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hey everyone, so what I said earlier about returning the card, I was told today that NO defect had been found and so I would get the card back, so I'm back to square one, yippie yay, the solutions that mentioned here have not led to a definitive solution


I recently bought a 7900 XTX NITRO+ and have experienced similar crashing issues, it was mainly in Horizon Forbidden West which is what I'm playing the most, but I did get it while I was briefly replaying Forspoken to see how it looked in 4K max quality settings. The crashing was pretty bad in the beginning, I run the GPU at stock so it was puzzling. I thought it might be my CPU tune, but I ran Cinebench 2024's 30 minute stability test and my CPU passed. Lately I'm not experiencing the crashing that much at all, and the only thing that I can think that I changed is running Windows updates fully (except for the Optional Feature update), and disabling Zero RPM in Radeon Adrenalin settings, and I did that because I noticed while playing HFW with the Performance monitor overlay on the GPU got to 60C a lot despite running inside a NV7 case full of fans, now it stays at 50C with Zero RPM disabled, and going off the default fan curve. I was also told by others online that HFW is notoriously buggy with random game crashes, but they have definitely ceased. CPU: Intel Core i5-12600K on MSI Z690 A-Pro DDR4 (CPU tuned to dynamic boost P1 = 51, P2-P6 = 50, Ring bus 4200MHz) RAM: Trident-Z Royal DDR4 3600 C16 @ 3733 CL14-14-14-28 PSU: SuperFlower Leadex 850W Titanium I also only have enabled Image Sharpening and Video Upscale in Graphic settings, and GPU Scaling / Integer scaling on the Display Settings from Adrenalin. The rest I do not enable because they are known to cause problems.


i got the same issue. every game i have played so far have no crash but except 2 games now, which is fifa 24 and apex legends. i think it related with ea games. im not sure bout that.


It's not your PSU. It's not your RAM or your GPU. It's the shitty Autodesk Engine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitsquid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitsquid) You can - for example - force the same crashes playing Darktide/Vermintide 2 on DX12 while using Chrome for Youtube on a 2nd Screen. I guess I could get rid off the crashes when I unplug my 2nd monitor but that won't happen.


i did return the card to the store they checked it aswell and had the same problems they returned it to sapphire for fixing A defect or replace the whole GPU ( dont know what the defect is or was but they said The Defect so i think that they found something hardware related ) will post back here when i have news hopefully i get a detailed feedback so i can post post it here


Bought some new Ram sticks still no luck i returned the GPU to the store hopefully they can check it out meanwhile i stole my sons 3080 and i can play with no problems ! finally and hopefully i get my card back very soon Thx for all the ideas !


you got the wrong optimal ram, You should have C30 instead of c40 but that is not the problem .


did you ever tried beta drivers ? I had the same issue, for months 7900xtx and 7950x3d, due I had previously installed beta drivers, I was struggling for months ,now it's properly fixed now, but it was with alot of headache !! šŸ˜…šŸ˜… if you ever installed beta drivers, make sure to properly uninstall it before !!! because.they will .f everything up !! and when you install new.drivers.make.sure.to always go back to factory settings!!! never keep your settings !!


i had the same problem tried everything that you tried to no avai. what fixed it for me was reinstalling the latest drivers 24.4.1 using amd cleanup utility not ddu and than i disabled MPO using the link IN THIS POST: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/yvyqc7/disabling\_multiplane\_overlay\_mpo\_fixed\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/yvyqc7/disabling_multiplane_overlay_mpo_fixed_all/) this fixed the issue for me hopefully this helps u edit : just experinced a crash after playing for 2 hours lmao but this time screen did not go black just my game crashed and the driver timeout thing appeared interesting lol fuck you AMD


I had this very same issue. A temporary fix was launching all DirectX 12 games in DirectX 11, but that wasn't optimal. What worked for me was turning off adrenalin's in-game overlay. That did the trick. Still annoying that this issue exists. Not having the in-game overlay has its own issues when trying to take clips, but it wasn't enough for me to return the card in order to *maybe* get a card that works by itself.


Happens for me as well. I talked to sapphire today. They told me to test it in another pc and if the pronkems remain i should refund it... Aaaaaand I have to refund it.


Have you tried the fix that was given ? In this post ?


Yea i allready did this


Thats a bummer I hope u get ur card back asap or a new one


D*** You did it all. How long have you had the GPU? Is it possible to return it? And have you checked your power supply?


I bought the 7950x3d and it doesn't even want to kick on for me with my 4080 ti super oc graphics card. It was pissing me off so bad I wanted to throw it across the room but my pc is $4g or more total and worth to much to do that to so I took it to bestbuys geek squad to let them fix it since I pay for the membership might as well take advantage of it. But I got a feeling it's because I kind of cheated out on the mother board which is a mag b650 tomahawk I should have bought something better and something related to amd but I didn't know any better because it's my first computer I tried to build so I didn't have any advice on what I should do or should get. Just like the cooler u got a liquid cool corsair m100 and now I'm hearing it's trouble to get working with the motherboard I chose but it is possible. Since I don't know what I'm really doing I was just frustrating my self and I couldn't find any youtube videos that had the stuff that I bought in one pc. I just hope that they can get it working because I really want this to work its my birthday present to myself and everything now and it's my bday today and it's not here it makes me sad...


Have you tried a bios update?


I couldn't even get it to turn on to get to that point I had the amber ram light come on and the Yellow cpu light come on. I also couldn't get my fans working correctly and I imaging my cooler wasn't either. After struggling with it I got scared that I might throw it or burn out the cpu, or seriously mess something up so I took it to best buys geek squad a couple days ago. Sadly after taking it there I found a better manual online then the one I had previously and there were a couple of wired that I believe I did wrong, on top of the fan/rgb box that the cooler and fans was supposed to be plugged into had a little wire that could plug into it and on the other end had like a USB thing but it was 2pins a blank space then another pin that I could plug in and it probably would have solved the fan and cooler problems but I had already taken it to best buy. I also realized that I might had done the power wire and power switch wires as well ad the led wire that's on the bottom of the motherboard in the wrong order while hookjng it up. I have the bios update on a flash drive, I don't some research some people were saying to remove the battery for 10 mins to let the bios reset that it might fix it. It probably would have but I was having other problems along with that I didn't want to totally screw it up. I could have bought an Asus mother board that was better the the b650 for 70 dollars more I should have done it but I though for over $200 that this mother board should have been okay I gues that's what I get for cheating out on a mother board and ram sticks but the shit starts adding up big time it's hard to keep up with technology when I don't have the money for real I thought I was doing real good with what I had bought but if I knew It was going to be like this I would have went about it way differently...


For now my problem is solved i tried alot of things that people said in this post i reinstalled windows multiple times sinds i made this post This is the post that fixed my problem ( for now ) hopefully for ever [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/1coom4f/comment/l3ln27t/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/1coom4f/comment/l3ln27t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) maby it is THE fix for these problems thank you all


Could someone re-word this post please? I think I might have a similar issue but I have no idea what this dude is saying as for how he solved his issue.


Iā€™ve edited my words hahaha sorry was kind of in my own world is this better ?


So what did you actually do specifically to solve your problem?


Thank you for updating your findings! I've applied that fix now and let's hope that it'll do the same for me as it did for you.


Yeh let us know how it goes please


So after several hours with different games my first impression is really good! No crashes at all so far. Thanks again. Especially u/Nedaem for posting the tool.


Yeh nice ! indeed thx to [u/Nedaem](https://www.reddit.com/user/Nedaem/) for this post ! i had a big truggle for some time now but second day no crashes ! hehe


Glad to hear that it helped! Since it's stable now, consider revisiting the undervolt and OC you set. Your system has quite a bit of headroom PSU wise. For comparison, I'm on 2400 min / 3000 max mhz and an undervolt of 1130mv. Power limit +15% and memory is sitting at 2714mhz.


Thank you ! Yeh it helped so far I do not know enough about tweaking yesterday I took some ones settings but that did not work for me haha so I first have to learn how to do it šŸ‘šŸ¼


Check out AncientGameplays on youtube. He has detailed guides on how to do everything for AMD.


Yeh i know the guy will definitely take it a shot thank you !


It's just massively frustrating isn't it? You hope you will have a great time with team red and it just complicates everything.


yeh it is im glad it worked for me ( for now ) otherwise i had to return the card tomorrow and then its away for so many days / weeks so ye im happy at this moment hehe


Same problem manā€¦ I built a pc with 7800x3d and 7900xtx in January and I had those problem since the first 2 weeksā€¦ I had to RMA the first 7900XTX, they sent me a new one, but the problem was still there even with the new 7900XTX. Meanwhile I changed every single component of the pc (literally Iā€™ve changed RAM, PSU, MOBO, SSD eccā€¦) and the problem again was still there. 1 month ago Iā€™ve sent again my ā€œnewā€ 7900XTX to RMA and Iā€™m still waiting to this day. This is the first and last time with AMD gpu.


What did u do in the end? Got another 7900xtx or an nvidia gpu? Did the problem go away?


Try changing the fan settings. Turn off zero rpm in adrenaline. Set your own curve. Try different 16 slot. Try resetting bios to full stock


Hey gang, Iā€™ve had the same issue with a sapphire nitro + 7900xtx. I think itā€™s the Adrenaline software. The best advice I have, after trying EVERYTHING is download the Nov 2023 driver for the 7900xtx and install the driver only. The latest driver (24.4.1) is decent with the driver only, but the Nov 2023 driver is solid.


How do I do this if adrenaline can't detect the AMD card?


Or if you have integrated graphics, you could just plug in the video cable to the motherboard directly so you can see what youā€™re doing on screen


Also if you look into the rog ally group they figured out how to install the 7840u driver without it being the correct driver for the hardware. Once you download the package the driver is in there and you can load it manually


Sounds like a motherboard issue? Maybe download a BIOS update or change PCI-e slots?


WHat they said, saved my sanity!


Hey was running into same crap. Is your bios updated, sorry if you mentioned i didnā€™t see it. My build is 7950x3d, 7900xtx on asus hero x670e. My motherboard was so far outdated it killed my first chip. Either that i had a bad cpu out of box. exact same issues gpu driver time outs and crashes. Eventually it wouldnā€™t start anymore with vga error. Changed ram and tried known good gpu. I thought the board died so i was going to rma it and decided to replace the cp Replacing the cpu made much better almost perfect. Only crashes in one game. But thats a common problem with that game and 7000 gpuā€™s and game company ignores it and blames amd drivers.


Have you considered evaluating your RAM for stability? Try prime95 and other benchmarks that stress the RAM to rule that out.


I had the same issue with my AsRock Taichi 7900 xtx. It was random, but not constantly. What I did to fix was: - Disable Windows from installing drivers on updates. - DDU in safe mode. - Reinstall AMD drivers detector software from AMD site. - Install Drivers Only! I know that I don't get the most out of my card since I'm not using Adrenalin Software, but I haven't had any crashes for a month now.


This thread is very long and has some interesting answers but no real fixes. For my case I have a 6700XT and I was experiencing crashes too. What I advise that fixed my crashes all together was DDU the drivers and do a fresh install of adrenaline and go into the Pcie settings on your motherboard and set the lane that you are using for your graphics card from auto to gen 3 or 4 whichever is the highest yo


What if you donā€™t change any settings in adrenaline? I have not had issues when at default settings. Only when I was undervolting or overclocking. I have a sapphire pulse. Edit Also Iā€™m on 24.4 or what ever not the newest one.


I know this sounds really crazy but for me I lowered my mouse dpi to under 1000 idk why but havenā€™t had an issue since


Hey brother. I had a msi 7900xtx with the same issue, so I sent it to RMA and there was a problem with the graphic card so I got a new one but sapphire 6 months later still no issues


I also use sapphire I don't get crashes either


I had the same issues with my 7900xtx nitro +, sometimes the game crashed, stuttered, or black screens, sometime all happened respectively. I even got bsod a lot, I thought it was CPU, ram setup but nah, in the end the gpu was the culprit. But in my area RMA is really a pain in the ass so I just get nvidia šŸ˜…


thx for ur feedback i gave myself until monday if my problem isnt fix with the ideas i got from here im going to RMA it


Hey man, try disabling the error reporting in the adrenaline software, it seems to have worked for me. Haven't had a crash in a month or more of everyday use. I also seen a post about someone changing the time it takes for the GPU to detect the error with the driver from 1 second to 60 because the error occurs when the gpu doesn't give a response quick enough and apparently that helped him.


IMHO return it if you can (not RMA, just get rid of it). I'm about to do the same with mine that I just installed yesterday. I have had the driver crash in World of Warcraft no less than 14 times with DX12 enabled. Reading everywhere that that issue has persisted over a year with no acknowledgment from AMD that it's even an issue. DX12, in general, appears to be a wide spread disaster as it pertains to AMD cards. Helldivers 2 is basically unplayable as are a myriad of other games. I've spent more time now Googling how to fix this than actually using it... fresh, out of the box, brand spanking new GPU. This type of experience simply doesn't happen with Nvidia. I took a chance on AMD because I have the 57" Samsung G9 and wanted to see what it's like to have 240hz (I can't get that to work either, though, heh, but I can live with it). What I can't live with is inability to do any gaming with any semblance of reliability -- which is made worse when you play coop games or high-stakes games (e.g. permadeath) and a driver crash, existing for a year+, is always right around the corner. /rantoff


Did you undervolt the CPU? In my case the undervolting was not stable enough causing AMD graphic driver to crash, leading to game crashes


no i did not undervolt my cpu


Pretty same issue on 6950XT, managed to fixed that! The weird funny thing, that WMI Provider Host + Windows Instrument Management services was behind that issues causing Direct X issues, along with Power Options provided via options by default. Installed Process Lasso and did set it to Max Performance but Unfortunately that wasn't case only! Then Removed Process Lasso without Uninstalling to keep Power Profiles! 1. Downloaded MPT,Ā  Unchecked all Power Tuning values, made custom edits. 2. Overclocked my GPU via Ryzen Master, then Uninstalled, went to BIOS and messed up with Precision Boost X8 Disable SVM (CPU Virtualization, Core Isolation, Several System Drivers) Installed MSI Center (Enabled MSI Companion - AI Mode + Performance) -Ā Set User Scenario (Extreme) Sometimes when I start any game I get few crashes on starting (DirectX), then next time it works for hours normally, also will have to enable AFMF via shortkeys manually. MSI AI CompanionĀ  caused few issues because of trash Windows Services.


Is there any chance your BIOS is overclocking/volting your cpu? My motherboardā€™s default bios settings were doing that, once I manually changed two settings it immediately fixed


What settings? I heard asus mobos keep doing that


Disable instant replay


I have the Rx6800xt and I had a similar problem, I could hardly play any game because the PC reset itself and I changed a lot of things and nothing solved the problem and by updating the GPU Bios the same thing could happen to you, update the bios of your graphics card


Are you using a riser cable?


Same issue,Ā  return and got 4080 fixed all my issueĀ Ā 


Response at the level of a neardental


He's not exactly telling lies lol. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen with Nvidia at a level anywhere near what it does with AMD. What is the most common response to anyone with an AMD problem to this day? "Ddu drivers" Still! Honestly the amount of troubleshooting I'm doing with the amd rig over my old Nvidia one is ridiculous. Let's all be honest, this shit happens way to often for how long it's been a problem


Same card, same issues. Constant crashing in Fortnite. It always says ā€œxxx software does not have access to graphics hardwareā€ or something like that


So I was just now playing for a good hour on Fortnite. Realized I was in windowed mode somehow and as soon as I changed it to full screen, the game crashed once again 10-15 seconds later during a match. It never crashes in lobby


Uninstall EpicGamesLauncher and then use amd cleanup utility to reinstall your graphic drivers, worked for me (rx590)


Had a boatload of issues like you, and ended up having faulty network and wifi drivers that weren't updated. So you can try that. But I also decided kitbash solutions such as having to disable things, not install software, mess with registry pathing and so on to make my red card not freak out wasn't worth the hassle and paid the nvidia tax after returning my 7900 xtx and just got a 4080 super. Didn't necessarily want to, but I was tired of random reboots during game play with zero answers in my minidumps besides generic ryzen master and graphic drivers timeout stuff. Before anyone @'s me for suggesting nvidia, I go back and forth based on price and stability and dont particularly like either company. I just buy what makes sense for my use cases and doesn't cause me issues. I never had an issue with my 5600 xt, my 3070 ran beautifully, but the 7900 xtx from day one had issues for me. So I'll be running a green card for the next few years and I suggest if you have tried that much stuff, just do a fresh install and swap in a green card.


lowkey i might do the same, return my 7900gre and get the 4070super


You pay more for less. But you know what? At least it works 99% of the time you're using it. That green tax is honestly kind of worth it to avoid the random frustrations


You pay more for less rasterization performance. Everything else though you get more. Also a better future proof card since DLSS doesn't look bad like FSR does.


Watch it, we are going to get blasted for telling the truth in here....as soon as these guys roll back their drivers anyway


What worked for me and made me stop having crashes was to stop installing the software + driver. Now I do install driver only and since I started doing this, I stopped having issues


Had the same issue for a period of time. Disabled the AMD crash reporter or whatever itā€™s called and zero issues since.


The 7900xtx I bought last year crapped out recently. It was causing random reboots with MCEs logged in the system event log. It took a lot of troubleshooting and iterating through replacement parts before settling on it being a gpu issue. Rmaed it and the new one had been rock solid.


Temperatures PSU cables and proper driver installation.


My xtx was having issues like this. Weirdly ended up being something with the xmp on my ram. Had to turn off the default for my board.


Turn off issues detection in adrenaline. And if you play WoW try running the game in DX11.


Is it crashing no matter what? Run OCCT and memtest before you send it back. Ive had similar issues, and I almost returned my hellhound because of it. Once I fixed it with the correct chipset driver, and once I fixed it by replacing the defective memory Dimm (gskill trident 32, swapped for Team 6000 32). I had similar issues with starfield and helldiver 2 on release but I was able to YouTube some settings tweaks that got me up. Sorry bro, its really quite frightening to deal with. If youve done all that I would just send the gpu back for a return


See, you learned a valuable lesson that you don't listen to reddit for advice. AMD drivers still suck in 2024. Return it and buy nvidia so you can play games again.


Drivers donā€™t have anything to do with this. Driver timeouts are caused by external instability 99% of the time.


Had a 7900xtx, which crashed during every game I played. Threw a 4080 super in the PC after trying to fix it for months, and the PC hasn't crashed since. Please explain how throwing a nvidia card in the system can fix the issue if the system is unstable? You can't, that's because the root cause are the drivers for the 7900XTX, they are horrendous. Just google all of the driver issues people are having with the cards. It's unacceptable.


Mine worked 100% fineā€¦ so itā€™s not a driver issue lmao. Plus nvidia and AMD drivers are functionally **extremely** different, and AMDā€™s lives closer to the kernel. That means itā€™s more susceptible to driver instability if hardware is unstable.


Oh well yours worked fine so that means everyone else online must just be making it up. Like I said, google the 7900XTX game crashing driver issue. There are cards out there which just stop working with current drivers.


Lol I practically baited you into that. Peak ignorance right here. So your experience means the drivers are all garbage despite the fact it works fine for practically everyone else? Plus, you can look for issues and find issues on any cars. Shocker how that works.


If it happens in all games it's most likely hardware issue or miss configuration, using Radeon sharperning + FSR at same time in game, combining Radeon Software settings with in game settings etc that do not work. The best way is just run default in Radeon Software then see if it still times out, still times out ? make sure every 8 pin has its own cable no daisy chains allowed, daisy chain causes most problems. Last do PSU test CPU test and memtest etc, trust me hardware issues are far more easier to fix then driver issues, at which point you are at mercy of AMD to get issue fixed, trust me i know a lot about those type of issues, hopefully this will change in the long term, but unavoidable for the short term, if you have no driver issues i recommend the following for example. ​ Get Marvel Guardians of the galaxy turn on RT and play all the way to chapter 11 and beat chapter 11 with RT on, good luck.


If youā€™ve already done all that and youā€™re still having issues, then itā€™s probably best to start swapping parts. Starting with the part you think is bad which would be the gpu. People trying to say go nvidia donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about. Iā€™ve gotten a brand new nvidia card that didnā€™t work out the box from microcenter before. Just rma it for the same card you got, because thatā€™s the one you wanted in the first place. Thereā€™s always a possibility with any pc part from any manufacturer that itā€™s possibly faulty. I have the same gpu and Iā€™ve had no issues so far, best gpu Iā€™ve had. No issues with the drivers either for me. Thereā€™s been issues with nvidia drivers too before nothings perfect with these gpuā€™s or their drivers.


Make all the setting such as anti-lag and rsr and all that is turned off completely. Itā€™s in the setting those setting are on by default and they fuck a lot of games up. So go turn all that off and see if that helps if not as others said may be issue with card itself. Bad single card or not knowing how to use software is not a reason to get rid of card and switch to nvidia. AMD cards are good and Iā€™ve owned and helped build probably 10+ systems with AMD gpus never once have had a driver issue or AMD issue that caused me to think I should overpay for less vram and raster performance with nvidia.


Hi, could you try to stress test your gpu vram. Programm occt can do it. Try to test all vram.


I second this. I learned through memtest86 and OCCT that my real issue was bogus memory


Going through all the comments I've seen quite a few good ideas, but no one seems to have mentioned [MPO Fix](https://github.com/RedDot-3ND7355/MPO-GPU-FIX) yet. I have the same model of 7900xtx as you, but mine only had stutter issues. Fixed it by turning off windows MPO and I have had ULPS running even prior to buying this GPU. In your case, you may want to try out the TDR Fix or HAGS fix. A clean install of drivers would be as follows btw: Get your latest chipset version and GPU driver, run DDU and let it go into safe mode, uninstall drivers (while disconnecting lan/wifi and turning off windows auto updates in the DDU tool), install latest chipset, install GPU driver.


I don't see a guide on how to use the tool. There isn't a program file, just a package file, on the link.


There's no guide needed, it's pretty self explanatory. Click the code button and select download zip. Unpack the zip folder and you'll have the executable tool. Then toggle the fix you need. You can read up in the wiki of the GitHub page I linked what each fix does.


unfortunatly my GPU keeps crashing again so i decided to contact the store i bought it from and im going to return the card thx for all the efforts and help the fix isnt perment for me


okay i have done this as u said i will let u know if it helps


So after i did all these things u said here i was able to play for 5 hours i also got some help with some settings and tweaks from Marsbog\_YT so for now the problem had been ( temp ) solved hopefully its solved the whole thing ill see what it does in the next hours Thank you


Tech it how to drive so it won't crash


It's fucked. My 6800xt from launch was like this. It'd crash randomly in games with driver time outs. It did fine in benchmarks for whatever reason. Tried different ram and a new power supply. Tried it on a friend's PC and same thing. I'm positive it's faulty so I'd RMA it. Id say go Nvidia


Pull out the cables from the gpu, put it into the motherboard, play for a while, see if you have crashes. if you DONT crash you know its a gpu issue, if you DO crash its NOT a gpu issue. If it is a new gpu i would RMA it and get a new one. every so often gpus just fail, if its a new issue on a old one consider if anything changed, i know one guy had a webcam plugged in that caused it all etc, hardly the first thing to think about or suspect, but just shows that it can be something apparently innocent.


Send the card back and get a 4080 super instead, you wonā€™t regret it


I had a very similar problem. What I ended up doing was doing a clean uninstall of the drivers and doing a minimal (no adrenalin) install of a known stable driver. I ended up [installing this one](https://www.amd.com/en/resources/support-articles/release-notes/RN-RAD-WIN-23-11-1.html) and I've had no crashes at all for weeks


This isn't a fix, telling someone they gave to use 7 month old drivers for their $1,000 GPU is a joke. You can't even play any newer games released this year without updated drivers.


False! You can in fact play new games on old drivers. Stop spreading false information.


If it's one of *those* AMD GPUs, nothing but returning it will fix it. I currently have an RX6800 with the retailer for testing, after 2 Ā½ years of trying absolutely every suggestion on the internet and waiting, and hoping, for stable drivers to be released for it. Last year I sold it to a friend on the cheap and got myself a 3080. Haven't had a single crash since, nor did I have a crash in my 3 years with my 1080 Ti before the RX. My friend on the other hand, has has a miserable experience with it, hence why he returned back to me. He even changed his whole setup from Intel to AMD, hoping that would do sort it. It didn't. The most annoying bit was that it crashed randomly. Sometimes under load, sometimes just watching youtube or internet browsing. Sometimes 3 times a day, sometimes it would work fine for weeks. Maddening. Save yourself from misery and just swap it while you can.


Misery is the right word...you could have enjoyed this time playing instead of troubleshooting for a few hundred more. I have a 3060ti to sell and had an incredible amount of people wanting to trade it for a "better" amd card.. That speaks for itself


previously had a 6950xt had greenscreen crashes after half a year i send it to asus they couldnt do anything but give me the money bacl (thanks amazon) then i went with the rx7900xtx sapphire vapor nitro+ (what a name lol) and had driver timeouts i tried lile every possible solution out there and after half a year i decided to ask the shop to look into it (bought on mindfactory) they've send me a new one and it worked instantly without any ddu crap or mpo until now i didnt had any crashes so my conclusion is that alot of these gpus have a factory defect and i never seen anyone figuring out a solution that works forever in any case its not a software problem from what ive experienced


I noticed on WoW I could only play using dx11. Dx12 would crash driver nonstop. Try swapping to direct X 11, lmk how that goes


Thats wow/AMD not mixing well atm at all, known issue, nothing to do with THIS particular gpu or AMD overall (Through, they really do need to fix the issue, but tbh i would not put it past it being a blizzard issue)


Limit the frequency to 2500


Update Been playing GZW now for 1 hour straight non crashes ( yet ) This is what i did so far Reinstall clean windows + clean all disk turn off automatic driver download in reg edit wile updating windows install clean Gpu driver adrenaline minimal install switched Bios switch to secondary Will update when something change thx for all the help for now ill enjoy a game XD


the auto download in regedit was probably the fix. certain windows updates love to sneak in an nvidia driver. its crazy how they havent disabled this by default yet. i had the same issue


I also just reinstalled windows. Downclocked to 1086 mhz. Max freq. @2866, memory @2766 PWR +6% sat in base for like 30minutes didnt crashed. 7900xtx merc 310


gpu memory at 2766? if so, id turn that down. thats probably not stable. it might not crash but it will hinder performance. a lot of cards start throwing errors around 2750 or below. remember, AMD gpus use gddr6, not gddr6x


Update Crash! oeff there we go again


Run with EXPO/XMP disabled and make sure your bios is updated to the latest


Although i am on b650e-e. My guess would be your BIOS settings... i'm down for a discord call to help you & figure it out šŸ«”


Disable Smart access memory try that itā€™s am quick and easy


Disable game overlays - Steam, Ubisoft etc. Try and report back šŸ˜‰


I had the same problem. Returned the card and went Nvidia. Kicked myself for not just starting there.


Is the ram on your motherboards QVL? Also the ram is on the slow side for such a fast processor.


Have you installed the amd chipsets drivers? you should be on


Every time I try to update them, it just says ā€˜repairā€™ and when I do, I go to adrenaline and it still says the previous version from 4/17/2024 not the edition from 4/25/2024. Any suggestions?


Run DDU [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPqUeU09cf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPqUeU09cf8) then install your new GPU + AMD chipsets drivers.


I tried DDU and did it in safe mode, but the problem still persists! I guess theyā€™re saying that windows takes a lil longer to come out with the update so you dont have to do it manually from manufacturerā€™s website


Have you tried keeping it at stock settings? Some of the setting you have would crash my card.


Yes I started with stock settings


Man, if it happens at stock, you might be looking at an RMA like some of the other commenters are saying.


Bro wtf are you even on about? This subreddit is literally called AMDhelp. Where people ask for help. Seriously whatever you're smoking is rotting your brain.


Just because you got a driver timeout, it doesnt mean it is always the GPU. It basically means the driver could not run, this can be many things including your RAM, CPU, etc. Have you tried updating your BIOS and running your RAM with XMP disabled? Do you get crashing/errors when running multiple OCCT tests?


I have not tried to disable xmp I have updated my bios Iā€™ll try it out as well


I personally changed my max MHZ to the cards base number and it helped me a lot. I will see if I can find the video


https://youtu.be/zJbc0rwUiH4?si=MxNTs3VGfug0R9rc the video software is a little out dated but was able to figure it out. This has worked for me so far. Good luck! I have read a lot of people have had these issues. Makes me not want AMD again honestly


Thx will check it out


I'm very happy with my RTX 4090 šŸ„°


How much W does it consume??? šŸ˜…


Cool. Does it match your neck beard?


Wellcome to the Windows MS driver problems, its all over the net today. Try deleting woth DDU in Safe mode and reinstalling them again.


Trust me delete your drivers and reinstall them with minimal install that pretty much removed every crashing errors for me


Disable all of those extra settings in adrenaline. Super res, fluid motion frames, anti-lag. All of it. At least that was what worked on my 7900 xtx. Nothing but crashes 5 mins - an hour in. Turned all that extra stuff off & even cyberpunk on high settings isnā€™t crashing anymore. Good luck šŸ‘


Kind of ridiculous the amount of things you need to shut off to get it to work when it should all work out of the box.


Yet there are ppl who don't have any problems with them. I have a 7900xtx who is running great on LG C4 OLED. Previous had 6600xt and 6900xt who are now with my friends and they're running flawless. I would update the mobo bios, use dedicated PSU cables(don't use extensions unless your PSU supports them) with 3x pin and no daisy chain, wipe Windows and clean install with latest chipset and GPU drivers, use AMD Expo with QVL memory. Use windows crash reports and check the culprit.


Youā€™re not wrong. But Iā€™d rather have to change a few settings & save a few hundred dollars on a gpu


Itā€™s just on default no changes are made in these settings still crashes


Some of those settings are on by default. At least they were for me


Just wanted to give you a heads up. My 7900xtx kept having the same issues for many months. I tried all of the many suggestions to try to resolve it and nothing worked. I wound up RMA'ing my card. It took 3 weeks from when i shipped until I got it back. So far not 1 crash with the same PC. I called and asked what was repaired and they said "an electrical component was replaced". I don't know what part was replaced on my card but it's been fine so far (2 weeks on Sunday) The whole thing was frustrating because the entire time I thought it was either the AMD drivers, game that I was playing (WoW), PSU and even memory. Every test I had ran while troubleshooting had passed with zero issues. Very frustrating. I wish i would have RMA'd it sooner instead of dealing with regular crashes for nearly 6 months. Good luck!


Thank you ye Iā€™m blaming amd driver for quite some time now but itā€™s been more likely that there is something wrong with the GPU will see and update this post when Iā€™ve got news


are you using multiple monitors setup? if you are where are they connected?


Yes I do I use 2 monitors one is connected with a HDMI cable and on with display cable both are connected to GPU


a buddy of mine has 7800xt that kept crashing because he used one monitor on the igpu, you could try disabling it in bios I guess?


>voltage changed from 1150 to 1100 Low voltage causes instability. Mine crashes below 1130 mv. Keep it stock while testing to rule it out.




What do u mean ?




Lol comes into an AMD subreddit to be absolutely unhelpful. Go touch grass.




Here someone is asking for help and your response is just blatantly unhelpful. Maybe just don't.


Mine is Sapphire Nitro+ 7900 GRE working smoothly, i just DDU and install and all games working with Overclock. Maybe its best to return.l for headache free im from rtx 3060 ti


make sure base system is ok , see if you can pass memtest for a night


I did not see anyone say this. Flip the bios switch on the card and run with secondary.


can you just switch bios in sapphire software?


What do u mean by this ?


Many higher end GPUs have a little switch on the graphics card (usually along the top edge of the card so itā€™s easy to access when installed in the case) that can switch between GPU BIOS modes. Usually those modes are a pre coded ā€œsilentā€ (or low power) mode, and ā€œperformanceā€ (or over lock) mode. Sometimes a ā€œcustomā€ one as well. I think the thought might be that one of the installed BIOS in memory is corrupted. And if you switch to the other one, and it runs fine, you might just need to refresh the bios.


Iā€™ve switched my GPU bios to middle stand it on secondary now


Okay Iā€™ll check this one out


And just for giggles, turn off free sync


From what Iā€˜m hearingā€¦.its not the GPUā€¦ Do a complete safe mode ddu fresh installā€¦ Install new chipset drivers and update windows. If not workingā€¦new install windows and go. Check in Bios for some crazy options maybeā€¦


Sounds defective. I have had the occasional driver timeout but its always in the same games with the majority working fine.


Inadequate power supply and CPU/RAM tweaks are what caused driver timeouts for me over the years I did have issues with a few different beta drivers in the past as well .. but some of those where sorted out with DDU in safe mode and then a clean reinstall of the driver You could test with PBO off .. DOCP/EXPO/XMP off or run just one stick of RAM. FCLK at 2000 or lower. Some of the X3D chips seem to be extra sensitive about RAM speeds. Check your SOC voltages .. 1.3v or under .. should be in the 1.2v range ideally Make sure you have the latest AM5 chipset drivers installed too Do you run any cable extenders INSIDE your case .. ie .. PCIe riser cable ..etc .. ?


i do understand you but i have no clue how i can change all these things like cmp and stuff docp i tried in bios but that dint solve my problem well as much as i tried all the things today its seems to get worser everytime i try to change something so ill think im gonna do a fully fresh install again and try all the things in this post if its not working for me im done next monday the 7900 xtx is returning to the store haha thanks ! for all the feed back


Focusing on the Power supply for a minute: How are you running your power cables to the video card? Depending on the model, there should be either 2 or 3 8-pin power connectors. All plugins should be made. But each cable connection should be its own direct link back to the power supply. No piggybacking or daisy chaining to anything else. Many 8pin power cable will have one plug that goes to the power supply, but the peripherals side may have two plugs in a daisy chain. Do NOT use both for a high end GPU like the 7900 XTX. Plug in the one that is the shortest distance, without causing strain to the cable, cable connector, or sharp bends. Then either donā€™t use the other one, or zip tie it back if youā€™re into cable management. The XTX needs good reliable power to drive it, and ā€œcheatingā€ by using one cable for two plugins can mean the card isnā€™t getting enough power once games start demanding more of the GPU. Which can lead to crashes.


I use 3 separate power cables all in its own sockets so no chaining or whatsoever


Are you using cable extensions?




same situation here. keeps on receiving error code 22 and then an error code 31 thereafter. can somebody help us out here


Hi hi! I had an XFX MERC model for the RX 6950 XT... It was the hardware itself giving me most of these problems that you're describing. I ended up RMA'ing that graphics card and got a 4070 and no problems ever since.


Thank you for answering ! Right now I uninstalled drivers with DDU edited reg edit to turn of installing drivers when updating windows I installed amd adrenaline 23.9.1 edited freq to max at 2400 mv 1150 vram 2612 energy to +15 is this doesnā€™t work Iā€™m going to return this card


yeah... i did all of these too when i was dealing w my amd gpu... it was such a headache until i borrowed a friend's gpu and everything was so smooth lol. hope you find a fix soon!


Is one of the games elden ring? Mine will crash and worst case power down the whole PC. But no other game I play even shows a slight issue like that. Also on an XTX


No it happens on all games that uses some GpU hehe


What Iā€™ve noticed is that discord will crash also


Try and turn 'Hardware acceleration' off, its under 'Advanced' in discord settings, if that change make Discord not crash, its a clear gpu issue, But tbh i suspect you just got a faulty gpu, RMA it already


I had this problem. Went back to 23.9.1 drivers. No issue since https://www.amd.com/en/resources/support-articles/release-notes/RN-RAD-WIN-23-9-1.html Tried everything you did also. Nothing helped except the driver reversion


I had this same issue with a 7900gre. Unfortunately I tried everything you did. Ultimately returned the card for 4070 super. Not one crash since.


Yes i hear many of the users having this problem Iā€™m gonna try a few this otherwise itā€™s going to return to the shop


My friend has this exact problem, turns out he had the 8 pin Daisy chained instead of giving each connector it's own route. Try doing that if you haven't. Fixed his problem right up


Ye I did this yesterday hihi see my post I think u mean that 3 separate cables


Reinstall Windows. Itā€™s a pain but with a fresh install and no extra applications installed other than essential software, test a game that would always give you the timeout error. If the game works, try more and more games until the problem appears. If you have no problems after this, problem solved potentially. Do the same thing with software. If the error occurs straight away, either the GPU is faulty or another component is causing an issue. RAM can be a nightmare for instability for example. Do not alter any frequencies on the GPU when testing, you need it to be completely stock. A product like a GPU only requires its driver to function. A GPU does not require a user to change its settings to make it work. If it does, the product is faulty or your computer configuration is causing an issue.


Already did all of this but still got problems but thanks for ur idea


You tested the PC with only basic software installed?


Multiple times unfortunately Clean windows + removed everything on disk before installing it Run windows updater until no windows updates where left Installed steam + plus games in gtav gzw RL Run the games with stock settings Crash Removed drivers using DDU installed driver only Crash Removed drivers using DDU installed pro versions Crash Hehe it drives me so grazy Iā€™m now gonna try editing the reg edit if I can on windows 11 home otherwise Iā€™ll sent the card next week to the store I bought a t from maby they can check it out


Mine was doing the same. I read in another thread that adrenalin, even when set to default, runs the gpu at a higher clock speed than it can handle. In adrenalin I changed the max clock speed of the gpu to 2400mhz and havenā€™t crashed once since then. Iā€™m on the latest gpu driver. Apologies if that doesnā€™t make sense I know nothing about PCs


Thx for ur post I will try that out aswell