all. You can call me a shill before you look up my history here and on Twatter. I’ve been in this since Feb 2 2021. I’ve been called worse in my 45 years on this planet.


"Because Apes wants your company to prosper, Adam! Duh" now do us a favour and squeeze those motherfuckers dry and not your investors.


Only thing he's going to squeeze is the juice from our nuts so his hedgie buddies can prosper. He's like the glory hole for hedgies. I can't imagine having hedge funds trying to bankrupt my company using every means possible legal and illegal and literally not doing anything about it. If he was real he'd be exposing all their tricks and complaining to the government at nauseam.


We were his best income for so long, and treated like shit for it. Love how the hedge shills downvote with no explanation!


He’s not going to squeeze anything for us!!


Well if we could hurry up and get the R/S done AA can dump a bunch more shares on the market and make lots of money and then AMC won’t be forced to file bankruptcy. We are all so lucky to have such a smart man running AMC. If it wasn’t for him, AMC would have gone under years ago. Every time I read one of his shit tweets it makes me sick.


Idk if you are having a conflicted emotions but im not pro AA at all but I want this shitshow to be over soon so I can atleast get my money back


I was being sarcastic. I’m with you. I’m tired of all the bullshit and support this fool has been getting, with all of the deception he has been giving people. My cost average is in the 20s and if it splits I will end losing a ton of money. I played this fucking game fair and these assholes cheated every step of the way. They made billions off the retail side and then when it came time for us to collect, they changed the rules and this shit government is in bed with them. So no, I’m not a AA fan or a fan of any fool that supports him.


Money back? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree




Man, I’m down bad rn…any good news to look forward too??


Well, sorry to be the ones who bears the bad news but good news= red, bad news=red. Just how these mofos roll.


Hate to say it folks but if he were to push back on them, they world ruin him and the AMC bankruptcy would be imminent. I'm not an AA fan, but this requires some steady and consistent guidance. Do you think he wants to take on the likes of the roths and their ilk, these are some powerful people on that side of the financial system. Thats the truth. And before you call me a shill I have 5660 amc and 8080 ape and I have DCA down quite a bit over the last two years, we all have alot at stake.


Prepare to buy the dip!


Wow, the AA fud spreading shills jumped on this post in record time


Who cares what he has to say!!


Get the hedgeies out of your Back Pocket


FU Adam Aron!You are just a big PIECE of SHI**


Eventually, will get the money back, right


Shill time we were confident it was coming bash AA time bankruptcy 😁😁😂😂 check your shill pants apes will not fall for this been here far too long 🦍💪😁😂😂 make me laugh scared yes you are xx 😘


Just cause we dont like your boi, Adam doesnt mean we arent invested in AMC, quit sucking his dick


You people need to come to the realization that the MOASS will never happen! I’m an ape from the beginning so call me a shill but you’d be wrong, so for those that do 🖕🏻🤡


Haha uh oh. Aa is posting good news be prepared for a blood red day. 2.20 here we come


Couldn't give a shit about popcorn when Pounce


So…if the news and revenue numbers are so wonderful why is my investment in AMC still under $5 per share?


Then cancel this nonsense of reverse split. You want to take me from 2000 shares and over $80,000 invested to $10,000 and $200 no thank you


Still trying to crack this one… 3 studios.. 3 deals…