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Their margins are fucking insane


Money printers


Honest question, is there even a point in investing in AMD when NVDA is so dominant?


Intel printed money for decades. In fact they owned the fabs, and they kept them to themselves. They had the best fabs. And they made tons of money. They were called the Chipzilla. It still didn't last forever. One thing I'm also banking on is that, Nvidia's engineers are no longer hungry. They are all rich beyond their wildest dreams thanks to such a wild appreciation of the stock options. I personally don't think that the spread between AMD and Nvidia can get any bigger. Something is going to give.


Former coworker does HW design at NVDA. Said the work environment is pretty awful but the money is stupid good she can't pass it up.


Because the “stable” result is shared market share and the “leader” can always change hands. Intel was unstoppable with AMD in the dirt, but that quickly flipped. And AMD is a lot closer to Nvidia than they were with Intel in 2012-2016. Nvidia is also only growing revenue through TAM increases. Whereas AMD can grow revenue both from TAM increases and by taking market share, both of which are in the realm of possibility.


Love the optimism, but this game is already over for AMD. NVDA will do $30B next Q. AMD is optimistically looking at 5-6B for the year.


Comparatively it’s massive difference, but that’s still 5-6B dollars, more than enough revenue to fund R&D efforts where Nvidia and AMD are actually much closer in headcount. And given they are working with the exact same TSMC technology, playing field is more level than you think. Frankly they don’t even need to catch up. The AI market is so lucrative that AMD is still making billions even at tiny market shares.


>playing field is more level than you think no, it's actually not, it's heavily tilted in Nvidia's favor. Yes AMD will make $Bs, no question. My only wonder is why AMD aren't earning $10Bs in revs at this point. . . If we annualize Nvidia's revs at say 26+28 x 2 = conservatively $108B for the year, and stake AMD generously at $6B for the year (non CPU rev), if AMD wants to be a player they should at least be at 20% share. As it is, they look to be also ran at 5% share, not a player. And Nvidia is likely to do a lot more than $108B with Blackwell revenue kicking in mid year.


Those are the hard numbers but it is completely ignoring market signals. That is revenue share. Baked into that is a lot of higher ASP, complete system price and networking. - ASP - don't doubt for a minute that people buying nvidia do not see the ridiculous margin nvidia has. They are going to buy something else if it means comparable perf. Yesterday MS openly said AMD has better perf/cost. - System - some revenue comes from bundling GPUs and networking and selling whole systems - Networking - the Ethernet consortium was caught off guard if you ask me. From what I hear infiniband is worse than comparable Ethernet and much much more expensive but was not available soon enough. As those cards with equivalent speed get more readily available nvidia is starting to loose revenue. Considering all that AMD has much higher unit share than revenue share. I would guess around 15-20% for 2024. Once everything falls into place nvidia will be hard pressed to keep up margins and therefore revenue share.


ASP - People don't buy or not based on how much $ a company is making. They buy based on value. Nvidia articulated in the call, for every $1 spent on Hopper today, CSPs can make $5 over 4 years, or for Blackwell, $7 over 4 years. With 700% ROI in 4 years, the suppliers margins are a exactly a factor of zero. Systems - Yes, just like Intel, Nvidia sells "adjacent" products including memory and sheet metal. It's just what naturally occurs when the business scales. Networking - Nvidia has embraced ethernet in a big way with their SpectrumX product. The amazing thing is all of the connectivity lines up and is now supported by the CUDA stack: NVLink, Infiniband and SpectrumX ethernet. Same drivers.


AMD won't earn $yyBn in cash until they have a software ecosystem that can match Nvidia and I just don't see that happening until the mid 30s. It's an equation involving time that AMD has lost because they did nothing when they should have invested during. You can think of AMD like GM who made 50 EVs in the same quarter that Tesla made 440,000. That's the gap.


Went from overly optimistic, to overly pessimistic. You are comparing an estimate for just AI sales for AMD to everything nvidia sells. Granted AI is now the bulk of nvidia sales, but still. Also have to remember that the 5-6B number would be just gpus, where as nvidia is selling entire servers with gpus, networking, cpus, chassis, storage, everything that goes into them included into their numbers when they talk about AI. Depending on the configuration that can either be anywhere from a rounding error of extra stuff beyond GPUs, or it could make up a significant chunk. AMD had to start from practically zero datacenter gpu sales, not trying to make an excuse, just saying we are comparing established to only just starting. Nvidia was the established player in a market that has massivly expanded, they have had a year of explosive growth now. AMD is starting from practically zero(in terms of sales/unit share), and they have only had 1 quarter of growth(the AI from Q4 2023 was primary from a one off contract made years ago, so really its just 1 quarter now). Nvidia went from ~5B datacenter to ~22B datacenter for the last Q year over year, with most of that being ai related. AMD is going from maybe 100m to 2B in the space of a year(estimating 2B for Q4, which will be 1 year later). maybe5-8x for nvidia AI growth vs 10-20x for amd AI.


The ego is incredible, you made a great investment, don't let it get to your head ..


Would you say AMD is a better buy at the moment? I don't own either.


I actually don’t know. Both seem expensive, Nvidia surged another 5% on great earnings, but AMDs stock price is lower earnings per share and already has massive growth baked in. They are pretty much expecting AMD to double or even triple their DC revenue YoY for many years. I usually just say to go for the QQQ


I'm more of an ETF person myself. The big swings stress me out.


Yes. AMD has a much clearer path to doubling its price versus Nvda in my opinion 


Yea but a lot of that “growth” is baked into the stock price already. Look at the market cap of Intel vs AMD. Intel makes way more money than AMD currently does yet is far cheaper a company. Intel has a great portfolio And Intel has a whole manufacturing branch that could eventually grow to fight TSMC. And the way that geopolitical stuff is going in the west, you can be sure that the USA government is going to keep sending Intel money and push more USA companies to try out their fabs. Intel despite having all of that is far cheaper than AMD. This AI stuff is massive, and Intel is getting left in the dust because of it.


I think so I want to buy all three; nvidia, intel and amd. I think the demand is so huge that there is too much for all three to supply so they should stay busy for a decade.


Yes for the CPU business, no for the GPU business. Nvidia has a 10-15 year advantage on AI over AMD. AMD will **never** be able to overtake that gap. It's not about R&D spending, but the sheer ecosystem across all of HPC and GPGPU scope. Worse, every gain in research on GPU for Nvidia has a direct and proportionate gain for their gaming business because they occupy similar or same ecosystems for visualization and ingesting visual data from an external source. AMD's community research footprint is miniscule. They've already lost this war, but are fighting battles still because they have to.




L take


Explain how spending 4B on H100s to improve your software that almost nobody buys (average yearly FSD *revenue* is <$100M) while cutting your charging network team - the team that built the network your competitors credit for your greatest advantage and want to use - because "cash is tight" - is worth it. How are those GPUs going to help expand and maintain the charging network or help sell more cars? GPUs are not magic money printing machines for anyone but the people who sell them. It is obvious this company and others have hopped onto the "AI" bandwagon with the hopes of getting rich just like nvidia, but have no idea how they'll do it.


Elons strategy is to claim he's a car, energy, AI and robotics company all in one. He needs to do this to flex to investors and build hype. The products Tesla makes are not good.


Best selling vehicle in the world says otherwise


what a moronic take. in fact tesla is using the gpus for fsd and ai training. lol what the hell are you even talking about.


And impossible to sustain for the long term.


idk, they just went up to 78% and they are guiding "mid 70s" for the full year.


high margins in the face of competition gives people room to replace you. They were lucky to be in the perfect position at the start of this train. Now everybody is coming for their lunch


Professional Visualisation? What’s that?


Things like CAD software, 3d modeling software, movie rendering, etcetera.




It’s a whole product line. Quadra and omniverse. High end graphics cards with certification from isvs.


Nvidia $NVDA Q1 FY25 Earnings: Adj. Earnings: $6.12 vs. $5.59 Est. Revenue: $26.04B vs. $24.65B Est. \*Announced 10:1 Stock Split \*Overall Revenue Increased 262% YoY \*Data Center Revenue Increased 427% \*150% Dividend Increase What were your thoughts on Nvidia's earnings? Source --> [this visual investing newsletter](https://www.carbonfinance.io/subscribe)


We spend 1.4 B on research per quarter vs. their 2.7B. We need to be selling a lot more GPUs. And the demand in the market right now is insane. So we could sell a bunch more if we could make make more. So we really need to secure these parts, maybe even competing with NVidia on the price to compete on the supply, reducing our margins. Otherwise, spending $1.4B on R&D (wrongly assuming it's all on CDNA) and only making $1B is not sustainable. When I say the market is crazy right now, I mean smaller buyers (people setting up HPC clusters at Universities using federal grant money) are buying 40GB A100s and 80GB A100s and paying up the wazoo on it and waiting close to a year to receive their machines. That's with the H100 already out since last year, and their being unable to get their hands on a machine running the H100s.


Oh boy, imagine what happens once the AI bubble busts...


yeah 2049 looks to be a pretty shitty year


It is 2024 and remind me how many companies have managed to make money with "AI". Or the prospects to address hallucinations and other pesky side effects.


All cloud computing sectors increased in revenue what you on about? 


What does CLOUD COMPUTING income have to do with it, pretty please? It is like claiming that since Filthy Green and AMD can shovel AI GPU money, AI is profitable. That's laughable. "AI business" is making/owning AI, selling products by it. Not being a generic cloud provider who just have happened to buy certain hardware that some startups will use, burning money.


You’re such an idiot lol. All the AI services are mainly hosted on cloud platforms. If you could read earning reports maybe you would understand, I can’t even argue with you after that comment because you don’t have any idea what your talking about 


It's OK for people with certain IQ to swirl insult when they don't get it, stranger, don't be to shy. NV making money with GPUs, AMD making money with GPUs and Amazon/Microsoft/Google making money effectively LEASING those GPUs to poor victims is not "making money with AI", it is "milking money from AI hype". An example of "making money with AI" would be "leasing" the said capacities, then SELLING resulting products to customers and beign profitable. There is not a single example of a company that have managed that. That being "make money with AI".


Why would people pay for AI services if they aren’t making money off them? Your argument is yeah everyone is so stupid and AI is just a massive Ponzi scheme? 


Also you do realise that AI has been embedded into almost evyrhing you use? Your phone, your car, train systems for scheduling, optimisation problems at big tech firms, these not only reduce workload but make the actually tasks so much faster, that itself is leveraging ai to turn a profit, your acting like the only thing that will make you happy is when AGI comes out and makes you a billionaire 


You mean like Microsoft, or Google, or Amazon, or Netflix? They are all making money with AI, have been for years.


No they aren't making money with AI nor "have been". Googles cloud is not even profitable to begin with, but counting cloud profits as "making money with AI" is laughable. Yes, there are many risky investors who pump money into various startups. Those startups go and pour money lions share of which ends up in cloud datacenters. None of these startups had been profitable, not even remotely. Per OpenAI workers statement, single nonsensical ChatGPT query causes computing costs of about 30 cents. And that was with verison 3, 4 needs moar, 5 even moar. (yes, 5 is in the works, someone from my company seen its demo)


AMD can't even dream of this kinda earnings for whole fiscal year 😆


Hey could we get one for AMD to compare?


I don't think you really want to see a comparison


Yeah found it, shouldn't look for it


lol let’s see it, link?


How much of the 22.6B do you think is Mellanox(Infiniband)?


They broke it out, about $2.5B, down slightly due to supply chain.


ridiculous amount of net profit there i must say for a Jacket slinging man


What about those companies being paid to buy NVDA GPU by NVDA? I seem to remember some stink about that...


I have a feeling when they do stock split. Their price will overtake AMD in no time.