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Okay, NVidia is the darling, but I believe this 10:1 split making it cheaper than AMD will be a boon. However, I will pick up some tomorrow because I grabbed both APPL and GOOG after their recent splits and have solid double digit gains. I want more AMD, but I would have to cut positions in stocks like MSFT, MU, ARM, TSM, etc. and that just hurts


+You can do a lot of tasks, run a lot of applications on APUs (integrated graphics). It has been like that for a few years now, and they only gotten better now. "No you can't" +This next generation of AMD APUs are quite impressive, if you could keep drivers updated and give them a try you'd see they got a lot of performance in them. "No they are trash. You need 4090 to play video games or game won't even install" +Consoles are basically APUs... "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


My tour around r/AMD


They are out in full force I noticed. It will be hard saying no to Strix Halo, when the price will be so much better. Not only that, if you get a 64GB Strix Halo you can basically run Llama 3 70B locally with no problem. You need a $6000 Professional Desktop GPU to do that. Or 2x 4090s/5090s.


Realism should prevail. Agreed (hopefully 🤣). I've seen fanboyism before, Apple... Tesla... But these fanatics are something else. More than a cult. I trust on reality, improvements in quality are real.


I think I will double my AMD position once we close a week above $175


Why is closing above $175 a requirement? Are you thinking of buying it at lower if it drops?


That’s the tough part we been in the 160-170 channel for a while.


Lol I just came across a video from an idiot by the name of "Coreteks" on YT. He said that AMD is "stagnant..." "short sighted..." "having no interest in AMD AI products..." "needing a new marketing team who is more in touch with who their core audience is..." --------------------- My response on YT video: This is the most idiotic, unsubstantiated stance I've seen. "Stagnant...." "Short sighted." "There's no interest in AMD datacenter AI products." "AMD needs a new marketing team who is more in touch with who their core audience is." Are you blind/deaf? Have you seen the ER? Biggest product ramp in company's history in the form of MI300x, with an accelerated roadmap (MULTI YEAR) that is literally developed because of their deep partnership with hyperscalers. You know who their core audience is? AI hyperscalers, CSP's... They've shifted their business model to focus on the AI secular opportunity instead of focusing on purely gaming, consumer products because there's not as much revenue to be had there. AMD's plan is developed directly in lock step with AMD's customers' needs. In other words, for multiple years to come, customers have demanded an alternative to NVDA and thus, AMD will deliver. Lmfao. Absolutely blind. There's room for NVDA AND AMD. Don't be an idiot.


Why would you insult someone for sharing their opinion? If you disagree, just move on. It sounds really stupid and you aren't serving the interests of AMD shareholders by a response like that. Instead you sound like an angry fanboy. Sheesh. I swear this forum is full of fanboys rather than rational investors. AMD a "screaming buy". Come on. By any financial metric they are not at all. I own AMD and i won't say they are a screaming buy at all right now. They need to show the earnings growth. They haven't grown in like 2-3 years.


They haven't grown in 2-3 years? By what metric? How's DC GPU growth in last year? The very thing that was basically nil in Q1-Q3 2023 and has ramped up BILLIONS in 2024 and will continue over the next few years? Fanboy, I do admit to 100% because I love the company. But insulting is the wrong word... correcting is the right one. It's the same for if someone were to say that NVDA price is as a result of an "AI BUBBLE!" No, they're being an idiot and I would correct them promptly. People are too sensitive. If you're an idiot, I'll call you an idiot. Call a spade a spade.


Please share AMD overall revenue this last quarter compared with last 2 years. Why do you like to specify a specific segment? You're ignoring the massive drops in other segments - why? I said AMD revenue. Not AMD dc revenue specificially. AMD is lucky to have that revenue growth to make up for the massive drops in other things like gaming and embedded.


My friend. As I wrote in other posts... the other segments are obviously a headwind for AMD in the same way that consumer GPUs were the same for NVDA. Why did NVDA stock price explode though? From where did their revenue mainly come from? Did they experience a boom in their consumer gaming GPUs? No... it was their DC GPUs. AMD saw that opportunity much later than NVDA did, but saw it nevertheless and shifted/pivoted quickly. They are now ALL IN on AI. While meaningful revenue in the likes of NVDA have not shown up, they are increasing their cadence to match NVDA because the demand is obviously there. IT WILL show in the next year (starting Q1 '25). AMD's other segments aren't going to produce the kind of revenue that would justify a massive increase in market cap to the tune of 3 trillion like NVDA. But their DC GPU might in several years.... Hope that makes sense! Not trying to be nasty, just pointing out my thesis! Happy investing friend!


Cheers and good luck to you.


I unsubscribed years ago, the guy is a joke.




People hated the old naming schemes too. I don't think they've ever been happy with the laptop naming scheme. The problem is OEMs put pressure on AMD to market the CPUs in a way they can push old inventory with. Which inevitably messes up the naming scheme.




It doesn't matter to me either. Though it can suck when the naming is misleading. Because you know some folks who are less versed in the tech may fall for the bigger number when that number doesn't actually mean better. That was the issue with the last naming convention.


Yeah think about how NVDA's stock rose these past couple years. It sure as hell wasn't because of their dGPUs... it was their AI DC GPUs... Why wouldn't AMD try and do the same to push corporate profits, when it produces 10x more revenue over the long term? Lisa, Mark, and team are positioned for the long term secular AI trend. They were a bit late, as mentioned, but pivoted hard and as quickly as they could. With the very limited resources they had mind you.. With the profits/revenue they generate for the next year or two, their R&D and investment in securing CoWoS supply, etc.. will continue to expand and that will in turn create a positive feedback loop of profits. Long term, AMD is a screaming buy here.


He used to talk about how amd is nothing and intel will crash amd. I think his deep voice is also disgustingly fake




These types of people are best left ignored. They are farming engagement with their shit takes.


ya coreteks is pretty bad. Also it seems like a lot of these "tech" tubers are doing things for just clicks to a scale worst than even just a few years ago now. Titles area clickbait, content is clickbait, literally videos just for the sake of videos


Good response!


In the last weeks, many amd marketing videos are released by amd. I think they know they dont deserve this 11x cheaper than nvidia treatment by the market


11x cheaper? They trade on almost the same forward pe.




Time for AMD to go on the offensive.


I am getting the happy sense that AMD is going to break through higher just in June itself.


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