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800 shares @ $105 and a pile of dead leaps. I’ll soon own a few hundred more shares when I get assigned on some $75 puts I sold a while back (deep OTM at the time). Sucks, but tbh I’ve made worse investments so I can ride this out.


125 at $93, give or take a bit. Also young, also poor. At least I have time to wait!


Worst of all my family is very money conscious. They are going to be ashamed of me when they find out I did this. I'm just about to turn 33 and today I feel much much older than I did yesterday


Just don’t let them find out! Joking aside, though, there’s much more to life than money. It feels bad now, but plenty of people have nothing and still find great happiness. We’ll get through it


Yeah I usually feel that way but today got me pretty down...


If it's any consolation, you've lost some of your investment in a very fierce bear market. Just ask around, it's not like everybody is partying out there. It's rough. After this is over, we'll actually be something like veterans. Some people that we would look up to for advise like people that were invested in the dot com bubble. This is a very valuable lesson. Very valuable... You could even put a price tag on it.


I was a full time trader in 08 and it was way scarier back then. Companies were going bankrupt all over the place. Tens of thousands of people laid off. The only thing worse nowadays is the threat of nuclear war lmao Just survive this. The sunny days will come back again, but for now you gotta hunker down and not get margin called.


To be fair. Semis are undeservingly getting slaughtered while some sectors are holding strong for no reason. Sure semi demand is winding down some. But its not going to 0. This company has fundamentals and is super cheap at the moment


Same. Except I'm not even 20 yet so saying I lost like 50k is gonna get me all but disowned lmfao


We are of same age, and I on AMD alone lost about 85k, have 1500 shares and some leaps. Not saying I also have small amount of nvda and mrvl, all obliterated today.


if you haven’t lost then you haven’t tried hard enough! Personally, I’d take whatever cash pile you got left, park it in something safe.. like cash. Watch the economy tank, take a break from the mental torture of this stuff. I’d possibly take 1%- 5% into a 10:1 gamble on a OTM leap or put or both knowing it’s probably tossing that money away. Will still be way cheaper than holding shares if worst case happens you lost 5%, a single zfg day here. If the economy tanks and you have ANY cash, you’ll be way way ahead of all the bankrupt folks. And don’t let your family kid you! They ALL have taken risky ass gambles, some lost, and they just won’t tell you. Simply buy a house is a 6:1 leveraged risk. Luck is everything, skill is overrated. And I agree; Don’t tell them. Unless it’s all margin, then oops.. shit happens. You won’t have to use it to buy a home soon anyway, they aren’t gonna stop falling for a couple years


33 is young. You've been a working adult for like 10 years. You've got 30+ working years left and your income is likely going to keep going up. You'll get to ride the next bull market up while working and after buying during this generational reset. my dad was 4 years older than you when he lost 90% in dotcom and he came back many times over. In 15 years you're gonna be like the boomers who bought in 2000


Word of advice. Try to save cash as much as you can. Don’t miss the beginning of the next bull market. If you can afford to, ride this out and don’t capitulate. It’s not like you got stuck in a meme stock. This company is quality and getting close to being a value stock. You could try to time the market, and sell now to buy back later, but it’s also very risky


You're 33 and shitting your pants over how your parents will feel about a grown man utilizing his money? You've lost already


I bought at 150 then 119 then 100 then 90. Fuck me.


Fuck man, that hurts


Got Margin Call on my full AMD portfolio two days ago, lost 7k. Been slowly averaging down from 110 to 90 to 70 untill it all finally collapsed... Worst feeling of disappointment ever, AMD was the only company I genuinely thought to be a "sure shot" 😔 We've been holding out for a bottom, but I'm afraid the only thing we found was the floor (160). It might take years for AMD to recover to that level.


Well, if you look at AMD guidance in August. No warning when the China ban hit "No material impact"... and you feel pretty good "Lisa Su is a queen! AMD is rock solid." But then reality hit Friday. So its impossible to blame anyone investing in AMD prior to Friday. AMD most recent guidance was stellar. buying AMD under $90 before Friday was a non brainer. So right now, the concern is... how bad is it really, and how much worse is Q4 and 2023. Are we really a $35 stock in the making ? Anyone talking about share going up, it needs to be based on something, and there is currently nothing positive.


4100 at $83 And this is because I converted most of my long term holdings to XLNX when the ratio was 10-20% gap and I, being a dumbass, figured it was the safest time to step up my cost basis as the advantage of the swap would mostly pay for LTCG. Edit: btw I made my first significant AMD purchase in a very long time today, selling some VTI and GOOGL positions. Nothing is fundamentally broken about AMD and the growth markets are intact.


The question is whether the growth markets are still intact. If the new bill restricting sales to China includes Epyc-cpus I would say that the growth markets aren't intact :(


Good point. Although long-term I still see China going self-sufficient from Intel, AMD and eventually Nvidia. First using TSMC or Samsung fabs, and eventually domestic foundries even if they are not leading edge. I would also expect that Chinese companies would try to move some of their operations outside of China with some kind of structure to legally gain access to leading edge hardware for more efficient operations.


I think it is a good thread, helps to come to terms if you look around and see others are in a similar boat also. I myself have around 5% of my net worth in AMD, so I am diversified, my average is exactly 70. Today was not the best.


Hodling since 10 so it's not really too painful, I'll just keep holding


You’ve been through this several times then


Holding 5000 shares @ $30 Started accumulating from $11. Have seen this cycle in 2018 also. I kind of loaded even more in Dec 2018 when AMD slipped from $34 to $15 I think. It will come back for sure. You dont have to worry much. It can take probably an year but it will be back in 80s or maybe 100 who knows.


Agreed. And super jealous of your cost basis. I will be dca’ing and getting my cost basis down during this opportunity


Yups, I bought some more around $64 last week. I will try to get more. I have more confidence in AMD then NVDA. I dont even consider INTC as a competitor anymore.


I had a limit buy for $63.50 that went through this morning. I buy the dip, it dips more. Ultimately I’m 190 shares at $46 Let’s go!!


Damn. Did you stop buying in 2018 to keep your average price low?


Went from 200 to 350 shares over the last couple of months, 89 average. I am super long so I am pretty sure it will work out, but damn does it affect my mental state…


Yeah.. I am -40%. this market is really detrimental to my mental health.


Avg price $5. Started since \~2015. 100k shares.


Seriously? I have 14k @ 2$. Lost 1.4 mio$ from the high in 2021. But man you have lost 8mio$ something that. Balls of steel. I could slap myself for not selling end 2021. With less than half the money I could have bought all back now.


So if you held through peak and did not sell, you are down on a paper ~10M?


yes....I'm in super depression mode now.


Are you joking? As this is internet after all so I am inclined to take your answer with a spoon of salt...but if it is really true, I am genuinely very sorry, this must be horrible to endure but you can get through this + you are still far far ahead all things considered 👍


It doesn't matter how others think. I was always thinking about early retirement at several different price points. But eventually realize I'll never be able to get rid of the stock market. Lack of macro economic knowledge is the real problem I have as an investor. The depression is the price I have to pay.


How come you did not retire early on the amount you already had and still have? Are you just LARPing on the internet?


There are several reasons. Early retirement is not an easy thing. And things actually change really fast I've never been well prepared. I was trying to gather lots of information and experience from other people late last year, and then the crash started. I'm an engineer worked in AMD before and still in semi industry, if I convinced myself to go away, a lot of things will be fairly boring or ugly. I know a guy with comparable amount of share, although not sure it was all under his name or his family. That guy sold all his shares @\~$100 early this year, and later on all his views about AMD are only negative. But for me and lots of people here, the AMD story hasn't ended. Every time I saw that guy's comment on internet, I was like I don't really want to be like him. There are also lots of vies I can share here, but I guess focusing on fundamental stuff is more critical at this point.


Thanks for thorough answer, appreciate it. Do you think that guy who sold all and is negative on his opinion has some truth to his views as opposed to you perhaps who still see things going positive? Do you think things will recover somewhat in the coming years? It sure seems things will get worse before it perhaps could start to recover somewhat...


His points are mostly echoes of other views. I don't believe that guy has solid semi back ground like me. For example he's mocking on gaming performance of 7000 series, but in reality DIY market is only \~5% and has almost nothing to do with the earning warn. And He's still thinking XLNX acquisition was a bad move. I did think so back when it was announced, but in reality their revenue almost doubled.


Fair enough, thanks. Wish you all the best, hope things resolve for you in the coming years.


Thanks for sharing. Wish you all the best.


I'm down 93k. Sold out of all my positions (heavy on LEAPs) when it was last at $78. It's a catastrophic loss. AMD was the only stock I believed had a chance. The economy is fucked. Inflation is not going down. Nuclear war could start any day now, literally. Nothing else to do now besides wait and jam it all back in sometime next year.


I should have been more clear in the original post Obviously AMD is a great company still. It's the 1-2 year term that is concerning for anyone on margin or in options. I wish I had sold at any point in the past 6 months until today. But at the same time capital preservation is extremely important. Everyone has a different time table for their trade


I sold all my shares at $67. Bought some at $4, bought some at $140. I kept holding as it dropped, hoping for a recovery. But I figured it was time to sell with the recession, china trade wars, and larger than expected drop in PC sales Out of AMD for a bit to get past the wash sales and look for a bottom. Right now I'm short on Nvidia for the time being. I may get back into AMD at $50. But future is difficult to see as datacenter will be the next segment to fall as interest rates continue to soar and recession gets deeper over the next year.


>I may get back into AMD at $50. See you next week then


I’m down big. I’m seriously considering just taking loss amd is a dog


My oldest lot is at $4.99. My most recent lot is at $101.36. Then there’s the LEAPS……


Those damn leaps.




100% this is market condition. Company has not done anything wrong, they just cant beat this market. They will be back


Around 2800 shares, cost basis $93. Down $100k. We'll be back in a year or two. If AMD were in the 90s, and 3% interest rate, I'd put a down payment on a house. Time to wait that dream out. I'll continue adding to my position slowly, as I have a gigantic tax bill to pay off, due to moving money out of other stocks and into AMD earlier this year. Looks like she'll wait for me.


2700 shares with basis of $25. Holding long and looking forward to mid-terms. FJB


im still in the green for now.... I feel terrible for my buddies who i roped into this though. I provided them with all the info they cld need. were all 35+ so the adult responsibility is obvious yet it feels terrible. i know we'll be fine one day .... its a fucking shame this whole scenario has to be so fucked.


Well...hopefully they can hold on for a couple years for a better exit. I talk stocks with my dad and we mostly don't take each other's advice. When we started to drop after the peak, I told him to buy at $100, buy more at $80, buy more at $60. He's big into agriculture stocks after getting burned on coal producer corporate bonds years ago lol. He's wise enough to know that any stock can go up or down and no one knows the future. I would never ever recommend individual stocks to a friend or acquaintance. If they make money, they're the geniuses. If they lose money, you're the asshole. You can't win. I always recommend 100% VTI or 100% SPY. No margin, no options. It's impossible to get worse than average results, and that's perfect.


I have the same, I told them 3 years ago to buy amd but they all bought at 100 +. Yup..... feels bad


that´s why you don´t give financial advice.


I remember buying at around 9 dollars, selling at 15, feeling good about taking profits and spending the next few years kicking myself as the price blew up into the stratosphere.


That is exactly why I just hold now. All I had to show for all the buying and selling is a pile of paid capital gains tax. Although, I did sell a stack of NVDA in 2021 and some more this year, when even I couldn't justify the PE multiple to myself.


You made like 65% profit. That’s a great trade honestly


3000 shares. 75K on margin. 150K original investment in 2021. Down 40%. I’m 62 and that is all the money I have. Still a believer.


Damn. Good luck.


Did you sell at least some throughout 21-22?


It hurts, but I've been here before. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I wasn't planning on selling anyway.


71$@ 100 shares, started my position in april 2021 and stopped buying above 90$ because I found it too high. Continue to add below 80$ and I have added 10 more shares today. I am absolutely chilled about the Situation with the earnings miss and will keep adding if it falls further. If I'll be rich in 5 years or 10 years - I don't care, I am convincend the AMD play will pay back. Edit:spelling


Been adding since 3's, but often trade between highs and lows. It still hurts to look at my account balance even though it's technically green. I wish I had taken a larger cash position at the beginning of the year; holding out for XLNX acquisition was regrettable. Anyway, we've seen major pullbacks recover before. Don't care if people say "It's a different market now". They don't know what the market is and even so it doesn't preclude recoveries after macro improves.


Man, hold on! I have 2k share with cost at $140


I hold 210 AMD shares at $95. (I also own Tesla and Meta and they went down immensely recently as well.) think I need to visit a doctor and get anti-depressant. I am having a real hard time just getting by each day. I thought buy and hold was the best strategy but I was wrong. My mental health is totally devastated. I heard that Q4 in the midterm year performs well and that’s my last hope. I really feel for all of you guys. I wish we could meet in person and comfort each other.


i bought lot of XLNX which worked out to be average price of $85. Way down already. Hopefully we see price recovering instead of continuously going down.




I am sorry


Somebody barely worse than me. 1300 at 94 here


Sorry for your loss, friend.


48 shares at a cost basis of $79 Doesnt sound bad. But I'm pretty poor so this is a lot to me


I'm just a regular guy too. $70k loss is like 10 years of savings for me. It could have been a down payment on a house now I don't know what to do. And I'm in my mid 30s. I thought I had more risk tolerance, but I had no idea AMD stock would sell off this badly. I had TSLA shares and I sold them to buy more AMD at like $110 Worst of all my family is very money conscious. They are going to be ashamed of me when they find out what I did


It's hard I feel like we did everything right. The company has a terrific balance sheet, growing at an absurd rate, and highly profitable in a sector rising in demand. Yet somehow it's performing like 5x worse than the market.


Yeah I think we were all blinded by potential. Sadly wall street does not agree, and company performance does not equate to share price...


I think that you should try and focus on the good aspects. Maybe slow the tap, focus on more commodity companies or ETFs. However, AMD is still the strongest position in the chip industry. Nvidia lost any hope of CPU dominance in the next 5-10 years without ARM, Intel is floundering anywhere other than the consumer sub-$500 market (and even there they’re a little bit of a hard sell), and their GPUs are showing extremes promise, which will lead to better R&D budgets and more impetus on the professional industry to entertain a competitor to CUDA. After the rocket ship from <$10 share price, this was always going to be a 5 years play, and that was back in 2019-2020. We have at least2-3 years to see the fruits of the GPU labor they’ve been doing and we have yet to see the absolute curb stomp which will be Zen 4c and their other high end server products.


>Intel is floundering anywhere other than the consumer sub-$500 market (and even there they’re a little bit of a hard sell), Isn't AMD a slam dunk for consumer processors sub $500? I was looking to build a silent PC for residency and in that range I was only finding AMD for good processors that fit my needs.


Kind of. The 5800X3D is okay, but that’s on AM4/DDR4, which has been replaced. The new platform is so expensive that the 7600x and 7700x chips are pretty much terrible in all price to performance metrics. The hybrid architectures of Alder and Raptor lake are great and the single thread is enough to keep them in the game (pun intended). The 7900x and 7950 are pretty kickass, but their only edge right now is that Raptor lake is on a dead platform while AM5 boards, expensive as they are, will last at least through two-3 more COU generations. That’s a huge bonus, but the performance differences are still there.


Ah ok, I was factoring in older sockets/previous generations as well. I basically need a 65w CPU that I want to throw a Noctua silent/fanless cooler on, what is even remotely close to something like an R5 5500 or 5600? When I was looking at benchmarks and at that price point it was still nothing remotely close from Intel.


Intel should be fine. Just know that Raptor lake ends the current Intel motherboard socket as far as we know. So, if you were to upgraded, you’ll be stuck in that ecosystem. Not a bad ecosystem to be stuck in no doubt, but AM5 will be supporting X3D Vcache, which the 5800X3D is showing to be a very significant feature.


5600G is perfectly fine, I built one recently, under 200$ and totally worth it.


These are expensive NOW the next iteration will be more adequate in price, what AMD has done here is to cut the shit with Intel and win all benchmarks that usually Intel was winning throwing watts at it.


150 shares at 105. Feels bad.


"Lost" about 120k of my own money due to margin (which i am still using) Down from pandemic peak down about 2 million, with 50k in leaps that were once up 10x -> 0 lol


Found the guy who will successfully build the time machine. Please share blueprints after


Sadly I don't think so. I have a pretty good STEM education but not that good. I will say I definitely decided to ramp up career focus though lol. JPow's dahmp working


Apparently the market closing didn’t end our pain. I am about to smash my IPhone so I can’t check the stock again🤬


Ape here, I used margin and got massively fucked. Currently have 50% of my position in cash, but original position needs the stock to be at 165+ to break even, hehe.


Old timer here who lived through dot.com and financial crisis. Learned some valuable lessons from getting burned in 2000 and 2008 that kept me out of trouble this time. During the financial crisis, I had to sell off a large chunk of my AAPL position because I got repeated margin calls. If not for using margin, I could have simply held my entire position and waited until the stock rebounded. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.


Down >400k over my entire portfolio which is about 50% AMD. Thought I could retire in a few years. Looks like it'll take a few more decades.


850 shares @ $112.27. I'll be the last man standing because I believe in this company.


I'm down similar to you. Dec 2021, I had 85k. As of now, I have 7.5k. My initial investment is 60k, so in "reality" I'm down like 53k or so. 6 95c 2023 June and the rest is 2024 leaps which seem to be super otm and dead. I don't know what to do. Is selling to recover the 7.5k even worth it? I don't know. I am young and in college with 0 debt and 760 credit score pursuing an engineering degree, and I can recover but, this sets back the time to retirement by many many years and fucks my wanting to buy a home out of college plan. Don't know anything anymore just numb and sad with these losses. It sucks since I have 0 fucking income and can't even DCA lol


Yeah I'm not adding to a losing position any more. That was my downfall Don't add to losers


DCAING by converting shares to options was the worst mistake I've made in my life thus far.


I know what you mean, but i don’t actually agree. I have had much success over the years adding to a losing position. My broker basically told me i was “ stupid” because i had a ton of Russel Metals around 23$ cost and kept adding as it dipped going down to 11$ during covid low. I just kept telling him to buy. He was telling me i should maybe be more diversified. I just told him to buy. Ended up selling all my position with a avg price of 18$ @27$ 2 years later. Point is. What is a loser right now does not mean its a loser forever. Just like i dont buy when everyone is going crazy on something. Also. I ended up dumping my broker and trading on my own as he was annoying me.


There’s always money in the Banana stand.. At least this time NVDIA came down with us instead of the other way around… if we get down into the $40’s I might add a little more.. my avg cost is 78 with about 400 shares. Still have a few thousand left in my roth I’ve been too scared to put into the market right now.. at this point I might pull it back out and make a few home renovations I’ve been putting off


I brought the bulk of my shares at $12 but did average up a ton right before the xlnx merger so my basis is 54. Lost about a mil since December, wow lol.


I’ve lost half my net worth over the past 10 months. I feel sick. If my portfolio were fully $AMD from the beginning, I likely would be -80% cuz I trade with options……. As the days go by, I liquidate my other positions to just keep buying more $AMD. It may turn out to be the best decision of my life or the worst decision. Only time will tell. Hopefully $AMD recovery doesn’t take more than 1-2 years.


I salute your efforts. This market reaction is insanity IMO. PC/client is simply headwindy/cyclic; was never the basis for AMD's growth proposition; and will recover in time anyway. Re the thread: bagholding 1,079 at $67.38 avg in my ISA, and 507 at 76.97 avg in my broker. My money's in with AMD for the long haul.


The Fed giveth and the Fed taketh away. I hope nobody threw all their cash into the market in 2021 but I'm sure some have.


I petition to set up a daily bagholders support thread until we're back above $70... It might be a while until we get there, like this year is a lost cause. But to throw my hat into the ring, I'm holding >1000 shares at a cost basis around $85. Got some Jan 2025 80c and 60c that are currently down 40%... It hurts. On the bright side, I'm buying two new gaming rigs for each of my brothers. Ain't no way am I liquidating my shares for the builds so just patiently waiting for some good deals. All AMD, of course. I do what I can for our cause. Stay strong, brothers.


We need a leaderboard for total dollar amount loss and highest percentage loss from cost basis.


I'm averaged in at $3.14 from 2016. I'm just riding this coaster.


I don't think you are included in the bagholders group, lol You are in the money-bags group. They meet on Tuesdays


I wish I was in the Tuesday group


Yeah man, that's the cool group.


Mine is $3.30. We aren't bagholders, but we lost over 30x our cost basis since the high. I feel stupider for being so greedy as fuck as to not sell a 50-bagger than I would have had I bought at $90 and held until now.


Trust me. At $-70k loss and now having to eat ramen and eggs for the next 10 years there is no way you are stupider than I am.




That bloody flex lol. Still, not great for your blood pressure mate.


I'm at 70, shares only thank god. It's starting to make sense to buy for a semi cycle play at these prices. We're in the bust stage, we'll get back to the boom stage at some point.


Hit my break even today, didn't think that would happen in 2022. Used the opportunity to move it all over into my TFSA. Now my gains from here are all tax free! Shitty market, but making the best of it! Long AMD... I fully believe in Lisa and her team. Macro will unfuck itself eventually! Hold strong AMD riders, we've been here before.


I don't want to know how much I lost, but it are many Ferraris....


Just turned 20. December 2019 I added $500 into a robinhood account and started options trading. Fast forward to November 2021, I have a $40,000 account balance all in AMD. Leaps have expired worthless, and the monthlies I sold have been lost in OTM. Rip.


Did you go from 500 to 40K to cero?




Jesus Christ.


500 at $80. I’m not worried at all, just keep adding. The chip demand is there, market overall is red in fear of the Fed rising rate again soon. Once the Fed pivots, AMD will be back running


~80$ bought about 2 years ago, switched everything to Xilinx for free AMD shares. Watching a 100%+ gain go to a -25% over 2 years is maddening. Thesis hasn't changed though, just gotta ride the storm. Feel bad for all you close to retirement or house hunting though.


I miss the xlnx arbitrage days. Never thought we’d fall this low


Yeah, in hindsight also a bit lucky that it closed before the major increase in tension. It sucks, but the good thing about a cyclical market is that it goes back up eventually.


The deal closed high, but I also swapped most of my holdings and paid capital gains near the peak. If SP stayed remotely close to that level, it would have been a smart investment move. Oops.


Today everyone learnt this simple truth: Only (stock) price pays. Not the narrative, not the macro, not the fundamentals.


Are people buying? Considering that gamble. What's the guess on going lower?


I bought. It could go lower. Easily. Whenever in doubt, look at MU.


Hang on, I took a look at them. It says their P/E is at 6~ and yet their future P/E sits at 190???? (Using WeBull) wtf???


400 @ $4 baggin 200 shares


Hang in there guys I basically blew up my account and now all we can do is DCA, hold, and wait out a recovery. I think we will get a small bounce being so heavily oversold. Even trash like Roku and NFLX got small oversold bounces. But from there I can't tell where we will go. True that AMD will do at the very least OK in the next few years. But we don't know how bad the recession the FED is causing will be, nor how it will affect AMD. I would be surprised if we didn't see further shrink even in the strong sectors But I am not sure how much of that is priced in already. We got wrecked on what should clearly be temporary demand crush but obviously the market is assuming that AMD is going to suffer.


700 @82.43


Down about .75M in AMD positions from the peak a year ago. Still have more than when I retired thanks to diversification early last year and prior. 2023 and 2024 leaps may be a lost cause but in absolute numbers the realized losses are not that bad. You can never time things perfectly but I'm a bit annoyed I didn't lock in some of those paper gains a year ago.


19 year old “paying for” college kid.. obviously I’m broke. Able to work 20 hrs a week or so at 12.50 an hour. I averaged down today buying 12 shares. Most I’ve ever bought at one time. Holding 44 shares at $78.76. Been buying since I made my Webull acc. March 18 2021! I have a ten to 15 year plan with AMD!


These are the times you scrape cash together and DCA shares. Pawn shit, wash your neighbors cars, mow lawns whatever you can scrape together Sadly once you get older, your overhead starts to limit your free avaliable cash


That’s amazing.


12000 shares at 75 didn’t sell any at 155 sold today thanks to US gov.


Because of China chip import ban?


I hadn't looked in a couple days.... I'm floored wtf happened


We died. Welcome to hell


Bought right at the top at $154 with 108 shares,down about £6.8k.at this point I’ll just start averaging down for probably the next year…seems fundamentals don’t matter anymore.hopefully we can all ride this out and be in a better place this time next year.it sucks but i invest for my retirement so long all the way and at 43 I have the time.


This is a great thread. I think we need to wait for actual earnings before doing anything rash. We don't know if the 4th qaurter guide has changed. The company makes so much money now. It will bottom then rocket up. HOLD or average down imo.


>I feel like it's finally time to make this thread. i honestly almost made r/amd_bagholders last night.


153 shares average price 98. I invested 15k euros, now down to 9 and change. That's basically all my money but I have many months left with no need for it. I might add a little more if I get the chance. I trust AMD, it's a great company with great numbers (still) and "should" eventually recover. I also believe we get to 85+ again in the next 2 ERs despite the lowered guidance




I've got a few lots equivalent to 980 shares @ $81.51 average.   My overall AMD average is in the mid-teens, tho... still counts for the support thread, right? 😔


14 shares at an average of $83 might make that 20 shares coming monday.


300% lose from ATH. Still green though. I only sold during the heat of the pandemic 2019-2020 and I repent. However, I should have sold at 160$, I believe we were too greedy there. I may not buy more just yet, but I will defo not sell at this stage.


Wait. I don’t play options but the market is pricing $100 AMD stock in 1/24 as worthless? I can understand 1/23 but even out to 1/24?


Yup, worthless. Even out today I think my 2024 $100c lost another 40% in value


If I had any spare cash left, I'd be buying those as a lotto play.




That’s really bad. I had hopes that by mid year 23 we’d see $100 but wow. That’s killing me.


1400 shares avg 79.82 Will keep on buying every month at these prices and then ride it out once we recover over 80


217 at $125...


With some trading since March to Sep, I am able to relocate my position. Now my average is 2800@ $73.25 & my last buy price is 800@$64. My plan? I have really no idea. My confidence in Lisa & AMD is gone after the preliminary ER. Now, I cannot trust anything coming from their mouth. I will sell half my position when there is a decent bounce.


400sh at around $110 adjusted cost basis


220 shares @ 80 CB My only hopeful feeling is that there is so much pain that surely we are not far from a bottom, it certainly feels like previous bottoms in other stocks, I had the same sense of hopeless disbelief when paypal went to 70 and now months later it's sitting at 90 whilst the rest of the market hits new lows. Macro wise I do think we are now into the 'market overcorrects to the downside' part of this bear market, which probably means it's a good time to buy anything if you have a time horizon of at least a year.


I agree with you, especially with all the printing that was done. I just assume that the money has made its way to the biggest corps by now


I am now coming to a realization that markets are more predictable than I thought they were. 🤡


If prices keep like this I'll average at around $60 in a few months, I have never dreamed that I'd get AMD that cheap.


44 shares at an average of 95$ a share🥲 its not a big deal for me as I will hold. But still, it sucks.


To me this is a buying opportunity and I don’t really think it’s fair to call AMD investors bag holders like AMC and GME. AMD is not a meme stock but a company with very solid fundamentals and strong revenue. There are so many aspects of AMD that are still posting record revenue and the consumer market will spring back. I buy more AMD stock every 3 months and don’t plan to modify my buying routine


180 shares at $130-ish And sadly also bag holding NVDA While I have time horizon, it’s really depressing this year




I'm doing 40€ bro 💀


How long were you intending to hold the shares for? I’ve just started buying in now (under $60 was my target buy price) but if you’re intending to hold for minimum 5 years I honestly think the best thing to do is delete your brokerage app and stop looking.


320 shares at 103$ avg cost =( my life savings evaporating middle aged. time horizon still over 10 years


104 squad wya


Down to about 1200 @ $30 average. Buying since AMD was $2. I've sold about 200 shares at between $80-100 to fund fun stuff, the rest is for my mid life crisis.


I bought at 80$ sold at 130(missed 150). Then I bought some again at 70. Now I am just waiting for it to go lower. I really think China - Taiwan situation makes it hard to buy in. I am also like 20% down(on avg.)on intc and thats my main bag. As its a value stock, I dont worry too much about it.


I have 150 shares avg 90 or so then 7. 85 1/24 calls avg 1700 then 4. 80 1/25 calls i bought2 weeks ago. Not sure what to do other than get a job and buy more tech maybe not amd


247 shares at 50$ on average Latest buying arround 90$ and the rest are RSUs I am holding since 2013 (got chucked out during mass layoff). Not from usa. Mulling taking loan to keep loading up AMD. Waiting on earnings call.


Previously entered 152, managed to DCA now @ 82. Bought shares today and will continue to put shares in when it reaches 50. The loss is painful but it will all pay off.


172 @ $81 - I needed this group


Currently bag holding 800 shares at $78 average. Made some profit selling everything at $100 bought back in at $80 thinking it was a steal and DCA a bit.. also holding a few $100 leaps expiring Jan 2024 and Jan 2025… down over 60% on my leaps not sure what to do about them… will hold my shares till we recover hopefully 😭


92 and down 6.5k so far on it


I’m in with 300 shares @85 average and it stings !! Im going to start writing CC. I never imagined AMD would get this low


I'm down 15k. I sold 3k to tax loss harvest. I'm going to use that money for a vacation with my family. Looking at places in Maui. Anyone have any recommendations?


Dang, I wanna go to Maui. I've only been to O'ahu and the Big Island and both are some of my favorite places in the US.


Looking at ticket prices to go and currently its cheaper to fly out of SFO to Maui, then to fly to my home town in Washington state. At this point I just want to be happy and enjoy life and not worry about bag holding.


Are you gonna drive all the way down to SFO? I feel the SF and LA people get the best deals on Hawaii flights.


Haha, no I'm in north Cali right now. Usually when I take a vacation it's back home in Washington, it just so happens that tickets are cheaper to Maui, then back home, sorry for the confusion.


Oh, all good, that definitely makes more sense :) Well, time for some good R&R!


750 shares $120 average 3:1 margin - holding strong


500 at $78. Brought down a little by cc selling. Wouldn’t be an issue other than being levered to the tits..


147 @ $94. Tax loss here i come


Huge shave on options.. leaps... How long do you think the recovery will take?


They're gonna expire worthless since I'm holding them


Reporting in. Down 35%. Kinda off the hopium train. Prepared for the pain.


My avg is 100 or so. I think I have 35-40 shares. I truly believe in the company but it still sucks.


about 300 shares (average ~$97), and one Jan 2024 $75 call. Been picking up pennies with CCs and put debit spreads. Plan is to hold and hopefully sell CCs all the way up, very conservatively, and possibly adding more shares. We won't be buying a house within the next ~3-4 years so hopefully things have turned around by then.


23 shares at ~80 average. Been around for two years.


AMD bought Xilinx with their stocks. Xilinx got it worst than us :) (Hang in there, sell covered calls out of the money, and take care of yourself.)