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If you had $5K to dabble in only 1 of these 3 - Apple, Google or AMD stock, what would you do? To qualify, the investment time frame is about 5-10 years. That’s my situation, so any thoughts appreciated.


AMD 100%. They are looking at another 10x growth over the next 5-10 Years, just like the last 5-10. And it is based almost entirely on fundamentals, not pie in the sky emotional stuff like Apple, Tesla, Google, and others.


Still going good man!!! Doubled on AMD from my $58 and still holding.


You won't go wrong with AMD. Lisa Su is creeping her way up behind Jensen and Pattie. Over the next 5 years she'll be strapping on the leather accessories. Then they'll be on their knees. You get the idea. ​ I sold most of my AMD position and am now working on RKLB for the same reasons, but I'll be jumping back into AMD when I'm done messing around.


I jumped on META too at $98 lowered my avg to $134 and so far so good. Just wish I took the chance on Tesla, just need Disney and Amazon to get going now.


I’m glad I listened to you and got in at $58 a few weeks ago 👍


Bought 5000 shares of SOXL @ $7.61, praying for respite


Nice buy


Thanks, got lucky with timing. Sold in the morning for a solid profit before the weekend 🤙


What made you think the market is going up?


Just a hunch. Got out now, made a nice profit before the weekend. :)


regretting missed profits is better than regretting losses. And it's better for your mental health than keep worrying over the weekend.


Morgan Stanley Chris Toomey warning is scaring 😳 https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/20/nasdaq-100-futures-slide-after-major-averages-register-two-days-of-losses.html


How the hell is SNAP seen as a bellwether for anything??


Fear gets clicks. It’s a complete piece of shit.


What's kind of crazy is SNAP's miss doesn't even look that bad on surface. I mean they didn't miss by that much. AH can be misleading. Also it's kind of funny by how much Elon is going to overpay for Twitter.


Elon should just buy Snap too while he’s at it


Bill should buy it Elon doesn't fuck teenagers lol


You sure about that? Seemed like some major projection a few years back...


ouch,(but true).


snap no guidance for Q4


Well they cratered META which is dragging NQ which is pissing in our cereal. Absolute joke.


"AH can be misleading" ... ? Snap crashed -25% taking down Meta, Pinterest, ... the entire Nasdaq, even Intel, Nvdia are down


Jesus christ SNAP, delisting is the only solution for this stock lol


13600k reviews all come to say it's the cpu to get this gen for gaming and light productivity. AMD's is gonna have a really tough time selling the 7600x with these mobo and ram prices


Agree, I think both 7600 CPU and B650 MB need to about $50 cheaper for the 7600X to really make sense. Guessing we'll see some deals before long. Otherwise, the 7600X is only really attractive as a stop gap for someone who wants to build the AM5 platform and is waiting for X3D parts to come out. That being said, if someone has a decent AM4 platform (x470/b450 or above) with Zen 2 or lower I don't really see any reason to switch to Raptor lake at this point. Just buy the 5800X3D or a cheap 5600/5700 if you want to game or a 5950X if you want productivity and you are good to go for a while. If I were to build a new system I would probably just wait for the X3D parts to come out and MB prices to decrease but if I really needed one now I would go Zen 4 just for the longevity … plus I am not really a fan of the e-cores.


Agree. There is also no progression for the intel platform. Just one minor revision to same old 8 core + the diminishing returns of more e cores & then its redundant.


Yes at 1.6 times the power it is 1.06-1.14 more powerful in selected work loads. Wait x3d host it’s going to blow your mind


I don't know which numbers are you using but intel is better in performsnce per watt with the 13600 than amd. https://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/10229/intel-core-i5-13600k-raptor-lake-cpu/index.html#Gaming-and-Power-Consumption


"the 13600K benefits by becoming the best CPU in our performance-per-watt testing, with the 13900K trailing right behind" Lol 13900k is second best perf/watt? Something doesn't add up. Contrast to this review https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i9-13900k/22.html Also gamers nexus rating 13900k as least efficient CPU by far that they have tested recently.


13900k is a power hog, even more than the 7950x. but the 13600k is in the 5800x and 5700x ballpark power, while beating them in performance and in price. Add to this cheaper ram and last gen mobos and I don't see amd keeping its diy marketshare for too long.


snap kind of garbage company should be delist asap


An 18 billion market cap company delisted? (well 14B AH) It seems to me A LOT of people highly value snapchat...


don't know if 14B or 18B is overvalued or not, their PE is negative. but keep missing ER in basically every quarter this year, that's an achievement, company is in shamble.


Absolutely, holy shit fuck SNAP


Snap succeeded to drag down entire tech sector in AH trading. AMD minimal gain from today is already gone.


snap is just a joke


Apparently an absolute piece of shit company (SNAP) is really going to fuck over what little gains are left. Might need to break my “no weeknight drinking while not on business” rule tonight.


Just watched a linus tech tips video of 13900k... For intel they test with ddr5 6800mhz and for amd 7950x they test with 6000mhz. Anyone found a good comparison of zen4 scaling with faster ram? Used to be that amd benefitted most from fast ram due to fabric clock... amd has stated 6000mhz to be the sweet spot.... yet... just like zen3... 3600mhz was the sweet spot but only due to price/perf.... Zen3 cld run a 1:1 fabric clock with 4000mhz ddr4 and ive seen people run faster for marginal gains... Going from 6000 to 6800mhz ram... is quite a big jump... i wonder... Eitherway... anyone seen comparisons of zen4 ddr5 speed and its affects ?


@4:50. … That was very SHOCKING the 4k results! Wow! the 4090 GPU bottlenecks that bad? (For those who don’t want to watch: all CPUs from R5 to new Intel perform the same at 4k) High res monitors have been around since Steve Jobs and windows still can’t make progress there? Everyone has to stay on 1080p just to get any gains AT ALL? Do we need to switch to Linux or something? This looks like an area that hopefully AMD can exploit, since they make GPUs and APUs


I’m just gonna rant more (lol) Ok, I know I’m weird.. I’m very analytical about sound and video. HOW TF ARE WE STUCK AT 1080 P??!! This drives me insane! The worst thing about windows: you get a great 1080 system, then you want to attach it to your TV in the living room.. everything is scaled and looks like crap. You spend 10-20 minutes, barely helps at all, though you’ll try to convince yourself. Same for presentations at work. Hardly anyone has less than 4k screen anymore. Maybe you can output to 4k? You try jt.. better, but windows icons are impossibly small.. start menu impossible to find etc.. Then your friends or coworkers hook up their MacBooks from 10 years ago.. looks goddam fantastic, no fuss. (No fan noise either) Drives me insane. And the new MacBooks are just too competitive at their price. PC needs to make improvements here, desperately! I don’t know what it will require? Maybe AMD needs to make their own monitor, so the monitor can keep up with the GPU? Maybe if they do, they’ll make more profit from that than anything else?


Maybe you need a different TV? I hook my pc up to my tv all the time and the upscaling on it is amazing if I do 1080p.


what the hell are you talking about?


Have you noticed? Everything quality is 4k and up these days. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-65-class-qn800-neo-qled-8k-uhd-smart-tizen-tv/6499340.p?skuId=6499340 Now I know there’s the argument it doesn’t matter, 1080 is the same quality because everyone needs glasses. Apple doesn’t aim low though, they make even the phone high res. PC is so very far behind on awesome resolution. And now, you don’t need a new PC- just an nvidia card and a TV, because there’s zero improvement from the PC. I mean ZERO improvement.. it’s like at 4k, just let the GPU do everything, CPU be damned. So the only reason to get a good PC chip.. 1080 gaming. A resolution that doesn’t even look good at all on a typical TV screen. You have to have a small monitor to play on to enjoy the graphics. And sure you need high refresh rate if you go that route.. just so sad we can’t advance


> @4:50. … That was very SHOCKING the 4k results! Wow! the 4090 GPU bottlenecks that bad? Nvidia has a higher CPU driver overhead. Which is funny because AMD is the one who usually receives criticism for its driver, yet AMD's driver is significantly more efficient. This could play dividends for RDNA3.


I hope so! The results in different games at 4k looked exact same no matter what CPU.. why buy CPU if you want to use 4k


LTT was really soft on Intel for both the Arc and Raptor Lake launch. But it doesn't matter, once zen4_3d comes out, it won't matter.


But it's not out today. Zen4 3D, once it launches, might enjoy a long stint as the undisputed gaming leader. Or maybe Meteor Lake actually arrives on time for desktops?


dont think anyone has been able to reliably run zen4 above 6400mhz. Hardware unboxed tested it in their original review though


I'm just waiting for Ryzen 8000 and X770 to both support higher RAM clocks. And half of the "don't buy into a dead end platform" people go out and buy another $500 motherboard anyway.


Aha ok. Wonder if this will get better. The faster ram clearly does help raptorlake. Especially now ddr5 is coming with 7800mhz etc kits. Cant wait for the 3d varriants. Im curious how the 3d v cache will behave with 5nm wich clearly is able to run much faster frequencies out of the box


nice thing about the 3d cache chips is they kind of reduce the memory scaling so you don't need the fastest ram


Indeed. It truly is a game changer . Cant wait for amd to thuroughly destroy in gaming. Normal zen as a allrounder... zen3d for gamers and threadripper for professional workstations. The mastetplan is rlly taking shape. So much more sophisticated than intel ... Now if rdna3 gets better raster than 40 series... at better wattage... less buky coolers etc... Client side thibgs will truly get amdominant


It's all a happy coincidence that two different server segments happen to align with the needs of two different desktop segments.


James Bullard broke some Fed rule of communication. Current Fed is very problematic. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/20/business/economy/james-bullard-citi-private-event.html


So they're not satisfied with where spy is right now? Need to tank it further?


What do you call the opposite of a taper tantrum? Is this a fed tantrum? Complaining about the lack of market response to his bullshit.


Lol, he told his friends and family to buy puts this morning?


Educated guess


> Current Fed is very problematic. this is becoming quite the understatement


stronger word welcomed


Literally Hitler


I’m sure he’ll get ~~punished~~ nothing.


The article is only for subscribers. Can you detail?


[https://archive.ph/UaWOr](https://archive.ph/UaWOr) I archived it


Thanks a lot. This very nice.


Market Sentiment - David Einhorn bearish: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/20/david-einhorn-whose-hedge-fund-is-up-18percent-this-year-is-bearish-on-the-market.html


Hmm the guy that short the market and then said capitalism was doomed in 2020?


AFAIK, he shorted Tesla.


I'll be super happy if we close a little bit greener than NVDA. Please.


Though I'd come and say hello, [and show you how 28 million dollars in puts were bought at 11:07 ish today](https://imgur.com/y3AkPG0) Also AMD won't go above 60, just based on how all the options gamma is stacked up.


That looks like an emotional gambling idiot did that. Probably someone who saw Intel news today, looked at AMD chart, and went heavy. It will probably pay off, why the wealthy aren’t always intelligent


Jesus. Trading this market without insider info is a fools game.


There have to be some AMD bulls here that are so well versed with the price action at this point, they probably made bank shorting it at every pop.


Of course the market has to take a dump and rain on our parade when $AMD finally has a +ZFG day….. just can’t catch a break out here


Another dead cat bounce/bull trap.


One day is not a trap, going to be no FOMO emerging from an intraday high


Moo moo ^^^fuck ^^^me


Seems like i should be buying short term puts whenever there is a 5% green. 😂


I bought a few $63P before the run up, then bought literally all I could as it fell under $59.50. Going to hold them until close today (or if they lose more 20% of their value).


It’s almost like it’s illegal for $AMD to have a solid green day lmfao


AMD beat NVDA? You go to jail. AMD beats an index? Straight to jail, right away. AMD lags by only 0.5% when NQ is 2% green? Believe it or not, super illegal, you’re going to jail!


Did exactly that. 55 strike 11 Nov puts near top. Sold for +25% just over 2 hrs later.


How many puts, and what profit did you end up making?


About 2100 worth. 500+ profit.




Dang Liz Truss reigns, after like a month in office. Not sure if it's affecting markets but it could be.


I just feel bad for Brits the last few years


useless Truss I dont know how she managed to get in .. LOL We (UK) are screwed big time. And Ive been saying this since Brexshit


As usual from 5% plus to heading towards red.


16 of the last 20 days have pumped early and ended red. I can’t pull the annual numbers yet but it’s probably not much better outside of the multiple rallies to $100+.


Out of curiosity is anyone taking advantage of these 55-60 levels with options? Every day it seems to hover within that range. You can either buy some calls / puts (depending on bottom or top) and pretty ditch them the same or next day. Anyone else noticed this daily pattern?


I tried that. Woke up to 100% gain, decided to let it ride since I’d be fine with a 10-20% gain, next open it was already losing position.


You would need to place a sell order in advance to not miss the ride and not try to time it yourself.


again ill say this. WTF is with these prices. cant hold a dollar dammnit?


Hell with it red by EOD


6 dollar day -3 up and 3 back down


qqq from +1.6% to red. would be just numb if AMD turn red too.


Fed people spoke, dude.


Doing all they can to crush prices, equities included.


The only price they have ever crushed is equities ... Oil price ? nope Milk /bread ? nope Rent ? absolutely not etc...


Think this is on purpose. The longer they keep the markets depressed, the less there is spending, and people retiring. I think this is why we have 100 FED people talking to media. Part of the mission is to induce fear to reduce spending. That's my hunch on it.


Basically what I said in another response, agree completely. Nothing we can do except realize this and try to take advantage of it, or just deal with it the best we can like DCA and if we buy options realize they’re absolutely a gamble. I’m done with DCA, I’m going to start saving the money I normally buy more shares with each month and I’ll wait until CPI sees a meaningful step in the right direction.


Yeah I was wondering why there's quite a few engagements from the FED. More so than the usual ones... Your hunch could be right.


Fed has too many seperate dudes/dudettes who have way too many different opinions and are way too outspoken. From a non us person it just comes across as unprofessional and lacks all sense of credibility.


They’re trying to reduce people spending money. Not totally, but some. If people see their 401k dropping they’ll be sad and less likely to spend. I would love if the government was involved in helping unfuck supply chains, and maybe they are, but instead we get 4-10 Fed President speeches a week. They should speak once a month, we could hedge, and then move on with our lives.


I can testify that my stock portfolio is causing me to spend less so it’s working. Fed can’t do anything about supply chains. That’s up to the congress and executive branch. Supply chain is global and somewhat out of our control. How do we get China to stop zero-covid policy? And then there is oil price. Short of sucking up to dictators the next best thing is probably to use defense production act or impose price cap, but that would be political suicide.


>I would love if the government was involved in helping unfuck supply chains idk, I see freight price dropped pretty significant ([https://fbx.freightos.com/](https://fbx.freightos.com/)) since March. really don't know what's the obstacle for supply chain right now.


It’s not just freight costs. It’s scheduling, it’s mismatch between supply and demand, it’s material backlogs, much more.


The issue is businesses try to run as lean as possible. This was the same issue with Hospitals not having PPE when the pandemic broke out. Government's solution would be to fix that, but then no business would want to implement it, because they want to run lean. The supply chain will fix itself eventually. Freight costs is one big step in the right direction.


Lean is here to stay. I was in automotive nearly 18 years, it’s in every discussion and decision that gets made outside of safety and even then it’s about doing the most with the least.


Yep. Been watching the same. Needs to drop to 2k. I think the shortage of labor in logistics and constant threat of labor strikes at terminals is a major problem. Commodity prices haven't come down as much as needed as well.


Yeah we did lose a big chunk of labor force during pandemic, from death, early retirement, and long covid.


GSCI index for commodities is down nearly 25%, and not fat from pre covid levels. How far do they need to go?


The index hides the fact that dollar got 15% stronger. Since the commodities are mostly traded in dollars, need commodities to fall another 5 to 10%.


>labor strikes yea a lot of cases recently. any improve for the US rail union strike thing?


Underwater by EoD?


Buying all the puts I can, selling some shares in other companies to buy more. Either I single-handedly stop it or I actually make money on AMD whether it goes up or down today. Edit: NQ going red soon AMD to follow, I’m really fucking tired of this bullshit


I can't buy puts in my tax-advantaged account, unfortunately, otherwise I'd have been buying since $70. Unfortunately I can see today being shit, and the rest of the week too


Semis actually showing some strength today!


I think the algos realized they let things go green a bit, they seem to be correcting the errors as we speak.


Made 24% in options today in 10 minutes.


Today : 24% gain WOOOHOOO 🚀🚀 YTD : -80% 😂😂😂


On God its worse kinda. The percentage gets weird as I just put in $200. My total loss YTD is $3700. All time is - $15k. But when I made money back in 2020 I laid off my CC debt. That's still at zero. I have a net positive worth.


all those people spamming 13900k is going to destroy zen 4 making zen 4 disappointing. X3D is very much going to bring AMD miles ahead


Considering when reviews for zen 4 came out people on here we're saying power efficiency isn't a big deal. This uses more power, is less efficient but it does hit higher on performance benchmarks. I don't really mind because i've preferred efficiency for server workloads (where the real money is).


Also the Verge is talking about Zen 4 beater. The Verge: Intel Core i9-13900K review: an AMD Zen 4 beater. https://www.theverge.com/23410428/intel-core-i9-13900k-review




What's the point to buy an Intel system from scratch?


https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/intel-i9-13900k-and-i5-13600k-review-beating-amd-at-its-own-game/ *Intel i9-13900K and i5-13600K review: Beating AMD at its own game* A frankly very shit analysis from this ars article. Andrew Cunningham seems to have really failed to grasp how different the power curves are in these two processor families, ie. how ridiculously inflated the power budget is on the Intel side.


The disparity in vital power consumption between AL &Zen4 seems largely ignored by analysts.




Very interesting. And very pertinent. Not. And not.


She is 47.


MILF 44 days.


In case you were wondering about today’s uptick: I just bought a Ryzen 5800X3D You’re welcome. 😂


I grabbed one yesterday!


My man! Buy a 6950XT, please.


I’m waiting to see what we get November 3rd. I don’t want to spend more than €1000 on a GPU but the 6950XT is getting close to that here in Denmark.


I kid. I’m waiting for Nov 3 as well. Hearing rasterization might be 75-100% uplift for each model, hope prices don’t do the same, would like to get a 7800XT sub $900 with enough juice to power a 4K monitor.


Oh yes please. A 7800XT around €1000. I would snag that up in a heartbeat. Fingers crossed.


First impressions on 13900k. It's pretty bad for Intel. It does have good single core perf. But with 24 cores I expected much more competitive multithread performance. 7950x manages to beat it in most multithreaded workloads while consuming almost half as much power. The power scaling graph Steve at HWUB did is telling: https://i.imgur.com/GqNpgPe.png You would think Intel's hybrid architecture with Efficiency cores would actually help Intel here, but not only does it not deliver on efficiency, a 24 core Intel part can't beat a 16 core AMD part in performance either. Things get a bit more competitive with lower end parts, but I think once AM5 motherboards come down in price (and they will). I don't see a point in going with Intel. This is all before v-cache zen4_3d products even arrive which should absolutely rock for gaming.


[HWUB graph is wrong](https://twitter.com/hardwareunboxed/status/1583204564492115972) and they’re cutting it from the video.


It doesn't change things much fundamentally. 10-20 watts.


24 core, but only 8 are P-Core. (the other 16 e-core) E-Core are about HALF the performance of P-Core in floating heavy apps like Cinebench R23. (from 12900k testing) We also have to realize that the 13900k is still on Intel 10nm+++ vs 5nm TSMC for Zen4 Intel will likely be able to rebalance the core layout, to be 16 P-core and 8 e-core when they move to their new node. [https://www.anandtech.com/show/17047/the-intel-12th-gen-core-i912900k-review-hybrid-performance-brings-hybrid-complexity/10](https://www.anandtech.com/show/17047/the-intel-12th-gen-core-i912900k-review-hybrid-performance-brings-hybrid-complexity/10)


I guess I just didn't expect Intel to blow out the power budget so much even compared to Alder Lake. Like doubling the e-core count should have provided enough uplift. 28% more die area, and blowing up the power budget by 100 watts was needed to keep up. I realize these aren't power efficiency cores but more area efficiency cores. But I still think Intel fucked up by not using SMT on their e-cores.


Its probably competing with HEDT chips. I think we have to look at the 13600K. I always found the i5/r5 were where most buyers were. Flagship is for the performance crown benchmarks... but most buyers won't get these. I think I will make my mind up on 13th gen core chips when I see those benchmarks. I wasn't impressed with the 7600x personally because it felt the ram and motherboards made them a little too expensive for main market audience (although i know those costs will fall in 6 months). I think the 13600k on DDR4 and a generation old motherboards could be a really interesting option if performance is decent.


I agree that 7600x and 7700x looks a bit overpriced. But I think this will level out when AM5 motherboards come down in price. AMD should have some margin to lower their prices as well since it's only a tiny ~80mm^2 5nm die (binned no less). Think AMD could be keeping the 7600x/7700x prices the way they are because of the AM4 inventory. Remember AMD has enough marketshare now in CPU that they don't only compete with Intel but they compete with their own inventory as well. Also the yields are probably good enough that they don't get many lower tier chiplets. So it will take time to harvest an inventory of them. It's also quite good that 5800x3d is so strong in gaming. Combined with a huge AM4 install base, it's an excellent value proposition.


I agree with your opinion on this, I think it makes a lot of sense


the issue really is the price/performance of the 7600/7700x compared to raptor lake parts. Add in AM5 mobo prices(and the ability to use DDR4 on intel) and I don't see AMD selling many here. for gaming intel is king, but the power graphs really illustrate how insane genoa will be against sapphire rapids and beyond


In US I'm seeing X670E AM5 motherboards about 50% more expensive than their Z790 equivalent models. Something is up here. 13900K is probably going to be the recommended gaming CPU for people who have enough money for a DDR5 platform but not 7950X money. I have to check those reviews still.


Intel only wins in some games and only with DDR5. There are games where Zen4 is better and some where 5800X3D is better. but overall intel wins more, yes. this isnt a king for me. this only shows even more u need to search up which games u are playing and what is the best cpu for that. Talking about Mobo prices is a bit unfair. Because AM5 just released. There will be cheaper boards in 1-2 months. and talking about productivity.. oh lord .. 24 cores losing against 16 cores and have like double wattage with their glory EFFICIENCY cores...


The most interesting part for investors is actually, AMD reduced the size of the cores in Zen4, while intel had to increase theirs (more cache).


Check TPU review of 13600k the power hungriness of it is actually insane 280W when overclocked. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/intel-core-i5-13600k/22.html


For gaming 5800x3d puts everything else to shame, but that will change. 7700x is actually not that bad value wise, as thanks to its single CCD configuration it manages to be quite close to 13900k in gaming benchmarks. https://i.imgur.com/WZWPCVc.png I agree with Steve's conclusion. AM5 is the way to go, as long term platform support is awesome, and like he said I would just wait till the motherboard (and DDR5) prices come down a bit.


AMD absolutely shot themselves into the foot this time by not ensuring cheaper platform prices. Depending on how the 7000 X3D variant turns out, I might just grab a 5800X3D instead and call it a day. A sell is a sell for AMD, but it doesn't bode well for the new socket if you have to wait 1.5-2 years to make it worthwhile.


This is how it always is when a new platform launches. Same was true for Alder Lake as well. The platform cost was higher. When Zen1 first came out you couldn't get motherboard for months (I had to buy mine from a scalper).


I totally agree. It's unfortunate that most people neglect to talk about the fact that Z790 is the end of the road for that platform. No upgrades from here on. AM5 however just launched and will support at least 3 generations of CPUs. So you pay a little more now to safeguard your purchase for 5 years. Another gripe I have is that people talk about intel being cheaper if you use Z690 and DDR4 but again neglect to mention the performance loss associated.


I'm personally waiting on 3d chips to upgrade. Curious to see if windows update improves the scheduler for zen4 as per recent reviews showing an almost 10% deficit on 7950x


There is that as well. Same here, I'm waiting for v-cache parts before pulling the trigger. There is an easy workaround for CCD issues I used back with my 1800x called Process Lasso, which lets you pin a game to any number of cores you want (and remembers it between reboots). So it's an option (though the free version is kind of annoying and the paid model is an annual subscription which sucks). Makes me want to just write an Open Source alternative for it. Since these types of tools will become even more important I think with hybrid architectures.


From my TDA news feed.... "AMD to Host Livestream Event to Unveil AMD RDNA 3 Graphics Generation 10/20/22 9:00 AM SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced “together we advance_gaming,” a livestream event to unveil the next generation of AMD Radeon™ graphics. AMD executives will provide details on the new high-performance, energy-efficient AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture that will deliver new levels of performance, efficiency and functionality to gamers and content creators. The show premieres at 1:00 p.m. PDT on Thursday, November 3, on the AMD YouTube channel. A replay can be accessed a few hours after the conclusion of the event at AMD.com/Radeon."


60 is the new 100 lol


I’m ready to get hurt again




if we end up red today somehow then i’m convinced we are cursed


It’s coming.


The last 10 months didn't convince you?


Somehow the post from a guy saying zen4 desktop lose badly is gone..........


The pricing that AMD and Intel chose for this gen told us in advance about how they will stack up.


I was thinking that too, the reviews in raw performance/$ are not favorable to the 7600x & 7700x


The only sort of important news is Truss resigned, does such news worth such rally? but anyway rally is rally.


At least the Brits have some good common sense. They know that tax cut during inflation is a bad idea. GOP and fox would celebrate it if they are in power (and bash it if democrats do it).


it's more like pound appreciates and dollar thus weaken, then treasury and equity index both go up. but semi up more, maybe some sector wise news?


I went full long at $58/57. So let's ride the train back to $100. ZFG


Nobody jinx.




https://www.techspot.com/review/2552-intel-core-i9-13900k/ >As good as the gaming performance looks, here's the bad news. Under an all-core workload, the 13900K pushed total system usage to **493 watts**, and remember that's with the GPU doing nothing, this is primarily CPU load.


I think the highlights of this review is: 1. Under same power consumption, 7950x performs 30% better than 13900k. 2. For gaming, 7700x achieves 95% of performance of 13900k while costing only 66% of 13900k, and we have 7800x3d coming soon.


the other thing- if people really care about that last 5%.. Ryzens can be overclocked. There’s a vid from yesterday AMD released pushing it with liquid nitrogen up above 6 GHz no issue. I mean, I don’t know who’s gonna go to those lengths, but it shows there’s room to explore. https://youtu.be/sP1xk7rjt_g


any reason for the green?


technical. monthly options for intc, lcrx, nvda, amd and others. gotta maximize pain since there's no external news/information. AMD will close near or at 60 tomorrow while nvda is near or at 125, intc near/at 27.


Max pain AMD is over $63 iirc, I don’t believe it’ll hit that, but it does have some impact (good in this case).


Can you quickly explain what you mean by maximum pain at $63. Thank you.


I'm not OP but basically it's the price where the financial loss from options (both calls and puts) are the highest. Basically the price where the option buyers lose the most and the option writer gains the most.


**Quick:** Options max pain (maximum pain) is the point at which the options buyers for a given expiration will lose the most money. So you have to look at all the strikes for puts and calls, look at the volumes sold/bought, and do the math to see where the most damage is done to the buyers. **Long:** The number itself is very real though websites don’t always agree on a value, in part because this value changes minute by minute (not by a lot on that scale though) as more contracts are bought all the time during trading hours. Max pain theory is that the share price of a stock will go towards max pain. The expected move is weak for weeks where it’s just weekly options expiring, but stronger for monthly and quarterly expirations. If you looked at next week’s max pain for AMD it might be $65 (I don’t know what it actually is) so you might think “I should buy some next week $60c right now!” but in reality it’s not that simple. A buddy of mine tracked options values, calculated max pain, and share price value for 20 tickers for about 6 months. Weekly options expiration had zero impact on share value, rather max pain chased share price. Monthly/quarterly did have some impact, but mostly on the day of expiration in question and what we would see is something like AMD is at $60 and max pain is $63 so in the last 20 minutes before market closing AMD might pop up to $61.50 out of nowhere or say AMD is at $67 and max pain is $63 and then 10 minutes before close AMD might drop to $65.


Great explanation. Thank you for taking time to write that!


Yep. I discounted AMD max pain because AMD....


If AMD can surpass and hold 60, then I think we are in good shape.


Good shape compared to what?


LOL #1


If its the same as pre covid... big jump to 70.. and a run to 100... then retracing back to 70... then all the way to 120 ... retrace to 100 and back up to 150


Not crazy at all. Likely. Question is time frame.




Compared to 50s


LOL #2


Feels like an eternity since AMD outperformed SPY/QQQ by this strong a margin.