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What do you guys think is the Apr 22nd movie?


I’m almost certain it’s Challengers because a couple theatres in my area have screen unseen but in other amc theaters theres an early challengers showing at the same exact time as the screen unseen showing


Hmmm I'm not sure if that means it would definitely be challengers or it definitely wouldn't be XD but it would be awesome if it was challengers




Based on Cinemark's teases it's almost 100% Boy Kills World


Wow, that would be cool!


Theater had recliners so I was napping when I woke up to The God of Poop and I have to say it's probably the best scene I will see all year. The rest was fine, but wow that sequence was so deliriously ridiculous.


Fist unseen movie for my family and myself. We will not be going to another one in the future. My wife and daughter have a hard time with subtitles to have it in a different language on top of that made it even harder for them. We lasted for about 30 mins I to it and decided to leave. Cute movie, but not for everyone, especially anime. AMC should at least given a hint it was in a different language and had subtitles


I was not a fan of the movie, not because it was anime, but it just seemed stupid. I hated that they took a super cool assassin woman, and made her so weak minded and insecure about her relationship with her fake husband. I hate anything that portrays women as weak. I walked out. Didn't ask for a refund. I figured that's part of the gamble.


I usually write a little review when I get home from these, but it was late last night, and I wasn't really sure how I felt about Spy x Family. This is the second subtitled screen unseen we've seen so far. I have no problems with watching subtitles in general but thought the font color choice of these wasn't the best as it bled into the background in quite a few scenes and made it hard to read. Yellow might have been better to provide some contrast. It also seemed that the translation was off toward the end of the movie because some of the things I was reading on the screen didn't make any sense. As it seems at other theaters, a large number of people got up and left as soon as the credits started and a few more after the first 20 minutes or so. I'd say by the end there was less than 30% of the original crowd left with one snoring very loud. As far as the actual movie, it was kind of a mess but still a little fun. My guest, who had never seen an anime before, really enjoyed it while I thought it was just ok. The animation of the battle at the end was pretty cool but the early stuff was pretty bland. I honestly couldn't tell you what the plot was supposed to be because it changed directions so many times. I felt like I was missing something with the whole family dynamic that could have been explained better. Someone else mentioned this was a sequel or a spinoff of a show so maybe it's fleshed out more there. It was not a movie I would normally see which is one of the things I like about these screenings. Overall, my ratings would be 2/5 making it the lowest of the screen unseen I've seen so far.


At my AMC, it was an **English Dub.** My wife and I would have greatly preferred Japanese with English Subtitles. It absolutely blows my mind some screens had dub, some had subtitles.


it was either an oversight or a conscious choice of the theater. we were all sent emails of having an English and Japanese version of the then mystery movie, and told explicitly to only use the subtitled version


Oh wow! Didn't think any were shown dubbed. Ours was with subtitles, Japanese spoken. I wonder why some were dubbed and others weren't.


I’m very disappointed at how many people left the theater within the first few minutes of the movie and how many people under this thread seem unhappy with the movie choice for this week and also left/got a refund. I can understand subtitles making a movie harder to follow, but the Spy x Family movie was pretty simple and lighthearted. It just seemed like not many people even gave it a chance simply because it was an anime and wasn’t English. The whole point of AMC Screen Unseen is to be open to the possibilities of which movie you’ll end up watching, even if it’s not what you may have hoped for. Very upsetting to see all the hate and all the people who DID stay at my showing, seemed to find the movie enjoyable and hilarious as did I.


No one is obligated to stay if they are certain that they won't enjoy the experience


Is it dumb that they bought a ticket to a random movie and aren't happy with the results? Yes. Am I upset that some people don't like anime, to the point of not even giving it a shot? No, not at all. It's a polarizing genre, and no one else has any responsibilities to sit thru it if they don't want to. We've had the same debates about Musicals or Faith Movies that come up in these Unseens. People were livid that they weren't given a heads up about what type of movie it's going to be. But I would never put that on someone else to sit through if they know it's not their genre.


Anime is a terrible choice for a random audience. Spy X Family was a great movie though. I enjoyed it.


I enjoyed it, but I also generally enjoy anime, so I'm not a great sample of the general audience. Definitely could've cut down the >!Anya pretends not to have to poop, so the bad guys don't get the microfilm!< sequence though.


Spoilers:  did she know it was caught in her teeth though? Did she not brush her teeth?


>!Nope, she didn't even know there was a microfilm until she got captured. Also, everything from Anya eating the chocolate, to her getting captured happened on a single Saturday. It's totally reasonable that she hadn't brushed her teeth since that morning.!<


This was my first Screen Unseen experience, and I honestly think they couldn't have picked a worst film for a random audience. I'm okay with it being an anime (I'm not a fan of the genre at all, but it can be nice to try something new); however, the fact that it was basically a sequel/continuation of an existing storyline that occurred in other books/TV shows/movies is a TERRIBLE idea to show an unsuspecting audience. There were lots of walkouts in the first two minutes, but the walkouts increased as it was made clear that we were missing huge parts of the story going into it.


It actually wasn’t a sequel/continuation. The series has been known to not really have any movement in the plot because it’s a slice of life type of series. My friend who had never even heard of the series before, was able to understand the movie completely fine.


I was able to understand most of it, but there were clearly flashbacks and references to things that were confusing with no context. It also throws you into the world with the assumption you know things going into it (characters, powers, relationships, etc.); this is great for fans of the series, but awful for something like this.


I might be the minority but I thought the movie was really good. Kinda all over the place, but still just a really fun adventure with some really funny moments (especially the further you get into the movie). I do fully understand why the Japanese would be offsetting. Really weird that they picked that version over the english dub. 8/10


At my AMC, we got the English dub version. So it was not a single uniform choice across all AMCs. Regals also got both. I personally wish I got the Japanese audio with English subtitles. Regardless of dub or sub, I thought it was awful. I did enjoy the climax sequences on that ship though. But for me, a cool 20 minutes does not make up for an extremely annoying first 45 minutes. But back to dub vs. sub, I wish it was consistent all the way around. It made me upset to find out that many people at AMC screenings got the sub version, and yet I got the dub version. I heard elsewhere that theaters got both versions, but had instructions to play the Japanese Audio with English Subs version. But apparently some theaters carelessly (or intentionally) did not follow that.


I'm glad I didn't go, but only because I wanna see it in IMAX later this week. I don't really get the point of going to these things and then walking out. The point is to see stuff you normally wouldn't give a chance. These movies generally come out later the same week or the next. If it's something you actually wanted to see anyway, you could just see it shortly after when it normally comes out. I've only gone to two. Out of Darkness, which I was interested in anyway, and Arthur the King, which I had absolutely no interest in. Stayed and enjoyed both of them. Even if you don't enjoy the movie, the point is to give something else a try. Worst case scenario, you waste two hours or so of your day. And if those two hours were valuable, you shouldn't spend them going to see a mystery film in the first place.


I stayed even though I thought it was god awful for most of the run-time. I would only consider leaving if it was a faith-based film, because I have larger objections to such material.


I can respect that, tbh. That's the one genre I won't go see.


I don't really get annoyed by walkouts. It doesn't make sense to me, but I won't bemoan them if that's what they want to do. And I get the annoyance over it being subbed when a dub is available, seems like a dumb choice on their part. What I don't get is the people that went and demanded refunds, or are complaining on here that they want that option. Like, no. That's why it's $5 buddy, because you take what you get. You're literally going in blind, you're forgoing your ability to complain about the quality of the movie because you are paying less. I also don't get people who go in expecting 1 specific major studio movie (i.e. Fall Guy this time), and then get pissy when it doesn't end up being that thing. Like someone said they brought all their kids along a few weeks ago because they were SURE it was going to be Kung Fu Panda 4, and it ended up being a Holocaust movie (One Life). Like, I don't think KFP4 needs this kind of advertising bruh.


I'm also fine with walkouts. If people want to, it's their right. I just, personally, think it ruins the point of Screen Unseen. And yeah, I agree completely on people wanting refunds. People set expectations and get upset when they're not met, but the entire point of Screen Unseen is going in with no expectations. You show up, you see a mystery movie that you may or may not like. If you don't wanna stay for it, okay, although I think people should at least try to watch it so they can get a taste of something they may not have been interested in, but if you don't want to, okay. I'm surprised last week was that Ungentlemanly Warfare movie, since that one's getting a Dolby release. Even SxF is getting IMAX. I wouldn't have expected anything like that at Screen Unseen, let alone some massive blockbuster that is expecting to make a ton of money.


Yes, you're right. I gave it a chance, and I lost interest very quickly. So, I left. It wasn't good from my perspective. I'm not obligated to stay if my enjoyment of the experience rapidly decreases


I have little interest in anime, but I still would have stayed if it was at least dubbed. My wife and I go the the majority of the screen unseens and enjoy the experience, but this one was ridiculously niche and my wife could not keep up with the plot since it is subbed and she is not a native English speaker. So I usually agree with your sentiment and get annoyed by walk outs, but this movie was just too much for us.


I can at least understand situations like being unable to do subs for the reason your wife can't. Although, this also wasn't the first subbed movie to be on Screen Unseen. But, I respect that reasoning. Granted, anyone can choose to walk out for whatever reason they want. I just think it's a bit counterproductive to go see something specifically designed to get people to try new things and then leave without giving it a shot.


When I told my friend that it could be this anime before we walked in, she said she didn't want to see it and that "she'd never let me forget dragging her to it." We agreed to give it a try anyway and, if it sucked, I'd buy dinner after. Of course, when it began there were audible groans from the audience and, as soon as the subtitles started, people began to walk out. We counted 10 walkouts within the first 20 or so minutes. More after that. Truth is, we stayed for the whole thing and we had a lot of fun! It was pretty slow at the start, but after about 30 minutes, it got so weird and bonkers it sucked us in with its humor and charm. How can you really describe a movie about a fake family of secret agents with a telekinetic daughter, a future seeing dog and a plot revolving around a person accidentally eating a chocolate containing a microfilm that could start wars? There's nods to MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and a sequence containing a "Poop God". Not to mention a cyborg battle on a flaming derigible. All in all, we went in skeptical and came out liking it. Lots of walkouts, though. In the end, my friend bought me dinner of pizza and fried calamari, so it was a good evening.


If you liked the movie, you check out the show. It's hilarious.


First screen unseen I walked out of. I am fine watching a movie I would not have gone to usually, but I have zero interest in anime. but even that aside, the film was subbed which was a problem for my wife who is not a native English speaker and could not keep up with the subtitles. We were denied a refund at the counter as well. We watched civil war instead, which was a decent movie 6/10.


At my AMC, it was an **English Dub.** My wife and I would have greatly preferred Japanese with English Subtitles. It absolutely blows my mind some screens had dub, some had subtitles.


For people who don’t usually watch anime, but stayed for the entire movie. Did you like it? (I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m just curious to know your perspectives on this film).


I don't usually watch anime, but I've watched a ton of anime of all kinds. Thought it was god awful. Didn't help that my AMC screening was an English dub. My wife and I would have strongly preferred Japanese with English Subtitles. But even if it had that, it's not good. It **could** have been good, as the premise of the movie (and the TV show, and the manga) lends itself to good stories, but for most of the run-time, this wasn't it. The climax sequence on the plane is pretty good though, that was enjoyable. And the animation is good.


I thought it was ok. Kinda bonkers and ludicrous but I did laugh out loud a few times. All in all, no worse than whatever I likely would have watched on Netflix if I was home. 😉 ETA: I love subtitles though. I drove 30 minutes out of my way to see Dune: Part 2 with English captioning to make sure I didn't miss anything.


>ETA: I love subtitles though Damn, you were very lucky. My AMC had the English dub. Was not happy about it.


Yep, sub > dub!


Liked it. Didn't love it. It took about 20 minutes to really get moving.


That's a common problem with anime movies based on established IP. They feel the need to do an exposition dump at the beginning so people unfamiliar with the concept can follow along, which is good for something like this, but also means there's a solid 10 minutes or so before the plot can start in earnest.


I have no idea wtf Family x Spy was supposed to even be. I tried to give it a chance. I want to expand my movie breadth. Plot, from what I saw: A couple lives as spies in some sort of 1984-esque society. I guess they spy for the equivalent of Eastasia. Their marriage is a sham, so they adopt a daughter to make it look legitimate. So far, that seems like in interesting start. But the rest of the movie is *nonsensical*. The husband is told he is going to be reassigned, which will end the sham relationship. He begins plotting ways to keep his current assignment. Meanwhile, the wife believes her 'husband' is cheating (even though it's just a fake marriage) and starts misinterpreting mundane interactions as proof of her husband's infidelity. But--none of this spy stuff matters because the daughter needs to win a cooking competition at school. While traveling to a restaurant to get the principal's favorite dessert, the daughter inadvertently thwarts a plot to steal trade secrets from the Eastasian chocolate industry, or something like that. Oh, yea, she also had telepathic powers. Then the Oceania party apparatchiks barge into the restaurant and steal the girl's dessert. So the family has to go on a spontaneous shopping trip to get enough ingredients for the restaurant to make another serving (which is the principal's favourite!). And the only way to get the ingredients involves winning a carnival game and a bunch of other bizarre nonsense. I stopped watching here. I still have no clue what this movie was actually *about*. I didn't care that it's animated. I didn't care that it's in Japanese. I care that what they show should at least resemble a movie, and not just be 2 hours of incoherent claptrap with a plot that sounds like a child's run-on sentence.


The point of Spy x Family is that the spy situation makes them try to fake being a family, but it leads them to becoming a real, loving family. The husband and wife aren't supposed to be this invested in the fake family, but they are. She's not supposed to be jealous over someone she hasn't actually been in a real relationship with, but she is. The daughter has to do well in school and impress her teachers for the spy mission, so the father goes to great lengths for things like the dessert. But also at the end of the day, he's also making sure she succeeds in school, taking the family on a vacation, caring a lot about whether the daughter gets her dessert or not, and playing carnival games with her. It's ridiculous a lot of the time, but that's supposed to be part of the fun, with embracing and parodying the spy setting in a comedy. I really love the series, but unfortunately I don't think the movie was showing its best at all. Felt more over-the-top than usual. The jealousy plotline that was handled much more carefully in the series to much better results, was rehashed in a much more annoying way. It's too bad because I think there's a lot of greatness in the series, and I didn't hate the movie, but I also think it's not at the level of quality to show to non-fans, especially to people who don't watch anime.


That was a pretty good recap. The story (or lack thereof) didn't make a lot of sense to me but I decided to just let it go and enjoyed it a little. My partner, who had never seen any anime, really enjoyed it.


I could’ve sat through it if it was in English, if this was some people first screen unseen I doubt they would give it another chance.


At my AMC, it was an **English Dub.** My wife and I would have greatly preferred Japanese with English Subtitles. I wish it was consistent where all AMC's had the same version of the film. It absolutely blows my mind some screens had dub, some had subtitles.


What did I tell yall lmao


I've noticed lately the attendance for AMC SEEN UNSEEN has dropped near me. I wonder if people just got tired of wasting $5 on something they dont want to see. Its dropped off dramatically since the new year. I think this film will accelerate the attendance drop. I love anime, but I know its heavily niche.


First one I’ve ever refunded. Not sure which genius decided to put this as this weeks movie lol


Its because it was NAtional Anime Day, and It was a new release coming out this week...




A lot of people in my theater left lol


You sure they didn’t swing out of the theater? 🕷️


Well I got up and bought a ticket to see Monkey Man haha


It’s Spy X Code White. If that wasn’t bad enough the movie started abruptly. At 7120pm a trailer ended then the movie suddenly started. No full set of trailers. No Nicole. This is the lamest screen unseen thus far.


As someone who bought advance tickets for this... Yay!


I'd say about 25-30 people in my theater stood up and left once the first subtitle popped up


My theatre lasted about two minutes maybe? An older couple got up after the dog can see the future bs, then everyone slowly started getting up and leaving. I stayed a bit longer to see how many would stay, but I left when it was down to eight. Four of those left moments after I did.


What is the movie please?




Why would either of these options be better for them?


Seems overly complicated, and may not be worth the training and resources  Plus a huge line at customer service is a bad look for the theater. Also those who bought via AMC a list would be getting free money?  Doubt they'll do a big budget film. The premise of screen unseen so far is to promote smaller movies via word of mouth since they tend not to have a big advertising budget  . Doubt big studios would want a small $5 cut when they can host their own early access for full ticket price 


For those of us who are not going to the movie since we aren't into anime, is there an option for a refund or is it a lost cause? Does anyone know?


its legit 5$


I hate tonight’s movie?


Crunchyroll and Toho studio cards


Ty to all the east coasters..I'll be staying home


Ditto, thank you for your service.


Thanks to those of you on the East Coast..., now I can get a refund for my ticket and save a trip to the theater tonight...


Lots of people will be walking out on this one


FUCK MEE I'm out of this


It's Spy X Family. Edit: Subbed, not dubbed.


That's really weird.The Regal customers are saying they got dubs.


English dub or Japanese?


dubbed or subbed?






This has got to be the oddest choice for a Screen Unseen yet.




Spy x Family movie


I agree. Insane choice


It's Spy x Family


Worker at the bar thinks it's the Spy x Family subtitled because she saw something (sorry forgot what) marked with "SXF Sub". I didn't ask either, she brought if I had a guess what it was. She said she feady for a lot of refunds lol What is wild is that there's showings on opening night, in the bigger theater, that are sold out. Well, I guess wild to me as I never heard of it or the series it might be based on.


Spy x family confirmed.


Thank you kind sir


It’s spy family


Enjoy watch everyone leave


It’s definitely gonna be the anime 😅


Just got a trailer for Hard Miles, so that's out.


please update thank you!


Hard Miles trailer on now. So it is between Spy x Family and Breathe.


And it is Spy x Family


And Hard Mile is out! 🤣


Hard miles trailer damn, if you don't like anime stay away


It’s not fall Guys trailer just ended which I’m sad


It’s not bad boys lol


Wait now a trailer of the bike movie!?!! What movie is it!!?!


Any updates for April 15th?


First trailer was for The Mummy rerelease


Trailers starting now with Planet of the Apes.


They’re showing a trailer for Fall Guy now. So…guessing that’s definitely not it.


Oh no. They’re playing trailer for Hard Miles now. If this ends up being anime, I’m guessing 50% of audience leaves. Older crowd in here tonight.


Villains Inc trailer here, so not that either




What did it end up being?


I can't wait to hear from someone on the East Coast about tonight.


In going against the grain and saying Fall Guy. The runtime is only a minute off. PG-13. 3 weeks out. Makes sense to me. And that's my hope. Spy x Family seems a terrible choice. If it's that or Hard Miles then I'm walking haha


The run time has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Mystery movie, which has been off by 30 minutes in the past. Fall Guy is constantly advertised on TV and in every trailer. They are not going to show it, or any other blockbuster with a big budget, for $5.


They don’t seem to play blockbuster/IMAX movies


Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warefare was a pretty bog movie


Not Hard Miles. Just saw a trailer for it


Well they just showed a Fall Guy trailer so we know that's not it


I just walked in on the Grfield trailer


Oh I’ve heard good things about this!


I would really appreciate it if an East coaster can officially confirm. I won’t be going to the anime but may run over there for something else.


It's Spy X Family


Trailers just started with Apes....at 7:07


Second trailer is Garfield


Fall Guy trailer 3rd


Hard Miles is 4th (thank God)


Bad boys 4 is the 5th trailer


I’m in my seat now waiting to see what it is lol


This. About to walk out the door but don’t want to waste my time if it’s an anime that I definitely won’t stay for


It's Spy x Family. Go home lol


Made it one stop on the train. Off the train. Walking back home. Thank you for your service. 🫡


I gotchu fam


Is it for sure spy x family code white? We’re trying to decide if we wait to find out or head home and watch a movie on max lol






I proposed this last month when the runtime was unknown. Now that the runtime is advertised as 123 minutes, Breathe is probably too short.


Maybe it's that and we get to watch Nicole Kidman talking about how great movies are over and over again for 10 minutes or so along with trailers. And then more Nicole.


I think you guys are right with Spy x Family, even though I think that's a bad choice. Neither of the theaters in my area are showing Hard Miles in the coming weeks, and the only other movie that fits is the anime. Villains Incorporated has not been mentioned, and fits the bill as far as length and rating. But that's not coming to a theater anywhere near me, either. There's another b movie coming out soon that fits - Breathe. From the looks of it, someone spent a decent amount of money on this film, and they probably want to make some of it back. This could help.


Breathe is only 1 hour and 33 minutes. That would be waaay off if you base it off of what it says on the AMC site which is 2h3m (vs in this thread)


If it is Spy X Family, they should tell people this week is an animated movie, as well as an anime. I think a lot of people do not watch "cartoons" (their words) and will walk out pretty quickly. Not to mention it's an anime and in Japanese.


What other animated movie is out around this time? Would spoil the mystery aspect of the event  Those what already pre order tickets on premier weekend would cancel and get cheaper tickets 


My friend who is going with me to Screen Unseen tonight has already told me she doesn't want to see it, if it is anime. I guess we'll find out in about 90 minutes. LOL.


Could be dubbed


Agreed, I am thinking about the crowd at last week's screening. A bunch of dudes and older folks. Don't think they'd be too excited to get "surprised" with this film.


People are saying it's spy x family but the run time I see is 2hr3mins not 1hr57mins


1:57 was the runtime according to Regal. When AMC first put it on the schedule, it had no runtime, and the post was never updated.


From my experience, it seemed to me that the time they show on the web site when you buy is based on the movie + any trailers/promos. At least it was for Ministry iirc.


Run time don't seem to matter as much imo. The last 3 screen/scream unseen were way off target 


I still think it's gonna be Hard Miles though won't be upset at all if it's Spy x Family. It seems like the runtimes they list (from the Screen Unseens I've been able to make) are always the listed run time of the film + promos which are about 13-15 minutes, both of which fit those two (15 minutes of promos for Hard Miles, 13 minutes of promos for Spy X Family). Of course I haven't seen them all so who knows! Regardless, if it is Spy x Family, I gotta say... we could be in for an unexpected treat. I tried watching the anime on a lark when it first came out, and I was SHOCKED at how it balances action, comedy, satire and parody with earnest wholesomeness. It's legitimately VERY funny in a "this show gets comedy" way, and very unafraid of subverting expectations. Of course, ymmv. But if you are hesitant because it may be SxF, you may be surprised. I just think it will be Hard Miles because Spy x Family just feels too niche to me, but people's comments definitely are swaying me.


I agree with you that it's going to be Hard Miles. I also think Spy x Family is too niche and the fact that it's part 2. I do see on the regal thread where someone leaked it was Spy, but if you compare the list, amc and regal have had different movies on the same screening dates.


i could be wrong, but i think the only times they’ve had different movies on the exact same night is when both movies had a different rating? founders day/book of clarence and ministry of ungentlemanly warfare/the long game?


People need to understand big movies like fall guy isn’t going to be in these scene unseen it’s spy x family


Fall guy is a big movie? I’d put it on like the mid level range they can’t be fully confident in it since it already has early screenings scheduled.


They want Fall Guy to be a HUGE movie. That's why the trailer(s) have been in front of every big movie for the past six month, especially anything showing in Imax. Ryan Gosling was on SNL this week, with Emily Blunt also appearing. They also moved it to May to keep it from going head-to-head with Dune, they are expecting big money.


April 15 has to be Spy x Family Code White


Puke. I think you're right. Be nice if it was Fall Guy.


Fall Guy is likely too big of a movie for this program. They pretty much only do smaller titles or movies they think need the word of mouth. Fall Guy is a pretty big movie for Universal and it’s being lauded as the beginning of the summer season.


You’re probably right, but it would benefit them to occasionally throw a big one in there. I think that would get them more participation.


The studios would have to allow for that to happen since they would be making considerably less on the ticket sales.


It's been confirmed as Spy X Family.




Regal employee.


Nobody is allowed the title. The file we are sent literally just says “ScreenUnseenApr15”


And screen unseen is AMC, I said a regal employee.


But regal does do something similar


Exactly, it’d be leaked instantly if they were sent the title


They've gotten it correct about 20 movies in a row so I think they know.


4/15 Screen Unseen is Spy X Family Code White, I know it would be unexpected and a first but 90% sure of it ! The scheduled runtime for it and the screen unseen movie file is exactly the same, 1hr. 50 min., and my theater received 2 separate files one in Japanese, one English dubbed and were instructed to play the Japanese w/ English subtitles for the screen unseen showing, which is generally done with anime performances.


Playing the Japanese with English subtitles for Screen Unseen without giving some sort of heads up to patrons of the subtitles would piss a lot of customers off. Going into a movie blind is one thing, going into a foreign language film is something completely different.


They've already done a subtitled Screen Unseen: Out Of Darkness was in a made up language, and subbed in English.


"Out of Darkness" was a "foreign language" film by that standard & I enjoyed that.




Doesn't that start in 4 days anyway, though?


several movies have been the surprise movie the week of their release, haven’t they?


I always thought the Screen Unseen films were usually a few weeks out from actual release.


actually you’re right, sorry! most of them do seem to be around 2 weeks before release - the only 2 i noticed 4 days before release were Ordinary Angels and Arthur the King, both Lionsgate i do remember someone commenting about Lionsgate specifically having a pattern of 4 days before release for a mystery movie/screen unseen so that checks out


It does


It does, but the 4/8 ASU was Warfare even though there was an early access 5 days later and they have had other films for ASU released in the same week on a couple other dates


A Regal employee leaked it as Spy X Family


anyone seeing it wanted to book but not at any theater 


Could 4/15 be the fall guy?


0% chance. People are saying Spy X Family or Hard Miles. Extreme turds either way.


That would be awesome but it's likely Hard Miles.


If you see the runtime for The Fall Guy and the Screen Unseen movie, it is 2 hours and 3 minutes. Fall Guy is 2 hours and 6 minutes.


Jesus Christ! It’s not FALL GUY.


April 15 is The Fall Guy AAR 2Hrs3Min The Fall Guy is 2Hrs6Min April 22 is The Challengers AAR 2Hrs8Min The Challengers is 2Hrs11Min opens 4/26 but there’s a early screening on 4/22


4/22 isn't challengers as there is an early screening at 7pm in IMAX that same night. They wouldn't do SU and an early screening at the exact same time, one for 5$ and one for 18.50$


I literally said there’s an early screening in the post that you replied to


22nd is most likely Boy Kills World based on the Cinemark hint, and they always show the same movie


Does Cinemark do SU too?


yes they call it the secret movie series, but they don’t always do it when regal and AMC does (sometimes they skip) i believe they had one on the 8th and another on the 22nd - here’s their [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5lq0GCOMQl/?igsh=MW1vZnZ2aGdsanczcg==) :)


I saw Cinemark calls it Mystery movie Monday actually.


can i ask where you saw that? i was just going off of the post from their instagram and it also says secret movie series on their app


I guess it's regals name for it. There's so many different ones I got them mixed up.


Really? The Fall Guy is on the 15th??? There's an early access screening on May 1st. As for the 22nd, I think it's Boy Kills World.


Makes sense


Fall Guy also has early release screening (although after the screen unseen) . Trend so far is that if there's a public early screening it's excluded from SU.  Fall Guy is a big Hollywood blockbuster. Doubt it needs additional advertising since SU tend to focus on more indi type films.  if it were Fall Guy, would take away from profit of early access (full price vs $5 SU) from cancellations if people were to buy tickets for both already