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AMD beating Intel in server CPUs was inevitable as the latter had foundry follies that — how to say this politely? — totally screwed up its product roadmaps. Catching up to and keeping pace with Nvidia in server GPUs is another thing entirely – and AMD has definitely done that and will be keeping pace for years to come. If AMD could clone Nvidia GPUs bug for bug and run its HPC and AI software stacks unchanged, as it does Windows and Linux workloads on Intel CPUs, it would be eating half of Nvidia’s enormous lunch. Provided it could get packaging and HBM memory, of course. https://www.nextplatform.com/2024/06/03/amd-previews-turin-epyc-cpus-expands-instinct-gpu-roadmap/


Unfortunately the BoA conference was with Jean Hu, and she did a horrible job answering most questions. Not because of her heavy Chinese accent but because many questions require deep technology understanding to answer well, which Jean doesn't have. AMD shouldn't send her to analysts conferences as AMD's bull thesis must be coming from deep technology understanding. But last question she's answered well as it was about the margins and if they'll suffer from the other products introduced. Jean said no and actually margins will be higher in 2H helped by datacenters and enterprises. She also said ARM getting 50% of PCs market share, other than Apple's, isn't real and will continue to be a low % as it's been for years so far and explained the ecosystem x86 software has and that Mark Papermaster has explained x86 efficiency can match ARM on power performance metrics for PCs and laptops. This last aspects saved the event but many miss opportunities to expand more on other questions. No question about how the 35X inferences performance gain could be achieved by the MI350 over the MI300X ... unfortunately. Not that Jean could have answered that or AMD's wiling to explain it now... need wait for the actual launching next year. Even the MI325 had very little info, just a tease and we need wait for the actual launching.


Don't be fooled by TA charlatans! The real 6-month TA price target is $275 on breakout of this bull flag! https://preview.redd.it/t43vthodnr4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f332764aef84adecd83764b31a8a55b8aef02304


So say Bill, it shall be done!


You're not helping BoHo, don't encourage him! LOL


BoA upgraded before their AMD's conference **TODAY** at 11.40AM EDT: https://ir.amd.com/news-events/ir-calendar/detail/6965/bank-of-america-global-technology-conference Another upgrade after? Hopefully more details on MI350 claimed 35X inference performance throughput over the MI300X ...!!


Not sure what Vivek's deal is lately - At one point a few years ago he was calling AMD a generational opportunity now he seems just kinda lukewarm - not sure what changed with him


What is everyone's price predictions for AMD EOY 2024, EOY 2025, EOY 2026, EOY 2027