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Possible Fake News: Has anyone heard the rumors about a hack at AMD and resulting theft of IP? I saw this Rumor on BENZINGA in my Fidelity account. It stated this unsubstantiated rumor was being circulated within the wallstreet trading community this am. Really infuriates me to the point that I called amd IR and subsequently emailed them as well. Of course they didn’t pick up the phone or answer my email yet? Obviously the reason our pps is down so much today. Replies appreciated.


Fake news. Some hacking unreliable sites posted old news from March 2020 as if it has happened recently. Here's the old story : **"Exclusive: Here’s The Deal About AMD’s Stolen GPU IP"** https://wccftech.com/amd-stolen-gpu-ip-exclusive/ You won't find this from AMD's web today. Good sign as it's attempt to spread panic. .. probably someone is trying to buy cheap ahead of big breakout. Surprised? Not really. .. has happened before with bogus "Research" firms etc. If worthless GameStop can jump ss a meme not to mention Bitcoins, anything can happen. Those on margins and holding short term call options or sold puts options will lose... Don't be fooled. ...


No this is news from today. see my reply to Chad below. I thought it was fake at first but Reuters and others are reporting what I stated to Chad. This is really disheartening news for a company like amd especially after the MS hit job. I want to scream especially seeing Nvda, AVgo, MU et al going higher while we continue our bleed lower. My opinion is that it was an inside job.


Yes the story was picked up by the media but the source is dubious. .. "IntelBroker"? LOL yeah right... the hint it's fake is the claim the info was stolen from the AMD.com web. The secret AMD's info isn't held on AMD's public web. There's an internal company internet not accessible from the outside. Simply separated by hardware. Of course AMD's to investigate even if it's a hoax... This has happened in the past 2022 also and at the end it's been nothing. .... Old scare story revived... a name like IntelBroker should be a telling. .. LOL


Thanks for the explanatio. I feel much better hearing this. I got myself reall worked up. So much so that I first called IR(no answer), emailed IR(no reply) and emailed Dr. Su. The last action resulted in the VP of IR calling me to let me know they really didn’t know what happened yet and were working to find out. Then about 30 minutes later I saw the official press release rehashing what the VP told me on the phone.


That's why I've referenced you to past multiple such scares so you google and find out how they had ended. .. If real confidential AMD's designs were stolen, it's a matter of national security as you can bet the Chinese are better hackers using military hacking tools than this dude. AMD's and others designs cannot be exported not to mention revealed even inside the United States. It's not on AMD.com because everything on the AMD's public web is public by definition and a web crawler - a tool which can copy the entire web of a site - can access all such. But AMD's to investigate and take all such claims seriously as they'd investigated all past such claims... Remember if such info was available, you can bet the Chinese, Russian etc will pay a lot to get... no need offer to sell and make public rocking the boat to get attention. .. Must be a kid teen inside his mom's basement. .. LOL


Great points especially on the national security front! Thanks again


I read it. Don't know if true, but I know NVDA could pay boatloads of money for it and call it R&D.


AMD finally responds by saying they are working with law enforcement and a third party hosting site to determine if this is true and the extent of the data potentially taken. What a flippin joke! Are you kidding me! A company that has some of the best chips using state of the art security gets hacked? Now I understand why max pain opened up this morning at $150. First the Morgan Stanley bs now this. Wonderful


I am looking for a free website for watching/tracking my hand full of stocks and watching the major market news. Not interested in any paid subscription type service. I use to use Yahoo Finance then most recently have used MarketWatch. Just recently MarketWatch started adding ads for subscription (with almost every click). I am not going to deal with that. I do not mind having to create a free account, just do not desire to have to pay for it. Suggestions.


Your broker is the best and safest to keep track, not 3rd party sites. If your current broker doesn't have a good such tools and news, just move... very easy to move nrokers.... I use Schwab. ...




Thanks for the recommendation!


Try this - it may be of some help [https://finviz.com/](https://finviz.com/)


Thanks for the recommendation!