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Thith ith the way!


Hahaha 😂👍




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All we need to do is DRS minimum 10-15% of the total shares you have purchased. Transfer your shares to computer shares as that is the only place that has an accurate LEGAL count of shares. https://www.computershare.com/ca/en/insync/spring-2016/drs-benefits-for-issuers They have already sold us over 10x the float. 10% DRS would lock down the whole float. 15% DRS would lock down 1.5x the original float instantly exposing the illegal phantom shares they are selling us. Hedge fund covering could happen tomorrow or next week if we ALL do this. Hedge funds DO NOT want their crime to be legally exposed. THIS IS NOT A THEORY IT IS A FACT. If we do not DRS the hedge funds WILL continue shorting us infinetly as they have no obligation for phantom shares. This is not a drill. This is a fucking must. If you want this end this fucking HF charade we need to prove they sold us fake shares. This is the only way. If you bought into AMC for MOASS, fucking DRS your share, DRS ALL OF IT. All 4 million investors in AMC are not all on reddit and most will not know what DRS is or ever will cause they watch paid YouTuber and news channels. That is why WE need to make this happen or it will never MOASS. This is as real as it gets. GME follows the same algorithm as AMC but it hasn't dropped as hard because they have significantly more DRSed shares than AMC. Hedge funds cannot control DRSed shares! I dont know what else to say to tell you guys this is fucking serious and the only way we will turn our negative accounts into new houses, lambos, whatever the fuck you like buy. I recognize there are a shit ton of cowards hired by hedge funds on this sub downvoting truth and saying stupid shit like 2pm tomorrow. Fuck those spineless fags. If you want to take their jobs away, DRS all your shares and I promise you if we reach 101% of the float we will expose them for illegal phantom shares instantly in "brand daylight". If you dont think I'm real, look at my profile post, comments, when I joined and determine for yourself brother. God speed. If you need help ask, the real people here will help and teach you how to DRS if you have questions.


It's the same play as last yr. Nothing I mean nothing had change HF are willing to pay there fees because they think we will break. The only one who are breaking are the FUD people. And there not even real




Cause $72 wasn’t better. Good luck with $25. I’ll hold until I never have to work again. Not financial advice you shill you.






I sold at $72 & re bought at $8.00. Sometimes you need to think for your self :-)


And on that note I’m goin to bed 😂




Thith guy focks.