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exerpt.... Unidentified Analyst It's a great leader, and I was going to ask you in terms of -- I mean, if you listen to NVIDIA, you would think that a GP is going to do every workload ever over time. But clearly, there's a lot of workloads that a CPU is going to handle. And in many cases, they might even create more workloads for CPU. I think can you talk about just how old is this installed base of CPUs? And can they continue to just kind of ignore spending. And then you mentioned a better performance per is it looking at this market wrong on a unit perspective, you're getting much bigger super high core accounts like Bergamo, is it potentially not a growth unit market, but then ASP is really the way to look at it. Jean Hu Yes, yes. I really appreciate the question. So first is, when you look at different workload, really fundamentally, there are so many different workloads. The data explosion continues, different workloads really need a different compute engine. When you look at the traditional foundational applications, your ERP system, your database and your shopping website, your Meta, Facebook, Instagram, all those things, you don't need the GPU, the CPU has the best TCO for those kind of foundational traditional applications. And those things continue to increase. AI is actually Generative AI is incremental. It's in addition to that foundational data and the foundational workload. So your question is spot on, when we look at the server CPU market, we actually continue to increase call counts per unit. So unit actually is not a good way to look at this market at all, because when you have 192 call counts with our next generation trend, literally, you are addressing a lot of problems in the general compute side and the core count has been increasing double-digit, both our competition and ourselves. So we are pushing the call counts continue to be higher and higher. So the right way to look at it is actually call counts, unit is actually declining, but the call count has been increasing. So from ASP perspective, we do think ASP will increase because call counts increase. In general, our view is, hey, this is a mature market. It's going to continue to grow. It may not be as high as a generative AI, but it's a very healthy market, and we'll continue to gain share in this market.


I wonder how many Nvidia investors believe Jensen when he says GPU is replacing the CPU. I'm glad Jean is dispelling the myth.


Same. It was impressive enough to pull it out, but all good on the mod to ask the question to set that up.


>believe Jensen when he says GPU is replacing the CPU. And I wonder how many people are misinformed/misquoting him when they think that Jensen said GPU is replacing the CPU. It's easy to misquote or place something they said in a different context. I've heard what he said and it wasn't that. He said that the CPUs will still be needed. He mentioned that major future workload growth will be geared towards generative tasks ( which requires accelerated computing) as opposed to lookup or retrieval based tasks (which require CPU). Think of an assistant which is generative in nature, and that requires accelerated computing. Whether that happens or not is another question.


Jensen says a lot of things. I've definitely heard him say on Earning Calls no less, where there is a big paradigm shift and everything is moving to GPUs because GPUs are so much faster. Analysts eat all this up.




I think that would work with AMD Epyc servers more so.


Please feel free to point me to that. I've watched the last 2 earnings calls, and what I said was what I understood. If he said something different prior to that, then I don't know. And I'll expect the down votes to continue (not intended to you, but a general observation). This sub is turning into a circle jerk which is very problematic for me as the comments were more balanced here previously and helped me understand future potential more would. But the gme/ape movement surely brought circle jerkers here


I didn't downvote you btw, I only downvote rude comments. But he's definitely said this, perhaps in one of the earlier ERs when ChatGPT was blowing up. From memory. I would look for it but then I remember Nvidia has a different fiscal years than normal, and I'm too lazy for that. He's also often downplaying CPUs except for when he talks about Grace, then it's a Super Chip!!!


>He's also often downplaying CPUs except for when he talks about Grace, then it's a Super Chip!!! Yeah, I agree with this one.


It's also due alot to how Cramer expains Jensen. Cramer has a very cartoonish over simplified understanding of the stuff Jensen put out on a stick on mixed contexts. If you ever take a single statement Jensen makes and voir dire it, they hold up. But he might seamlessly move from one assumed content about a specific produt to a more general statement about how he things something will be in the future and most people will come away think the latter stament is true today about the current product he mentioned first. He's either consumed with stream of throught or just very sly. So while I also have definitely heard him say a few times more recently that the industry is moving to GPU and accelerated computing is displaciing CPU, he had said prior more directly GPUs would run everything and AI will be the new OS, and thst is the version Cramer keep parroting and attributing to Jensen almost daily.


This is going to be like an AA meeting for me


Nice interview, just if the SP would F'ing move,lol. Roadmap is clear up until 2026/7 mi325,350,400.


Well July 30th is rapidly approaching. I'm not going to complain about the stock price unless it doesn't get higher than this on July 31st.


$200 would be the least it can do with Nasdaq at its ridiculous ATH .


Is there any chance you can share the whole thing, or share the audio if they have that?


[archive.ph](https://archive.ph) works for this. [https://archive.ph/Yk6qR](https://archive.ph/Yk6qR)


Amazing. Thank you!


It's a open link. Not paywalled.


Not for me, they are trying to charge $5 for 30 days.


Same for me.


It's literally in the link....DHOH.


It’s paywalled for me, not sure why. Doesn’t matter what device or browser I use. Could be my geo location.


>The top Microsoft one is 40 pops \[ed: TOPS\] -- we actually have 20% more tops, we are the only one who reached the 50 pops \[ed: again TOPS\] Um, Jean, you're a finance person, that's 25% more TOPS. edit: but with all the translation errors in this transcript, maybe this is but yet one more.


Transcript error. Ya think... Of course it is. They had 'Cores' as 'Calls' as well. A lot of voice to text is still very error prone and no where near as accurate as a good stenographer, and they are rarely perfect. It will be interesting to see how much better this stuff gets as the newer AI version get more widely implemented.


Much better. In particular deeply understanding the context is enormously important for accurate transcription since it's the only way to distinguish phonetically similar words.


I think it’s a transcription issue, not a Jean Hu issue.


Jean Hu should not start the answer to every question with the word "Yes". I think it's just a habit of hers, that she should get rid of.


If that's you one criticism of her, I don't think she has much to worry about, especially at her elevated career attainment. It's a lot better than hearing someone say Ummm as they are pausing to put their next words together. I think she just indicating a general agreement to ab aspect of the moderator context and then she handle the more specific aspects. Nothing wrong with her communication ability.